February 2015 Volume 13 Issue 2 Lenten Journey 2015 LIFE TOGETHER: What does our being a community faith mean to our local community? How can we connect the spiritual practice of being a Christ follower to our responsibility to the community we live in? What does “life together” mean to us in Wyoming MN? Matthew 5:13-16 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” What does it mean for us to be called “the light of the world?” What does it mean to be a community of faith, really living out the mission of God? Who is “our community?” These are some of the questions we will be exploring this Lenten season with our Lenten Community Conversations. Each Wednesday during Lent we will be hearing from a different community leader as they help us see our Wyoming community, both its strengths and its challenges, from their perspective. Join us each Wednesday evening at 7:00pm for a Lenten Conversation! ~February 25 – March 25~ 5879 Wyoming Trail, PO Box 583 Wyoming, MN 55092 Phone - 651.462.5212 Fax - 651.462.8312 www.sharingchristslove.org Church Staff Rev. Renee Patterson, Pastor Allyson Thiele, Office Administrator Janet Nutter, Director of Children’s Ministry Patti Lichtscheidl, Preschool Director Sheila Byl, Contemporary Music Coordinator 1 Organist: Jeanne Richards Custodians: Cindy Gruett, Jan Taylor Music: Praise and Celebration Team Parish Nurse: Jan Brainard Upcoming Worship February 1 – 4th Sunday after Epiphany Boy Scout Sunday – Pancake Breakfast 8:30 Traditional Worship 10:00 Contemporary Worship Counter’s Schedule February 1 February 8—5th Sunday after Epiphany 8:30 Traditional Worship 10:00 Contemporary Worship Kathie Marabella, Rosie Quale February 8 February 15— Transfiguration of Our Lord 8:30 Traditional Worship 10:00 Contemporary Worship Rosie Quale, Jessica Schmidt February 22 — First Sunday in Lent 8:30 Traditional Worship 10:00 Contemporary Worship February 15 Jessica Schmidt, Karen Rozeske March 1 – Second Sunday in Lent 8:30 Traditional Worship 10:00 Contemporary Worship February 22 Karen Rozeske, Dale & Jan Brainard March 1 Dale & Jan Brainard, Arlie Post WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS FOR FEBUARY 8:30 & 10:00am SERVICES Date Assistants Acolytes Readers Ushers Greeters Feb. 1 8:30 10:00 Neil & Judy G, Jan B Jean Reed Lois R Jack Beaudette Sydney P Noah D, Austen E Dean G, Andy N Russ family Bill & Elly C Dan & Angie O Feb. 8 8:30 10:00 Shirley Z, Jan T, Zella O Jody Ryan Dave H Brennan Engel Sydney N Zach B, Jacob I Dave H, Dale B Tillman family Lyle & Mona Engel Arlie P, Laura W Feb. 15 8:30 10:00 Dale & Jan B, Cheryl G Angie Olson Kathie M Collin Jones Lisa L Ian D, Noah D Dean G, Andy N Russ family Neil & Judy Gatzow Chris & Brandy T Feb. 22 8:30 10:00 Kathie M, Cheryl G, Zella O Carrie Reed Cheryl G Jack Beaudette Karen C Zach B, Travis D Ellsworth L, John P Betty Ann G, Hazel K Ben Hanson family Brian & Rita Y Mar. 1 8:30 10:00 Claudia & Jerry N, Jon Q Jean Reed Lois R SS kids Jon & Rosie Q Ihfe family Autumn Tillman Lily W, Austen E 2 Dave & Mary H Randy & Kristi W When Life Feels Like it’s On a Roll Sometimes you may feel like life is a big gamble. Like the outcome of your life is resting on how the dice roll for you. If they roll right, you get “lucky.” If they roll badly, your life goes down the tubes. There are times when the stars seem to align just right and you find yourself basking in a bundle of blessings. Then there are times when everything seems out of sync and you find yourself drudging through a junkyard of disaster. Some would call this a coincidence. Others would call if pure luck. But another group would say that someone is working behind the scenes working out your destiny. And they’d be right! But it is more than just someone. This behind the scenes action of God is something that has become very apparent to me as we work our way through “The Story.” Esther knows what I’m talking about, she would understand. She is minding her own business as her people are captive in Persia. Meanwhile Haman—who has been given great authority by the King of Persia—is developing a hatred for Jews. In particular, he hates Mordecai. It seems Mordecai will not bow down to Haman whenever he parades through the streets of Susa. Haman decides to teach Mordecai a lesson. He gets King Xerxes to sign a decree that on a certain day all the Jews can be killed. And anyone killing a Hebrew would be allowed to keep the personal possessions of the deceased Hebrew. To determine the exact day when the Hebrews will be exterminated, Haman rolls the dice. Adar the 13th becomes the target date. In the meantime, the king is having some issues with the queen. She refuses the king’s summons so she is released of her queenly duties. Then, because he needs a new queen, he holds