February 2015 Faith UCC 970 N. Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130 Glimpses of Faith Newsletter Church Phone 625-6761 www.faithuccnb.org Rev. Scott B. Martin, Pastor Cell Phone 515-2866 Rev. Ray Bizer, Pastor Emeritus _________________________________________________ The ELCA Lutherans were in New Braunfels for an annual meeting this past week. The main speaker was Leonard Sweet. He makes the claim that Jesus was a "foodie". Sweet quotes Jean LeClerc who describes the gospel Jesus proclaimed in word and deed as "eating good food with bad people." His enemies said he was a "wine bibber and a glutton." Sweet is on to something here. He points out that Jesus was born in manger, a feeding trough and before his arrest and crucifixion he is at the "Last Supper" with his disciples. One of the first things he does after his resurrection in one gospel is to make breakfast for the disciples. In between his birth, death and resurrection Jesus first miracle was at a wedding feast when he changes the water into wine. In another miracle he is noted for "feeding the 5,000". When Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God he often speaks in terms of banquets and tables. He describes wedding feasts, speaks of the first being last and the last first, of going out into the highways and byways to invite outcasts into the feast. One of his best known parables is about the Prodigal Son coming home to an incredible feast in his honor. In another parable he tells the tale of Dives and Lazarus. Jesus lived out his ministry by eating over and over again with saints and sinners and being equally happy to do so with both, maybe even more happy to eat with sinners. In discussing faith with a gentile woman she speaks to Jesus of dogs eating scraps from the table. Jesus is amazed at her faith and persistence. In a way he tells this story on himself, even though in a certain light it made him look bad, yet it goes to his central vision of the kingdom of God as a banquet to which everyone is invited. Sweet takes off from this to talk about the centrality of the communion table to which ALL are truly welcomed, where all can find spiritual nourishment, where all can find fellowship and community. More than this Sweet invited us to consider the importance of our own dinner tables and meals at home. How can they too reflect kingdom values? How can they model community and be a source of spiritual nourishment? Sweet asks, "What are the first and last commandments of the Bible? He answers, “First commandment and final commandment to humans in the Bible? ‘Eat freely’, Gen 2:16 NASB, and ‘Drink freely’, Rev 22:17. Everything in between these two commands is a table, and on that table is served a life-course meal, where we feast in our hearts with thanksgiving on the very Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation: Jesus the Christ.” This is from Sweet's new book, "From Tablet to Table: Register now for February 28 Open and Affirming Convocation WHEN: Saturday, February 28, 2015 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. WHERE: Church of the Savior in Cedar Park (Austin), Texas KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Bishop Alex Byrd, Co-Pastor of Living Faith Covenant Church in Dallas, and Regional Bishop for the South in the Fellowship of Affirming Ministries. COST: $35 Advance Registration. $50 Late Registration (after February 21, 2015). OFFERING: to benefit the UCC ONA Coalition. Checks should be made to South Central Conference. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/south-central-conference2015-open-and-affirming-ona-convocation-tickets15463787605 CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Cheryl von Ehrenkrook, Minister for Specialized Ministries, (817) 475-3308 or [email protected]. Bishop Alex D. Byrd is a vessel of God anointed to bring healing, restoration and empowerment to the Body of Christ. Since beginning his preaching ministry at the age of 8 years old, he has remained a student of the scriptures and of the Holy Spirit. His message and practice of Relational Christianity has been forged through continual prayer, fasting and consecration. The driving force behind his ministry has been his love for God and the people of God. Bishop Byrd has a God-given burden for the Church and its relevance in the twenty-first century. Focusing on contemporary hot topics such as human sexual diversity, gender inequality, racial tensions, economic disparity and the devaluation of the youth culture, he believes that the message of the Gospel brings liberation from all forms of oppression, whether spiritual, social, or psychological. In 1999, Bishop Byrd began the process of developing a church that married the spirituality of the Pentecostal Movement to a strong social justice motivation. That process culminated on August 6, 2000 in the opening of Living Faith Church of the Full Covenant, now called Living Faith Covenant Church. His unwavering message of "Jesus & Justice" has been the foundation of the work of this church, heavily involved in community. Reminder to Mix it Up and Get to Know Others Better I want to share a story with you as a lead-in to one of my concerns. When I was running my resort business in the woods of northern Wisconsin, I would shut it down in October and return to the Chicago suburbs for the winter. During that time I would substitute at six different schools. During the first year I realized a phenomenon with which I would have to cope. I had to