2015 CAMP OJIBWA ENROLLMENT FORM Check One Session ___ Full Session ___1st Session ___2nd Session Dates 6/22/15 to 8/12/15 6/22/15 to 7/17/15 7/19/15 to 8/12/15 2015 Base Tuition $8,700 $5,350 $5,350 Enrollee__________________________________________________________ Last name First name Date of Birth______________ Present School_______________ Current Grade____ Cabin Mate Request (one only)_________________________________________ For mailing purposes please indicate: Married____ Single____ Separate mailing____ Mothers Name_______________________ Fathers Name_____________________ Campers Address_____________________________ City___________________ Home Business State____ Zip________ Phone ( )_____________ Phone ( )____________ Fax Number______________________ E-Mail______________________________ Mothers Cell ( )_________________ Fathers Cell ( )___________________ Other Mailing Address_________________________________ City__________________State____ Zip_______ Other Phone ( )____________ $1,000.00 Deposit at time of enrollment. No credit cards. Balance due by February 1, 2015. Return to: Camp Ojibwa, 1549 Arbor Ave., Highland Park, IL 60035 ph 847-831-5374, fax 847-831-2445 Method of Payment: Cash___ Check___ Check #____________________ Amount $_______________ (payable to Ojibwa Enterprises, Inc.) YOUR SIGNATURE INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE READ AND ACCEPT SAID ITEMS IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. _______________________________________________ __________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date Office use only: 2015 Tuition________ Full session___1st Session___ 2nd Session___ Brother Discount_____ Travel Discount_____ Hosted Party_____ Referrals_____ Total Billed_____________ TERMS and CONDITIONS *This agreement covers the full enrolled camp session. No refunds will be made for late arrival or early departure of the enrollee without approval of the Director. *Ojibwa Enterprises, Inc., is authorized to use photographs or other media reproductions of any camper for its brochures or other advertising. *Medical, prescription and dental expenses with respect to the treatment of a camper are not included in the tuition and remain the financial responsibility of the parents or guardians of the camper. *Completed medical health history, insurance, participation and hospital forms will be provided by the camp and must be completed by parents or guardians of the camper prior to the camp season. CAMPERS WILL BE WITHHELD FROM ALL CAMP ACTIVITIES WITHOUT THESE FORMS. *The right is reserved to sever connections with any camper whose presence and/or behavior is determined by the Director to be detrimental to the best interests of camp. No refunds will be given under such circumstances. *Ojibwa Enterprises Inc., is not responsible for any lost or damaged personal belongings. *Camp does not accept credit cards. DEPOSIT, CANCELLATIONS & CHANGES Deposit $1,000.00 deposit at time of enrollment. Balance due by February 1, 2015. Tuition includes laundry, canteen, yearbook and video but does not include transportation, baggage transfer, spending money, camp wear, and special trips. Cancellations & Changes *A $250.00 processing fee will be charged for all cancellations before December 1, 2014. *Forfeiture of $1,000 deposit for cancellations on or after December 1, 2014. *Changing from a full session camper to a one session camper only after December 1, 2014, will incur the full half session tuition plus a $500.00 change fee. *Changing from a full session camper to a one session camper only after February 1, 2015 will incur the full half session tuition plus a $1,000.00 change fee. *NO REFUNDS FOR CANCELLATIONS AFTER MARCH 1, 2015. CAMP OJIBWA CHECK LIST TUITION PAID ___ AREAS OF SPECIAL INTEREST___ Please read and save EAGLE RIVER HOSPITAL FORM (both sides) ____ Signature of parent & camper for emergency treatment COPY OF INSURANCE & PRESCRIPTION CARDS MANDATORY (both sides) ____ PARTICIPATION CONSENT FORM ____ Signed by parent CAMPER QUESTIONNAIRE ____ Travel plans to and from camp VISITING WEEKEND HOTEL RESERVATIONS MADE (if attending)____ PACKING LIST____ Clothes and other items CAMP CLOTHES ORDER FORM ____ Add 6.0% tax when calculating total CAMPER HEALTH FORM - MANDATORY ____ First three pages completed YEARLY and signed by parent. Immunization information required Including documentation updated Pertussis "whooping cough" immunization Page four (MD Physical) to be filled out by the