Week of January 30 – February 6, 2015 • 10 – 17 Shevat, 5775 SERVING THE ENTIRE JEWISH COMMUNITY Vol. 8 No. 10 5 PAGE 2 6 41 Visitors hold Israeli flag at entrance of Auschwitz At Auschwitz 70th Anniversary: Survivors Caution The Young Generation Of New Crimes Hachnosas Hachnosas Sefer Sefer Torah Torah in in Mobsey Mobsey 42 Agudath Agudath Israel Israel Yarchei Yarchei Kallah Kallah Auschwitz survivors have appealed to the world not to permit a recurrence of the crimes of the Holocaust as they mark 70 years since the camp's liberation. "We survivors do not want our past to be our children's future," Roman Kent, born in 1929, told a memorial gathering at the death camp's site in Poland. About 300 Auschwitz survivors revisited the camp for the ceremony under a giant tent. Roughly 1.1 million people, mostly Jews, were killed there Bibi, Nevermind Offending Obama ISSUE Lessons from France - Aliyah is the Cornerstone of Zionism Isi Leibler...................................................2 “Stand Fast And See The Salvation Of Hashem” Rabbi Naphtali Hoff...............................12 My Friend, My Rebbe Jonathan Gewirtz...................................17 Sound Advice For The Workplace Dovid Lieberman...................................29 MOSHE PHILLIPS AND BENYAMIN KORN There is nothing wrong with an Israeli Prime Minister doing his utmost to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, even if it offends the sensibilities of the American president. A nation that has experienced the world’s worst genocide just 70 years ago has not just a right but an obligation to take seriously any existential threats that loom against it. Roy Neuberger........................................10 What is Coaching and Who Might Benefit From It? Indyk Interferes Again On Israel SHMULEY BOTEACH IN THIS WEEK’S between 1940 and 1945, when Soviet troops liberated it. Ronald S Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, told the commemoration: "Jews are targeted in Europe once again because they are Jews... Once again young Jewish boys are afraid to wear yarmulkes on the streets of Paris, Budapest, London and even Berlin.” It is expected to be the last major anniversary event survivors are able to attend in significant numbers. The former U.S. ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, has called on Israel’s leaders “to stay out of America’s politics” — just hours after he urged the United States to interfere in Israel’s politics, something he himself has been doing for years. The latest events began with the invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress. The New York Times quickly sought a comment CONT. ON P4 CONT. ON P7 Just a Thought...On Zionism: Embracing all Jews Instead of rejecting from afar the state’s institutions as devoid of Torah, how about accepting the invitation to come and try to influence from within? AHARON WEXLER The rise in terrorist attacks against Jews in Israel and abroad the last few months puts into focus the question of what we Jews are trying to accomplish here in our little country. Is the The Remarkable Effects of Exercise on Cognition and Brain Cell Regeneration DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA Scientists have been linking physical exercise to brain health for many years. In fact, compelling evidence shows that physical exercise helps build a brain that not only resists shrinkage, but increases cognitive abilities. For example, we now know that exercise promotes a CONT. ON 6 CONT. ON P8 CANDLE LIGHTING 10 Shvat yca wh Parashat Beshalach 4:51 P.M. FIVE TOWNS 4:53 P.M. STATEN ISLAND 4:53 P.M. BROOKLYN 4:53 P.M. TEANECK, NJ 5:45 P.M. MIAMI BEACH, FLA. 4:31 P.M. JERUSALEM YOUR FULL SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY LOWEST FARES TO ISRAEL AND WORLDWIDE AMAZING RATES ON FLIGHTS TO ISRAEL VIA EUROPE 845.425.2123 | [email protected] | NEW LOCATION 20 ROBERT PITT DR #207, MONSEY, NY 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Lessons from France Aliyah is the cornerstone of Zionism Isi Leibler French Prime Minister Manuel Valls courageously stated that “if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure.” He said that he did not employ the term Islamophobia because it “is often used as a weapon by Islam’s apologists to silence their critics” and called on his nation to wage “a war against terrorism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom and solidarity.” In a recent National Assembly speech reminiscent of Emile Zola’s “J’accuse,” he passionately cried, “How can we accept that in France … where Jews were martyred 70 years ago, that cries of ‘death to the Jews’ can be heard in the streets? ... How can we accept that French people can be murdered for being Jews? ... How can we accept that in certain schools and colleges the Holocaust cannot be taught? ... How can we accept that when a child is asked ‘who is your enemy?’ the response is ‘the Jew’?” But alas, Valls’ noble remarks were not echoed by a single senior French government spokesman. On the contrary, President Francois Hollande, while conceding that the kosher supermarket murders were anti-Semitic acts, refused to even hint that this was an act motivated by Islamic radicalism. He mumbled about “obscurantist” forces and even insisted that “those who committed these acts have nothing to do with the Muslim religion” and that the “main victims” were Muslims. More galling for French Jews was the absence of comparable national demonstrations of sympathy or solidarity concerning the anti-Semitic violence and murder suffered during the preceding two years and their unanswered appeals for increased security. The authorities were far more concerned with their attempts not to offend Muslims than with defending and protecting the besieged and victimized Jews. Further evidence of this was reflected by the despicable manner in which Prime Minister Ben2 jamin Netanyahu was treated. Initially, Hollande had the gall to suggest that the Israeli leader, at the frontlines of the international struggle against Islamic terrorism, absent himself from the global leadership gathering because his presence would introduce the “divisive Israeli-Palestinian” issue. That he could make such a request to the head of the Jewish state in the wake of the brutal anti-Semitic carnage, was mind-boggling. To make matters worse, when Netanyahu made his intentions clear that he was attending, the head of the French National Security Council responded that Israel would face dire consequences and immediately invited Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to demonstrate “evenhandedness.” Hollande subsequently also displayed his feelings when he and his government delegation departed from the Grand Synagogue just prior to Netanyahu’s address. Hollande welcomed the presence of the corrupt and duplicitous Abbas, who exemplifies the suppression of free speech which the demonstration was condemning. But more importantly, he personally endorses the very murderous anti-Semitic attacks that Hollande condemned. The French and the other European leaders are aware that Abbas formed a union (which failed) with the genocidal Hamas, which calls for the murder of all Jews. He incites vicious hatred against Israelis, pays salaries to murderers of innocent civilians, provides pensions for the families of suicide bombers, and glorifies the most barbaric terrorists. Hollande is aware that this abhorrent Holocaust-denier only recently sent a formal condolence note to the family of the terrorist who sought to murder Rabbi Yehuda Glick. Also in attendance was Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who engaged in anti-Israeli diatribes, accusing Netanyahu of committing crimes comparable to the Paris terrorist attacks. His antiCONT.ON P3 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 1/30/15 THE JEWISH LIEBLER CONT. FROM P2 Semitic president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a supporter of Hamas, who accuses Israel of being a rogue terrorist state and Netanyahu a mass murderer, stood side by side with Abbas the following day. In this context, one must evaluate the future of French – and for that matter European – Jewry. Can French Jews feel assured that the stirring condemnation of antiSemitism by Valls means that Jews will be more secure in the future? Hardly. Valls is a loner, unable to turn the tide. But hatred of Israel has become endemic and the media will continue applying double standards against the Jewish state, which invariably intensifies antiSemitism. Hollande and his leftwing supporters distinguish between terrorists who kill Frenchmen and those who kill Jews residing in Israel. French Muslims today represent a crucial pillar of support for the socialists, and no matter how they behave, Hollande will continue groveling to them. The fact is that Jews are targeted and murdered because they are Jews and the community is increasingly surrounded by enemies, including homegrown killers with combat experience gained fighting for jihad in Syria and Iraq. Major synagogues were even closed on Shabbat to avoid pogroms, which have previously taken place. The president of CRIF, the French Jewish community, Roger Cukierman, voiced appreciation that 10,000 French troops were being deployed to protect Jewish schools and institutions. But he pointed out that when schoolchildren need to be protected by army personnel with machine guns and parents fear for their children’s lives, such conditions inevitably spur aliyah. Jews are terrified and often feel obliged to conceal their identity, assimilate, or, worse still, endorse the obscene manner in which their people are being treated. It is hardly the environment for Jews to live in or bring up children. In this context, one must congratulate Netanyahu. His message to French Jews was enormously comforting, as could be seen by 2015 BOCA RATON, FLORIDA PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Boca Raton Resort PGA National Resort • A Waldorf Astoria Resort • Gorgeous Private Beach • Interesting, Thought-provoking Lectures by dynamic speakers • 2 Championship Golf Courses • 30 Clay Tennis Courts, World Class Spa • NK Glatt Kosher Supervision • Entire Hotel Kosher for Pesach • Delectable Cuisine by • All Rooms Have Private Balconies Foremost Ram Caterers • 5 Tournament-Ready Golf Courses • ORB Glatt Kosher Supervision RYE BROOK, NEW YORK FIUGGI (ROME), ITALY WHISTLER, BRITISH COLUMBIA Westchester Hilton Palazzo Della Fonte Four Seasons ONLY 30 MINUTES FROM NEW YORK CITY • Entire Hotel Kosher for Pesach • Fantastic Scholar-in-Residence Program • Entire Hotel Newly Renovated • Exceptional Cuisine by Prestige Caterers • ORB Glatt Kosher Supervision • 45 minutes from Rome • Member of Leading Hotels Of The World • Entire Hotel Kosher for Pesach • Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet • Glatt Kosher Supervision Rabbi G. M. Garelik of Milan • Delectable Italian Cuisine Leisure Time Tours www.leisuretimetours.com the enthusiastic response he received. His call to French Jews to make aliyah was mandatory for the head of a Zionist state and opinion polls show that over three-quarters of Israelis endorsed his involvement. The attacks on him for “embarrassing” the French were to be expected from the global and Israeli Bibi-hating media. Some Jewish critics were reminiscent of the pre-war Polish Jewish Bundists who opposed Zionism, calling on Jews to remain in Europe to fight for socialism. Today, they argue that Jews must stay in Europe to fight anti-Semitism and that aliyah would represent a victory for our enemies. Some Diaspora Jewish officials resembled their counterparts prior to the Holocaust who con- demned Jabotinsky’s calls to evacuate Europe as hysterical. A “leader,” Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director of the European Jewish Association, even condemned Netanyahu for his “Pavlovian calls for aliyah after every terror attack,” demanding that “Israel increase security” for European Jews, calling for Jews in Europe to be entitled to carry weapons to defend themselves. President Reuven Rivlin was bitterly disappointing when he indirectly joined the chorus criticizing his prime minister by stating that aliyah must stem “from love, not fear of anti-Semitism.” Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky also seemed to have lost the plot, saying, “We must not be seen encouraging aliyah as though we were dancing EXCEPTIONAL SPRING SKIING #1 Ski Resort in North America • Beautiful Oversized Guest rooms & Suites • Entire Hotel Kosher for Pesach • Fantastic Scholar-in-Residence Program • Glatt Kosher Supervision • Outstanding Four Seasons Cuisine NEW YORK TOLL FREE 718-528-0700 800-223-2624 on blood and allying ourselves with the anti-Semites” and that we should only encourage “positive aliyah based on wishing to lead a Jewish life rather than calling on Jews to come because they felt unsafe.” What extraordinary words to come from a heroic former Prisoner of Zion. If the chairman of the Jewish Agency does not call directly on Jews to make aliyah when living under such terrible conditions, the organization should be closed down. Zionists do not seek to eliminate the Diaspora. Besides, we know that, short of mass exterminations, God forbid, the Jews of Europe are not all going to make aliyah overnight and Jewish comCONT.ON P9 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 3 1/30/15 THE JEWISH :HE3ULQW'HVLJQ6RFLDO0HGLD0DUNHWLQJ9LUWXDO7RXU3KRWRJUDSK\ Enhance Your Company’s Image and Increase Your Awareness On And Off The Web! Make Your Mark With eb ark esign Creativity Creativity.. Originality Originality.. Experience. PHILLIPS & KORN CONT. FROM P1 from Indyk, who is constantly quoted by the news media since the conclusion of his singularly unsuccessful term as the Obama administration’s chief envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. “Netanyahu is using the Republican Congress for a photo-op for his election campaign,” said Indyk, who apparently finds it inconceivable that the prime minister of Israel might want to speak to Congress about using Congressional sanctions to prevent Iran from nuking Israel. “And the Republicans are using Bibi for their campaign against Obama…It would be far wiser for us to stay out of their politics and for them to stay out of ours.” That line about both sides staying out of the other’s business sounds reasonable and evenhanded. Until you realize that before he spoke to the Times, Indyk let loose his real feelings via Twitter: “Why should Netanyahu be able to speak and Herzog not,” he angrily tweeted, referring to Israeli Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog. “If Boehner is placing Congress 4 into the midst of the Israeli elections, why don’t the Democrats invite Herzog too?” The answer to Indyk’s petulant question is that Netanyahu is the prime minister. Israel’s prime minister is invited to speak in other countries, and the leader of the opposition is not, just as no Republican leader is invited to speak when President Obama is invited to deliver an address in another country. Note, by the way, that Indyk served as ambassador in Israel in 1995, when Yitzhak Rabin was prime minister, and 2000, when Ehud Barak was prime minister. We don’t recall him ever demanding that Netanyahu, who was then the opposition leader, be invited along when Rabin or Barak came to the United States. For some reason, Indyk’s demand for “fairness” and “balance” applies only when it benefits the Israeli Labor Party. The irony is that if there is one person in the diplomatic world who is well known for interfering in Israel’s politics, it’s Martin Indyk. Consider: — Knesset Members David Levy and Aryeh Deri revealed on July 26, 1995 that Ambassador Indyk personally lobbied them, and other MKs, to oppose a Knesset bill that would have made it harder for Israel to give the Golan Heights to Syria. (Agence France Presse, July 26, 1995) — Israel Television reported on December 18, 1996, that Ambassador Indyk visited former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the Shas party, and asked Yosef to order Interior Minister Eli Suissa (a Shas representative) to block a housing project in a part of Jerusalem that was beyond the 1967 line. — The chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Uzi Landau, revealed in March 1997 that Ambassador Indyk had been “pressuring members of the government” and “interfering in Israel’s internal political affairs.” (Haaretz, March 16, 1997) — The Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot reported on July 8, 1997, that Ambassador Indyk “took part in the effort” to block Prime Minister Netanyahu’s choice for finance minister. It’s worth recalling that when To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] Indyk was nominated, in 1997, to serve as Assistant Secretary of State, The New Republic opposed the nomination—on the grounds that as ambassador in Israel, Indyk “distinguished himself by exhorting [President Clinton] to campaign for [Labor Party leader] Shimon Peres” in the 1996 Israeli elections. (Editorial, August 11-18, 1997) That’s right, the same Indyk who tweeted about inviting the head of Israel’s Labor Party to address Congress, and then turned around a few hours later and piously told the New York Times that neither side should interfere in the other’s politics—he himself sought American presidential intervention to help a previous Labor Party leader in an Israeli election. Hypocrisy? Two-facedness? Political bias? Sure, all of those terms describe Martin Indyk. But most of all, his behavior appears to be guided by a desperate hope that nobody will bother to take a look at his own record. The authors are president and chairman, respectively, of the Religious Zionists of America, Philadelphia, and candidates on the Religious Zionist slate (www.VoteTorah.org) in the World Zionist Congress elections THE JEWISH 1/30/15 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 5 1/30/15 WEXLER CONT. FROM P1 purpose of Israel to serve as a safety zone? Are we here only to ensure the physical well being of the Jewish people? Is there not some loftier greater goal to which we aspire? In a sentence, to borrow from the old Zionist credo, we are here to “build and be built.” Our goal is to take the brilliance of the Torah, which has been exiled along with the Jewish people, and redeem it from the synagogues and kitchens to which it has been banished. We aim to apply its wisdom and light on a national level. No longer should the questions asked of rabbis be confined to the kashrut of our pots, pans and meat; but are our social welfare policies kosher? Are we applying the Torah’s dictum of “Justice, justice shall thou pursue” in all the areas of our statecraft? Are we living up to the Torah’s challenge of us to be a “treasured people” and “light unto the nations”? For 2,000 years we were able to rightly hide behind the unfortunate position of Jews in their dispersed lands; “everywhere a guest, nowhere at home.” This allowed us to avoid the responsibilities that sovereign nations carry to create a just and fair society. The establishment of our state in 1948 did not just establish our sovereignty, but also declared our independence. Independence is not just freedom from subjugation, but it is a declaration of responsibility. We are now responsible to take care of our own people in our own special way. When Zionism was first promulgated at the end of the 19th century and early 20th, it met some of its fiercest opposition from the Jews themselves. Orthodox Jewry was unprepared for a redemption that fell way short of the supernatural miracles promised by the Bible and ancient rabbis. After struggling for so long to keep the mitzvot against some of the harshest of conditions, they just could not imagine a redemption brought about by people who did not keep Shabbat or the dietary laws. On the other side of the coin, the Reformists and secularists were unprepared for any redemption at