Welcome/Bienvenidos Saint Patrick Church Parroquia Católica de San Patricio 2015 “To bring the transforming love of our Triune God to those around us.” “Llevar el amor transformante de la Trinidad a los que nos rodean” OFFICE/OFICINA MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE LAS MISAS Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM 703 Green Street Norristown, PA 19401 Vigilia del Sábado: 6:00 PM Tel. 610-272-1408 Sunday: 10:00 AM Fax 610-275-0238 Domingo: 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM Website: www.saintpatrick-norristown.net Weekdays: 8:00 AM Tuesday – Friday Office Hours: Holy Days: 8:00 AM - 12:05 & 7PM Monday – Thursday 9:00AM – 4:30PM – Friday 9:00AM – 3:00PM [email protected] CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Every Saturday from: 3:00PM - 3:45PM PASTOR/PÁRROCO Sábados de: 3:00PM – 3:45 PM Rev. Gus C. Puleo 610-272-1408 Ext. 127 PARISH SECRETARY/ SECRETARIA DE LA PARROQUIA Ms. Maria-Angeles Landero [email protected] 610-272-1408 Ext. 123 BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Parents must be registered and active members of the parish. Please call to schedule your Baptism on Sunday. Los Padres deberán estar registrados y ser miembros activos de la parroquia. Se celebran Bautismos Domingos: 1:15PM y/o Sábados a las 7:00PM COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINADOR DE LA EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Mrs. Maryann Mitchell [email protected] 610-272-4500 Ext. 139 DIRECTOR OF PARISH SERVICES DIRECTORA DE SERVICIOS PARROQUIALES Sister Ann McAlpin, I.H.M. [email protected] 610-272-4500 Ext. 133 PARISH MANAGER Christopher Lawrence 610-272-1408 Ext. 122 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC 215-628-8740 Mrs. Virginia Chiodo [email protected] CEMETERY OFFICE programa MaryLou Tague 610-272-4385 610-272-6180 FAX Las Pláticas de Bautizo los sábados: 2:00PM. De acuerdo al calendario que aparece en la pagina en Español de este boletín, consúltelo para programar su Bautizo. Padres y Padrinos [casados por la Iglesia] deberán atender. MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO Registered parishioners planning to be married should contact Rev. Gus Puleo, 6 months in advance. Feligreses registrados favor de empezar los planes con el Parroco Gus Puleo, con seis meses de anticipación. FIRST COMMUNION/PRIMERA COMUNIÓN CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACIÓN Although it is encouraged to continue your child’s faith formation instruction every year, a minimum of two Years of study is required before the reception of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Es muy importante continuar la instrucción de la formación de fe de sus hijos cada año, un mínimo de dos años de Preparación es requerido antes de recibir los sacramentos de Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Favor de pedir información sobre nuestro de Educación Religiosa para adultos (R.I.C.A.). [email protected] REGISTRATION/REGISTRACIÓN Please make sure you have registered as members of our parish. Favor de asegurarse que se han registrado como miembros de nuestra parroquia. Mass Intentions 4:00PM HERBERT GAASCHE 6:00PM RAFAEL PALACIOS PAREDES 8:00AM EDUARDO LOPEZ AGUILAR 10:00AM JUDY FERRANTE 12:00PM EFREN RAMOS VERA For what do you thirst? One thing for which we all thirst is loving relationships – with God and with others. Virgin Mary Rose Memorial For the week of March 8, 2015 the Virgin Mary Rose Memorial will be in memory of: ANNA E. PULEO at the request of: Rev. Gus C. Puleo. If you wish to purchase one Rose for the altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. Sacred Heart Rose Memorial If you wish to purchase one Rose for THE SACRED HEART Altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. The Sanctuary Candle If you wish to have the sanctuary candle burn in memory of a loved one, you may make arrangements by coming to the Parish Office. An offering of $20.00 is requested. Bread & Wine Memorial If you wish to participate in this ancient tradition of providing the bread & wine for our liturgies, please come to the Parish Office. An offering of $20.00 is requested for each memorial. 8:00AM ANNE MASHINTONIO Pat Ciaccio Familia Paredes Familia Aguilar Mary Ferrante Rosa Ramos Marie Mashintonio 8:00AM CONSTANZA CELIA VILLAVICENCIO Angeles L..