ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT CATHOLIC CHURCH 1190EastClarkAve.SantaMaria,CA.93455 Rectory:5075HarpRd.+SantaMaria,CA93455+805-937-4555+FAX:805-934-2805 Website:www.sldm.orgEmail:[email protected] ST. ANTHONY’S , LOS ALAMOS 270 Helena St. Mass: 8:45AM & 11:30AM Span. MASSSCHEDULE:934-3172 Daily:6:30AM,8:00AM FirstFridays:5:30PM Saturday:8:00AM Vigil:5PMEng.6:45PMSpan. Sunday:7:30,9:30,11:30&6:00PM HolyDays:Vigil5:30PM,6:45Span. 6:30AM,8AM,12Noon,6:00PM LiturgyoftheHours:M-F6:55AM Novena/Benediction:Thursdays7PM AllNightAdoration:Thurs.beforeFirst Friday7PMto6:30AMFri. Confessions:Sat.3:15-4:45PM&8-9PMBilingü e SAN RAMON CHAPEL, SISQUOC Foxen Canyon Mass: 10:15AM Rev.AidanPeterRossiter,C.J.-Pastor(Ext.106) BAPTISMS:Ages0-6:1st&3rdSundaysat1PM(Eng) BAPTISMCLASSES:2ndSundayofthemonthat1PMPre [email protected] registration10daysinadvance. Rev.JohnMayhew,CJ-Associate(Ext.105) BAUTISMOS:edad0-6años:Cadacuartodomingoala Rev.MarkNewman,CJ-Associate(semi-retired) Sr.CatherineSullivan,DMJPastoralAssistant(Ext.102)1:30PM CLASESBAUTISMALES:Segundolunesdelmesalas7PM [email protected] [email protected] Informació n:Rectorı́a937-4555oFé lixGonzá lez BEREAVEMENTMINISTRY:DavidDana937-4134 MonaMorrisroe–[email protected] BODAS/QUINCEAÑERAS: DeaconRaulBlanco [email protected] DeaconChrisBoerger [email protected] Informes:DiaconoRaú lBlanco937-6642y DeaconDougHalvorsen [email protected] Coordinadoras:GabyG.937-4435oMarı́aS.934-4831 DeaconRobertMaciel [email protected] CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACIÓN:LuisOros- DeaconAntonioMejia me [email protected] [email protected] EDUCACIÓNRELIGIOSA:Martesde5:30-7PM DeaconRobertSchaefer [email protected] Saló nUpperRoomInformes:LuceroNuñ ez345-9720 DeaconRichardCarmody [email protected] DeaconAlfredoEspinoza 928-1111 oMarı́aPé rez934-5045 ST.JOSEPHSEMINARY:180PattersonSt.937-5378 MARRIAGES:Byappointmentatleast6monthsinadvance. PREPARACIONESMATRIMONIALES: Martes7PMenlossalonesdelaescuela#7y#8 SISTERS’RESIDENCE: 937-4956 Informes:RosarioyAntonioMejia-925-2408 ELEMENTARYSCHOOL:5095HarpRd.937-5571 RCIA:Chris&[email protected] RCIAChildren:RaquelOrozco–[email protected] Email:[email protected] RICA-RitodeIniciaciónCristianaparaAdultos: ST.JOSEPHHIGHSCHOOL:4120S.BradleyRd. Viernes6:30á 8PMenelsaló nparroquial JoannePoloni-Principal 937-2038 Informes:MayraMoralesyJorgeFarias478-3123 RELIGIOUSED./FIRSTCOMMUNION/JR.HIGHMINISTRY [email protected] ASAMBLEADEORACIÓN:Lunes7-8:30enlaIglesia Informes:SalvadoryConnieBarajas934-3097oEugenia HS.MINISTRY:937-0701–[email protected] YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Jessica Sheaff, 406-0116 or Pacheco934-0510oSergioValentin260-2563. [email protected] St. Louis de Monƞort Mission Statement We are called to be and to become a loving family centered in Jesus. We acknowledge and accept that each of us is unique and has special giŌs from the Holy Spirit. We wish to nurture, develop and share these giŌs within and for the Body of Christ. Having been called by BapƟsm into that Body, We celebrate our relaƟonship in Word, Sacrament and Family CelebraƟon. We are then sent to call others to Christ through whom we are and what we do. We recognize Christ’s call to be one in Him and commit ourselves to his way of life. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Priesthood Sunday 7:30am Laurina Gaspar + (National World Youth) 9:30am Richard & Leona Love + 11:30am Ninfa Cepeda + 6:00pm Robert Ziemba + LOS ALAMOS, ST. ANTHONY'S: Bill Caldera + SISQUOC, SAN RAMON CHAPEL: James Doud + MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 - Feria 6:30am Jeanette Murphy 8:00am Eleanor Marie Magazino + TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 - Feria 6:30am Raul Segura + 8:00am Lee Coppolla Conti + WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 –Sts. Simon & Jude 6:30am Rosalie Daum + 8:00am Stephan Cunningham + THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 - Feria 6:30am Alice Wilhelm + 8:00am Joe Padilla + FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 - Feria 6:30am Sheila Agee + 8:00am Melvia Maa + SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 - Halloween/BVD 8:00am Joyce Riebling + 5:00pm Singh, Wintroub & Rosales Families + 6:45pm Paula Baldales + SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1—All Souls Day 7:30am Antonio Gonzalez Rios + 9:30am Hin Chong See + 11:30am Lee Coppolla Conti + 6:00pm Jake Montes + LOS ALAMOS, ST ANTHONY'S: Father Anthony Runtz + SISQUOC, SAN RAMON: Elena S. Martinez + October 25, 2015 Fr AP writes: Well what a welcome from my brother Josephites, the parish team, the school children and of course every one of you and your families! Thank you so much. I’m getting over jet lag slowly; some parts of my body are adjusting at different rates! It is quite a daunting task to take on the pastorship of such a busy, thriving and vital parish, so I will need your help both prayerful and practical. I’m on a steep learning curve already. But as last week’s Gospel reminded us, our fundamental way of relating to each other and to the world is through service. So let us grow, as our parish mission statement reminds us, through service and thus continue becoming one family in Christ. And in response to today’s Gospel let us follow Christ on the paths of our faith with our eyes wide open and filled with joy. