Welcome/Bienvenidos Saint Patrick Church Parroquia Católica de San Patricio 2015 “To bring the transforming love of our Triune God to those around us.” “Llevar el amor transformante de la Trinidad a los que nos rodean” OFFICE/OFICINA MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE LAS MISAS 703 Green Street Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Norristown, PA 19401 Vigilia del Sábado: 6:00 PM Tel. 610-272-1408 Sunday: 10:00 AM Fax 610-275-0238 Domingo: 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM Website: www.saintpatrick-norristown.net Weekdays: 8:00 AM Tuesday – Friday Office Hours: Holy Days: 8:00 AM - 12:05 & 7PM Monday – Thursday 9:00AM – 4:30PM – Friday 9:00AM – 3:00PM [email protected] CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Every Saturday from: 3:00PM - 3:45PM PASTOR/PÁRROCO Sábados de: 3:00PM – 3:45 PM Rev. Gus C. Puleo 610-272-1408 Ext. 127 PARISH SECRETARY/ SECRETARIA DE LA PARROQUIA Ms. Maria-Angeles Landero [email protected] 610-272-1408 Ext. 123 BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Parents must be registered and active members of the parish. Please call to schedule your Baptism on Sunday. Los Padres deberán estar registrados y ser miembros activos de la parroquia. Se celebran Bautismos Domingos: 1:15PM y/o Sábados a las 7:00PM COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINADOR DE LA EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Mrs. Maryann Mitchell [email protected] 610-272-4500 Ext. 139 DIRECTOR OF PARISH SERVICES DIRECTORA DE SERVICIOS PARROQUIALES Sister Ann McAlpin, I.H.M. [email protected] 610-272-4500 Ext. 133 PARISH MANAGER Christopher Lawrence 610-272-1408 Ext. 122 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC 215-628-8740 Mrs. Virginia Chiodo [email protected] CEMETERY OFFICE programa MaryLou Tague 610-272-4385 610-272-6180 FAX Las Pláticas de Bautizo los sábados: 2:00PM. De acuerdo al calendario que aparece en la pagina en Español de este boletín, consúltelo para programar su Bautizo. Padres y Padrinos [casados por la Iglesia] deberán atender. MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO Registered parishioners planning to be married should contact Rev. Gus Puleo, 6 months in advance. Feligreses registrados favor de empezar los planes con el Parroco Gus Puleo, con seis meses de anticipación. FIRST COMMUNION/PRIMERA COMUNIÓN CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACIÓN Although it is encouraged to continue your child’s faith formation instruction every year, a minimum of two Years of study is required before the reception of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Es muy importante continuar la instrucción de la formación de fe de sus hijos cada año, un mínimo de dos años de Preparación es requerido antes de recibir los sacramentos de Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Favor de pedir información sobre nuestro de Educación Religiosa para adultos (R.I.C.A.). [email protected] REGISTRATION/REGISTRACIÓN Please make sure you have registered as members of our parish. Favor de asegurarse que se han registrado como miembros de nuestra parroquia. Mass Intentions 4:00PM TIMOTHY HASSON 6:00PM . Sally Christ & Helen Getzfread 8:00AM POR NUESTROS FELIGRESES 10:00AM WILLIAM “HUGH” McKAY Tracy Landon & Family 12:00PM GILBERTO AMAYA Marlene Amaya The readings today challenge us to look at the disorder in our lives. What needs to be changed? What must be left behind? Time is passing and I am called to serve God’s people. Virgin Mary Rose Memorial th For the week of January 25 2015 the Virgin Mary Rose Memorial will be in memory of: LOUIS PULEO at the request of: Fr. Gus Puleo. If you wish to purchase one Rose for the altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. Sacred Heart Rose Memorial If you wish to purchase one Rose for THE SACRED HEART Altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. 