ST. ANDREW’S CATHOLIC CHURCH – THORNTON HEATH St. Andrew’s Presbytery 45 Brook Road Tel: 020 8684 3013 Thornton Heath Fax: 020 8684 6626 Surrey CR7 7RD E-mail:[email protected] RC Diocese of Southwark - A Registered Charity No. 235468 Priests: Canon Francis Moran Fr Kurt Barragan Fr Mahan Aloysius Deacons: Rev. Tony Flavin Rev. Errol Quagraine Parish Sisters: Sr. Mary Jude DMJ Sr. Jennie Eldridge DMJ Croydon University Hospital Chaplaincy: Sr. Sheila DMJ 1st February 2015 4th Sunday of the Year (B) Message from Fr Mahan On several occasions, on the high street or elsewhere, you would have probably seen members of various Christian denominations distributing leaflets or books or even preaching about Jesus. Most of the time you would have simply ignored them and passed them by, or sometimes for the sake of courtesy accepted any reading materials they would offer and put them away then and there or sometimes out of curiosity read those materials to see what they believe (I do). Whatever their conviction of or faith in Jesus, they do not preach a different Christ because Christ is not divided (1Co. 1:13) and hence a need for understanding arises. This need for understanding invites us to pray after the mind of Jesus who prayed to His Heavenly Father, “…that they may all be one” (Jn. 17:21). Every year, a week of prayer (from the 18th to 25th of January) is observed for Christian Unity. The Catholic Church has great love and respect for all believers and encourages us to pray that there may be unity among all Christians so that they may all work together for the salvation of the world in the name of Christ. Based on the story of Jesus who asks the Samaritan woman for a drink of water engaging her in conversation despite the Samaritans being seen as heretics by the Jews, Pope Francis said on Christian Unity this year, “Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus in encountering, listening and working together with others to spread the message of the Gospel in the modern world.” This Sunday’s Readings Deuteronomy 18:15-20 I will raise up a prophet and I will put my words into his mouth Psalm 94 O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 An unmarried woman can devote herself to the Lord’s affairs; all she need worry about is being holy Mark 1:21-28 He taught them with authority Diary for the Week st Sunday 1 February 4th Sunday of the Year (B) Education Sunday Monday 2nd February Presentation of Our Lord Mal 3:1-4 Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 Tuesday 3rd February Feria Heb 12:1-4 Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday 4th February Feria Heb 12:4-7. 11-15 Mk 6:1-6 Thursday 5th February St Agatha Heb 12:18-19. 21-24 Mk 6:7-13 Friday 6th February St Paul Miki and Companions First Friday Heb 13:1-8 Mk 6:14-29 Saturday 7th February Feria Heb 13:15-17. 20-21 Mk 6:30-34 Sunday 8th February 5th Sunday of the Year (B) Day for Victims of Trafficking 6.00pm (Saturday) First Mass of Sunday Patrick Monahan RIP (Anniv) 9.30am 11.30am 5.00pm 5.15 – 5.45pm 6.00pm 7.00 - 9.00pm 7.30am 10.00am 1.30pm 7.00 - 8.00pm 7.30am 10.00am 11.00am Parishioners May Power RIP 6.30 – 7.30pm 7.45pm 7.30am 10.00am 2.00pm 6.00pm 7.30pm 7.30am 10.00am 7.30pm Mass Mass Rosary Exposition and Benediction Mass Charismatic Prayer Group Mass Mass Lectio Divina Group (Hall) Parish Surgery Mass Mass Funeral Service for Theresa Phelan RIP (Croydon Crematorium) R.C.I.C. R.C.I.A. Mass Mass Active Retirement Group Lectio Divina Group (Hall) Legion of Mary (Hall) Mass Mass Maintenance Group 7.30am 10.00am Mass Mass followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament / Benediction 7.00pm Syro Malabar Mass 9.30am Mass 10.00 – 10.30am Confessions 10.00am SVP Group (Convent) 5.00 – 5.30pm Confessions 6.00pm First Mass of Sunday 9.30am Mass 11.30am Mass 5.00pm Rosary 5.15 – 5.45pm Exposition and Benediction 6.00pm Mass Hugh Cameron RIP Maxwell Devine RIP Pierce Fidele Nkala-Guembo RIP (Anniv) Miguel Antonio Fernandes RIP Mrs P Madeira John & Winifred Devine RIP (Anniv) Santan Gomes RIP Francis Asike Con Mahony RIP (Anniv) “Anthony” Our Suffering Souls Priests Intention Yvonne Hammond RIP Deceased Members D’Sa Family Parishioners Patrick Foley Money Matters Collection Last Sunday £1,300.48 Payment by Standing Order £ 164.00 Total offertory £1,464.48 Second collection for Catholic Education Service Thank you for your generosity Altar Servers This week Team 3 Next week Team 1 Church Cleaners This week St Jude’s Group Next week Christine’s Champs St. Andrew’s Parish Notices SECOND COLLECTION: CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICE Today’s second collection is for the Catholic Education Service. The Catholic Education Service (CES) acts on behalf of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference to support Catholic education. They have a strong and positive working relationship with the British and Welsh Governments’, sharing the aims of high academic standards for all and increased parental choice. Catholic schools make up 10% of the national total of maintained schools. There are over 2000 Catholic schools, academies and colleges in England educating over 800,000 pupils. The Catholic Church and the Church of England together provide onethird of all of the schools in the country. The CES is the chief negotiating and advisory body on matters affecting all aspects of Catholic education, and it also provides financial assistance for school transport in rural areas. 