FREE STATE GOLF UNION Junior Golf Division ENTRY FORM: 2015 GARY SMITH BFN GOLF CLUB JUNIOR OPEN NB. - PLEASE TAKE NOTE: THIS IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL METHOD OF ENTRY, NO VERBAL ENTRIES. Tournament Date Tournament Name Venue Entries Close 8 FEBRUARY 2015 GARY SMITH BFN GOLF CLUB JUNIOR OPEN BLOEMFONTEIN GOLF CLUB 4 FEBRUARY 2015 ENTRIES CLOSE: Entries close on 4 FEBRUARY 2015. PRACTICE ROUNDS: Practice Rounds can be booked at BLOEMFONTEIN GOLF CLUB. TOURNAMENT CONDITIONS: (This is just a summary of the applicable rules. Please acquaint yourself with all the rules.) 1) RULES: a) The Tournament will be played under the Rules of Golf as approved by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, and the local rules of the host golf club and Tournament Rules of the FS GOLF UNION. b) The Junior Committee is the sole arbiter on the interpretation and application of the Rules and the decision(s) of the Committee will be final. 2) FORMAT: The format for the tournament will be Stroke Play (medal) over 36 holes for U/19, U/17 and U/15 Divisions; and over 18 holes for U/13 & U/11 Divisions. Double Par ruling will be applicable for the U/13 & U/11 Divisions. 3) PRIZES: a) Players compete for places, prizes and OOM points that will be stipulated as part of the tournament conditions. b) Ties and count-outs will be resolved in accordance with the Tournament Committee procedures which are in accordance to SAGA recommendations. FSGU ruling is always last 18 HOLES, then last NINE HOLES (10-18) then from STROKE 1 to 18 of last round. 4) DRESS CODE: Players are required to comply with the prescribed dress code of the SAGA and the Host Club. Any Player not conforming to these dress codes will be disqualified from participating and therefore will be told to leave the golf club until such time that they conform to these dress codes. Short socks are permitted but, NOT hidden or invisible socks. Polo Neck and/or Collarless type golf shirts are permitted but, NOT T-shirt type golf shirts. To avoid any embarrassment, please clear any dubious clothing with the Tournament Director. 5) AGE LIMIT: Participants shall be under the age of 19 years, and school going. Members of FSGU JUNIOR GOLF who turn 19 during the current year shall be eligible to play and be selected until such time as they turn 19. All age groups will be played according to SAGA rules. 6) ORDER OF MERIT: All tournaments will count towards the various OOM’s for both the FS & NC Golf Unions, with rules as set out in the operating manual of FSGU JUNIOR GOLF. 7) COMPETITION RULES: a) Start of play: Entrants must report at least 30 minutes before their tee-off time to the registration table and at least 10 minutes prior to tee-off to the Starter on the tee. i) Late arrivals will be disqualified except if they can show just reason under Rule 6.3 why the disqualification rule should be waived, or if they can be accommodated later in the field, or on a stand-by list. ii) Tee-off times will be available at the Club or from Nicky Nel @ 082 734 6847. b) Slow play: Please take note that slow play will not be tolerated and will be dealt with strictly in accordance with the rules of golf. c) Note: It is the Player’s responsibility to ascertain his tee-off time beforehand and to report on time. d) Non-arrivals: Players who enter and do not turn up will be dealt with in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the FS GOLF UNION. e) Use of Club Carts: The use of motorised club carts by either a Player or his Caddy is not allowed, except in the U/11 Division, and/or if it must be used due to any medical reason confirmed by a Medical Doctor/Specialist. f) Caddies: Only LOCAL CADDIES are permitted and Parents will NOT BE ALLOWED to caddie, except in the U/11 Division. g) Note: Any other Parents, Friends & Family to stay at least 40m away from Players and must not interfere with play. No rulings or advice to Players may be given, verbally or by hand signals. h) No steel spikes are allowed; soft spikes only! i) The use of any electronic equipment like cell phones, i-pods and mp-3 players are strictly forbidden during a tournament round. Distance measuring devices may be used, but only to measure distances. The other exception will be to use a cell phone to contact Officials for assistance with RULINGS. j) PLAY OFF: A SUDDEN DEATH PLAY OFF WILL BE PLAYED ON HOLES AS DETERMINED BY THE COMMITTEE. 8) ENTRIES: a) Entries for tournaments are only accepted on receipt of an Entry Form, accompanied by proof of payment of the entry fee. Once the draw has been finalized, there will be NO refunds for withdrawals of any kind. b) Late entries and/or surprise arrivals, complying with the requirement set out above, shall only be accepted if there are vacancies in the field, or if the entrant is prepared to be placed on stand-by. 9) PRIZE GIVING: Prize giving is compulsory and a Jacket & Tie must be worn - NO GOLF SHOES WITH JACKETS. NO GOLF CARTS WILL BE ALLOWED ON COURSE FOR SPECTATORS WITHOUT A MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. ALL SPECTATORS AND PARENTS MUST ADHERE TO THE 40 METER RULE. ENTRY FORM E-MAIL COMPLETED ENTRY FORM to [email protected] or FAX FORM to 086 545 9134. NOTE: It is safer, faster, and more convenient to deposit (Electronic Transfer) the appropriate amount into the Division’s bank account and it provides automatic proof of payment. The Division’s bank details are set out at the bottom of this document. REMEMBER: Entries CLOSE on/or before 4 FEBRUARY 2015. NO ENTRY IF NOT ACCOMPANIED BY ENTRY FORM & PROOF OF PAYMENT Tee-Off Times will be available on the 5th of FEBRUARY 2015. 8 FEBRUARY 2015 GARY SMITH BFN GOLF CLUB JUNIOR OPEN BLOEMFONTEIN GOLF CLUB R 300-00 PRACTICE ROUNDS CAN BE BOOKED AT BLOEMFONTEIN GOLF CLUB. SURNAME: NAME: HOME CLUB: PARENT NAME: Date of Birth: E-Mail Address: CURRENT HANDICAP: HOME TEL NO: CELL NO PLAYER: CELL NO PARENT: ARE YOU A MEMBER OF ANOTHER DIVISON OF SA JUNIOR GOLF? If YES, PLEASE INDICATE WHICH DIVISION: PROOF OF PAYMENT MUST PLEASE BE SEND WITH ENTRY FORM By submitting this entry form I agree to abide by the Conditions and Rules for this tournament, including compliance with the dress code. SIGNATURE OF PLAYER Date: SIGNATURE OF PARENT Submit the Entry Form to Nicky Nel @ [email protected] or fax to 086 545 9134 NB - Please make payment to FS JUNIOR GOLF DIVISION with PLAYER’S NAME as reference BANKING DETAILS: BANK: BRANCH: BR CODE: ACC NUMBER: FNB PRELLER SQUARE 230234 62048895984
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