8:00AM ARMAND ANGELUCCI Louise Eckert 4:00AM JUDITH FERRANTE Barbara Entersman 8:00PM EDWARD BROWN Dr. Joseph Calabro 8:00AM JUDITH FERRANTE Kathy & Ed Kline 4:00PM RUTH CURRIER 6:00PM . Sally Christ & Helen Getzfread 8:00AM POR NUESTROS FELIGRESES 10:00AM SAINT BRIDGET LAOH & AOH 12:00PM . MICHAEL HAMMOND TONY RANGO LILLIE MAULDIN TONY KRIER TONY BELLO LINDA ROGERS LOUIS SAMBRICK BARBARA SCHINDLER GEORGE BROWN CAROL FITZGERALD MARY McFARLAND ROSANNE REICHERT The Sanctuary Candle The Sanctuary Candle Burns to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ. For the week of January 25th, 2015 it will burn for the intentions of: RAFAEL S. CASTILLO at the request of: GRANDMOTHER TITHA. If you wish to have the sanctuary candle burn in memory of a loved one, you may make arrangements by coming to the Parish Office. An offering of $20.00 is requested. Bread & Wine Memorial If you wish to participate in this ancient tradition of providing the bread & wine for our liturgies, please come to the Parish Office. An offering of $20.00 is requested for each memorial. The sick list will be updated monthly. We will be glad to keep the name of your loved one on the list for one month. If you want to extend a request for prayers beyond that time, please call the Parish Center Office to let us know so we do not remove your loved one’s name from the list. Please remember only the names of the seriously ill should be placed on our sick list. Altar Flowers If you wish to purchase flowers for the altar, please call the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $40.00 is requested. Virgin De Guadalupe Memorial th For the week of January 25 2015, the Virgin De Guadalupe Memorial will be in memory of: CONSTANZA CELIA & TERESA VILLAVICENCIO at the request of: Their daughter/nice MariadelosAngeles. If you wish to purchase one Rose for the altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. ADORATION EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is especially recommended. Please consider making the time to visit with Jesus. He welcomes you to come and spend time with Him, Sharing your joys, your concerns, and your sorrows! Every Tuesday From 8:30 pm until 1:00PM. Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 1 – 089 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner To thank all Parish Volunteers, we are planning our Annual Appreciation Party it will be on SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 7PM. Letters of invitation will be mailed to all of our volunteers (Liturgical Ministers, Choir, Cantors, Bazaar, and Irish Festival Workers, Sunday Counters, CCD, Faith Ways, Small Group Facilitators, Patrician Society Volunteers and Staff). We hope you will attend this special evening given in your honor. FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM (CCD) Registration for the 2015-2016 School year will be held on March 7th and 8th, Saturday and Sunday, after all Masses at the Religious Education Office. If you have any questions, call Maryann Mitchell at 610-272-4500 Ext. 4. Tuition is $100.00/child. A sacramental fee of $40.00 is applied to those children receiving the sacrament of 1st Holy Communion or Confirmation. YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN EVERY YEAR! Tuition is due at the time of registration! Let's Make Music! And Sing to God for Joy!! Come join our St. Patrick's Youth Choir at 9 AM on Sundays. The Youth Choir sings once a month for the 10am Mass and also Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve. For more information, please call Ginny Chiodo at 215628-8740 or email [email protected]. Let's Make Music! And Sing to God for Joy!! Come join our St. Patrick's Youth Choir at 9 AM on Sundays. The Youth Choir sings once a month for the 10am Mass and also Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve. For more information please call Ginny Chiodo at 215-628-8740 or email [email protected]. NEWS FROM THE CHOIR DIRECTOR "Serve the LORD with gladness: come before His presence with singing." Psalm 102 -You are invited to join the choir! Rehearsal, Thursday, 7 PM, Church. For more information call Ginny Chiodo at 215-628-8740 or email [email protected]. COME JOIN US FOR GOSPEL CHOIR MASS! To celebrate the rich diversity of our parish, the Gospel Choir will sing at our 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday, February 7th, 2015. We invite all to participate in this Mass and join us for fellowship in the Hall afterwards. DISCIPLES IN MISSION Will resume again this year with an emphasis on Bible Study using the Loyola Press series Six Weeks with the Bible, Getting to Know Jesus, The Gospel of Mark. Come join our faith sharing groups and experience a renewal in faith with others in our parish. Groups will be meeting on Monday morning and evening. Those who are interested in joining a group or starting a new group with friends or neighbors please contact Sister Ann McAlpin. 