4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Saints Joseph and Paul Catholic Church Iglesia Católica de Santos José y Pablo Parish Staff Pastor Fr. Carl McCarthy Ext 222 [email protected] February 1, 2015 ~ 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Associate Pastor Fr. Al Bremer Ext 236 [email protected] Stewardship Minister Alan Sims Ext 239 [email protected] Hispanic Minister Sr. Maria Del Pilar Hinojosa [email protected] Ext. 227 Outreach Minister Rick Rhodes Ext 247 [email protected] Coordinator of Faith Formation Donna Goetz Ext 223 [email protected] Youth Minister/Technology PJ Ross Ext 224 [email protected] Music Minister James Wells Ext 226 [email protected] Director of Maintenance Kelly Ward Ext 241 [email protected] Parish Caretaker Cindi Hoppe [email protected] Sunday Matters Minister Debbie Luedke Ext 242 [email protected] Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper April Dickens Ext 221 [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 8am, 10:00am, 6pm 12 noon & 10:30 p.m. (Spanish) Monday - Friday 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursdays at 6pm; Fridays at 12 noon Parish Office – 609 E. 4th St.; Owensboro, KY 42303 270 683-5641 270 685-4766(Fax) Parish Website www.stjpc.org Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Lunch 12-1pm) Owensboro Catholic Schools K-3 Campus 270-684-7583 4-6 Campus 270-683-6989 Middle School 270-683-0480 High School 270-684-3215 Mission Statement We give our hearts to God and our talents to His people. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 STEWARDSHIP AS A WAY OF LIFE February 2nd–8th Monday 5:30pm Tuesday 5:30pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday (Spanish) (Spanish) James Skeeter Hagan Bill & Katherine Thomas 64th Anniversary 5:30pm Mr. & Mrs Larry Depp, Sr. 5:30pm James C. Payne 5:30pm Andrew Fleischmann & Family 4:30pm Ashley Fulkerson 8:00am Holy Name Society 10am Jim Edge 12pm Melvin & Maxine Fleischmann 6pm Roger Marksberry 10:30pm Parishioners READINGS FOR THE WEEK 2/1/15 Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 WELCOME TO STS. JOSEPH AND PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH, To our guests, we are happy that you have joined us for Mass. For more information about our parish: 270-683-5641 www.stjpc.org, Sts. Joseph and Paul, 609 East 4th St. Owensboro KY, 42303 Last Sunday we welcomed Scarlett Lynn Scott into the family of Jesus through the waters of Baptism. Scarlet is the daughter of Jesse and Katie Scott. Also pictured are her Godparents are Eric & Jessica Conder Monday: LOOKING AHEAD TO NEXT SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE February 8, 2105 In the gospel Simon says to Jesus, “Everyone is looking for you.” Jesus is having great success healing A WORD OF REFLECTION many people and driving Where do I encounter Jesus in out demons. All who enmy life today? counter him adore him. When is Jesus the Good News Nonetheless, Jesus moves for me? on to other villages. Personal idolization is not the How do I preach the presence purpose for which Jesus has of the Good News in my life? come. His ministry is not about drawing attention to himself, but about preaching the Good News of salvation. Yet his ministry is about himself, for he is the Good News. VOCATION REFLECTION February 1, 2015: 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” Moses heard the word of the Lord, and he responded. Where is God calling you to go? What is His will for you? As you discern God’s will for your life, listen, follow, and harden not your hearts. If you feel that God might be calling you to priesthood, let the Office of Vocations assist you in your discernment. 270-683-1545, www.owensborovocations.com, or [email protected] HOLY HUMOR An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, "How do you expect to get into Heaven?" The boy thought it over and said, "Well, I'll just run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, 'For Heaven's sake, Jimmy, come in or stay out!' IN GRATITUDE Thanks to all who contributed to the Right to Life of Owensboro bucket collection at the Masses on the weekend of January 18. Your donations totaled $743.11 and will help support educational efforts to promote the sanctity of life. IN APPRECIATION The Family of Mary Board would like to thank Fr. Carl and Fr. Al for the beautiful Mass, the service, the choir, and those who prepared and served the meal. Thank You and God Bless! ~The Family of Mary Board CHILDREN’S ENVELOPES GOOD DEEDS Mary-went to bed when I was told and I am a good listener; Cali-cleaned up my clothes; David-was nice to my brother; Ray-helped my Mom; Braylin-helped my mom clean up leaves; T.J.