doctor once every 24 months. MAIL FORMS before 5/28 to: 1549 ARBOR ST., HIGHLAND PARK, IL 60035 ph. 847-831-5374, fax 847-831-2445 after 5/28 to: CAMP OJIBWA, 4040 OJIBWA DR., EAGLE RIVER, WI 54521 ph. 715-479-8611, fax 715-479-1858 IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE FORMS BE SENT ASAP! COPIES OF ALL FORMS CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.CAMPOJIBWA.COM! AREAS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Directors are Sandra and Denny Rosen and Rachael and Joel Losoff. For any medical questions, please contact our Medical Director, Dr. George Sachs. The office at camp is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The weekend schedule varies but we check for messages frequently. Please check the web site www.campojibwa.com frequently as we work hard to post daily pictures and other information. CAMPS PHONE NUMBER IS 715-479-8611. Phone calls are permitted to campers on their birthday and other special occasions approved by the Directors. Faxes and e-mail's to campers are allowed only when a parent is out of the country. Cell phones are not permitted. If your son is traveling to camp from outside the Chicago land area and he has a cell phone for safety and communicating, please notify us and make sure he turns the phone into the office upon arriving at camp. We will keep it safe and return the phone to him for the trip back home. Luggage space on the buses is reserved for staff and out of town campers. Limited other space may be available upon request only. FOOD AND DRINKS OF ANY KIND ARE NOT PERMITTED AT CAMP. Food for the bus trip must be consumed prior to arrival. Establishing proper eating habits must begin immediately for your sons healthful well being. Ojibwa takes great pride in our food. Three meals a day, an afternoon snack and a bedtime snack keep our boys well fed. Campers celebrating their birthday at camp will have a camp sponsored party, receive a camp present and a cake for the celebrant and his cabin. Phone calls only from the parents and grandparents are encouraged. One of the unique aspects of camp is the avoidance of material things. No packages without permission from the Directors. Books, magazines, etc., are not considered packages for our purposes. Playing cards are also prohibited. Additionally, during our Collegiate Week no team related items will be permitted including items sent to staff. Camp is a place for sharing, being treated equally and living under the same set of expectations. Thank you for your cooperation. As always, if you have any questions call the Directors at 715-479-8611 Please feel free to call if you have questions, concerns or comments regarding the information on this page. Your cooperation in following camps rules gives your sons’ the right message. Please share this information with other members of your family. Thank you. CAMP OJIBWA PARTICIPATION CONSENT FORM I UNDERSTAND THAT MY CHILDʼS PARTICIPATION IN CAMP OJIBWA AND ITS ACTIVITIES IS COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY AND I HAVE FAMILIARIZED MUYSELF WITH THE CAMPʼS PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES IN WHICH MY CHILD MAY BE PARTICIPATING. I RECOGNIZE THAT CERTAIN HAZARDS AND DANGERS ARE INHERENT IN THE CAMP OJIBWA EVENTS AND PROGRAMS, PARTICULARLY, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ACTIVITIES OF WATER SKIING, SWIMMING, SAILING, CHALLENGE COURSE, TUBING, BANANA BOAT, WEIGHT TRAINING, THE CLIMBING WALL, TRAMP BALL AND ZIP LINE. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, ALTHOUGH CAMP OJIBWA HAS TAKEN SAFETY MEASURES TO MINIMIZE THE RISK OF INJURY TO CAMP PARTICIPANTS, CAMP OJIBWA CANNOT INSURE NOR GUARANTEE THAT THE PARTICIPANTS, EQUIPMENT, PREMISES AND/OR ACTIVITIES WILL BE FREE OF HAZARDS, ACCIDENTS AND/OR INJURIES. I FURTHER RECOGNIZE AND HAVE INSTRUCTED MY CHILD IN THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING AND ABIDING BY THE CAMPʼS RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE SAFETY OF CAMP PARTICIPANTS. I CONSENT TO ALLOW OUR SON(S) TO LEAVE CAMP GROUNDS FOR SUCH SPONSORED ACTIVITIES AS SOCIALS, TOWN TRIPS, OVERNIGHT TRIPS, ETC. I FURTHER AGREE TO PERMIT MY SON(S) TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY AND ALL OFF THE GROUND ACTIVITIES HE HAS SHOWN THE ABILITY TO PERFORM SAFELY. SUCH THINGS AS THE AQUA TOWER, WATER SKIING, CLIMBING WALL, ROPE COURSE, ZIP LINE, ETC. WE WILL DISCUSS WITH OUR SON(S) THE IMPORTANCE OF USING CAUTION AND BEING SAFETY CONSCIOUS