Baseball Clinic - Gilbert Public Schools

Rattler Camp
Daily Schedule
and Cost
Daily Schedule
Fielding Camp
 Individual skill Development
(Ground balls, Pop-fly’s,
 Contest (Quickest hands, Arm
accuracy, knowledge of the game,
 Team Games (9 on 9)
Hitting Camp
 Individual skill Development
(Stance, Proper swing, techniques,
Base running, Etc.)
 Contest (line drives, hit and run,
bunts, Etc.
 Games (teams of 3-5 situations)
Place: Desert Ridge Jr. High
baseball Fields
10211 E. Madero Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85209
Camp Staff: DRJHS Coaches and
former players.
Cost: $100 for the entire week or
$25 dollars a day.
Any questions please feel free to
contact camp director Chad White.
Camp Registration:
Please send the camp Registration
form along with payment to:
Chad White
Desert Ridge Junior High School
10211 E. Madero Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85209
 Cash or checks payable to “Rattler
 Spaces are limited due to the
amount of fields. There will be a 36
player limit per session.( No
 To secure your place, please
register before February 6th, 2015.
 Camp Registration Form:
Camper Name:
Camper Grade Level:
Phone Number
Parent/Guardian Name:
Days Attending the Camp:
Attend All Days
of the Camp for $100
save $25
(3pm to 5pm)
Release Form:
“ As a Condition precedent to
participating in the Rattler Baseball
Camp. I, as the parent and/or legal
guardian of ________________ agree
to maintain health insurance for my
son / daughter while he/she
participates in this camp. If I do not
maintain health insurance for my son /
daughter, I agree to purchase the
student accident insurance policy
offered through the school district.”
________________ Date________