all. They sought their messianic ideals in the integration and assimilation of the Jews within European society. For them, “Berlin is our Jerusalem” and “France is our Zion.” History has proven how naive those hopes were. Zionism is not just the restoration of the Jewish People to their his6 THE JEWISH torical homeland; it is the restoration of Judaism to its rightful place as the center of our national life. For too long Judaism was confined and shackled into the corner of most people’s lives; that dark, often ignored, space called religion. Zionism is the extraction of Judaism from its prison and the rescue of its values. It’s an opportunity to prove that religion is not irrelevant nor out of touch with the fundamental needs and concerns of the modern man. Our haredi brothers and sisters in the Land of Israel are in an unique position to help make this happen. They represent some of the most loyal Jews to Judaism and Jewish peoplehood. They are fully committed to Jewish education and have a birthrate that puts the Jewish secular and religious-Zionist camps to shame. The haredim believe in the primacy of Torah, it is “their lives and the length of their days.” What they fail to understand is their responsibility to the rest of the people of Israel. By continuing their “siege mentality” the haredi world is disconnecting themselves from their fellow Jews and thus rendering the Torah they represent impotent. No one is asking the haredi public to abandon their values. Nor are we asking them to embrace secular life and culture. What we are asking for is an embrace of Jews who are different from them. An embrace of their fellow Jews is not an acceptance of a lifestyle they do not condone. What it does entail is affording the secular public the “right to be CONT.OnP37 The Real Estate Board of New York’s Annual Banquet By Leah The Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) held its 119th Annual Banquet at the New York Hilton in New York City. More than 2,300 REBNY members and their guests attended the industry’s biggest event of the year. The evening began with the REBNY Board of Governors cocktail reception benefiting the REBNY Foundation followed by a sit-down dinner. This exclusive event brought together industry leaders, the city’s top real estate professionals and elected officials to network and honor leaders in the real estate industry. This year’s honorees included Steven Spinola, President of REBNY, with the Harry B. Helmsley Distinguished New Yorker Award; Wiiliam C. Rudin, CEO & Vice Chairman of Rudin Management Co., with the Bernard H. Mendik Lifetime Leadership in Real Estate Award; Barbara Fox, President of Fox Residential Group, Inc., with the Kenneth R. Gerrety Humanitarian Award; Peter Hauspurg, CEO & Chairman of Eastern Consolidated, with the Louis Smadbeck Broker Recognition Award; Daniel Kindbergh, Senior Vice President at Brookfield Property Group, with the George M. Brooker Management Executive of the Year Award; and Glen Weiss, Executive Vice President at Vornado Realty Trust, with the Young Real Estate Man of the Year Award. “We are enormously proud to honor our dear friend Steven Spinola for all the spectacular work he does To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] for our industry. For nearly three decades, through good times and bad, Steve’s professionalism, thoughtful advocacy, and generosity of spirit has inspired our community,” said REBNY Chairman Rob Speyer. “We salute Steve and our other distinguished award winners for their exceptional contributions to New York City and the entire industry.” Public officials such as Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Senator Charles Schumer, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, NYC Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and NYC Public Advocate Letitia James attended among others. About REBNY: REBNY is the City’s leading real estate trade association with more than 16,000 members. REBNY represents major commercial and residential property owners and builders, brokers and managers, banks, financial service companies, utilities, attorneys, architects, contractors and other individuals and institutions professionally interested in the city’s real estate. REBNY is involved in crucial municipal matters including tax policy, city planning and zoning, rental conditions, land use policy, building codes and legislation. In addition, REBNY publishes reports providing indicators of market prices for both the residential and commercial sectors. THE JEWISH BOTEACH CONT. FROM P1 Iran is a genocidal regime. It has stated on countless occasions that it will destroy and annihilate Israel. And it is now building the doomsday weapons that can translate rhetoric into action. For years Iran has been hellbent on developing nuclear weapons. The Obama Administration’s strategy to engage the Islamic tyranny in talks has produced no demonstrable results. Unfreezing Iran’s financial assets has only emboldened the brutal regime in continuing its genocidal rhetoric against Israel and disgusting human rights abuses. While the administration indulges Iran’s stalling tactics, Iranian centrifuges continue to spin. And with every minute that Tehran gets closer to realizing its diabolical nuclear dream, the civilized world inches closer to its peril. And this is especially true of Israel, which sits in the crosshairs of Iranian rage. Iran is running out the clock. According to the IAEA, Iran already has 13,397 kilograms of Uranium enriched to 3.5 percent Uranium-235. If they use all 9,000 of their reactors at Natanz, the Iranians could enrich this further to the weapongrade level of 90 percent Uranium-235 in just over a month and a half. And, if Iran’s close ally North Korea can serve as an example, they absolutely will. The consequences of Iran obtaining a nuclear bomb are catastrophic — for Israel, the Middle East, and the entire freedom-loving world. Israel would be under existential threat and would have its hands tied in any dealings with Iranian proxies such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad. The Middle East would be instantly destabilized, with a nuclear arms race certain to take off. And with the rogue state wielding end-of-days capabilities, the entire world would be forced to witness all levels of Iranian belligerence, virtually unable to intervene. With so much at stake, it seems that the last thing we should be concerned about is offending President Obama. The American president is human just like the rest of us. He can be wrong. He can make mistakes, just like the rest of us. He does not enjoy the divine right of kings. He is not infallible. And if he is offended by being secondguessed by the leader of a na- tion that had more than a million children gassed to death seven decades ago, he’ll get over it. The implications of a nuclear Iran for the world are far greater than such simple considerations as the wounded ego of the leader of the free world or a breach of diplomatic protocol. I do not envy the position of Prime Minister Netanyahu. He lives every day with the realization that if he errs in the confrontation with Iran the consequences for his people are catastrophic, devastating, and irreversible. History will hold him completely accountable for his failure to protect Israel. Now, when it comes to launching a military strike against the Iranian nuclear apparatus, we can argue that perhaps the risks of something going horribly wrong are simply too great. Many have already said so. But can the same argument really be made of a speech delivered to the United States Congress by invitation of the House 1/30/15 Speaker? What are the terrible consequences that would ensue that should prevent the Prime Minister of Israel going before the United States Congress to call for increased sanctions against Iran? News reports are now saying that Obama administration officials are threatening serious consequences for Israel and the Prime Minister because of this breach of protocol. In fact, Ha’aretz just quoted an anonymous U.S. official as saying that “Netanyahu spat in our face... there will be a price.” I had no idea that Al Capone worked in the administration. Such mafia language is beneath aides to the president of the United States. I, for one, have become fatigued with the continuous threats issued to the press by “undisclosed sources” in the administration against Israel. Is it not unseemly for America to continually issue anonymous threats against it staunchest ally, especially when the rest of CONT.On P9 THE JEWISH SERVING THE ENTIRE JEWISH COMMUNITY Get your FREE copy of The Jewish Connection delivered to you by Email. Send your request to [email protected] To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 7 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Dr. Joseph Mercola The Remarkable Effects of Exercise on Cognition and Brain Cell Regeneration FROM PAGE 1 process known as neurogenesis, i.e. your brain’s ability to adapt and grow new brain cells, regardless of your age. The featured article in Real Simple magazine highlights a number of brainboosting benefits of exercise, including the following. Exercise Shields You from Stress and Depression Exercise is one of the “secret weapons” to overcoming depression, and studies have shown its efficiency typically surpasses that of antidepressant drugs. In fact, research has shown that in most cases these drugswork no better than a placebo – and can also have serious side effects. One of the ways exercise promotes mental health is by normalizing insulin resistance and boosting natural “feel good” hormones and neurotransmitters associated with mood control, including endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, and GABA. Swedish researchers have also teased out the mechanism by which exercise helps reduce stress and related depression. As it turns out, mice with well-trained muscles have higher levels of an enzyme that helps metabolize a stress chemical called kynurenine. Their finding suggests that exercising your muscles actually helps rid your body of stress chemicals that can lead to depression. According to the authors: “Our initial research hypothesis was that trained muscle would produce a substance with beneficial effects on the brain. We actually found the opposite: well-trained muscle produces an enzyme that purges the body of harmful substances. So in this context the muscle’s function is reminiscent of that of the kidney or the liver.” Recent research has also shown the clear links between inactivity and depression. Women who sat for more than seven hours a day were found to have a 47 percent higher risk of depression than women who sat for four hours or less per day. Those who didn’t participate in any physical activity at all had a 99 percent higher risk of developing depression than women who exercised. To Boost Creativity, Get Moving! As noted in the featured article, exercise can also boost your creativity, and help you come up with new solutions to problems. For example, researchers at Stanford University found that walking can increase creativity up to 60 percent. Even a casual stroll around your office can be helpful. According to the authors: “Four experiments demonstrate that walking boosts creative ideation in real time and shortly after... Walking opens up the free THE JEWISH P.O. Box 140950, Staten Island, NY 10314-0950 (718) 761-2626 • [email protected] ADVERTSING DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE JEWISH CONNECTION FEBRUARY 9TH, 2015 JERRY MARKOVITZ PUBLISHER / EDITOR ROCHEL MARKOVITZ MANAGING EDITOR Rebecca Gordon Jamie Geller, Rifka Schonfeld JACOB STRAUSS Photographer The Jewish Connection is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not necessarily those of the publisher. We are not responsible for the Kashrus or hashgacha of any product or establishment advertised in The Jewish Connection. 8 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] flow of ideas, and it is a simple and robust solution to the goals of increasing creativity and increasing physical activity.” Exercise Boosts Brain Growth and Regeneration As mentioned earlier, fascinating research shows that your brain is capable of rejuvenating and regenerating itself throughout your life. This information is completely contrary to what I was taught in medical school. At that time, it was believed that once neurons die, there’s nothing you can do about it. Hence deterioration and progressive memory decline was considered a more or less inevitable part of aging. Fortunately, that’s simply not true. According to John J. Ratey, a psychiatrist who wrote the book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, there’s overwhelming evidence that exercise produces large cognitive gains and helps fight dementia. The featured article cites research showing that those who exercise have a greater volume of gray matter in the hippocampal re- CONT. ON P12 THE JEWISH BOTEACH LEIBLER CONT. FROM P7 CONT. FROM P3 the world is going to hell in a hand basket? Perhaps the Obama administration should threaten President Bashar Assad to stop slaughtering his people in Syria and actually, this time, do something about it. Perhaps President Obama should threaten devastating and immediate consequences for ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi should he continue to kill Western hostages with impunity, rather than the just the airstrikes that have not stopped the vile beheadings. Perhaps officials of the Obama administration can focus their energies on occasionally mentioning the words “Islamic terror” rather than continually threatening the sole democracy in the Middle East with “consequences.” Israel is not America’s threat. Why President Obama despises Netanyahu so deeply is beyond me. Can the explanation really be that Bibi doesn’t accord Obama sufficient respect? Even if that were true, it would explain why Obama dislikes him. But not why he positively despises him, seemingly more than almost every other world leader. Regardless, the Prime Minister of Israel is not elected principally to understand the mindset of the American president. He is elected first and foremost to defend a nation that has experienced more hatred, more torture, more bloodletting, and more wholesale slaughter than any nation on earth. That Prime Minister has the responsibility to do everything in his power to protect the Jewish people in Israel from a nuclear annihilation. One holocaust is quite enough. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, whom Newsweek and The Washington Post calls “the most famous Rabbi in America,” is the Founder of This World: The Values Network, the world’s foremost organization defending Israel in the media. He is the author most recently of “Kosher Lust” and 29 other books. Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley. Copyright © 2015 This World: The Values Network, All rights reserved. munities will remain. Of course we prefer aliyah based on choice rather than last resort. But the writing has been on the wall for years. Those wishing for a full Jewish life and a desire to bring up proud Jewish children have no future in Europe. Those with financial means or with professions that can be utilized in Israel should indeed pack their bags and come now, as the situation will only deteriorate. Those unable to make aliyah should at least encourage their children. Instead of negating its historic role, the Jewish Agency should be at the head of the pack endorsing Netanyahu and promoting plans to enable all Jews, including those facing financial constraints, to consider aliyah as the means of resolving their current predicament. Some anti-Netanyahu politicians, including the ubiquitous Tzipi Livni, accuse him of embarrassing and offending French and European leaders by calling for aliyah. Tough! Let them be embarrassed. Besides, they have already largely abandoned us. Our obligation as Zionists is to call on those who can to join us now. To equiv- Rabbi Moshe Goldberger CONSOLIDATING YOUR POTENTIAL Avoid Envy The final commandment teaches: “Do not covet your neighbor’s house, his wife, his servants, his animals, or anything that belongs to your neighbor” (Shmos 20:14). This commandment is on the same line as honoring one’s parents. What is the connection? Some people covet the parents of others, thinking if they had those parents they would have turned out better or had more things. Just as one’s parents are unique to them and their unique needs, so are one’s possessions unique to that person. “Who is truly wealthy? “One who rejoices with his portion.” (Avos 4:1.) The Torah teaches us to always be happy with what we have. Do not be envious of others. Being grateful and appreciative for all of your fantastic portions is the key to success in life. ••• Someone said that the worst thing would be to come to the end of one’s life in this world and discover that he had lived someone else’s dreams. Hashem gives us the powers and the tools to develop our full potential. Our goals and dreams are available when we turn to Hashem and pray for His help 101 times. Cling to the system of 101-times with the realization that it defines your status as a Servant of Hashem. ••• 1/30/15 ocate over calling for a mass aliyah of Jews under terrible duress is bizarre and a repudiation of the Zionist DNA. One need only observe the response of French Jews at a grassroots level to see how appreciative they were of Netanyahu and his message. The very fact that the families decided to bury all four Jewish victims in Jerusalem is resounding proof. But we pray that we continue to welcome only living Jews from France to their historic homeland. Isi Leibler’s website can be viewed at www.wordfromjerusalem.com. He may be contacted at [email protected]. One of the most wellknown methods of retaining and learning Torah is through simonim, mnemonics to help remember one’s lessons: “Make for yourself simonim in order to acquire Torah” (Shabbos 104a). One type of simonim that we can use is to develop lessons using numbers. DUE TO WORDS OF TORAH IN THIS PUBLICATION, IT SHOULD BE TREATED RESPECTFULLY. SOME POSKIM SAY THAT IT SHOULD BE WRAPPED UP BEFORE BEING DISCARDED. To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 9 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Roy Neuberger “STAND FAST AND SEE THE SALVATION OF HASHEM” Now we come to an intensely dramatic moment. “Egypt pursued them and overtook them, encamped by the sea…. The Children of Israel raised their eyes and behold! Egypt was journeying after them and they were very frightened…. They said to Moshe … it is better that we should serve Egypt than that we should die in the Wilderness!” (Shemos 14:9-12) Israel was surrounded, Egypt on one side and the sea on the other. There was no way out. It was all over. Or so it seemed. Once we took a taxi in Yerushalayim. From the moment we entered, the driver never stopped talking, a whole “drasha” about the state of the world. This was a real “Jerusalem taxi experience”! He had a handle on the exact state of the world. He gave civilization another few months, and then there would be a war like no one had ever seen. The entire face of the world would change. There would be no more electricity, no more taxicabs, no more anything-that-we’reused-to. The earth would be blown back to its primeval condition. An Adam Gadol told me that the Geulah Shelemah is coming a lot sooner that the title of my book, “2020,” would imply! Several years ago, in Israel, we had the privilege of speaking with the tzaddik Rabbi Shachne Zohn zt”l, who was Rosh Kollel of Kollel Kodshim v’Taharos in Yerushalayim for nearly forty years. Before that, he served as a Rosh Mesivta and Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivah Torah Vodaas. In his youth, he studied at Yeshivos Mir and Kamenitz in Europe and received semicha from Reb Boruch Ber Leibowitz, zt”l. Beside all this, and many other accomplishments, he is one of the few living people to