610-272-4500 Ext. 133 Parish Intention Book Please write in our Parish Intention Book any special intention you have. As a loving and supporting community, let us remember one another in prayer. PLEASE LET US KNOW! Dear Parishioner, we would appreciate it if you would let us know if any of our parishioners are ill and can’t attend Mass. We would like to visit them and bring communion. 12/28/14 $ 3,882.05 2 nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,180.00 1/1/15 $ 5,322.22 2 nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,328.00 1/11/15 $ 4,230.31 2 nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,417.29 Thank you for your generosity! CCD NEWS Please tune the RADIO STATION KYW1060 AM, or TV CHANNEL CBS 3, CW PHILLY 57, or go to the website www.kyw1060.com for information on cancellation of catechism in one day this snowing or cold. Cancellation number 357 ST. PATRICK RELIGIUOUS EDUCATION. PALM TO ASHES Ash Wednesday this year is on February 18th. Please bring any blessed palm that you would like to have burned for St. Patrick’s Ash Wednesday Services and place it in the basket the gathering area of the Church. FOOD COLLECTION Our food collection for the Patrician Society is every 3rd weekend of the month. If you forgot to bring your groceries to church, you may drop them off at the Parish Center Offices at 703 Green Street during the week. Thank you, and God Bless You! in ST. PATRICK CEMETERY & MAUSOLEUM NORRISTOWN, PA Sale for our NEW PADRE PIO Garden Mausoleum. Currently Available –Single Crypts – Tandem and Companion Crypts – Family Crypts Areas – Cremation Niches. Now offering payment plans up to 36 months with No interest when purchased before the time of need. BURIAL LOTS AVAILABLE For more information please call 610-272-4385. Job Opening: Hospitality Coordinator (part-time), Malvern Retreat House. Duties include setting up for Mass and working with our Rector Msgr. Joseph Marino. For more information, please contact Jim Hall, Director of Hospitality, at 484-321-2541 or [email protected]. If you have any questions about this notice, please feel to contact me. My email is [email protected] and my number is 484-321-2562. Saint Patrick Church Norristown, PA Page 2. -089 RESPECT LIFE “We are more than an accident of evolution. We are greater than the sum of our biology…We have a mission…to receive God’s love and to show God’s love to others.” This year we have the extraordinary privilege of welcoming international and local visitors to The World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. William Penn’s statue which represents the “City of Brotherly Love” is barely visible. We also have Independence Hall, the steps “Rocky” surmounted, the Philly Phanatic, and Philly Cheese Steaks. But, isn’t there something more we can welcome them with? Apparently, the Pope, the Archbishop, the Governor, the Mayor and a host of dignitaries think that, perhaps, we have something more to show the world. That’s a lot of important people who are convinced the Catholic Christians-the Catholic families in our troubled city can show the world (to paraphrase The Grinch in Dr. Suess’s book) maybe Catholic doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Catholic…perhaps…means a little bit more! Maybe Catholic means, “We have a mission.” Source: Visitation’s Parish Christmas gift --Love Is Our Mission,The Family Fully Alive, A preparatory catechesis for the World Meeting of Families, Chapters I and II. Wednesday-JANUARY 21, 2015, 7:00 pm. Each of us is “Created for Joy”. Each of us “is a temple of the Holy Spirit”. Pray for an end to Roe v. Wade’s infamous decision allowing