Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu Chatha, Jammu-180 009 Notification No: 03 (Secy.) of 2015 Dated: 27-01-2015 Applications on prescribed form are invited for the following position: Item No 01 Dean, Faculty aculty of Agriculture (01 Post) ( 37400-67000 67000 + GP of 10, 000/-) (Tenurial post for a period of five years term) Qualification & Experience Essential i. Doctorate degree in any discipline/subject of Agriculture Faculty. ii. 15 years experience of teaching/research and/or Extension of which at least 05 years should be in the rank of Professor/Chief Professor Scientist or equivalent in an Agricultural University or Research Institute (the period spent in obtaining Ph.D. degree will not be counted as teaching/research and/or extension xtension experience). experience) Desirable i. Evidence of leadership and outstanding achievements in teaching and research. ii. Good knowledge of modern Agricultural Educational System. 02 Professor & equivalent (1 (11 Posts) (`37400-67000 67000 + AGP of `10, 000/-) S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Discipline/Location Agril. Engg. Agroforestry Veterinary Anatomy Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology Veterinary Pathology Animal Nutrition Animal Breeding and Genetics Livestock Production and Management Livestock Products Technology Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education Instructional Livestock Farm Complex Page 1 of 6 No. of posts 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Qualification & Experience Essential i. Doctorate degree in the subject concerned. ii. Ten (10) year’s experience in the relevant subject out of which at least eight years should be as Scientist/teacher or equivalent position in the pay band–III of `15600-39100 + GP of `5400/6000/7000/8000 and two year as a Associate Professor/Sr. Scientist or equivalent in the pay band-IV of `37400-67000 with grade pay of `8700/9000 (The period spent in obtaining Ph.D degree will not be counted as teaching/research and/or extension experience). iii. Good research experience as evidenced by publications. Desirable i. Ability to provide leadership in the subject/discipline. ii. Administrative experience in a teaching/research Institution. Note: (i) 03. Requirement of professional degree shall be deemed as essential qualification for the certain posts e.g. Agronomy /Horticulture/Veterinary Sciences etc. (ii) In case of candidates who hold post-graduate qualification in other subject/discipline but have been working in the discipline concerned, additional two years’ experience will be required over and above the minimum prescribed period. (iii) For the post appearing at S.No 11, the candidates must have specialization in any of the production subjects (LPM/Animal Breeding and Genetics/Animal Nutrition) of Vety. Sciences Assoc. Professor/Sr. Scientist & equivalent (06 Posts) (` 37400-67000 + AGP of `9,000/-) S.No Discipline/Location 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Plant Physiology Seed Sciences Livestock Production and Management Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Education Vety. Microbiology Vety. Parasitology Page 2 of 6 Extension No. of posts 01 01 01 01 01 01 Qualification & Experience Essential i. Doctorate degree in the subject concerned. ii. Eight (8) year’s experience in the relevant subject as Scientist/teacher or equivalent position in the pay band–III of `15600-39100 + GP of `5400 /6000 /7000/8000 (The period spent in obtaining Ph.D. degree will not be counted as teaching/research and/or extension experience) Desirable:- Research Experience as evidenced by publications. Note: (a) Requirement of professional degree shall be deemed as essential qualification for certain posts e.g. Agronomy /Horticulture/Veterinary Sciences etc. (b) In case of candidates who hold post-graduate qualification in other subject/ discipline but have been working in the discipline concerned, additional two years’ experience will be required over and above the minimum prescribed period. 04. Subject Matter Specialists (02 Posts) (`15600-39100 + GP `5400/-) S. No. 1. 2. Discipline Soil Science Fisheries No. of post 01 01 Qualification & Experience Essential: a) Master’s degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent post-graduate qualification in the concerned subject. b) Ph.D degree (with course work) in concerned subject as prescribed by the UGC regulations, 2009 (Ph.D. is relaxable for candidates holding post- graduation degree in Vety. Sciences along with one publication in NAAS rated referred Journal and NET). c) NET or at least two full length publications having a NAAS rating not less than 4, on the last date of submission of application Or a) Master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject. b) Ph.D degree (without course work) in the concerned subject. Page 3 of 6 c) NET Important Notes For all the disciplines of Faculty of Vety. Sciences and Animal Husbandry, B.V.Sc. & A.H. or B.V.Sc. would be the essential qualification at Graduate Level. General Conditions 01 Age Not more than 55 years as on 01.01.2015. 