Lifelines - Roseville Church of Christ

Roseville Church of Christ
17415 Eleven Mile Road
Roseville, MI 48066
Feb. 1, 2015
Roseville Church of Christ
—- 17415 Eleven Mile Rd, Roseville, MI 48066
—- 586-771-5311
“Just Checking in Today, Lord”
“Some Day, Alice, Pow...Right to the Moon”
The ‘Sunday Breakfasts
in the Foyer’
are held on each
second Sunday.
The next one is
next Sunday,
Feb. 8,
Join us before
Bible Class for
light breakfast
fare and great
Our monthly
fellowship dinners have resumed now that
all holiday activities are over.
When the instructor came up to my easel, I was just putting the final touches on a beautifully penciled
sketch of a rude farm building complete with crescent moon in
the door and beautifully textured grain in the rough-sawn
wood. Her comment to me? “That’s nothing but an outdoor
toilet!” My rapid-fire response was…..”Have you ever seen a
better place to dream?” The result was sheer bedlam in the
studio! Timing really is everything! --- Or is it?
With the Lord, timing is nothing! For him, a day is like a
thousand years and a thousand years like a day! After God
destroyed the world during the flood, he determined that man’s
time on earth would be 120 years.
Yet, the arrival of Jesus upon the earth was with splitsecond precision. The Roman Empire was at its height. The
Romans had laced their realm with state-of-the-art military
roads to move troops around their empire quickly. Those
same “super highways” also enabled the apostles and other
early Christians to travel more expeditiously as well……..and
that is how the Gospel of Christ was able to be spread
throughout Palestine and Asia so rapidly! The Gospel could
not have been so-rapidly spread in an earlier time period. — Randy
(cont. from page 1)
We’ve heard it all before…..probably many times: Timing is everything!
For just a moment, recall all the funny gags and one-liners you heard from
the ‘clown princes’ of the golden age of television. Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Red
Skelton, Jackie Gleason and Art Carney and, towards the end of the era, even
Johnny Carson, were all masters of the comic skit and above all, the one-liners that
always brought the house down with laughter. It is a ‘truism’ that a truly funny comedian owes his fortune to his comic sense of timing. Those princes of ‘clowndom’
all agreed, either you had it or you didn’t. Aspiring comedians could not be taught a
comic sense of timing; it had to be born into them.
For Jack Benny, it was the blank stare he gave whenever someone tried to
“hit him up for a buck,” For Red Skelton, it was when Freddy the Freeloader would
knock the ashes from the tip of a used cigar butt before answering the cop who’d
asked him what he was up to…..and for Jackie Gleason, it was the way Ralph
Kramden would roll his eyes around inside their sockets whenever Alice would
catch him red-handed in one of his many foibles.
While not professing to be a comedian in any way, I have collected an occasional laugh when the timing was right: Two of my own “finer moments” come to
mind where the timing of a ‘one liner’ manufactured a ‘groan’ or two. Many years
ago, as a young news editor, I was working at my desk and overheard a distant
voice searching for a catalog. Moments later the voice was closer and still in quest
of a catalog. I continued working and soon the man reached my desk….still searching. Excusing himself, he asked if I happened to have a Sears and Roebuck catalog. Since I had not yet met the man, I was surprised to find him standing over me.
My instantaneous response was: “No, but I do have a roll of toilet paper in my
drawer! That brought the house down for several minutes!
Another time, I was in a college sketching class where our instructions were
to produce a fully rendered drawing of our dream house which might be a cottage in
the woods…..or maybe a castle in Scotland.
…...( Continued on back page)
John Hart
Our Numbers for
Jan. 25
Worship 110
Giving $3510.00
Vol. 15-005
Service Schedule:
Bible Class 10 AM
Morning Worship 11 AM
Evening Worship 5 PM
Tuesday PM:
James Group
Dinner at 5:30 PM
Bible study at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Bible Study:
10:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Dave Chaffin
John Magness
George Westerman
Jr George Price Jr
John Bonbrisco
Neil Cherry
Randy Milam
Jim Petronski
Gunther Schlender
Bob Wilson
(see any elder)
Church E-Mail Address:
[email protected]
Church Web Address:
Congratulations are in order!
The medications are doing
their job! John’s latest tests
showed the results medics
were waiting for to finish the
final chemo treatment! He
got his final treatment last
week and is looking forward
to returning to a more-normal
way of life.