have had the privilege of spending time with the Chofetz Chaim. Several years ago, Rabbi Zohn had a remarkable dream. Here is how he describes it: “I saw the Chofetz Chaim … and he said to me to make known in the world that the Redemption is close, and it is necessary to be ready for the Redemption.” Being humble by nature, Rabbi Zohn did not mention his dream publicly. Then the dream was repeated! The 10 Chofetz Chaim came once again and repeated the message, at which time Rabbi Zohn revealed the dream publicly. My friends, we are coming very close to a re-play of the scene at the shores of Yam Suf. We are utterly surrounded by enemies who are vastly more powerful than we. Yes, I know that we are living in an “enlightened” world in which these things “don’t happen” any more, but how long is it since the Nazi Empire – y’mak shmo – came close to dominating the entire world? “In November, 1942 the holy Jews of Europe were being martyred. Hitler, may his memory be erased, was striding east and west, trying to crush the light of G-d… In Lenox Hill Hospital a baby was born to prosperous parents ensconced in the assimilated German-Jewish world of Upper Manhattan. He was circumcised by the doctors like almost every baby boy, but never given a bris. He was named Roy Salant Neuberger.” (Quoting my book, From Central Park to Sinai: How I Found My Jewish Soul) The world survived that cataclysm, but not by much. On the day of my birth no one could have predicted whether the madman would be stopped. At that time in history, there were still places for a Jew to run (if he could get there), islands of safety which the plague would not touch during the course of that conflict. But now it is different. There is no spot in the globe where a person can feel safe. Countries around the world are building weapons capable of making the entire planet uninhabitable. In many cases those countries are controlled by people who do not care about the consequences of their actions, dictators whose hatred of Israel is so all-consuming that they are willing to destroy the world in order – G-d forbid! – to harm us. Their weapons can be delivered by ships offshore or propelled from great distances, weapons against which it is almost impossible to protect oneself. In addition, our cousins, the children of Yishmael, are to be found in the four corners of the world, and they are not peaceful. And so, my friends, we find our- selves once again “encamped by the sea,” with enemies on one side and the water on the other. In Israel, this is literally true. We have spent many Shabboses in the settlement of Beit El. When you look out, you see the City of Ramallah right on your doorstep, and the call of the muezzin sounds as if it were in your backyard. But in fact Jewish communities throughout the world find themselves increasingly isolated and singled out for attack from every side. What are we to do? What is the Torah answer? We do believe that Hashem is standing with us forever, and that the Torah was given to us to sustain us in every generation. “Aitz chaim hi… it is a tree of life for those who grasp it.” (Mishlei 3:18) The words of Moshe Rabbeinu are eternal; absolutely nothing has changed. Modern weapon systems and the trappings of technology are irrelevant. When you peel away the outer layers, we are still standing at the shores of the Yam Suf and Moshe Rabbeinu is still speaking to us. “Do not fear! Stand fast and see the salvation of Hashem that He will perform for you today … Hashem shall make war for you, and you shall To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] remain silent.” (Shemos 14:13) Yes, my friends, let’s remember that Hashem is in complete control of all events, from the rippling of a blade of grass to the ranting of dictators. He has always protected us and He will always protect us; we have only to “stand fast,” grasping the Torah and living the sanctified life that has protected us throughout the ages. Nothing new is called for, my friends; just something very, very old. “From the straits I called upon Gd; G-d answered me with expansiveness. Hashem is with me; I have no fear; how can man affect me? …. All the nations surround me … They encircle me … in the Name of Hashem I cut them down!” (Tehillim 118) May we soon see the Salvation of Hashem! Roy Neuberger’s book, 2020 VISION, is available in ENGLISH, HEBREW, SPANISH, FRENCH, RUSSIAN & GEORGIAN. Electronic edition via www.feldheim.com. Roy is also the author of FROM CENTRAL PARK TO SINAI: How I Found My Jewish Soul, available in ENGLISH, HEBREW, RUSSIAN & GEORGIAN, and WORLDSTORM: Finding Meaning & Direction Amidst Today’s World Crisis. ROY AND LEAH NEUBERGER SPEAK PUBLICLY ON TOPICS RELATED TO HIS BOOKS AND ARTICLES. Email: [email protected]. Websites: www.tosinai.com and www.2020visionthebook.com. THE JEWISH “THE SHMUZ” Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier Parshas Beshalach – The Merit of Trusting HASHEM And HASHEM said to Moshe, “Why shout at Me? Speak to the Jewish People and they should cross. Shemos 14:15 After months of witnessing the hand of HASHEM, the entire Jewish nation — three million strong — marched out from slavery to freedom with flourish and fanfare. Escorted by clouds of glory, walking through a desert made smooth by overt miracles, they travelled as one. It seemed that the troubles of the Jewish people were finally behind them, and they were being escorted to their final redemption . . . until the clouds directed them to a dead end – the sea. Stopping there, the Jewish people looked up and saw Mitzraim chasing after them. With nowhere to turn, they waited while Moshe called out to HASHEM. HASHEM answered back, “Moshe, why do you cry out to Me? Speak to the Jewish people and let them travel.” At that point, the entire nation crossed the Yam Suf. Rashi is bothered by the expression that HASHEM used: “the Jews need only travel.” What did HASHEM mean by that? How could they travel when an entire sea was in the way? Rashi explains that HASHEM was saying there is nothing that will stop the Klal Yisroel because they are worthy of the greatest miracles ever known to man. Rashi then enumerates the reasons that they are so worthy. 1. The merit of the Avos. 2. Their own merit. 3. The merit of the trust that they had in HASHEM at that moment. How is trusting in HASHEM a merit equal to the Avos? The difficulty with this Rashi is that he lists all three reasons in same breath as if they are equal, and clearly they aren’t. The first two, the merit of the Avos and the Jews’ own merit, refer to overall perfection across the gamut of human activity. The Avos were living, breathing Sifrei Torah. We learn from their every action and thought. Their combined merit is hard to imagine. And even the second cause, the merit of the entire Jewish people, was stupendous. While not every member had remained on the highest level, as a nation they had remained loyal to HASHEM. After spending months witnessing HASHEM’s direct involvement in their lives, they had grown to great levels across many different areas: chessed, emunah, ahavas Yisroel, emes… How can we compare one single aspect — their trust in HASHEM — to the merit of the Avos or to the merit of all of their actions put together? It would seem to be dwarfed by comparison. Yet Rashi put these together as if they are all equal reasons that HASHEM would create miracles for the Jewish people. HASHEM’s involvement in the world The answer to this question is based on understanding HASHEM’s relationship to this world. The Chovos Ha’Levovos explains that because HASHEM created this world, HASHEM feels a responsibility, if it could be, to sustain it. Much like if I invite you to my home, it is my obligation as host to take care of your needs, so too HASHEM feels almost obliged to support all of His creations. However, there are different levels to HASHEM’s direct involvement in the running of this world, what the sefer Derech Hashem calls “hashgacha klalis” and “hashgacha pratis.” Hashgacha klalis, or general intervention, refers to HASHEM’s involvement in the “big picture” issues: famine, war, epidemics, natural catastrophes, and maintaining the multitude of systems that allow for life as we know it. It is a given that HASHEM is constantly and permanently involved in the running of this world at that level. However, the specific details and the day-to-day running of the world HASHEM has given over to a host of forces that He created and maintains, but allows to actually carry out the laws that He set. These forces determine much of the outcomes that befall humanity. Hashgacha Pratis, or personal intervention, is very different. This refers to HASHEM’s personal involvement in a nation’s or a person’s life. It includes HASHEM actually supervising directly, watching over and taking care of the needs of those individuals. General intervention is a given; it is something that HASHEM assures to all of creation as a birthright. Personal intervention is quite different; it must be earned. By dint of being the children of the Avos, the Jewish nation merits personal intervention — provided they keep certain conditions. One of these is that they must recognize Who runs the world. In this regard, it functions on a continuum. The more a person trusts in HASHEM, the more, if it could be, HASHEM feels an obligation to take care of that person, and the more HASHEM will be directly involved in that person’s life. It is almost as if HASHEM says, “How can I not take care of him, 1/30/15 he relies on Me, he trusts in Me. This seems to be the answer as to why the “merit of their belief in HASHEM” was so pivotal at Krias Yam Suf. In terms of the objective weight, there is no comparison between the merits of the Avos and their current trust in HASHEM, but trust in HASHEM operates on a different level. It alone can be the reason that HASHEM will save a people. It was almost like HASHEM was saying, “How can I not take care of them? They trust in Me. They rely on Me. I have to save them.” And that trust alone was reason enough to split the sea. The reward for Trust – HASHEM takes care of us This is a powerful lesson to us in CONT.ON P12 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 11 1/30/15 THE JEWISH MERCOLA CONT. FROM P8 gion of their brains, which is important for memory. According to the authors: “After controlling for age, gender, and total brain volume, total minutes of weekly exercise correlated significantly with volume of the right hippocampus. Findings highlight the relationship between regular physical exercise and brain structure during early to middle adulthood.” Exercise also prevents age-related shrinkage of your brain, preserving both gray and white matter in your frontal, temporal, and parietal cortexes, thereby preventing cognitive deterioration. The authors stated that: “These results suggest that cardiovascular fitness is associated with the sparing of brain tissue in aging humans. Furthermore, these results suggest a strong biological basis SHMUZ CONT. FROM P11 www.interiornewyork.com INTERIOR NEW YORK What is Coaching and Who Might Benefit From It? Rabbi Naphtali Hoff Based on the quizzical look that I often get when I tell people about my work, I have concluded that coaching is a poorly understood craft. Some associate it with therapy. Others confuse it with consulting. Still others look at me wondering where my whistle is. While coaching may share some similarities to all of the above, the kind of coaching that I do in supporting executives and educators is quite different from the aforementioned. Coaching is a training or development process in which an individual is supported while trying to achieve a specific personal or professional goal. Coaching differs from consulting in that it does not tell people what to do but rather uses powerful questioning techniques and assessment tools to help coachees dig deep within themselves and arrive at their own solutions. In so doing, the coach helps the client to own the situation and take steps to improve it. 12 The underlying premise behind coaching is that all of us are resourceful and possess the inner awareness and capacity to improve our situations. The job of a coach is to ask, to prod and to offer rhetorical suggestions in a manner that allows coachees to clarify their goals and identify the steps that will help them get there. Then the coach needs to hold his client accountable to those goals to ensure forward movement and genuine progress. There are many types of coaches. The most common is a life coach, who helps individuals succeed in the daily game of life. There are also niche coaches, such as career and business coaches, executive coaches, and performance coaches. Coaches can help with many things, including relationships, work/life balance, communication, goal setting, change management and much more. How might a life coaching conversation sound? Let’s look at the effect of trusting in HASHEM. While we are obligated to act in the ways of this world, we are equally obligated to trust in HASHEM. We have to go out and do our part, follow the laws of nature, knowing all the while that exactly that which HASHEM has decreed will come about — no more, no less, no sooner, no later. However, the amount of our trust in HASHEM will directly affect how much HASHEM will intercede on our behalf, and this may have a huge difference in many situations. For example, there may be times when we don’t warrant receiving that which we need. Whether it’s health, success, or sustenance, it may well be that according to the letter of the law, we don’t special assistance, and certainly not the right to ask the following example: Daniel: I have a time management problem. Life Coach: Tell me more. What makes you think that you have that problem? Daniel: I just don’t get everything done on my to-do list. The more I achieve, the more I wind To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] for the role of aerobic fitness in maintaining and enhancing central nervous system health and cognitive functioning in older adults.” Similar findings have been found by other scientists. For example, one observational study that followed more than 600 seniors, starting at age 70, found that those who engaged in the most physical exercise showed the least amount of brain shrinkage over a follow-up period of three years. How Does Exercise Affect Brain Power? One of the mechanisms by which your brain benefits from physical exercise is via a protein called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Exercise initially stimulates the production of a protein called FNDC5, which in turn triggers the production of BDNF. BDNF is a remarkable rejuvenator CONT. ON P13 HASHEM to intervene on our behalf. In that situation, it may be our trust in HASHEM alone that will bring us HASHEM’s help. When we rely on HASHEM and trust in Him, HASHEM, if it could be, thereby feels almost obligated to take care of us. Trust in HASHEM is the basis of our belief system. It is also one of the most comforting thoughts that a human can come to. And it is also one of the most effective ways for us to secure HASHEM’s direct involvement in our lives — even in a manner that we might not otherwise deserve. For more on this topic please listen to Shmuz #50 - Learning to Trust HASHEM The new Shmuz on Life book: Stop Surviving and Start Living is now in print! It is a powerful, inspiring work that deals with major life issues. Copies are available in sefarim stores, or at www.TheShmuz.com, or by calling 866613-TORAH (8672). up adding to the list. Life Coach: How would you know that you’ve solved your time management problem? What would success look like? Daniel: Well, I’d get everything done on my list and do so with time to spare. CONT. ON P16 THE JEWISH MERCOLA CONT. FROM P12 in several respects. In your brain, BDNF not only preserves existing brain cells, it also activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons, and effectively makes your brain grow larger. Research confirming this includes a study by Kirk Erickson, PhD, in which seniors aged 60 to 80 who walked 30 to 45 minutes, three days per week for one year, increased the volume of their hippocampus by two percent. The hippocampus is a region of your brain important for memory. Erickson told WebMD: “Generally in this age range, people are losing one to three percent per year of hippocampal volume. The changes in the size of the hippocampus were correlated with changes in the blood levels of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).” Erickson also found that higher fitness levels were associated with a larger prefrontal cortex. He called exercise “one of the most promising non-pharmaceutical treatments to improve brain health.” Two additional mechanisms by which exercise protects and boosts your brain health include the following: Reducing plaque formation: By altering the way damaging proteins reside inside your brain, exercise may help slow the development of Alzheimer’s disease. In one animal study, significantly fewer damaging plaques and fewer bits of betaamyloid peptides, associated with Alzheimer’s, were found in mice that exercised. Decreasing BMP and boosting Noggin: Bone-morphogenetic protein (BMP) slows down the creation of new neurons, thereby reducing neurogenesis. If you have high levels of BMP, your brain grows slower and less nimble. Exercise reduces the impact of BMP, so that your adult stem cells can continue performing their vital functions of keeping your brain agile. In animal research, mice with access to running wheels reduced the BMP in their brains by half in just one week. In addition, they also had a notable increase in another brain protein called Noggin, which acts as a BMP antagonist. So, exercise not only reduces the detrimental effects of BMP, it simultaneously boosts the more beneficial Noggin as well. This complex interplay between BMP and Noggin appears to be yet another powerful factor that helps ensure the proliferation and youthfulness of your neurons. Exercise Prevents Both Brain and Muscle Decay Showing the interconnectedness between muscle and brain health, BDNF also expresses itself in the neuro-muscular system where it protects neuro-motors from degradation. The neuromotor is the most critical element in your muscle. Without the neuromotor, your muscle is like an engine without ignition. Neuro-motor degradation is part of the process that explains age-related muscle atrophy. So BDNF is actively involved in both your muscles and your brain, and this cross-connection appears to be a major part of the explanation for why a physical workout can have such a beneficial impact 1/30/15 on your brain tissue. It, quite literally, helps prevent, and even reverse, brain decay as much as it prevents and reverses age-related muscle decay. The most important message from studies like these is that mental decline is by no means inevitable, and that exercise is as good for your brain as it is for the rest of your body. Diet and Fasting Also Plays a Role Interestingly, fasting and exercise trigger very similar genes and growth factors that recycle and rejuvenate both your brain and muscle tissues. These growth factors include BDNF and muscle regulatory factors (MRFs). These growth factors signal brain stem cells and muscle satellite cells to convert into new neurons and new muscle cells respectively. This also helps explain why exercise while fasting can help keep your brain, neuromotors, and muscle fibers biologically young. For more information on how to incorporate intermittent fasting into your exercise routine for maximum benefits, please see my preCONT.ON P14 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 13 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Rabbi Yoshua Yonason Lustig, zt”l (1924-2015) Saved by the Kindertransport, Eminent Torah Scholar On Shabbos Bo, 4th Shevat, January 24, Rabbi Yoshua Yonason Lustig, zt”l (1924-2015), returned his holy soul to Heaven. Rabbi Lustig served as Rosh