YOGA Sisterhood Yoga resumed in January. Please join us for stretching, breathing and relaxation. call Ellen 514-849-6776. Sponsor a Kiddush Since medieval times, Jews have acknowledged lifecycle events with special prayers, learning, schnapps and a celebratory seudah –meal. There is no better way to recognise a milestone whether it is a yarzheit, birthday, anniversary, or simply to give thanks for the good in your life than by sponsoring a Kiddush. Please contact Nelly, our Executive Director, at 514-484-1122 ext 105, to sponsor a Kiddush fully or partially. TORAH CLASS with Elizabeth on Wednesdays at 10 AM. SING WITH YOSI will resume on Tuesdays at 8:45 AM in Mid Feb. THE BOUTIQUE Visit the boutique on the main floor and view new and interesting items for sale. TORAH FUND Visit us at our website: Shabbat Schacharit 9:15 AM Mincha Immediately following Kiddush Sunday Schacharit 8:45 AM Mincha, Maariv 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday Your Torah Fund contribution strengthens and perpetuates Conservative/Masorti Judaism throughout the world. Every gift counts! Any amount is welcome! Become a BENEFACTOR with a contribution of $180.00 and in recognition of your generous SHABBAT CANDLES Friday, January 23 @ 4:30 PM Friday, January 30 @ 4:40 PM support, receive the 5775 (2014-2015) pin as our gift to you. For further information, please contact Torah Fund Co-Chairs Dorothy Tonchin at 514487-3234 or Lorna Gerson-Goldig at Shabbat Annual Selection: 514-481-6904. DAILY MINYAN Our daily Minyan service, both mornings and evenings, is in need of your participation. Please make every effort to attend as much as you can. Not only is it a great mitzvah to support those members who have Yahrzeit but it’s also a reminder to keep our traditions alive and to start or finish your day on a wonderful high. Our morning services, are followed by a healthy breakfast and great camaraderie. Looking forward to seeing you at services soon. Ron Silverstone, President MISHA BERACH We ask our congregants to kindly notify the office of the names of any members who are not well or in the hospital, in order that we may say a Misha Berach for them. Thank you. FACEBOOK Our facebook page is new and improved!! It will have all of the latest goings on right there at your finger tips. Don’t miss out!!! Be “a friend’ of Shaare Zedek. Visit us at: shaarezedekmtl TREE OF LIFE Our Tree of Life is growing...there are rocks and leaves waiting to be inscribed. Please call Gertie Zlatkin 514-933-7555 or the synagogue office for further details. Sisterhood Book Discussion Group SYNAGOGUE OFFICE: 514-484-1122 #101 OR #104 Bo: Exodus 10.1-13.16 page 374. Jeremiah 46.13-28 page 395. Congregational Kiddush on Shabbat is being held in the Naomi and Richard Davine Hall on the Upper Level. UPCOMING SIMCHAS AT SZC Mazal Tov to each of the Celebrants and their Families SIMCHA DATE CELEBRANT Wedding Call Up Sat. Feb. 7 Thurs. Feb. 12 Maria Campos & Myles Schecter. Joshua Messer son of Dan & Andrea Messer. Bar Mitzvah Fri. Feb. 20 Jacob Levine son of Jason & Brenda Levine. Bar Mitzvah MM Sat. Feb. 28 Jesse Etinson son of Lynn & Kenny Etinson. BASIC JUDAISM CLASS New class will begin on Sunday Feb. 8 and will continue weekly from On Shabbat morning January 31, 2015, Join us when we honor Dr. Earl Karanofsky Choir Director along WE EXTEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Ben Abourbih, Amanda Abrams, Sydney Aptacker, Nathaniel Blander, Rachel Curran, Larry Dankoff, Melissa Diamond, Shauna Dichter, Jerry Domanus, Charlie Etinson, Bryan Fuchs, Sarah Fuchs, Samantha Goldstein, Lauren Heller, Johnny Karls, Archie Katz, Shirley Levine, Amanda Meltzer, Sidney Rath, Graeme Rotrand, Martin Rotrand, Gordon Shore, Howard Solomon, Briana Stein, Jonah Toulch, Gail Weiser, Regina Weiss, Dr. Michael Wiseman. WE EXTEND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS TO: Carole and Myer Bick, Judith and Norman Bubis, Jodie and Joel Cobrin. WE EXTEND A HEARTY MAZAL TOV TO: Doors open 5:30pm - 10:00pm approx. Esther and Michael Deitcher and Rosalyn and Ed Wyse on the birth of their granddaughter Olivia Katie Wyse daughter of Rachelle Deitcher and Jonathan Wyse. Lila Lesk on the birth of her granddaughter Noemi Amar Lesk, daughter of Natalie Amar and Dr. Mark Lesk. Noemi is the granddaughter of the late Irvin Lesk z”l. Cynthia and Saul Melamed on the birth of their granddaughter, daughter to Dawn and Derek Melamed. Tickets include cold cut buffet and trimmings (2 beers per adult) Cost: Adult $20 , Student $15, Child under 12 $10, Immediate Family $60 (parents & children) WE WISH A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO THE FOLLOWING: Join us on Friday February 6, 2015 Fraida bat Chana Kraizel, Ha' Rav Ronnie David Zishe HaCohen ben Hinda Alizah, Myrna Kagan, Miriam bat Shoshana, Burt Spector, Chaim David ben Rivka, David Rubinstein, Claire Beer, Adeline Bratz. We look forward to welcoming them back among us completely recovered. YAHRZEITS The seder will be followed by יארצײטן Peter Blitstein, Morris Blitz, Herman Galler, Ida Grodinsky, Abraham Rosenblatt, Fanny Bernstein, Naomi Davine, Morris Grossman, Harold Lurie, Sophie Rubinstein, Florence Samuels, Sol Schwartz, Shirley Zuckerman, Rabbi Jonah Indech, Anne Katz, Mannie Shore, Harry Zukerman, Sidney Burke, Esther Cohen, Libby Kalisky, SHAARE ZEDEK CEMETERY DISCLAIMER: We sincerely regret and apologize for any errors and/or omissions in this publication. Kindly advise the synagogue of important life cycle events. At a recent meeting, the Board of Directors has voted to increase the cost of a cemetery plot at Eternal Gardens, Shaare Zedek Section, from $1800 to $2000, effective April 1, 2015. In order to take YOGA Sisterhood Yoga resumed in January. Please join us for stretching, breathing and relaxation. call Ellen 514-849-6776. Sponsor a Kiddush Since medieval times, Jews have acknowledged lifecycle events with special prayers, learning, schnapps and a celebratory seudah –meal. There is no better way to recognise a milestone whether it is a yarzheit, birthday, anniversary, or simply to give thanks for the good in your life than by sponsoring a Kiddush. Please contact Nelly, our Executive Director, at 514-484-1122 ext 105, to sponsor a Kiddush fully or partially. TORAH CLASS with Elizabeth on Wednesdays at 10 AM. SING WITH YOSI will resume on Tuesdays at 8:45 AM in Mid Feb. THE BOUTIQUE Visit the boutique on the main floor and view new and interesting items for sale. TORAH FUND Visit us at our website: Shabbat Schacharit 9:15 AM Mincha Immediately following Kiddush Sunday Schacharit 8:45 AM Mincha, Maariv 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday SHABBAT CANDLES Your Torah Fund contribution strengthens and perpetuates Friday, January 30 @ 4:40 PM Friday, February 6 @ 4:50 PM Conservative/Masorti Judaism throughout the world. Every gift counts! Any amount is welcome! Become a BENEFACTOR with a contribution of $180.00 and in recognition of your generous Shabbat Annual Selection: support, receive the 5775 (2014-2015) pin as our gift to you. For further information, please contact Torah Fund Co-Chairs Dorothy Tonchin at 514487-3234 or Lorna Gerson-Goldig at 514-481-6904. DAILY MINYAN Our daily Minyan service, both mornings and evenings, is in need of your participation. Please make every effort to attend as much as you can. Not only is it a great mitzvah to support those members who have Yahrzeit but it’s also a reminder to keep our traditions alive and to start or finish your day on a wonderful high. Our morning services, are followed by a healthy breakfast and great camaraderie. Looking forward to seeing you at services soon. Ron Silverstone, President MISHA BERACH