For the One who carved the islands / has come to live among us, And this is the house He has chosen, / St. Mary Star of the Sea. ~Anne Porter St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church ALTAR SERVERS NOV. 12-13 2016 SAT. 9:00 AM: Spanish Assigned SAT. 5:15 PM: Ed Carder SUN. 8:15 AM: Isaac & Elias Johnson SUN. 11:00 AM: Tiburcio Brennan, Tristan Johnson 1335 Blaine Street Port Townsend,WA 98368 Phone: (360) 385-3700 Fax: (360) 379-1989 Website: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm GREETERS SAT. 9:00 AM: Carmen Boling SAT. 5:15 PM: Betty Harmon, Jim Ryan SUN. 8:15 AM: Laura Simpson, Luci Holloway SUN. 11:00 AM: Trish Murphy, Don Millbauer WEEKLY CALENDAR WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 9:00 AM (HISPANIC): For the special intentions of the Hispanic Community of St. Mary Star of the Sea. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 5:30 PM: That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 8:15 AM: For the special intentions of the parishioners of St. Mary Star of the Sea. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 11:00 AM: For the repose of the soul of Nina Aretta Vance, as requested by her daughter Aretta McClure. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 12:05 PM: That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving in to the temptation of discouragement. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 6:30 PM: For an end to abortion and an increase in the respect for all human life in our country and around the world. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 12:05 PM: For the special intentions of the parishioners of St. Mary Star of the Sea. MONDAY Revelation 1:1-4;2:1-5 Psalms 1:1-4,6 Luke 18:35-43 TUESDAY: Revelation 3:1-6,14-22 Psalm 15:2-5 Luke 19:1-10 WEDNESDAY: Revelation 4:1-11 Psalms 150:1-6 Luke 19:11-28 THURSDAY: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 9:00 am: SPANISH MASS 10:00-Noon: Spanish Lunch—Hall 4:30 pm: CONFESSIONS 5:30 pm: MASS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:15 am: MASS (CONFESSION 30 MIN PRIOR) 9:30-10:45 am: Religious Education—Classrooms 11:00 am: MASS (CONFESSION 30 MIN PRIOR) Noon—Healing Prayer Team—Chapel 12:30-1:30 pm: Theology Kettle 12:30 pm: Healing Ministry—Room #6 6:30 pm: Rosary MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 11:30 am: CONFESSIONS 12:05 pm: MASS 1:00 pm: Rosary Makers—Hall 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 12:05 pm: COMMUNION SERVICE 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:00 pm: St. Mary’s Choir—Church 6:00-7:00 pm: Theology Kettle—Quilcene WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 1:00 pm: Centering Prayer—Chapel 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 5:00-6:00 pm: Theology Kettle—Hall 6:00 pm: CONFESSIONS 6:30 pm: MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 11:30 am: CONFESSIONS 12:05 pm: MASS 1:00 pm: Prayer Shawl Ministry—Hall 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 pm: COAST Meeting—Hall FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 12:05 pm: COMMUNION SERVICE 1:00-6:00 pm: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 1:00 pm: Healing Prayer Team—Chapel 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 9:00 am: SPANISH MASS 10:00-Noon: Spanish Lunch—Hall 4:30 pm: CONFESSIONS 5:30 pm: MASS Sirach 26:1-3,15-18,24 Ps 31:4-5,8-9,20,24-25 Matthew 25:31-40 FRIDAY: Acts 28:11-16,30-31 Psalm 98:1-6 Matthew 14:22-33 SATURDAY: Revelation 11:4-12 Psalm 144:1-2,9-10 Luke 20:27-40 SUNDAY: 2 Samuel 5:1-3 Psalm 122:1-5 Colossians1:12-20 Luke 23:35-43 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time / November 13, 2016 PASTOR: FATHER PETER ADOKO-ENCHILL (360) 385-3700 [email protected] DEACON: BILL SWANSON (360) 385-3700 [email protected] PASTORAL ASST. FOR FAITH FORMATION/ ASISTENTE PASTORAL PARA LA FORMACIÓN DE LA FE: Deacon Bill Swanson (360) 385-3700 [email protected] PASTORAL ASST. FOR ADMINISTRATION/ ASISTENTE PASTORAL PARA ADMINISTRACIÓN: Kathleen Wadkins [email protected] ADMIN. ASSISTANT/ ASISTENTE ADMINISTRACIÓN: Alisa Meany [email protected] Half hour before every Mass. Private confession by appointment. Media hora antes de cada Misa. Apartar citas para confesarse en privado con el Padre Peter. