St. Luke Lutheran Church We are a CONGREGATION CREATED BY GOD IN CHRIST, EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit to live, to share, and to celebrate God’s grace with all people. HORIZON FEBRUARY 2015 and to Each Other! Other A Lenten Journey By Pastor Russ Sorensen “Then a cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud there came a voice, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!’” - Mark 9:7 The season of Lent, forty days plus Sundays, provides us with many opportunities to grow in awareness of God’s presence and work in our midst. Awareness begins with listening to Jesus and to each other. On Ash Wednesday we reflect on the meaning of our baptism into Christ’s death and resurrection. The sign of ashes is a reminder of our human mortality and the fragile nature of life. But instead of a negative message, Lent is an invitation to move forward on a journey of spiritual renewal, washed in God’s mercy and forgiveness! Continued next page Listening to Jesus … continued from previous page I ESPECIALLY INVITE YOU to be involved in this new experience of listening to Jesus and to each other every day! Listening to Jesus in scripture, prayer and discernment reveals our identity (who and whose we are). Listening to our neighbors and our community reveals our context (The Holy Spirit helps us to be sensitive to the needs of our mission setting). Listening to each other in our congregation reveals our purpose in mission with other partners in ministry (how our gifts and abilities might help us share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our world). IN ORDER TO PROVIDE opportunities for “Listening to Jesus and to Each Other,” the Transition Team will offer three sessions each week for conversation about St Luke’s Mission, Vision and Values expressed in the developing draft of the Ministry Site Profile. Each session will include sharing discoveries and inviting feedback into the process of writing the Ministry Site Profile for St Luke Lutheran Church and Preschool. COME AND JOIN THE CONVERSATION at one of the weekly sessions with St Luke Transition Team during the season of Lent. You get to choose a time that works for you: February 21– March 22 Saturdays beginning February 21 in the Lounge at 4:15 p.m. Sundays beginning February 22 in the Lounge at 9:00 a.m. Wednesdays beginning February 25 in the Fellowship Hall during the Soup and Conversation Time at 6:00 p.m. Soup and Conversation will be followed by a short worship service at 7:00 p.m. EACH OF THE FIVE WEEKLY SESSIONS during Lent will focus on a theme related to portions of the Ministry Site Profile. This will be a very important time to provide your input into the process of discovering and sharing the vision for ministry for St Luke Lutheran Church and Preschool. Do not miss out on this chance for “Listening to Jesus and to Each Other!” 2 SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER The St Luke Youth is sponsoring this 5th annual Pancake Supper event on: Tuesday February 17 5:30 – 7:00 PM, in Fellowship Hall Everyone is invited to come for fellowship and pancakes! LENT STARTS ON ASH WEDNESDAY February 18 Join us for worship at 12 noon and at 7 PM A Lenten Journey LISTENING TO JESUS & TO EACH OTHER! February 21 - March 25 Come and join the conversation at any of the weekly sessions with our Transition Team during Lent: Saturdays, beginning February 21, at 4:15 p.m., in the Lounge Sundays, beginning February 22, at 9 a.m., in the Lounge Wednesdays, beginning February 25, in the Fellowship Hall during the Soup Supper and Conversation time at 6 p.m., followed by a short worship service at 7 p.m. in the Nave. NEW MEMBER WELCOME SESSIONS Sundays, April 19, 26, and May 3 11:30 AM - 1 PM, in the Lounge We will meet after the 10:15 a.m. worship service, starting with lunch. The New Member Reception will be held during worship services the weekend of May 16-17, 2015. 