From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. Shear Stress-Induced von Willebrand Factor Binding to Platelet Glycoprotein Ib Initiates Calcium Influx Associated With Aggregation By Thomas W. Chow, J. David Hellums, Joel L. Moake, and Michael H. Kroll Platelets subjected t o elevated levels of fluid shear stress in the absence of exogenous agonists will aggregate. Shear stress-induced aggregation requires von Willebrand factor (vWF) multimers, extracellular calcium (Ca2+), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP)lb and GPllb-llla. The sequence of interaction of vWF multimers with platelet surface receptors and the effect of these interactions on platelet activation have not been determined. To elucidate the mechanism of shear stressinduced platelet aggregation, suspensions of washed platelets were subjected to different levels of uniform shear stress (15 t o 120 dyne/cm2) in an optically modified cone and plate viscometer. Cytoplasmic ionized calcium ([Caz+]i)and aggregation of platelets were monitored simultaneously during the application of shear stress; [Caz+]iwas measured using indo-1 loaded platelets and aggregation was measured as changes in light transmission. Basal [Ca2+li was approximately 60 t o 100 nmol/L. An increase of [Caz+]i(up t o >1,000 nmol/ L) was accompanied by synchronous aggregation, and both responses were dependent on the shear force and the presence of vWF multimers. EGTA chelation of extracellular CaZ+completely inhibited vWF-mediated [Caz+]iand aggregation responsest o shear stress. Aurin tricarboxylic acid, which blocks the GPlb recognition site on the vWF monomer, and 6D1, a monoclonal antibody to GPIb, also completely inhib- ited platelet responses t o shear stress. The tetrapeptide RGDS and the monoclonal antibody 10E5, which inhibit vWF binding t o GPllb-llla, partially inhibited shear stress-induced [Caz+]iand aggregation responses. The combination of creatine phosphatelcreatine phosphokinase, which converts ADP t o adenosine triphosphate and blocks the effect of ADP released from stimulated platelets, inhibited shear stressinduced platelet aggregation without affecting the increase of [Caz+]i. Neither the [CaZ+], nor aggregation response to shear stress was inhibited by blocking platelet cyclooxygenase metabolism with acetylsalicylic acid. These results indicate that GPlb and extracellular CaZ+are absolutely required for vWF-mediated [Ca2+]i and aggregation responses t o imposed shear stress, and that the interaction of vWF multimers with GPllb-llla potentiates these responses. Shear stress-inducedelevation of platelet [CaZ+]i,but not aggregation, is independent of the effects of released ADP, and both responses occur independently of platelet cyclooxygenase metabolism. These results suggest that shear stress induces the binding of vWF multimers t o platelet GPlb and this vWF-GPlb interaction causes an increase of [Caz+]i and platelet aggregation, both of which are potentiated by vWF binding t o the platelet GPllb-llla complex. 8 1992by The American Society of Hematology. V elucidate these mechanisms, an optically modified cone and plate viscometer was designed to measure synchronously [Ca2+Iiand aggregation of platelets subjected to various levels of shear ~tress.~JO ON WILLEBRAND factor (vWF) is a complex multimeric plasma protein that is essential for establishing a stable platelet plug at sites of vascular injury. The importance of vWF is demonstrated by the severe hemorrhagic diathesis suffered by individuals with quantitatively deficient or qualitatively aberrant vWF (von Willebrand’s disease).’ vWF may be particularly important in arterial hemostasis and thrombosis, where elevated levels of fluid shear stress (up to 400 dynes/cm*) are found.24 vWFmediated platelet aggregation has been demonstrated when pathologic levels of arterial wall shear stress are applied to platelet-rich plasma or washed platelet suspensions in the absence of any exogenous agonist.5g6Shear stress-induced platelet aggregation requires either large plasma vWF multimers or unusually large vWF multimers released from platelets or endothelial cells, and does not require chemical modification of vWF or the presence of ristocetin or b ~ t r o c e t i n Other .