Saint John Paul II Area Faith Community Bulletin Church of the Holy Family 700 Main Street West Silver Lake, MN 55381 320 • 327 • 2356 Pastor: Associate: Associate: Rev. Anthony Stubeda Rev. Paul Schumacher Rev. Cornelius Ezeiloaku Church of the Holy Trinity 110 Winsted Avenue West, PO Box 9 Winsted, MN 55395 320 • 485 • 2182 February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Pius X 1014 Knight Avenue North Glencoe, MN 55336 320 • 864 • 5162 If Today I sometimes find being a disciple of the Lord difficult. My struggle is not about loving the Lord or being committed to him, my difficulty often revolves around following the path the Lord sets out for me. I am not by nature a follower, and being a disciple of the Lord requires the surrender of my own will, ideas and plans to the will of God, to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s plan of salvation. As a disciple it is my mission to proclaim the Lord’s plan for our lives. It is my ministry to bring Jesus into every moment of my life so that others might come to know his mercy and love. It requires giving my own skills, talents, ideas and plans to the Lord so that they can be shaped into a proclamation of God’s mercy poured out on us in Jesus. It is this abandonment of our very being to the Lord that I sometimes resist. When I left for vacation three weeks ago I, as always, planned to do bulletin covers, announcements and Mass plans during my time away. I was also beginning to outline what the rest of my year might look like in my ministry to and with you. I then received a phone call from Ms. Millerbernd, the principal at St. Pius X and part of the leadership team at Holy Trinity School, that she was experiencing some serious health issues that would necessitate her absence for an extended period of time. In the course of 20 minutes all of my plans for the year were changed and my resistance to the Lord’s call rose up. What would we do? How would we face the challenges her absence presented? What was God up to? I returned to work last Friday and met with the administrators of our two parishes, Fr. Paul and Mr. Wes Kapping, another member of the Holy Trinity School leadership team, and began to make plans. After some discussion and planning we decided that the best way forward would be for me to take over the duties of being principal at St. Pius X and that Mr. Kapping and I would assume the duties of administering Holy Trinity School. Along with an excellent and dedicated staff and volunteers the ministry of our schools should continue to move forward. We will also be assisted by Ms. Karla Cross, the director of schools for the Diocese of New Ulm. This arrangement seems best to us, and while it will require some extra effort on the part of all those involved, we believe and trust that things will run smoothly and well during Ms. Millerbernd’s absence. This situation has reminded me of my duty and obligation to listen to the Lord’s call and plan for my life and ministry. The Responsorial Psalm for this week exhorts us, “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” May God open our hearts to his plan and power in our lives as we continue to follow the Lord with confidence and trust in his help and assistance. Fr. Tony Stubeda Holy Trinity, Winsted Holy Family, Silver Lake AFC Pastoral Leaders St. John Paul II Area Faith Community Directory Pastor Rev. Anthony Stubeda [email protected] 320-979-7248 Associate Pastors Rev. Paul Schumacher [email protected] 320-297-0309 Rev. Cornelius Ezeiloaku [email protected] 320-224-3385 Baptisms Call parish office for class time and Baptism schedule Liturgist and Director of Music Kelly LeCrone: [email protected] 320-864-5162 Parish Office: 320-327-2356 Business Administrator Shirley Nowak [email protected] Director of Religious Education Lori Penas [email protected] Homebound Ministries/Pastoral Care Celia Knoll [email protected] Mass Times Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Sunday: 8:00 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday: noon Adoration: Tuesday 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Parish Office: 320-485-2182 Business Administrator 320-485-5651 Nancy Neumann [email protected] Development/Marketing 320-485-5652 Andrew Meuleners [email protected] Dean of Students 320-485-5650 Wesley Kapping [email protected] Dean of Faculty/Elementary Principal 320-485-5630 Cathy Millerbernd [email protected] Director of Religious Education 320-485-5633 Lori Penas [email protected] Deacon Michael Thoennes [email protected] 952-465-8293 Mass Times Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. St. Pius X, Glencoe Marriages Please talk to a priest before setting a date Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Adoration: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Parish Office: 320-864-5162 Business Administrator Shirley Nowak [email protected] School Office: 320-864-3214 School Principal Cathy Millerbernd [email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education Mark Simons [email protected] Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Elvia Peña [email protected] Mass Times Saturday: 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:00 a.m. English 11:30 a.m. Spanish Reconciliation Saturday: noon Adoration: First Friday 8:50 a.m. – Noon Area Faith Community Week at a Glance Monday February 2, 2015 Tuesday February 3, 2015 Wednesday February 4, 2015 7:00 p.m. AFC Candidate and Parent Confirmation session at Holy Family Thursday February 5, 2015 Friday February 6. 