~~ ,f;e<u 022-22708100 22708400 Fax 022-22700470 Telegram: NIASURANCE Website www.newindia.co.in O\,~(~C~q~' ~~~jMH1919G.IOO'52. ('fT«f mom t" 1fi Mlflt6illqj"t) THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE COMPANY LTD. Phone (Wholly Owned by Govt. of India) ~~~Cfilt.li{i1t.1 :~~~~, 87, lm~fl'NtllT'f,W, ~- 400 001. Regd. & Head Office: New India Assurance Bldg., 87, M. G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400001. REF NO. CORP.HRM/ASST 12014 Date 02-02-2015 PROVISIONALLY SHORT LISTED CANDIDATES FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT (CLASS ·111)·2014. UTTARAKHAND We had invited applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of Assistant (Class·III) vide our recruitment advertisement dated 17.10.2014. Based on the performance in the online examination held on 17.01.2015 & 18.01.2015,the following candidates have been provisionally short listed for Personal Interview: UTTARAKHAND ROLL NO NAME OF THE CANDIDATE 25 26 3531502909 3531302904 NEERAJSHARMA 1 3531600887 AAGRAHIDHULlYA 27 3530701293 NEHA SLNO MUKUL DHAUNDIYAL 2 3530700384 AARTI SHARMA 28 3540700244 NEHA BISHT 3 4 3530700800 3530100578 ABHISHEK ASWAL 29 30 3510700301 3541501151 NIKUNJ RATRA AMIT RAJ 5 ANJALI RANA 31 3510700102 NITIKA TALWAR NITESH BHANDARI 6 3530700400 3510500270 ANSHUL SAINI 32 3530701166 PALLAVI ASWAL 7 3540700428 ANURAG JOSHI 33 3530701872 POOJA KHATI 8 9 3510100816 3530100500 ARUN KUMAR SINGH 34 35 3530101792 3530702836 PRADEEPKAUR AVNISH KUMAR 10 3530101776 AYUSHI NIRALA 3530502775 RAKESHKUMAR 11 12 3530701203 3530702887 DEEPIKASUNDRIYAL 36 37 38 3530502415 3540100016 RINU ASWAL GAURAV JOSHI 13 3530501570 GAURAV PANWAR RUCHI PANDEY GAURAV THAKUR 39 40 3530702498 14 3530100526 SACHIN KUMAR GIRISH SINGH 41 3540101097 42 43 3531501746 SAURABH ARYA SHAILENDRA PRASAD NAUTIYAL 15 3520700139 3541501051 16 3530702903 HIMANSHU PAINULY 17 18 3530701284 3540700748 JYOTSANA DIMRI 19 20 21 3520500379 3530502182 3541500520 22 23 24 3510100585 3540100267 3540100800 JYOTSNA BORA KAVITA VERMA KRISHNA CHANDRA LAXMI NARAYAN BIST MANENDRA KRANE MANINDAR SINGH RAHUL BHATIA ROMIKA BHASKAR SUMIT PAL SINGH 44 3530101386 3530701653 45 3530700197 VINEETA PANWAR 46 47 48 3510700671 3510100143 3531501742 VIVEK GUPTA SUNNY VERMA YOGESHKUMAR PUSHKAR YOGINDER SINGH MANISH KUMAR ARYA Page 1 of2 fa: ;:q_ $Ps<:H e~t:t~'<~ cj)q;fi ffI~~5, ~, (~.CPT.) THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD., MUMBAI (H.O.) Facility to download interview call letters, for the provisionally shortlisted candidates, will be madeavailable in the Company's website (recruitment section) in due course. The marks of individual candidates will be made available only after the completion of the Recruitment Exercise. The applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the recruitment advertisement as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects. IN CASE IT IS DETECTEDAT ANY STAGEOF RECRUITMENTTHAT A CANDIDATEDOES NOT FULFIL THE ELIGIBILITY NORMS AND/OR THAT HE/SHE HAS FURNISHEDANY INCORRECT/FALSE INFORMATIONOR HAS SUPPRESSEDANY MATERIAL FACTS, HIS/HER CANDIDATUREWILL STAND CANCELLED. IF ANY OF THESE SHORTCOMINGSIS/ARE DETECTEDEVEN AFTER APPOINTMENT, HIS/HERSERVICESARE LIABLETO BE TERMINATED. The SC/ST/OBCcandidates' certificates will be verified through the proper channel. If the verification reveals that the claim of the candidates to belong to SC / ST/ OBC as the case may be is false, the candidature of such candidates will stand cancelled and services of such candidates, if appointed, will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian PenalCodefor production of false certificate. If the verification reveals that the claim of the candidates to belong to other Backward Classes or not to belonging to creamy layer is false, his/her candidature will stand cancelled and if appointed, services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of Indian PenalCodefor production of false certificates. ~ E.&O.E. Page 2 of2
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