& Family 8:00AM FRANK RANGO Tony Rango 8:00AM JAMES ECKERT 4:00PM LOUIS & ROSE SPERA 6:00PM MYKOLA HORDIJENKO 8:00AM ISRAEL CARDENAS 10:00AM THERESE & TERRY KEHOE 12:00PM POR NUESTROS FELIGRESES ROSANNE REICHERT LILLIE MAULDIN LINDA ROGERS GEORGE BROWN Louise Eckert Spera Family Familia Hordijenko Familia Cardenas The Kehoe Family MICHAEL HAMMOND TONY RANGO TONY KRIER TONY BELLO LOUIS SAMBRICK BARBARA SCHINDLER CAROL FITZGERALD MARY McFARLAND The sick list will be updated monthly. We will be glad to keep the name of your loved one on the list for one month. If you want to extend a request for prayers beyond that time, please call the Parish Center Office to let us know so we do not remove your loved one’s name from the list. Please remember only the names of the seriously ill should be placed on our sick list. Virgin De Guadalupe Memorial If you wish to purchase one Rose for the altar in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $10.00 is requested. Altar Flowers If you wish to purchase flowers for the altar, please call the Parish Center Offices. An offering of $40.00 is requested. ADORATION EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is especially recommended. Please consider making the time to visit with Jesus. He welcomes you to come and spend time with Him, Sharing your joys, your concerns, and your sorrows! Every Tuesday From 8:30 pm until 1:00PM. Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 1 – 089 HOLY WEEK SERVICES - 2015 Saint Patrick Church in Norristown is looking for a Director of Religious Education. This is a full-time position, candidates must have a degree in Theology and be completely bilingual in English and Spanish. If interested, please send resume to Mr. Chris Lawrence, Parish Manager, at [email protected] Volunteer Appreciation Dinner To thank all Parish Volunteers, we are planning our Annual Appreciation Party. It will be on SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 7PM. Letters of invitation will be mailed to all of our volunteers (Liturgical Ministers, Choir, Cantors, Bazaar, and Irish Festival Workers, Sunday Counters, CCD, Faith Ways, Small Group Facilitators, Patrician Society Volunteers and Staff). We hope you will attend this special evening given in your honor. REGISTRATIONS - FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM (CCD) Registration for the 2015-2016 School year will be held on March 17th and 18th, Tuesday and Wednesday, during classes at the Religious Education Office. If you have any questions, call Maryann Mitchell at 610-272-4500 Ext. 4. Tuition is due at registration. A sacramental fee of $40.00 is applied to those children receiving the sacrament of 1st Holy Communion or Confirmation. YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN EVERY YEAR! Tuition is due at the time of registration! POOR BOX COLLECTION FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Will go to SISTERS OF CHARITY Thank you for your generosity PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION SATURDAY, MARCH 28 3:00- 3:45PM Confessions. 4:00 PM Vigil Mass 6:00 PM Spanish Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 29 Masses are celebrated at 10:00AM English and 8:00AM & 12:00PM Spanish Palm will be blessed and distributed at all the Masses as we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. THERE WILL BE NO CONFESSIONS HEARD DURING THE TRIDUUM. † THE EASTER TRIDUUM † HOLY THURSDAY---APRIL 2 7:00PM – Mass of the Lord’s Supper- (bilingual). After Mass, you are invited to spend time before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. -The Blessed Sacrament will be reserved until 10:00PM GOOD FRIDAY---APRIL 3 9:00AM -Church will be open. We hope you will come and spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. 12:00PM -Outdoor Stations of the Cross. Please join us as we walk the way of the Cross. We will gather inside St. Patrick Church. 3:00PM - Memorial of the Lord’s Passion and Death - This service consists of three parts: The Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion. 6:00PM -Outdoor Stations of the Cross. Our Spanish community invites all to join them in walking the steps of Christ. Stations begin in Church. HOLY SATURDAY –APRIL 4, 2015 Bilingual Mass will be celebrated at 7:30PM This is the holiest night of the year as we recall the mystery of our salvation. The Liturgy consists of: The Services of Light, The Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of Baptism and The Liturgy of the Eucharist. EASTER SUNDAY- APRIL 5 RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Masses will be celebrated at 8:00AM and 12:00PM (Spanish) and 10:00AM (English) LENTEN CROSS. In the sanctuary of the church is our Lenten Cross. We invite you once again to write your prayer intentions in our parish INTENTION BOOK. By doing this, we unite in praying for each other that the love of God will touch our hearts and lives. 