destruction of tiny human beings (tiny temples) that were “Created for Joy”. Since 1973 the death toll in America amounts to more than 55-Million innocent lives! Come join us at the Respect Life Vigil Mass. Refreshments, after Mass, in the Larkin Center hosted by the Knights of Columbus and Respect Life Committee. Thursday-January 22, 2015-MARCH FOR LIFE, Washington, D.C. Join with young and old from all walks of life and all faiths, laity and clergy, families, and students in prayerful solidarity for the end of Roe v. Wade. Bus leaves Visitation’s parking lot at 7:30 AM, return by 9:00 PM. Call Judy Tartaglia 610-584-5261 or [email protected] for details. 25 Youth Choir Rehearsal 9AM 26 27 28 29 30 31 IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY PRESENTS “THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES” ARTIST - Artist is from Chester County - Immaculata University welcomes Kennett Square, PA, artist Neilson Carlin to campus on Monday, February 2, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Green Room, Villa Maria Hall. The event is free and open to the public. Carlin was commissioned to create the icon image of the Holy Family for the World Meeting of Families being held in Philadelphia this September. His artwork is being used in various materials connected with the meeting. During his presentation at Immaculata, Carlin will discuss his work, vocation, faith and family. He will also talk about the role of Beauty in the Search for God. Receiving a BFA in Illustration from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, he continued to hone his skills with private study under figure painter Michael Aviano in New York. Specializing in commissioned sacred and devotional art, Carlin has done artistic work for Catholic cathedrals and smaller parishes nationwide as well as for St. Rocco’s Roman Catholic Church in Avondale, PA. He also exhibits his painting at such places as the Arnot Art Museum, the Arts Club of Washington, and the State Museum of Pennsylvania. Carlin has received several awards during his career including First Place in 2003 and Second Place in 2004 at the National Art Competition for Artist’s Magazine. In 2008, he was the recipient of the First Place award in the Nationwide Juried Catholic Arts Exhibition. For more information on Carlin’s presentation, please contact Campus Ministry at Immaculata University at 610-647-4400, ext. 3570. Immaculata University is a Catholic, comprehensive, coeducational institution of higher education, located on the Main Line between Malvern and Exton, 20 miles west of Philadelphia. T:Development\News Releases 2014-2015 #68 Artist Neilson Carlin to Speak at IU 1/9/15 Pack 268 is the Cub Scout Pack sponsored at St. Francis of Assisi but we have boys from St. Pats Parish and neighboring elementary schools of Gotwalts and Hancock. We attended Fall Fest at the Council camp in Summertown, PA. In October, collected nonperishables as part of the National Scouting for Food Campaign in November (more than half of which were donated to the Patrician Society) and recently we sang Christmas Carols at Senior Suites & gave the residents hand-made ornaments. On MLK Day you will find us outside the SFA School and church sprucing up and beautifying the grounds. In addition to these Community Service activities we do a lot of fun activities. The annual SUPER BOWL WEEKEND HOAGIE SALE is one of our biggest fundraisers. This sale helps us to offset the cost of camping, field trips and other excursions. We will be selling Turkey and Italian Hoagies for $6 outside of SFA after the 5:30 Mass on Saturday, January 31, 2015 and after the 9:30 and 12 noon Masses on Sunday, February 1, 2015 just in time for your Super Bowl Celebration. Baldini’s hoagies are a tradition at our annual sale and we are extremely grateful to them for their continued support of scouting here at SFA. Please consider preordering hoagies (by January 21st) prior to Super Bowl Sunday and pick them up that day. Please contact Alicia Carlin by leaving a message on her home phone 610-277-7895. Alicia and Fionn Carlin are Parishioners here at St. Pats and if there is a large enough preorder