AT ALL TIMES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SUCH AREAS AS CROSSING THE STREET, STAYING WITH THE GROUP, FOLLOWING CAMP RULES, ETC. NAME OF PARENT__________________________________________DATE__________ SIGNATURE______________________________________________________ SIGNING AS THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN FOR: CAMPERS NAME(S) 2015 a mp O j ibwa Cl ot hing O r de r For m Campers Name________________________________________________________ Please check attending session: Full Session____, First Session____, Second Session____ R e qui r e d C l ot hi ng I t e ms : *Two shirts, choose any combinati on of two or more of the following: ($14.50 each) - Gray T - shirt with red lettering - Black sleeveless muscle shirt with red lettering - Black sleeveless muscle shirt with silver lettering *One Pair of shorts, choose at least one of the following: ($20.50 each) - One pair of red mesh shorts O pt i ona l I t e ms : Crew Neck Sweatshirt - $24.50 Hooded Sweatshirt - $31.00 Winter Style Knit Cap - $16.00 Plaid Flannel Pants - $28.00 Gray Sweatpants - $21.75 Baseball Jersey - $15.50 Most items come in the following sizes: Small (6 - 8) YOUT H S I Z E S A DU L T S I Z E S Small Medium (10 - 12) Medium Laundry Bag - $12.00 Baseball Cap - $15.75 Large (14 - 16) Large X- Large All items ordered will be given to the campers at camp. When ordering, please specify an a pproximate size. A l l i t e ms wi l l be t r i e d on f or s i z e a nd y our c a mpe r wi l l be pr ovi de d wi t h t he c or r e c t s i z e , no ma t t e r t he s i z e or i gi na l l y or de r e d. Their names will be placed in their items after proper sizing. Ojibwa items are sold exclusively through Ojibwa Enterprises, Inc. I TEM R E Q UI R E D I T E MS : Gray T - Shirt Black Muscle Shirt with Red Letters Black Muscle Shirt with Silver Letters Red Mesh Shorts O P T I O NA L I T E M S : Crew Neck Sweatshirt Hooded Sweat Shirt Gray Sweatp ants Plaid Flannel Pants Baseball Jersey Laundry Bag Baseball Cap B l a c k W in t e r K n i t C a p P R I CE Q U A NT I T Y S I Z E(S ) TOTAL $14.50 $14.50 $14.50 $20.50 $24.50 $31.00 $21.75 $28.00 $15.50 $12.00 $15.75 $16.00 Sub Total: x .06 Sales Tax Grand Total Due: = ________________ _ Sales tax must be added to all orders inclu ding out of state orders. Prices may change after January 1, 2015 due to market costs. Method of Payment: Check Cash We do not accept credit cards. R e mi t t o: O j i bwa E nt e r pr i s e s , I nc . From August 31 - May 31: 1549 Arbor Ave., Highland Park, IL 60035 Ph one: 847 - 831- 5374, Fax: 847 - 831- 2445 From June 1 - August 30: 4040 Ojibwa Dr., Eagle River, WI, 54521 Phone: 715- 479 - 8611, Fax: 715 - 479 - 1858 E - ma i l A ddr e s s : c a mpoj i bwa @ a ol . c om W e b S i t e : www. c a mpoj i bwa . c om **Please send in clothes orders as early as possible** Camp Ojibwa Packing List CLOTHING Sweat Shirts Sweat Pants Cap or Hat Shorts Poncho/Rain Gear Jacket Jeans Polo Type Shirt T-Shirts Underwear Socks Swimming Trunks Bathrobe Sleepwear (Optional) Flannel pants (Optional) Jerseys (Optional NO. 4 4 1 7 1 1 2 2 10 12 12 3 1 PACKED SHOES Tennis Shoes Flip-Flops/Shower Shoes NO. 2 1 PACKED BAGGAGE Duffels (No Trunks) Travel/Carry-on NO. 2 1 PACKED BEDDING & LINEN Blankets Twin Flat Sheets Twin Fitted Sheets Pillow Cases Towels Laundry Bags (Nylon) Mattress Pad (Optional) NO. 2 2 2 2 6 2 PACKED TOILETRIES Toothbrush Toothpaste Shampoo and Body Wash Brush/Comb Cup Shower Bucket (Except 1st Yr. Campers) PACKED SPORTS EQUIPMENT Tennis Racket/Balls Baseball Gloves Flashlight/Batteries Fishing Equipment (Optional) Ping Pong Paddles/Balls (Optional) Protective Eye Goggles (Required) PACKED MISCELLANEOUS Stamps, Stationary, Pens, Pencils Deodorant Camera/Film Insect Repellent Books/Magazines Suntan Lotion, Sunscreen & Chapstick Address List Kleenex Battery Operated Fan (Optional) Pillow (Optional) Water Bottle (Except 1st Yr. Campers) PACKED FATHER & SON PROGRAM ENROLLMENT FORM Three days, two nights of fun and frolic. Activities include: Waterfront, climbing wall, miniature golf, floor hockey, soccer, tree planting, camp tour, big brother, trampoline basketball, T-ball, kick baseball, neucombe, pinners, fun and more fun. Enroll today to insure your son a place for this limited and awesome program. Session 1: 6/26/2015 to 6/28/2015 Session 2: 7/31/2015 to 8/2/2015 Son's Name Son’s Birth Date Mother’s Name Father’s Name Son’s School Grade Home Address City State Zip Home