3 Greetings from your Transition Team! Furthermore, we have begun our ultimate task: drafting the Ministry Site Profile document. With your continued support and input, we hope to empower the future call committee with this solid background so that they can find the person who best meets our leadership needs and can draw us from where we stand today, to where we hope to go in the future. Thank you very sincerely for all of your prayers and support as we move forward with the work of the Transition Team. With this support, we have been able to complete a number of important tasks: researching and analyzing the community context, updating our mission, core values and vision: St. Luke Lutheran Church, an ELCA Congregation of the Rocky Mountain Synod During the upcoming Lenten Season, we will be asking for your input in a variety of forums. We greatly look forward to sitting down over Lenten Suppers on Wednesday evenings beginning February 25th through March as we present our findings, share drafts and get your feedback. Each week will focus on a theme for a specific area of the work: context & trends of our community and congregation, our characteristics, purpose and mission, and leadership needs. Mission We are a Congregation created by God in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit… • To live, • To share, and • To celebrate God’s grace with all people Vision To be an inviting and thriving cross-generational Congregation and Pre-School There will be a variety of ways to reach us with your input: joining us for discussion, responding via email, a comment box in the Narthex with weekly prompts. Please stay tuned to the weekly bulletin for the specifics. We can’t wait to hear from you! Values • Experiencing God’s grace, word and sacrament… belonging to the body of Christ and joined to one another, equipped to respond in faith, love and healing • Exploring and understanding faith in God… through learning, serving, and opening our hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit • Living out our faith in service to others … as members of the Body of Christ in the world Sincerely, Shawn Dirk, chairman And your Transition Team 4 Thank you for your continued faithful giving during this time of transition. We were able to finish the year on a positive note financially. Contributions and other income exceeded expenditures by $17,843.00. We were able to save money in 2014 because we have not been fully staffed with the departure of both our senior and associate pastors. We enter the new year with one interim pastor. The difficult economy over the past several years and the aging of our Congregation is providing us with many interesting challenges. As we move forward into the future our faith and our commitment to the Body of Christ will help allow God to work through His plan of redemption. We need to look at our challenge not as just meeting a budget but as how St. Luke can reach out to the community and the outside world to meet the needs of others. If we are able to do that, then money will not be a problem. The problem will be how we are going to spend the money. I would also like to inform the Congregation that beginning February 1 you will be able to contribute to St. Luke using your Credit Card. Initially Karen our bookkeeper will be able to handle the transaction in her office. Later on we may set up a way for you to make a contribution on the church website. If you have any questions please contact me at 205-3204 or Karen our bookkeeper in the bookkeeper’s office located in the pre-school building. Again thank you for your faithful support of the ministries of St. Luke Lutheran Church. Rick Parker, Treasurer 5 * * * Attention! * * * IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE FINANCE SECRETARY: If you have your offering through your bank account this past year, please call the church office (299-2621) and reauthorize your amount. We are required to end your contribution as of the end of each year. We have made phone calls to everyone but still have a number of contributors who have not contacted us. Thanks! We appreciate your help! Mary Beth Tidwell, Finance Secretary CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS The newly elected members are: Shawn Dirk (2nd term) Barbara Haschke (2nd term) Phyllis Peterson Bill Szaroletta 2015 OFFICERS OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH President: Vice-President: Treasurer: Financial Secretary: Council Secretary: Mark Eickhoff Shawn Dirk Rick Parker Mary Beth Tidwell Karen Carlson Council members whose service ended in 2014: Judy Marsh and Don Cretsinger Thank you for your faithful service at St. Luke. 6 Email: [email protected] Lori Erven, Director (505) 292-8812 Please Join Us For Two Preschool Special Events the Weekend of February 7th and 8th! and sing during the children’s sermon. If you happen to have a Preschool t-shirt (recent design or from long ago), you can show your support by wearing it to church that weekend. Preschool Celebration Perhaps you haven’t visited the Preschool since your children or grandchildren attended, or perhaps you’ve never had a chance to visit the Preschool. This celebration is your opportunity to learn more about the ministry of the preschool! Preschool Open House When: Saturday, February 7th, following the 5:00 pm worship service. Sunday, February 8th, following the 8:00 am and the 10:15 am worship services. Please invite your families, friends, neighbors, or coworkers who may have young children, to our Open House from 3:00-5:00 pm on Sunday, February 8th. This is a great time to meet and talk with our highly qualified teachers, ask questions, take a tour of our classrooms, and pick up a pre-registration form for our Summer Camp 2015 and our 20152016 school year. Enrollment for inhouse families and congregation members begins on Monday, February 9th. Open enrollment for the public begins on Monday, February 23rd. What: Take a few minutes, following any of the three services, to learn more about the Preschool and to take a tour. The coffee hour on Sunday will be hosted by the Preschool Committee. Preschool children are invited to come 7 Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Our Mission & Purpose: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. Lamplighters the NM Behavioral Health Institute in Las Vegas. This year, cakes will be picked up in late March or early April. We will keep you posted. When you see those white cake boxes appear, please take one to fill. You will be spreading joy! Tuesday, February 3 7 PM, in the Lounge Please read chapters 3 to 5 in the book “The Sabbath” by Abraham Joshua Heschel. For more information, call Shirley at 830-9106. Personal toiletries, new socks, new underwear, sleeping bags and blankets We continue to collect them for St. Martin’s Hospitality Center. Please place your donations in designated containers at church, by the elevator. Thank you. Church Women United Friday, February 6 9:30 AM, at St. Luke In the Fellowship Hall Please join us for a program with women from many churches in the Albuquerque area. Handicraft Group Every third Saturday Next meeting: February 21 At 10 AM - Noon, in the Lounge WELCA Board Saturday, February 14 9 AM, in the Lounge Join us to complete projects or to learn a new handicraft. For more information, call Carrie at 291-8529. All are invited! Sew and Sow Women's Bible Study Tuesday, February 17 9:30 AM, in the Zuni room Tuesday, February 24 10 AM - 12 Noon At the home of Chris Escudero Work continues on the quilting projects. For more information, call Shirley at 830-9106. 13705 Pino Ridge Place NE Study: Transforming Life and Faith: Session 6: Making Conversion Last For childcare, copy of the study, or more information, call Betty Ann at 294-1935. Social Concerns Cake Baking Time is Coming in March!!! Baked and frosted two-layered, round and rectangular cakes continue to be popular treats on special occasions for the patients at 8 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper The St Luke Youth will be sponsoring the 5th annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday February 17 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to come for fellowship and pancakes! Note to Youth All youth are invited to arrive at 5 p.m. to help with setup, cooking, and cleanup. As soon as the Joy in Movement exercise class is over, we’ll be able to set up Fellowship Hall with tables and chairs, finish up the Toppings Bar, and then begin cooking so we are ready to serve our guests at 5:30 p.m. Aprons will be provided or you can bring your own. Come when you can and help for as long as