Yeshiva, Dayan, and Rav. As a young boy in Pressburg, his father Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Lustig, z”l Hy”d, gave him instructional guidelines to preserve his Yiddishkeit and included him the Kindertransport, the series of rescue efforts which brought thousands of refugee Jew- MERCOLA vious article, “High-Intensity Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting - A Winning Combo.” Besides the issue of when you eat, what you eat is of great importance. Sugar suppresses BDNF, which helps explain why a low-sugar diet in combination with regular exercise is so effective for protecting memory and staving off depression. Sugar, and fructose in particular, will also obliterate your body’s production of human growth hormone (HGH) when consumed within two hours after a workout, and HGH production is a major benefit of high intensity interval training (HIIT). CONT. FROM P13 Exercise Can Help Keep You Sharp Well Into Old Age While it’s never too late to start exercising, the earlier you begin and the more consistent you are, the greater your long-term rewards. Having an active lifestyle is really an investment in your future wellbeing, both physically and men- RABBI GERSHON TANNENBAUM ish children to Great Britain from areas controlled by Nazi Germany between 1938 and 1940. The Kindertransport was a rescue mission that took place immediately prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. The United Kingdom took in 10,000 Jewish children from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Free City of Danzig. The children were placed in welcoming British foster homes, hostels, schools and tally. I believe that, overall, highintensity interval training really helps maximize the health benefits of exercise, while simultaneously being the most efficient and therefore requiring the least amount of time. That said, ideally you’ll want to strive for a varied and wellrounded fitness program that incorporates a wide variety of exercises. I also strongly recommend avoiding sitting as much as possible, and making it a point to walk more every day. A fitness tracker can be very helpful for this. I suggest aiming for 7,000 to 10,000 steps per day, in addition to your regular fitness regimen, not in lieu of it. The science is really clear on this point: you do not have to lose your mind with advancing age. Your brain has the capacity to regenerate and grow throughout the entire human lifespan, and exercise is perhaps the most potent way to ensure your brain’s continued growth and rejuvenation. Kamenetsky arranged the marriage ceremony and sheva berachos fo Rabbi Lustig. Later, when Rabbi Lustig prepared his sefer, Lee Yehoshua, Rabbi Kamenetsky’s letter of warm endorsement was included. Rabbi Lustig achieved prominence as a Torah scholar. In 1957, just 12 years after the Holocaust, he published Kuntress Dovor B’Ito, which had earned the treasured letter of endorsement from Rabbi Yonason Steiff, zt”l (18771958), Rosh Beth Din of Budapest and later Vienner Rav in Williamsburg. Kuntress Dovor B’Ito went through six printings. farms. Often these children were the only members of their families that survived the Holocaust. Almost all of the children were placed in non-Jewish, non-religious, non-Orthodox environments. Some of the children who came from religious Jewish homes demanded kosher food and to be assigned to religious homes. Their requests were addressed and arrangements were made to accommodate them. Amongst those children, in addition to Rabbi Lustig, were Rabbi Hersh Ginzberg, Rosh Beth Din of Agudas Horabbonim, and Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss, Chief Rabbi of the Jerusalem Badatz. Coming to the United States after the Holocaust, Rabbi Lustig became a regular in the household of Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt”l (1891-1986), Rosh Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. Rabbi Lustig became a confidant of Rabbi Kamenetsky. When Rabbi Kamenetsky surveyed cemetery plots, Rabbi Lustig was with him. Rabbi Rabbi Lustig served as rebbi, and then principal, of Yeshiva Chasan Sofer; Rosh Yeshiva Kos Yeshios; Rav of B’nai Israel of Linden Heights in Boro Park; and Igud Dayan. He is survived by his Rebbetzin, sons, daighters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Shiva is at 706 East 4th Street in Brooklyn. Sudoku Puzzle Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. 6 Dr. Mercola is the founder of the world’s most visited natural health web site, Mercola.com 1 3 1 9 3 7 2 9 5 6 4 2 3 4 7 4 8 1 3 9 1 9 8 7 6 ANSWER TO THIS WEEK’S SUDOKU ON PAGE 30 14 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 1/30/15 THE JEWISH | Dr. Ari Korenblit PARENTING MATTERS: RESOLVE BEGINS EARLY FAMILY MATTERS In one of those classic stories that nearly border on the fable and apocryphal, parents bring their child to a sage for advice as to when to commence his education. The sage upon learning that the infant is now three years old, is said to remark “you are three years late!” Interestingly, even that sage may be totally incorrect, as the fascinating book The Secret Life of the Unborn Child by Verny and Kellog (Dell 1981) reveals: A fetus can respond to speech patterns at twenty weeks, can kick in time to music at twenty-five months, and understand the subtle shifts in its mother’s emotions at six months. It can develop an ease and immediate facility with the language – and even languages – it heard in-utero, and even – as the authors relate – have a “memory” of a musical piece played by its mother while a fetus. These ideas are meant to teach mothers, that as certain as a proper diet and health have a powerful effect on the fetus, as does the birth experience, so too do the mother’s thoughts and feelings; her psychological disposition. The ideal is providing a nurturing milieu; for the birthing parents to maintain an environment rich in language with mother and father engaged in scheduled active conversation. This is not only a stimuli-rich Petri dish-like incubator, but also fosters a calm equilibrium that strongly affects the psychological state of the mother. An open relationship with a spouse yields a more peaceful relationship hence a pregnancy with less strum and drank. The chemicalneural indices of the mother are essentially unfiltered pathways to the fetus, as her state of mind while nursing and holding her baby can contagious /affect her child. By all accounts, babies learn very rapidly, mastering the perfect crying/wailing volume and pitch that will summon the mother/breast/feeding quickest. Other learned, manipulative behaviors appear with necessity with alacrity. What has been fascinating to me in the study of human behavior is when the more sophisticated behaviors are acquired, Emotional Yad L’Achim Bris Milah Brings Family Back A moving ceremony was celebrated recently at Yad L’Achim; the bris milah of a baby born to a young woman rescued by the organization from an Arab village. Making the ceremony even more poignant is that it succeeded in reuniting the woman and her parents for the first time since she left home to marry an Arab. The joyous mother, Ahuva*, 25, was overcome by tears. She was reconnecting to her family and her people, in a process that began just a few months earlier when she contacted Yad L’Achim to ask for help. The woman, Ahuva, had gone through years of personal turmoil, including a very difficult period as the wife of an Arab. This final step led her parents to complete sever ties with her. “After her rescue, she shared with me her great pain over the loss of her family,” said a Yad L’Achim social worker who was assigned to Ahuva immediately after the rescue. “The family had been furious with her and she was too embarrassed to approach them and ask about reestablishing ties. “As difficult as things were for her during her pregnancy, she was determined to hold a bris for her son, to bring him to the Covenant in accordance with Halachah… “From the moment Ahuva contacted Yad L’Achim, we’ve been at her side, helping meet her every need. Once the baby was born, it was only natural for us to CONT.ON P17 namely negative suggestibility and its permutations. When and why do these manifest? There are babies that ‘refuse’ to eat, to the point that it is life threatening. When the physical factors are eliminated, what psychological benefit can there be for the infant? This question was better understood almost epiphanically when I recently learned of an infant, who had learned to walk. When the parents were present, the infant only crawled and acted as if walking were not yet in its repertoire. For the care-giver and grandmother, when the parents were not present, the child showed mastery of walking. So too, we are all familiar with children – and even adults — who seem to act helpless, and even ‘stupid’ in the presence of a particular parent or parents, while appearing quite adept otherwise. What begets this? Invariably, it is the innate striving for a measure of control and selfcontrol that is operative. A declaration of independence is marked by – just that – a refusal to conform and abide by others commands and wishes. By not readily complying or acceding to the will of others, the child has established its own identity. Another factor that might be influencing the particular resistant, negatively-sug- gestible behavior is a desperate attempt by the child to feel a measure of control in an environment where their life might be out of control. The child that refused to present the walking skill-set to its parents had been diagnosed with leukemia. As we can imagine, its life was terribly chaotic, replete with invasive and painful medical procedures occurring at unpredictable (to the child) intervals, without comprehensible explanations. This child now had a theatre wherein it could exert control. Years later, that child waxed athletic in school, engaging in all sports with gusto. In the presence of the father, he continues to appear rather spastic. The lesson for all parents is to be most circumspect in the presence of your child’s behavior however puzzling to you. Unfortunately, no matter how introspective we tend to be, and how well we can analyze another’s quandary, we possess a blind spot towards being fully cognizant of the psychological dynamics in our own vortex. Nevertheless, there is always an underlying reason, with a good explanation. Dr. Ari Korenblit is a licensed psychotherapist and marriage counselor working with children, adolescents, singles and couples, with offices in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Phone consultations are also available. 718258-3735 [email protected] VOLUNTEER TUTORS NEEDED FOR ZICHRON ETEL AN ORGANIZATION THAT PROVIDES FREE TUTORING TO CHILDREN WHO CANNOT AFFORD IT. NOW IN BROOKLYN & THE FIVE TOWNS!! REGENT SUBJECT DESPERATELY NEEDED! ALSO LOOKING FOR TUTORS TO LEARN WITH ELEMENTARY AND HS AGED BOYS Call Nina @ 516-791-6676or [email protected] Experienced & Caring 5 Towns Tutor with M.S. in Spec. Ed. (Gr. 1-12) Available To Help Your Child In All Subjects Specializing In Living Environment (Biology) Regent, Math & Hebrew References Available Call Ron at 718-288-5580 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 15 1/30/15 THE JEWISH JEWISH LIFE | Daniel Keren A Kosher Cookbook for Those Suffering Or Not Afflicted with Celiac Disease (“Gluten Free Around the World: A Journey of Food, Travel & Extraordinary Adventure” by Aviva Kanoff, 241 pages, hardcover, published by Brio.) From the author of the highly acclaimed “The No-Potato Passover” cookbook that won the Gourmand Award for Best Jewish Cuisine in the USA comes a new book sure to gain notice for those looking out of the box for traditional kosher recipes. Ms. Aviva Kanoff, a graduate of the French Culinary Institute and a veteran personal chef has just come out with a new cookbook titled “Gluten Free Around the World.” According to the Mayo Clinic a gluten-free diet is one that excludes the protein gluten that is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and triticale that is a cross between wheat and rye. Primarily a gluten-free diet is utilized by those suffering from celiac disease that is estimated to affect three million Americans or one percent of the population. Gluten can if digested by people suffering from celiac disease or wheat allergies cause inflammation in the small intestines. Changing to a gluten-free diet can help such individuals to control their signs and symptoms and also prevent complications. Ms. Kanoff’s new cookbook is broken into eight sections beginning with breakfast and continuing on to soups & salads, side dishes, vegetarian dishes, fish dishes, poultry options, meat selections and most importantly in my opinion – desserts. Her gluten-free cookbook offers readers her favorite gluten free products such as King Arthur gluten free multi-purpose flour or Jeff Nathans gluten free Panko flakes (a choice of either seasoned or plain), Tofutti sour cream (free of both gluten and milk), Tamari gluten free soy sauce and Bob’s Red Mill gluten free all-purpose baking flour. Like most cookbooks being published today, Ms.Kanoff’s “Gluten Free Around the World” is chock full of knock out photographs making you just want to try out some of the recipes that she came across in her travels around the world. Besides going to the normal European countries such as Ireland, England, France or Italy, her new cookbook includes exotic dishes from Ecuador, Vietnam, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Morocco. Not exactly the type of travel itinerary that you would want your Bais Yaakov daughter or granddaughter to imitate. Photos of some of the colorful locals or native chefs who shared their recipes along with selected postcards give a distinct offbeat flavor of Ms. Kanoff’s gluten-free cookbook. The dishes HOFF CONT. FROM P12 16 Life Coach: How do you like to go about solving this problem? Can you think of a problem that you’ve solved in the past that is similar to this one? And so the conversation continues. Perhaps at some point the coach would present Daniel with an “urgent/important” matrix or another tool to give him a means through which to determine what to do in which order (or what to delegate or even completely remove from the agenda). Another example brings home the challenge of leaders in today’s demanding and ever-changing workplace. Barry: Our business is stuck in neutral and we really need to make some changes around here. Executive Coach: What kind To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] look so tempting that even if you don’t suffer from celiac disease or similar wheat allergies that would require a gluten free diet, you probably would be tempted to try and cook them in order to be able to taste these colorful recipes. Among some of the more interesting culinary titles I found in “Gluten Free Around the World” is Onion Lover’s Spinach Scramble on page 20, the Moroccan Mint Beet Salad on page 46, the Indian Spiced Roasted Chickpeas on page 68, Bhurtha (a Curried Roasted Eggplant) on page 101, Olive Tapenade Roasted Salmon on page 141, Coconut Crusted Chicken with Plum Dipping Sauce on page 161, Fajitas al Sombrero on page 191 and Bailey’s Irish Mousse on page 211. Ms. Kanoff’s “Gluten Free Around the World” seems like a delightful cookbook to try out anyway and give as gifts whether or not your health requires such a restricted diet. It should be available in both Jewish bookstores or in culinary shops. Or you can order it from Amazon.com of changes are you referring to? Barry: We have to restructure our reporting system and become less bureaucratic. Some of our younger people in particular are feeling stifled and our product line is stagnant. Executive Coach: Is there something that’s stopping you from addressing these concerns? Barry: I have some entrenched employees who have been with me for years. Very loyal. Generally hard working. But they don’t seem open to change how we’ve done things and explore new possibilities. Executive Coach: How can you envision getting them to see another point of view and become more open to your goals? Barry: Well… If it were me, I wouldn’t want anyone driving CONT. ON P37 THE JEWISH Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz “The Observant Jew My Friend, My Rebbe Reflections on the Life and legacy of R’ Dovid Winiarz z”l (The Facebuker Rebbe) Some people become Rebbes because they are natural-born leaders. Dovid Winiarz became a Rebbe because there are so many people who need to be led. I won’t write about his early years growing up in Columbus, Ohio because I don’t really know much about that time in his life. I won’t try to tell you what he was like as a boy because I didn’t know him then. This article is not a biography and I didn’t interview people for it. Instead, this is going to be the feelings and insights of one man – me – about the person who became my best friend (as he was for so many others) in just a short time for far too brief a period. I’m not exactly sure when or YAD L’ACHIM CONT. FROM P15 help realize her dream of celebrating a bris milah.” But Yad L’Achim knew it wouldn’t enough to arrange the mohel and the meal. The ceremony wouldn’t be complete for Ahuva if her family wasn’t there to celebrate with her. The social worker approached the parents and informed them of the birth of the boy and of the upcoming bris. “She has cut off all how I first met Dovid Winiarz. I believe it was on Facebook, (a large social media virtual community) where I was gratified to find someone whose values and hashkafa I shared, who seemed to effervesce with Simchas HaChayim and whose core values were truth, justice, and the Torah way. Like a shepherd watching over his boss’s flocks, Dovid would gently guide people back to HaShem by sharing words of Torah, jokes, smiles, and answering questions. With a background in Kiruv, he saw Facebook as a dangerous land which he hoped to help people navigate. He knew people were getting lost and would need someone to show them the way back home to their loving Father in Heaven. With guidance from his Rebbi, R’ Reuven Feinstein Shlit”a, and a bracha that he remain safe online (one which he renewed annually) Dovid opened up shop as the Facebuker Rebbe (to stay under the radar of Mark Zuckerberg who had previously shut down Dovid’s page as a Facebook “Rabbi.”) I must have happened across his page and made some comments or sent him messages. He didn’t remember it that way and was sure we must have met offline, in the “real” world, perhaps after he saw a copy of my Migdal Ohr parsha sheet. I don’t recall, but it doesn’t matter. We became close 1/30/15 friends instantly. With Dovid, it was always that way because everyone who came in contact with him (well, ALMOST everyone) immediately felt the love he had for them. (There were those in certain online groups who didn’t want guidance, who were angry at HaShem or Yiddishkeit for what some people had done under the guise of “frumkeit,” and though Dovid tried to reach them, they resisted. Even they, however, acknowledge that he was never rude or insulting to them.) He had been a campus rabbi in College of Staten Island, a community of which he was a huge pillar, though I don’t know if everyone would realize to what extent. He CONT. ON P37 ties with the Arab and asks with all her heart that you attend the bris and act as the sandak,” the social worker implored the father. They broke down and came. Not just the father and mother, but the entire family. The high point of the ceremony came when the father, wrapped in a tallis and sitting in the chair of the sandak, placed his hands over his daughter’s head and gave her a brachah. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. “This just goes to show to what extent the Gates of Teshuvah (repentance) are not locked”, said a senior Yad L’Achim official. “It also shows that the Gates of Hope are wide open both for the women trapped in Arab village and those who are engaged in the holy work of helping rehabilitate them”. For more information visit www.yadlachim.org or [email protected]. Yad L’Achim: 4018 18th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218. Tel: 1-866-923-5224 (1-866-YAD-LACH) Fax: (718)633-0235. To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 17 1/30/15 THE JEWISH SALE DA DATES TES JANUARY JANUAR Y 28 - FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 3 3,, 2015 STREET BROOKLYN, NY 1274 39th STREE T BR OOKLY OOKL YN, N Y FAX 718-437-3000 F FA AX 718-435-1555 www.gourmetglattmarket.com www.gourmetglattmarket.com 3 $ 96 OZ 99 99 SLEE VE SLEEVE CELER Y CELERY LARGE L ARGE POMEGRANATE POMEGR ANATE ANA TE 79¢EA 79¢EA ........ GOOD Y’S GOODY’S C ANOLA OIL CANOLA ........ FAMILY F AMIL MILY YP PACK PA ACK 5 SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY SUPER SALES! ........ THIN SLICED CHICKEN 99 9 CUTLETS CUTLETS $ 9 LB prepared foods foods All prepared repackaging and the repackaging of products products are are under the supervision supervision of the TTartikov artikov Beth Din Din . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . WOW! A ALL LL L LIQUID IQUID D DETERGENT ETERGENT $ GROCERY GROCER Y SUPER SALES 1 10 0 9 99 9 $ WOW! SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ MUSHROOMS MUSHROOMS 16699 21199 ORIGINAL, EVERYTHING E VERYTHING 9.6 OZ 99 899 $ OZ OZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 . 2. .. ...... -9 B’NEI DAROM DAROM 7 B’NEI 7-9 CUCUMBERS IIN NB RINE CUCUMBERS BRINE 99¢ $ 4 22 OZ 4 $ MARBLE MONDEL BREAD $ 16 OZ 49 4 9 7.5 OZ LB 39999 EA ASSORTED PACKED BAKERY COOKIES $ DAIRY MARBLE BUTTER LOAF $ 15050 144 C COUNT OUNT KEM KEMACH ACH RICE KRISPIES $ 19999 13 OZ NO AM GOURMET GOURMET NOAM ONION RINGS 39999 $ 22299 20 OZ 28.2 OZ FRESH BAKERY BAKERY SUGAR-FREE PLAIN CHIFFON $ $ 29999 1 2 89¢ TA’AMTI T A’AMTI BOUREKAS BOUREKAS $ 00 0 0 ASPEN TISSUES 1 OZ FLAUM’S FLAUM’S L LOX OX SPREAD ALL V VARIETIES ARIETIES 5.3 OZ 2 23 3 OZ OZ LIEBER’S LIEBER’S C CORN ORN CHIPS 14499 NORMAN’S NORMAN’S LO L LOW OW FA F FAT AT Y OGURT YOGURT ALL VARIETIES VARIETIES 25 PACK PACK PA ALL VARIETIES VARIETIES 12 OZ $ 40 OZ 2 29999 UNGER’S UNGER’S CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE SYRUP SYRUP 2 19999 1 $ 9 OZ 29 2 9 $ 00 0 0 SAL AD MATE MATE SALAD DRESSINGS $ MR. CLEAN SUMMER CITRUS CITR US $ $ WISSOTZKY WISSOTZKY T TEA EA 11 OZ LIEBER ’S STRIPED LIEBER’S DAINTIES DAINTIES $ WOW! T TASTER’S ASTER’S CHOICE CHOICE COFFEE COFFEE 2 89 8 9 ALL V VARIETIES ARIETIES 7.3 OZ MANISCHEWITZ M ANISCHEWITZ T AM TAM TAM CRACKERS TAM CRACKERS 8 OZ LIEBER’S LIEBER’S M MANDARINES ANDARINES 2 49 4 9 11 OZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . WOW! $ 2 195 OZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 89¢ KEDEM CEREAL CEREAL BARS BARS KEDEM POST FRUITY POST F RUITY & COCOA COCOA P EBBLES PEBBLES WANT W ANT TO TO MAKE MAKE YOUR BREAKFAST Y OUR B REAKFAST TASTE T ASTE BETTER? BETTER? 59999 LB 49999 EA 12 OZ TRY O TRY OUR UR BAGELS! BAGELS! BAKED BAKED FRESH DAILY DAILY O NP REMISES! FRESH ON PREMISES! FRESH PRODUCE GREEN GREEN SQUASH SQUASH SALE! 49¢LB S SLICING LICING TOMATOES TOMATOES 59¢LB SALE! FANCY EGGPLANT......... 69¢ GRAPE TOMATOES...... GREEN CABBAGE............ 29¢ SPANISH ONIONS.......... LB LB COOKRITE $ POTATOES......... 5 LB BAG 1 29 2 9 EA 89¢ EA 29¢ LB 5 HASS AVOCADOS...... $ 4 00 0 0 T TU UB B’SHEVAT ’SHEVAT S SPECIALS PECIALS ROASTED CASHEWS...... DRIED CRANBERRIES.... DRIED PINEAPPLE........ MIXED NUTS................ MIXED DRIED FRUITS.... 9 99 9 4 $ 4 49 9 2 $ 4 49 9 2 $ 9 99 9 3 $ 6 4699 $ LB LB LB LB LB 299 $ EA SUNDAY AY 7:30 -9 PM MONDAY MONDAY 7:30 -9 PM TUESDAY TUESDAY 7:30 -9 PM WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 7 -12 AM THURSDAY THURSDAY 7-1 AM FRIDAY FRIDAY 7 AM UNTIL 2 1/2 HRS. BEFORE SHABBOS STORE STORE H HOURS OURS SUND 18 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 1/30/15 THE JEWISH W e ar e not rresponsible esponsible ffor or typographical typographical err ors We are errors W e rreserve eserve the righ to limit quantities quantities We rightt to While While supplies last. last. Limit 4 per customer customer on all sale items. items. $10 non-sale items items required. required. SALES FOR BROOKLYN BROOKLYN STORE ONLY ONLY SALE! MEATT SAVINGS MEA SAVINGS IMPORTED IMPOR TED BEEF AMERICAN AMERICAN BEEF BEEF SILVER TIP ROAST............. SHOULDER STEAKS................ CHUCK EY EYE E ROAST ROAST 6 IIMPORTED MPORTED B BEEF EEF 8 $ 99 8 THIN SLICED $ 49 PEPPER STEAK...... 9 FLAT LONDON $ 49 BROIL.................. 10 EXTRA LEAN $ 99 BEEF STEW.......... 5 9 99 9 $ LB $ 1ST CUT BRISKET............. $ NY STRIP STEAK................ $ LB 8 CHICKEN NECKS............... $ 9 GROUND WHITE CHICKEN............ $ 99LB 279 LB FAMILY FAMIL MILY YP PACK PA ACK WHOLE OR CUT-UP CUT-UP CHICKEN 2 POULTRY POULTR POUL TRY 99LB LB 3 39 9 $ [email protected] [email protected] 7 18-435-1555 718-435-1555 7 18-437-3000 718-437-3000 EMAIL: EMAIL: F A AX X: FAX: C ALL: CALL: 3 WAYS WAYS T TO OP PLACE LA L ACE YOUR YOUR ORDER! ORDER! 49LB F FAMILY AMILY PACK PACK PA 599 LB LB LB 2 PA PACK P ACK $ GROUND BEEF....... SUPER FAMILY FAMIL MILY Y PACK PACK PA LB FAMILY FAMIL MILY YP PACK PA ACK 419 $ GROUND VEAL....... LB FAMILY F AMIL MILY YP PACK PA ACK 599 LB GOURMET DELI - TAKE TAKE OUT A BLIZZARD OF SPECIALS! ASSORTED SOUFFLES $ OR KUGELS (KUGEL)............ 3 CHEF DUDDY’S VODKA $ 9 99 9 OR ALFREDO SAUCE............ 5 $ 99 9 9 GRILLED LONDON BROIL............................... 19 99 9 9 EA EA LB 39999 ASSORTED GOURMET $ 9 99 9 GLATT DRESSINGS........... 2 $ 9 BAKED BOTTOMS 99 9 (CHICKEN LEGS)................. 4 ASSORTED RICE............... $ 8 249999 $ 199999 $ HANGER OR SKIRT STEAK............................... LB BRISKET......................... LB THE FRESHEST & TASTIEST TASTIEST SUSHI IN TTOWN! OWN! QUALITY QUALIT Y & FRESHNESS YYOU OU DESERVE! CUCUMBER AVOCADO ROLL OLL AVOCADO R 99 45050 7 5 $ 99 3 BRONZINI................................... $ 99LB BREADED TILAPIA....................... $ 99 795 $ ALASKA AL ASKA ROLL ROLL $ CRUNCHY CR UNCHY DRAGON ROLL DR AGON R OLL 550 $ LB VOLCANO VOL OLC CANO ROLL ROLL SPIDER R OLL ROLL TEMPURA TEMPUR A $ EA LITE HONEY GARLIC SAUCE........... EA LB FREE GRILLING ALL WEEK! $ 109999 $ WOW! EA OSSIE’S FISH PISTACHIO SALMON ASSORTED OVERSTUFFED SANDWICHES LB WOW! WOW! WOW! $ 895 895 SPICY SPIC Y ROLL TUNA R OLL 495 $ SUPER NEVER THIS LOW PRICE! WE W WANT ANT YYOU OU TTO O TRY IT! ASIAN KANI SALAD KANI SAL AD $ 399 EA TRY OUR OLIVE BAR! NEW LINE OF ASSORTED ITALIAN OLIVES! THIS WEEK AT AT SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ DIP ISLAND! ISLAND! FALAFEL DIP...................... HONEY MUSTARD DIP......... DILL DIP........................... CHARIF DIP....................... 24499 $ 2 2299 $ 4 3499 $ 9 2999 $ GROCERY HEIMISHE TOMATO DIP... EA CHUMMUS DIP................ EA SHALLOT DIP.................. MEAT MEAT 29999 $ 4 2499 $ 4 2499 $ 2 3299 $ EA EA TURKISH SALAD.................... GRILLED VEGETABLE DIP PRODUCE DELI SUSHI FRESH FISH EA ISRAELI SALAD...................... EA SPICY EGG SALAD.................. EA POTATO SOUP....................... EA BAKERY 32 OZ ALL CUTLETS APPETIZING 29999 $ 99 499 $ 99 499 $ 99 399 $ EA LB LB EA BUY ONE GET ONE FOR $3.99! FL FLORAL ORAL To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 19 1/30/15 THE JEWISH COOKING CLASS | Levana Kirschenbaum Cabbage Sauerkraut Potato Lévana Kirschenbaum was co-owner of Levana Restaurant on Manhattan’s Upper West Side (alas, recently closed after thirty two years), and the pioneer in Kosher upscale dining. She is a cooking teacher and cookbook author, and gets countless devoted fans for her fearless, practical and nutritious approach to cooking. She gives weekly cooking demos, and gets cooking demo engagements around the country. She has published “Levana’s Table: Kosher Cooking for Everyone”, “Levana Cooks DairyFree!”, and a book-dvd set based on her demo series called “In Short Order”. She is currently at work on her next cookbook, scheduled to be published in June 2011: “The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen: Glorious Meals Pure and Simple”. She is launching a line of all-natural spelt desserts, called, what else, Lévana. Her weekly cooking demos take place at her apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side: Get ready for dinner and a show! Go onto her website to find out more about her demos, cookbooks, desserts, and entertaining stories at www.levanacooks.com I look for every excuse to use the humble cabbage. Talk about gastronomie sans argent, with nutrition worth its weight in gold. Cabbage and caraway have a natural affinity, and team up with the potatoes to produce this delightfully funky soup. The addition of the fermented sauerkraut makes it a wonderfully healthy choice, and adds such intense flavor that the addition of any meat product becomes virtually superfluous. I hope you always welcome, as I do, a delicious vegetarian soup! Creaming this soup is an innocent 20 trick I use to get kids to eat it: while they might discard the ingredients they can spot in the soup, they will greatly appreciate the sum total of all these “controversial” and totally undetected ingredients: Trust me: Tried and true! Ingredients: 1/3 cup olive oil 2 medium onions, quartered 2 large leeks, white part and the soft green parts, sliced thin 6 large cloves garlic 3 ribs celery, peeled and cut in chunks 2 large potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks 1 bunch dill, fronds and stems 1 medium head cabbage, cut into large chunks 1 4-cup jar natural sauerkraut, liquid and all 4 cups canned crushed tomatoes To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 3 tablespoons paprika Salt to taste 12 cups (3 quarts) water 3 tablespoons caraway seeds Pepper to taste Instructions: Heat the oil in wide soup pot. In a food processor, coarsely chop onions, leeks, garlic, celery and add to the hot oil. Sauté until CONT. ON P36 1/30/15 THE JEWISH STRATEGIES | Rifka Schonfeld Director of S.O.S. (Strategies For Optimum Success) Fighting In The Family SIBLING RIVALRY In Kate Duke’s charming children’s book entitled, The Tale of Pip and Squeak, Duke illustrates the challenges of different siblings living together: Pip and Squeak are two bickering brothers. They share a home, but can’t get along. Squeak’s singing hurts Pip’s ears. The fumes from Pip’s paintings give his brother fits of coughing. Everything the mouse brothers do becomes a competition, including their annual gala celebration. One year, their efforts to outdo each other nearly lead to disaster – but a surprising brotherly collaboration saves the day. of another child’s world. The child is not forced to live in a world only populated by grown-ups. Living with siblings required negotiating skills. Brothers and sisters learn about compromise – and they learn how to make up. Now, on to the inevitable issue of sibling rivalry. It doesn’t matter how good a parent you are, your kids will at some point feel that a sibling got more attention, more gifts, or more cake than they did. Children often see parental love as a finite quality – therefore – if you give a certain amount to one child, you no longer have any for them. Convincing your children that you have enough love to go around is the first step towards reducing sibling rivalry. However, there are also multiple steps you can take to reduce sibling rivalry that help build social skills, self-esteem, and family bonds. Fighting Against Sibling Rivalry Before Baby This process can start before the birth of a new child. Informing your older children of a new arrival before the birth will allow them to adjust to the idea that they will now be sharing their parents with an additional sibling. Also, when you return home from the hospital, be sure to spend a few moments with each child individually in order to ensure them that “Mommy is home and still loves being with you.” Stay Out of It The first rule when dealing with sibling rivalry is to step in only if there’s a risk of physical harm. When the fighting is not dangerous, the best advice is to allow your children to work out their issues on their own. Through disagreements, children learn conflict resolution and how to compromise. If you constantly get involved, they do not have the opportunity to grow. Authoritative Not Authoritarian Even with preparing your children for the birth of a new child, sibling rivalry inevitably arises because children with different CONT. ON P25 Duke’s lyrical and imaginative story highlights a common and important issue in many households: sibling rivalry. Children who are born into the same family do not automatically get along or like each other. Yet, they are placed in close proximity, sometimes even sharing a room. The challenge for those children and parents is to figure out how to work together to make life easier and more meaningful. Is sibling rivalry inevitable or it is something families can overcome through social skills training? Sibling Rivalry: Causes, Myths and Facts Before we get into the drawbacks of having siblings, I should point out the many benefits of growing up in a home with multiple children. Marian Borden Edelman, the author of The Baffled Parent’s Guide to Sibling Rivalry, points out the emotional and developmental benefits of siblings: On a simple level, a sibling provides ready companionship. Kids enjoy the company of their peers. Fantasy play (imaginative play) – an important element of a child’s development is more fun with someone at around the same developmental stage. Having a sibling means being part To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 21 1/30/15 22 THE JEWISH To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] THE JEWISH 1/30/15 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 23 1/30/15 24 THE JEWISH To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 1/30/15 THE JEWISH SCHONFELD CONT. FROM P21 temperaments are sharing the same resources and space. How can you set rules that allow children to grow as individuals without addressing issues of jealousy? The first rule I always teach parents is “be authoritative, not authoritarian.” Authoritative means setting clear rules and boundaries that are rational and consistent. For instance, if your son is upset because your daughter got a present for her birthday, simply state, “Everyone gets presents on their birthday. When it’s your birthday, you will get a present and she won’t.” Don’t say, “Stop crying! It’s silly to be jealous over a toy you wouldn’t even play with anyway.” Setting clear boundaries without inducing guilt allows children to attempt to understand the world they are leaving in. Through these consistent rules, they gain self-esteem and additionally have an easier time functioning in the outside world. Find the Positive Often, a child will pick a fight or throw a fit that is directed at another sibling because they crave your attention. For instance, if you are doing homework with your first grader, your two-yearold might start throwing her blocks at the four-year-old in order to take your attention away from your first grader with homework. Instead of responding with anger at the two-year-old (and giving him the attention – albeit negative – that he is seeking), tell your four-year-old to stay away from the two-year-old. Then, if your two-year-old decides to apologize to their older sibling or clean up the blocks, praise her for her efforts. Remember, if you respond to the negative action with attention, she has gained her objective. As Borden writes, “Accentuate the positive. Praise a child when he is behaving well so that he associates good behavior with parental attention.” This technique allows child to understand that positive actions will be rewarded, setting them up to continue to try in the future. Take Action How many of us find ourselves saying, “If you don’t stop bothering your sister, I am going to take away your [favorite toy]?” Often, we threaten – and sometimes follow through. Instead of threatening, take action – but I don’t mean that you should take the favorite toy away. Rather, stand up, take your child gently by the hand and lead him to an activity that he enjoys (or needs to accomplish). For instance, if your son will not stop taunting his older sister, move him to the train table in the playroom. Then, later when he is no longer focused on getting negative attention, talk to him about how he enjoyed playing with his trains more than bothering his sister. Taking action instead of threatening teaches children that changing course when they are stuck in the midst of a non-productive action can have positive results. In the future, they might be able to apply it to other areas of their lives. An Opportunity for Growth Sibling rivalry is a challenge in most family, but you can also use it as an opportunity for your children to gain important social skills that will benefit them later in life. An acclaimed educator and education consultant, Mrs. Rifka Schonfeld has served the Jewish community for close to thirty years. She founded and directs the widely acclaimed educational program, SOS, servicing all grade levels in secular as well as Hebrew studies. A kriah and reading specialist, she has given dynamic workshops and has set up reading labs in many schools. In addition, she offers evaluations G.E.D. preparation,, social skills training and shidduch coaching, focusing on building self-esteem and self-awareness. She can be reached at 718-382-5437 or at [email protected]. . You can view the web at rifkaschonfeldsos.com. To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 25 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Cherry & Almond Galette JAMIE GELLER wait all season for the tart cherries. They are brightly flavored and taste like …a cherry! The sweeter cherries just don’t have the oomph that the tart variety does. While not great for eating out of hand, tart cherries are amazing and complex in baked items and in ice cream and jams. Prep Time : 30 min Cook Time : 50 min Ready Time : 1 hour, 20 min 7 tablespoons butter (I use salted butter for more flavor) 1/3 cup almond paste ½ cup sugar 2 large eggs ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 1/3 cup cake flour (not self ris- 8 Servings Ingredients For the pastry 6-3/4 oz. (1-1/2 cups) unbleached all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon table salt 5-1/2 oz. (11 Tablespoons) cold, unsalted butter 1 large egg yolk 3 Tablespoons whole milk For the frangipane So I’m back from our glorious vacation to a land far far away and I am grateful for the family time and the fun in the sun. My skin enjoyed the warmth, the healing time and the break from makeup, so I’ll stick to a nonmakeup related article to keep the vacation vibe going. ing) For the cherries 3 cups pitted tart cherries 2 teaspoons lemon zest 1 cup of sugar 1/3 cup cornstarch 1 egg, whisked 2 tablespoons sugar Audible Books CONT. ON P27 By Racheli Fried computer) and it helps me enjoy books in a whole new way. Besides makeup, another thing I Something Is Cooking With Mindy HISTORY HYSTERIA As the smiling sun beckons and we march toward summer vacation, you may have noticed that June is just about over. This obviously means school’s out along with all its lessons and tests. But I’d like to tell you a story about a lesson I’ve learned in The School of Life. I call it the “History Lesson” and here’s why: In our high school faculty room one recess, I took part in an interesting conversation. It went something like this (in Hebrew of course…): “You know Mindy, that three layer Pesach cake recipe you gave me is such a hit! Every time I make it, I get so many compliments. I even use it all year for my gluten sensitive son. It makes him so happy that for once he can enjoy a cake everyone else wants too.” “Oh, I’m so glad you took my word for it and saw for yourself that it’s delicious and so easy to make too. But you know, it’s not exactly my