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT/EXPOSICIÓN DEL SAGRARIO: Friday after Mass to 6:00pm Benediction. 20-Hour Eucharistic Adoration on the first Friday of each month. Viernes después de la Misa. La Benedicción-6pm. EUCHARIST TO SHUT-INS & THE ILL/ EUCARISTÍA PARA DESCAPACITADOS: Call 385-3700 to have Communion brought to you at home. Llamar al teléfono 385-3700 para recibir la comunión los viernes. PRAYER CHAIN/CADENA DE ORACIONES: HISPANIC MINISTRY / MINISTERIO HISPANO: Karen Burge (360) 627-0534 [email protected] Pat White 385-3063, Carol Hurley 385-6691. ROSARY/ROSARIO: Sunday from 6:30-7 PM. Also 35 minutes prior to Mass. Domingo de 6:30-7 PM y media hora antes de Misa. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY/ DIRECTOR DEL MINISTERIO DE LA MÚSICA: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM/SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Chris Hawley (541) 622-3543 [email protected] Required prep. classes, please call Dcn. Bill Swanson at 385-1662. Clases de preparación—Karen al 385-3700. MAINTENANCE / MANTENIMIENTO: FUNERAL/CHRISTIAN BURIAL, FUNERAL/ ENTIERRO: Roger Cesmat Contact pastor before setting date. Contactar al sacerdote antes de apartar la fecha. CUSTODIAN / LIMPIEZA: Sergio López RETURNING CATHOLICS / CATÓLICOS REGRESEN: Deacon Bill Swanson (360) 385-3700 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL /SAN VICENTE DE PABLO: Contact Tel: (360) 379-1325 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/ SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN: SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE/SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Six month notice and preparation classes required, call Deacon Swanson at 385-1662. Clases de preparación requeridas 6 meses antes—Karen Burge al 385-3700. “OUR MISSION IS TO... ...CELEBRATE GOD’S PRESENCE IN OUR MIDST BY MASS, SACRAMENTS, AND PRAYER; LIVE CHRIST’S LOVE BY SERVING OTHERS, ESPECIALLY THE POOR, NEGLECTED, AND SUFFERING; GROW IN THE TRUTHS AND VALUES OF OUR CATHOLIC TRADITION, TEACH THEM TO OUR CHILDREN, AND PROCLAIM THEM TO THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW THEM.” 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time / November 13, 2016 WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE FROM THE DESK OF FATHER PETER ADOKOENCHILL… SÁBADO MISA EN ESPAÑOL 9:00AM SATURDAYVIGIL 5:30PM SUNDAY 8:15AM & 11:00AM MONDAY 12:05PM TUESDAY ** COMMUNION SERVICE 12:05PM WEDNESDAY 6:30PM THURSDAY 12:05PM FRIDAY 12:05PM THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HOW IS THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM CELEBRATED? FAITH AND BAPTISM 1253. Baptism is the sacrament of faith. But faith needs the community of believers. It is only within the faith of the Church that each of the faithful can believe. The faith required for Baptism is not a perfect and mature faith, but a beginning that is called to develop. The catechumen or the godparent is asked: “What do you ask of God’s Church?” The response is: “Faith!” 1254. For all the baptized, children or adults, faith must grow after Baptism. For this reason the Church celebrates each year at the Easter Vigil the renewal of baptismal promises. Preparation for Baptism leads only to the threshold of new life. Baptism is the source of that new life in Christ from which the entire Christian life springs forth. 