Christ the king roman catholic parish FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS TIMES Weekend Liturgy Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Weekday Liturgy Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: 9:15 a.m. Thursday & Friday: 8:30 a.m. Pastoral Staff: Pastor: Rev. Sathiadas Antony Pastoral Assistant: Eric Gurash Pastoral Care: Linda Lucyk Youth Coordinator: Laura O’Reilly Parishioner Outreach: Cynthia Mack Office Administrator: Melissa Gurash Accountant: John Hoffman Facility Manager: Barry Wittal Caretaker: Bobby George Memorial Fund: Fran Swystun Moses told the people, “The Lord will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own kinsmen.” God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? Christ the King Parish Information 3239 Garnet Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 1X8 Tel: 306.586.9020 Fax: 306.584.7633 Email: [email protected] Website: Twitter: Follow us @CTKRegina Facebook: Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:30 a.m.-Noon, 1:00-4:00p.m.(Closed during lunch) Pastoral Care/Prayer Line: To request a prayer, call 306.539.6889 Leave a message. Weekly Activities Monday February 2—Presentation of the Lord 1:30 p.m.: Catholicism Study/PC 7:00 p.m.: Holy Mass 7:30 p.m.: Catholicism Study/PC Tuesday February 3 9:15 a.m.: Holy Yoga/H 10:00 a.m.: Holy Mass/Sunset 1:00 p.m.: Senior’s Bridge/H 6:30 p.m.: Holy Mass +Mary Morchoruk Wednesday February 4 9:15 a.m.: Holy Mass +Simone Jalbert 1:30 p.m.: Knit & Chat/PC 6:30 p.m.: RCIC Family Meeting/H 7:30 p.m.: CTK Choir Practice/C Thursday February 5—Saint Agatha 8:30 a.m.: Holy Mass +Kay Schaaf 10:15 a.m.: Holy Mass/Parkside 6:30 p.m.: Bible Timeline/PC Friday February 6—Saint Paul Miki & Companions 8:30 a.m.: Holy Mass +Cliff Millions 6:30 p.m.: Kingdom Kids/H Saturday February 7 1:00-3:00 p.m.: CTK Ticket Sale/H 4:00 p.m.: Reconciliation 5:00 p.m.: Holy Mass Sunday February 8(5th Sunday in Ordinary Time) 9:00 a.m.: Holy Mass 11:00 a.m.: Holy Mass KNIT & CHAT NEW MEETING DATE The Knit & Chat group will now be meeting Wednesday’s from 1:30—3:30 p.m. They’d love for you to join them. The group knits for various needs in the city and abroad including mittens, hats and scarves for some of our schools. Come out for some knitting/crocheting and Fellowship! We also accept donations of yarn—if you have any to donate it can be left at the parish office. SUNDAY READINGS February 1, 2015 Deuteronomy: 18:15-20 1 Corinthians: 7:32-35 Mark: 1:21-28 February 8, 2015 Job: 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians: 9:16-19, 22 -23 Mark: 1:29-39 COLLECTION REPORT January 25, 2015 Sunday Envelopes: $4,8892.00 New Year’s Offering: $10.00 Initial Offering: $40.00 HOW TO CONTRIBUTE AT CHRIST THE KING PARISH Did you know that you can have a box of donation envelopes which has an envelope for each Sunday as well as the special collections ? These envelopes are registered to you and all donations you make with them are assigned to you. Alternately you can sign up for Automatic Funds Transfer ‘AFT’. On the AFT Program you have an option of having the money debited once a month (on the 2nd day of each month) or once a week (each Friday). With this method you never have to worry about forgetting your envelope or having to write a cheque, it’s the no-hassle way to contribute to your parish. You are still welcome to use a box of donation envelopes. Some people like to put the envelope in the collection basket with ‘AFT’ marked on the outside. This will also give you access to the special collections. No matter which method of contributing you choose you will be provided with a charitable tax receipt for the total donations you make throughout the year. These receipts can be used when you file your Income Tax Return. To receive a box of donation envelopes please contact Melissa at the parish office 306.586.9020 or email [email protected]—AFT sign up forms are in the main entrance and on the back of our parish registration forms, if you need a form or have more questions about AFT please contact Melissa using the information above. We thank you for contributing toward your CTK Parish Family! CHRIST THE KING YOUTH A New Initiative YOUTH Good Friday Passion Play – Any youth in grades 7 and up who are interested in participating in the Good Friday Passion play please contact Laura ASAP: [email protected] Practices will begin on Sunday, Feb 8 at 12 noon in the church and will continue each Sunday until Holy Week. There are no lines to memorize so don’t be shy!! Minutes of all CWL general meetings are sent to members by email. Members wishing to obtain printed copies of minutes can do so by calling CWL secretary, Blanche Osiowy at 306-543-2009. CHRIST THE KING PLAYERS PRESENT The Liturgy Committee invites all parishioners to bring their palms in preparation for the palm burning that we will do on Tuesday, February 17th at the 6:30 PM Mass. Baskets will be placed at both entrances for you to place your palms into until Sunday, February 15th. MEMORIAL BOOK Fernandes Family, O’Reilly Family Mr & Mrs. J.J. Gleason Leonard Greff, John B. McDonald Prayer Shawl Ministry Invites you to learn how to knit or crochet—The Prayer Shawl ministry is hosting a session on how to knit or crochet. If you’ve ever wanted to learn this is the time to do so. Come