-feed my dog and cat; Leannah-cleaned my room; Sean-fed the dogs; Max-help my Mom & opened the door for Mom & Dad; Madelyn-brushed my teeth; Nolan-good listener & was quiet; Lucia-cleaned the playroom yesterday; Emmy-made my bed & I prayed; Maverick-made my bed & brushed my teeth; Jeremy-made my bed; Charlie-help Mom and Dad put my toys in a basket; Anne-cleaned my room; Harrison-help Mom get to basketball practice; Bentlei-help my Mom and Dad; Madison-help my Mom open the door; Michael-cleaned my room; Matias-I made my breakfast; Efron-I helped my mom; Benjamin-3 hours; Brent-picked up my toys; Sean-I fed the dogs; CammiI went to bed when my Daddy told me to; Mason-I picked up my clothes; Peyton -I picked up my toys; Max-help my Dad and Mom; Felipe-I clean my room; Makenna-I help my Nana clean my room; William-I helped my Mom clean my room; Lucio-I made my lunchbox; Isabeth-I made my bed; Maverick-I helped Dad work; Madeline-I made my bed; Brody-I cleaned up my room; Phoenixshared my toys with brothers; Lanie Ann-I made my bed; Kylee-I cleaned up my clothes; Emmy-picked up room; Luke-I cleaned my room with my Mom; Rylie-I picked up my toys; Tyce-being nice to my Mom; Leannah-I cleaned up my room and the living room; Levi-helping my brother David write his name; Davidbeing nice to my other brothers. TREASURE Sunday Collection 1/18/15 Sunday Collection 1/25/15 Sunday Collections as of 1/11/15 $ 15,388.15 $ 13,152.51 $516,053.57 Weekly Sunday Collection Budget Budget Year to Date (30 weeks) Over/Under YTD Budget $ 17,142.79 $514,283.70 $ +1,769.87 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time THE NEW MEMBERS TO THE CATHOLIC FAITH ARE LIKE A BLOOD TRANSFUSION One of the greatest strengths of the Catholic Church is those who fully join us through the RCIA Process. RCIA is an acronym that stands for the Right of Christian Initiation of Adults. The Rite actually says that those who join us through this process are the “life blood of Church.” What this is saying is that their entry into the Church brings new life to the rest of us. In other words, they are like a blood transfusion for the rest of the church. Because, when we see their joy and enthusiasm in Christ it renews our life with Christ. In this Sunday’s bulletin column, I have asked Rick Rhodes to begin to introduce us to those who will join us fully at Easter. In Peace, Fr. Carl Our RCIA Journey of Faith is blessed to have 11 individuals requesting full communion with the Church this year. As the parish receiving them into the Catholic Church, it is our joy to welcome them and provide for them. Much like the first 12 apostles they are a very diverse group of people with a wide variety of ages and personalities. They are teenagers, newlyweds, young fathers, expectant mothers, senior citizens and several groups in between. They come to us with questions, struggles, fears, hopes and dreams. But as diverse a group as they are, they all have one thing in common: they are seeking growth in their relationship with Jesus. They are seeking to belong to a faith community that will support them when the journey seems too long and hard, to comfort them when they experience times of grief and pain, to pray with them and to pray for them when life gets difficult, and to rejoice with them when life is good. They are seeking what we all hope to find: a loving, supportive, caring community of faith. They are seeking what most of us have found here at Sts. Joseph & Paul: a community of love, a community of disciples, a community of believers trying to live as Jesus modeled. They are seeking what we have come to know as CHURCH. On Sunday February 8th during the 10:00am Mass, we will celebrate with these 11 disciples the Rite of Acceptance and Welcome. This is a chance for this Faith Community to say we are glad you are here to pray and worship with us. A chance for us to say to: John Congleton, Drew Frey, Rhonda Walker, Janet Carrico, Tracy Jean, Arianna Porter, Brad Carter, Nicole Ardaiolo, Kara Simon, Joe Hamilton and Janet Payton welcome to our Family. Blessings, Rick Rhodes A KOINONIA SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE – To anyone in our parish who has made a Koinonia Retreat, I spiritually encourage you to pray for our upcoming Koinonia #22 Retreat and to invite another to make the February 21st, 22nd, and 23rd Retreat. Your invitation is a call for someone to come and meet Jesus Christ in our community of believers. In Peace, Fr. Carl February 1, 2015 AN UPDATE ON “WATER WITH BLESSINGS” ~A CLEAN WATER PROJECT~ SR. LARRAINE LAUTER, OSU came to our weekend Masses on January 10th and 11th to make us aware of the critical need for clean and safe drinking water in the world, especially in fourth world countries. Our parish will be joining with “Water with Blessings” to work to provide clean water for the people in our Twinning Parish of St. Joseph in Lalomas, Haiti. By the printing of this bulletin, we have received donations of $14,625 for this “Water with Blessings” project. The cost of a water filter is $60, which means that we can empower 244 water women to each provide clean water for those in their own household and three other neighboring households. Each filter has the useful expectancy of purifying over one million gallons of water over time. Your generous donations have gotten us off to a great start on this project, but many more water women are needed in Lalomas, Haiti. If you have questions about this project or need more information about it, please call Lee Franey at 270-929-3032. CELEBRATE YOUR MARRIAGE Attention All Married Couples - Come Celebrate Your Marriage - On Valentine’s Day, Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 6pm in the Parish Hall. The evening will have a short reflection on