GUTHRIE YMCA FEBRUARY 10th Current Before & A fter School Participants FEBRUARY 17TH Y Members and 2014 Participants FEBRUARY 24th Open Registration A $ 10 deposit per c hild, per c amp week is due upon registration. T he $ 1 0 depos it will be c redited to eac h week of attendanc e and is nonrefundable. LOCATION Cotteral Elementary School 2001 W. Noble, Guthrie, OK 73044 DATES CAMP IS OFFERED Monday- Friday, May 26th – A ugust 14th TIMES OFFERED 7:00am-6:00pm DEAR PARENTS W e are so e xcited to m eet our campers for the summer!! O ur goal is to challenge our campers to build friendships, le arn something new e ve ry day about themselves and to re spe ct and speak kindness to everyone they meet. We are inte ntional about building re lationships with e ach camper to m e e t their needs and foster their growth over the summer, and we are humbled that you are asking us to care of your cam per. W e take our roles seriously at the YMCA to ensure your cam per has an amazing summer experience! Thank you for inviting us into your camper’s life, we can’t wait! PARENT ORIENTATION May 12, 2015 – 6:00pm at Cotteral Elementary AGES SERVED 4-12 LUNCH, SNACK AND WATER Lunch Provided!*– In June and July, we will offer a FREE lunch to all campers. They can still bring a sack lunch if the y pre fer. Food brought from home will not be re frige rated or heated on-site. *On Field Trip Days campers will ne e d to bring their own lunch in a disposable lunch sack. Snack Provided Daily! FIELD TRIP DAYS Wednesdays 114 E Oklahoma Ave Guthrie, OK 73044 405 282 8206 DAILY SCHEDULE This is a sample schedule. Schedules are subject to change TYPICAL DAY IN THE LIFE OF A CAMPER Each day of camp brings an exciting new adventure for your campers. The following is a sneak peak at what a typical day m ay look like for your camper. 7:00am-9:00am – DROP OFF C am pers can be dropped off as e arlier as 7:00am. During this time, campers will e ngage in small table top games, playground and gym activities and other structured activities with the whole group. 9:00am-9:30am – Opening Ceremony C am pers will ge t to sing/shout to the top of their lungs, play silly camp games, possibly watch a goofy counselor skit or le ad the ceremony themselves! The C ampers will also engage in a group discussion about the theme and e x pectations for the day. C ampers will the n split into their age groups. 9:30am-11:30am – Group Activities C am pers will play a silly camp game outside, learn a new sk ill or make a themed craft to take home! W e have pre pared e ach we e kly schedule for the summer so k ids will continually play new games and learn new e nrichment sk ills. Some differe nt types of activities include ultimate Frisbee, Nascar, Island Tag, Monster Mash, Golf, Socce r and m any more ! 11:30am – Lunch and Play Time 12:30-4:30pm – Group Activities In the afternoon, we will introduce e nrichment activities such as fun science, history, nutrition or re ading! The cam pers will rotate through these activities as we ll as more games and crafts. Each we e k, we will participate in a large group activity centered on the we ek’s theme! For instance, if we le arning about different parts of the world, the cam pers will get to engage in an Amazing Race around the W orld to le arn more! *These activities change we ekly. We will also serve the kids a nutritional snack each day betwe en 3:30 -4:00pm. * T uesday/Thursday – We will take the kids to Highland P ark for l unch and s wimming, we will typically leave at 11:00am and return by 4 :3 0pm. * Wednesday is Field Trip D ay! D ifferent types of field trips include Wondertorium, Frontier City, O KC Zoo, Pelican Bay and m any more. P lease refer to parent newsletter for schedule each week! 4 :3 0pm – Closing Ceremony C ampers will all c ome together to talk about their day, s ing s ome more s ongs, do a messy skit, prepare for the next day and m uch more. 5 :0 0pm-6:00pm – Campers will be allowed to play with room toys, play on the playground or in the gym until they are picked up from their guardian! GUTHRIE PRICING Full Summer Weekly Pricing Summer Select Weekly Pricing Y Fam ily Member: $100 Y Youth Member: $110 Non-Y Member: $125 Y Fam ily Member: $110 Y Youth Member: $120 Non-Y Member: $145 The re will be no camp on May 25th due to Memorial Day Holiday
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