01.01.201 Upper age limit may be relaxed in case of persons already in employment of the th University. Temporary with two years’ probation. probation 02 Nature of Appointment 03 In-service service Candidates The candidates in employment should forward their application through their employer and their services shall be regulated in accordance with the statutory provisions as are in vogue or as may come into force from time to time. 04 Posting Selected candidate can be posted in any constituent unit of the university Miscellaneous Instructions − Separate application should be submitted for each post. − Application form along with a copy of detailed notification can be downloaded from the University website − Application form complete in all respects duly supported by attested copies of all the certificates, degrees, diplomas with transcripts & testimonials, experience certificate and accompanied by Demand Draft for 1500/- drawn in favour of Comptroller, SKUAST of Jammu payable at Jammu should reach through Registered/ Speed Post to the office of the Assistant Registrar (R&C), Sher-e-Kashmir, Sher University of Agril. Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Chatha (J&K) (J&K 180009 by or before 2 26.02.2015 upto 5 p.m. No application form shall be received in this office by hand except in in-service service candidates of the SKUAST-J. − Applications received after expiry of the last date will not be entertained. − Two self-addressed addressed envelopes of size (9' x 4') duly affixed with postage stamps of 35/- each should be enclosed with the application form. Page 4 of 6 − Envelope containing the application form should be subscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _________________________”. − Eligible candidates will be informed about date and place of interview through intimation under Registered/Speed post/email. However, University does not take any responsibility for non-receipt or delayed receipt of the application or intimation about interview by a candidate. However the dates of interviews would also be displayed on the website of the University − List of eligible candidates shall also be displayed on the University website − Mere submission of application for the positions advertised here-in-above does not by itself entitle an applicant to be called for interview. − Candidates who do not fulfill all the requirements, prescribed here-inabove, by the last date of receipt of application form need not to apply. − University reserves the right to withdraw or defer filling up of any post, advertised here-in-above without assigning any reason. − It will be open to the University to consider names of suitable candidates who may not have applied or to consider applicants in absentia. − Candidates are advised to ascertain their eligibility at their own level as per this notification. − Candidates must rank their research papers as per NAAS (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences) rating along with referring the ID of the Journal themselves, while submitting their application form as per the current year rating issued by the NAAS. Application form without NAAS rating will be rejected without assigning any reason. The current year NAAS rating is also available at University website: − The candidates are further advised to attach all the necessary documents as required with the application form in their support. − All applicants must fulfill the conditions stipulated in the themselves before applying qualifications prescribed for eligibility will be entertained. essential requirements of the post and other advertisement. They are advised to satisfy that they possess, at least the essential the post. No enquiry for advice as to the − The employees of the SKUAST- Jammu who are desirous to apply in respect of above mentioned position can submit their application forms Page 5 of 6 through proper channel to the Registrar office but on or before the last date. − In-service candidates are advised to submit an advance copy of the application from well before the last date. The candidates without NOC from employer would not be allowed to appear in the interview. − The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is found that the documents submitted are fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be terminated forthwith. − Applications not accompanied by necessary supporting documents, attested copies of degree certificates/marks sheets/experience certificate/category certificate (if applicable) issued by the Competent Authority, application fee and the incomplete applications shall be rejected summarily. No: AUJ/Secy./14-15/F-144/4089-4198 Dated: 27.01.2015 Cc: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sd/Registrar All Deputy Director Generals, ICAR, New Delhi. All Officers of the University. All Asstt. Director Generals, ICAR, New Delhi. Registrars of all Agril. Universities and ICAR Institutions with the request to give publicity to this notice by circulation among Faculty Members/Scientists. All Chief Scientists/Coordinators/I/c/Divisions/Regional Stations/ Schools/Sub-stations/ KVKs of SKUAST of Jammu. SVC for information of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor. He is further requested for appropriate publicity including publication in Employment News. Asstt. Registrar (Legal), SKUAST-Jammu for information. University order files w.3.s.c. Notice Board. Asstt. Registrar (R&C) Page 6 of 6
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