Established 1904 1110 Old Spanish Trail P.O. Box 610 ScoƩ, LA 70583 Rectory: (337) 235-2433 Fax: (337) 233-4868 CCD: (337) 232-6167 Catholic School: (337) 504-3400 Fr. Tom's email: [email protected] Parish email: stspeterandpaulscoƩ Parish Web-Site: www.stspeterandpaulscoƩ.org School Web-site: School email: [email protected] Diocesan Website: Find us on Facebook February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time STAFF: Rev. Fr. Thomas Voorhies Pastor Rev. Fr. Andre Metrejean Associate Pastor Arthur F. Bakeler, Jr. Permanent Deacon Monica D. Laperous Secretary/Bookkeeper Kip & Ashley Faulk Public High School Religion Laurice A. Dubuc Public Elementary Religion Janet S. Hebert Catholic School: Dr. Robert Richard Principal Tiffany Albarado Administrative Assistant Mona Hodge High School Youth Group (SYG) Jeremy & Amie Clostio & Art & Bridget Trevino Jr. High Youth Group (SKOT) Yvette W. Broussard Choir Director Kip Faulk High School Choir Director OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday: 8:30am - 4:00pm Friday: 8:30am - 12:00pm MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday (Anticipated Mass) 4:00pm Sunday 6:30, 8:00, 10:00am & 6:00pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6:30am Tuesday, Thursday & 1st Saturday 8:30am Holy Days of Obligation As announced SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: On Saturdays from 3:00-3:45pm; on Sundays from 6:00-6:15am, 7:307:45am, 9:15-9:45am and from 5:15-5:45pm. 30 minutes before all of our weekday Masses and by personal appointment. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage need to make an appointment with one of the priests at least SIX months before the intended wedding date to begin the preparation process. A wedding date cannot be scheduled without approval of a priest. BAPTISM: Expectant parents should contact the office four to six (4 - 6) months before the birth of the child. VISITATION OF THE SICK OR SHUT-INS: If any one is ill at home and not on the regular Communion list, please call the parish office at 235-2433. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please complete the form provided at entrances of the church, then place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. BULLETIN NOTICE: Deadline is two weeks before the announcement is to appear. RELIGION CLASSES: Contact the CCD Office for registration of new students. Page Two Dear Parishioners, Sunday evening, February 1 there will be no 6:00pm Mass because of the Super Bowl so please remind your family members that usually go to that Mass. Monday, February 2 is “World Day for Consecrated Life” and this is the “Year of Consecrated Life”. This is different from what I am as a diocesan priest. Consecrated men and women make vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in religious orders. Pope Francis belongs to the Jesuit order. There are Franciscans, Dominicans, Benedictines and scores of other religious orders. In this parish the Sisters of the Eucharistic Missionaries of St. Dominic served from 1962 until 1978. Fr. Andre Metrejean’s sister, Claire, has just entered the Missionaries of Charity. So young people are still heeding the call of Jesus to what we call the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. Let us pray for more vocations to the consecrated life. We have people now to man our library each Sunday from 9:00am-11:30am. Please enjoy our choice of books, DVD’s and CD’s. We received a $10,000 matching grant for Tuition Assistance. Some families cannot afford the full tuition and need some help. If you can give anything towards this matching grant it would be greatly appreciated. Please make out all checks to Sts. Peter & Paul School. The grant donors wish to remain anonymous so thanks to them. Let us pray for our men who will be on retreat at Grand Coteau starting Thursday. I love you all. JokeoftheWeek:Time’sAWastin’ A minister waited in line to have his car illed with gas before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly but there were many cars in front and in back of him. Finally the attendant motioned him forward toward a vacant pump. “Father,” said the young man, “sorry about the delay. It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip.” The minister chuckled, “I know exactly what you mean. It’s the same in my business.” Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Tom [email protected] mdl Page Three PRIEST, EXTRAORDINARY LAY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION LECTORS & ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, February 7, 2015 TIME PRIEST ELMOHC READERS ALTAR SERVERS 4:00pm Fr. Tom Karen Granger, Jeremy Clostio Becky Daigle Milton Resweber Grant Duplechin Kaytlyn Reed Luke Broussard Jackson Andrepont SUNDAY, February 8, 2015 TIME PRIEST 6:30am Fr. Andre 8:00am Fr. Tom 10:00am Fr. Andre 6:00pm Fr. Tom ELMOHC READERS Steve & Jean Provost Louise Credeur Mercedes Hollier Nicole Ducharme, Mary Stutes Karen Bienvenu, Brenda Reamer Mary Harrison Deacon Art Bakeler Gary & Rachel Kimble Daniel Noel Ashley Faulk, Beth Duplechin Jerry Hovatter Life Teen COLLECTIONREPORT: JANUARY25 $12,900.47 MAILED/DROPPEDINOFFICE 1,288.41 TOTALJANUARY25 $14,188.88 LATINAMERICA $961.00 MAILED/DROPPEDINOFFICE140.00 TOTALLATINAMERICA $1,101.00 *******HOORAY,WEAREUNDER$800,000 SCHOOLDEBT:$731,633.59 NUMBEROFFAMILIES: 3032 THANKYOUFORYOURGENEROUSDONATIONS ANDSTEWARDSHIP. PLEASEREMEMBERTOPUTSTS.PETER&PAUL CHURCHANDSCHOOLINYOURWILL. Susan Rabalais ALTAR SERVERS Adrienne & Stephen Hendrix Mary-Ester LeBlanc, Isabelle Sabatier Colin & Conner Benoit Lauren Menard, Matthew Brice, Evelyn Granger Maddison & Mallory Harrington Guy Giffin, Ruby Thibodeaux Seth Trahan, Gabriel Reed, Cade Thibodeaux, Emillie Comeaux PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING SICK:Bobby Brown, Chuck Huval, Edward Bourque Sr, Luke Page, Michelle Rivero, Laurie Miguez, Amie Clostio, Joanna & Fred Gaspard, Hazel Leleux, John I Boudreaux, Angella Labbie Cannon, Wilsey & Velma Vincent, Janelle Dupuis, Cheryl Guillory, Vickie Domingue, Roy Matthieu, Noelie Prejean (1) Sid Matt, Theresa Pellerin, Jan Skinner, Cindy Mann, Rose Roger, Gene & Mary Migl, Mona Hebert, John Roger, Cathy Holloway, John Hebert Jr, Norma Hoffpauir Chiasson, Sue Trahan, Mildred Leger, Harry Leger, Harry Trahan, Earlin Miller, Preston Hebert, Carolyn Denais, Polly Richard, Renelle Welborn, Linda Savoie, Margaret Lavergne, Ashley Harris, Wayne Cormier, Michelle Morgan, Marie Prejean, Aiden Benoit, Hannah Simmons, Patsy Martin, Mable Domingue, Patsy Robin, Leroy & Sable Alleman, Murphy Hebert, Mac Arnold(2) Florence Hebert, Claire Voorhies, Lena Weaver, Carita Credeur, Elia Mouton, Ray Mouton, Kirk Vidrine, Lee Boudreaux, Laura P Credeur, Todd Broussard, Annette Sonnier, Curtis Hebert, Charlene Reninger, Adam LaBauve, Stony Sittig, Jerry Darby, Barbara Comeaux, Dianne McQuirk, Brenda LaPorte, Dot Gauthe, Faith Kimball, Harry Bertrand, Joe & Irene Sellers, Lois Trahan, Jo Sonnier, Martha Ortiz, Lois Dooley, Frannie Roy (3) Ifyouknowofanypersonwhoissickandneedsprayersor visits,pleasecalltheparishof ice235-2433.Namesonthe abovesicklistweregiventousbyparishioners. Page Four OURCATHOLICSCHOOLNEWS KnightsoftheMonth The Core Essential Value for December was Generosity. This value was represented by students who made someone’s day by giving something away. These students are: Pre-K– Ashton Babineaux & Logan Elkins; Kindergarten– Carter Roberts & Austin Johnson; 1st grade – Elsie Vautrot & Alberto Blay; 2nd grade – Cate Carriere & Andrew Devalcourt; 3rd grade – Camille Swilley & Meridith Abshire; 4th gradePaige LaCombe & Ashlee Sumerall; 5th grade-Addison Harrington & Elizabeth Galland; 6th grade - Kelsie Latiolais; 7th grade – Nouria Koury; 8th grade – McKenzie Maitre 9thAnnualGolfTournament Please save the date to attend the Knight’s Classic Golf Tournament on April 17th at The Wetlands Golf Course. More information, including sponsor and team information, can be found on the school website MardiGrasHolidays The school will