from the St. Pats community we will deliver to St. Pats at 11 am on Sunday February 1st. Our 2nd Collection today is for CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICE Spanish AA 1:30PM School building Baptisms 1PM. Immaculata after School Program 4pm Intercultural Class 6-8:30PM Spanish Classes 6pm Spanish Choir 7pm – School Building Choir Rehearsal 7pm CCD CLASSES 5:00PM – 6:15PM ESL CLASSES 10AM & 7PM ADORATION: 8:30am – 1pm Mercy Suburban Hospital Pastoral Coverage CCD CLASSES 5:00PM-6:15PM XV Class 3:30PM S.A.T. CLASSES 7PM Spanish Choir 7pm – School Building Choir Rehearsal 7PM AA GRUPO 7PM ESL CLASSES 10AM & 7PM Forteniters 3-7pm in the hall Grupo de Oración 7PM IN THE HALL Confessions/Confesiones 3:00pm – 3:45pm Spanish Youth Choir 9AM-2PM SchooL Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPROVEMENT 01 Youth Choir Rehearsal 9AM Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPROVEMENT Spanish AA 1:30PM School building Health Screening 1-4PM Mount Saint Joseph Academy. The Mount, a catholic college preparatory school for girls, invites all interested 7th grade girls to register for The Pre-HSPT to be given on Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. The Pre-HSPT is a 7th grade edition of the actual Scholarship/Entrance Exam given to eighth grade applicants. Registration is available online only. You will receive registration confirmation via email. Register at: www.msjacad.org/practicetest. OPERATION RICE BOWL Operation Rice Bowl is the Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services the official overseas relief and development agency working on behalf of the Catholic Community in the United States. 75% of your gifts to Operation Rice Bowl come to CRS to fund development projects overseas and Lenten education efforts in the U.S. 25% of contributions support hunger and poverty alleviation efforts in dioceses in the United States. Please support our 2014 Irish Festival Corporate Sponsors Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 3 – 089 BENDITA SEA TU PUREZA Bendita sea tu pureza y eternamente lo sea, pues todo un Dios se recrea, en tan graciosa belleza. A Ti celestial princesa, Virgen Sagrada María, te ofrezco en este día, alma vida y corazón. Mírame con compasión, no me dejes, Madre mía. Amén. BAJO TU AMPARO Bajo tu amparo nos acogemos, Santa Madre de Dios, no desprecies nuestras súplicas en las necesidades, antes bien líbranos de todo peligro, oh Virgen gloriosa y bendita. Amén. OFRECIMIENTO A LA SANTÍSIMA VIRGEN ¡Oh Señora mía! ¡Oh Madre mía! Yo me ofrezco enteramente a ti y en prueba de mi filial afecto te consagro en este día, mis ojos, mis oídos, mi lengua, mi corazón; en una palabra, todo mi ser. Ya que soy todo tuya/o. Oh Madre de bondad, guárdame y defiéndeme como a pertenencia y posesión tuya. Amén. NOTICIAS DE CATECISMO Favor de sintonizar la estación de radio KYW 1060 AM, o canal de televisión CBS 3, CW PHILLY 57. O vaya a la página de internet www.kyw1060.com Para información sobre cancelación de Catecismo cuando está nevando o muy frio. Numero de cancelación 357 St. Patrick Religious Education. VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE MEMORIAL Cada fin de semana tendremos una rosa en memoria de una persona por la que usted puede pedir oraciones. Si usted desea comprar esa Rosa para el Altar in Memoria de un ser querido, por favor pase a las oficinas parroquiales. El costo es $10.00. PROGRAMA DE FORMACION CATOLICA (CCD) Inscripciones para el año Escolar 2015-2016 serán el 7 y 8 de Marzo, sábado y domingo después de las Misas, en la oficina de La Educación Religiosa. El costo es $100.00/niño/a. Más $40.00 por sacramento para los niños que recibirán la 1a. Comunión o la Confirmación. Para más información llame a Maryann Mitchell al 610-272-4500 ext. 4. ¡RECUERDEN, DEBEN REGISTRAR A SUS HIJOS CADA ANO! El pago se requiere en el momento de inscripción PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES Sábados, 2:00PM Salón Parroquial BAUTISMOS DOMINGOS: 1:15PM SÁBADOS: 7:00PM (después de la Misa) Febrero 21 Marzo 21 Abril 25 Mayo 9 Febrero 8 y 21 Marzo 14 y 22 Abril 11 Mayo 10 y 30 ESL CLASSES – CLASES DE INGLES