The Community of Saint Mary’s Parish, Boise, Idaho is pleased to invite you to a party to celebrate the coming retirement of Father W. Thomas Faucher. We will gather on Sunday, June 28, from 3 to 6 o’clock in the evening in the parish hall. Please come. La comunidad parroquial de Santa María tiene el placer de invitarles a la convivencia con motivo del retiro del Padre W. Thomas Faucher. El domingo 28 de Junio del presente de 3:00 a 6:00 de la tarde en el gimnasio de la escuela. Acompáñenos. SAINT MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA MARIA 2612 W. State St., Boise, ID 83702; Oficina/Parish Office: 344-2597; Fax: 344-9337; Escuela/School: 342-7476 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Horario de Oficina: Lunes a Viernes 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Administrator, Parish Priest / Administrador Parroquial-Sacerdote Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, [email protected] Assisting Priest / Asistente del Párroco ~ Rev. Jesús Camacho, [email protected] Assisting Priest / Asistente del Párroco ~ Rev. Bruno Segatta, [email protected] June 14, 2015 ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME June 14, 2015 SAINT MARY’S STAFF / PERSONAL DE STA. MARIA Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, Administrator, Parish Priest / Administrador Parroquial-Sacerdote [email protected] Rev. Jesús Camacho, Assisting Priest / Asistente del Sacerdote ~ [email protected] (ext. 204) Rev. Bruno Segatta, Assisting Priest / Asistente del Sacerdote ~ [email protected] Deacons / Diáconos Bill Petzak ~ [email protected] ~ 658-8892 Francis Hess ~ [email protected] ~ 409-4103 ADDRESS: 2612 W. State Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 ~ PHONE: 208-344-2597 Monica Pittman, Parish Manager/ Gerente de la Parroquia [email protected] (Ext. 206) Mike Dambach, Facilities Manager/ Gerente de Mantenimiento (Ext. 208) Roxanne Harlow, Administrative Assistant / Secretaria [email protected] (Ext. 214) Alejandra Díaz, Administrative Assistant / Secretaria [email protected] (Ext. 201) Meg Lawless, Coordinator, Children’s/Family Ministry Coordinadora del Ministerio de los Niños y de la Familia [email protected] (Ext. 207) Ann Marie Ricks, Principal, St. Mary’s School / Directora de la Escuela de Santa María [email protected] 342-7476 MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE LAS MISAS Saturday / Sábado, 5:00 p.m. English - 7:00 p.m. Español Sunday / Domingo, 8:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. English -12:45 p.m. Español Weekdays – 8:30 a.m. Misa diaria – 8:30 a.m. RECONCILIATION / RECONCILIACION Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 p.m., or by appointment/Sábado 6:30 - 6:50 p.m. o previa cita BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Expectant parents should call the office to arrange for baptismal instructions before the birth of their child. Bautizos en español, comuníquese con el Padre Jesús Camacho quien le informará sobre los requisitos. MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO / QUINCEAÑERAS Contact Deacon Petzak six months in advance/ Para serviciocheckmark en español favor de comunicarse con el Padre Jesús Camacho por lo menos con 6 meses de anticipación. FOOD BANK HOURS / HORARIO DEL BANCO DE COMIDA 3890 W. State St., Boise, Idaho 83703 Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 11am–3pm Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes: 11am–3pm BULLETIN ITEMS: [email protected] WEBSITES & EMAIL /PAGINAS DE INTERNET Y CORREO ELECTRONICO Church/Iglesia: Email/Correo electrónico: [email protected] School/Escuela: ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME June 14, 2015 From Fr. Faucher I have been asked to make sure there is clarity about the ownership and future of the art in the church as I retire. I am very pleased to do this. I begin with some comments about