be closed Friday, February 13th through Tuesday, February 17th in observance of the Mardi Gras holidays. SCHOOLCONTACTINFORMATION School'saddress: E-mailaddress: WebSite: PhoneNumber: FaxNumber: 1301OldSpanishTrail Scott,LA70583 [email protected] 337-504-3400 337-504-4995 SANKOFA:LENTENDAYOFREFLECTIONFOR AFRICANAMERICANCATHOLICS This event is cosponsored by the Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux, Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Lafayette on February 28th from 9am-2pm at St. Mary’s Academy Gymnasium, New Orleans, LA. The cost to attend is the event is $15/person. Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Lafayette, Fr. Hampton Davis, Pastor, is exploring the possibility of charter a bus to attend this event for a fee of $20.00. If you have parishioners who are interested in attending this event and would like to ride the bus, please have them contact Mrs. Kaffy Babineaux Bevin at 337-233-1591 before February 11, 2015. Lenten“OpportunitiesforConfession” The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette is sponsoring ive regional “Opportunities for Confession” during Lent. Several priests will be present to hear Confessions as follows: Thursday, March 5, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Lafayette; Tuesday, March 10, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Broussard; Wednesday,March11, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, Lafayette; Thursday, March 19, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Lafayette; and Tuesday, March 24, from 6:007:00 p.m. (Mass at 5:30 p.m.) at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Breaux Bridge. All are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for Easter Sunday. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). Page Five HAPPENINGS AROUND STS. PETER & PAUL - Our Lady of the Oaks Retreats for Women Our Lady of the Oaks is hosting mid-week retreats and weekend retreats . For more information call 337-662-5410. - Our Lady of the Oaks Married Couples Retreat Our Lady of the Oaks is hosting married couples retreats. For more information call 337-662-5410 or - Marriage Encounter weekends are being planned. For more information call 800-586-5469 or 225-752-5084 or go on-line at - Circle of Friends Single adults in Acadiana, ages 30 and up can find a venue of fellowship and speakers. For meeting dates and calendar please visit http:// -Community of Jesus Crucified Retreats - Married Couple's Retreats to be announced. To register call Cheryl Moss at 254-8158. --Retrouvaille - A Lifeline for Marriage - helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For more information please call 1-800-470-2230. Christ in the City-A monthly opportunity for young adults in their 20’s & 30’s to worship through Eucharistic Adoration. It is held the 1st Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm at St. Mary Catholic Church, 419 Doucet Road. Cry room available. For more information please email [email protected] or visit the website at 2014 Natural Family Planning Classes – To register for any go to St.MaryChurchBusTrip St. Mary Church, Lafayette, is offering a bus trip to New Orleans to visit the Blessed Francis Seelos Center, Notre Dame Seminary & more on Thursday, March 5, 2015. The trip will include a visit to St. Mary Assumption Church to view their beautiful altar; while there, we will have a unique opportunity to meet with parishioners from St. David Catholic Church and hear their stories about how their parishes in the 9th Ward have changed after Hurricane Katrina. Price per person is $59. Reservations are necessary and full payment must be made. For complete reservation information, please contact Barbra Thibodeaux (2353240) or JoAnn LeJune at St. Mary Church (981-3379). MORE Care more than others think necessary. Trust more than others think wise. Serve more than others think practical. —Anonymous THIS WEEK AT STS. PETER & PAUL AA Meetings: Sun, Wed & Fri 8:00pm (Room 11) Tue, Thu & Sat 7:00pm (Room 