the first “Bachelor” contest to find a new wife. The short story is that Esther gets the rose and becomes his queen. Yet Xerxes did not know Esther was a Hebrew. Nor that Esther was Mordecai’s cousin. The king adds another edict that will allow the Hebrews to defend themselves, which turned out good for the Hebrews and bad for any Persian that attacked a Hebrew on Adar the 13th. And Haman? Well, in a strange twist of events he wound up impaled on a pole he himself had erected for the demise of Mordecai. Oddly enough throughout the book of Esther you will never find the name of God mentioned. Not once. So, at first glance it might appear that God is absent from the events of Esther and Mordecai. But our God is a God that is always at work in and through all of our lives, big and small events alike. The story of Esther reminds us of this fact. There might be days you may think that God is not around, but He is always there (sometimes behind the scenes), working things out for “good for those who love Him” (Romans 8:28). But if there is one thing that you can be sure of it is that He has promised to never leave you and to always be with you (Deut. 31:8). He has put you right where you are, right now, so you can make a difference. You can say the words someone needs to hear. You can be the example someone needs to see. You can help someone find freedom in the love of Christ. So let others roll the dice and you let God take care of the rest. In His Peace, Pastor Renee PASTORAL CONCERNS: Since the inception of the Privacy Act, hospitals no longer call us to let us know when a member is admitted. So we are asking you to CALL AND LET US KNOW!!! Also, if 3 you have concerns or wish to talk to Pastor Renee please call the church office, 651.462.5212. If this Minnesota weather has you thinking of a vacation lately, we have the perfect opportunity for you! The Creation Vacation will be taking place on Friday, March 13 and Saturday, March 14. This is a chance to complete some of your crafting projects while enjoying home cooked meals and fellowship with your friends. Mark your calendars to attend! Registration forms are available on the church website under "News and Events." Contact Jenn Cockburn if you have any questions at [email protected]. Reach for the Stars St. Paul Lutheran Church hosts this exercise program that is led by instructors from Parmly, Mon., Wed, & Fri., from 10:30 – 11:30am. Cost is $1 per session but if you have insurance that covers Silver Sneakers there is no cost. Come and Enjoy!! 22 But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self23 control. There is no law against such things as these. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have put to 24 death their human nature with all its passions and desires. The Spirit has given us life; he must also control 25 our lives. We must not be proud or irritate one another or 26 be jealous of one another. Galatians 5: 22-26 4 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 (NLT) Those grieving the loss of a loved one Those giving PRAISE! Those dealing with parent(s) with health issues Laura Walesheck Those in need of Healing Jeanne Richards: healing after surgery Kathy Mills: hand surgery Troy Meyer: co-worker of Rosie Quale; healing after brain surgery to remove lesions Daniel Morency: father of Brian & Lisa Fashner; ill Jessica: high school senior; in serious car accident Pat Brant: Pat Miska’s Aunt; unknown pain Tracy: daughter of Pat Crawford, continuous pain and potential surgery Wyatt: friend of Zierkes; ulcerative coilitis Farrah: friend of Zella; bulged disc in neck Laura: Pat Crawford’s daughter; seeing specialist for broken shoulder Pat Crawford: multiple health issues Shawn: relative of Elodee Hudon; pneumonia, influenza and bacterial infection Chuck Crawford: advanced muscular dystrophy & personal issues Those on a Cancer journey Bill Oswald Josephine Peterson: slow growing carcinoid tumor Jo: Kim Scherer’s mother, Emily’s grandmother Deb Measner Anderson: friend of Shirley Anderson; breast cancer Mary Jo: acquaintance of Cedarblooms; breast cancer Verdelle: co-worker of Elodee; breast cancer Ken Thorson: recovery from stomach cancer surgery Ron Carlson: Jean Reed’s father; prostate cancer Sicily: 5yr. old relative of Linda Headley; starting chemo due to Burkitt lymphoma Bob Oswald: Bill’s brother, recent prostate cancer diagnosis Janice Endres: hysterectomy due to cervical cancer Kim: family friend of Cindy Gruett; stage 4 colon cancer Sheila: Jan Taylor’s sister-in-law; cancer & family issues Kevin: friend of Kim Coppersmith, brain tumor Megan: 6th grade girl with leukemia Those serving in the military Those in law enforcement protecting us at home Those looking for employment Those affected by tornadoes, floods, adverse