recipe. The original recipe is from my sister-in-law.” “So tell her I really love her LOVE is reading. But, with K”H a family of six, I often don’t find the time to read a few I just really wanted to share something that brings me so much joy and happiness lately. It’s certainly better than any bottle of hilight or “inner glow” that I can think of. Nothing I can recommend here can make you more beautiful than feeling happy on the inside and this new “find” of mine brings me that kind of joy every time I use it. It’s called Audible and it’s a website/App on my phone (or 26 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] recipe.” “Actually, if I remember correctly, she told me she got it from her mother who got it from her neighbor before she moved away.” “Well, I don’t know your mother’s former neighbor…” “Neither do I…” I had to admit. The bell rang at this point, putting an end to our “history lesson”. On the way to my 12th graders, a dusty, buried story of yore suddenly arose, flooding my memory. It was early Friday morning when the phone near my bed rang stubbornly. Spending the previous night awake with a few cranky kids, I planned to sleep-in, unbothered this morning. But the caller on the other end didn’t think I deserved to. “How did you ever?!” was her opening line. “How’d I everwha’?” I sort of slurred, simultaneously clawing through the giant cobweb which was actually my brain still on “sleep mode”. What was I being accused of? CONT. ON P27 chapters, much less a book on the daily. It can sometimes take me weeks if not months to finish an entire book and it’s been a shame because I enjoy nothing more than reading a fantastic book. When I was younger, I’ve been known to have my nose in my books 24/7 and my mother reminds me that I used to even attempt to read in the shower...who could put the book down for even a minute?? With Audible, you can “read” anyplace. Anytime. You download the App to your phone or computer, choose from thousands of books, and you are set. A soothing voice transports you to your very own land far far away while you cook, get dressed or drive to your destination. Really any time! I hope you treat yourself and enjoy this treasure and it brings you an inner glow that’s truly beauty from the inside out. xoxo THE JEWISH GELLER CONT. FROM P26 Directions: For the pastry Combine the flour, sugar, and salt in a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment (or if mixing by hand, in a medium bowl). Cut the butter into 1/2-inch cubes and add them to the flour. On low speed, mix the butter and flour until the flour is no longer white and holds together when you clump it with your fingers, 1 to 2 minutes. In a small bowl, mix the egg yolk and milk and add them to the flour mixture. On low speed, mix until the dough just comes together, about 15 seconds; the dough will be somewhat soft. Dump the dough onto a clean counter and work it with the heel of your hand, pushing and smearing it away from you and gathering it up with a bench scraper and repeating until the dough comes together and is pliable). Turn the dough out onto a sheet of plastic wrap, press it into a flat disk, wrap it in the plastic, and let it rest in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes (or up to four days) before rolling it out. Line a heavy-duty rimmed baking sheet with parchment. Remove the dough from the refrigerator; if the dough is very firm, let it sit at room temperature until its pliable enough to roll, about 10 to 15 minutes. On a floured surface, roll the dough into a round that’s about 13 to 14 inches in diameter. Transfer the dough round to the baking sheet and put it in the refrigerator while you prepare the filling. For the Fragipane Place all the ingredients in a food processor and pulse until the mixture is creamy and well combined. Store the frangipane in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or freeze for 2 months. For the Cherries Toss the cherries with the sugar, lemon zest and cornstarch. Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat the oven to 350°F. Assemble: Smear ¼ inch layer of frangipane over the rolled galette 1/30/15 dough, leaving a 1 ½ inch broder all around. Spoon the cherries over the frangipane. Gather the sides of the dough toward the center. You can pleat the dough if desired. Don’t worry if the edges look a little ragged. Brush the dough with the whisked egg and sprinkle with sugar. Bake 50 minutes or until the galette is browned. Don’t worry if some of the cherry juice leaks out of the dough. Cool the galette on a rack. Chef’s note-Frangipane is a creamy spread similar to a pastry cream and is used in recipes as a filling. Marzipan is a stand-alone confection and can be shaped into animals or shapes. MINDY CONT. FROM P26 “How did you dare publish our recipe in the newspaper?!” Unfortunately, I couldn’t for the life of me catch on to what she was saying (shouting). Which recipe in which newspaper? One thing I did know, judging from the urgency of her voice, was that she wanted an explanation fast. So I tried: “I got the recipe from my friend who told me I could use it for the newspaper,” This sounded pretty lame even to my ears. “And besides, notice it’s not the exact same recipe as the original.” I finished with a little more confidence. But the caller was still unsatisfied, claiming that I’d “stolen” a family recipe that goes back generations. This historical story occurred over two decades ago, at the beginning of my writing career and shook me up so thoroughly, I planned to quit writing recipes, cold turkey. But before I did, I asked a friend if she had an idea how to get around this problem. “Of course!” she answered brightly. “All you need to do from now on is find out whose recipe it was originally, before you publish it. Then your problems will be over!” Sure! So instead of making, baking and writing recipes, I’ll be busy phoning, looking and finding who created each one… No prob! From my friend to her neighbor to her cousin who’ll send me to her CONT. ON P36 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 27 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Lessons From Trees: a Tu Bishvat Message Dr. Richard H. Schwartz Some of my most important lessons in life I learned from Jewish verses about trees. From the following I learned that I should be an environmental activist, working to help preserve the world: In the hour when the Holy one, blessed be He, created the first person, He showed him the trees in the Garden of Eden, and said to him: “See My works, how fine they are; Now all that I have created, I created for your benefit. Think upon this and do not corrupt and destroy My world, For if you destroy it, there is no one to restore it after you. (Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:28) From the following and the rabbinic commentaries on it I learned that I should avoid destruction and should conserve resources: When you shall besiege a city a long time, in making war against it to take it, you shall not destroy (lo tashchit) the trees thereof by wielding an ax against them; for you may eat of them, but you must not cut the down; for is the tree of the field a man, that it should be besieged by you? Only the trees of which you know that they are not trees for food, them you may destroy and cut down, that you may build bulwarks against the city that makes war with you, until it fall. (Deuteronomy 20:19, 20) The following helped convince me that I should be a vegan: And God said: “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree that has seed-yielding fruit — to you it shall be for food.” (Genesis 1:29) From the following I learned that as a Jew I should strive to serve as a positive example: And they came to Elim, where were 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees; and they encamped here by the waters. (Deuteronomy 15:27) Rabeynu Bachya saw a much deeper message. He stated that the 12 springs represented the 12 tribes and the 70 palm trees represented the 70 then nations of the world. He stated that just as the 12 springs nourished the 70 palm trees, the 12 tribes (the Jewish people) should serve to “nourish” the world by serving as a good example. From the following I learned to consider the consequences of my actions on future generations: While the sage Choni was walking along a road, he saw an old man planting a carob tree. Choni asked him: “How long will it take for this tree to bear fruit?” “Seventy years,” replied the man. Choni then asked: “Are you so healthy a man that you expect to live that length of time and eat its fruit?” The man answered: “I found a fruitful world because my ancestors planted it for me. Likewise, I am planting for my children.” (Ta’anis 23b) From the following I learned how important it is to be involved in the natural world: In order to serve God, one needs access to the enjoyment of the beauties of nature - meadows full of flowers, majestic mountains, flowing rivers. For all these are essential to the spiritual development of even the holiest of people. (Rabbi Abraham ben Maimonides, cited by Rabbi David E. Stein in A Garden of Choice Fruits, Shomrei Adamah, 1991). From the following I learned the importance of acting on my knowledge and beliefs: Whoever has more wisdom than deeds is like a tree with many branches but few roots, and the wind shall tear him from the ground... Whoever has more deeds than wisdom is like a tree with more roots than branches, and no hurricane will uproot him from the spot. (Pirke Avot 3:17) From the following I learned the importance of working for a more peaceful world: And He shall judge between many peoples, and shall decide concerning mighty nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken. (Micah 4:35) Last but far from least, from the following I leaned how the Torah is a guide to a happy, productive, and fulfilling life: [The Torah is] a tree of life to those who hold fast to it, and all who cling to it find happiness. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. (Proverbs 3: 17-18) Nesius of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Led by Senior Gedolei Yisrael from Eretz Yisrael and America Leading Gedolim Convene at Home of Vizhnitzer Rebbe to Urge Participation in Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Chaim Gold 28 “I feel that we are in yemos haMashiach! I had tears in my eyes when I saw senior Gedolei Yisrael from all three Moetzos Gedolei HaTorahs sitting at one table coming together to encourage Klal Yisrael to learn a daily daf of halacha.” Those were the words of Rabbi Avigdor Berenstein, a member of Dirshu’s hanhala, who merited being present at the historic event. To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] The first kinnus of the Nesius of Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program was a demonstration - a demonstration of the beauty of Klal Yisrael and a demonstration on how important it is for every Jew to undertake the daily learning of halacha. So important that senior Gedolei Yisrael, Roshei Yeshiva and Admorim led by the centenarian Rosh Yeshiva, HaGaon HaRav CONT. ON P36 1/30/15 THE JEWISH SOUND ADVICE FOR THE WORKPLACE Abe has been with our management firm nearly since its inception and knows our company backwards and forwards. He’s proven himself over and over again and is now an important backbone at the company. Perhaps he’s become too much of a backbone, however. The other day I overheard him promise a tenant a new refrigerator, on another occasion he forwarded an advance payment to a supplier, a different time super in one of the buildings was fired and a new one hired. And it all happened without me being consulted. When I expressed doubts about the wisdom of his actions, Abe laughed it off. “Trust me,” he said. “I know what I’m doing.’ He may, in fact, know what he’s doing, but Abe knows I expect to be consulted on matters such as these. I’m beginning to wonder if he doesn’t hold too much power. Business owners who are involved in every strand of day-today happenings are apt to micromanage to the detriment of their own business interests. By keeping a hand in every pot, they forget the hard rule of ‘delegate or die’ and often sink their own ship. A business owner must not only know how to let go, and pass authority onto his employees, but also how to avoid interfering; he must remember that there’s a reason the employee was hired. Growing companies are successful because they give latitude and authority to employees, motivating them to work well, allowing them to feel effective and make sound business decisions. When a superior keeps on knocking the legs out from beneath an employee it’s hard for them to remain motivated and productive. If Abe is making sound business decisions why don’t you focus on your end of the business and allow him to do what he can do well? I’m concerned that allowing too much freedom will allow him to take too large a piece of the pie. The dominant reason an employee may sometimes grow too big for his britches is because his fundamental need for respect isn’t being met. In that case, he’ll look for more power and control which he thinks will translate into more respect. It may also be for other reasons like money (rarely though), a lack of job satisfaction, needing more autonomy, or work-place atmosphere. So, how do I keep him on my side without having him walk away with the business? The same way trapping flies with vinegar won’t work, clamping down harshly on an employee won’t either. Showing respect for and trust in his decisions and allowing him to express indi- viduality will temper his need for control while fostering loyalty to the business. Depending on the business’s structure, an employer should look for room in the business where the employee can stretch his wings without flying too far away. Increasing his job satisfaction, such as allowing bonus vacation days or to work from home once a week will further increase a positive relationship between the two of you and most likely obliterate the aggressive control completely. Aren’t there people who simply like the feel of power in their hands? Will he be pacified this way, or will that simply whet his appetite for more? Years ago, I knew a guy who manufactured ketchup packets. Along came a fast food restaurant that opened up nearby and turned to this guy’s company, requesting ninety percent of their ketchup packet production for their new eatery. Their amazing, once-in-alifetime offer was turned down. CONT. ON P33 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 29 THE JEWISH ANSWERS TO THIS WEEK’S PUZZLES! 30 Sudoku Puzzle 1/30/15 Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. 6 7 2 8 4 1 3 9 5 8 9 4 6 3 5 2 1 7 1 3 5 7 2 9 6 4 8 2 1 7 9 5 6 8 3 4 9 8 3 1 7 4 5 2 6 4 5 6 2 8 3 9 7 1 3 2 1 5 6 7 4 8 9 5 4 9 3 1 8 7 6 2 9 6 8 4 9 2 1 5 3 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] ! THE JEWISH 1/30/15 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 31 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Saul M. Berger CFE, CPA, CFF PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM FRAUD WHAT IS OUR PASSWORD - PART 1 A week ago Sunday I started out the same as many Sundays had before. I went food shopping in one of the Five Towns’ glatt kosher supermarkets, where the aisles were less than half as crowded due to winter intersession. I found a register with no line (a miracle!), proceeded to empty my cart onto the conveyer belt (without having to use that skinny stick mechitza thing, and pulled out my credit/debit card issued by a quite well known, large bank that has insomnia (they never sleep) in order to swipe and pay. Everything seemed to be going fine with all my bags loaded into my wagon, until the cashier informed me that the card was not processing. Now, I knew that it should have worked, so I swiped a second time, with the same message – not processed and not approved! I always carry more than one card with me, just for situations like this, so I swiped that card, it was approved, and the receipt was paid. Of course, for me, this was just the beginning of the story. As an investigator, I could not wait until Monday to get to the bottom of this mystery. I called the 800 number, entered my card number, and was informed that “we cannot access your information at this time, please try again later.” I surmised that maybe the system was down on a Sunday morning for routine maintenance; so I tried again on Monday with the same result! I then attempted to log in to my online banking website and was given a similar message as the telephone system. So I went into a local branch on Tuesday to get the scoop, and was told that access to my account was put on hold as a precaution against the Home Depot data breach and credit card leak from last year! I expressed my frustration over the fact that I was never informed that they were going to do this, and the bank admitted that they did not have the correct contact information for me in their system, but never attempted to acquire it! They informed me that a new card was being sent to me as a replacement due to safety concerns, but they will “unblock” my current card immediately. This experience got me thinking about the state of security regarding accounts and credit 32 cards used by the public. Look around. Leaks and dumps— hackers breaking into computer systems and releasing lists of usernames and passwords on the open web—are now regular occurrences. Security breaches happen so often nowadays, you’re probably sick of hearing about them and all the ways you should beef up your accounts. Even if you think you’ve heard it all already, though, today’s passwordcracking tools are more advanced and cut through the clever password tricks many of us have used. Our passwords are much less secure than they were just a few years ago, thanks to faster hardware and new techniques used by password crackers. Inexpensive graphics processors enable password-cracking programs to try billions, yes, billions with a “b”, of password combinations in a second; what would have taken years to crack now may take only months or maybe days. How do our online passwords fall? In every imaginable way: They’re guessed, lifted from a password dump, cracked by brute force, stolen with a keylogger, or reset completely by conning a company’s customer support department. Carelessness, it turns out, is the biggest security risk of all. As a result, we became complacent. Email addresses morphed into a sort of universal login, serving as our username just about everywhere. This practice persisted even as the number of accounts—the number of failure points—grew exponentially. Web-based email was the gateway to a new slate of cloud applications. We began utilizing the cloud for many purposes, such as banking, tracking our finances and doing our taxes. Additionally, a great deal of peoples’ personal papers that held great meaning and value, such as photos, documents and personal data appeared to be stored in the cloud. Eventually, as the number of epic hacks increased, growing web companies came up with methods to keep people signing up and entrusting data to their sites. They pushed the idea that all we needed to be safe was to establish “stronger” passwords. Unfortunately, that has not happened as secure data on the web are still vulnerable to hacking. SplashData, provider of the SplashID line of password management applications (more about them in the next issue), releases its annual list in an effort to encourage the adoption of stronger passwords. All the recent password leaks have helped hackers identify the patterns we use when creating passwords. As a result, hackers can now use rules and algorithms to crack passwords more quickly than they could through simple common-word attacks. During the early years of the web, passwords served their purpose and worked pretty well. This was due largely to how little data they actually needed to protect. Our passwords were limited to a handful of