eat my lunch alone! Here is how it went. When I would get to the faculty lunchroom I would sit down at an open table and start my lunch. It never failed that I would not have anybody sit down with me. So I started being a little creative and if I was in a two or three day subbing role I would make sure on the second day to sit at a table where I had seen a few people the day before. And sure enough, they would come in and choose another table. Fortunately I didn’t take this phenomenon personally as I recognized how much we are all creatures of habit. The reason for my story is my concern about our fellowship hour after worship on Sundays. It is not unusual to see someone who is a visitor or even some of our new members, sit down at a table and no one joins them. Like the normal humans we are, we tend to sit down with our usual friends. Now this is not always the case, but I still have concerns when it happens. So I want to encourage all of us to be aware of this phenomenon. Fellowship hour is a real opportunity to get to know someone better. After all, we have just shared the peace of God with them. So let our visit be a continued sharing of that peace. By the way, in each of the second and third years I had a six week assignment. As I made friends in the department I could finally join them at the lunch table. As always, I feel the church is one place we stand apart from the “norms” of our society. So let’s make friends in fellowship hour without waiting until we know them better! .... Peace, my friends, Jack (from our sister church in Orange City, Florida, First Congregational UCC) February Birthdays 2-2 Sandy Ludwig 2-27 Merle Kosler If your birthday is not here please let the pastor know so we can update the birthday list. Thank You Letters Eden Hill Please accept our gratitude for the church congregation's recent donation. Eden Hill Communities has evolved into an institution singularly positioned to serve seniors from all stations in life and with the broadest spectrum of healthcare services. Donor generosity and our institutional stability, longevity, and track record in healthcare delivery have allowed Eden Hill to proceed with a major campus expansion and corporate repositioning in the senior care marketplace. These improvements are an expression of our passion and desire to emerge even stronger and to do more as a not-for-profit center of excellence in senior care, services, and housing. Please thank the Faith UCC family and the church council for engaging as loyal donors and for touching the lives of our residents, residents families, and staff. Sincerely, Becky Huff, Chief Development Officer Slumber Falls Camp We extend a very special thank you for your consideration of $136.75 that we received on December 31, 2014. We are certainly blessed by Churches like yours who keep us in mind. In tough economic times like these, our ministry is especially dependent on those who support us through financial contributions. Our camp and retreat program is a vital part of the ministry of the wider church. Please know that we are extremely grateful to have your support. Together with God's grace and your willing partnership, we will continue the ministry of Slumber Falls Camp. Sincerely, Rev. Charles L. Stark, Director of Outdoor Ministry Back Bay Mission Thank you for your generous gift to Back Bay Mission! Your gift to Friends of the Mission make it possible to meet the most urgent needs of the poor and marginalized of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Your gift is at work helping a homeowner stay in their home, providing a homeless person with an apartment, giving someone enough food to make it to their next paycheck, and in many other ways. Most importantly, your gift is at work making sure that Back Bay Mission is here to provide a safe and welcoming environment to everyone who comes through our doors. Thank you for partnering with us through your generous gift. We - and those we serve - are ever grateful. Grace and Peace, Rev. Alice Graham, PhD, Executive Director Ash Wednesday Taize Service February 18th Ash Wednesday on February 18th begins the 2015 Lenten season. We will have an Ash Wednesday Service at 7 p.m. It will not only include a time for the traditional imposition of ashes and communion. This Taize style service is a great way to begin the Lenten Season. Lenten Study: First Half of the Gospel of Mark We will be using a brand new UCC Bible Study series during Lent. We will be looking at the first eight chapters of the Gospel of Mark. It was developed by Rev. Talitha Arnold, Senior Pastor at the United Church of Christ of Santa Fe, New Mexico. She say "Mark seeks to strengthen his readers, and us, in that faith. From the very first verse, his focus is on the good news that this Jesus is who he said he was - the One worth listening to, the One worth following, the One worth giving your life for. This is the Jesus we meet in the pages of Mark. That's reason enough to read this urgent, raw Gospel." In the introduction to this bible study it is stated that "our primary purpose is to listen and hear God speak. That also means that it is not our primary purpose to teach you all about the Bible or all about a particular book of the Bible.....the primary purpose is not simply learning information about the Bible. It is hearing God speak. There is a difference." To this end each family will receive a workbook and the workbook has suggested homework to be done BEFORE each session. The goal is to both help