2015 Saturday February 7, 2015 Sunday February 8, 2015 2:00 p.m. AFC First Communion Parent meeting Financial Stewardship: January 24-25, 2015 CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY: Adult: $2,967.25, Student: $19.54, Loose Plate: $686.94 Initial Offering: $25.00, Fuel: $138.00, DUF: $1.00, Catholic Schools Week: $748.85. CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY: Adult: $5,280.00; Student: $39.76; Loose Plate: 279.12; Budget: Total Contributed YTD: $221,716.91 Total Budgeted YTD: $255,450.60; Under Budget: $33,733.69. CHURCH OF ST. PIUS X: Adult: $4,471.00, Student: $38.07, Loose Plate: $246.57, Initial Offering: $25.00, Mary Mother of God: $5.00, Pius Connections to the Future: $85.00; Fuel: $50.00, Catholic Schools Week: $366.96 Spanish: $238.81, Juan Diego: $144.15. Scripture Readings Monday: Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Job 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 New Parishioners If you would like to register as a parishioner of one of our Area Faith Community Churches, please call the appropriate parish office: Church of the Holy Family: 320-327-2356 Church of the Holy Trinity: 320-485-5651 Church of St. Pius X: 320-864-5162 Priest Meetings/Vacations Fr. Tony will be attending a Diocese of New Ulm Hispanic ministry meeting at 1:30 p.m. at St. John’s in Hector on Thursday afternoon. Church of the Holy Family WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday February 2, 2015 The Presentation of the Lord No Mass Tuesday February 3, 2015 St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr St. Ansgar, Bishop 8:00 a.m. Mass (l. & d. Council of Catholic Women members) with blessing of throats 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 a.m. CCW Quilting Wednesday February 4, 2015 8:00 a.m. Mass (+Dorothy Hlavka) 5:30 p.m. Grades 1-6 Religious Education classes 5:30 p.m. First Reconciliation 7:00 p.m. Grades 7-10 Religious Education classes 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Candidate/Parent session Thursday February 5, 2015 St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr 10:10 a.m. Cedar Crest Rosary 10:30 a.m. Cedar Crest Mass (+Elmerine Nowak) 7:00 p.m. Council of Catholic Women meeting Friday February 6, 2015 St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs 8:00 a.m. Mass (+Bernard Sr., & Arlene Koktan; +Greg Koktan and deceased family members) First Friday Communion Calls Saturday February 7, 2015 9:00 a.m. Rosary Society meeting Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:00 p.m. Mass (+Lillian, Otto, Julie & Gary Navratil) Sunday February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Mass (+Eleanore Kucera) 2:00 p.m. AFC First Communion Parent meeting 8:00 p.m. Mass (+Mary Popelka) BOBBI’S OFFICE HOURS AT HOLY FAMILY Monday - Friday: noon – 4:00 p.m. Celia & Lori are available to assist as schedules allow. If you need to see Bobbi, please call first to make sure she is in the office as her schedule will fluctuate for the next few weeks. PRAYER NETWORK: Please pray for…Jim Condon, Roz O’Fallon, Margaret Schlueter, Gilbert Stifter, Betty Pulkrabek, Ray & Rose Posusta, Dolores Schultz, Scott Miska, Ray Pavlish, Ray Bayerl, Cliff Knoll, Duane Wanous, Francis Pokornowski, Barbara Baune, Bob Wendolek, baby Jackson, Robert Sopkowiak, Luane Mickolichek, Marjorie Navara, Marie Pilarski Butler, Cynthia Entinger, Cyril Popelka, Beverly Stfter, baby Carter and 12 special intentions. FIRST RECONCILIATION THIS WEEK: On Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. our religious education students preparing for First Communion will celebrate their First Reconciliation. Please hold them in your prayers as they celebrate the sacramental forgiveness of God for the first time. PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY Our parish family extends its sympathy to the family and friends of Magdalen Ardolf Miller whose funeral we celebrated this past week. May she rejoice with the angels in the presence of God in heaven. BAPTISM CONGRATULATIONS We welcome Hannah Marie Worm to the family of the Lord. Hannah is the daughter of Andrew and Andrea (Nordmann) Worm. May God fill her with grace and goodness as she begins her life of faith. YEAR END CHARITABLE DONATIONS REPORTS: If you donated to the ministry of our parish over the last calendar year, your statement is available in the back of church. If you have any questions please contact Shirley Nowak at the Parish Office. THANK YOU to the Knights of Columbus, Mother Cabrini Council 1841 for purchasing a wheel chair to use within the church. The wheel chair is located in the closet at the main entrance. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: First Reconciliation will be held on Wednesday, February 4 at 5:30 p.m. Parents and students should meet in the Church, not in the classroom. Please keep our Second Grade students and their families in your prayers. AFC First Communion Parent Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 8 at 2:00 p.m. in the lower level of Holy Family church. This meeting is mandatory for parents who wish to have their children receive First Holy Communion in April. This meeting is for parents only - we kindly ask that children not attend. ADORATION is each Tuesday starting after morning Mass until 10:00 p.m. “Jesus waits for us in the Blessed Sacrament. He waits for our little acts of faith, adoration, love, thanksgiving, repentance, reparation and charity that we can offer Him in His Divine Majesty.” We could use more Adorers and substitutes for various hours, please contact Celia Knoll 320-583-1320. HOMEBOUND If you or someone you know will be homebound at home or in a care facility for any period of time, please contact Celia Knoll so arrangements can be made for a visit. Cell: 320-583-1320 or Office: 320-327-2356. COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: Our Shepherd of the Field is Bishop LeVoir who will be celebrating his birthday on Saturday, February 7, 2015. Please remember him in your prayers and we include his address if you wish to send him a birthday card. Bishop John LeVoir, Diocesan Pastoral Center, 1421 6th Street N, New Ulm, MN 56073-2099. THIS WEEK THE TRAVELING CHALICE will be at the home of John & Bonnie Mohr Next week ~ February 8, 2015 Mike & Wanda Posusta Please remember to return the chalice Saturday afternoon Church of the Holy Trinity WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday February 2, 2015 The Presentation of the Lord No Mass Tuesday February 3, 2015 St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr St. Ansgar, Bishop 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration 10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s 6:00 p.m. Mass (+Linda Drew) with blessing of throats 7:00 p.m. Education Committee meeting Wednesday February 4, 2015 8:15 a.m. Mass (Mike and Elizabeth Fasching & Family) 6:30 p.m. Religious Education classes 7:00 p.m. Confirmation candidate and parent session at Holy Family Thursday February 5, 2015 St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr 8:15 a.m. School Mass (+Josephine Lehmann) 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice Friday February 6, 2015 St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs First Friday Communion Visits 10:00 a.m. Mass (Jamie Brugazi) Saturday February 7, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Paper Drive 4:00 p.m. Reconciliation 5:00 p.m. Mass (+Bernard Fasching) Sunday February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 a.m. Mass (+Wayne & Marge Pyle) 2:00 p.m. AFC First Communion parent meeting in the lower level of the Church of the Holy Family Please, do not schedule any events before checking with Nancy in the parish office. Thank you! YEAR END CHARITABLE DONATIONS REPORTS: If you donated to the ministry of our parish over the last calendar year your statement is available in the back of church. If you have any questions please contact Nancy Neuman at the Parish Office. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Held every Tuesday, starting at 9:00 a.m. Adoration and rosary; praying for peace. We have need of an adorer for the noon, 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. hour, as well as substitutes. If interested, please contact Wanda Paumen at 320-485-2138 for more information. PRAYER NETWORK: To activate the Holy Trinity Prayer Network, or to become a member you may call either Mary Mahon at 320-485-2257 or JoAnn Fasching at 320-485-3773. KEEP THE DIOCESAN MINISTRIES APPEAL GROWING: We thank all of you who have made a commitment to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. As of January 20, 115 families or individuals have committed $33,679.12 of our $23,314.72 goal. Having surpassed our goal, every dollar donated now comes back to our parish to support the completion of our new entry. Get a DMA commitment envelope in the parish office. Complete it and drop it at the parish office or mail it in yourself. MASS INTENTIONS AVAILABLE: It is the long-standing tradition of the Church to offer the faithful the opportunity for their intentions to be remembered by the priest at Mass. In our parishes these intentions are announced at the beginning of weekend Masses and included in the petitions of weekday Masses. At this time we are running low on requests for Mass intentions. If you would like to have Masses offered for your loved ones or for other intentions, please contact Nancy in the Holy Trinity Parish Office. PLEASE HELP SUPPORT BIRTHRIGHT CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER: there is a crib in the back of church until February 15 to place donations in for Birthright Crisis Pregnancy Center. They can use maternity items and items for babies up to one year old. Diapers are always needed. Furniture will not be accepted. Thank you for helping God’s little ones. VALENTINE OF LOVE MISSION: Buy a Valentine for a $2.00 donation and the cards and money will be donated to the children of San Lucas Toliman Mission in Guatemala. Valentines will be available on the table in the back of church, please take one and return the next Sunday or this weekend Valentines will be available following the Masses. The CCW thanks you for your help with this project. PICTORIAL DIRECTORIES: If you have not already done so, please remember to pick up your pictorial directory from the Parish Office. If you had your picture taken your directory is free. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Congratulations to our Holy Trinity Elementary School and Religious Ed Second Graders who received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation this past Wednesday. Thank you to their parents and teachers for preparing them so well. AFC First Communion Parent Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 8 at 2:00 p.m. in the lower level of Holy Family Church. This meeting is mandatory for parents who wish to have their children receive First Holy Communion in April. This meeting is for parents only – we kindly ask that children not attend. VOTIVE LIGHTS: In loving memory of Clarence & Gertrude Ogitziak; In loving memory of Kenneth J. Zimmermann; Very Special Intentions; Loving memory of Paul & Sally Millerbernd; Brian Allen Baldwin, life will never be the same; Loving memory of Linus, Magdalen, Reggie, Katie & Cliff Hertzog; Loving memory of Leonard Rozeske; Loving memory of Donald & Myrtle Schlagel; Loving memory of Ben Weinbeck, forever loved & missed; Loving memory of Beverly Weinbeck Guider; In memory of Evelyn Habisch & all family members; Heimerl and Schmitt families; In memory of Eugene Fiecke & improved health for Larry & Kim Pogue & Janet Grimm; For the Fasching & Schlagel families; Intention of Allen Fiecke & Brad Swedberg. If you would like a votive light burnt for a loved one or a special intention please put $5.00 in an envelope marked with your intention and drop it in the collection or at the Parish Office. Church of the Holy Family Sunday 1 February 2015 Monday 2 No Mass Tuesday 8am Mass 3 8am Mass Eucharistic Adoration (Rosary Society sit as a body) 8:30am -10pm 9am CCW Quilting 3pm RCIA @ SPX 8pm Mass 8 7:30pm KC 4th Degree Meeting @ Bird Island 9 No Mass 8 am Mass 2pm AFC First Communion Parent Meeting @ HF 10 8am Mass Wednesday 4 8am Mass 8:30am -10pm 9am CCW Quilting 5 Happy Birthday Lori! 10:30 am Mass ~ Cedar Crest 5:30pm First Reconciliation 5:30pm Gr. 1-6 RE Classes 7pm Gr. 7-10 RE Classes 7pm Confirmation Candidate/ Parent meeting #4/5 @ HF 8am Mass 11 Friday 8am Mass First Friday calls 6 Saturday 7 9am Rosary Society Mtg. Noon Reconciliation 4pm Mass 4:30 p.m. AFC Mission Group Pre-Valentine’s Waffle Supper @ Crow River Winery 7pm CCW 12 13 8am Mass 14 Noon Reconciliation Eucharistic Adoration 10am Lori Penas @ Gather meeting in Olivia Thursday 10:30 am Mass ~ Cedar Crest 5:30pm Gr. 1-6 RE Classes 7pm Gr. 7-10 RE Classes 7pm Confirmation Candidate/ Parent meeting #6 @ HF Ministry Fair before and after Mass in the lower level of the church. 4pm Mass 5pm Worship Meeting 8 pm Mass 15 8am Mass Ministry Fair before and after Mass in the lower level of the church. 16 President’s Day No Mass Parish Offices Closed 3-8pm HF/SPX YG Wow Zone in Mankato 8pm Mass 8am Mass 8am Mass 8:30am -10pm 9am CCW Quilting 4:30-7:30pm Holy Trinity Mission Group Waffle Supper @ HT 8pm Mass Ash Wednesday 19 10:30 am Mass ~ Cedar Crest 8am Mass 20 8am Mass 6pm Stations of the Cross 11:30am Meet & Greet @ The Pines ~ Hutchinson No RE 21 Noon Reconciliation 7pm Mass 4pm Mass 7pm KC Meeting 23 No Mass 24 8am Mass rd Fr. Paul’s 53 Anniversary of Ordination 25 8am Mass 7pm Cemetery Board 9am CCW Quilting Meeting in the Education Building 7pm Parish Administrative Council 26 10:30 am Mass ~ Cedar Crest Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am -10pm 2-7pm AFC Confirmation retreat @ SPX 18 Eucharistic Adoration CCW Coffee and Rolls 22 1st Sunday of Lent 17 10am Mass ~Cokato Manor 5:30pm Gr. 1-6 RE Classes 7pm AFC Confirmation Exam @ SPX 7pm Gr. 7-10 RE Classes Parish Office Closed at 12:45pm for an AFC Staff meeting @ SPX 7pm APC Meeting @ HF 27 8am Mass 28 6pm Stations of the Cross Noon Reconciliation 4pm Mass Church of the Holy Family~ Liturgical Minister Schedule February 2015 Date Mass Rosary Leader February 7 4:00 p.m. Clarence Juncewski February 8 8:00am. February 14 Musician Reader 1 Reader 2 Alice Nowak and Jim Mahon Adult Choir Pat Mahon Ushers Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Joe Chloupek, Rhonda Chloupek, Paul Schultz, Shari Schultz Bruce Shamla, Julie Vasek, Randy Vasek, Brett Baumgarten, Jacob Dan Mahon, Ray Bandas Jr. Baumgarten, Jacob Gnerer John Mohr, Mike Boyer, Joe Mallak, Glenn Mallak Mark Lacy, Chris Lacy, Pat Fogarty, Ryan Kaczmarek, Judy Kadlec Patrick Fehrenbach, Jacob Mohr, Zach Mohr 4:00 p.m. Ray Pavlish Bobbi Ludewig Jeanette Mickolicek and Junior Choir Lori Penas Jerome Kosek, Perry Vacek, John Shimanski, Mark Mickolichek Joe Ebert, Michele Ebert, Dave Horejsi, Bob Penas, Peni Penas Alyssa Ebert, Evelyn Penas, Jake Vasek February 15 8:00 a.m. Aggie Yurek Gail Lehn Wanda Posusta Ron Shimanski Ron Posusta, Brenda Posusta, Mike Posusta, Perry Vacek Cheryl Kallis, Celia Knoll, Shirley Nowak, Doug Shamla, Janelle Webb Katlyn Pokornowski, Riley Ruzicka, Elena Householder February 18 Ash Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Volunteer TBD Shirley Nowak Genny Lhotka Volunteer Celia Knoll, Shirley Nowak February 18 Ash Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Volunteer Alice Nowak and RE Kids