Linda Lawson
Linda receives a chemo
infusion every third week, a
procedure that is extremely
hard for her. In the interim
between sessions she receives less aggressive treatments. She keeps a daily
routine by wearing a mask in
public. She was able to join
us this past Sunday.
Family Movie Night
The next family movie night
is less than a week away!
This favorite family activity
includes pop and snacks,
popcorn and of course, a fulllength feature movie (The
Lego Movie). Make plans to
be here!
This Friday at 6 p.m.!
‘So Long’ to Keith & Cindy
We bid ‘farewell & Godspeed
to Keith and Cindy Anderson
as they head back to Illinois
to resume caring for Cindy’s
mother. “We’ll leave the
light on for ya!”
The Holzhauers
Cold weather and long days are
the order for Chuck & Donna.
They manage to fight winter’s chill
and are able to maintain a fullschedule of doctor’s visits. Chuck
continues to deal with many health
issues with medications that, in
themselves, are problematic. Doctors keep watch to see that there
are no non-beneficial interactions
while Donna must also take precautions in her own behalf.
Bill & Betty Green
These good people need more of
our attention. Adversity keeps
finding them. Bill is finally resting
at home …….. and Betty’s infirmities only increase.
Ladies! Ladies! Ladies!
The Royal Oak Church presents
its annual Ladies Day this coming
Saturday (2/7/15) with a full day of
activities planned including continental breakfast, luncheon, special speakers and discussions related to Womens’ concerns as related to Peace (John 16:33)
RSVP to 586-978-8823
Word from the Cherrys
We have further word from Neil &
Sharon. They send their
“howdies” to all and continue in
prayer for the church here. They
are holding up well under the Arizona sun but are concerned that
they will run out of sun screen before they fold up their portable
wigwam and head home in April.
Daily in our Prayers
Bob Blair - Bob continues to mend slowly at home and his doctors are gradually weaning him from 24-hr. oxygen and he will return to the normal chemo therapy program.
Osterhoudts - The family health issues continue. Lue has been discharged from St.
John-Macomb hospital. This family has done so much for the Lord through the years.
Now, they could use some help with meals - a great opportunity to do a good work.
Len Desmarais - Remains at Clinton Aire Rehab
facility, in Clinton Twp. and appreciates cards
and calls.
Hamilton/Bedard Family - Diane, Terry’s sister-in-law, is
recovering comfortably at home…….. More tests are
planned for Terry to locate the source of a blood disorder.
Robert Wojtowicz - Marcia’s husband, had successful back
surgery last Monday and was discharged Thursday fromBeaumont Hosp. Marcia received a “good report” from her
doctor this past week and the baby, due in about six weeks,
is doing fine. Medics are watching Marcia’s blood pressure.
Gracious Father,
Please smile benevolently on these special
members of our family
who want so desperately
to have their hurts
eased. Please give them
peace no matter what
their hurt may be.
Al LaPoint - Keep both Al & Sharon in your prayers as Al
recovers from renal and cardiac issues. He is just happy to be back home!
Bonbrisco Friends - Barb Trombly and her son, Mike, have been beset with a number of serious health concerns. They are friends and neighbors with the Bonbriscos
who ask that we add them to our prayer list. Mike will soon have bypass surgery.
Michele Kinning - daughter of Anne Redmond, will have major surgery on Feb. 18 and
prayers have been requested. Michele spent much of her childhood here.
Lillia Smith - is to have a medical procedure tomorrow and a brief hospital stay.
Those Struggling with Cancer
For Encouragement
The Gordon family, the Runyons, Joe Phillips, Bill & Betty
Green, Ed George, Sue Johnson, the Osterhoudt family, the
Holzhauers, the Pincombes, Lisa K’s sister, Amy, Jean Ballard, Len Desmarais, the Bedard/Hamilton family, and Brian
Anita Hall, Roger Hamilton, John Hart, Linda
Lawson, and Bob Blair,
Multiple Health Issues
The Osterhoudts; the Greens, The Hamiltons, Jan & Rhonda Runyon, the Pincombes and Chuck and Donna Holzhauer.
Our Shut-Ins
Len Desmarais, Darlene LaCharitie, Bill & Betty
Green, Justine Arnold, the Pincombes and Jim
& Pauline Bedard.