Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) February 8, 2015 St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church 7232 KY 56, Owensboro, KY 42301 Ph: 270-771-4436 Fax: 1-866-856-7191 Ÿ Rel. Ed. 270-771-4438 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 am Weekdays: Tuesday-Saturday 7:00 am Holy Day: Contact Parish Office FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Mark A. Buckner [email protected] DRE: Debi Hopkins [email protected] Office Manager: Patti J. Bartley [email protected] Bookkeeper: Sherleye Goff [email protected] Youth Minister: Crissy Stevenson, [email protected] Minister of Music: Jacob Hein [email protected] PASTORAL COUNCIL Bryan Ebelhar, Mike Jones Brad Cecil, Sarah O’Bryan and Mark Payne FINANCE COUNCIL Larry Elder; Kenny Knott; Rebecca Schwartz, Rita Wood ST. MARY MAGDALENE CEMETERY Contact the Parish Office- 771-4436 Congratulations to our Confirmation Class 2015 May the Holy Spirit continue to guide their lives. SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Contact Pastor for Instructions. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 3:30pm; anytime by appointment. MARRIAGES: Contact the pastor six months in advance to begin marriage preparation. WELCOME TO OUR PARISH If you are a visitor to St. Mary Magdalene, we want to welcome you. If you are new to the parish, please call the office at (771-4436) to register in the parish. Office hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:30am to 2:30 pm. 2 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) February 8, 2015 LITURGICAL MINISTERS for Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:30PM Chris Kamuf Brad Cecil Theresa Payne Eucharistic Ministers Charlotte Kamuf Phil & Cathy Ebelhar Danny & Sharon Ebelhar Leslie Ebelhar Sue O'Bryan Marissa Elder Darlene Thomas Louis & Nick Szemethy Kristen & Alison Ebelhar Trendon & Treson Byrne John Boarman Fred Greenwell Brad Ebelhar John O’Bryan Lector Monday, Feb. 9th No Mass Tuesday, 7:00 AM Feb. 10th Mike Goff Altar Servers Wednesday, 7:00 AM Feb. 11th Mike & Faye Riney Ushers/Greeters Mitch Knott Thursday, 7:00 AM Feb. 12th Hugh Bosley, Jr. Friday, 7:00AM Feb. 13th June Ebelhar Saturday, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM Feb. 14th George Ballard Brittany Damin Sunday, 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Feb. 15th Parishioners June Ebelhar READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 Friday: Gn 3:1-8; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10 Wes Knott Minister to the Sick: Mag Kaelin 771-4464 weekend of Feb. 15th February Church Cleaners: Terry Knott (Captain), Mary Ann Knott Sabrina Ebelhar, Christy Gilles, Susan Knott, Lisa Knott, Lorie Knott Carol Shepherd HEALING MINISTRY During Jesus’ ministry “he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons.” This is the case in today’s Gospel. Jesus fulfills the vision of Psalm 147: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Jesus knew, however, that he couldn’t possibly heal all the illness in the world. No matter how many people he cured or how many hours he ministered, there always would be more suffering people like Job who craved his healing touch. His primary mission was not to rid the world of all suffering. His “purpose” was to preach the coming of the reign of God that heals, yes, but ultimately transcends and transforms earthly suffering. With Paul, Jesus could have said, “Woe to me if I do not preach” that good news. . Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co NEW PARISHIONERS St. Mary Magdalene welcomes all newcomers to our Parish Family. We would be honored to have you as a member. Please fill out this section, cut out, and turn in or mail it to the Parish Office. We will send you papers for membership.. Name________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________ 3 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Job finds life on earth to be drudgery; he is filled with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). Psalm — Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted (Psalm 147). Second Reading — Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. I have become all things to all, to save at least some (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23). Gospel — Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases (Mark 1:29-39). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved February 8, 2015 Rummage Sale on March 6th and 7th Please, Begin Saving Items!! Help needed: pricing items during the week, helping with the sale on Friday and Saturday, and clean up on Saturday after the sale. If you can donate an hour of your time or all day it will be greatly appreciated. I promise you will not only benefit the parish but yourself as well. This is a great opportunity to meet different members of your parish family and have a good time!! Please call the Parish Office or email [email protected] and let us know. Thank you!! Welcome new Parish Council Member, Mark Payne Thank you for your willingness to serve our parish. Mark will join existing members, Brad Cecil, Bryan Ebelhar, Sara O’Bryan, and Mike Jones. Thank you to the many other nominees who were so open to serve our parish. A heartfelt thank you to Joey Smith, for serving the Parish for 3 years on the council. Palm needed… Please bring your blessed palm back to church for making of the ashes to be used on Ash Wednesday. Owensboro Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance OCS in partnership with our local parishes provides $900,000 in needs-based tuition assistance. If you would like to learn more about how the tuition assistance process works, or would like a tuition assistance packet – contact Ashley or Keith at Owensboro Catholic Schools - 270-686-8896. Applying for tuition assistance does not commit you to enroll – it simply gives you additional data in order for you to make an informed decision. Tuition assistance forms that are turned in by February 13, 2015, will participate in the initial aid pool. This is when the majority of tuition assistance will be awarded. TOWN HALL MEETINGS FOR SYNOD OF BISHOPS In preparation for the October, 2015 Synod of Bishops, Pope Francis is encouraging widespread consultation in dioceses around the world on questions concerning marriage and family life. Bishop Medley invites your input at Town Hall Meetings to be held across the diocese. Add your voice to those of Catholics across the globe. The first two meetings were very well received. Bishop Medley looks forward to meeting you at one of the next Town Hall meetings. There are two more Town Hall Meetings: Thursday, February 12 – Holy Spirit Parish, Bowling Green, 6:00 -8:00 PM Thursday, February 19 – Blessed Mother Parish, Owensboro, 6:00-8:00 PM Your input will be conveyed to the Synod of Bishops in a report submitted by Bishop Medley at the conclusion of the listening sessions. 4 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) February 8, 2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Parish Religious Education Program NOTE: PREP is “off” this Sunday, Feb. 8, because of Confirmation. We resume sessions on next Sunday, Feb. 15th and on Feb. 22nd. ABOUT CONFIRMATION In the early Church, Baptism and Confirmation were celebrated in a single ceremony. It is still done this way in the churches of the Eastern Church. In the Roman Catholic Church, (the Church of the West), the two sacraments gradually separated. The Church in the West wanted the bishop to complete a person’s initiation. As the Church grew and the bishops ministered over ever larger territories, the bishop could not be present for every Baptism. So began the custom of gathering groups of baptized Catholics together later so that the bishop could confirm them all at one time. In the process, over time, the reception of the Eucharist came before the celebration of Confirmation. In a number of dioceses, the Sacrament of Confirmation is now celebrated before the reception of the Eucharist. This “restored order” returns the celebration of Confirmation to its original place, after Baptism in the Sacraments of Initiation, with the Eucharist completing Christian initiation. In the United States, the designated age for Confirmation is between the ages of discretion and the age 16. In order to be confirmed, a person: 1. Must have reached the age of discretion, which is defined as about the age of seven; 2. Profess the Catholic faith and desire to receive the sacrament; 3. Be in a state of grace; Be ready to live as a witness to Jesus Christ. Receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Christian’s relationship with God is made stronger. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are strengthened: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. In this way the Christian is equipped to become a better witness to Christ in the world. In Confirmation, the Christian becomes more closely united with Christ. With the strengthening of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit the Christian is able to accept new responsibilities for witnessing Jesus to the world . For this, and much more about the Catholic Faith, see: Confirmation Class of 2015 Trendon Heath Byrne Justin Blake Dunn Keaton Edward Durham Brooklyn Jean Fogle Valerie Michelle Gillim Cameron Thomas Horsley Allison Rose Knott Wes Aaron Knott Chandler Reisz Krampe Hannah Marie Latham Katelyn M. Murphy Emma Grace O’Bryan Spencer Michael Osborne Faith Jordan Payne Hannah Beth Payne Nathan Lawrence Roberts Jacob Ezekiel Smith Natalie Marie Smith Louis Clifton Szemethy Ava Marie Thompson Molly MeeHe’ Ward Jillian Michelle Wheatley Dorrian Andrew White Hannah Elizabeth Wood The following very special people assisted Crissy