Adult Choir RE Kids Julie Vasek, Randy Vasek, Mike Penas, Michele Ebert, Janelle Webb February 20 6:00 p.m. February 21 4:00 p.m. Margaret Benz Alice Nowak and Kathy Exsted Adult Choir Lori Penas Larry Lhotka, Francis Svoboda, Jerome Hemerick, William Hlavka Jim Mahon, Larry Mottl, Jean Penas, Mike Brett Baumgarten, Jacob Penas, Margie Rognli Baumgarten, Jacob Gnerer February 22 8:00 a.m. Shirley Nowak Bobbi Ludewig Don Nowak, Joe Nowak, John Vacek, Mike Boyer Mark Lacy, Chris Lacy, Pat Fogarty, Ryan Kaczmarek, Judy Kadlec February 27 6:00 p.m. February 28 4:00 p.m. Laura Alice Nowak and Peni Penas Kaczmarek Adult Choir Bruce Shamla Dan Giehtbrock, Dale Rannow, Bob Penas, Andrew Penas Peni Penas, Bruce Shamla, Julie Vasek, Randy Vasek, Dan Mahon Brandon and Josh Yurek, Evelyn Penas March 1 8:00 a.m. Volunteer Larry Ardolf, Perry Vacek, Jerome Wosmek, Duane Yurek Cheryl Kallis, Celia Knoll, Shirley Nowak, Doug Shamla, Janelle Webb Katy Lacy, Jacob Gnerer, Katlyn Pokornowski Hubert Lucy Newcomb Schermann Shirley Nowak Doug Shamla Stations of the Cross Jon & Julia Ramige, Jake Vasek Jerome Kadlec Stacy Spurzem Stations of the Cross Lucy Newcomb Jared Lokensgard, Jacob Wawrzyniak, Ethan Nowak Caden, Gage and Leah Webb Isabella Spurzem, Katy Lacy, Katlyn Pokornowski Ray Fiala Genny Lhotka Remember that it is your responsibility to find a substitute if you are not able to attend the Mass at which your scheduled. If you have exhausted all of your resources, please contact Fr. Tony Stubeda at 320-979-7248. A full list of Liturgical Ministers can be found at the parish office or on the parish website at On Ash Wednesday the scheduled Eucharistic Ministers will also help to distribute the ashes. Church of St. Pius X WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday February 2, 2015 The Presentation of the Lord No Mass 6:30 p.m. First Reconciliation Tuesday February 3, 2015 St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr St. Ansgar, Bishop 5:10 p.m. Evening Prayer 5:30 p.m. Mass (Seminarians) with blessing of throats Wednesday February 4, 2015 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:20 a.m. Mass (+Martha Chastek) 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Grades K-6 Religious Education classes 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. Grades 7-10 Religious Education classes 7:00 p.m. Confirmation candidate and parent session at Holy Family Thursday February 5, 2015 St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:20 a.m. Mass (+Marie Cathy Ewald) 2:50 – 3:50 p.m. Jr. Choir practice Fundraiser Night at Un-Hinged Pizza 6:30 p.m. Home and School Advisory Association meeting 7:00 p.m. Council of Catholic Women meeting Friday February 6, 2015 St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:20 a.m. School Mass (+Orville Gehlen) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament follows Mass until noon 10:00 a.m. First Friday Communion Calls begin 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Council of Catholic Women Bake Sale in conjunction with the Fish Fry 5:30 p.m. Spanish Mass (+Carl & Lucy Berger) Saturday February 7, 2015 9:00 a.m. Spanish Baptism preparation session 9:30 a.m. Widow/Widowers and Senior Singles Breakfast at Dubbs’ Grill Noon Reconciliation Ministry Fair Mission of Love Valentine Sale 6:00 p.m. Mass (+Delores J. & Gerald Donnay; +Margaret Donay) Sunday February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 a.m. Mass (+Claire Murray) Ministry Fair Mission of Love Valentine Sale 11:30 a.m. Spanish Mass (For the Parish) 12:45 p.m. Spanish Religious Education classes 2:00 p.m. AFC First Communion parent meeting in the lower level of the Church of the Holy Family SHARE YOUR LOVE by purchasing your “Valentines of Love” and a Donation of $2.00 or more to San Lucas Mission. The Council of Catholic Women will be selling Mission of Love Valentines this week-end and the weekend of February 7&8. The mission purchases corn, rice, beans and school supplies which are distributed to the children, widows and handicapped YEAR END CHARITABLE DONATIONS REPORTS: If you donated to the ministry of our parish over the last calendar year, your statement is available in the gather area of the church. If you have any questions please contact Shirley Nowak at the Parish Office. MINISTRY FAIR NEXT WEEKEND: Have you ever wondered how the Lord is calling you to serve the church today? Looking for a way to volunteer, but no idea who to ask or where to get started? Next weekend, February 7 and 8, our parish will be hosting a ministry fair where parish organizations and ministries will have the opportunity to display what they do and answer your questions; whether you are new to the parish or have been here for years, it is never too late to answer the call and volunteer. Please join us in the gathering space after Masses next weekend. We hope to see you all there! FIRST RECONCILIATION THIS WEEK: On Monday at 6:30 p.m. our religious education students preparing for First Communion will celebrate their First Reconciliation. Please hold them in your prayers as they celebrate the sacramental forgiveness of God for the first time. UNHINGED PIZZA FUNDRAISING NIGHT: Make plans to eat at Unhinged Pizza on Thursday evening and help support the ministry