you can – we’ll be finished by 7:30 p.m. Dear St. Luke, Thank you so much for the wonderful care packages you sent us! All the yummy snacks definitely helped us get through our finals! We really appreciate all your love and support! To my St. Luke Family, I wish to thank all who have helped me during this time of sorrow. I know that Jerry is in Christ’s loving arms and that lessens my grief. A special thanks to Rosa and Angie, for all their help. All of you who brought food, sent cards, attended Jerry’s memorial, or just stopped me to express your condolences, you have given me a true appreciation of my St. Luke Family. Sincerely, Your NMSU Crew ☺ Thank you, Shalom, and God Bless Jane Bentley and Family 9 CHANGE MAKING A CHANGE THE “CHANGE MAKING A CHANGE” OFFERING FOR FEBRUARY WILL GO TO SUPPORT THE ALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOTHING BANK. APS Clothing bank is a community outreach that serves the underprivileged students in the Albuquerque School system. On average, the clothing bank serves about 5,000 students annually. Eligible students receive shoes, socks, a coat, and underwear, and a certificate for a new outfit three times annually. The APS Clothing Bank rely on donations from the community to help meet the ever growing need. According to APS Volunteer Programs Manager Sonja Martens, “When students come to school feeling confident and comfortable, they’re better able to focus on their learning.” For more information go to clothing-bank THANK YOU food: Carol Allen, Les & D’Ann Anderson, Betty Ann Arner, Betty Begeal, Barb Belcher, Shirley Belcher, Sandi Brasher, Karen Carlson, Ted & Arlen Dellin, Robert Downey, Paul & Cathy Eichel, Cierra Erven, Chris Escudero, David & Diane Follstaedt, Lois Hall, Carrie Haugen, Mary Beth Garrett, Spencer & Cheryl Gerwin, Daniel & Joan Gugliotta, Greg Haschke, Lorna Hill, Frank Johnson, Marge Zinser Knorovsky, Diana Koski, Ben & Bev Larzelere and Leah, Marie Lenard, Ken & Sonia Lersten, Pam Mares, Judy Marsh, Dawn Meyer, Anne Miller, Joyce Mills, Nadyne Plugge, Daleen Olsen, Gil & Sally Quintana, Louanne Saylors, Barb Shirrod, Mary Sorenson, Mary Beth Tidwell, Scott & Paula Thomas, Kevin & Patty Wagner, Susan Walters, and Liz Wills. THANKS TO FAMILY PROMISE VOLUNTEERS! WE HOSTED FOUR families including Audrie and son Nikolis; Michael, Mia and their 5 children Miani, Jaiven, Janai, Viviane, & Michael; Josie with children Julian and Eliese; and Clarissa and daughter Nia. Michael and Mia's family are near completing the program. They are on track to move to a house on or before February 1 and Michael will start a new job as a city bus driver with Mia working parttime as a bartender. Josie is currently working 30+ hours at Chevron Brewers and Audrie works at Lowes Grocery. A big THANK YOU to everyone who gave their time to host, drive the van, help with setup and take-down, or to provide 10 FIRST FRIDAY FILM FORUM February 6 at 7:30 PM At the home of Lorna Hill The movie to be discussed is “Selma.” The second choice is “The Theory of Everything.” Come for a time of fellowship and fun discussion. RSVP: 803-7473 Vacation Think summertime! THINK VACATION BIBLE CAMP! This summer, come be a part of Rainbow Trail VBS as we explore ~The Fruit of the Spirit~ (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control). When? June 15-19 Where? Here at St. Luke Ages? Four through rising seventh graders Anxious to help with planning? Going on now. Just call or e-mail the office and let Angie or Rosa know you’re interested. Mark your calendars! This is a great opportunity to participate in one of St. Luke’s landmark and very fun ministries. Come and watch spiritual seeds be planted, and go on to bear fruit. - Jean Hollowwa and Vanessa Anderson, VBS Co-chairs 11 From the Wellness Ministry ESSENTIAL TREMOR By Sandy Williams drinking glasses and utensils, wrist weights and wider, heavier writing tools may be recommended. ESSENTIAL TREMOR is a nervous system disorder that causes a rhythmic shaking and is the most common movement disorder. It usually occurs in people age 40 and over. Almost any part of the body can be affected but the trembling occurs most often in the hands while