items in Canon Law and especially in Book V of the Code of Canon Law. The code says that the church, and specifically a parish, called in the code a "juridic person," has the right to acquire and own "ecclesiastical goods." It can do this in many ways. One of them is have goods (or money to pay for goods) given to the church for a specific purpose— which is usually the case with art. Canon 1267.3 states that gifts given to the church cannot then be used for any purpose other than the intention of the donor. This is a very important part of canon law, and is mentioned in more than a dozen canons. In canonical language, these items cannot be "alienated", which means they cannot be sold or given away. The code also calls upon the administrator of churches to take care of the ecclesiastical goods. There are rules in canons 1282, 1283, and 1284 which say what an administrator must do. Writing out this list today is part of my responsibility as pastor/ administrator of Saint Mary’s, especially as I retire. To the extent possible, when the church was renovated in 2007, we tried to keep as many of the old sacred items as we could, such as the old statues, stations of the cross, tabernacle, cross over the old altar, and the medallions in the stained glass windows. These were gifts to the parish in the past and we respected the intention of the donors. In regard to the new art and ecclesiastical goods in the church, what follows is a list and clarification of ownership. 1. The following items belong to the parish by gift and cannot be alienated: THE ADORATION OF THE CHRIST CHILD PAINTING THE GREAT DOORS MUSICAL ROOF ANGELS THE SEATED MARY STATUE THE ROSES FOR MARY SHRINE THE "DEFIANT CHRIST" CROSS THE EPHESUS PROCESSIONAL CROSS THE ALTAR AND BAPTISMAL FONT GLASTONBURY CHAIRS STAINED GLASS MEDALLIONS THE HOLY OILS SHRINE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, PICTURE AND KNEELER METAL SCULPTURE OF ROSES ON OUTSIDE WALL, PARISH SYMBOL ICON– THE WEDDING FEAST OF CANA JESUS WASHING THE FEET OF PETER PIANO AND ORGAN OLD NATIVITY SCENE CHRISTMAS AND EASTER BANNERS BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL SCREEN GOSPEL BOOK AND COVER ALL THE SILVER CHALICES AND PATENS BLESSED SACRAMENT WALL PLAQUE AND SCULPTURE THE BRONZE EAGLE LECTERN THE SEA OF GALILEE PAINTING THE PAINTING OF MARY AND JESUS AT PLAY THE NARTHEX ROUND TABLE THE NARTHEX CABINET THE FOUR HIGH BENCHES IN THE NARTHEX THE PURPLE PRIEST AND DEACON VESTMENTS THE DAY CHAPEL ALTAR AND PRIEST CHAIRS THE ALTAR RUGS THE MIDDLE EASTERN ALTAR LINENS 2. The following items were purchased or given to the church without a promise of no alienation: THE CHRISTMAS & EASTER PROCESSIONAL CROSS THE DAY CHAPEL PARISHIONER CHAIRS THE CRY ROOM (SAINT ANN’S ROOM) FURNITURE THE GOLD, GREEN AND PURPLE CHALICES & PATENS MOST OF THE PRIEST AND DEACON VESTMENTS THE KNEELERS NARTHEX CHAIRS THE JARBOE VESTMENTS 3. The following are privately owned and are on loan to the parish: OLIVE WOOD NATIVITY SCENE WOODEN EAGLE LECTERN QUILT NEAR THE BACK DOOR FOUR RECTANGULAR NARTHEX TABLES ART IN THE RECONCILIATION ROOM AND SACRISTIES FATHER FAUCHER’S CHALICES AND PATENS THE CAMACHO AND FAUCHER VESTMENTS We have a long and wonderful history of the art in the church beginning with Father Creegan and continuing now into the pastorate of Father Worster. We are a very blessed parish community Father Tom Faucher ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME June 14, 2015 The Community of Saint Mary’s Parish, Boise, Idaho is pleased to invite you to a party to celebrate the coming retirement of Father W. Thomas Faucher. We will gather on Sunday, June 28, from 3 to 6 o’clock in the evening in the parish hall. Please come. La comunidad parroquial de Santa María tiene el placer de invitarles a la convivencia con motivo del retiro del Padre W. Thomas Faucher. El domingo 28 de Junio del presente de 