of the parish. A portion of your dinner cost will be donated to St. Pius X. Just mention you are from St. Pius X as you order your meal and our parish will benefit. Take some time off from the kitchen and support the parish at the same time. We hope to see you there on Thursday evening. THE ST. FRANCIS MISSION CLUB will sponsor a drive from January 31 through February 22 for Birthright Crisis Pregnancy Center, Hutchinson. New baby and toddler clothing is needed. Please no food or formula. Please place your donation in the box is in the gather area. THE RE CONNECTION: “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” That’s what we as adults need to keep in mind when we step into the ‘ol confessional. With our Second Graders making their First Reconciliation Monday night, it is also a reminder to those of us of an older vintage to remember that this Sacrament need not be terrifying, and that the priest is not there to condemn us. Seriously, pay his humanity little attention, for our Blessed Lord is actually who is sitting there waiting to receive us back into the full friendship of His Father with gentle, patient love. And if it has been a while since we have celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation, there is nothing to be worried about. Just like we teach our kiddos in RE, the priest is there to help, completely understands our nervousness, and will walk us through it. It’s even easier than tappin’ your ‘ol heels together three times…and just think to yourself for a moment about where your heart will be after absolution…back in the full loving embrace of our Blessed Lord…oh, there’s no place like home, is there…and that’s exactly back where you will be…there’s no place like home! (And now, if your head you are a scratchin’, I apologize, for better thoughts I would be hatchin’…if I only had a brain!) MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The St. Pius X Catholic Vacation Bible School will be June 8-11 from 8:15 - 11:45 a.m. Our theme this year is "Immaculate Mary: The Story of St. Bernadette and Our Lady of Lourdes." CVBS is for students who have completed Grades K-6. VIRTUS-trained adult volunteers are needed. If you can help, please contact Sue Mielke at 320-395-2571 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SELLING FISH FRY TICKETS: The Glencoe Knights of Columbus 35th Annual Fish Fry is Friday, February 6, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the Pla-Mor Ballroom. Advance adult tickets ($10.00) are available at Hite Hardware, Pla-Mor Ballroom, and St. Pius X Parish Office and from any Knights of Columbus member. FISH FRY BAKE SALE: CCW Members remember to drop off your baked items at school before 9:00 a.m. this Friday, February 6. After that time, bring them to Pla-Mor Ballroom. Please sign-up on the Bulletin Board if you are able to work a shift that day. Thank You!! PLEASE JOIN THE St. Pius X Mothers' Group on Saturday, February 14, for Loving Our Husbands: Taking Care of the Men Who Take Care of Us. Our presenter, Eileen Dummer, earned her Masters of Art degree in Counseling and Psychotherapy from Adler Graduate School in Richfield, MN. Eileen will address love languages, understanding differences in male and female communication patterns, and emotions versus values-oriented functioning. We will begin by praying the rosary at 9:00 a.m. in the church. Our meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the basement meeting room. All women of the parish are welcome. Call Sue Mielke at 320-395-2571 for more information. Area Faith Community Schools News Holy Trinity School News Tues. Feb. 3 Thurs. Feb. 5 Fri. Feb. 6 Sat. Feb. 7 Sun. Feb. 8 4:15pm-JHBB @ HLWW 4:45/6/7:30pm-BB @ Trinity 4:45/6/7:30pm-GB-HLP-Trinity 8:15am – Mass –planned by 7th grade 4:45/6/7:30pm-BBB 2 New Ulm Cath. 6/7:30pm-GBB @ New Life 6/7:30pm-BB-HLP-New Life 8am-2pm – Paper Drive 2:00pm – 1st Communion Parent Mtg. @ Holy Family 5:00pm – Fine Arts Trip Parent/Student Mtg. - Cafeteria PLEASE CONTINUE TO SAVE THE PAPER/CARDBOARD: We will be having another paper drive on Saturday, February 7. You can bring your paper/cardboard to the trailer located in the old Mid-Am parking lot. TUITION ASSISTANCE FOR THE 2015/16 SCHOOL YEAR: Holy Trinity has several opportunities for scholarship monies. Assistance is provided based on need, number of children in school, family situation and special circumstances. To apply, please go online to Please be aware that you will need your 2014 tax returns. Questions, you may call TADS at 1-800-477-8237 or Nancy Neumann in the Business Office at 320-485-5651. CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL RAFFLE tickets are on sale now! 100% of the ticket sales go to support Holy Trinity School. CUF provides all the raffle materials, student and classroom prizes, fabulous raffle prizes, does all the paperwork and we reap the benefits. Your $5.00 ticket makes you a winner by supporting our school. Tickets may be purchased from any Holy Trinity student or from the High School Office during business hours. Check for students selling tickets after the weekend masses, starting in February. February 20 February 24 February 26 March 5 March 6 St. Pius X School News CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL RAFFLE tickets are on sale through March 6! Stop by before and after Mass to buy your ticket! 