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a RezamosporNuestrosEnfermos Sophie Robel, Faith DeBrum, Mary Karamatic, Jim Jepsen, Natalie Tosti, Tanya Steenerson, Susie Gallagher, Ryan Teixeira, Mary Reinart, Joe Humphrey, Michael Alexander, Tom Puerling Sr., Thom Reynolds, Lexi Brown, ,Michele McCauley, Joe Quealy, Lisa Rampenthal, Margaret Mary Colangelo, Thomas Sua Sr. & Jr., Greg Strailzini, Elijah Olivas. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time _____________ ANNUAL COAT AND BLANKET TODAY! See you in the parking lot! Thank you and many blessings for your generosity. ****************************************** LEARN THE ROSARY! All are invited to join us in learning the prayers of the Rosary. The Catholic Committee on Scouting offers this opportunity to anyone wanting to learn the Rosary with the option of Scouts earning a Patch. Session will be held during the month of October at St Louis de Montfort , 5075 Harp Rd, Santa Maria on Thursdays from 5:00-6:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room beginning October 8. Come to one or all four sessions. Scouts must attend 3 sessions to earn patch. All ages welcome, great for RCIA, families, etc. No pre-registration required. Contact Lydia Marin at 708-1946 with questions. *************************************** JUVENILE HALL DETENTION CENTER If you are soul searching to do God's work, then we, the Juvenile Hall Ministry Group, invite you to join our spiritual team. We visit our community's Juvenile Hall Detention Center here in Santa Maria Valley to fulfill our Christian Mission. Our youth range in age from 10 years - 17 years old, both males and females, with the need of spiritual guidance and prayer. Our very own Catholic priest, Father Mark, visits the center on the first Tuesday of every month to hear confessions and demonstrate our dedication and faith for the juveniles. Please contact Brother Knight Carlos L. Soto-Gomez to inquire about our Ministry @ (805) 588-8927 or [email protected] El Minesterio de la Correcional Juvenil los invita a que participe en nuestro grupo. Nosotros visitamos a los jovenes en el centro de nuestra communidad del Valle de Santa Maria. Nos conentramos spiritualmente a escucharlos y rezar con los detenidos para demonstrar nuestra fe. Uno de nuestros Padres (Padre Mark) visita a los jovenes el primer Martes de cada mes para confessiones y es unas de las maneras que repondemos por el labor de Dios. Si quiere mas informacion sobre nuestro Minesterio por favor contactese con Carlos L. Soto-Gomez (805) 588-8927 o [email protected] Page Three Religious Education & Junior High News: Junior High group is open to anyone entering the 7th or 8th grades. We gather every Thursday from 6:00-7:15pm in Lou’s Grotto. On October 29th we will not have a session due to the NET Retreat, we encourage all Jr High group members to sign up for the NET Retreat. Parents can register their son/daughter any week before or after group gatherings. For more information contact Kelly via email: [email protected] NET Retreat for Jr. High & High Schoolers: All 7th-12th graders are invited to join us for an amazing evening retreat led by a team of young adults from NET Ministries. Thursday, October 29th from 5:00-9:00pm at St. Louis de Montfor t parish hall. RSVP required to reserve a space (Deadline to RSVP is 10/26/15 if space still available). NET r etr eats, for youth in grades 7-12, are high-energy experiences using large group presentations, small group discussion, music, drama, personal faith sharing, prayer and more. The theme for our retreat is: Anchored in Hope. To RSVP email: [email protected]. The retreat has limited space and will be first come, first in retreat. ************** MAGNIFICAT Magnificat Quarterly Breakfast! Speakers Gloria Gomez and Claudia Castorena will describe how the Lord called them to feed the hungry and care for the poor. From humble beginnings 26 years ago, they now operate a center which provides for the needs of more than 700 families. All women are cordially invited to hear this testimony of love, faith, and miracles. Prayer Breakfast: Saturday, November 14, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Place: Santa Maria Inn Cost: $25/person Reservations: Dolly Horn (878-0420 or 934-1857 - after 5:00 pm) or Marie Schaefer (938-1254). ******************* ORDER OF MALTA The Order of Malta is seeking “malade” candidates for the Lourdes Pilgrimage in April of 2016. We are looking for Catholic people experiencing a “life changing” illness—and would