3:00 a 6:00 de la tarde en el gimnasio de la escuela. Acompáñenos. From Fr. Camacho Las grandes construcciones comienzan con un ladrillo o una piedra. Una gran persona comienza en la fragilidad y sencillez de un niño. Los grandes acontecimientos se inician con una palabra o una decisión. Es decir, toda grandeza comienza con la sencillez de una semilla que se siembra. Esto nos lo enseña nuestro Señor y Maestro Jesucristo: el Reino de Dios comienza con una semilla que se siembra. Su amigo y servidor ~ Padre Jesús Camacho Large constructions begin with a brick or stone. A great person begins in the fragility and simplicity of a child. Great events begin with a word or a decision. That is, all greatness begins with the simplicity of a seed sown. This is a teaching from our Lord and Master Jesus Christ: the Kingdom of God begins with a seed that is planted. Your friend and servant ~ Father Jesus Camacho PARISH GIFT FOR FR. FAUCHER As a parish gift to Fr. Faucher on his 13 years as pastor of St. Mary’s and 42 years as priest, we are honoring his retirement with a monetary gift. The gift box is located at the parish office. Feel free to stop by any time during office hours to drop off your gift or put it in the collection basket at weekend Masses. Please make sure your gift or card is clearly labeled “For Fr. Faucher”. $91,490 WEEKLY UPDATE Our parish goal is $91,490 and so far we have received pledges of $77,392. If you have not yet made your contribution, please do so today. We have reached 85% of our goal; however, only 17% of our parishioners have donated. Every gift is important—and necessary—if our parish and diocese are to continue to effectively serve others. $77,392 ST. MARY’S SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS OPEN Space is still open in some classes at St. Mary’s Catholic School for the 2015-16 school year. Registration packets are available in the Saint Mary’s church narthex and parish office, or at http:// Tuition is affordable and financial aid is available. Our school is nationally recognized, accredited, and academically rigorous, and offers opportunities for our scholars’ lifelong personal and spiritual growth. Please consider this option for your family. We look forward to welcoming you! La escuela Católica de Santa María le avisa que todavía hay lugar para estudiantes en algunos grados para el ciclo escolar 20152016. Las formas para inscribir a sus hijos están disponibles en la iglesia y en la oficina parroquial, o también en el internet en el siguiente sitio: La colegiatura es accesible y también se ofrece apoyo económico. Nuestra escuela está acreditada, ha recibido reconocimientos nacionales, con un enfoque académico y ofrece oportunidades para el crecimiento espiritual y la educación de sus hijos. Gracias por su consideración. CHURCH CLEANING Could you spare one hour, once a month, on Thursday or Friday, after the 8:30am Mass to help us clean the church? We dust furniture, statues, window sills, altars, and sacristies. For more information, call Miriam Adams at 343-0186. ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME June 14, 2015 CALENDAR – CALENDARIO Ministry Schedule for June, 2015 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:45 AM Alt. Eucharistic Minister - Host 1 Head Eucharistic Minister - Host 2 Maryann Hogg Eucharistic Minister - Host 3 Eucharistic Minister- Host 4 Deacon Alternate - Cup 1 Eucharistic Minister - Cup2 Eucharistic Minister - Cup 3 Eucharistic Minister - Cup 4 Hospitality Captain Virginia Medek Vic Haus 90 + Birthday party, 3pm- Courtyard Monday June 15 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion after 8:30am Margo Mojica Rod Jaszkowiak Tom Ditter Eileen Hoobing Sandy Banta Isabell Yale Mass- Church Choir practice, 7pm- Church Tuesday June 16 Kathy Carney John Paul Betikoetxea Conversations with Fr. Camacho, 9am- parish office Estudio Bíblico, 