applications: an ISP for email and maybe an ecommerce site or two. Because almost no personal information was in the cloud at that time, there was little to gain in breaking into peoples’ accounts; the serious hackers were still going after big corporate computer systems. To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] Below, I have listed the “Top 25 Worst Passwords of 2014” as compiled by Splashdata, along with the change in position from 2013. The takeaway from this list is simply to not use these passwords and if you are, please change them!! 1 - 123456 (Unchanged from 2013) 2 - password (Unchanged) 3 - 12345 (Up 17) 4 - 12345678 (Down 1) 5 - qwerty (Down 1) 6 - 1234567890 (Unchanged) 7 - 1234 (Up 9) 8 - baseball (New) 9 - dragon (New) 10 - football (New) 11 - 1234567 (Down 4) 12 - monkey (Up 5) 13 - letmein (Up 1) 14 - abc123 (Down 9) 15 - 111111 (Down 8) 16 - mustang (New) 17 - access (New) 18 - shadow (Unchanged) 19 - master (New) 20 - michael (New) 21 - superman (New) 22 - 696969 (New) 23 -123123 (Down 12) 24 -batman (New) CONT. ON P33 1/30/15 THE online data? BERGER CONT. FROM P32 25 -trustno1 (Down 1) In Part 2 (next issue), I will discuss how we can create stronger passwords and be more diligent in the use and overall protection of our LIEBERMAN Why? The reason given when I questioned the CEO of the ketchup packet as to his decision is brilliant. “I will not give any one client more than twenty percent of my production line,” he told me then. “It’ll give them too much power.” What he said, in essence, is that giving any one body a toolarge proportion of total sales will allow them to hold sway over his business and perhaps even dictate business decisions. This was the case with Barnes & Nobles before Amazon came onto the scene. Barnes & Nobles took a very large part of the production line and publishers were forced to concede to their directives. Although it would seem that publishers have gotten the last laugh…or perhaps, Amazon, who is now getting the latest laugh. CONT. FROM P29 What does this tell us about dealing with power-hungry individual? An employer and employee should both be well aware that no one is irreplaceable. If it’s gotten to the point where an employee holds too many reigns too tightly, he must be reined in fast and hard. In order for this to work, the employee may not smell the fear an employer may have of losing him; that’ll cause the employer to lose all leverage over his employee. Aside from power grabbing, an employee high up on the ladder will often become an ogre of sorts, allowing the power to go to his head and treat others disrespect- T.A.N.I. JEWISH Saul M. Berger, CFE,CPA,CFF is President and CEO of EPIC On-Point Consulting, LLC, which specializes in turnaround strategies, forensic accounting and fraud detection & prevention for businesses and individuals at very reasonable rates. Saul can be contacted at fully. Company employees may fear and despise him, and business morale will be injured by his attitude. This should never be allowed to go unnoticed by the employer. As always, the carrot method should be tried before the stick. Speak to the employee about his positive points and how you value his work while making it very clear that you expect a certain behavior. Whether it’s the fact that he insists on making certain decisions, takes action without proper authority, or how he deals with others, outline your expectations. If that doesn’t modify his behavior, an ultimatum must be given. In this case it would be having him choose between conforming to said requirements, or leaving the company. With that, you’re sending an important message to all employees that you won’t stand for someone overstepping his boundaries or usurping his authority. Author & Tanakh Lecturer as Scholar-in-Residence in Brooklyn, Queens & Long Island Yehudit Jessica Singer Dr. Yael Ziegler, lecturer in Tanakh at Herzog Academic College and at Matan Jerusalem, will be serving as scholar-in-residence in Queens, Brooklyn and Long Island next week in celebration of her new book, Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy, published by Maggid Books (a division of Koren Publishers Jerusalem). Using a contemporary Modern Orthodox approach to parshanut (Biblical interpretation), Dr. Ziegler creatively demonstrates how midrashic readings can reveal the deep layers of each Biblical narrative. A captivating educator, she incorporates traditional rabbinic commentaries and contemporary scholarship to understand the text with sensitivity, depth and relevance. Rav Moshe Lichtenstein, Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion wrote after reading her latest book, “One cannot but be impressed … Her work is characterized by a willingness to engage Dovid Lieberman, Ph.D., is a noted speaker and award-winning author with a renowned insight into the human condition. His eleven books, which have been translated into 26 languages and include two New York Times bestsellers, have sold more than three million copies worldwide. Blending the wisdom of Torah with the psychological process, Dr. Lieberman’s writings and lectures captivate both scholar and layman alike, and are enjoyed by people at all levels and from all backgrounds. His newest book is, “How Free Will Works,” and is available at Judaica stores everywhere. Speaking Engagements: contact [email protected] Copyright © 2015 by D. Lieberman. All rights reserved. the text and embrace it on an interpretive and personal level. This gives it the requisite passion and commitment that we expect from our encounter with Tanakh … appreciating its relevance and sanctity through the medium of in-depth analysis.” Dr. Ziegler will speak at the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates on Shabbos, February 6-7th; the Young Israel of North Woodmere on Motzei Shabbos, February 7th ; Congregation Hochma Umussar in Brooklyn on Sunday morning, February 8th and Congregation Etz Chaim on Monday night, February 9th. Book signings will take place at each event after Shabbos. Originally from Philadelphia, Dr. Ziegler currently resides in Alon Shevut, Israel, with her husband and their five children. She has a BA from Stern College and MA/PhD from Bar-Ilan University. Please contact each relevant venue for further details. For more information on Dr. Ziegler’s book, see www.korenpub.com. Mazal Tov! Sarah & Asher Goldenberg on the birth of a daughter CHEDVA Mazal Tov to the Grandparents Shani Stone and Reuven Stone and to the Great Grandmother Lynne Stone Our best wishes! Rochel & Jerry Markovitz By: Leil Shishi & Emunah Publishing Do you need a push? No! Please! No pushing! Just give me a moment to focus my dizziness and find my feet! There’s a whole line of people waiting for you to go. go already! If we go back down on the ski-lift, does it count as going down the slope? To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 33 1/30/15 THE JEWISH JNS.ORG: FULL NEWS COVERAGE At U.N., Israeli president calls for action against anti-Semitism: The blizzard in the northeastern U.S. did not pass over Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, whose scheduled speech for International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the United Nations on Tuesday was postponed by one day due to the harsh weather. With a forecast of more than three feet of snow in New York, Rivlin’s entourage attempted to stick to the original schedule as best as they could. Rivlin met with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday. The two spoke about International Holocaust Remembrance Day and anti-Semitism in Europe, as well as diplomatic issues. Ban’s office released a statement on the meeting saying that he and Rivlin also discussed how to restart peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Rivlin called for the appointment of a permanent anti-Semitism envoy at the U.N. and for anti-Semitism awareness to be increased. The Israeli Foreign Ministry is hosting thousands of events throughout the world for International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Tuesday. The main event is at the U.N., with Rivlin, Ban, and Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum Director Avner Shalev in attendance. “Anti-Semitism affects all of humanity, and it is my hope you will continue to lead the U.N.’s fight against it,” Rivlin told Ban on Monday. “I want to thank the secretary-general for the invitation to be a part of this event, and for his unwavering commitment to the fight against anti-Semitism.” Two rockets fired from Syria explode in Israel’s Golan Heights: At least two rockets were fired from Syria into Israel early Tuesday afternoon, setting off warning sirens in the northern part of the Golan Heights. Local residents reported hearing explosions. Shortly before 1 p.m., sirens sounded in the northern Golan communities of Majdal Shams, Odem, El Rom, Buq’ata, Mas’ade, Neve Ativ, Nimrod, and Ein Qiniyye. The rockets 34 exploded in open areas in the Golan, and no injuries or damage were reported. The IDF returned fire at the source of the rocket fire in Syria. Lt. Col. Peter Lerner of the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit tweeted, “Following rockets striking the Golan Heights, #IDF responded with artillery towards the positions that launched the attack.” In the wake of the rocket attack, visitors were evacuated from the Mount Hermon ski site. An IDF source said on Tuesday that Hezbollah had launched the rockets, but emphasized that Israel “sees Syria as responsible for all fire emanating from its territory,” Yedioth Achronoth reported, On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, survivors and leaders mark 70 years since Auschwitz liberation: More than 300 Holocaust survivors along with world leaders gathered at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp on Tuesday to commemorate the 1.1 million people killed there, as well as the millions of other victims killed during the Holocaust, as part of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Halina Birenbaum, an 85-year-old Polish-Jewish survivor of the camp, said at the ceremony that Auschwitz was “like nothing similar to anything in human experience.” “Cursing, beatings, sophisticated torture, corporal punishment for petty offenses or for nothing at all. Columns of people being led to gas chambers. A pillar of fire straight to the sky. Trains and trains full of new victims,” she said, the Wall Street Journal reported. In a speech, president of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder warned that “slowly the demonization of Jews started to come back. Once again, young Jewish boys are afraid to wear yarmulkes on the streets of Paris and Budapest and London. Once again, Jewish businesses are targeted. And once again, Jewish families are fleeing Europe.” To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] CONT. ON P35 THE JEWISH JNS CONT. FROM P34 Jewish leaders express mixed feelings on new Greek government: Jewish leaders have expressed both hope and concern over the outcome of the Greek election on Sunday, in which the radical left-wing Syriza party won 149 parliament seats and 36.3 percent of the vote. Syriza officials have called for the end of Israel’s “brutality against Palestinians,” and Panos Kammenos—the leader of the rightwing Independent Greeks (ANEL) party, with whom Syriza formed a majority coalition—garnered accusations of anti-Semitism last December for claiming that Greek Jews do not pay taxes. Golden Dawn, an extreme-right neo-Nazi party, placed third in results that polls suggested were driven largely by voters’ economic concerns. The Greek Jewish community consists of about 5,000 people out of the country’s total population of 11.2 million, according to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). The community has experienced rising anti-Semitic sentiment that is correlated with both the country’s economic crisis as well as escalations in the IsraeliPalestinian conflict such as last summer’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. Survey: 84% of Palestinians think Israel may be behind Paris attacks: A poll conducted by the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency found that 84.4 percent of Palestinians believe that Israel may have played a role in the recent Islamist terror attacks in Paris. “The overwhelming majority believe that the murders of the French [citizens] in Paris were suspicious operations, and that Israel may be behind them,” said the survey, which interviewed 6,090 Palestinians. Meanwhile, according to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), several columnists at the official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida published a series of articles claiming that Israel was behind the attacks. The writers claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Mossad spy agency planned the attacks in order to “get revenge on European governments” because of their “support for an independent Palestinian state.” Ari Ne’eman, disability selfadvocate on a national stage, receives $100K inclusion prize: Disability self-advocate Ari Ne’eman, a member of the President’s National Council on Disability, on Monday was named the recipient of the second annual Morton E. Ruderman Award in Inclusion, a $100,000 prize from the Boston and Israel-based Ruderman Family Foundation (RFF) that “recognizes an individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the Jewish world and the greater public.” Ne’eman, 27, is the president and co-founder of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, which seeks to increase the representation of Autistic people across society. Appointed by President Barack Obama to the National Council on Disability in 2009, Ne’eman has served as a public member on the 1/30/15 Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, a federal advisory committee that coordinates autism-related efforts within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. IDF places concrete blocks along northern Israeli roads to foil snipers: The Israel Defense Forces has placed concrete blocks along border roads in northern Israel to protect drivers and passengers from possible sniper fire in retaliation for the recent airstrike that killed Hezbollah terrorists and an Iranian general in Syria, Israel Hayom reported. Suspicious movement on Sunday evening caused Israeli officials to block off roads in northern Israel’s Yesha-Adi area and to summon local rapid-response teams. Shortly after the alert went out, it became clear that there was no security incident. Nevertheless, the IDF is maintaining an expanded presence along the northern border in light of threats by Hezbollah and Iran to avenge the reported Israeli airstrike. The IDF has deployed additional infantry and artillery units along the border with Lebanon, the Israeli Air Force has moved to a high alert level, and Iron Dome anti-missile batteries have been deployed in northern Israel. Netanyahu’s sons are targets for Iranian assassination, website says: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s sons Yair and Avner are among Iran’s potential targets if the country seeks revenge for the recent killing of several Iranian military figures in an airstrike that has been attributed to Israel, the Iranian news website Mashregh reported. Mashregh featured a photo of Yair and Avner with sniper’s scopes superimposed on their faces. The list of possible Iranian targets on the website also included Gilad and Omri Sharon, sons of former prime minister Ariel Sharon, and Shaul Olmert, son of former prime minister Ehud Olmert. The Iranian article stated that the potential targets fulfilled the criteria for assassination because they all served in the Israeli military. Israeli foreign minister orders distribution of latest CONT. ON P37 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 35 1/30/15 THE JEWISH MINDY LEVANA CONT. FROM P27 CONT. FROM P20 sister, her neighbor, etcetera, etcetera until I’ll have the honor of getting to know all the extended family, including their friends and neighbors from present and past. Hmmm… never knew history could be so interesting… But as you can see, I’ve decided to continue publishing recipes nonetheless and in the meantime, I managed to change this history hysteria into something hysterical. Now that’s a lesson to learn! translucent. Add all remaining ingredients except caraway seeds and the pepper, and bring to a boil. Reduce the flame to medium and cook, covered, 1 hour. Add the caraway seeds and the pepper and cook another 10 minutes. Cream with an immersion blender until smooth. Adjust the texture and seasonings. Serve hot. Makes a dozen ample servings. Before we go to today’s questions, here’s an Email I’d like to share with you: Hi Mindy! I’m sending you this to tell you how excited I am about the whole wheat pizza recipe you included in your article from November 29th 2014. I must thank you for the best recipe ever and I know, since I’ve been making pizza for years, each time trying something else but never with such results. It was just perfect! Thanks for letting us in on your secrets! An ecstatic balebusta So if you didn’t try my pizza recipe yet, it’s time you do…And now for the Q&A’s: Q. The day before I saw your hot pepper story from your last column in the paper, the same thing happened to me! But there was no ice around for me to suck on. What could’ve I done instead? A. I’ve heard recently that sprinkling salt on your tongue can be helpful in neutralizing the heat. It’s definitely worth a try! Q. Why is it that whenever I make kokosh cake, the “kokosh” oozes out leaving the cake fillingless? A. Firstly, make sure to fold in both ends of chocolate filled dough before you roll up your kokosh cake. Another good idea is to bake each roll in a Bundt pan, seam side down. This way, even if the filling will ooze out somewhat, it’ll stick to the cake. Q. I bake rolls with spelt flour but for some reason, they don’t come out as soft as the storebought ones. What’s the secret to making great spelt rolls that are 36 soft and not crumbly? A. The correct balance between the ingredients is what will ensure a non-crumbly outcome. As an occasional user of spelt flour myself, I find that it “behaves” just like whole wheat flour. Meaning – any recipe that calls for whole wheat can successfully be substituted with spelt. Being that spelt is considered a healthier grain than wheat and is easier to digest, its price is somewhat higher but it’s what dieticians, nutritionists and naturopaths recommend today. I’m including a bread machine spelt bread recipe but you can make it by hand and form your own rolls if you wish. Bread Machine Spelt Bread 1 cup water 1½ tablespoons olive oil 1½ tablespoons honey 3 cups spelt flour 1½ teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons dry yeast Put all the ingredients into the bread machine pan and choose the French option. Remove from machine after the beep indicates the bread is done. Remove from pan and cool totally on a rack before slicing. GOLD CONT. FROM P28 Aharon Leib Shteinman, shlita, felt compelled to interrupt their packed schedules and travel to the home of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe in Kiryat Vizhnitz in Bnei Brak to participate in the first Nesius gathering of the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha. Nesius members who participated were HaGaon HaRav Berel Povarsky, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Ponovezh, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, shlita, HaGaon HaRav Shimon Badani, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva Torah V’Chaim, the Sanzer Rebbe, shlita, the Boyaner Rebbe, shlita, HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron, the Alexander Rebbe, shlita, the Modzhitzer Rebbe shlita, and HaGaon HaRav Binyomin Finkel, Mashgiach of the Mir Yeshiva of Yerushalayim, who chaired the event. In addition, Dirshu has merited to have an American Nesius of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha led by Gedolei Rosh Yeshivos and Admorim. The American Nesius is comprised of luminaries of Torah and piety such as the Skulener Rebbe, shlita, the Roshei Yeshiva of Lakewood, HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Malkiel Kolter, shlita, and HaGaon HaRav Yeruchim Olshin, shlita, HaGaon To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] HaRav Yosef Harari Raful, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Ateret Torah, HaGaon HaRav Matisyahu Solomon, shlita, Mashgiach Beis Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, the Vizhniter Rebbe of Monsey, shlita, HaGaon HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of South Fallsburg, HaGaon HaRav Yechezkel Roth, shlita, the Karlsberger Rov, and HaGaon HaRav Asher Anshel Katz, shlita, the Vienner Rav. Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha has united the venerated senior Gedolei Yisrael representing the entire cross-section of Torah Jewry, k’ish echad b’lev echad. These gedolim have come together not only to encourage Klal Yisrael to bring daily halacha into their lives, but also to give a sense of urgency on how important it is for every Jew to be familiar with the halachos of daily living and thus realize the primacy of making a daily halacha seder. Daf HaYomi B’Halacha is an ideal way to accomplish that goal. Without a doubt, one of the primary highlights was the words of chizuk of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, shlita. Rav Shteinman spoke about the importance of CONT. ON 39 1/30/15 THE JEWISH JNS CONT. FROM P35 Charlie Hebdo issue: After Israel’s Steimatzky bookstore chain canceled a special sales event for the latest issue of France’s Charlie Hebdo magazine following Arab pressure, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman instructed activists of his Yisrael Beiteinu party to purchase thousands of copies of the magazine’s Jan. 14 issue and distribute them to the public.The issue—printed after 12 people were killed in an Islamist terrorist attack on the magazine’s Paris offices—features a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed holding a sign saying, “Je Suis Charlie” (I am Charlie), with a headline above the cartoon reading “Tout Est Pardonné” (All Is Forgiven). Masud Ganaim, an Arab member of the Is- GEWIRTZ CONT. FROM P17 and his wife ran a food pantry and when he won a contest at a local ShopRite, that $250 gift card went straight towards that food pantry. He was a known personality in his community who was renowned for his constant smile which he somehow managed to maintain no matter how many people he shared it with. He loved to make people happy and that’s why they loved him. He loved HaShem and wanted people to feel just how loved they were by HaKadosh Baruch Hu. He believed in me. He encouraged me. He made me realize that I could do so much and had so much to offer Klal Yisrael and the world. These are not just my thoughts, but the thoughts of a myriad of friends and acquaintances that he had. I take that HOFF CONT. FROM P16 change down my throat. I would want to have a voice and be part of the process. I also would likely not want to change any more than I had to, because change can be upsetting if not downright painful. Perhaps at this point the coach would seize upon Barry’s awareness of the challenges of change to explore healthy change-related techniques. Possibilities include equity building and presenting the raeli Knesset from the Ra’am-Ta’al party, sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urging him to intervene to stop the Steimatzky event, calling the sale of the magazine a “very dangerous and stupid” step that would “lead to great uproar and anger among the Arabs and Muslims in [this] country in particular and in the world in general.” Steimatzky itself later canceled the in-store event, but said it would sell copies of the Charlie Hebdo issue on its website. Lieberman said Sunday said that “we will not allow radical Islam to terrorize us,” arguing that the demands made by Arab Knesset members not to distribute the magazine threatened to “turn Israel into ISIS (Islamic State).” “It would turn the state of Israel into a country that cows to threats and undermines freedom of expression,” Lieberman said. back. I don’t know if he had acquaintances. I think once you knew him, you felt he was much closer; your friend, supporter, and staunch ally. Others will tell you stories of his efforts to make people smile, his gloriously excruciating puns and coffee references, with a little bit of politics mixed in. They will talk of his work in helping people find rides, shidduchim, jobs, and how, when he found a product or service that one of his friends provided, he would share that with so many people, always happy to help someone make a buck, and not asking for a cut, even when he needed it himself. He confided in me that when the mortgage market bubble burst, he was one of the casualties. He was pained that he could no longer write the tzedaka checks of the size he used to. But through that pain, he kept smiling. I recall one WEXLER CONT. FROM P6 wrong.” After all, is that not the very same right that the secular majority has afforded them for close to seven decades now? An embrace of our fellow Jews is itself an extension of the same Torah values they hold so dear. Our sages caution us that derech eretz kadma la-Torah, the way of the world precedes the Torah. We must first be part of the world before we can be part of Torah. If the haredi world believes they have a mission to be a “light unto the nations” then they must become part of Israel beyond backroom politics securing budgets for their continued separatism. We need the haredim. In a generation in which we are beginning to question our rights to this land and our role as the Chosen People, the haredim offer an un- day when we spoke and he shared a glimpse of the burdens he was carrying. It was a conversation that lasted maybe a minute or two but his biggest concern was, “I’m finding it a challenge to keep smiling today.” But smile he did. abashed narrative asserting our connection to the land and the special role the Jewish people play in history. But the haredim also need us! They need us to provide the goods and services necessary to sustain the yeshivot and their way of life. They need us to provide the infrastructure that a state requires in the 21st century. They need us as to serve as the utensil for the content they are producing. Instead of rejecting from afar the state’s institutions as devoid of Torah, how about accepting the invitation to come and try to influence from within? I have no doubt that such an influence will be beneficial to all parties involved and will yield a true example of Jewish unity. The writer is a doctoral candidate in Jewish philosophy and currently teaches in many post-high-school yeshivot and midrashot. Each week, when I sent him a copy of my Parsha sheet, he would see how many of the items he could share with his diverse group of followers. Sometimes I’d hit a double or a triple, and CONT. ON P39 challenges facing the company and asking for input. In this column I will endeavor to present usable coaching concepts and techniques that can help each of us better achieve our own optimization and fulfillment. I look forward to growing with you in our goal of leading more inspired and fulfilling lives. Rabbi Naphtali Hoff is an executive coach and President of Impactful Coaching and Consulting (ImpactfulCoaching.com). He can be reached at 212.470.6139 or at [email protected]. To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 37 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Flatbush Basketball League ‘14-’15 Week #9 Recap: China Glatt Division: It was yet another amazing game played by Batampte Pickles this week as they tried to get their first win against Supreme RX Pharmacy. Batampte was up for most of the game and even led at half by 4 points, as Ezra Azoulay and Yisroel Azarfar were leading the charge with 16 and 10 respectively. However, it came down to the final few minutes in which Supreme’s leader 38 Ezra Beyda (got it right this time) took over. He ended the game with a season high 35 points as they continue to keep Batampte winless with a 39-33 victory. Next week’s matchups: Batampte vs. Pizza Heaven and Oh Baby vs. Supreme RX may give us a glimpse into what the playoffs may look like for these little stars… In another close game, it was Pizza Heaven facing off against Oh Baby. With the absence of Shimon Greeenwald, Pizza Heaven was looking to still secure a win. However, Mordechai Lebovits (14 points) and Co. for Oh Baby had different plans. As the game was only played 4 on 4, many players were in the scoring column. At the half, Oh Baby was up by 2 points, as Dovid Kapetas had 14 for Oh Baby and managed to squeak by Pizza Heaven by a score of 34-30. Yitzy Waxman and newly acquired Tuli Lowy led scores for Heaven with 16 and 10. Going into Week #10, let’s see who will face who in the playoffs… Jewish Home Division: In a game to decide the #1 seed, Pizza Nosh faced Holy Schnitzel in what promised to be an exciting game. In a back and forth battle, Pizza Nosh gave it all they got, having 5 players with points on the board. The leaders were Yossi Muller with 14 and Moshe D. Rosenberg not far behind with 10. For Holy Schnitzel, Mordechai Cohen seemed to dominate with 18, including an almost full court swish shot to end the first half the game. Elihau Hara had 14 as well for Schnitzel. At the end, it was Pizza Nosh that was victorious with a score of 43-37 going into week #10. As of now, they claim the #1 seed, however, let’s see what next week brings… ITP faced Quality Carpet this week and it was not pretty. Coming off of a great game last week, the momentum was in the air for Quality, however, they could not convert that into a win as they lost this one by 16. Avi Goldstein was amazing scoring 15 for ITP together with Avrumi Guttman (11), Yossi Fried (10), and Yosef Kapetas (10). With a few technical fouls being given out all around due to some tempers flaring, ITP seemed to have a handle on the game from the start. Moishe Kornitzer led Quality with 15 but a one man show isn’t always the answer. ITP continues to keep the #3 seed and Quality the #4 seed. Jewish Connection Division: With The Camp Agudah Reunion in full swing, Pizza World took a break from their game vs. The Visual Image. Five players were in the scoring column as TVI swept by a depleted Pizza World team 36-24. Next week will be the final game of the regular season as Pizza World looks to rebound against Rami’s Pizza. In the final game of the night, it was Plaza Auto Leasing destroying Rami`s Pizza (don’t need to burden you with the score). Avraham Fuchs by himself nearly outscored the complete Rami’s team . Mendy Schiffenbauer helped his MVP cause with 16, Tzvi Baruch had 10 for PAL. The playoffs begin on January 31st. Come on by to cheer your favorite team @ Hudee Jr. High on Nostrand Avenue and Avenue K starting at 7:00 PM. Follow your favorite team right here in your favorite Newspaper…. 1/30/15 THE JEWISH BE A LOSER CHOICE DATES F E B R UA R Y & AVAILABLE MARCH with proper nutritional guidance by Rochelle CSPN, CFT A straightforward, no nonsense, scientific approach to proper weight management, overall health and well being. You will be motivated by our personalized and caring environment, supervised by an experienced Certified Specialist in Performance Nutrition and Certified Fitness Trainer. Introducing: Accelerated Weight Loss Program Combining Diet & Exercise Medically Approved Weight Loss Program for Children & Adolescents Unique Program Emphasizing Proper Posture for Young Adults 780 MCDONALD AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY • 718-871-1770 “Phone Consultations Also Available” T H E PA L A C E H A L L . C O M 718.438.1632 GOLD CONT. FROM P36 daily halacha, saying, “The foundation of a Jew is to conduct himself in accordance with the four orders of Shulchan Aruch. Nevertheless, from the very fact that the Chofetz Chaim wrote the Sefer Mishnah Berurah on the chelek of Orach Chaim (and according to those who maintain that it was his intention to write on all four orders, the fact GEWIRTZ CONT. FROM P37 sometimes he’d message me, “Home run! I posted your Dvar Torah and the story, the Did You Know is going up at 3 o’clock, and I’m going to tweet your Thought of the Week.” Those were times I felt on top of the world. He made me feel like I was special and the fact that he was sharing this Torah with others was of little consequence. I sent him some of my articles and he helped me figure out which ones to put in my book, The Observant Jew. He, through the auspices of Survival Through Education, his kiruv organization which provides books of worth helping the Chosen People choose, helped me publish it, and kept a number of copies to share with people who “won” his online contests, ones they never even realized they’d entered. I was touched to hear from his son, Shaya, that from the day that he received the book, R’ Dovid read one section each week at the Shabbos table for the family. He believed in me, and made me believe in myself more. When the car he was riding in to a Kiruv convention skidded that he chose to start with Orach Chaim) shows that one must learn halacha daily. Orach Chaim is unique in that it outlines the daily halachos that every Jew must know. This is the chelek that a person must live with every day of his life. Thus he must learn it every day of his life.” The Chairman of the evening, Rav Binyomin Finkel mentioned that the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha across the median on an icy road and collided with another vehicle, Dovid was called to the Home Office and the truth about just how much he did came out as we, the friends he left behind, compared notes. I’m out of space but not out of memories. The legacy that Dovid Winiarz left with me, which I want to share with all of you, is that each of us can do amazing things, and that we should try to see the amazing side of those around us too. A smile goes a long way, and believing in someone goes even further. We will try to “Stay great,” Dovid. Yehi Zichro Baruch. Did you like this article? There’s plenty more where that came from! Pick up The Observant Jew, a compilation of some of the best articles from the first ten years of this column, at your local bookstore or order it online and bring the inspiration home. Jonathan Gewirtz is an inspirational writer and speaker whose work has appeared in publications around the world. He also operates JewishSpeechWriter.com, where you can order a custom-made speech for your next special occasion. Sign up for the Migdal Ohr, his weekly PDF Dvar Torah in English. Email [email protected] and put Subscribe in the subject. © 2014 by Jonathan Gewirtz. All rights reserved. was established upon the advice of HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv, zt”l. The Vizhnitzer Rebbe then addressed the assemblage, explaining the well-known words of Chazal, “Kol hashoneh halachos b’chol yom muvtach sh’ehu ben Olam Haba’ah—He who learns halachos every day is assured a place in the world to come. B’chol yom means everyday but it can also mean, ‘throughout the day’. When a person learns halacha daily his entire day is one long manifestation of learning and fulfilling halacha,” concluded the Rebbe. Although the Gerer Rebbe, shlita, was unable to attend, he told Dirshu leaders. “It is very important to convince and urge people to learn halacha. It is the desire of Hashem that every Jew should know practical halacha properly so that he can fulfill Torah and mitzvos in accordance with halacha. “A tremendous responsibly rests upon marbitzei Torah and mechanchim to influence their talmidim to institute a non-negotiable seder in practical halacha. It is not sufficient to be a lamdan or someone who knows Torah. Without knowledge of halacha, a person is missing the “orach chaim”, the path of life that must characterize every Jew. HaGaon HaRav Shimon Badani, shlita, brought proof from pesukim that specifically when the world is in a terrible situation, when Jewish blood is being spilled and so many want to ruin the Jewish Nation, the solution to neutralize the middas hadin and invoke middas harachamim is to learn halacha. The Sanzer Rebbe picked up where Rav Badani left off saying fitness & weight management C H O I C E DAT E S AVA I L A B L E F O R that the holy seforim relate that the learning of halacha has the power to neutralize terrible gezeiros. The American Nesius of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha The creation of the American Nesius of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha has similarly inspired American Jewry to recognize the importance of a serious daily halacha seder. According to Rabbi Ahron Gobioff, Dirshu’s American Director, the enthusiasm shown by all the Gedolei Yisrael representing the Sephardic World, the Yeshiva World and the Chassidic World, is deeply moving. They were full of praise and excitement about the benefits for all of Klal Yisrael that would be gained through mass enrollment in such a program. In a beautiful display of the importance with which the American Nesius attaches to the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program they signed a historic document outlining the hashkafa behind the program and explaining why it has garnered such an enthusiastic worldwide backing of Gedolei Yisrael. It says, “It is impossible to properly depict the importance of this [Daf HaYomi B’Halacha] undertaking, because the foundation of the life of a Jew is to conduct his life in accordance with Torah...Baruch Hashem our generation has been worthy and we see kehillos comprehensively learning halacha all over the world. Together with the halacha program [Dirshu] also has established daily learning of mussar in the seforim of the Chofetz Chaim…. From here we call on all G-d fearing Jews, to be clever and join the tens of thousands already in the program and to give nachas to Hashem.” To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 39 1/30/15 40 THE JEWISH To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 1/30/15 THE JEWISH TORAH CONNECTION SNOW IN MONSEY Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Monsey To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 41 1/30/15 THE JEWISH Commemorating 70th Anniversary of Auschwitz Agudath Israel Yarchei Kallah Dutch King Willem Alexander came for the ceremony in Poland Hollywood director Steven Spielberg, who made the Holocaust film Schindler's List, was at the ceremony at Auschwitz Holocaust survivor Marek Halter, left, and Cantor Joseph Malovany with performers at the Terezin Memorial near Prague. Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) lit a candle at a ceremony in Moscow alongside Russia's Chief Rabbi, Berel Lazar Survivor Jack Rosenthal from the US displays his prisoner number RTMA Student Raises Thousands for Pediatric Cancer Patients 42 Yuda Widawski, 96, is among the oldest survivors of the Auschwitz attending the ceremonies To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 1/30/15 THE JEWISH AC ACU-ZEN HEALING WITH ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture A cupunc Moxibustion Moxibustion Cupping C upping E-Stim E-S tim G uasha Guasha T ui-Na Tui-Na Stress RRelief Stress elief • HHeadaches eadaches • Insomnia • Digestive Digestive Issues Issues • Depression Depr epression ession BBack ack Pain Pain • Joint PPain ain • Allergies Allergies • Asthma • BBoost oost Imm Immune une Sy SSystem yst stem em DEBORAH DEBORAH RO ROTHMAN, THMAN, L.A L.Ac., c., D Dipl. ipl. A Ac. c. Lic Licensed ensed A Acupuncturist cupuncturist 516.203.4500 WWW.ACU-ZEN.NET WWW.ACU-ZEN.NET • DEBOR [email protected] [email protected] To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 43
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