PARISH SACRAMENTAL AND PRAYER 8:30 am MONDAY, AUGUST 3 Bartolomeo Mongiello, Carmen Maccario, Special Intention 8:30 am TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 Thomas Horstmann, Sr., Mary Peoples, Eric Paul Reinertsen 8:30 am WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 Michael J. Roberto, Paul Trautman, Leo J. Bartinique, Jr. 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 am 9:15 am 11:15 am THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 Salvatore Salerno, Rose C. Cochario, Bartolomeo Mongiello, Special Intention FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 Martin Jennings, Gilda Ricca SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 The Gaetano Ammirato Family Philip Del Giudice, Angela Cosimelo, Anne Sapio, William Fitze, Philomena & Saverio Allocco For the people of the parish SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 Leonard McAdams, Caroline Forte, Phyllis Giannone, Linda Barrett, Mary Guerriero John & Josephine Forte, Charles Aiden Morrissey, Dominic & Anna Sottile, Michael Kearney, Philip DeBiasse The Mueller Family, John Stewart, Alice Boemio, Anthony Cavazza, Catherine Vecchiarelli, Valerian Crasto The Altar Bread and Wine For the Week of August 9 - 15, 2015 are in memory of: Dominic De Marzo Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20) We welcome into the Roman Catholic Church those who were baptized: Noah Angelil Baez who was baptized July 25, 2015 “Is anyone among you suffering? They should pray . . . is anyone among you sick? They should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” (James 5:13,14) PRAY FOR THE SICK Helene Turner, Joan Burke, Mikey Nichols, Fr. Ron Sordillo, Charlotte McVeigh, Richard Reilly, Skip Bohse, Kristen Powers, Michelle Garrubbo, Noah Stanzione, Muriel Rafter, Susan Zuzuro, Nancy Ann Roberts, Laura Walsh, Madeline "Sookie" Lepre, Michael "Mickey" Esposito, Faye Kruger, Francis Murphy, Jeff Burton, Kristen Curcio, Bruce Merli, Bob Donnelly “Lord for your faithful people life is changed not ended. When the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death we gain an everlasting dwelling place in heaven.” Roman Missal, Preface of Christian Death PRAY FOR THE DEAD Linda Squires (sister of Deb Kollasch), Eileen Wainwright FINANCIAL BLESSINGS The weekend collection for Saturday/Sunday, July 25/26 amounted to $19,260.00. Your generosity to our Church is gratefully appreciated. CHILDREN'S COLLECTION Our children’s collection for Sammy's Friends Foundation for the weekend of July 25/26 amounted to $28.00. Thank you girls and boys for helping. AUGUST 2, 2015 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME During the summer weeks, we will be featuring information about the upcoming Jubilee of Mercy, “Misericordiae Vultus” (“The Face of Mercy”) and opportunities for you to become more involved and immersed in this year. Please follow in the bulletin or on our website. This Excerpt from Pope Francis’ March 13, 2015 Announcement challenges us to learn more about the mercy of God: “Jesus urges each of us never to stop at the surface of things, especially when we have a person before us. We are called to look beyond, to focus on the heart in order to see how much generosity everyone is capable of. No one can be excluded from the mercy of God; everyone knows the way to access it and the Church is the house where everyone is welcomed and no one is rejected. Her doors remain wide open, so that those who are touched by grace may find the assurance of forgiveness. The greater the sin, the greater the love that must be shown by the Church to those who repent. With much love Jesus looks at us! With much love He heals our sinful heart! Our sins never scare Him. Let us consider the prodigal son who, when he decided to return to his father, considers making a speech, but the father doesn’t let him speak. He embraces him (Lk 15:17-24). This is the way Jesus is with us. “Father, I have so many sins....” — “But He will be glad if you go: He will embrace you with such love! Don’t be afraid”. Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought of how the Church may render more clear her mission to be a witness to mercy; and we have to make this journey. It is a journey which begins with spiritual conversion. Therefore, I have decided to announce an Extraordinary Jubilee which has at its centre the mercy of God. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live in the light of the word of the Lord: “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36).” Pope Francis, March 13, 2015 PARISH PLANNING MEETING FOR THE JUBILEE OF MERCY Aug. 5 and Aug. 20 at 7:30 PM and Sept. 27 at 2:30 PM in the Media Center Do you want to study Pope Francis’ The Face of Mercy? Would you like to come together and pray for our parish’s efforts during this Jubilee? Can you offer your insights and experience as we design a plan for the year? Please join us on this journey to prepare. Contact Jan for more info at [email protected] STEP INTO THE FUTURE OF SVMS To date we have been blessed with $1,654,910.16 from 199 families plus the HSA. We thank you for bringing us closer to our goal of 2 million dollars! To make a gift please make checks payable to SVMS Addition and mail to the Parish Office. PRAYER Want to join our Church? Do you have questions about the Catholic Faith? Have you been attending Mass for years but never been Baptized or initiated into the Catholic Community? SUNDAY READINGS EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 The Israelites complain that Moses led them to the desert and there is no food for them there. Then the Lord told Moses he would rain down bread from heaven so the people might know that I, the Lord, am your God. God did as he had promised and in the morning the people found the bread that he had given them. Second Reading: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 Paul tells the Ephesians that they must give up their old way of life and live in accordance with the truth that Christ has brought them. He reminds them to acquire a spiritual way of thinking, and to remember that they are made in God's image and act accordingly. Gospel: John 6:24-35 The people Jesus had fed on five loaves of bread follow him, and Jesus tells them they should not be looking for perishable food, but for spiritual food. The people want a sign that they should believe in him. He explains that he is the bread of life, and anyone who believes will not experience hunger or thirst. The people did not fully understand that he was speaking in the spiritual sense, and not of actual food. Are members of your family or friends Catholic and you are curious about the faith? Contact Jan Figenshu at 973-377-4000 ext. 253 or [email protected] to discuss the RCIA process and how it can help you to answer your questions about the Catholic Faith. Save the Date Women’s Cornerstone November 6 - 7, 2015 Weekly Inquiry Sessions begin in September! DAILY READINGS EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 Monday Nm 11:4b-15; Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday Nm 12:1-13; Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday Nm 13:1-2, 25—14:1, 26-29a, 34-35; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10 First Friday Dt 4:32-40; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday Dt 6:4-13; Mt 17:14-20 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL - THANK YOU Thanks to all who helped make our annual Mass and reception in Honor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel a huge success. A special thank you to our pastor, Fr. George and also Fr. Darwin. A total of $252.00 was donated to the church and will be used to help the poor. Thank you for your generosity. Joan Graziano THANK YOU FROM THE KOLLASCH FAMILY A heartfelt thank you for all the prayers for my sister, Linda Squires, during her illness. She is now safely in heaven in the arms of our loving God. EDUCATION YOUTH NEWS Registrations for the 2015-2016 calendar year have been sent out. Please return at your earliest convenience to the Youth Ministry office completed. If you did not receive one, please contact Jody Costello at 973-3774000, ext. 301 or email [email protected]. CHRISTIAN FORMATION A Family Perspective In today's Gospel Jesus tells us: "Do not work for what perishes." Give your life to what endures such as the family history you are creating, the love and mutual respect which bonds you together, the memories you share and the forgiveness generously given. These are the true treasures that are worth working and dying for. Religious Education Registration ( K - 8th) - 2015-2016 All enrolled this past academic year should have received a re-registration form so we ask that you kindly update it and return it the office promptly. Sixth graders all move into our Junior High Program. If you have a child going into high school you should be receiving information from Youth Ministry, the Confirmation Program, whose Director is Ms. Anne Marie Gisoldi. Their registration and payment is separate from ours. The information for registration should be addressed to Jody Costello, Secretary at [email protected], 973-377-4000 ext. 301. For new families interested in registering, please contact us for a program brochure with your education options. We ask that you carefully consider which option best suits the way your child learns and what is best for the family as a whole. Space can sometimes be limited in certain programs so we urge you to return your completed paperwork in a timely fashion. For preschool children, please contact us to learn more about the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program. If your child has special needs, we also can share with you about our God’s