7pm- Salón D Wed. June 17 Rich Canderan Gloria McDonald Karena Whitmore Thursday Choir practice, 7pm- Church June 18 Pláticas Bautismales, 7:30pm- Gimnasio Bailey Clifford Joan Haus Friday June 19 Jean Ihli Mark Oden Elaine Davis Adoration, 9am-3pm- Church Centering Prayer, 12pm- St. Anne’s Room Casillas-Rios wedding, 6pm- Church Larry and Jan Winner Thometz Family Mary Dunlop Elizabeth Mahoney Saturday June 20 Jaqueline Roman Quinceañera, 2pm- Church Blood pressure screening after evening Masses Sunday June 21 Blood pressure screening after all Masses Mary Dunlop Lectors Lector 1 Lector 2 Sunday June 14 Sat. June 20, 5pm Monica Pittman Christie Running Sun. June 21, 8:30am Tim Thometz Bob McQuade Sun. June 21, 10:45am Makambo Dimathas Marina Edwards Altar Servers Sat. June 20, 5pm Sun. June 21, 8:30am Sun. June 21, 10:45am Cross 1 Clare Throm Peter Wieber Declan Dunn Candle 1 Mary Running Connor Granvall Peyton Teply Candle 2 Millie Moore Patrick Ensch Sydney Teply WIN A TRIP FOR TWO TO SEE THE POPE IN PHILADELPHIA! How: Purchase a raffle ticket for $15. Enter as many times as you like. Cash, checks, or credit cards will be accepted. When: Drawing will take place at the Sacred Heart Parish Picnic, Saturday, June 20 after the 5pm Mass. Sponsored by Council 899 Knights of Columbus. Contact John Murphy, 830-8411, Skip Girard, 906-399-9640, or Sacred Heart Church, 344-8311. SUMMER MASSES IN STANLEY, IDAHO Masses will be held in Stanley at the Sawtooth Meditation Chapel on Airport Rd. on Saturday mornings at 9am through Saturday, September 5, except for Saturday, August 1 when there will be NO Mass. (This is a day & time change from last summer). Happy Father’s Day! HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY GATHERING. Sergio Garibay Olivares, a bilingual and bicultural student at BSU, and Meg Lawless would like to gather youth in grades 9-12, parents of youth, and other interested adults on June 24 at 7pm in the gym to discuss the formation of a youth ministry core team. Our hope is to have regular gatherings with all youth of our parish for catechesis, prayer, social, and service activities. Please contact Meg Lawless at the parish office for more information. REUNIÓN CON EL MINISTERIO DE JÓVENES ADOLESCENTES (nivel preparatoria) Sergio Garibay Olivares, estudiante de B.S.U. en conjunto con Meg Lawless, nuestra directora de instrucción religiosa de nuestro sector anglo parlante, desean invitar a los padres de nuestros jóvenes adolescentes a la reunión informativa este 24 de junio a las 7 de la tarde en el gimnasio, el objetivo es crear un grupo de adolescentes fuerte y bien organizado. El plan es mantener juntas de manera regular en las que nuestros jóvenes crezcan en la fe, en la oración y en su vida social por medio del sano entretenimiento. Por favor llamen a Meg Lawless a la oficina parroquial o deje un mensaje para Sergio y se lo haremos llegar. POSITION OPEN AT BISHOP KELLY- DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT The Director of Development is responsible for the school’s advancement program. Some responsibilities include an annual fund drive and estate planning. The Director will also be responsible for developing and maintaining active and productive relationships. Go to for a complete job description and how to apply. ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME June 14, 2015 PARISH MINISTRIES AND CONTACTS MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES Y CONTACTOS Altar Servers/Lectors Sam Murano-Esther Huerta/Sam Murano-Margarita Luna Bishop Kelly Rep/Representante Bryan Smith Mike Caldwell, Principal Music Director/Director Musical Patty Gabica-Haas Ray Lopez Choir Directors/Directores del Coro Robert Parsley Juan Moreno Benny Garcia Development & Finance Council/Consejo de Desarrollo y Finanzas Roy Schiele Nathan Drashner Bob Ancin Saul Huerta Merikay Jost Russ Calkins Lynn Sprague