the Mass and Marriage, and a nice Dinner and a Dance. RSVP by calling the parish office at 270-683-5641. You won't want to miss this Valentine’s 2015 with your honey. TOWN HALL MEETINGS—Bishop Medley invites your input at Town Hall Meetings to be held across the diocese. In preparation for the October 2015 Synod of Bishops, Pope Francis is encouraging widespread consultation in dioceses around the world on questions concerning marriage and family life. Please join us for a Town Hall Meeting in your area and add your voice to those of Catholics across the globe. Your input will be conveyed to the Synod of Bishops in a report submitted by Bishop Medley at the conclusion of the listening sessions. The Town Hall Sessions will be held at the following locations: Thursday, Feb. 12th–Holy Spirit Parish, Bowling Green, 6-8pm Thursday, Feb.19th–Blessed Mother Parish, Owensboro, 6-8pm For those who are unable to attend one of the Town Hall meetings, you may submit your input by completing one or both of the surveys from the Diocesan website. Please submit your responses by February 20, 2015. To access the survey(s), please click on the link below: http://rcdok.org/ministries/family_life/synod_on_the_family.php OUR ONE-CALL SYSTEM – If you missed the Saturday ONE CALL, or any of the SPECIAL ONE CALL’S that are made with information about the life of our parish to your phone number, you can call 1-877-698-3261 and follow the prompts. If you are not a part of this One-Call System and would like to have your telephone number added, please call April Dickens at 270-683-5641 ext. 221 or email her at [email protected] 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Opportunities for Life needs YOU. A girl facing a difficult decision regarding the life of her unborn baby needs YOU. A baby whose mom is thinking about abortion needs YOU. YOU can help her AND her baby. Opportunities for Life, is the Kentucky Catholic Church’s ministry to abortion-vulnerable women and men. OFL volunteers offer hope and resources to callers who find the courage to seek our help. Helpline volunteers answer the helpline from their homes at times that are convenient for them. OFL will be offering training workshops in your Diocese to prepare volunteers for service in this life affirming ministry. If you have a heart for life affirming ministry work you are invited to contact OFL for more information, (888) 496-3638. BLACK HISTORY MONTH Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 602 Sycamore Street, Owensboro, KY (279-926-4741) will host its 20th Annual BLACK HISTORY MONTH Gospel Explosion featuring local gospel choirs on Sunday, February 15th at 2:30 PM. Everyone is invited to join us for this rhythmic celebration of praise and worship. Refreshments will be served immediately afterward. WELCOME CENTER At Sts. Joseph and Paul we want to welcome each and every person to our Church family. We do this by caring for them and inviting them to be a part of Jesus, who especially reaches out to the lost. To assist with this work of Jesus you can stop by the Welcome Center near the doors of our church. IMMIGRATION FORUM Why would a person leave the familiarity of his/her native land, family and friends and move to the uncertainty of a foreign country with a different language and culture? What it is like to be an immigrant to western Kentucky? What is the position of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops on the treatment of immigrants and comprehensive immigration reform? What can we do to help resolve a problem that has been years in the making? For a discussion of the issues surrounding this topic, all are invited to attend an Immigration Forum presented by the Diocese of Owensboro Hispanic Ministry director, Chris Gutierrez and his wife, Patti. The event sponsored by the social justice team will be held at the parish hall on Tuesday evening February 24th, from 6:15 pm to 7:30 pm. Ash Wednesday Collection for the Diocese of Mandeville Jamaica “It Is Right and Just” The Ash Wednesday Collection on 2-18-15 will again be for our Sister Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica. As the Priest begins the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, he says “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God” and our response is ”It is right and just.” As we share from our blessings for the needs of our Sister Diocese in Mandeville Jamaica, we respond not only with words, but also with deeds to thank the Lord for His many blessings to us and share in His ongoing mission to tell the whole world of His kindness. Please consider a generous response to this collection again this year. Please keep in prayer Cindi Hoppe & Family & Ashli Adcock & Family whose aunt/great-aunt, Barbara Hayden, passed away recently. Please keep in prayer Fr. Ray Clark whose father, Harold Clark, passed away recently. May the Lord grant them perpetual life & eternal peace. At The Welcome Center You Can: Become a Member of our Parish. Learn about how an adult or your child receives the Sacrament of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, etc. Ask about Marriage in the Catholic Church. Join the ministry of Hospitality, Lector, Server, Eucharistic Minister, Music