FOR YOUR INFORMATION PRAYER PANEL On-Line Giving Available Verse of the Week —check out “set up online giving” on our church website: Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. Hebrew 13:15 (NIV) Prayer Needs App for online Giving —download the “Egiving Mobile” app by Stewardship Technology for your iPhone or Android smart phone. MCON Text Alerts To receive texts from MCON (one of our frequently used forms of communication) send a message from your cell phone to 40650 that says “Join MCON” (without quotation marks). Also be sure that no automatic signature is included in the message. You will receive a text message back asking you to replay “yes” to confirm. MCON Email Messages If you are not currently receiving emails from MCON and would like to do so, please provide your current email address to the church office. Daily Devotional The Daily Office. Daily prayers and Bible Readings for the church. Available every Sunday in the foyer on the information table next to sanctuary doors. You may also download the “Youversion Bible App” on your smart phones and tablets by searching “Bible” in your app store or going to in your browser. You will then be able to find our church’s “Daily Office” by going to the “Live” section of the app and search our zip code 47356. Madison Christian Counseling Center Appointments are available here in our facility. For appointments please call 643-6017. Pastoral Staff Dr. Philip C. Rogers ▪ Senior Pastor ▪ [email protected] Pastor David Whitteberry ▪ Senior Adults ▪ [email protected] Pastor Sherry Rogers ▪ Worship Ministries ▪ [email protected] Pastor Mike Konkle ▪ Pastoral Care ▪ [email protected] Pastor Danny Barrett ▪ Recovery Ministry ▪ [email protected] Pastor Christen Sanders ▪ Young Adults ▪ [email protected] Jennifer Murdick ▪ Interim Youth Leader▪ [email protected] Matt Wolfe▪ Youth Worship Coordinator▪ [email protected] Pastor Matt Gargiulo ▪ Associate Pastor for Children and Intergenerational Ministries ▪ [email protected] Bruce Sutton ▪ Administrative Assistant ▪ [email protected] Pam Poor ▪ SDMI Superintendent ▪ 765-639-1187 Robin Sanders ▪ Office Administrator ▪ [email protected] Church Church Office Hours: M, T, Th., F 8:00-2:30 (closed Wed.) Feb. 2 The Next Encounter God Weekend February 27 & 28, 2015 Calendar at a Glance Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb.14 Feb. 15 Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 27-28 Young at Heart Luncheon Church Board Meeting Membership Class 101-6:00pm Pre-Teen Boys’ Pokagon Trip Teen Bible Quiz at Columbia City Men’s Prayer Breakfast Mission Meeting Alabaster Offering Ash Wednesday Pre-Encounter Blood Drive Encounter Prayer Focus—Refugee Centers Continue to pray for the people in the Middle East who have had to flee their homeland and seek shelter in refugee centers. Most of the refugee families only consist of women and children. Many of their husbands, fathers and sons were killed in attacks, in the fighting, or they disappeared mysteriously. The church helps them not just with logistical things, but also in spiritual, psychological, physical and mental ways. Service Men and Women Sink, Justin—POB 26523-GMF GU 96921 USA (Guam) LCPL Perry, Shawn—back home for now Deeney, Austin & Carissa—PSC 2 Box 11762 APO AE 09012 CPL Sean Bussa, US Army Serving in Ft Campbell, Ky. 101Airborne SPC, Vetor, Sy Robby Seward—at Twenty Nine Palms, CA. Marine Base Charles Hay-Being deployed to Kuwait soon Middletown Church of the Nazarene Church Family David Gadberry-surgery recovery Cecilia Floyd Sherry Fields-surgery recovery Matt & Rachel Gargiulo-transitioning to Middletown in next couple weeks Mikayla Donahue-Peyton Manning Hospital-long term leukemia treatments Dave Johnston Pat Waid-surgery recovery Jill Rednour-foot surgery recovery Keith Bussa-stroke recovery Corinne Havenstrite-pregnancy Jim Bevel-chemo therapy Jeannie Grimm Work and Witness Pray for a continued spirit of revival in our church Projects Mexico: Extended Family Rev. Tom Chapman-Lutheran Hospital Ft. Wayne Liz Vores’ grandma, Marie-surgery Kristen Owens-16yr. Daughter of Kent Vetor’s niece Steve Price-son-in-law of Tammy Masters critical after heart attack Kelli Drake-cancer Praise Salvation for Cheryl Wallen’s dad Pat Waid’s neice, Danielle-hospitalized and 34 weeks pregnant Juchitan Union Hildago Salina Cruz Chigola Matias Romero Arriaga Ixtapec Ojital Circuelo Chauites Shut-Ins and Nursing Home Martha Smith-(shut-in) living a Stan’s home in Middletown-608 N. 13th-354-2475 Margaret Givens-Bethany Pointe Rehab, 1707 Bethany Rd, Anderson, 46012 (Rm #118) Gerri Lockridge-Heritage