~ components necessary for shear stressinduced vWF-mediated platelet aggregation include adenosine diphosphate (ADP) released from blood cells, calcium (Ca2+), and metabolizing platelets with intact membrane glycoprotein (GP)Ib and GPIIb-IIIa.5,6 Platelets play an essential role in both hemostasis and the pathophysiology of acute and chronic vascular disease. Stimulated platelets not only aggregate, but release vasoactive, procoagulant, and growth factor substances that promote thrombus formation and may contribute to atherogenesis. Although much is known about the biochemical mechanisms of platelet activation and aggregation induced in stirred suspensions by ADP, thrombin, and other agonists,* the biochemical mechanisms of shear stress-induced platelet aggregation have not been defined precisely. To Blood, Vol80, No 1 (July l), 1992:pp 113-120 MATERIALS AND METHODS Washed platelet preparation. Blood was obtained from healthy individuals who had not ingested any medications for 2 weeks before donation. The blood was drawn into 15% (vol/vol) acidcitrate-dextrose (ACD). Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was obtained by centrifugation at 15% for 15 minutes. pH of the PRP was adjusted to 6.5 with ACD, and the platelets were pelletted by centrifugation at 1,900g for 15 minutes. The platelets were resus- From the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Rice Universiy, and the Medical Hematology Section, VA Medical Center and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Z. Submitted August 15,1991; accepted Februaty 28, 1992. Supported in part by Grants HL18584 (J.D.H.) and HL35387 (J.L.M.)from the National Instiiutes of Health, by a grant provided by the VA Merit Review Board (M.H.K), and by the TexasAfdiate of the American Heart Association {M.H.K). M.H.K is the recipient of a Clinical Investigator Award from the Public Health Service (PHS) (HL02311) and an award from the Bwmedical Research Support Group of the Baylor College of Medicine (PHS RR-05425). Address reprint requests to Michael H. fioll, MD, Hematology Section, Baylor College of Medicine, 6565 Fannin, MS 902, Houston, Z 77030. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 8 1992 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/92/8001-0006$3.00/0 113 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. CHOW ET AL 114 pended and washed in a HEPES buffer solution (10 mmollL HEPES. 145 mmollL NaCI. 5 mmollL KCI, 0.5 mmollL Na2HP04, 1 mmollL MgSO4.5.5 mmollL glucose, and 3.5 glL bovine serum albumin [Sigma Chemical Co,St Louis, MO]), pH 7.0. containing 0.1 mmollL CaCl2, 50 UlmL sodium heparin (from porcine intestine; Elkins-Sinn, Inc, Cherry Hill, NJ), and 2.5 UlmL apyrase (Grade V, Sigma). The washed platelets were then either loaded with indo-llAM (described below), or pelletted by centrifugation . mfor IO minutes and resuspended in HEPES buffer, pH 7.4, at 1 containing 1 mmol/L CaC12. The platelet concentration was adjusted to 300,OOOlpL using an electronic particle counter (Model ZBI; Coulter Electronics, Inc, Hialeah, FL). Before each viscometer experiment, it was demonstrated that these platelets aggregated normally in response to collagen (2 pg/mL; Hormon-Chemie. Munich, Germany) and ADP (5 pmollL; Sigma) in the presence of fibrinogen (1 mglmL; Helena Lab, Beaumont, TX). vWF preparation. For experiments with vWF. purified vWF multimers were added to the washed platelet suspensions. The vWF multimeric forms were purified and fractionated from normal human cryoprecipitate as described previously: and the vWF antigen levels of the purified fractions were quantified by solidphase immunoradiometric assay (IRMA)." vWF multimers were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-1% agarose gel electrophoresis, overlaid with rabbit lZI-antihuman vWF polyclonal antibody, and analyzed by The purified vWF forms used in this study were enriched in the largest multimers found in plasma.s Unless otherwise specified, a 100% antigen level (100 UldL) was added to the washed platelet suspensions. Cone ond plate vkcomerer. Washed platelet suspensions were subjected to fluid shear stress in a cone and plate viscometer (Ferranti Electric, Inc. Commack. NY). The viscometer was modified opticallyPto simultaneouslymeasure platelet aggregation and [Ca2+]i(Fig 1). Aggregation was measured by monitoring light transmission through the sample using a collimated beam of light at 690 nm incident on a photomultiplier tube interfaced with a computer. Aggregation was calculated using the following formula: percent aggregation (%T) = 100 x (T TolTb TO)where TOis the initial light transmission of the washed platelet suspension; Tb is the light transmission of buffer; and Tis the light transmission of the platelet sample during shear. Platelet particle number was - - measured using a Coulter ZBI with a channelizer interfaced with a computer as previously described." [Ca2+]iwas measured by the ratio (R) of fluorescence emission at 400 nm and 480 nm of the calcium fluorophore, indo-I, after excitation at 340 nm. Indo-1 was loaded into the platelet cytoplasm by adding 1 pmollL of its acetoxymethyl ester (indo-lIAM, dissolved in 0.1% vollvol dimethyl sulfoxide [Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR]) to the platelets suspended in HEPES buffer, and incubating for 90minutes at room temperature. The platelets were . mand resuspended in HEPES buffer (with then centrifuged at 1 1 mmol/L CaC12, unless otherwise stated) for the viscometer experiments. The indo-IIAM treatment did not affect the platelet aggregation responses to ADP and collagen.1° [Ca2+]iwas determined by measuring the minimum ratio (Rmh)with lysed indo-1 loaded platelets under calcium-free conditions (200 mmollL EGTA) and the R, under calcium-saturated condition (20 mmol/LCaC12)and using the following equation: [Ca-.