Food Bank Coordinator/Banco de Comida Red Edwards Faith Community Nursing Ministry Linda Bieker-Arkoosh/Christie Burke-Running Funeral Coordinator Blaise Bernal Knights of Columbus/Caballeros de Colón George Taylor Charlie Ruiz Magnificat/Revista Magnificat Joanne Lechner ([email protected]) Prayer Network/Cadena de Oración Lenora Brown, 376-5446 Prayer Network by Email [email protected] Prison Ministry/Ministerio de Prisión Bill Teske Carlos Castro Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos Carole Christensen Luis Carrillo Confirmation Confirmación Meg Lawless Rosi Terriquez Sacristan (Bilingual) Imanol Betikoetxea Salt and Light Ministry/ Sal y Luz Michelle Hill Liliana Tena St. Mary’s School Governing Board Emily Kane St. Mary’s School P.T.O. Dane Miller Small Church Communities/Estudio Bíblico Mary Johnson Socorro Lima/Martha García/Lupita Martínez PARISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL Chairperson ........... Robert Parsley ........... .703-2568 [email protected] Parish at Large....... Carol Herring……….....342-7476 [email protected] St. Anne .................. Marilyn Tratz .............. .342-3480 [email protected] St. Anthony…......... Catherine Dillon ……...344-9459 [email protected] ………...Barb Spence………... 424-5155 [email protected] St. Cecelia St. Francis .............. ….Pat Ware ............... 853-3813 [email protected] St. Joan St. Juan Diego........ Margo Mojica ............. 939-2053 [email protected] St. Michael …......Imanol Betikoetxea ......... 284-5225 [email protected] St. Theresa ............. Deb Ashworth ............ 336-7829 [email protected] St. Sylvester ........... Christine Landram ..... 908-3046 [email protected] St. Winefride……… Lauren Pennisi…........ 336-1697 CONSEJO HISPANO/HISPANIC COUNCIL Coordinadores/Coordinators Francisco y Socorro Corona…………………… 861-4846 Sub Coordinadores/Assisting Juan y Juana Sánchez…………………………. 466-4150 Tesorero/Treasury Alfredo Garibay …………...…………………. . 371-1612 Secretarios/Secretaries Jaime y Vicky Flores …………………………… 899-4742 Scripture Readings 11th Week in Ordinary Time June 14-21, 2015 SUN. MON. TUES. WED. Ez 17: 22-24; Ps 92: 2-3. 13-16; 2 Cor 5: 6-10; Mk 4: 26-34 2 Cor 6: 1-10; Ps 98: 1-4; Mt 5: 38-42 2 Cor 8: 1-9; Ps 146: 2. 5-6ab. 6c-7. 8-9a; Mt 5: 43-48 2 Cor 9: 6-11; Ps 112: 1-9; Mt 6: 1-6. 16-18 THURS. 2 Cor 11: 1-11; Ps 111: 1-8; Mt 6: 7-15 FRI. 2 Cor 11: 18. 21-30; Ps 34: 2-7; Mt 6: 19-23 SAT. SUN. 2 Cor 12: 1-10; Ps 34: 8-13; Mt 6: 24-34 Jb 38: 1. 8-11; Ps 107: 23-31; 2 Cor 5: 14-17; Mk 4: 35-41 ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME June 14, 2015 HELP US KEEP THE PARISH RECORDS UP-TO-DATE If you have changed your address, phone number, e-mail address, or any other of your contact information, please notify the parish office at 344-2597. Thank you! God Bless America ADDRESSING SEXUAL ORIENTATION Need someone to talk with, in strictest confidentiality, about your son’s, daughter’s or other family member’s sexual orientation? Fortunate Families, a national resource and networking ministry, was developed in response to the pastoral message from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Always Our Children 1997”, to help family members address the topic of sexual orientation. One way to accomplish this goal is to talk to people who have lived a similar experience. The Listening Parents Network (LPN) was created by Fortunate Families to provide this listening opportunity. Please go to: for more information. St. Mary’s local contacts are: Russ and Genie Calkins 331-7941 or genieac@ This is not a forum to debate the pros or cons of Church teachings on the issue. The church teachings are referenced in “Always Our Children” available at http:///www.usccb/laity/ always.shtml or on the bulletin board at St. Mary’s Church. HELPING THOSE IN NEED St. Vincent de Paul presents Summer Fest at Sacred Heart School Field on