and Debi with weekly Confirmation sessions, serving as “table leaders,” in addition to overall support: Chris Kamuf Melissa Osborne Mark Payne Toni Thompson Lisa Ward 5 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) February 8, 2015 Upcoming Youth Dates February 8– Middle School Youth 5:00-6:00 PM; High School Youth 6:30-8:30 PM February 15– No Youth Group (3 day weekend with Presidents Day) February 20-22– TEC at Gasper River February 22– 6:30-8:30 Middle & High School Bowling Night 6:30-8:30 PM at the Bowlodrome Youth 2000: is scheduled for March 13-15 at Brescia University. This is for anyone who is at least 13 years old. This is a Eucharistic Centered 3-day retreat. For applications, please see Crissy. The registration fee is $50 (which includes snacks and 2 meals). Parents are needed as chaperones for this event– please let Crissy know if you can do so. If we do not have chaperones, we cannot participate in this event. Western Kentucky Teens Encounter Christ is scheduled for February 2022, 2015, at Gasper River Retreat Center, Bowling Green. This TEC is for High School Seniors & Juniors. Adults who have completed diocesan Safe Environment Training and background checks may observe the weekend. This 3 day retreat focuses on the Paschal Mystery and how we live that out in our day to day lives. It is for those persons who are searching for goals, for acceptance, for meaning, for community, for values, and for God. For weekend applications, please see Crissy, or go to Registration forms are due to the Catholic Pastoral Center by February 6!! The cost is $60.00 and a $10.00 deposit is required two weeks before TEC begins. This retreat sometimes tends to fill up fast, so get your registrations in soon!! Youth Group Outing: Come out to the Bowlodrome on Sunday, February 22 from 6:30-8:30 PM for a fun night!! This is for the youth group (grades 6-12). Pizza and drinks will be provided for dinner. Although we are in the heart of winter, it’s not too early to start making plans for the summer!! Be sure to check all that is offered for the 3rd grade and up!! There are not only opportunities to attend camp, but for our older youth and adults, there are lots of volunteer opportunities for the summer. Camp registrations have already started to be turned in. Camp is a great way to continue building a foundation in your faith, broaden your comfort zone, experience the beauty of God in nature, and to make great connections with other youth from around the diocese and beyond!! Please visit for information regarding camp and application forms. You may also contact Crissy for more information. YOUTH MINISTRY High School Retreat: is scheduled for March 14-15. Please, mark your calendars. This is a great opportunity to spend time away, unplugging from what is going on in our fast paced lives, and focusing on ourselves and our relationship with God. More information to come… 6 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) FEBRUARY CALENDAR 08– Confirmation 10:30 AM 08– Middle School Youth Group 5:00-6:00 PM 08– High School Youth Group 6:30-8:30 PM 09– Choir Rehearsal 11– Scripture Study after 7:00 AM Mass 15– PREP 9:00-10:20AM 17– Men’s Club Meeting 6:00 PM 18– Ash Wednesday Services 7:00 AM & 6:00 PM 18- Scripture Study after 7AM Mass 18– OCS Parent Information Session and pick up Parish Sponsored Voucher at 7:00 PM 22– PREP 9:00-10:20AM 22– Youth Group Bowling at Bowlodrome 6:30-8:30 PM 23– Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM 24– Finance Council Meeting at Noon 24– Parish Council Meeting at 5:30 PM 25- Scripture Study after 7AM Mass 25– Adoration 3:00-6:00 PM 25– Stations of the Cross with Benediction 6:00 PM The Ash Wednesday Collection on 2-18-15 will again be for our Sister Diocese of Mandeville Jamaica. As the Priest begins the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, he says, “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God” and our response is “It is right and Just.” As we share from our sacrifices for the needs of our Sister Diocese in Mandeville Jamaica, we respond not only with words, but also with deeds to thank the Lord for His many blessings to us and share in His ongoing mission to tell the whole world of His kindness. Please consider a generous response to this collection again this year. “God who is mighty has done great things for me, Holy is God’s Name” – Luke 1:49 Bishop William Medley invites you to join him as he celebrates his 5 year Episcopal Ordination Anniversary as the 4th bishop of the Diocese of Owensboro with Mass at Saint Stephen Cathedral on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 12:05 p.m. Owensboro Catholic League Bunco Party Date: February 13, 2015 Time: 6:30 pm Where: Home Builders Association Cost: $30.00 a couple or $15.00 for single Grab a date and come out and celebrate an early Valentine’s Day while helping the Owensboro