Ministry, etc. Ask about our Twinning Parish in Haiti and Sponsor a Child for School in Haiti. Leave a message and we will follow up with you during the week from our parish office. KOINONIA TEAM MEETINGS Meeting 3—Monday , February 2nd at 6:30pm PH Meeting 4 - Tuesday, February 10th at 6:30pm FTC Potluck and Reconciliation - Monday, February 16th at 6pm/ PH If you would like to be on the Koinonia Team, please contact Kim & Kevin Tignor at 270-925-5434 or email at [email protected] The next Koinonia will be February 20th, 21st,& 22nd, 2015. Registration forms are available in church. OWENSBORO CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY Free Tuition Raffle TICKETS ARE LIMITED…ONLY 250 To Be Sold SO ACT RIGHT AWAY Tickets are $40 each PURCHASE YOUR TICKET AT THE K-3 or 4-6 CAMPUS Deadline for Purchase: Tuesday, February 17th Drawing will be held at the OCES Dinner & Auction on Saturday, February 21, 2015 For more information contact: Jonathan Estes @ 270-313-2111 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time HELP NEEDED Every day, more children are coming into foster care and they need a good home in which to stay for a while! So, please become a foster parent and help a child!!! For more information, please call 1-866-332-0014 or contact your local Dept. for Community Based Services at 270- 687-7491. COUNSELING SERVICES Your parish and Catholic Charities have partnered to provide confidential counseling services at a reduced rate. For more information and a list of counselors, call 270-852-8328 or see Counseling Services on the diocesan website http://www.rcdok.org/ministries/catholic_charities/ counseling.php ST. GERARD LIFE HOME in Owensboro, KY provides free shelter and services for pregnant women age 18 and older in a crisis pregnancy. A woman may come to us at any point in her pregnancy and may stay for up to three months after the birth of her child. There are no limitations on race, nationality or religion. Let us help. Call: 270-852-8328 or Email: [email protected] . A ministry of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky. SUPPORT GROUPS CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS is a Twelve-Step Fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is recovery from codependence and the development of healthy relationships. The CoDA group meets weekly on Saturday morning at 9AM at First Presbyterian, 1328 Griffith Ave. Owensboro. For more information, contact: [email protected]. SUICIDE SUPPORT GROUP is a Suicide Support Group that meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:30pm in our Parish Youth House. The meeting is facilitated by Linda Hagan & co-facilitated by Melissa Edmonds, who are both survivors of suicide. You can reach Linda at (270) 316-0316. BIPOLAR SUPPORT GROUP A bipolar support group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6:30-8:00pm. These meetings are held in the chapel at the Healthpark. FOOD ADDICTS IN RECOVERY ANONYMOUS (FA) is a support group for men and women who want to stop eating addictively. Meetings are Tuesday and Friday nights, 6:30-8:00pm at First Presbyterian Church, Owensboro. For more information, contact Peggy 270- 685-0924 or Dorothy 270-684-3977. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AA Central Office 270-683-0371. Meetings are held at 320 Crittenden St. and a directory for other locations is available there. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS NA Meetings are held on Wednesday at 6pm at CP Church (corner of 5th & St. Ann Sts. Use outside steps to the basement.) PILGRIMAGE You’re invited. Please join Bishop Medley on a pilgrimage to the Catholic shrines of France. Does visiting Lourdes, Nevers, Lisieux, Normandy Beaches and Paris, France, interest you? Bishop William Medley will be leading a pilgrimage to these locations on October 8th – 17th of this year. For more information please visit: www.pilgrimages.com/bishopmedley. To book, or for questions, please contact Liz or Natasha at 800-206-8687. February 1, 2015 HAITI ~TWINNING HEARTS HELPING THE CHILDREN OF HAITI If you have made a pledge to sponsor a child’s education in Haiti, and are not enrolled in automatic payments, please use the ORANGE envelope in your monthly envelope packet to make your pledge payment. Donations for Haiti July 1, 2014-January 25, 2015: *$64545.41 *Total Includes: Rice Donations of: $3,678 Water With Blessings Donations of: $14,625 WILL YOU SPONSOR A CHILD FOR JUST $20 PER MONTH? HAITI STUDENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Our Twinning Hearts for Haiti Student Sponsorship Program for St. Joseph Catholic School is up and successfully running. We want to thank those who have agreed to sponsor a child for another year. If you would like to sponsor a child, call the parish office at 270-683-5641. Sponsorship Forms are also available on Sunday in church at the Welcome Center. All money donated will be used to help pay the cost of teachers, so that the students can be in class and learn. Education is these children’s only hope to end their extreme poverty. Thank you for your kindness and prayers for our Haiti Sponsorship Program. Our Parish will be hosting another Mission Trip to St. Joseph Parish in Lalomas, Haiti. If you