We ask our congregants to kindly notify the office of the names of any members who are not well or in the hospital, in order that we may say a Misha Berach for them. Thank you. FACEBOOK Our facebook page is new and improved!! It will have all of the latest goings on right there at your finger tips. Don’t miss out!!! Be “a friend’ of Shaare Zedek. Visit us at: shaarezedekmtl TREE OF LIFE Our Tree of Life is growing...there are rocks and leaves waiting to be inscribed. Please call Gertie Zlatkin 514-933-7555 or the synagogue office for further details. Sisterhood Book Discussion Group SYNAGOGUE OFFICE: 514-484-1122 #101 OR #104 Beshalah: Exodus 13.17-17.16 page 399. Judges 4.4-5.31 pages 426. Congregational Kiddush on Shabbat is being held in the Naomi and Richard Davine Hall on the Upper Level. On Shabbat morning January 31, 2015, Join us when we honor Dr. Earl Karanofsky Choir Director along UPCOMING SIMCHAS AT SZC SIMCHA DATE Wedding Call Up Sat. Feb. 7 Thurs. Feb. 12 Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah Sat. Feb. 14 Fri. Feb. 20 Bar Mitzvah MM Sat. Feb. 28 CELEBRANT Maria Campos & Myles Schecter. Joshua Messer son of Dan & Andrea Messer. Jacob Levine son of Jason & Brenda Levine. Jesse Etinson son of Lynn & Kenny Etinson. BASIC JUDAISM CLASS New class will begin on Sunday Feb. 8 and will continue weekly from WE EXTEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Ellen Abramovitch, Myrna Bercovitch, Jordis Blais, Susan Cohen, Dimitri Duceac, Max Eisenberg, Seymour Eisman, Louise Finkslberg, Wendy Goldstein, Diane Granofsky, Hyman Granofsky, Karen Grossbaum, Dr. Oscar Kasner, Ana Levac, Bonnie Merson, Joseph Rakofsky, Mark Reinish, Connor Salpeter, J. Schaefer-Dickerman, Barbara Seal, Allan Tabatchnick, Anna Trottenberg, Hali Wheeler, Brittany Wolfe. WE EXTEND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS TO: Freya and Martin Gordon. WE EXTEND A HEARTY MAZAL TOV TO: Doors open 5:30pm - 10:00pm approx. Tickets include cold cut buffet and trimmings (2 beers per adult) Cost: Adult $20 , Student $15, Child under 12 $10, Carole Klein and Michael Schleifer on the birth of a granddaughter, Reagan Hollie, daughter of Gail Klein and Mike Benovich and sister to Evan. Reagan is the great granddaughter of the late Elsie and William Rubenstein z”l. WE WISH A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO THE FOLLOWING: Fraida bat Chana Kraizel, Ha' Rav Ronnie David Zishe HaCohen ben Hinda Alizah, Myrna Kagan, Miriam bat Shoshana, Burt Spector, Chaim David ben Rivka, David Rubinstein, Claire Beer, Adeline Bratz. We look forward to welcoming them back among us completely recovered. YAHRZEITS Join us on Friday February 6, 2015 The seder will be followed by DISCLAIMER: We sincerely regret and apologize for any errors and/or omissions in this publication. Kindly advise the synagogue of important life cycle events. יארצײטן Philip Frank, Beryle (Byrde) Frost, Gertrude Gilman, Ethel Goodman, Leah Kolomeir, Lester Lazarus, Joshua Rothstein, Oscar Rubinstein, Florence Albright, David Barmish, Sylvia Birenbaum, Pearl Herf, Samyel Nyman, Eruchem Prashker, Mendel Severs, Avrum Joseph Stober, Mary Brotman, Ethel Daniels, Lilian Dingott, Melvin Eidinger, Ralph Rosenberger, Abraham Wexler, Ely Wohl, Max Beral, Ida Caplan, Joseph Frackt, Morris Merson, Isak (Ivo) Perera, Anna Gail Schaefer, Morris Tanny, Florence Bennett Bernetsky, Teddy E. Berish, Joseph Busgang, Anne Goldenberg, Harry Ludwick, Max Prince, Meyer (Jack) Rosenblum, Leah Schenker, Ben Siegal, Belle Bernstein, Sofia Galler, Michael Marmerstein, Morris Rosenstein, SHAARE ZEDEK CEMETERY At a recent meeting, the Board of Directors has voted to increase the cost of a cemetery plot at Eternal Gardens, Shaare Zedek Section, from $1800 to $2000, effective April 1, 2015. In order to take
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