out for this relaxed gathering where you will learn a new craft and about this very special ministry. Prayer shawls provide comfort to those in need when they need it most. Join us Saturday, February 28at 10:00 a.m., we’ll have some hot coffee and tea on. If you’d like to come to learn how to knit or crochet, please register by calling the parish office at 306-586-9020 or email [email protected], we will let you know what to bring! THE PLACES WE’LL GO! and the people we’ll meet! Thursday April 23, Saturday April 25 Wednesday April 29, Thursday April 30, Friday May 1 & Saturday May 2. NO FRIDAY APRIL 24 SHOW TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 7, 2015 at the Parish Hall 1:00—3:00 PM BAPTISM PREPARATION Classes for Baptism preparation at Christ the King will take place Wednesday evenings this May. If you have a child to be baptized or are expecting, call Eric at 306586-9020 or email him at [email protected] for more details on the requirements and to register. CTK's Own FLL (Free Little Library) The Free Little Library tend has been sweeping communities around the world. In it's most basic form a Free Little Library is a collection of literature that is open to the public for honor system borrowing. It can be a great way to add authors and subjects to your reading list that you wouldn't otherwise be aware of. In most cases these little libraries are very small, holing just a few books and/or CDs and DVDs for borrowing. At CTK, we've dedicated an entire bookshelf in the Parish Centre for your reading enjoyment. Be sure to stop by after Mass or if you happen to be visiting for some other purpose during the week, and take something home for a few days or a few weeks and then return it for someone else to enjoy! MY GENERATION YOUTH RALLY The My Generation Youth Rally invites all students in grades 8-12 to come spend a high energy, funfilled, purpose-filled weekend exploring how God is calling you to make a difference in the world. Come “make a mess” with us! (A GOOD kind of mess). Rally will be held March 21-22, 2015 at Archbishop M.C. O’Neill High School in Regina. Cost $50 person/$100/family. (Sponsorship available if needed). To resister or get more info visit or call Michelle at 306 352-1651 ext. 223 LeBoldus Catholic High School Pancake Breakfast Join us for the 18th Annual LeBoldus Pancake Breakfast on February 12 from 7 am to 9 am at Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School. All funds go to our 40 adopted children in Haiti and the Philippines. Tickets are $5 and may be purchased at LeBoldus, from any LeBoldus MINGA student or right here after Church on February 8. Regina Catholic Schools are pleased to partner with Chalice, a Catholic Charity that sees over 97% of all funds raised go directly to the children they support. For more information, contact LeBoldus High School at 306-791-7250 OTHER EVENTS & ACTIVITIES February 20—Steve Bell, Award Winning Christian recording artist from Winnipeg will be performing at Holy Child Parish on Friday, February 20th at 7 pm as part of his 25th Anniversary Tour. Tickets are $15 for this very special event and available at the parish office or Burns Hanley. This concert is sponsored by Holy Child Social Justice Committee. February 23—DivorceCare is a video seminar series featuring some of the nation’s foremost Christian experts on divorce and recovery topics as seen from the biblical perspectiveSessions are 7:00 pm Monday evenings at Resurrection Parish, 3155 Windsor Park Road beginning Monday February 23. For information or to register please call Deborah at 306-789-2378. March 6—8—A Silent Retreat for Women, Start cultivating holiness with this directed retreat and the gift of quiet so you can pray, reflect and spend time with Christ. On March 6 @ 5 p.m. to March 8 @ 2 p.m. at St. Michael’s Retreat House, Lumsden. Retreat Leader: Glory Darbellay, Spiritual Guide: Fr. John Gannon, LC, Registration deadline: February 20. Cost: $275. Facebook link: Regnum Christi Regina. Register at [email protected] or 306-789-1910. Weekend includes your own bedroom with bathroom, all meals from Friday supper to Sunday lunch, and snacks and beverages. Nursing babies are welcome. Hosted by the women of Regnum Christi. New to Christ the King Parish? Have you registered? Has your address changed recently? If your address has changed please call the parish office at 306-586-9020. If you are new to the parish please fill out a registration form. Forms are in the entrance of the parish, you can also download the form from our website and print if off at Please return it in person, by mail or place it in the collection basket in an envelope marked “OFFICE”. If you would like your home blessed, please call the office to arrange a time. 306.586.9020 The Archdiocesan Resource Centre will be hosting a VALENTINE VEGGIE-TASTICS, a fun-filled morning / afternoon of movies and crafts for little ones, based on the popular Veggie-Tales series. Come and join us Thursday, February 12 for either the morning at 10:00 a.m. or the afternoon at 1:30 p.m. at 445 Broad Street North. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Preregistration necessary. For more in- Welcome to Christ the King Parish! formation or to pre-register, please call Teresa at 352-1651.
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