100% of the $5 ticket cost remains right here at St. Pius X Catholic School. Upcoming Events February 5 February 6 February 8 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 16 February 18 February 20 February 24 Upcoming Events February 4 February 5 February 8 February 12 February 16 February 18 February 19 HLWW two hour late start – no morning busing for Holy Trinity students 8:15 a.m. Mass 2:00 p.m. AFC First Communion Parent Meeting at Holy Family, Silver Lake 8:15 a.m. Mass NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day 8:15 a.m. Ash Wednesday Mass Mid-quarter 8:15 a.m. Mass 2:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross 6:30 p.m. Tiny Trojans Preschool enrollment 8:15 a.m. Mass 6:30 p.m. Kindergarten Roundup 8:15 a.m. Mass 3:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Holy Trinity Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences 2:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross Un-Hinged Pizza, Glencoe, Fundraiser Night for St. Pius X 8:20 a.m. Mass-Grade 1 planners 2:00 p.m. AFC First Communion Parent Meeting at Holy Family, Silver Lake Two hour scheduled early release at St. Pius X Kindergarten Lunch Invite Non Dress Code day 8:20 a.m. Mass-Grade 6 planners No School – President’s Day 8:20 a.m. Ash Wednesday Mass 8:20 a.m. Mass-Grade 4&5 planners 2:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross 8:20 a.m. Lenten Mass January 400 Club Winners $300.00 $175.00 $100.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Celina Polkoski Darrell Lachermeier Bob & Vonnie Gueningsman Mark & Shannon Otto Fran Otto Tim Sheehan Paul & Bonnie Quast Natalie Caouette Veronica Kappel #16 #265 #263 #218 #146 #272 #150 #158 #94 Area Faith Community News CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE AND PARENT SESSION ON WEDNESDAY: Candidates for Confirmation and their parents will have their next session with Fr. Tony on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Church of the Holy Family in Silver Lake. FIRST COMMUNION PARENTS TO MEET: Parents of children celebrating their First Communion this spring will have their mandatory and required meeting next Sunday, February 8, at 2:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Church of the Holy Family. We look forward to seeing you all there as we take the next step in preparation for this important event in your children’s lives. PICK UP YOUR DIRECTORY: If you have not picked up your directory you may do so by stopping by the Holy Family parish office during Bobbi’s office hours, and at the Holy Trinity and St. Pius X parish offices during regular business hours. In order to keep track of who has received their directories, we ask that you pick your directory up at your own parish. For those who did not participate in the process, but who would like a directory they are available in parish offices at the cost of $10.00. BISHOP LUCKER LECTURE ANNOUNCED: The 2015 Bishop Lucker Lecture and Diocesan Distinguished Service Award Ceremony will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 9, 2015, at the Church of St. Catherine in Redwood Falls. The featured speaker will be Fr. Raymond de Souza. His talk will be on “The Future of Religious Liberty in America.” Fr. de Souza was ordained a Catholic priest on July 20, 2002, for the Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario. He currently serves as chaplain at Newman House, the Roman Catholic chaplaincy at Queen’s University. He is the pastor of Sacred Heart of Mary Parish on Wolfe Island where he currently lives. Fr. de Souza teaches at Queen’s in the faculty of education and the economics department. He is a longstanding weekly columnist for the National Post, and contributes a weekly column to The Catholic Register, Canada’s largest Catholic newspaper. He is the editor-in-chief of Convivium, a magazine examining the role of faith in our common life. All adult parishioners are invited free of charge. A social time will follow the ceremony and the presentation. YEAR FOR CONSECRATED LIFE: World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on Monday, February 2, 2015 and in parishes of the Diocese of New Ulm on the weekend of February 7-8, 2015. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation. The Vatican has announced that plenary indulgences will be available to the faithful who participate in celebrations for the Year of Consecrated Life. On a local level, this would include honoring any of the celebrations hosted by the diocese or the U.S. Bishops, at the Cathedral or other locations. Opportunities of this kind already planned are as follows: the discernment retreat being sponsored by the Sisters’ Council; and a pilgrimage honoring the “Days for Consecrated Life” being celebrated nationally and advertised on the USCCB website. The conditions for obtaining a plenary indulgence are sacramental confession, reception of the Eucharist, prayer for the intentions of the pope, and removal of all attachment to sin. ST. BERNARD PARISH OF COLOGNE is seeking a part time temporary Parish Office Assistant 10-14 hours per week. For information or to send resume contact [email protected] or call bookkeeper at 