2/1/15 $ 6,500.93 2nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,710.99 2/15/15 $ 3,635.91 2nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,207.83 2/22/15 $ 3,438.00 2nd Coll CARE OF AGING PRIEST $ 1,111.00 Thank you for your generosity! CCD NEWS Please tune to the RADIO STATION KYW1060 AM, or TV CHANNEL CBS 3, CW PHILLY 57, or go to the website www.kyw1060.com for information on cancellation of catechism due to inclement weather, etc. Cancellation number 357 ST. PATRICK RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. PALM BRAIDING WORKSHOP All are invited to attend our annual workshop, as we prepare for Palm Sunday. The classes will begin Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 6:309:00pm and continuing every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Location of classes will be in the parish hall. Attend as many evenings as possible supplies required are scissors and stapler. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Bring your new ideas. Any questions, please contact Jean Spera at 610-331-1258. Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 5:00 PM Come and pray the Stations of the Cross with us! Please take this opportunity to share with our deceased loved ones the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ! EASTER MEMORIALS If you wish to remember your beloved deceased during the Easter season, you may do so by writing the name of the deceased on the envelope you have received in the mail and return it to the Parish Center Offices by March 22th, 2015. A listing of the names will be published during the Easter season. A donation of $10.00 is requested for each memorial. Saint Patrick Church Norristown, PA Page 2. -089 SAINT PATRICK’S DAY PARADE Saint Patrick Parish has been invited to march in the Annual A.O.H. Parade in Conshohocken on Saturday, March 14, 2015. This is a golden opportunity (or should we say “GREEN”) for our parish community to come together as ONE and celebrate our heritages. Plan on marching with us. Decorate your baby carriages, your children and yourself as we march proudly on March 14th. Please call Maryann Mitchell at 610-272-4500 to help co-ordinate our parish marchers. It won’t be a lot of work – it will be fun. Let’s show our community that St. Patrick Parish is ALIVE & WELL!!! TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM THE PARADE ROUTE WILL BE PROVIDED. COVERED DISH BUFFET Once again, we will celebrate our patron saint with a covered dish on Sunday, March 15, 2015, from 1 -3pm. We hope to see you and yours at our annual Saint Patrick Covered Dish Brunch. in the greatest way of all, showed his love for each of us. PLEASE JOIN US! 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 EASTER EGG HUNT. The Easter Bunny will make its annual visit to St. Patrick’s on Saturday, MARCH 28, to preside at our annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the Parish. Just bring your Easter basket and meet us in the church parking lot at 11:00AM. Please check our flyer in our bulletin for more details. REGISTRATION Drop off your registration at the Parish Center Office. Deadline March 25, 2015 Name & Ages of Children ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Please circle which of the following items you will be bringing for lunch. Candy Desserts Cupcakes/Brownies Cookies OUTDOOR STATIONS Every Good Friday, we meditate on the Stations of the Cross as we walk through Norristown. In past years our numbers have dwindled. We would like to put new life into this beautiful Saint Patrick tradition. Why not join us this year on Good Friday, April 3. It is a wonderful way to commemorate the Passion of Jesus before the Liturgy of the Passion at 3:00 PM. It is also a great way to give public witness to this most important event in the history of humanity. In the midst of a world which seems ever busier and more distracted, our public witness reminds us of what is most important and calls other people to remember as well. And in a small way it shows our love for Jesus Christ, who, Youth Choir Rehearsal 9AM – MASS 10AM Our 2nd Collection today is for THE SOLIDARITY FUND FOR AFRICA Spanish AA 1:30PM School building. Immaculata after School Program 4pm Intercultural Class 6-8:30PM Spanish Classes 6pm Spanish Choir 7pm – School Building Choir Rehearsal 7pm CCD CLASSES 5:00PM – 6:15PM ESL CLASSES 10AM & 7PM ADORATION: 8:30am – 1pm Mercy Suburban Hospital Pastoral Coverage CCD