House in New Castle Betty Whitteberry-Middletown Nursing & Rehab-Room 101 Jim & Naomi Samples-Elmcroft Assisted Living 1601 N. Morrison, Muncie Judy Sink-at home Joyce Anderson-Middletown Nursing & Rehab Ginny Catron-(mom of Peggy Seward)-Miller’s Merry Manor Barb Gibbs-Bethany Pointe Margaret Sneed, Patty Miller’s mom-going home this week! PTL John 4:19-26 February 1, 2015 698 N. 5th Street, Middletown, IN 47356 Phone: 765-354-2327 Fax: 765-354-4980 (digital copies of bulletin available on our website) Weekly Giving Report Weekly Budgeted Need $10,755.00 Offerings for Budgeted Funds: Reg. Tithes & Offerings Missions Building Funds TOTAL: Last Week’s Offerings $3,601.76 $147.00 $355.00 $4,103.76 Sympathy Tim Sizemore-loss of dad Family of Amy Woolard (sister-in-law of Lois Griggs) Cheryl Wallen loss of dad Ron Gold (brother of Julia Ott)-his son was tragically killed in accident Thank You for Praying……… “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” BIBLE STUDIES & WORSHIP SERVICES CHURCH MINISTRIES Sunday Morning MEMBERSHIP CLASS 101-Today Adult Sunday School For anyone who is interested in being a member of MCON or is relatively new to our church, MEMBERSHIP 101 is just for YOU! These sessions, led by Pastor Phil, will give you vital information and the beliefs and practices of our local and also the global Church of the Nazarene. The first class option is being offered right after worship service today. (Lunch is provided.) It’s not too late to get on board! The second class option will be offered this Tuesday evening at 6:00pm. (Light supper provided.) Contact Pastor Phil this morning if you’ re interested in participating. Classes 9:00 AM Rm. 120 Rm. 121 Rm. 129 Rm. 136 Rm. 141 Rm. 142 Rm. 146 Fireplace Room Digging Deeper Study of Hebrews Study of Hebrews SonShine Group (special needs) Minor Prophets History of the Church Study of Hebrews Revelation Pastor Phil Rogers Bruce Seward Pastor Dave/Janet Griggs Abbott Bill Lantz/ Pyles/Dan Fountain Matt Wolfe Karen Michael Pam Poor Sharon Smith Classes 9:00 AM Rm. 227 Jr. High— 7th and 8th grade Rm. 228 Sr. High—9th-12th grade Children’s Sunday School Classes 9:00 AM Rm. 105 Rm. 102 Rm 201 Rm 206 Rm 209 Nursery 0-18 months Nursery 18-36 months Pre-school K-3rd grade 4th-6th grade Sunday Morning Sunday School 9:00 AM Prayer & Hospitality 10:00AM Worship Service- Sanctuary 10:15 AM Sunday Evening 5:00-6:00 p.m. 6:00-7:00 p.m. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Large Group Meeting -Praise and worship, followed by a teaching/lesson, personal testimony or special guest. Open Share Groups -Gender-specific groups are designed to meet various recovery needs and to prepare individuals for Step Study groups. Solid Rock Café Fellowship, Coffee and Snacks Youth Bible Studies 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Jr. High Boys & Girls Sr. High Boys Sr. High Girls Wednesday Mid-Week Bible Study –Adults 6:30 p.m. Fireplace Rm Agents of the Apocalypse with Pastor Mike Konkle Job Readiness Class-Adults 6:30pm Rm 141 with Pastor Christen Sanders Bible Study –4th –6th grade Boys and Girls 6:30 p.m. Teen Worship Service –7th –12th grade Boys & Girls 6:30 p.m. With Matt Wolfe Hand Bell Ensemble With Pastor Sherry 7:15 p.m. Fundraiser for Mikayla Encounter God Retreat Mark your calendar! Our third Encounter God Retreat Weekend will be held Friday-Saturday, February 27-28 right here at MCON. This is for anyone desiring to draw closer to God and grow in our knowledge of Him. Registration forms are available at the foyer table. Need more information? Contact Bruce Sutton. This weekend retreat can be a life-changing experience. Labor For Your Neighbor Celebrate Recovery Weekly Events Monday 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Small Group [email protected] or 586-322-2622 Our next missions meeting is planned for Saturday, 2/14, at 9:00am. Everyone interested in local missions is invited and strongly encouraged to attend these meetings led by our missions president, Tari Worrell. We’re making plans for a very special outreach effort right here in our community. Your participation and support are greatly appreciated!! Alabaster Sunday-February 15th February is Alabaster Offering Month in the Global Church of the Nazarene. This special offering, which goes to help purchase land and buildings on mission fields around the world, is received semi-annually. Our goal at MCON is 100% participation. No contribution is too small. Your generosity will make a difference! Soup For Missions Now Available: White Chicken Chili Soup. (This is Don Becker’s award winning recipe.) Place