1255. For the grace of Baptism to unfold, the parents’ help is important. So too is the role of the godfather and godmother, who must be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized—child or adult—on the road of Christian life. Their task is a truly ecclesial function (officium). The whole ecclesial community bears some responsibility for the development and safeguarding of the grace given at Baptism. PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNION SERVICE THIS COMING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH AT 12:05 PM. NEXT YEAR’S 2017 CALENDARS ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THE VESTIBULE! PLEASE COME PICK UP YOURS TODAY! If you are a Catholic man 18 years or over, consider joining the Knights of Columbus’ Arthur L. “Sarge” Bryant Council 10532 *Charity – Unity – Fraternity – Patriotism* For info, call Grand Knight Wayne Nagy at (360) 379-6887 PARISH STEWARDSHIP FR. PETER WILL BE HEARING CONFESSIONS EVERY MASS DAY, 1/2 HOUR BEFORE EVERY MASS... Week of 11/6/2016 Week #19 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time / November 13, 2016 Our Parish Stewardship Renewal is coming to a close and we give grateful thanks to all who have returned their Parish Stewardship Yearly Commitment Renewal Card. Your gift to your parish supports the many costs of running a parish including our many ministries and helps all of us here at St. Mary Star of the Sea build up the Body of Christ. Our parish has not yet reached its goal of commitment cards returned. If you cannot commit money this year, please write ‘prayer’ on your commitment card and return it. Our goal is 100% of cards returned and we are at 22% of cards returned. Returning your card will save us from further follow up costs! Pax Christi Meeting! The Pax Christi Meeting will be next Sunday, November 20th at 12:30 pm in Classroom #6 All are invited to attend... St. Mary Star of the Sea seeks an Administrative Assistant. The successful candidate will have excellent organizational and communication skills, be able to use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Dreamweaver and Photoshop, and have knowledge and commitment to the mission of the parish and Catholic Church in Western Washington. This is a 25 hour per week position and includes sick leave and vacation. Contact the parish office for more information and an application form. Closing date: November 30, 2016. Reminder ~ St. Mary's Ladies Guild Annual... “Christmas Re-gifting & Cookie Sale” December 3 & 4 Please bring your re-giftable items and Christmas type cookies to the parish hall on the following dates (do NOT bring to parish office!): Saturday, Nov. 26th before 5:30 pm Mass Sunday, Nov. 27th after Masses Thursday, Dec. 1 from 10-2:00 pm Friday, Dec. 2 from 10-2:00 pm For more information call Rita Beebe at 385-2610 PLEASE CHECK BELOW FOR CURRENT INFORMATION REGARDING EVENTS, CLASSES AND PROGRAMS BEING HELD BOTH AT ST. MARY’S IN PORT TOWNSEND, AND IN QUILCENE. WE WILL CONTINUE TO UPDATE THIS SECTION WITH CURRENT DATES AND TIMES FOR UPCOMING CLASSES AND EVENTS! Week / Semana Actual / Colecta Real Budgeted / Presupuesto Year to Date / Año Corrido Actual / Colecta Real Budgeted / Presupuesto $11,510.50 $8,036.92 $3,473.58 $144,799.46 $152,701.48 <$7,902.02> QUILCENE/BRINNON CORNER PORT TOWNSEND CORNER Symbolon Theology Kettle Classes begin this Fall! First class in Quilcene started Tuesday, October 4 (6:007:00 pm) Located at the Quilcene Presbyterian Church… Sessions will continue at this weekly time slot — Mark your calendars! Symbolon Theology Kettle Classes begin this Fall! First classes in PT started Sunday, October 2 (12:30-1:30 pm) & Wednesday, October 5 (5:00-600 pm) for the first session. Sessions will continue at these weekly time slots — Mark your calendars!
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