CLASSES 5:00PM-6:15PM XV Class 3:30PM S.A.T. CLASSES 7PM Spanish Choir 7pm – School Building Choir Rehearsal 7PM AA GRUPO 7PM ESL CLASSES 10AM & 7PM Forteniters 3-7pm in the hall Grupo de Oración 7PM IN THE HALL Confessions/Confesiones 3:00pm – 3:45pm Spanish Youth Choir 9AM-2PM SchooL Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPROVEMENT 15 Youth Choir Rehearsal 9AM – MASS 10AM Our 2nd Collection today is for CHURCH IMPROVEMENT Spanish AA 1:30PM School building. DISCIPLES IN MISSION Will resume again this year with an emphasis on Bible Study using the Loyola Press series Six Weeks with the Bible, Getting to Know Jesus, The Gospel of Mark. Come join our faith sharing groups and experience a renewal in faith with others in our parish. Groups will be meeting on Monday morning and evening. Those who are interested in joining a group or starting a new group with friends or neighbors please contact Sister Ann McAlpin. 610-2724500 Ext. 133. RESPECT LIFE “In God’s eyes, no one is a stranger. And there are no lives that are not worth living. No lives that we can leave behind or throw away. That is the beautiful truth that we are here to celebrate.” Archbishop Jose Gomez, January 17, 2015 One Life LA/Respect Life Rally Everyday news headlines relate “breakthroughs” in science—invitro fertilization, three parent children, physician assisted suicide. . In order to be successful, each of these so called science advances has to throw other lives away. Human embryos (unborn human babies) are destroyed for experimental research to manmake healthier, smarter, stronger, more beautiful children, as well as multiple products. The sick, infirm and aged are encouraged to throwaway their lives via suicide to be less of a burden financially, physically and emotionally to others. In Love Is Our Mission the Family Fully Alive we are reminded the acceptance of all human life is not something simply decided according to self-focused human criteria—albeit many health, financial and social circumstances often enter into discerning the choices we make. But, in the depths of our hearts, we know those choices can never justify throwing away Peter’s life to create Paul or to make Paul’s life more “comfortable”. Creating the future ultimately rests on love that is foundationally grounded in service, sacrifice and trust in God. “There are no lives that are not worth living”. www.colfs.org, (Culture of Life Family Services), www.ncbcenter.org, The National Catholic Bioethics Center, www.usccb.org Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 3 – 089 SERVICIOS DE LA SEMANA SANTA - 2015 DOMINGO DE RAMOS LA PASIÓN DE NUESTRO SEÑOR SÁBADO - MARZO 28 3:00-3:45PM Confesiones - 4:00PM Misa Vespertina - 6:00PM Misa en Español DOMINGO - MARZO 29 Las Misas se celebraran a las 10:00AM y a las 8:00AM & 12:00PM (Español) Las palmas serán bendecidas y distribuidas en todas las Misas, para conmemorar la entrada triunfante de nuestro Señor Jesús. † NO HABRÁ CONFESIONES DURANTE EL TRIDUO DE LA SEMANA SANTA † TRIDIUM DE LA SEMANA SANTA † JUEVES SANTO - ABRIL 2 7:00PM - Misa de la Ultima Cena (Bilingüe) Después de la Misa, están invitados a acompañar al Señor en El Santísimo Sacramento -El Santísimo Sacramento estará reservado en la iglesia hasta las 10:00PM VIERNES, SANTO - ABRIL 3 9:00AM -La Parroquia abrirá sus puertas, esperamos que vengan y oren ante el Santísimo Sacramento en la Iglesia. 12:00PM -Estaciones de La Cruz. [En Inglés] por favor acompáñenos a caminar con la Santa Cruz hasta reunirnos dentro de la Parroquia. 3:00PM -La Pasión y Muerte del Señor- Este servicio consiste en Tres Partes: La Liturgia de la Palabra, Veneración de la Cruz y la Santa Comunión. 6:00PM -Vía Crucis en vivo al aire libre. La Comunidad Hispana los invita a acompañarlos; empezando en la Parroquia, dando la vuelta a la cuadra y regresamos a la Parroquia de San Patricio. SÁBADO SANTO (SÁBADO DE GLORIA), ABRIL 4 7:30PM - Misa Vespertina (Bilingüe). Esta es la Noche más importante y Santa del año, cuando recordamos el misterio de nuestra Salvación. La Liturgia consiste en: El Servicio de Luz, La Liturgia de la Palabra, La Liturgia del Bautismo Y la Liturgia de la Eucaristía. DOMINGO DE PASCUA - ABRIL 5 RESURRECCIÓN DE NUESTRO SEÑOR Las Misas se Celebrarán 8:00AM y 12:00PM (Español), 10:00AM (Inglés) PROGRAMA DE FORMACION CATOLICA (CCD) Inscripciones para el año Escolar 2015-2016 serán el 17 y 18 de Marzo, martes y miércoles durante las clases, en la oficina de La Educación Religiosa. El pago se requiere en el momento de registrar, más $40.00 por sacramento para los niños