Phone ( ) ) Mobile Phone ( Special Needs Email Father’s T-Shirt Size Son’s T-Shirt Size $400.00 nonrefundable registration fee by cash or check only. Checks payable to: “Camp Ojibwa” Note: Please include “Father/Son” on the memo line Mail this form with payment to: Dennis Rosen, 1549 Arbor Avenue, Highland Park, IL 60035 For more informations, please contact: Denny Rosen, Director Phone (847) 831-5374 Fax (847) 831-2445 Email [email protected] Stu Nitzkin, Director of Recruiting and Development Phone (773) 875-2425 Email [email protected] Check us out online at: campojibwa.com PREP CAMP PROGRAM ENROLLMENT FORM Our Prep Camp Program is a unique opportunity for boys 7 to 9 to participate in a four day, three night experience just like the big boys. This is a great opportunity to relieve anxiety in going away for longer periods. Your son won’t stop talking about the fun he had. Occurs during regular camp and a motor coach is included both ways. Enrollment is limited so sign up today! Day 1 - Arrive at camp. Check in, cook out dinner, orientation and welcome tour, big brothers, early evening activity, welcoming pizza party, bedtime. Day 2 - Breakfast, cabin clean up, swim test, basketball game, pinners, lunch, rest period, climbing wall & zip line, neucombe ball game, afternoon snack, waterfront, dinner, archery, smore’s campfire, bedtime. Day 3 - Breakfast, cabin clean up, pontoon boat ride through the largest inland chain of lakes in the world, soccer game, lunch, rest period, floor hockey, snack, free choice, dinner, flag football, movie night, bedtime. Day 4 - Late sleep. World renown Camp Ojibwa Sunday Brunch, pack up, good-byes, depart by 10:00 a.m. for return trip home with arrival about 3:30 p.m. Exact departure time will be posted on the internet. Session 1: 7/9/2015 to 7/12/2015 Session 2: 7/23/2015 to 7/26/2015 Son's Name Son’s Birth Date Mother’s Name Father’s Name Son’s School Grade T-Shirt Size Home Address City State Zip Home Phone ( ) ) Mobile Phone ( Special Needs Email $525.00 nonrefundable registration fee by cash or check only. Checks payable to: “Camp Ojibwa” Note: Please include “Prep Camp” on the memo line Mail this form with payment to: Dennis Rosen, 1549 Arbor Avenue, Highland Park, IL 60035 For more informations, please contact: Denny Rosen, Director Phone (847) 831-5374 Fax (847) 831-2445 Email [email protected] Stu Nitzkin, Director of Recruiting and Development Phone (773) 875-2425 Email [email protected] Check us out online at: campojibwa.com CAMP OJIBWA POLICY ON CELL PHONES AND OTHER VOICE/DATA COMMUNICATION DEVICES Preface As children learn to trust other caring adults, they grow and learn to solve some of their own challenges. This emerging independence is one of the greatest benefits of camp. It is an important way your son learns to become resilient, community-oriented, and develop a true sense of camaraderie. Use of unproved electronic devices aids in defeating a sense of independent growth and, also, in allowing the people entrusted with your child’s well-being the ability to solve situations properly. Ask an Ojibwa camper what makes camp so special and invariably the response will be, the friendships and camaraderie. This is what we are all about, THE OJIBWA WAY Kindness, Respect, Fair Play and Trustworthiness. Policy No campers are allowed cell phones or other voice/data connections, including, but not limited to laptops, netbooks, tablets, iPads, and other communication devices. iPod and iTouch devices are acceptable, if the ability to send text messages is removed while at camp. Campers traveling to camp from out of state are allowed these devices but once at camp they must turn their devices into the office. Cabin 13 campers will be allowed the use of their cell phones in certain situations, but the phones will be kept in the cabin safe and distributed by the counselors when appropriate. Cabin 14 members are allowed cell phones with usage determine by the cabin counselors. Comments Throughout the camping industry camps have adopted strict, no devices with screens, etc. policies forbidding all electronic devices. We prefer to have policies that develop responsible use of approved devices as well as expecting our camp families to have a unified front. Since one cannot legislate common sense and integrity Ojibwa has chosen the path of being proactive with our parents, staff and campers in the development of a policy that insures the greatest levels of independent growth. Your cooperation is an