A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg Sacraments Parish Staff Mass Schedule Parish Office Hours Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 P.M. Sunday Masses: 7:30 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. Daily Mass: As listed in the weekly bulletin Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 P.M. Holy Day Masses: 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon Sacrament of Baptism: Couples anticipating the birth of a child should call the Pastor two or three months prior to the anticipated birth. Chosen Godparents must be able to provide a Sponsor Certificate from their respective parishes. Baptisms are usually scheduled either within the Sunday Liturgy at 10:00 A.M. or after the 10:00 A.M. Mass. It is the choice of the parents. Baptism at other times may be arranged with the Pastor. Pastor: Rev. Peter L. Peretti Priest in Residence: Rev. James Clark Pastoral Associate: Mrs. Nancy Blake Parish Secretary: Mrs. Karen Muzika Sacrament of Marriage: Couples planning marriage are to make arrangements at least six months before the anticipated marriage. They are to call to register the date of their anticipated marriage in the Parish Mass Book up to one year or more ahead of time. The couple are then to schedule an appointment with the Pastor after the date is registered in the Parish Mass Book. www.stmaryuniontown.org [email protected] Sacrament of Holy Orders: Anyone interested in learning more about the vocation to priesthood, is invited to contact the Pastor, or the Diocesan Office of Clergy Vocations at 724-8370901. Mon.–Fri.: 9:00 A.M.–Noon; 1:00–4:00 P.M. Parish Website & Email Parish Address Confessions Saturday beginning at 3:30PM, by request before Daily Mass or by appointment by calling the Rectory. 61 N. Mt. Vernon Ave. Uniontown, PA 15401 Phones Rectory/Office: (724) 437-1512 Fax (724) 437-7482 Convent: (724) 437-5478 Protecting God’s Children: If you have a concern about sexual abuse of a child or young person by any in a parish or Diocesan position—clergy, volunteer or paid staff—please contact Bishop Brandt’s delegate for matters of sexual misconduct. He may be reached at 724-837-0901, Ext. 1221. Bulletin deadline: Friday afternoon, ten days prior to the Sunday that you are requesting the notice to appear. February 1, 2015 ST. MARY (NATIVITY) CHURCH UNIONTOWN, PA Ministry of Spiritual Support The month of FEBRUARY is dedicated to the HOLY FAMILY, reminding us of the sacredness of our own family and its members. The intentions for the Ministry of Spiritual Support for this month are: That all families may be rooted in the example of the Holy Family... That those who have no family on earth may experience the love and support of their Christian family... Memorial Candles For the Week of January 31 to February 6 The Sanctuary Lamp is burning in memory of Edward Zapach by Wife, Martha. The Blessed Mother Candle is burning in memory of Carolyn Mrowca by Joyce Puskar. The Sacred Heart Candle is burning in memory of Richard Saltrick by Sister, Lucille S. Nixon. Father Clark has celebrated the following Mass Intentions at St. Mary (Nativity) Church or as part of his health care ministry at area nursing homes: Pearl Kupets by Angela Quaranto & Susan Quaranto-Clark (12/23); Dorothy Labuda by Tom & Kathy Johns (12/26); Tom Shaffer by Elizabeth Krizner (12/27); Bertha Rochek by Bob & Sue Szelc (12/28); Daniel Fronczek by M/M Michael Galluzzo (12/31); Frank Horvath by M/M Gary Sisson (1/1); Kathleen Gebe by Chuck & Karen Riser (1/2); Randall Kusniar by Tom & Amy George & Karly (1/3); Michael Nestor by Wife, Roberta & Family (1/8); Margaret Podlogar by Susan & Alicia Lusetti (1/9); Paul Blycheck by Ken & Dorothy Marcinko (1/12); Sandy Mohall by Mary & Anthony Filicky (1/18); Katherine Stepanik by Larry & Rosalie Shotter (1/19); Eugene Bartock by Larry & Mary Ann Kiefer & Family (1/20); Dr. Anthony Krizner by John Vaclavik (1/21); Mildred Morris by Phil & Eleanor McGrogan (1/23); Theodore Vitti by Regina Cindric (1/25); Mary C. Shimko by Denise & Rick Bobincheck (1/26). The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry collection request for February is: A through G - Pasta, cereal, crackers, cookies, etc. H through N - Canned fruits. O through T - Canned vegetables. U through Z - Personal hygiene items: soap, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. During these colder months, assistance offered by the St. Vincent de Paul Society peaks. Your spiritual and material support is greatly appreciated. Thought for the Week In today’s gospel Jesus casts out an unclean spirit. At first glance we may see this as an "exorcism" in the fashion popularized by Hollywood movies featuring a tenacious priest battling it out with belligerent minions of Satan. On the other hand, Mark may be saying that Jesus encountered a heckler - like one who comes to an assembly for the sole purpose of shouting obscenities at the speaker. In other words, not all demons are denizens of hell. The evil spirits that possess us are often the products of our own prejudice mind or fractured personality. They are referred to in popular terminology as bad attitudes. Their names are legion: jealousy, cynicism, envy, anger, impatience, lack of compassion, fear, criticism, insecurity, prejudice, selfishness, gossip...the list could go on. All of them find a comfortable home deep in the dark recesses of my heart, and wreak havoc upon my ability to live in peace with my neighbor. These are the devils that so frequently bring pain and suffering into the life of those whom I am called to love. They are so insidious and destructive because we think of them as qualities that are only human, when they are instead totally inhumane. They destroy happiness, erode friendships, and kill love. Today, I need to ask myself: What unclean spirits possess my soul? Am I sulky and bad tempered when I don't get my way? Do I find myself relishing gossip about the faults and foibles of a fellow worker, friend, or parishioner? Do I envy those who are more successful or popular than I? Do I usually attribute a bad motive to another person's good deed? When others are being praised for their accomplishments do I find myself tearing them down? Could it be that I am the man in the synagogue? Creighton University's Online Ministries. Used with permission. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Lenten Devotional Booklets Lent will be here in a few weeks. St. Mary (Nativity) Parish will again provide the Lenten issues of The Word Among Us for your family’s use at home. These daily meditation booklets contain the scripture readings and a reflection for each day along with several timely articles for the Season of Lent. The booklets will be available on the tables at the church entrances while our supply lasts. Ash Wednesday Fish Dinner Preparations are underway for the Annual St. Mary (Nativity) Christian Mothers Fish Dinner which will take place on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015. At the present time, the Christian Mothers are requesting monetary donations to help defray expenses for the dinner. Checks may be made out to St. Mary Christian Mothers and dropped in the collection basket or mailed to Susan Palencik, 305 Virginia Circle, Uniontown, PA 15401. Additional details about the dinner and ticket sales will be in the bulletin next week. Ladies of Charity The Ladies of Charity of St. Mary (Nativity) Church will meet on Thurs., February 5, 2015, at 10AM in the Parish Center. New members are welcome to attend. Women at the Well The next gathering of Women at the Well will be Thursday, February 5, 2105, at 6:00 PM in the Parish Center. All women seeking to discover and deepen their personal spirituality in today’s world are encouraged to attend. Children’s Envelopes Children’s 2015 Offertory Envelopes are available in the back vestibule of the church. Envelope numbers have changed, so please be sure to return the enclosed form to the Parish Office with your first contribution. PLEASE NOTE: Some have begun using the new envelopes but did not return the form. We need your name with the new envelope number to assure that proper credit is given. We ask all youth to place their name on the next contribution envelope they use. Book Signing Event - “A Holy Dwelling Place: The History of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral” Bishop Connare Center, Gbg: Sun., Feb. 8, 24PM. Call 724-834-7350 for info. World Meeting of Families Diocesan Pilgrimages to Philadelphia Papal visit, Sept. 2015. Details at www.dioceseofgreensburg.org. Register by Feb. 15. Night at the Races - St. Edward Church, Herminie: Sat., Feb. 14, 7:30PM. Food, beverages $15/person. Call Dawna, 724-446-1802, for info. Anyone wishing to order fresh flowers for the church for a special occasion or for the weekend is asked to contact the Parish Office prior to ordering the flowers so that your date will be reserved and these fresh arrangements can be spaced over different weekends. At your request, an acknowledgement will be placed in our parish bulletin. Your cooperation is appreciated. Bulletin Announcements Written announcements for the parish bulletin should be brought directly to the Parish Office, e-mailed to [email protected], or placed in the collection basket. Since most of next week’s bulletin is prepared over the previous weekend, announcements must be submitted by Friday, ten days prior to the weekend on which you want your announcement to appear. Announcements are not taken by phone. Thank you for your cooperation. Keep Christmas with You.... CD Recordings of the Traditional and Slovak carols sung by the Adult Choir in concert prior to the Christmas “Midnight” Mass and broadcast on WMBS on Christmas Day are available for purchase at $5 each. To obtain a CD, contact Nancy Kalasky at 724-439-0774, or any member of the Choir before or after the 10AM Mass. These CD’s would make a cherished keepsake for your family or bring fond memories to relatives who are now homebound or have moved from the area. Quantities are limited. FOURTHSUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SATURDAY 4:30 P.M. SUNDAY 7:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. January 31 Eleanor Grote by Ed Hamborsky February 1 Margaret & Robert Monaghan by Tom & Nanette Ninos Pro Populo Regional Mass at Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Fairchance MONDAY 8:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY 8:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. SATURDAY 4:30 P.M. SUNDAY 7:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. February 2 Daniel Fronczek by Ed Beck & Family Children’s Faith Formation In the Parish Center February 3 Frank Horvath by M/M Mark Horvath Sacred Heart Prayer Group February 4 Dorothy Burzawa Griffith by Dolores & Bill Manyak February 5 Kathleen Gebe by M/M Frank Zorichak February 6 Elizabeth Vitti by Dgtrs., Kathleen & Patricia February 7 Pro Populo February 8 Katherine Stepanik by Edward & Katherine Sumego Mildred Morris by Eileen Gmitter Regional Mass at Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Fairchance ST. MARY (NATIVITY) CHURCH Mass Servers SATURDAY February 7 4:30 P.M. M. Krizner, I. Krizner. SUNDAY February 8 7:30 A.M. A. Pisano, M. Shimko. 10:00 A.M. J. Pierce, M. Pierce. Lectors and extraordinary ministers SATURDAY February 7 4:30 P.M. M. Gibson / M. Pisano, M. Kosco, M. Shimko, K. Casterwiler, D. Kukan. SUNDAY February 8 7:30 A.M. J. Gruskowski / R. Blycheck, D. Miller, D. Centofanti, C. Coldren, B. Pillar. 10:00 A.M. C. Wanson / L. Kushnar, M. Nicol, J. Hughes, J. Walters, D. Braum. Money counters Sunday, February 1 - Counting Team 7 Sunday, February 8 - Counting Team 8 Collection report Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Adults: $5,539.00 Youth: $26.00 Energy: $32.00 Second Collection This Weekend The Special Collection this weekend for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe illuminates the way for the people of the region by helping Catholic organizations offer affordable shelter, training for seminarians, catechesis, and pastoral care. Your donation toward this collection helps to restore the Church and build the future in the aftermath of Soviet rule. Your generosity in this annual collection is greatly appreciated.
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