would like information about this Mission Trip, please contact Lavida Mischel at 270-9292740. The next mission trip is set for April 21-28, 2015. BLESSED WITH A DRESS Katherine Brand is accepting donations of fabric, lace and thread to make dresses for the girls of our sister parish in Lalomas, Haiti. We thank Mrs. Brand for the 1,200 dresses that were delivered to St. Joseph Parish in June. Three yards of fabric will make two teen dresses. You may bring your donation to Mass or the parish office. Please mark your bag containing supplies for HAITI. JOB OPENINGS Mary Carrico Catholic School has a job opening for school secretary for the 2015-16 school year. Applicants must have outstanding communication skills and be proficient in clerical skills including Microsoft Word, Excel, and Print Master. If interested please send a resume and letter of application to: Chuck Green, Mary Carrico Catholic School Principal, 9546 KY Hwy 144, Philpot, KY 42366. For additional information about the position, please contact the school principal at 270-281-5526 or email at [email protected] Diocese of Owensboro – Coordinator of Information Technology This position is located at the McRaith Catholic Center in Owensboro, KY. The Diocese encompasses 79 parishes and 17 schools in western Kentucky. All interested applicants may submit resume & cover letter to: Diocese of Owensboro Human Resource Department 600 Locust Street Owensboro, KY 42301 Or Email - [email protected] 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 MINISTERS OF WORSHIP SCHEDULE For February 7th & 8th Saturday, 4:30 PM Pat O'Bryan-Tucker J. Edward Haynes Barbara Martin Joe McBride Chris Schepers Gary Trogden Nadine Trogden Paul R. Johnson Bradley Osborne Joseph Schepers Dave Clark Tammy Hayden Carolyn Brown Amanda Henderson Duane Harris Nancy Harris Travis Bittel Lance Dickens Daniela Guido Lucy Maroto Randchelle Johnson Gina King Eucharistic Minister - * Captain Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - SE Hospitality Minister - BE Hospitality Minister - BE Lector - 1 Lector - 2 Liturgical Coordinator Sacristan Server Server Server Children's Liturgy Catechist Children's Liturgy Aide Cantor Sunday, 8:00 AM Patty Vowels Mary Jane Blandford Brenda Hamilton Paul Porter Pam Porter Janie Roberts Craig Thomas Ellis Birkhead Jp Haynes Mike Barna Bonnie Horn Jim Wilson Jeanne Lindow Bob Lindow Carolyn Porter Randy Porter Olivia Blondin Evonne Harl Brady Rose Kenny McCarty J. Kevin Rose Stacey Rose Eucharistic Minister - * Captain Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - SE Hospitality Minister - BE Hospitality Minister - BE Lector - 1 Lector - 2 Liturgical Coordinator Sacristan Server Server Server Bus Driver Children's Liturgy Catechist Children's Liturgy Aide STEWARD OF THE MONTH PARKING February – Paul & Joyce Lambert March – Madison Mullins Sunday, 10:00 AM Matt Royalty Kalyn Frizzell Kimberly Frizzell Tiffany Nalley Ada Rhodes Maria Tenant Rod Wilkerson Barbara Clark Bobby Clark Dianne West Penny Vinson James Vinson Lauren Willett Philip Storm Ronald Daugherty Gayle Rhodes Ross Blair Katie Welborn Lucas Welborn Michelle Blair Macie Blair John Wells Cheryl Judd PJ Ross Eucharistic Minister - * Captain Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - SE Hospitality Minister - BE Hospitality Minister - BE Lector - 1 Lector - 2 Liturgical Coordinator Sacristan Server Server Server Children's Liturgy Catechist Children's Liturgy Aide Cantor Welcome Center Welcome Center Sunday, 6:00 PM Lee Berg Jenny Burns Theresa Dunn Meredith Grant Toni Isbill Ann Kirby Susan Montalvo-Gesser Larry Marr Patty Murphy Ginny Nealen Ben Grant Tabitha Grant Carlos Earhart Angela Scheithe Mary Beth Goetz Jackie Gesser JoJo Gesser Katie Scheithe Alexandra Scheithe Celeste Medley-Hood Eucharistic Minister - * Captain Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - SE Hospitality Minister - BE Hospitality Minister - BE Lector - 1 Lector - 2 Liturgical Coordinator Sacristan Server Server Server Cantor ’ TREASURE COUNTERS February – Carole Storm, Pat Hamilton March – Monica Blandford & Mary Lundy COFFEE & DONUTS VOLUNTEERS February 8th - John & Lois Warren; Dianne West March 8th - George Moran; Gerald & Brenda Payne LITURGICAL MINISTERS’ TRAINING We have scheduled a training date for NEW Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Hospitality Ministers on: Sunday, February 15th Eucharistic Ministers - 2pm Hospitality Ministers - 3pm Lectors - 4pm ~ All sessions will take place in our church ~ 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time IN SPECIAL NEED OF PRAYER HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS Theresa Brown, Anna Ruth Cecil, Nancy Crowe, Butch Freels, Leo Johnson, Walter Hamilton, Dorothy Henderson, Margaret Hutchinson, Jackie Mann, Florence McCarthy, John Patton, Sherry Phelps, Pat Richards, Daniel Shuler, Jim Stimpfel, David Tromly, Gordon Whitehouse. NURSING HOME PARISHIONERS CARMEL HOME: Rita Fahrendorf, Mary Faulkner, Martha Mattingly, Margaret McCarthy; FERN TERRACE: Sandra Woods; GENESIS HEALTHCARE: Mary Frances Bickett, Norbert Crowe,, Frank Hamilton, Ruby Russelburg, Joseph ’Jake’ Payne, David Vowels; HEARTLAND VILLA: Mary Hinton; HERMITAGE: Alma