PARSHAS YISRO 18 SHEVAT 5775 FEBRUARY 7, 2015 Torah Portion by Rabbi Kalman Packouz This is the Torah portion containing the giving of the Ten Commandments. Did you know that there are differences in the Ten Commandments as stated here (Exodus 20:1-14) and restated later in Deuteronomy 5:6-18? (Suggestion: have your children find the differences as a game at the Shabbat table during dinner). Moses' father-in-law, Jethro (Yitro or Yisro in the Hebrew) joins the Jewish people in the desert, advises Moses on the best way to serve and judge the people -- by appointing a hierarchy of intermediaries -and then returns home to Midian. The Ten Commandments are given, the first two were heard directly from God by every Jew and then the people begged Moses to be their intermediary for the remaining eight because the experience was too intense. The portion concludes with the Almighty telling Moses to instruct the Jewish people not to make any images of God. They were then commanded to make an earthen altar; and eventually to make a stone altar, but without the use of a sword or metal tool. Rabbi Joseph Kanofsky, Ph.D. [email protected] Mincha/Kab.Shabbat: 5:20pm Candlelighting: 5:17pm Chumash: Haftorah: 9:15 am Shacharit: Tot Program: 11am Torah Reader: Mendy Kanofsky Hertz p. 288 Mincha: 5:00pm Stone p. 394 Maariv/Havdala: 6:22pm Hertz p. 302 Stone p. 1154 The entire congregation is invited to the Davidson Social Hall for Kiddush immediately following services. ———— Kiddush this week is sponsored by Ed and Judy Pakes with gratitude and joy for the safe arrival of a granddaughter, Natanya Noa Chaya, and a grandson, Yonatan, in Israel Join your KST friends and help Israel! Volunteer to help at an army base in Israel for two weeks, then tour! Beginning: Oct 12, 2015 Interested individuals must register with the office by Feb. 15. • • 2 weeks volunteering Options for 7-10 day tour of Israel after • First class accommodations • Fully guided tour Details to follow: See Elliott Kirshenbaum or Rabbi Joe for more info. - - - REMINDER - - - MISHLOACH MANOT DEADLINE THIS WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11th Submit your form to ensure you’re included. WEEK @ A GLANCE Sunday, Feb. 8 Shacharis 8a Monday, Feb. 9 Shacharis 6:45a Essential Talmud 1p MUSSAR MONDAYS 7:30p Book Review at Chapters Indigo, Bayview Village Wed. February 11th 7:30pm Tuesday, Feb. 10 Shacharis 7:00a Talmud Chagiga 7:45a Book of Job 12noon Wednesday, Feb. 11 Shacharis 7:00a BOOKS ON BAYVIEW (CHAPTERS) 7:30p Thursday, Feb. 12 Shacharis 6:45a Friday, Feb. 13 Join… The Chevra Sponsor winter kiddushim with Cholent, Kugel and Warmth on Shabbatot with sponsor-vacant kiddushim. Call Alan at the office and say: “I want to be a part of The Chevra” Shacharis 7:00a Breakfast Learning 7:45a Mincha/Kab Shabbos 5:25p Candlelighting 5:26p Shabbat, Feb. 14 MISHPATIM Shabbat Shekalim Shacharis 9:15a Tot Program 11:00a Mincha 5:10p Maariv/Havdala 6:30p PLEASE NOTE: ALL members’ announcements in the weekly bulletin need to be submitted in writing with all relevant names and the occasion via email or fax to the office by Wed. mornings at 9am. G R E T U R N IN TO KST MUSSAR MONDAYS With Rabbi Michael Skobac MONDAYS 7:30pm: Feb 9, 23, Mar 2, 9, 16, 2015 Rabbi Michael Skobac was educated at Northwestern University and Yeshiva University. He has been involved in informal Jewish education and outreach work since 1975. Rabbi Skobac was the founding director of Kiruv, the campus outreach arm of the Rabbinical Council of America, and has worked as a campus professional with Hillel groups in Philadelphia, New York and Toronto. He has specialized in countermissionary work since 1983, establishing the New York branch of Jews for Judaism and serving as a consultant to the New York Jewish Community Relations Council Task Force on Missionaries and Cults. Rabbi Skobac is currently the Senior Counselor and Director of Education for the Canadian branch of Jews for Judaism. d e r e t a Fully C P eople often wonder what Jewish prayer, holidays and dietary regulations have to do with becoming a more sensitive, patient, grateful and generous person who enjoys a life of inner peace. This sixweek class will explore the increasingly popular Jewish teachings of personal growth and transformation known as Mussar. On our journey we will include classical and modern Mussar texts and discover practical tools to help us lead more spiritual and satisfying lives. SAVE THE DATE Shabbat HaGadol Friday, March 27th $36 pp (13 and up $10: 3-12) Sponsorships opportunities available SPACE IS LIMITED - Contact Office to RSVP
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