400 CLUB Prizes in the Draw for January 2015 were mailed to the following: £25 to Presley Rebelo £10 to Polina Athayde £5 to Sheila Behan no.003 no.076 no.118 CAFOD £299.23 was sent in to CAFOD for the January 2015 contribution collected from our House lunch; Church basket; and private donations. The Christmas period remains a struggle for so many communities CAFOD are working with and therefore this amount is as valuable as ever. It could be used to provide a family with shelter, a malnourished child with food or parents with the training and tools needed to earn a living to provide for their little ones. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. GLOBAL JUSTICE NOW Global Justice Now: This organisation campaigns for a world where resources are controlled by the many, not the few. You can join the campaign free of charge on the website and take part by signing petitions on line. It is so easy but really effective. Please see the Justice & Peace notice board for more information. ADULT CONFIRMATION Any Baptised Catholic adult who has not been Confirmed is invited to join an adult group that will meet during Lent for a short preparation course. They will then have the option of being Confirmed at Easter or in the summer. If you want more information then please speak to Fr Francis. FIRST FRIDAY This coming Friday is First Friday and there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after the end of the 10.00am Mass until Benediction at 12.30pm. HELP NEEDED – VOLUNTEER MINIBUS DRIVERS On Sunday mornings we bring elderly and semi-housebound parishioners to the 9.30am and 11.30am Masses. If you are over 25 with a clean full driving license, and willing to be part of the Sunday driver’s rota or want more details, then please contact Frances Gilbert 020 8689 7319. You could also speak to one of the current drivers or to Fr Francis. MORE HELP NEEDED – VOLUNTEER CHURCH CLEANING If you have a little time to spare, please can you consider helping some of our volunteers who clean the church? Each group regularly meets about once a month. Please consider joining one of our friendly groups and if you would like any information, please call Fifi on 07932 764273. If you were a member of one of our groups but cannot do this any more, please also let Fifi know so she can take your name off the list. CHURCH HEATING As you are aware we are in the process of renewing the church boilers. It is not going smoothly! Last August/September, as we had received a legacy, it was agreed that the church boilers would be changed. They were almost 30 years old and now quite difficult to maintain, and not very efficient. Three firms were invited to quote and British Gas awarded the contract for just under £12,000 - and they were the most competitive bid. The contract was signed, deposit paid, and the work should have been completed by early November. There were delays and the new (specially made) boilers arrived on January 5th and then installed the following week. A few days later when they came to connect them to our heating system it was discovered that they were the wrong boilers! The original specification was wrong, wrong boilers made and then the wrong boilers installed. British Gas are now trying to obtain the correct ones but aren’t clear how long this will take – at least several weeks. In the meantime they will provide temporary heating and pay for it! Apologies for the inconvenience this is causing. It is almost beyond belief that British Gas (or someone working for them) would make such remarkable mistakes. BAPTISM COURSE Baptisms take place on the first and last Sundays of the month at 1.00pm. They take place by prior arrangement and after the parents have taken part in a three session Baptism Preparation Course. This enables them to consider the importance of Baptism, how they are going to bring their child up as a Catholic and how they are living their faith. To arrange for your child’s Baptism you should collect a form from the Parish Surgery on Monday evenings 7.00 – 8.00pm. FEBRUARY 8TH – DAY OF PRAYER FOR VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING We are asked to pray especially for all victims of human trafficking on the feast of St Josephine Bakheita. Human trafficking now ranks as the second most profitable worldwide criminal enterprise after the illegal arms trade. The practical response of the Church and its charities is to raise awareness of this horrendous crime and to provide help and support for the most vulnerable victims. PLANNING FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION In the run up to the election many local church and inter-faith groups organise hustings in their area to enable those interested to meet and question their candidates at first hand. Christians in Politics have launched Show Up at: http://www/ This is full of useful resources and information. Quote of the Week Even if a unity of faith is not possible, a unity of love is Hans Urs von Balthasar Contact Numbers Chairman of the PPC Convent Gift Aid Organiser 400 Club Organiser Minibus Bookings Parish Secretary Primary School Mark Kapszewicz Sr Mary Jude/Sr Jennie Eldridge Albert Tang Bob Wright Frances Gilbert (Parish Groups only) Danielle Lewin St. James the Great 020 8689 0593 020 8689 0454 020 8688 8703 020 8916 1396 020 8689 7319 020 8684 3013 020 8771 3424
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