Montgomery; TWIN RIVERS: Ann Ford, Betty Millay; SIGNATURE AT HILLCREST: Kate Wedding. OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Don Aull, Joe Board, Michael Boone, Sam Booth, Katherine Brand, Amy Carrico, Davena Cecil, Theresa Clouse, David Condra, Tom Dixon, Jerry Everly, Tom Gardner, Jeff Gesser, Elisha Gutierrez, Dana Hagan, Travis Hagan, Michael Hardesty, Jacob Hatcher, Charlotte Hayden, Captain Matthew Hayden, Dorothy Henderson, Kathy Hood-Klapheke, Brice Howard, Doris James, Donna Johnson, Paul & Sarah Jane Johnson, Rose Keller, Tina Keller, Hobert Lundy, Jerry Lundy, Sue Mahoney, Roger Marksberry, Anna Sue Maurice, Karen McBride, Florence McCarthy, Cecil Newton, Carol Peak, Tony Payne, Gayle Strehl, Ronnie Thomas, Brent Trogden, Kelly Trogden, Darryl Warren, Birdie Wedding, Ashley Wilkerson, and Chuck Wilkins. Please call the Office to add or remove names from this bulletin prayer list. February 1, 2015 JAIL CORRESPONDENCE If you would like to write letters and correspond with prisoners in Eddyville Prison, please contact Fr. Al for more information. 270-683-5641 ext. 236 If you or someone you know has been away from the Catholic Faith, if you’re curious about the Catholic Church or you would like to learn more about your own faith, then Journey Home may be just what you have been looking for. During these six weekly sessions we will explore, ask and answer questions, and discuss the Catholic Faith and what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Sessions will be held every Thursday evening during Lent beginning on February 19th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in the parish hall. You can count on finding a welcoming community that desires to travel beside you on this JOURNEY to and with Jesus. More info to come. JOURNEY HOME THE STS. JOSEPH AND PAUL WEBSITE can be accessed at www.stjpc.org. Here you can access many of the ministries of our parish: Sunday Homily, Sunday Bulletin, The Haiti Mission Video, Parish Newsletter, Welcome Video, Parish Pastoral Council Minutes, A Link to the Facebook Page, A Link to the Diocese Website, and Other Helpful Tools for advancing our Catholic life. PRAYER LINE If you would like to add a prayer intention, please call the office: 270-683 -5641 or email [email protected]. To check the prayer requests each day, call the parish office after 4pm, & dial extension 230. PRAYER REQUESTS Father John Meredith has been assigned to prayer and penance and would like to be of assistance to people of the diocese. If you would like to send him a prayer request, his email address for your intentions is [email protected]. OUR NEXT MASS AT GENESIS HEALTHCARE NURSING HOME (formerly called Owensboro Center Nursing Home) is Monday, February 16th @ 1:30pm - All Are Welcome! ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of Anointing will be celebrated on First Friday, February 6th at the 5:30pm Mass. Jesus said, "bring the poor, the crippled, the lame," and experience the healing power of God. NEED A MASS? If you plan on being out of town for a ballgame, a swim meet, a meeting, a vacation, or the Holidays, and you need a Sunday Mass, go to Masstimes.org to find Mass times across the USA. DAILY MASS—Breaking Bread hymnals for daily Mass can be found on the cart in the back of church. Please remember to take one as you enter so you can fully participate in the liturgy. BRING “OWEN” S. BORO TO CHURCH WITH YOU THIS SUNDAY. PARISH TRIP TO ROME-2015 We are currently planning a trip to Italy (including Rome) in 2015 (date-to -be-determined). If you are interested in going, please contact Belinda Abell at 270-929-5948. The 4th Annual Catholic Men’s Conference of Western Kentucky will be held at St. Stephen Cathedral, Saturday, February 7, 2015 Due to the sold-out crowd at the 2014 Conference, it has been moved to a larger venue. The Conference addresses such issues as: What does it mean to be a Catholic Man in a secular world? How can we become better sons, brothers, fathers, husbands and men? Do we have an obligation to evangelize, and if so, how do we go about it? Guest Speakers: Matt Fradd and Hector Molina Tickets are $30 Adult $15 Student(Grade 12+)and may be purchased on line at: www.KyCatholic.com or at the church office. For more Information contact Rick Rhodes by phone or text at 270-302-6982 / [email protected] PHILADELPHIA WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES September 21-27, 2015, Monday - Sunday 7 days / 6 nights Pilgrimage to Philadelphia to the World Meeting of Families and a concluding Mass with Pope Francis. Pilgrimage price includes hotel accommodations and motorcoach transportation from Owensboro, KY: $841 - $899. Prices based on quad occupancy. COST EXCLUSIONS World Meeting of Families Registration ranging from $125 - $325 for adults and $95 - $199 for children under 18 Tips to long-distance motorcoach driver(s). Meals not mentioned in the itinerary. For more information and/or a reservation application call/contact Joe Bland at the Family Life Office at [email protected] or 270-8528377. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FAITH FORMATION 2014-15 Faith Formation meets on Wednesday from 6:007:30PM. Please bring your child to the Father Tucker Center between 5:45-6:00. Our Faith Formation Team is looking forward to working with your child and teaching them more about their faith. Questions, please call: Donna Goetz 270316-0986. Donna Goetz, Coordinator of Faith Formation [email protected] 270 683-5641 Ext. 223 RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The RCIA Journey of Faith meets on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall. If you, or someone you know, would like to know more about our Catholic faith, join us this Wednesday evening or contact Rick Rhodes for more information. Rick Rhodes, Coordinator of RCIA [email protected] 270 683-5641 Ext. 247 or 270 302-6982 “JESUS LOVES ME” PROGRAM-FOR 2 & 3-YEAR-OLDS DURING THE 10AM MASS Your toddler will be given instruction, on their developmental level, using a Catholic Education Program called “Stories of God’s Love.” Your child will learn about God through song, movement, puppets, stories, short movies, and interacting with others. Please bring your child to the church office for registration between 9:40 – 9:50, and pick your child up by 11:15. If you have any questions about the program, please call Donna Goetz (270-316-0986) or Liliana Guadarrama (270) 231-7262. YOUNG AT HEART We will meet again February 12th, 2015. Any questions - call the parish office @ (270) 683-5641. BAPTISMAL CLASSES The next Baptismal Prep class is Sunday, February 8th at 3:00pm in the Church Office. Please call Debbie at the Parish office to register for Baptismal Prep; or, if you have any questions about Baptism, please call or e mail D ebbi e Lu edk e at 2 70 -6 83 -56 41 , de [email protected]. DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT MARRIAGE ANNULMENTS? Here at Sts. Joseph and Paul we seek to assist those among us who need the services of the Marriage Tribunal. To learn more about the process of having a previous marriage investigated for validity, please contact Fr. Carl McCarthy or Debbie Luedke at the parish office. Bishop Medley Announces No Cost For Declaration of Invalidity For Marriages - On January 1, 2015 Bishop Medley, in consultation with the Tribunal Office has lifted all charges for services rendered. This has been done in relation to Pope Francis's desire to make it more accessible for marriages to be annulled in the Catholic Faith. If you would like further information on this process or would like to talk about a marriage / divorce situation, please contact Fr. Carl McCarthy at. 270-683-5642 ext. 222. February 1, 2015 PJ Ross Coordinator of Youth Ministry Mobile: 208-755-9086 Office: 270-683-5641 #224 [email protected] ATTENTION ALL YOUNG PEOPLE AGES 13-30! YOUTH 2000 is responding to the call of Pope John Paul II to enable young people to live and proclaim the Gospel. You are invited to a YOUTH 2000 Retreat on March 13-15, 2015 at Brescia University Campus Center in Owensboro, KY. You will have the opportunity to gather with other young people your age for prayer, adoration, singing and learning about our Catholic faith. This retreat is being sponsored by the Diocesan Offices of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation and the Diocesan Marian Shrine Committee. Youth should register through a Parish, School or other Group. For more information contact Robin Tomes at 270-683-1545. For registration forms, go to marianshrine.org<http://marianshrine.org> and look for the Youth 2000 button. The deadline for registration is February 27, 2015. Space permitting, registrations will be accepted at the door. TEC- Have you made a TEC yet? TEC 170 will be February 20-22, 2015 at Gasper River Catholic Youth Camp. What Is TEC? Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) is a three day experience in Christian living for persons who are searching for goals, for acceptance, for meaning, for community, for values and for God. The goal of TEC is to enable youth to encounter the Risen Christ. You must be a junior or senior in High school or graduate 18 or older to attend. Adults are also welcome to attend as Observers. The cost is $60.00 and a $10.00 deposit is required two weeks before TEC begins. Please visit wkytec.org for an application and more info. GASPER RIVER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED SUMMER HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS NEED FOR GASPER RIVER : Camp Health Care Providers, Volunteer Counselors, Summer Staff, and Staff In Training (SIT) – Training dates for Volunteer Counselors are 1-5pm on Feb. 8th at St. John’s, Paducah; March 29th at Gasper River, Bowling Green,; April 25th at Our Lady of Lourdes, Owensboro, and June 20th, Gasper River, Bowling Green. Contact office for Camp Health Care Provider information. For Summer Staff and SIT, applications available at : www.gasperriverretreatcenter.org APPLICATION DEADLINE for Summer Staff and SIT is Feb. 28. OWENSBORO CATHOLIC SCHOOLS TUITION ASSISTANCE Owensboro Catholic Schools in partnership with our local parishes provides $900,000 in needs-based tuition assistance. If you would like to learn more about how the tuition assistance process works, or would like a tuition assistance packet – contact Ashley or Keith at Owensboro Catholic Schools - 270-686-8896. Applying for tuition assistance does not commit you to enroll – it simply gives you additional data in order for you to make an informed decision. Tuition assistance forms that are turned in by February 13, 2015, will participate in the initial aid pool. This is when the majority of tuition assistance will be awarded. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1/31 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/8 BIRTHDAYS Debbie Loyd, Joe McBride, Caleb Thomas, Helen Vinson Emily Dant, Karen Hein, Kaitlyn Nale Leannah Blondin , Linda Boarman, Alexandra Ganselman, Dorothy Henderson, Daniel Shuler Jennifer Alvey, Tyler Grant, Michelle Ingram, Charles Miller, Michael O’Bryan, Mary Carla Payne Erin Barber, Matilyn Guaderrama, Joseph L. Johnson, Lavida Mischel, Kathleen Peters, Janet Rice, Angela Scheithe, Mary Grace Thomas, Maurice Thompson Gordon Whitehouse Martin Cecil, Tianna Clements, Jaxon Dant, Harley Millay, Christian Quick, Charles Tong, Jeff Williams Jacob Hamilton, Zachary Judd, Tiffany Nalley, Martha Mattingly 2/1/64 2/1/02 2/1/64 2/1/02 2/2/91 2/3/51 2/3/68 2/4/56 2/4/56 2/7/81 MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARIES Martin & Patricia Cecil Larrry & Polly McCubbins Martin & Patricia Cecil Larry & Polly McCubbins Tom & Barbie Korfhage Bill & Katherine Thomas Vincent & Linda Cecil William A. & Betty Jo Payne Norbert & Nancy Crowe Bob & Tammy Hayden TRIVIA NIGHT OCHS Soccer Program is hosting Trivia Night on February 7, 2015 at 5:30pm (Social Hour) 6: 30-7:15pm(Dinner); 7:15-9:30pm(Trivia) at Sts. Joseph & Paul Parish Hall (514 E. 4th St. , Owensboro) $240 for a table of 8 includes dinner, trivia and door prizes. Contact Rod Wilkerson 270-860-5768 to reserve a table. BUNCO PARTY Date: February 13, 2015 Time: 6:30 pm Where: Home Builders Association Cost: $30.00 a couple or $15.00 for single Grab a date and come out and celebrate an early Valentine’s Day while helping the Owensboro Catholic League. Appetizers will be served; BYOB. Please contact Chip Pride at 270-316-1233 or Amy Pride at 270-314-6175 to RSVP. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet for its regular meeting this Monday, February 9, 2015 at 6:15pm in the Parish Hall. – Note the Date THE PARISH PASTORAL Council Minutes can be found on our Parish Web Site @ www.stjpc.org Carolyn Porter, Chair, [email protected] Jennifer Wilson, Vice Chair Mary Haynes, Secretary Carlos Earhart, Hispanic Representative Eric Glahn, Finance Representative Tom Hayden, 270-683-4622, Stewardship Representative Joyce Lambert, Family Life Representative Lavida Mischel, [email protected], Liturgy Representative Paul Porter, 270-658-5448, Family Life Representative Phil Roberts, Sr. Home 270-685-4695 Work 270-685-0054, Social Concerns Representative Rod Wilkerson, [email protected], Spiritual Life Representative Jane Lovekamp, Catholic Schools Representative Kalyn Frizzell, Youth Representative February 1, 2015 WEEKLY CALENDAR SUNDAY, February 1st -Rosary 30 minutes Before 8am Mass/CH MONDAY, February 2nd -Sunday Matters Meeting/12pm/Rectory -Koinonia Team Meeting/6:30pm/PH TUESDAY, February 3rd WEDNESDAY, February 4th -Team Meeting/9am/OFC-CR -Faith Formation Class Grades K-12th/6-7:30pm/FTC & YH -RCIA/6pm/PH THURSDAY, February 5th -Reconciliation/6pm/CH -Adult Choir Rehearsal/6:30pm/OFC-RR FRIDAY, February 6th -Exposition & Benediction/6:30am--5:15pm/CH -Reconciliation/12 noon/CH -Anointing of the Sick @ 5:30pm Mass/CH SATURDAY, February 7th PARISH TEAM NEWS Members of the Parish Team will gather for “Sunday Matters” on Monday, February 2nd at Noon. At this time we celebrate the joy of the Sunday Mass and look to see how we can continue to enhance our Mass. The Parish Team will gather for the weekly Team Meeting on Wednesday, February 4th, at 9:00am in the Parish Conference Room located in the parish office. UPCOMING PARISH MEETINGS Parish Pastoral Council - Monday, February 9th/6:15pm/PH Strengths Finder Workshop—Monday, February 23rd/6:15-9pm/ PH Spiritual Life Team—Tuesday, February 17th/6:15pm/FTC-CR OUR NEXT STRENGTHS FINDER WORKSHOP is Monday, February 23rd – We have now had our first meeting for Strengths Finder and its time for our second as we begin to apply our strengths to our lives. The Parish Team, Parish Pastoral Council, Leavening Team, and Team Leaders have read the book “Strengths Finder” and taken the Strengths Finder online test. On Monday, February 23, 2015 from 6:15pm to 9:00pm we will continue our Strengths Finder Workshop, led by Justin Clements. The Workshop will be held in the Parish Hall. ASH WEDNESDAY IS FEBRUARY 18, 2105 – Mass times are 7:00am, Noon, 5:30pm, and 7:30pm in Spanish COFFEE AND DONUTS next Sunday after the 8:00am and 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 CHILI SUPPER AND GOSPEL MUSIC WAS A SUCCESS – Last Saturday night around 200 came out for our first ever Chili Supper and Gospel Music evening. These pictures show some of the highlights of the event. The food, music and fellowship was a wonderful way to spend a cool January night together as a parish family. Many thanks to our Spiritual Life Team for their leadership and prayer for this event. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015
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