que recibirán la 1a. Comunión o la Confirmación. Para más información llame a Maryann Mitchell al 610-272-4500 ext. 4. ¡RECUERDEN, DEBEN REGISTRAR A SUS HIJOS CADA ANO! NOTICIAS DE CATECISMO Favor de sintonizar la estación de radio KYW 1060 AM, o canal de televisión CBS 3, CW PHILLY 57. O vaya a la página de internet www.kyw1060.com Para información sobre cancelación de Catecismo cuando está nevando o muy frio. Numero de cancelación 357 St. Patrick Religiosa Educación. GRAN FIESTA PATRONAL 2015! DESFILE: Sábado Marzo 14, 2015 a la 1PM. Llame a la Directora de Religión Maryann Mitchell 610-272-4500 para organizar su participación. UN ALMUERZO BRUNCH: Domingo, Marzo 15 de 1:00PM-3:00PM. La Parroquia provee: Jamón y sodas. Los Feligreses trairán un platillo de (guisado, habichuelas, ensalad, tamales, pasteles, lo que quiera) que sea suficiente para 6 personas. ---/mal. PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES Sábados, 2:00PM Salón Parroquial BAUTISMOS DOMINGOS: 1:15PM SÁBADOS: 7:00PM (después de la Misa) Marzo 21 Abril 25 Mayo 9 Marzo 14 y 22 Abril 11 Mayo 10 y 30 COLECTAS DOMINICALES PARROQUIA DE SAN PATRICIO 2/1/15 $ 6,500.93 2nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,710.99 2/15/15 $ 3,635.91 2nd Coll CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,207.83 2/22/15 $ 3,438.00 2nd Coll CARE OF AGING PRIEST $ 1,111.00 ¡Gracias por su generosidad! TEJIDO DE PALMAS BENDITAS Todos están invitados al taller anual de Tejido de PALMAS. Ya nos estamos preparando para el Domingo de Ramos. Las clases empiezan el miércoles, marzo11, 2015 de 6:30-9:00pm y continuaran los martes, miércoles jueves y viernes en el salón parroquial. Solo necesitara tijeras y engrapadora. Esperamos verlos, si tiene preguntas comuníquese con Jean Spera al 610331-1258 ¡HUEVOS DE PASCUA! Marzo 28, 2015 11AM– 1PM Atención Niños de Prescolar y 5o. Grado Acompáñenos a nuestro evento Anual lleno de diversión, la Cacería de Huevos será en el Salón de la Iglesia. Habrá personas Pintando las caritas a los niños, lunch, hot dogs y otras cuantas sorpresas! Solo trae una canasta de Pascua grande y encuéntranos en la puerta verde al lado de la Iglesia a las 10:45 AM. Hagan sus reservaciones. REGISTRATION Drop off your registration at the Parish Center Office. Deadline Marzo 25, 2015 Name & Ages of Children ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Please circle which of the following items you will be bringing for lunch. Candy Desserts Cupcakes/Brownies Cookies Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia la Misa televisada los domingos 6:00AM en Univisión. La archidiócesis agradece su generosidad en difundir la Misa en la televisión. Saint Patrick Church, Norristown, PA Page 4 – 089 Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Funeral Home, Inc. Hot Water & Steam Heating Water Heaters • Bathrooms 610-277-7000 Walter J. Bell, Supervisor Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services Funeral Financing Available 2130 Carol Lane Casa Bonita International Cuisine 801 Dekalb Street, Norristown www.casabonitainternational.webs.com • Free Consultation • Consultas Gratis!!! • Painless and Affordable Dentistry J R R PA ym g, out h Meetin Pl Dentista Cosmetico Familiar ELECTROLUX EMPOWERED 815 DeKalb Street Norristown, PA 19401 610-278-8680 WE DELIVER RJR FUEL SERVICES 484-681-5030 Email: [email protected] Store Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-8pm Sunday: 8am-6pm JOSHUA I CHUNG 619 Dekalb St., Norristown, PA 19401 Tel: 610.275.1880 • Fax: 610.275.3310 [email protected] Smile Line Dentista 1537 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA X-Ray y Examen $19 Habla Español 484-574-4738 For the Finest in Quality & Service SUMMERPLEX GUTTER 'S CATERING SERVIC OHN J E FOR ALL OCCASIONS DAY CAMP CLEANING At the Amazing Sportsplex 610-776-2000 GUTTER DOCTORX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 John Davis, Proprietor Office: 610.239.1836 [email protected] ABOGADOS DE INMIGRACIÓN Bagia & Associates, PC tiene más de 30 años de experiencia sirviendo la comunidad Latina • No Insurance - No Problem www.bagiaimmigration.com • Aceptamos seguro médico. 610-275-9841 English Español • On & Off Road Diesel Fuel INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTS • Premium Heating Oil MEAT • SEAFOOD • PRODUCE • BAKERY • Fleet Service HISPANIC FOODS • MEXICAN GROCERY • On Site Fueling Of WESTERN UNION • WIC • ALL CREDIT CARDS Equipment & Tanks • Most Insurance Accepted • Sin dolor y a bajo costo. 1502 E. 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