MARTES Y JUEVES 10AM & 7PM COLECTAS DOMINICALES PARROQUIA DE SAN PATRICIO 12/28/14 $ 3,882.05 2 nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,180.00 1/1/15 $ 5,322.22 2 nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,328.00 1/11/15 $ 4,230.31 2 nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,417.29 ¡Gracias por su generosidad! Celebrando mis XV Todas las quinceañeras deberán asistir a las clases los miércoles a las 3:30PM5:00PM. Si no atienden a las clases no celebraran la Misa en nuestra Parroquia. Para más información comuníquese con la Hermana Ann McAlpin al 610-272-4500. LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA PARA NIÑOS: Kínder al 5to grado. Todos los domingos en la Misa de 12:00pm. Explicación apropiada de la proclamación de las lecturas dominicales. MISAS, VELA DEL SANTUARIO, PAN Y VINO Y FLORES MEMORIALES DISPONIBLES Hay Misas, Flores para el altar, el Pan y Vino, y la Vela del Santuario, disponibles los fines de semana y durante la semana en el año 2015, si usted está interesado en solicitarlo en memoria de algunos de sus queridos familiares o amistades que en paz descansen. Pase a las oficinas Parroquiales durante los horarios de la semana. Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia la Misa televisada los domingos 6:00AM en Univisión. La archidiócesis agradece su generosidad en difundir la Misa en la televisión. Clases de Primera Comunión y Confirmación MARTES Y MIÉRCOLES 5:00 PM Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 4 – 089 Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Funeral Home, Inc. Hot Water & Steam Heating Water Heaters • Bathrooms 610-277-7000 Walter J. Bell, Supervisor Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services Funeral Financing Available 2130 Carol Lane Casa Bonita International Cuisine 801 Dekalb Street, Norristown www.casabonitainternational.webs.com ELECTROLUX EMPOWERED 1502 E. Ridge Pike 610-275-9841 JOSHUA I CHUNG Abogado 354 West Elm Street, Norristown, PA 19401 J R R PA ym g, out h Meetin Pl 610-277-3937 General and Cosmetic Dentistry For All Ages AUTO BODY SHOP INC. Complete Wreck Service Criminal • Domestic • Ley De Negocios • Deportacion • Immigracion • Lesiones Personales Botas . Sombreros . Ropa Vaquera . Lo que no encuentre se lo podemos ordenar Cataracts • Glaucoma Surgery • Retina Diabetes • Eye Exams 815 DeKalb Street Norristown, PA 19401 English Español 610-278-8680 • On & Off Road Diesel Fuel INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS • Premium Heating Oil MEAT • SEAFOOD • PRODUCE • BAKERY • Fleet Service HISPANIC FOODS • MEXICAN GROCERY • On Site Fueling Of WESTERN UNION • WIC • ALL CREDIT CARDS Equipment & Tanks WE DELIVER RJR FUEL SERVICES 484-681-5030 Email: [email protected] GUTTER CLEANING 610-776-2000 GUTTER DOCTORX Store Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-8pm Sunday: 8am-6pm Licensed & Insured PA 050067 Smile Line Dentista X-Ray y Examen $19 Habla Español 484-574-4738 For the Finest in Quality & Service • Free Consultation E • Painless and Affordable Dentistry JOHN'S CATERING SERVIC • Most Insurance Accepted John Davis, Proprietor • Consultas Gratis!!! FOR ALL OCCASIONS • Sin dolor y a bajo costo. • No Insurance - No Problem • ¿Sin seguro? 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BLANQUE GRATIS EN 619 Dekalb St., Norristown, PA 19401 Tel: 610.275.1880 • Fax: 610.275.3310 [email protected] 1537 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA Dentista Cosmetico Familiar • También hacemos implantes On New Memorial Purchase with this ad BLACK 807 DeKalb Street, Norristown HORSE SERVING OUR NEIGHBORS ONE AT A TIME Tel. Tienda (610) 279-5080 Tel. Taqueria (610) 279-5088 Fax (610) 279-2861 Taquería • Envios de Dinero Tarjetas Telefónicas CD's, DVD's y mucho más. 100 W. Fornance St., Norristown 610-539-1073 $100.00 Discount Donald E. Moore, Supervisor (610)277-2140 610-278- 0500 610-278-0100 Specializing in American, Mexican There's a New Coin Laundry In Town. & Korean Cuisine Gran Variedad de Productos Mexicanos y Centroamericanos Fugo Eye Institute at Riverside Cemetery 200 S. 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