952-466-2031 ext241. BIRTHRIGHT CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER of Hutchinson is looking for committed volunteers who would be willing to work at least two hours per month as receptionists, auxiliary member or an advisor. For more information please contact or leave a message for Sandi Messner or Kathy Wallyn at 320-587-5433. AREA FAITH MISSION GROUP: The annual Pre-Valentine’s Day Waffle Supper, Bake Sale and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, February 7 at the Crow River Winery, serving from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Tickets are $6.50 in advance or $7.00 at the door. All proceeds will go directly to our Mission in San Lucas. Waffle Supper Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Offices of Holy Family and St. Pius X or from Ann Brown 320-485-3971, or Betty Johnson 320-543-3722 at Holy Trinity or from any Mission Group member. For more information please Call Gerald Kucera at 320-327-2441 The Area Faith Mission Group is looking for women and men to do some baking for their Bake Sale on February 7, 2015 at the Crow River Winery. Every baker will receive a free ticket for the Waffle Supper. Please drop off your bake sale items at Holy Family by 4:00 p.m. on February 7. Any questions, please call Gerald Kucera at 320-327-2441. The Area Faith Mission Group is looking for items for their Silent Auction on February 7, 2015 at the Crow River Winery. Please call Gerald Kucera at 320-327-2441. FUNDRAISER FOR JUVENILE DIABETES is looking for crafters and/or small businesses to sell their products on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the Blue Note Ballroom in Winsted. Please contact Anita at 612-719-0722. Upcoming Community Events please see bulletin board for more information SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1: Prom Boutique Fundraiser, Hosted by HLWW After Prom, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., HL Community Center. Please contact Nancy Decker-Miller at 612-590-9287 or Chris Stueven at 612-716-6959. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1: 64th Annual First Lutheran Men’s Club Potato Pancake & Sausage Dinner, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., First Ev. Lutheran Church, Fellowship Center, Glencoe SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1: Lester Prairie Lions Pancake Breakfast, 9:00 a.m. – noon, Lester Prairie City Hall, Proceeds to help support Herb Heon. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1: Knights of Columbus and Men’s Club sponsored Pancake Breakfast, 9:00 a.m. – noon, St. Mary of Czestochowa, Proceeds go to the Food Shelf. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7: Ham Dinner sponsored by Waverly KC’s, 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the KC Hall. Bingo starts at 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11: 50th Annual Family Style Turkey Supper, Zion United Methodist Church, Buffalo Lake, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m., Advance tickets available. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15: 42nd Cologne Winter Carnival, St. Bernard School and church Narthex, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Turkey Dinner 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. SHOW YOUR SPOUSE how much you appreciate them with some quality time together. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends make a great gift and the next weekends are February 6-8 in Buffalo, February 13-15 in Windom & Marvin, SD, February 20-22 in Fargo, March 20-22 in Baxter, March 27-28 in Minot & May 1-3 in Buffalo. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact John & Mary Beth at [email protected] or 507-838-8178. Contact the Parish office 320-327-2356 to place your ADVERTISMENT here K & K Storage 512 Lake Ave Silver Lake, MN 55381 320-327-0123 Serving others to help them grow in their faith Debbie Huikko * Karrie Weber 25 Birch Avenue S., Maple Lake, MN Ger ald Kasella ~ Frank Kaczmarek 320-963-5200 Tuesday & Wednesday 10am-2pm; Dobratz ~ Hantge Funeral Chapel 899 Hwy. 15 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-2128 (24 Hours) Results Lynne Garbers, GRI,SFR Broker Associate 23 Juniper St. N - Box 6 Lester Prairie, MN 55354 Cell: 320-224-1623 Fax: 952-829-1565 Email: [email protected] First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association Life Ins. - Annuities - IRA’s Milton A. Trnka___________ General Agent Phone: (507) 744-2655 Fax: (507) 744-2655 [email protected] 802 Arizona St., NW Lonsdale,MN 55046 Each office independently Owned and Operated Attorney at law [email protected] Citizen Bank Building, Suite 202 PO Box 98 Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-3900 320-587-9597 PO Box 129 * Cokato, MN 55321 Contact the Parish office 320-327-2356 to place your ADVERTISMENT here Silver Lake American Legion LIVE MUSIC 2nd Sat. Total Country Band 3rd Sat. Jim Brewers 4th Fri. Detour Band 4th Sun. Breakfast Buffet 9-11 a.m. 320-327-2404 Leisure Time Mowing Mowing, Spraying, Fertilizing Steve Weber 22102 Flower Road Silver Lake, MN 55354 320-282-9443 320-327-3138 Contact the Parish office 320-327-2356 to place your ADVERTISMENT here
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