weather Pastor Renee Patterson: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Allyson Thiele: Tues-Thurs 9:00am-4:00pm Friday 9:00am - 12:00 In case of an emergency and you need to reach someone immediately, you may call Pastor Renee’s cell, 651.271.6882. You may also leave a message at the church, 651.462.5212 and someone will return your call as soon as possible. NOON, Thursday February 19 5 What’s happening in Children’s/Youth Ministries?? SOUPer Bowl Sunday- When the Football World Celebrates the big game, the Children of SPL will have their own SOUPer Bowl- We encourage families to bring a can of food- or bag of food- to donate to our food shelf cart. After Christmas is a great time to restock those shelves!! Bible Trivia Bowl- Our Sunday School Kids will also be battling Team vs Team, head to head with Bible Trivia during Sunday School on Feb 1st- Who will be victorious?? (well, all of us, because there will be snacks also!!) Mission Trip Spaghetti Supper- Our annual Spaghetti Supper is coming up Saturday February 21stMark the date for this wonderful evening of Congregational Fellowship- Silent Auction, Live Auction, Photo Booth! We are looking for Basket Donations and new items for the Live and Silent Auctions. See Janet for Details! Confirmation Retreat- Confirmation Students, save the date for our Spring Confirmation Retreat Friday March 20-Saturday March 21, here at Church- we're looking for Parent Chaperones! First Communion Class- First Communion Class is coming up Sunday March 22nd 2-5:30, with First Communion being April 2, during Maundy Thursday Service. First Communion is traditionally for 5th Graders, but can be for older Children who have not had their First Communion yet, or younger children who Parents think are ready for this step. Please let Janet know if you will be joining us. 43 Israel, the LORD who created you says, “Do not be afraid—I will save you. I have called you by name—you are mine. 2 When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you. 3 For I am the LORD your God, the holy God of Israel, who saves you. Isaiah 43: 1-3 www.LutherPoint.org Upcoming Camps February 13-15: Family Winter Weekend March 13 & 14: Elementary Weekend Camp (Grades 3-5) Summer Camp registration soon underway 6 Applications available for 2015 Summer Staff 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 12 16 17 19 20 23 27 28 29 Tyler Walters Dee Wilkinson Austen Enrooth Meghan Ihfe Zachary Norwig Debra Rudquist Emily Coppersmith Dan Landherr Dave Schuder Chris Clark Jeromy Post Christopher Larson Peter Umland Jennifer Coozennoy Corbin Lee Andy Norwig Kevin Walters Michael Johnson Gerald Nelson Noah Reed Kari Unruh Heidi Hyrkas Linda Abress Josh Griffin Ethan Cedarbloom Troy Engel Brett Galatowitsch 3 4 9 10 18 21 23 24 25 26 27 7 Kelly Schuder Tyler Helinsky April Enrooth Alisha Jasmer Kristina Stoyke Jeromy Post Jordan Lee Quinton Lee Sarah Chaussee Mitchell Umland Lindsey Quale Nicole Parsons Let me start by formally welcoming our newest Council members! JULIE COOZENNOY – Member At Large Member Since: 1988 or 1989 Activities I’ve been involved with here at SPLC: Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Women of Worship, Spaghetti Dinner, Holiday Treasures, Capital Campaign, Stewardship, Outreach, Fall Festival, Loaves & Fishes, CPR Puppets, Handbells About Me: I have 3 grown children and 2 and 2/3 grandchildren. The “2/3” one is due in March I enjoy crafting, scrapbooking, organizing and having fun. FRANK EDWARDS – Member At Large Hi, my name is Frank Edwards and I am married to Katie Edwards. We have three children, Matthew, Paul and Allison (Paul and Allison are twins). We have been members at St. Paul Lutheran for about 20 years. All the kids were baptized at St. Paul and confirmed at St. Paul. I am a Corrections Program Director with the Minnesota Department of Corrections and have been employed with the DOC for 33+ years. I currently work at the Lino Lakes Facility. Prior to coming to St. Paul Lutheran we were members at Hosanna Lutheran in Forest Lake and prior to that we were members at Shepard of the Valley Lutheran in Lakeland Minnesota. Katie and I were married there. I have been involved in several activities at St. Paul – usher, counter, contact person for the security company; and for the past 5+ years I have been one of the directors of the Christian Puppet Revival (CPR) Team. I enjoy bowling and you can often find me at the Stars and Strikes where I work part time. JOHN RYAN – Member At Large I have been a member at St. Paul Lutheran since October of 2013. Prior to that tie I was a member at another local church where I served as the usher captain, and volunteered at many youth activities. My children are currently involved in Sunday school, SPLASH 5/6 and