prepare you for each session but also to enhance your experience and allow the winds of the Spirit to blow! We will meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. and this class will be repeated on Wednesday mornings from 10:30 to noon. Lenten Coin Bank & Lenten Calendar to Benefit Habitat for Humanity This year's Lenten Coin bank offering is going to go to our local Habitat for Humanity Program. The local affiliate is planning on an "Apostles Build" this year. 12 churches or coalition of churches will come together to build a house here in New Braunfels. Apostle Build Churches will: pray, raise money for the house, volunteer and provide leadership for the building project. The founder of Habitat, Millard Fuller, said, “The theology of the hammer is about bringing a wide diversity of people, churches, and other organizations together to build houses and establish viable and dynamic communities. It is acknowledging that differences of opinion exist on numerous subjects—political, philosophical and theological—but that we can find common ground in using a hammer as an instrument to manifest God’s love. Even though there may be strong differences on all sorts of things—baptism, communion, what night to have prayer meeting, and how the preacher should dress, for example—we can agree on the imperative of the gospel to serve others in the name of the Lord.” Stay tuned for more info on this exciting project! February Worship Assistant List 2/1 Liturgist: Bill Burns Acolyte: Adam Gossett Council Rep: Michael Reinert Greeter: John Reinert Communion: Kathy Leber Hospitality: Florence Burns Ushers: John & Michael Reinert; Bill & Florence Burns Children's : Michelle Perry, Nicolle Clark AV: Tim Marlow Confirmation Lunch: Dan & Vicky Geisler 2/8 Liturgist: Hulen Brown Greeter: Wil Brown Acolyte: Devyn Perry Hospitality: Florence Burns Council Rep: Mikki Ward AV: Jan Hunley Ushers: Joe & Mikki Ward; Wil Brown; Bill Burns Children's Church: Joe Ward & Tim Marlow 2/15 Liturgist: Donna Myer Acolyte: Fisher Marlow Greeter: Steve Foster Hospitality: Nancy Foster Council Rep: Kyle Kramm AV: Tim Marlow Ushers: Kyle Kramm; Steve & Nancy Foster; David Myer Conf. Lunch: Perry-Clarks Children's Church: Kathy Leber & Kyle Kramm 2/22 Liturgist: Charles Stark Council Rep: Wil Brown Greeter: Hulen Brown AV: Acolyte: Grace Perry Hospitality: Karen Dietz Ushers: Wil & Hulen Brown; Jim Gossett; Charles Stark Conf. Lunch: Gossett's Notice: If you cannot serve on the designated date/dates shown, please try to find a substitute. If that is not possible, please leave a message at the church office (830625-6761) as soon as possible. If you would like to be removed from or added to all or part of the Worship Assistant List, please contact the church office (830-625-6761). Financial Report (as of December 31, 2014) General Fund..................... $13,152 General Fund Savings..... $8,882.14 Building Fund.................. $2,541.51 Memorial Fund................ $4,364.24 Gilbert Fund.................... $4,535.87 Summer Camp at Slumber Falls The 2015 camp calendar is out. It's on the kiosk in the entry way. There are also camp brochures on the literature table. Don't forget Faith Church offers 50% scholarships for all camps! Register and pay in full by April 1st and receive an early bird discount of $20! Bring a Friend Discount of $25 for a returning camper and first time camper friend. There is a family discount for A$20 per camper if 3+ campers from the same immediate family are registered. CIT campers receive a $200 discount. There is a Military Discount of $40 with a military ID. For further details check out the camp website www.slumberfalls.org You can also register online. Don't forget to like Slumber Falls on Facebook for the latest camp info at facebook.com/SlumberFallsCamp. You can also follow camp on twitter@slumberfalls. If you have any questions about Camp or our Outdoor Ministry program, please feel free to contact: Rev. Charles L. Stark Director of Outdoor Ministry 830-625-2212 [email protected] Thank You From Family Promise Family Thank you Michelle and to all the volunteers that served food and to all who played games with my daughter. We enjoyed our stay and we want to thank you. God Bless! Thank You From the Open & Affirming Coalition of the UCC Thank you for your generous support over the past year. It is because of donors like you that we are able to work toward our goal of 100% ONA churches in the United Church of Christ. 100% i sour theme at this year's National Gathering. (for information on National Gathering, including on-line registration, please visit our website: www.openandaffirming.org February Calendar 2/1 worship 10:30 a.m. 2/2-3 Confirmation 12:30-2 p.m. Clergy Retreat at Slumber Falls Camp 2/8 Worship 10:30 a.m. 12:30-2 p.m. Confirmation Service Project at SOS Food Bank 2/9 Church Council Meeting 7 p.m. 2/15 Worship 10:30 a.m. 12:30-2 p.m. Confirmation 2/17 Pastor's Lunch at Eden Hill 11:30-1 p.m. 2/18 Ash Wednesday Service 7 p.m. 2/19-21 Pastor at Back Bay Mission Board Meeting in Biloxi 2/19 PFLAG in Seguin 7 p.m. 2/20 SOS Food Bank 1-4 p.m. 2/21 Slumber Falls Work Camp (register on the camp website) 2/22 Worship 10:30 a.m. 2/24 Lenten Study 6:30-8 p.m. 2/25 Lenten Study 10:30-Noon (a repeat from Tuesday night) Confirmation 12:30 - 2 p.m. 2/28 Open and Affirming Convocation at Church of the Savior in Cedar Park 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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