doing tasks like eating, drinking or writing. Other body parts affected by essential tremor are the head, arms, voice, tongue, legs and trunk. Medications prescribed can include beta blockers, such as propranolol, which help relieve tremors in some people. Other medications that may be used are anti-seizure drugs and tranquilizers. Botox injections may be useful in treating tremors of the head and voice. Deep brain stimulation, a surgical procedure, may be used for people whose tremors are severely disabling and who don’t respond to medications. A pacemaker-like device is implanted in the chest. This device transmits painless electrical impulses to interrupt signals from the thalamus that may be causing tremors. Cause—It is thought to be caused by electrical fluctuations in the brain that send abnormal signals out to the muscles. These signals travel through several regions of the brain before they make it out to the muscles. Diagnosis—Your doctor may ask: Other Actions—Avoiding caffeine, limited Do you have a family history of tremor? Have you ever had a head injury? What parts of your body are affected? Does anything make your tremors better or worse? What medications are you taking? use of alcohol, and relaxation techniques such as massage or meditation may help relieve or reduce tremors. Also using voice activated dialing on your phone and speech-recognition software on your computer can be ways to adapt to essential tremor in your daily life. References: Mayo Clinic: There aren’t any specific tests used to diagnose essential tremor. Ruling out other conditions that may be causing symptoms can be done through a neurological exam, laboratory tests and performance tests. Johns Hopkins Medicine: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: Treatment—Nonmedical treatment can include physical or occupational therapy to improve muscle strength, control and coordination. Adaptive devices such as heavier 12 10:15 AM WORSHIP ASSISTANT SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 2015 This schedule is frequently updated. The most current schedule is posted on the kiosk in the narthex. Volunteers for the current and upcoming Sundays are listed on the weekly green sheet. FEB. 1 FEB. 8 FEB. 15 FEB. 22 Assisting Minister Rick Parker Lorna Hansen Karen Carlson Lorna Hansen Communion Asst. Karen Carlson Sharon Ormiston Les Anderson Marina Mauney Tom Berardinelli Judy Marsh Terry & Barbara Shirrod Lector DeAnn Eaton Azar Ginny Fisher Myra Lynch Don Fisher Terry Shirrod Mark Eickhoff Chris Escudero Mary Beth Tidwell Acolyte Dorela Cole Dorela Cole Sonia Garley Lauren Hollowwa Crucifer Ernesto Garley Karl Eickhoff Ernesto Garley Taylor Hollowwa Greeters Terry & Barbara Shirrd Tommy & Ruth Glauner Betty Ann Arner Lorna Hansen Chris & Jean Hollowwa Children’s Sermon Barbara Shirrod Chris Drotning Bev Larzelere Judy Moore Lorna Hill Terry Shirrod Lorna Hill Terry Shirrod Lorna Hill Rick Parker Lorna Hill Rick Parker Mary Voelz, in loving memory of George Voelz. Sonia & Ken Lersten, in honor of children & grandchildren. Carr family, in memory of Joyce Bame. (one arrangement available) Terry Shirrod, in honor of Barb’s birthday. Brenda Sanchez, in honor of Mike’s 62nd birthday. Lent: No flowers Lorna Hill Bill & Chris Drotning Council Member Ushers Altar Flowers (maximum: 2 arrangements/ Sunday) $35 per arrangement Flower Delivery Sacristy Candle $25 Betty Ann Arner, in loving memory of Hal Sacristy Erven Family Carr Family Quintana Family Nursery Jamie Kerestes Megan Diercks Cierra Erven Sound Engineer John English John English Ken Vincent Ken Vincent Bread Ministry Elizabeth Dirk Betty Begeal Daleen Olson Carol Allen Coffee Hour Berardinelli Family Marina Mauney Lorna Hansen Preschool Committee Chris Escudero Counters Mary Beth Tidwell Shawn Dirk Don & Ginny Fisher Elizabeth Dirk Daleen Olson Phoebe English Mike Abramovich Bulletin Helpers Ginny Fisher 1/27 Les & D’Ann Anderson 1/30 Mary Voelz 2/2 Ken Lersten 2/6 Ginny Fisher 2/9 Marina Mauney 2/13 Mary Voelz 2/16 Ruth Weichbrodt 2/20 13 Haschke Family ST. LUKE CHURCH OFFICE We’re here to serve you Mon.