confirmation. My family really enjoys the programs here at SPL! Since joining, I have enjoyed ushering with my family, assisting with the Day of Service and chaperoning the fall confirmation retreat and now look forward to this opportunity to serve. I am employed by Volkswagen Credit which gives me many opportunities to travel and learn about new things. My job has given me a lot of experience working with financial statements and working with numbers. I look forward to using my expertise to help the church continue to thrive! Thank you. (continued on next page) 8 In reflecting on my first annual meeting as Council President, I have to admit in some ways it went better than I had expected, in other ways it was right on track and at the same time, I have a list of items to work on improving for next year. All in all, it was a productive meeting. We reviewed our accomplishments, heard about a new program from Pastor Renee, discussed the positive year-end 2014 numbers, received approval for a sound 2015 budget, welcomed three new council members and received overwhelming commitment from many of you to start building our 150th Anniversary Celebration. This is a very exciting time for our church and I’m energized just thinking about what’s ahead for us. A sincere “thank you” to everyone who stepped up to help me through my first meeting, to all meeting attendees for your patience and understanding as I learn the rules of the road for annual meeting protocols and to all of the volunteers who come together to make our church a success! Julie Ohmann St. Paul Lutheran Council President The Book Nook “Unbroken” A World War II story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand This is the story of Louis Silvie Zamperini; a juvenile delinquent, turned 1936 Olympic runner, turned WW II Army hero. On a routine mission over the Pacific his plane crashes into the ocean and the next days and years that follow will leave you in disbelief. This story (and movie by the same name) are mostly about his war experience and time as a prisoner of war at the hands of a Japanese commander named “The Bird”. What happens after the end of the war is the story of redemption, the miracle of his transformation that began at a Billy Graham crusade in Los Angeles. This book is a good read for both guys and gals. If you are interested, there is a copy of the book in Allyson’s office for you to borrow. The movie “Unbroken” ends with his return to the States after his torturous time as a POW. If you want to see the transformational side of the story you can go to Billy Graham’s website (www.billygraham.org) and watch a 30 minute video entitled “Louis Zamperini, Captured by Grace”. Read any good books lately? Don’t forget to share with the Book Nook readers! 9 St. Paul Lutheran Council Meeting Tuesday January 20, 2015 Attending: Renee Patterson, Julie Ohmann, Cheryl Glassel, Julie Hyrkas, Nan Renstrom, Neil Gatzow, Marshal Ihfe, Janet Nutter Call to Order: 6:36pm by Julie Ohmann-Pastor Renee opened meeting with devotions. Review of Minutes Motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the minutes of December 16, 2014. Review of Finance Balance Sheet : Total for 2014-Income: $348,716.05 Expense: $343,466.63 Motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Review of Reports Pastor’s Report: Pastor Renee reported that a new members dessert event will be March 10 and a new member welcome on March 29. Pastor Renee will be attending the Tool Kit for Congregation Leaders on February 21. Council Coffee talks are scheduled for April 26 and October 4. The Family Pathways Food Truck is growing and it seems to receive new participants every month. We also have a new member that began a diaper ministry in conjunction with the Food Truck. Loaves and Fishes: Pr Renee reported that the team has talked about how very blessed SPLC is to have so many faithful people participating in Kingdom work. Team is asking ministry team leaders to “track” volunteer hours during lent. We plan a celebration of those hours on our next Day of Service on Apr 19, when Bishop Lull will be our guest preacher. Finance Report: Nan mentioned that Jerry is working on a drop safe to go into the wall, which would prevent having to open the old safe every time someone has money to deposit. Jim Carlson has resigned from the Finance Committee and Dave Nordhausen has joined the team. Nan will be working on a procedure for tracking non-member regular givers, currently they are not getting giving statements. The team has discussed upgrading Quickbooks to the newest version. Children, Youth & Family Development Ministry Team Pre-School: Patti reported that they are coming up to registration for the fall. The board determined not to increase the tuition for next year. Open