Rainbow program. One great way to evangelize and spread the word about the love of Jesus is to invite others to come to know Him. Please contact Denise Stefanelli, Director of Christian Formation, 2nd floor, Ministry Center for further questions, additional information or concerns at 973377-4000, Ext. 251 or [email protected]. Seeking Interested Catechists (Traditional Monday Program- CCD): In the Community Going to Rutgers in New Brunswick? The Catholic Center is looking forward to welcoming students to the campus. There are many activities to begin the new school year. Check them out at the Involvement Fair on September 7!! Visit their website at for more information. Corpus Christi Parish, Chatham is sponsoring a trip to Portugal and Spain with Msgr. Mahoney from October 14 - 23. Spend two nights in Fatima, a night in Braga, two nights in Santiage de Compostela, a night in Avila and two nights in Madrid. There will be many exciting visits on this tour. For more information please call 973-5381700. If you are moving into our parish - Welcome! If you have a change of addresss, moving out of the area or wish envelopes please call the Parish Office to let us know so we may update our records. Our Parish Webite . . . . Did you know that you can find all sorts of information on our website - from the Mass schedule, funeral information, download forms for Christian Formation and Youth Ministry, news of upcoming events and much more? Visit our Parish Website at Communion to the Sick and Homebound If you think you may be interested in teaching in the fall on Monday afternoons from 3:30 - 5:00 pm, please contact the Christian Formation Office for further details. All training and instruction is provided. Catechists and aides needed for grades K-5. Our parish has a ministry to those who are sick and homebound and wish to receive Communion on Fridays. If you know of anyone who wishes to receive please call the Parish Office. San Vincente mártir “Experiencia hispana” Rev. Msgr. George F. Hundt, x Parroco 101 [email protected] Rev. Darwin Lastra, Vicario [email protected] Deacon Robert Morton, Diacono permanente [email protected] Domingo XVIII del Tiempo Ordinario Ellos le dijeron: “¿Qué necesitamos para llevar a cabo las obras de Dios?” Respondió Jesús: “La obra de Dios consiste en que crean en aquel a quien él ha enviado”. Entonces la gente le preguntó a Jesús: “¿Qué signo vas a realizar tú, para que la veamos y podamos creerte? ¿Cuáles son tus obras? Nuestros padres comieron el maná en el desierto, como está escrito: Les dio a comer pan del cielo”. X 102 X Deacon Martin Diacono transitorio [email protected] X 194 Mrs. Jan Figenshu, Asociada Pastoral [email protected] X 253 Mrs. Denise Stefanelli, Dir. Ed. Religiosa [email protected] X 251 Ms. Anne Marie Gisoldi, X Dir. Jóvenes 300 [email protected] Mrs. Kathy Simonelli, Administradora [email protected] X 105 Mrs. Diane Wallace, Secretaria [email protected] X 106 Mrs. Patricia Caccavale, X Recepcionista 100 [email protected] Mrs. Liz Vacchiano, Sec. Ed. Cristiana [email protected] X 252 Mrs. Jody Costello, Sec. Jovenes [email protected] X 301 La colecta del Pasado 25 de Julio fue de $107 Dólares. Dios multiplique su generosidad. hombre; porque a éste, el Padre Dios lo ha marcado con su sello”. Jesús les respondió: “Yo les aseguro: No fue Moisés quien les dio pan del cielo; es mi Padre quien les da el verdadero pan del cielo. Porque el pan de Dios es aquel que baja del cielo y da la vida al mundo”. Lecturas del domingo XVIII del tiempo Ordinario Primera Lectura: Ex 16, 2-4, 12-15 Segunda Lectura: Ef. 4, 17, 20-24 Evangelio San Juan 6, 24-35 En aquel tiempo, cuando la gente vio que en aquella parte del lago no estaban Jesús ni sus discípulos, se embarcaron y fueron a Cafarnaúm para buscar a Jesús. Al encontrarlo en la otra orilla del lago, le preguntaron: “Maestro, ¿cuándo llegaste acá?” Jesús les contestó: “Yo les aseguro que ustedes no me andan buscando por haber visto señales milagrosas, sino por haber comido de aquellos panes hasta saciarse. No trabajen por ese alimento que se acaba, sino por el alimento que dura para la vida eterna y que les dará el Hijo del Entonces le dijeron: “Señor, danos siempre de ese pan”. Jesús les contestó: “Yo soy el pan de la vida. El que viene a mí no tendrá hambre y el que cree en mí nunca tendrá sed”. Registracion Se encuentra abierta la inscripcion para la formacion Cristiana los grados Kindergarten hasta 8th grado de 2015 Septiembre. Las formas estan disponibles en la oficina de formacion Cristiana el 2nd piso del Centro de Pastoral o Pongase en contacto con Denise Stefanelli con cualquier pregunts, 973-377-4000 ext. 251 o Liz Vacchiano, 973-377-4000 ext. 252. Para tener en cuenta! Recuerden que durante el tiempo de Verano, la Misa en español se estará celebrando los sábados a las 7 pm.
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