Catholic League Appetizers will be served, BYOB Please contact Chip Pride at 270-316-1233 or Amy Pride at 270-314-6175 to RSVP February 8, 2015 7 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) February 8, 2015 IN SPECIAL NEED OF PRAYER HOME BOUND/RETIREMENT HOMES: Bobby Collignon, Frances Hayden, Carolyn Knott, Jean McCarty, Michael O’Bryan, Pearl O'Bryan We ask that you pause a moment and say a prayer for the sick in our community. Remember in prayer, those sick in our Community: Michael Alvey, Toya Ashby, Marion Cecil, Joe Bill Clark, Martha Clark, David Clouse, Mary Alice Crowe, Maria Daughtery, Steve Dean, Jean Ferrel, Audrey Fogle, Samuel George, Jeff Green, Susan Riney Guernsey, Billy Johnson, Benjamin Halbig, Robert Haire, Jerry Harris, Frances Hayden, Joe Hayden, Pat Hayden, Bill Head, Marie Hester, George Hooper, Leslie Jackson, Martha Johnson, Amelia Jones, Sarah Kamuf, Bill Knott, Mary Ann Kurz, Leiann Lashbrook, Mary Lasley, Joe Lewis, Bill Loudermilk, Dora McCarty, Joe Bill & Margie Merimee, Gary Miller, Diane Minton, Michael & Sue O’Bryan, Larry Oller, Chuck Pinkston, Jamie Potter, Gary Reynolds, Matthew Reynolds, Jason Roberts, Christian Ruiz, Melanie Russelburg, Cindy Smith, Norbert J. Smith, Jr., Norbert Smith Sr., Barbara Smith, Kim Terry, Alma Topper, Darryl Warren, Kevin Warren, Phil Warren, Mary Jane Young. *Please note: Names will remain on the list for one month. Prayers for our Military- As a parish family, we at St. Mary Magdalene pray for all the members of our parish. We especially pray for our parishioners and their relatives who are currently on active duty in the military. James Calhoun, Jessica Chase, Christine Kugele, Frank Murphy, Chad Norris, Jeff & Sarah Odell, Ryan Offerman, Jonathan Tucker. Good Deeds: Cayden shared her Kit Kats with family; Noah Storm cleaned his room. Father John Meredith has been assigned to prayer and penance and would like to be of assistance to people of the diocese. If you would like to send him a prayer request his email address for your intentions is [email protected]. Thank you for considering this and let us pray for each other. Happy Birthday to You!! Parishioners celebrating Birthday’s this week February 07– David Simmons 08– Madeline Jones 09– Mary Ann Blandford; Mildred Calhoun; Josh Thomas 10– Jeremy Ebelhar 11- MIllee Angel; Gary Bratcher; Keisha Mattingly 12– Dylan Mattingly; Matthew Murphy 13– Mary Cecil; Angie Ebelhar; Kyle Joiner; Faith Payne 14- Jim Gilles; Beth Greenwell Happy Anniversary!! Parishioners celebrating Anniversaries this week 08– Sam & Sherri Holinde 11– Frankie & Rita Cecil 15– Eddie & Alo Byrne If your birthday/anniversary is omitted from this list, or incorrectly dated, please call the parish office. Offering: Sunday, February 1, 2015 Weekly Actual $6,911.00 Weekly Budget $ 8,534.00 Year to Date Actual $ 260,709.64 Year to Date Budget $ 264,554.00 Building Fund Collection: Building Fund Total: $ 636.00 $ 34,066.10 Thank You for Your Continued Support St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery Please contact Patti, to purchase a cemetery plot. (270) 771-4436. 107 East 2nd St., Owensboro, KY 42303 270-231-8132 Bryan D. Ebelhar Ebelhar Seed Solutions Beck’s Hybrids 270-993-3284 OPEN 24 HOURS TOUCH FREE HOT WATER OWNED BY PARISHIONERS WASH SEAN & JENNIFER BYRNE V ACCUUMS AND MARK & LIANE RINEY CARPET SHAMPOO SPOT REMOVER 2524 Frederica St. Owensboro, KY FRAGRANCE MACHINES CAR CARE PRODUCTS 30th Anniversary Kenneth Clouse & Son KennyLee (270) 771-4202 • (270) 315-3145 cell Owned by Kenneth & Marcia Clouse, Parishioners • 4509 KY 279 S., Owensboro, KY 42301 Neil’s Electric, LLC Residental/Commercial Remodels, Service Upgrades Generators Installed 270.685.1006 [email protected] 270-929-0495 Our Catholic Families Caring For Yours 519 Locust 684-9891 Bill (270) 691-1001 Jennifer Byrne PT, DPT Parishioner KORT Owensboro 3515 Frederica Street Chelsea Rice, PTA Parishioner Owensboro, KY 42301 270-684-7856 3225 Carter Road • P.O. Box 22833 Owensboro, KY 42304 270-683-3606 • 1-800-252-3904 Fax 270-683-0036 Mobile: 270-993-9454 Murphy [email protected] ✔ us out at: New and Used Steel • Plates Angle • Channel • Flat Bar • Beams Pipe • Tube • Culverts Justin M Ray Pond River Steel, Inc. Financial Advisor 1401 C Spring Bank Dr Ste 201 Owensboro, KY 42303 MADISONVILLE, KENTUCKY 42431 PHONE: (270) 825-3487 FAX: (270) 825-4684 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 270-926-3626 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP Susan R. Knott, OTR/L Providing occupational therapy for children & adults at home or in a clinic 270-316-2622 ✦ [email protected] Discovering your abilities for a brighter future ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 583200 St Mary Magdalene Church 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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