registrations will begin February 1. It was also reported that through the selling of the cards the preschool raised approximately $1000.00. Children’s Ministry: Janet reported that the annual Christmas Program was Sunday December 21, and the kids did a wonderful job. Sunday School is back to “normal” and back on track with “The Story”. They are having a LEGO Bible Story Diorama contest, which will be on display at the Annual Meeting. The SOUPer Bowl Sunday is coming up February 1, with Bible Trivia Bowl. SPLASH 5/6 is back on track. SPLASH 1-4 will be meeting in February with a Warrior Party and a Princess Party. The Mission Trip kids had a quick fruit sale fundraiser and are having a craft retreat January 30-31. They are preparing for the BIG fundraiser, the Spaghetti Supper on Saturday February 21. Youth Report: Pastor Renee mentioned that confirmation classes have resumed and are continuing our way through our study in the New Testament. Mentors have been paired up with students for our spring mentor/mentee study project in Lent. This will involve our 5-9th grade students paired up with a congregational member for learning and conversation. The Senior High continues to meet with a strong core of participation. Adult Education/Sunday Forum: Pastor Renee reported that a conversation about how we might expand our reach in our adult education ministry have begun. The Sunday and Wednesday Bible studies are continuing with The Story. Global Missions Report: The team learned that the pump we carried to TZ last year is installed and working at Ilula. Mtera School Water Project still needs about $3k to begin. 2015 Scholarships have been paid. Creation Vacation set for Mar 13-14. Congregational Life/Missions: No Report. Property, Building and Grounds Report: Neil Gatzow reported that he is working with the insurance company in regards to the light post in the parking lot. The Team is also considering an Energy Consultant, FaithLink, to possible come in and do a free estimate cost on improvements to make the building more efficient. SPPRT: The SPPRT Team is continuing their work on the Records Retention Policy. Worship, Art, and Music Ministry Report: The Team reported a discussion for a theme for Lent and the invitation going out to the Community Leaders to answer questions regarding our place in the community and where we can grow and where we are of service. February 18th is Ash Wednesday-Ashes only, No Communion. Lenten Services are as follows on Wednesdays: February 25, March 4,11,18, and 25. The team also reported that a survey was completed on the time change of services and it was an overwhelming approval of the 8:30am starting time. Old Business 1. Volunteer of the month. 2. Letters to exiting council members. 3. Annual meeting prep. New Business 1. Audit report 2. Substitute musician pay Meeting was adjourned at 9:21pm. Respectfully submitted by Julie Hyrkas Next regularly scheduled council meeting is February 17, 2015 10 Devotions: Julie Ohmann Pack the Pews March 22, 2015 Bring non-perishable food items to worship service and “fill your pew”. These items will then help stock Family Pathways food shelves. Watch for more info to come! 11 There’s Room at the Table Friends, we are busy people! God has given us 24 hours in each day to live, work, serve and praise. How are we using that time? How might we best steward the time that God has given to us, as individuals and a Congregation, to love God and our neighbor? The Loaves and Fishes Team (Stewardship Team) will be kicking off two new initiatives to help answer these questions in February that we want you all to know about. First: We have made available a Room at the Table ministry sheet for everyone to pray over and discern how God might be calling them. Second: We KNOW that God has done mighty things through our many volunteer hours doing His Kingdom work. We are curious as to how many hours SPLC servants dedicate to His purpose. We know that God has a different purpose for all of us. Not all are called to do the same ministry. We also know that no greater joy exists than finding your purpose and using it to build up each other. Please pray over this list of existing teams on the Room at the Table sheet. Where is God calling you? The backside of the handout has a space for you to describe your gifts. Perhaps you don’t know what all of these teams do. The team leaders can use this information to match your gifts with the right team. We will be having a special service on February 15th to celebrate Stewards of Time. We ask you to bring these completed sheets forward at that time. Then on February 18th, Ash Wednesday, our second initiative kicks off. We believe that we have terrific and dedicated volunteers here at St. Paul Lutheran. We think you will be astonished