11) Sunday,February1 -NO6:00pmMass - SYG-3:00pm-SYG Room - NOLife Teen - Sensat Come Lord Jesus Bible Study & so much more- 6:00pm -CCD Building Tuesday,February3 - 8:30am-School Mass - 9:30am-Wirtz Come Lord Jesus-CCD Building - 1-4th grade CCD-5:30-6:30pm - 5-8th grade CCD-7:00-8:00pm - Patriotic Rosary-6:30pm-Adoration Chapel Wednesday,February4 - Mae Boudreaux’s Prayer Group-10:00am in Cry Room-Everyone Invited - 6:00pm-Choir Practice-Church - Habetz Come Lord Jesus Bible Study & so much more-6:30pm-CCD Building Thursday,February5 - Rosary prayed in Cry Room-9am-Everyone Invited - Divine Mercy Chaplet then Seniors Come Lord Jesus Bible Study-3:00pm-Acadian Heritage - 7:00pm RCIA-Hall Friday,February6(1stFriday) - 6:00am-Pro-Life Rosary Saturday,February7(1stSaturday) - 8:00am-Pro-Life Rosary - 8:30am– 1st Saturday Mass Sunday,February1 - SYG-3:00pm-SYG Room - Life Teen-4:30-6:00pm Mass - Sensat Come Lord Jesus Bible Study & so much more- 6:00pm -CCD Building HAPPY55thANNIVERSARY DOLPHY&BEULAHALLEMAN JANUARY30,1960-JANUARY30,2015 HolyNameSocietyDues The annual Holy Name Society Dues are now due. They may be paid to Dolphy Alleman at 402 D Arceneaux Road, Scott, LA 70583 or Larry Hebert at Scott Pharmacy. Dues are $5.00. Page Six HolyHourforVocations Please join us for our monthly “HolyHourforVocations and for the Spiritual Renewal of All Priests” on Monday,February2, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 406 E. Pinhook Road. Recitation of the Rosary begins at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in these prayers for vocations and perseverance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette. ANSWEREDPRAYERS “ThankyouLordforallyourmercyandlovetoward meandmyentirehousehold.” ADORATIONCHAPEL “EveryHolyHourwemakesopleasestheHeartof Jesus that it is recorded in heaven and retold for alleternity.”(MotherTheresaofCalcutta). FoodfortheJourney The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “FoodfortheJourney”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for Februaryis Rev. Michael DeBlanc, Associate Pastor of St. Genevieve Catholic Church, Lafayette. “Food for the Journey” will be held on Tuesday,February3, at Hotel Acadiana, 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning at 12:00 noon. An optional lunch buffet is available for purchase beginning at 11:30 a.m. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”- please bring a friend! Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). DayofRecollection The St. Edmond’s Altar Society will host of Day of Recollection on Thursday, February 19, at St. Edmond Catholic Church, Lafayette. The event is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. with registration starting at 8:00 a.m. Coffee, donuts and juice will be served during registration, followed by recitation of the Rosary inside the church. Other activities of the day include the celebration of Mass, the opportunity for Confession, meditation on the Stations of the Cross and Benediction. Retreat Master will be Rev.William Schambough, Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Milton. Father Schambough is originally from Eunice and was ordained on June 23, 2012. He served as Associate Pastor at St. Pius X, Lafayette, for 2 years and was named Pastor at St. Joseph, Milton, in July 2014. There will be ive priests available for Confession before Mass. Tickets for the Day of Recollection are $12.00 per person which includes a baked chicken dinner. Tickets must be purchased prior to February 13. To obtain a ticket, please contact RaNelle Simon (337-232-2849) or send your check made payable to St. Edmond’s Altar Society, 116 Delmar Lane, Lafayette, LA 70506. You may also pick up tickets at St. Edmond’s of ice, 4131 West Congress Street, Lafayette. FoodfortheJourneySeminaryBurse In celebration of the 10-year Anniversary of “Food for the Journey” and with great gratitude, the Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette has created a “FoodfortheJourney SeminaryBurse” through the Of ice