like you to recommend any seriously ill parishioners you might be familiar with, who you believe might benefit from the pilgrimage experience. We had two young boys from our school who were chosen last year. They had a great experience! Contact Madeleine Mueller at 805-6844178. *************************************************** BISHOP BARRON’S CELEBRATION EVENING OF REMEMBRANCE Celebrate with us the Memory of your Beloved Deceased Relatives/Friends with Prayers, music, reading of names of deceased, candle lighting Tues., Nov.3….7:00-8:00pm….St. Louis de Montfort Church. St. Louis de Montfort Church will be hosting a celebratory Mass and reception to welcome our new Bishop. Mass will take place on November 8th at 11:30am. A reception will immediately follow in the Parish Hall. Please come and join us as we greet Bishop Robert Barron. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time DID YOU KNOW? Trick-or-treat safely Halloween is a great night to go out, dress up, have fun, and eat treats. Halloween is also an important time to go over safety rules. Tell your kids to stay with the adults when they’re trick-or-treating, and to keep with the group when they go up to neighbors’ doors. If you are the adult responsible for the group, make sure you know exactly who is in your group, and what they’re wearing. For more Halloween safety tips, visit tip/halloween-safety-tips ******************************************** TOOTSIE ROLL DRIVE The Knights of Columbus will be having their annual “Tootsie Roll” Drive after all Masses on October 31 and November 1. All monies raised will be used locally to help people with intellectual disabilities. We thank you for your generosity. God bless you. **************************************************** 8th Grade Raffle Fundraiser 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd & 6th Prizes 7th – 8th Prizes iPad Air 2 32” LED HDTV $25 iTunes Gift Cards Ricky’s House of Pizza 16” Unlimited Topping Pizza $2.00 Donation per Ticket Tickets will be on sale October 15th through November 22nd. The final drawing will be held on Monday, November 23rd at 8:00 am during St. Louis de Montfort School morning assembly. Stop by the school for your tickets. You do not need to be present to win. Thank you for your participation, St. Louis de Montfort 8th Grade Class Page Four_____ ?SABÍA USTED? Un seguro ‘trick-or-treat’ La noche de Halloween es perfecta para salir, vestir un disfraz, y comer dulces. Halloween es también un momento perfecto para repasar algunas reglas de seguridad. Dígale a sus niños que se mantengan cerca del grupo de adultos que son responsables para acompañarlos al ‘trick-or-treat’. Si usted forma parte de este grupo, asegúrese de saber exactamente quién hace parte de su grupo, y que están vistiendo como disfraz. Para más datos en seguridad para la noche de Halloween, visite: **************************************** SYMBOLON Catholicism is an entire way of life. We might be familiar with different aspects of the Catholic faith, but how does it all fit together? And what difference does it make for our lives? Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained opens up the “big picture” of the Catholic faith in a way that helps us know it, live it and articulate it to others. Through beautifully crafted teaching and state-of-the-art videos, a team of dynamic Catholic teachers provides a clear and comprehensive explanation of the Catholic faith. No registration required. Come to the Upper Room on Mondays at 7pm for the 35 minute video, followed by an optional 25 minute discussion. For more information, see the flyers posted on the Parish bulletin boards. *************************** ADVENT MISSION PATRICK MADRID, noted Catholic apologist, best-selling author, and popular radio personality is coming to SLDM as this year’s Advent Parish Mission. Patrick Madrid has been an apologist for over 25 years, has written more than 20 books, including Surprised by Truth, Search and Rescue, and W hy Be Catholic—10 Answers to a Very Important ****************** Question. He also hosts the “Patrick Madrid Show”, a call-in radio program on Immaculate Heart Radio 890am November from 6-9am Monday-Friday. Patrick is known for his practical yet enjoyable presentations on Scripture, Month of the Holy Souls Church history, and apologetics. Mark your calendars for During the Month of November we pray especial- November 30 and December 1-2 and watch for more details in future bulletins. You won’t want to miss seeing ly for our relatives and others who have gone to Patrick Madrid in person! meet our Lord. A beautiful Catholic tradition is to have Masses offered for them. Please use the envelopes provided in the pew racks to write the names of deceased friends and others. If you wish, place a donation inside the envelope. Then go up to the altar and place your envelope in the chest at the foot of the altar.
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