integral part of this success. Acceptance We have read the above Preface, Policy and Comments and agree to abide by the policy as stated. Camper’s Signature(s)_________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature___________________________________________________________ Signed policy must be returned by e-mail, fax, or mail. E-mail - [email protected] fax - (prior to May 28) 847-831-2445 (after June 1) 715-479-1858 Mail (prior to May 28) 1549 Arbor Ave, Highland Park, IL 60035 (after June 1) 4040 Ojibwa Dr., Eagle River, WI 54521 Director Dennis Rosen, Director Joel Losoff, Assistant to Director Stu Nitzkin CAMP OJIBWA STAFF APPLICATION Name_________________________________________________________Date of Birth______________________ Permanent Address_________________________City___________________State_______Zip________________ School or Business Address_______________________________City_______________State____Zip__________ Home Phone ( )______________School/Business Phone ( )______________E MAIL____________________ Drivers License#__________________ State____ Social Security #_____________________ Sex____ Marital Status________ Do you smoke? _________ EDUCATION COLLEGE MAJOR YEARS DEGREE _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CAMP EXPERIENCE ( AS EMPLOYEE AND CAMPER) CAMP POSITION DIRECTOR PHONE DATES _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCES: ( USE EMPLOYERS, COACHES, TEACHERS, ETC. BUT NOT RELATIVES) NAME POSITION or RELATIONSHIP PHONE _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ What type of position are you applying ?________________With what age group do you prefer to work?___________ Write a brief biographical sketch, including specialized training and/or experience which might have a bearing on this application. Also indicate why we should hire you. NAME__________________________________________________________Yr. at camp___ Yr. on staff___ In the following list put a “1” before those activities you can organize and teach as an expert; “2” for those activities in which you can assist in teaching; and, “3” for those you would be willing to learn to assist. SPORTS WATER FRONT ACTIVITIES ARTS and CRAFTS ___Archery ___Boat Driving ___Cartooning ___Baseball ___Canoeing ___Ceramics ___Basketball ___Diving ___Darkroom ___Floor Hockey ___Fishing ___Drawing ___Football ___Knee Boarding ___Indian Lore ___Lacrosse ___Row Boating ___Jewelry ___Roller Blade Hockey ___Sailing ___Lanyards ___Soccer ___Skurfing ___Metal Work ___Softball ___Swimming ___Nature Crafts ___Tennis ___Tubing ___Newspaper ___Track ___Water Safety Skills ___Painting ___Volleyball ___Water Skiing ___Photography ___Weight Training ___Wind surfing ___Plastics ___Radio CAMP CRAFT ___Sculpture MUSIC and DRAMA ___Camp Craft ___Video Production ___Acting ___Hiking ___Wood Carving ___Dancing ___Orienteering ___Yearbook ___Directing ___Outdoor Cooking ___Drums ___Overnight Camping NATURE ___Guitar ___Ropes Course with Climbing Tower ___Animals ___Minerals ___Piano ___Story Telling ___Astronomy ___Rocks Other Musical Instruments: ___Birds ___Trees ______________________ ___Conservation ___Shrubs ___Set and Costume Design ___Flowers ___Weather ___Singing ___Forestry ___Skits and Stunts ___Insects MISCELLANEOUS ___Badminton ___Bingo ___Board Games ___Campfires ___Frisbee ___Golf ___Horseshoes ___Jogging ___Juggling ___Karate ___Kayaking ___Magic ___Marbles ___Ping Pong ___Pinners ___Rocketry ___Tumbling and Gymnastics ___Wrestling UMPIRE and REFEREE: LIST THOSE ACTIVITIES YOU ARE QUALIFIED AND INDICATE ANY CERTIFICATION SPORT CERTIFICATION SPORT CERTIFICATION ___Baseball __________________ ___Basketball _____________________ ___Football __________________ ___Hockey _____________________ ___Soccer __________________ ___Softball _____________________ ___Volleyball __________________ ___Water Front _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ COACHING PREFERENCES (check sports you would like to coach) SPORT BACKGROUND/EXPERIENCE Basketball _____________________________________________________________________________ Flag Football _____________________________________________________________________________ Floor Hockey _____________________________________________________________________________ Soccer _____________________________________________________________________________ Softball _____________________________________________________________________________
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