by the number of hours we volunteer. So for the Lenten season this year, we want you to track all of the hours you spend volunteering. From Ash Wednesday to Easter, please keep track of all the time you spend in volunteer meetings, events, preparation, prayer, and other activities. Each St. Paul Lutheran Team Leader will be keeping track of their team’s work, so your job is to simply track your individual time. We have a spreadsheet to help you with this with that is a helpful tool. Paper copies of Room at the Table are available and the spreadsheet is available for download on our website (www.sharingchristslove.org) and our Facebook page. Please use the Tab labeled Individual and keep track of your time in minutes. All information is to be turned in on Easter. We will tally the GRAND Total and announce it April 19th at our Day of Service! Anyone interested in taking a guess right now on what that number will be?! If you have questions, please contact a member of the Loaves and Fishes Team – Jan Brainard, Julie Coozennoy, Pastor Renee or Shirley Zierke. 12 It’s Time To Register For Preschool All God’s Children Preschool will begin accepting registrations starting February 2nd for the 20152016 school year. If you register your child between February 2nd and February 20th there will be a 25% discount on the registration fee. But you MUST register your child by February 20th. Registration forms can be found by the Preschool rooms, and in the narthex. Requirements for registering you child are as follows; your child must be 3 years old by September 1, 2015 and be potty trained. We will be holding an open house for new students on Tuesday February 17th from 5:30 to 7:00. If you have any questions please call Patti at 651-4626832. All God’s Children Preschool is an outreach of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Wyoming Minnesota. Thank you to all the generous church families who give to the Food Truck. Thanksgiving and Christmas meals were extra special with a turkey for each family. Another BIG thanks to all who come on the 3rd Saturday to help set-up – visit with the people – help load food – then clean-up. It is a heart-warming time had by all, young and all ages in-between. What a giving, God’s-family we are. Keep up God’s work! St. Paul Lutheran Church, Thank you for your recent $250 gift to Ebola Outbreak Response. Gifts like yours make it possible for our church to continue its effective and efficient response to disasters. As Lutheran Disaster Response, we support and pray for the well-being of people all over the world who are recovering from a disaster, and for our partners and volunteers who assist them in their journey to renewal. Thank you for providing help, hope and healing. In Christ’s service, Daniel Rift Director, ELCA World Hunger & Disaster Appeal In loving memory of: Dear St. Paul Lutheran Church, Thanks you for your amazing giving this past year! You gave a total of $979.42 to FMSC in 2014, which enabled us to provide 4,452 nutritious meals that helped bring hope to those in desperate need. May you receive great joy in knowing the Lord used you to reach His precious kids with life-saving food and show them His great love in the process. Glenn Gruett Greg & Kathie Gruett Mark Crea 13 Executive Director/CEO Community Events and Opportunities A Great place to donate! Need help with groceries? Did you know that you can donate: Financial contributions Time – volunteer Food, household or personal care items Clothing, household items and furniture A Great place to shop! The next “FARE FOR ALL” food distribution is WEDNESDAY, Feb 25, 4-6PM At Forest Lake VFW (near Target) www.fareforall.org Or RUBY’S PANTRY, North Branch: 2nd Sat. of the month, (Feb 14) 10-11:30am 39404 Grand Ave., North Branch Look for bargins in: Forest Hills UMC: 3rd Sat of month, (Feb 21) 8-11:00am 1790 11th St. SE, Forest Lake Clothing Home décor Furniture Household goods Best of all, the proceeds go to help with programs and services for families, youth and senior citizens in our community! Cost per family $15.00 Mobile Food Truck update Our church will be hosting Family Pathway’s mobile food truck February 21st. Our volunteers will begin at 8:00 that morning with setup. The food truck will be available for qualified shoppers from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00am. Our volunteers will then tear down. See the sign-up in the narthex. Family Pathway’s staff will be here to handle most of the logistics. Our job as volunteers will be to warmly greet people and help the staff as needed. In preparation of the event, we will have the grocery cart out in the narthex. All food collected here will go directly into the shopping area February 21st. 14
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