Saturday, June 27. This event begins at 5pm and includes German food, microbrew sampling, and live music by Roof or Revolution (Beatles tribute band). There will be a reverse car raffle of a 2015 Mazda 3. Only 300 tickets will be sold at $100 each. For more information, call 794-1223. Advertiser of the week Please Support Our Advertisers St. Mary’s Crossing Suite 200 BRADY 2537 W State LAW, 345-8400 CHARTERED Michael G. Brady David P. Claiborne Call us for an initial consultation Attorneys / Estate Planning Se habla Español Catholic owned (208) 629-7447 The Valley’s Only Cremation and Burial Experts 375-2212 [email protected] James K. Poulsen, DDS, MS Thanks to our advertisers, this bulletin is published weekly at no cost to the parish. If you are interested in advertising, please contact the Catholic Printery at 1-800-616-4138 Drum Lessons Concert - Marching - Drumset All Styles • All Ages Frank Mastropaolo 573-1020 ch223 2 locations to serve you 1453 West Hays • Boise • 345-6287 450 W. State Street • Eagle • 939-7100 When was the last time you called one of your advertisers for products or services? Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Georgia Wells-White, Parishioner Land, Sea, & Air Travel Specialist 851 S. Vista Ave., Boise [email protected] Steve Stech, CFP® 208-853-0891 Wealth Advisor & Certified Financial Planner™ Capital Financial Solutions, LLC Bus: 629-4660 Cell: 861-7190 St Mary’s Parishioner 6663 N Glenwood St, Boise, ID 83714 Securities offered through J.P. Turner & Company, LLC (Member SIPC) George Tway J.P. Turner & Company, LLC is not affiliated with Capital Financial Solutions, LLC Jeffrey B. Kesling, DDS • Cosmetic Dentistry • Gentle Family Atmosphere • Preventive Dentistry • Nitrous Oxide New Patients Always Welcome Liberty Medical Park | 900 North Liberty, Suite 304, Boise, ID 83704 Adjacent to St. Alphonsus Hospital family harmony is our priority Laptop Repair Centers 9351 W State, Boise 853-0302 Emergency Service Service 24/7 Emergency 24/7 Boise 208.377.0113 Se Habla Español Tom E. Heffner (208) 345-8311 3601 Overland Rd Boise [email protected] Brian Flowers: Eagle 208.938.5825 Catholic Owned and Operated Plumbing service and remodels: leaks, water heaters, fixtures, drain stoppages, etc. Restoration: Flood, Fires, Smoke, Mold Proud parent of Sacred Heart Students Emergency Service 24/7 and Knights of Columbus Member P.O. Box 81026 Seattle, WA 98108-1026 1-800-616-4138 Call Sheila Miller • 344-2747 Computer Repair ©CPI - 223 - Family Vacations,Tours, Cruises & Business Travel 342-4885 Boise Boise 208.377.0113 Eagle 208.938.5825 208.377.0113 Eagle 208.938.5825 James P. Kaufman 1211 W Myrtle St STE 300 | 342.4591 | Plantation Place Assisted Living Located near St. Mary’s Catholic Church We recognize the importance of staying connected to your religious beliefs and fulfilling your spiritual needs. Weekly Communion and monthly Mass are offered to our residents. Also, we provide a weekly Focus on Faith Forum. ©2009 Allstate Insurance Company It’s a FANTASTIC time to Sell or Buy a home. Let me answer ANY and ALL of your questions. ASK ME ABOUT OUR HOME SALE GUARANTEE. A donation of up to $2,000 will be made for every closed transaction to the Catholic Ministry of your choice! Your Treasure Valley Realtor John Lee 208-703-2868 [email protected] Stop by and have coffee with us 3921 Kessinger Lane 208-853-7300 DeMeyer Furniture & Mattress 3530 E. Franklin Road, Meridian 3530 E. Franklin Road Meridian • 855-2700 *if you are currently listed with a broker this is not intended as a solicitation. Closing Loans & Opening YOUR LODoors ANO Since 1960 * Local Processing *Local Funding N TIM E EVERY T IM E KELLIE ALLEN FHA*VA*IHFA*Conventional*Jumbo Kellie Allen Loan Consultant Direct 208-489-2824 Cell 208-941-4914 [email protected] Guild Mortgage Company 12592 W. 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