of Vocations and Seminarians. Donations for seminary burses are placed in a trust fund, with interest used to pay for the education of men preparing for the priesthood. To contribute, please make check payable to “Diocese of Lafayette” (with notation “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse”) and mail to Of ice of Vocations, Diocese of Lafayette, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). READINGSFORTHEWEEK Monday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Pleaseprayforapriesteachday: Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. January 31 February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6 Rev. Barry Crochet Pope Francis Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Bishop Michael Jarrell Rev. Hampton Davis Rev. Henry Davis, SSJ Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc, VE Page Seven Theresians“LentenDayofRe lection” The Roses of Acadiana District of Theresians International is sponsoring a “LentenDayofRe lection” for women on Saturday,February21, from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at St. Pius X Elementary School Theater, 201 East Bayou Parkway, Lafayette. This year’s retreat, entitled “When There’s a Calling, There’s a Cross”, features speakers Diane Alexander, Deacon Philip Lizotte and RevWilliam“Bill”Ruskoski. A light snack and lunch are included. Please go to for information and to register and pay on line. For additional information, please contact Gerry LeBlanc (233-0015 or [email protected]). For registration questions, please contact Cheryl Angelette (344-5142), Virginia Champagne (962-3944) or email either at [email protected]. The Gift of Consecrated Life in the Church FRIDAYS•7:00-8:30PM FEB.6,13,27•MAR.6,13,27 OurLadyofSorrowsRetreatCenter• St.Martinville Mater Dolorosa Chapel No Cost and No Registration Required TOPICS An Introduction to the Year for Consecrated Life - Fr.Champagne,CJC Consecrated Life in the Bible -Fr.Brian,CJC History of Consecrated Life in the Church - Fr.DuPre’,CJC Theology of the Consecrated Life - Fr.Champagne,CJC Consecrated Life in the Diocese of Lafayette - Br.Payton,n.CJC Discerning a Vocation to Consecrated Life - Fr.Champagne,CJC PARKING 103 Railroad Ave. • St. Martinville For More Information, Call Fr. Champagne at (337) 394-6550 HealingHearts Healing Hearts: A SUPPORT GROUP for women whose relationships have been affected by the pornography use or sexual addiction of a loved one: Highly confidential group. Confidentiality statement must be signed by all members before the place and time of meeting will be disclosed. Call 337-404-6113 to reach voicemail and the group facilitator will return your call as soon as possible. AQUINASINSTITUTE-SPRING2015COURSEOFFERINGS Ecclesiology:NatureandMissionoftheChurch Instructor:Mr.JoshuaBrum ield,M.A. As an introduction to ecclesiology, this course seeks to provide a concrete understanding the theology of the Church with attention to given to implications of this theology for Christian life. We will explore the origin, nature, structure, and mission of the Church with reference to Old Testament precursors to the Church as well as various New Testament text. Some of the topics to be discussed are: the divine origin of the Church, the Church as the body and bride of Christ, the papacy, episcopal collegiality, Eucharist and the Church, and the Church in the modern world. Ecumenical concerns may also be considered in connection with some of these topics, time permitting. Location:St.ThomasMoreinEunice(SocialHall) Dates: Thursdays 7:00PM-9:15PM; February 5, 12, 19, 26, March5,12 ControversialTopicsinMoralTheology Instructor:FatherBryceSibley,S.T.L. This course will explore controversial topics in moral theology in light of the both faith and reason. Through an analysis of cultural and societal impact, public policy, and philosophical reasoning, students will gain a better understanding of the roots of these issues, as well as Catholic teaching on the subject, and the con idence to answer these