your order today (it’s just $6.00 per container) and you’ll be helping to support our local and worldwide missions projects. Also you will find in your bulletin an order form for future soups being offered. Tuesday 6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study & Prayer 9:00 a.m. Women’s Care and Share group 7:30 p.m. Open Basketball in Gym Today is the beginning of our 2-month challenge: FFP15. Not sure what the challenge is all about? Check out the blue bulletin insert for all the details on this 5-part challenge. In case your family wasn't in the foyer at 10:00am this morning, we missed you! It’s never too late to start…..we hope to see you there next Sunday! This challenge is a great opportunity to be very intentional about the ministry of encouraging and building up the body of Christ. Will you take the challenge? Wednesday, February 18, marks the beginning of the 2015 Season of Lent. In observance of this special season of the Christian year, prayer stations (with interactive activities) will be available in the sanctuary from 6:00pm until 9:00pm. Families and / or individuals can move through all stations at their own pace, but it is suggested that you allow approximately 30 minutes. “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” (James 4:8) Wednesday Night Class Agents of the Apocalypse-A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times Who will usher in earth’s final days? Are we living in the end times? What if the players depicted in the book of Revelation were out in force today? And if they were, would you know how to recognize them? In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no Bible teacher has done before. He explores the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players: the exile, the martyrs, the 144,000, the two witnesses, the dragon, the beast from the earth, the beast from the sea, the Victor, the King, and the Judge. Skillfully crafted to engage both the heart and the mind, each chapter opens with an engaging, biblically based dramatization that brings prophecies to life as never before. As Dr. Jeremiah presents these agents in the context of their unique times and places in the end times, he weaves a rich tapestry of the temperaments, motives, and conspiracies that Scripture tells us will precipitate earth’s final days. Then, in each chapter, Dr. Jeremiah provides a detailed study called “The Scripture behind the Story,” which explores some of Revelation’s most cryptic passages, explaining how to interpret them and, most important, how they apply to the malevolent forces at play in the world today. The stage is set, and the curtain is about to rise on earth’s final act. Will you be ready? The Tent Young Adult Ministry Meets on the 1st & 3rd Friday of the Month at 7:00PM at Middletown Church of the Nazarene. Small groups meet every Monday night at 7:00pm in various locations. Visit our website @ or contact Pastor Christen at 586-322-2622 for more information. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Young at Heart Luncheon The next Young at Heart luncheon will be held on Monday, 9th (weather permitting) beginning at noon. The menu will include delicious baked steak and all the “fixins.” Please RSVP by signing up at the welcome center desk. Young at Heart ministries are open for anyone age 55 and older. New attendees are always welcome! Friday 7:00 p.m. The Tent—Young Adult READY, SET, BEGIN! PRAYER STATIONS The girls pre-teen class will be selling valentine cookies, as a fundraiser for Mikayla Donahue. You can place your order at table in foyer today and the next two Sundays, see order form insert. Orders and money due by 2/9/15. Pick up orders at church on 2/13/15, 5:00pm-7:00pm or 2/14/15, 10:00am-noon. See Cheryl Farmer or Jill Scott for any questions. Teen Sunday School CHURCH MINISTRIES Front Door Greeters Needed Arnie Everett needs help with greeters for the front outside door. Two people are needed each Sunday from 10:00-10:15. If you are interested in helping, please text/call his cell phone #765-729-5016. Also, if a Sunday School class would like to sign up for a whole month, that would be great!! Thanks and God bless. Arnie Is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. Twenty years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people. It was designed as a program to help those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. Celebrate Recovery is now in over 20,000 churches worldwide! Meeting Every Sunday Night right here at the Middletown Church of the Nazarene— 5:00 PM.
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