-Fri.: 8:30 AM - 4 PM. Contact: 505.299.2621 or [email protected] Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! - Psalm 100:1-2 THANK YOU IN MEMORIAM January Yard Steward Scott Thomas JOE MAZURANICH finished his baptismal journey on January 25th. Please include his family in your prayers. January Kitchen Steward Diane Follstaedt. Thank you for helping us keep the property clean and attractive. Horizon volunteers: Les & D’Ann Anderson, Karen Carlson, Kaye Martin & Nadyne Plugge for preparing the newsletters for mailing. Thank you Nadyne for taking the Horizon to the post office. February Worship bulletin collators: Ken Lersten, Marina Mauney, Ruth Weichbrodt, Shirley Smith, and Daniel Brenkosh. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Training will be provided. Nursery Care volunteer for the last Sunday of the month Acolyte and Crucifer for the 10:15 a.m. service on March 15. Adults are encouraged to volunteer. Ushers for the 10:15 a.m. services in March ALTAR FLOWERS Thank you ton all who have offered the altar flowers for this month. One arrangement for Sunday, Feb. 8th is still available for offering and dedication. Donation: $35 per arrangement; you may mail your donation or drop it in the Offering basket during the worship services. Dedicate flowers by contacting the church office or by writing your dedication on the flower chart posted on the kiosk in the narthex at church. There will be no altar flowers during Lent. Signup for Easter lily dedications will start in March. WE NEED YOUR HELP! With the security and safety of members, staff, and preschool There have been several doors left unlocked in the Narthex, Administration building, and Fellowship Hall area, especially on the weekends. We need the St. Luke members who have church keys to help check the doors after services and meetings and make sure they are locked before the buildings are vacated. Thank you! 14 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR Week of February 1: Leviticus 1 - 23 Week of February 8: Leviticus 24 - 27; Numbers 1 - 11 Week of February 15: Numbers 12 - 33 Week of February 22: Numbers 34 - 25; Deuteronomy 1 - 19 19 07 09 10 12 13 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. - Psalm 20:4 01 02 03 05 06 Lucille Few Mark Feagler Peter Makarenko Caleb Parrott Barbara Exley 14 15 16 17 18 Roger Aden Jean Kramer Jason DeLoach Jane Grabiel Cheryl Gerwin Paul Nelson George Allen Diana Pelowitz Elaine Kovach Emily Scarberry Howard Romme Barb Shirrod Betsy Walters Ryan Varela Jean Eickhoff Jeanine Hale Lois Hall 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 Bill Abel Frank Johnson Jessica Threet Brad Carr Mark Miller Cooper Diercks Beverly Davies Sarianna Kuuttila Kathryn Pelowitz Donna Berardinelli William Guss A.J. Plikerd Oliver Dirk Ginny Fisher Thank You for Your Gifts to: ELCA Good Gifts—$154.93 Meals on Wheels—$75 Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp’s Annual Fund—$125 Samaritan Counseling Center - $125 The Storehouse—$165 Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. – Psalm 20:6 Mazuranich family Margaret & Clay Susan Shirley Lowell April Jackie Robin Richard, Pat & family Becky Jesse Carol Ty Daryl & Angela Jewell Pat & Larry Betty M Kara, Victoria, Dane, Lorraine, & Margaret Ellen Howard Gary Pat Jackie Cynthia Linda Jody Rick Chris Kayln Mary Linda Edith Matthew Michelle & Beau Phyllis & Rebecca Greg Barb Nancy Owen & Kendra Penny Carrie Bob & Betty Reagan Ashlee Brian Jessica Sarah Daniel Kristian Regan & Carol Kurt Carol Robin Mary Alice DeeDee Stephanie Robbi Jack Scott & Debi, Joey Brian Ralph & Donna Don, Tom, & Jan Sheila Cassie Jeanette Hudson & Jonathan Salli Anne Chris Christensen Bob Samantha & Susan John Kaycee Lindsey Dorela & John Stan Jan Carol DiAnn & Sandra Reagan 16 Larry Judy & Laura Beverly Hill family & friends Timm Cameron & Justine Myrna Allen Sam Cameron St. Luke Preschool & Kindergarten Transition Team Pres. Bishop Elizabeth, Bishop James, Pr. Russ & Cheri, our church & its activities Our military Our city, the world, the poor, the helpless. For all to know God & to feel His presence. ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH A congregation of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, Presiding Bishop The Rev. James Gonia, Synod Bishop The Rev. Russ Sorensen, Intentional Interim Senior Pastor Frederick Frahm, Director of Music Ministries & Organist Greg Haschke, Sunday School Superintendent Rosa Wersonick, Office Manager & Parish Ministries Coordinator Angie Miller, Admin. Assist. & Horizon Editor Tim Manville, Custodian Karen Archibeque, Bookkeeper MINISTRY OF RELATIONAL COMMUNITY: meets second Monday at 5:30 PM. Committees: Grace in Action; Preschool; Social Ministry; Wellness; WELCA MINISTRY OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: meets third Monday at 6 PM. Committees: Finance; Personnel; Property; Trust Fund CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Open: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4 PM Staff Meeting: Tuesdays, 10 AM Council Meeting: Third Tuesday, 6 PM (subject to change; please check the calendar) CHURCH COUNCIL Mark Eickhoff: President; Personnel; Resource Management Shawn Dirk: Vice-President; Resource Mgmt. Dave Begeal: Worship, Music, & Arts; Discipleship Formation Karen Carlson: Council Secretary; Wellness; Relational Community Chris Escudero, Relational Community Barbara Haschke: Faith Growth; Discipleship Formation Rick Parker:Treasurer; Finance; Resource Mgmt Phyllis Peterson: Discipleship Formation Mandy Scarberry: Social Ministry; Relational Community Yvonne Shirley: WELCA Representative Terry Shirrod: Property; Resource Management Bill Szaroletta: Relational Community Mary Beth Tidwell: Financial Secretary; Stewardship; Discipleship Formation ST. LUKE PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Phone: (505) 292-8812 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Lori Erven, Director Jane Clinger, Office Administrator HORIZON NEWSLETTER is a monthly publication of ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 9100 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albq., NM 87112 Phone (505) 299-2621; Fax (505) 271-2831 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Deadline for submitting articles/items: Articles for the monthly Horizon newsletter: deadline - 15th of the month Items for the weekly Parish Notices (green sheet insert in bulletins): deadline - noon on Wednesdays. TRANSITION TEAM Shawn Dirk: Chair Pr. Russ Sorensen DeAnn Eaton Azar Tom Berardinelli Karl Eickhoff Dianne Follstaedt Jean Hollowwa Jamie Kerestes Myra Lynch Holly Trujillo Mark Eickhoff - Council President Please send your articles/items to the St. Luke church office, attn: Angie Miller, by email at [email protected]. MINISTRY OF DISCIPLESHIP FORMATION: meets first Tuesday at 5 PM. Committees: Faith Growth & Youth; Stewardship; WELCA; Worship, Music, & the Arts 17 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 72 Albuquerque, NM ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH 9100 Menaul Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Phone: (505) 299-2621 Fax: (505) 271-2831 Email: [email protected] Website: Return Service Requested Please deliver by January 31, 2015 Place address label here Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. – Psalm 20:7 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH We are a CONGREGATION CREATED by God in Christ, EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit, CALLED and SENT to bear witness to God’s creative, redeeming, and sanctifying activity in the world. Come & worship with us! The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered at all the Worship Services. 5: 00 PM Saturday … An informal liturgy with hymns led by an instrumental ensemble. 8:00 AM Sunday … A spoken liturgy with music for meditation and a closing hymn. 10:15 AM Sunday Late … A classic liturgy with music led by a choir. 18 HIGHLIGHTS From Pr. Russ p. 1-2 Lenten Events p. 3 Transition Team p. 4 From the Treasurer p. 5 Church Council p. 6 St. Luke Prek & K p. 7 Women of the ELCA p. 8 Youth p. 9 February Calendar p. 10-11 Outreach p. 12 From Wellness Ministry p. 14 Worship Assistant Schedule p. 15 From Church Office p. 16 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR p. 17 February Birthdays p. 17 Remember in Prayer p. 18 Soli Deo Gloria!
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