critical moral questions in an often hostile world. Topics include homosexuality, abortion, contraception, end of life issues, bioethics, and more. Location:OurLadyofWisdominLafayette(AquinasClassroom) Dates:Tuesdays3:30-5:45PM;Mar10,17,24,31,April14,21 OldTestamentHistory&Prophets Instructor:Ms.KatieAustin,J.D./M.A. This course begins with the entry of the Hebrews into the Promised Land and follows the history of Ancient Israel through the periods of Kingdom and Exile. Emphasis will also be given to the historical contexts in which Old Testament prophets spoke, the theological implications of each prophetic work, and the ways in which Old Testament prophecy is ful illed in the proclamation of the New Testament. Location:OurLadyofWisdominLafayette(AquinasClassroom) Dates:Tuesdays6:30-8:45PM;March10,17,24,31,April14, 21 IntroductiontotheNewTestament:SynopticGospels Instructor:Ms.Anne-ChristianHeinen,S.S.L. This course will study the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, examining the theological projects of each of the evangelists as well as the signi icant characteristics and themes their gospels share in common. It will examine the relationships among the gospels, their structure, dating, geography and content. Location:St.ThomasMoreinEunice(SocialHall) Dates:Wednesdays6:30PM-8:45PM;April8,15,22,29,May6, 13 Registrationfee:$60percourse.CollegeStudentDiscounted Registration: $30 with a valid College ID. Registration is available online or contact Aquinas Institute Coordinator, Katie Austin via [email protected] or 337.232.8742. Checks payableto“AquinasInstitute.” Page Eight The rosary is prayed 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Saturday,January31 4:00pm Elite S Meyers Adley & Beverly Scrantz Carl, Waver & Sosthene Guidry Charlie, Gene & Louis Provost Aubrey Lynn Rivera (L)(HB) Greg Wiltz (L)(HB) Evan & Louise Domingue & dfm Joe & Hilda Peschier & Suzanne David L “Boo” Prejean J Harold Sonnier Emetile D & Edward (L) Bourque Sr James “Pat” Ricks Jr Dupre Hebert Kim D Martin John B Sonnier Family Kevin & Bonnine Rosinski (L)(Happy Anniv) Dolphy & Beulah Alleman (L)(Happy 55th Anniv) Ann Bacque Noelie & Nick Provost Labbie Family L & D Sunday,February1 6:30am For the People Sunday,February1 8:00am Francis & Ellen Resweber Lloyd & Nola Chaisson Mary D Broussard & Mary Eve & Lee A Broussard Fran & Bernice Hebert Spiritual Healing Mollie Domingue Sunday,February1 10:00am DiGi Gianfala Madeline Bergeron Brittany N Richard Rayford Domingue & ly Rivers Quibodeaux Amithilde & Libbon Guidry Loretta Crouch (Anniv) Renelle Breaux Ray Mouton Labbie Family L & D Sunday,February1 6:00pm NOMASS Monday,February2 (ThePresentationoftheLord) Group Intentions Tuesday,February3 (StBlaise&StAnsgar) Ethel Winters Minus Granger & Souls in Purgatory Ernest & Amy Simon Wednesday,February4 Bertha L Roger (Anniv) Viola (Anniv) & Forest Blanchard Thursday,February5 (StAgatha) Paul LaCourt (L)(HB) Eloi Comeaux Sr (Anniv) Gene J Quebodeaux Friday,February6 (StPaulMiki&Companions) Bella H Domingue Adley & Beverly Scrantz M/M Alex J Prejean Celie Rivera (L)(HB) Edwin & Rhena Stutes Mathilde & Sis Boudreaux Russell Stutes William & Marie Stutes O Z & Ita Boudreaux John E Caldwell Sr Mollie Domingue Lucille D Hebert M/M Earl Tanner Sr M/M Camille Delhomme & CJ M/M Wilfred Hebert & Woodley M/M Jack Tanner & Walter M/M George Griggs Sr VIGILLIGHTS: John B Sonnier Family, Lawrence Menard, M/M Joseph P Roger, M/M Dupre Menard, Francis “Pop-Pop” & Ellen “Grandma” Resweber, James “Pat” Ricks Jr, Good Health-D CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sts. Peter and Paul Church #525201 1110 Old Spanish Trail Scott, LA 70583 TELEPHONE 337 235-2433 CONTACT PERSON Monica Laperous EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP Laserjet 6P TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday: 11:55am SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 1, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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