+]i= K,j(Fo/ F, ) (R Rmin)/(R, R).l2 FolF, is the ratio of fluorescent emission at 480 nm under calcium-free (0) and calcium-saturated (m) conditions and the K,j for the Ca2+lindo-l complex is 250 nmollL. Background autofluorescencewas obtained from platelets subjected to the same washing procedure without loading of indo-IlAM. For shear experiments, purified vWF multimers were added to indo-1 loaded platelets and the mixture (600pLvolume) was then placed on the viscometer platen. The application of shear stress and the measurement of light transmission and fluorescence signals were started simultaneously. All shear experiments were performed at room temperature. EGTA ond Mnz+ erperimenrs. Indo-1 loaded platelets were resuspended in buffer without added Ca2+.Just before the viscometer experiments. either 1 mmol/L EGTA or 1 mmollL CaCl2 was added. For experiments with MnZ+, the loaded platelets were resuspended in buffer with 2 mmollL CaC12. Just before the viscometer experiments, varying concentrations of MnC12 (0 to 4 mmol/L) were added. Aurin tricarboxylic acid (ATA) and RGDS experiments. Dialyzed fractionsof ATA polymers(Sigma) greater than 2,500 daltons were prepared as previously described.I3 Purified vWF multimers were incubated with ATA (6 pglmL final concentration), or its vehicle, - - PhotomultiplierTubes with Attached Filters Indo- 1 Loaded Platelets A I I 900 Collimator ~ I Trifurcated Fiber Optic Cable 340 nM Filter Fig 1. F l u o " c e m(~wrementaIn the optkally modifkd cone and plate vbC0ma.r. PIatekt [W+I,woo monitored bv manuring fluorescencemission at 400 nm and 480 nm of Indo-1 loaded platektr after excitation at 340 nm. The phatomuklpllert u b s convert fluorescence emissions to electrical signals that am then amplHied, digitized, and stored by a computer. The light transmission equipment for platelet aggregation measurements am similar, except that a bifurcated flberoptic a b l e h wed. Ught transmission at 690 nm was measured using a broad band filter as doscribed in Materials and Methods. The fluorescence and tranamission equipment were adjacent to one another, and both measurements were made simultaneously during the shear experiments. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. SHEAR STRESS-INDUCED PLATELET CALCIUM INFLUX 115 for 1minute at room temperature, and then the mixture was added to washed platelet suspensions. The tetrapeptide RGDS (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid-serine) was obtained from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA). Washed platelet suspensions were incubated with RGDS (ZOO p,mol/L), or its vehicle, for 1 minute. This concentration completely inhibits platelet aggregation caused by ligand binding to GPIIb-IIIa.14~15 Monoclonal antibody (MoAb) aperiments. Purified murine MoAbs 6D1 (against GPIb16) and 10E5 (against GPIIb-IIIa17)were generously provided by Dr Barry S. Coller (State Universityof New York Health Science Center at Stony Brook). Washed platelets were incubated for 5 minutes at room temperature with either 6 pg/mL of 6D1 or 10 p,g/mL of 10E5. These concentrations completely inhibit aggregation associated with ligand binding to GPIb or GPIIb-IIIa, re~pectively.~~J~ CPICPK and acerylsalicylic acid (ASA) wperiments. Creatine phosphate (CP, Sigma), 5 mmol/L, and ZOO U/mL creatine phosphokinase (CPK, Sigma) were added to platelet suspensions immediatelybefore viscometer experiments.ASA-treated platelets were prepared by either the administration of 640 mg of ASA to normal donors an hour before venipuncture or by incubating PRP for 30 minutes at room temperature with 55 pg/mL ASA. ASA (Sigma) solution was prepared by dissolving 10 mg of ASA in 1mL of absolute ethanol and then adding 10 mL of 140 mmol/L NaCI. One hundred microliters of this solution was added to 10 mL of PRP for the 30-minute incubation. Control platelet samples were treated identically except that ASA was omitted from the incubation solution. 1400 1200 - 1000 - RESULTS In the presence of purified vWF multimers (100% antigen level), platelet [Ca2+Iiand aggregation increased in response to increasing levels of fluid shear stress. Figure 2 shows platelet [Ca2+Iiresponses to shear stresses of 30,60, 90, and 120 dynes/cm2. The greatest elevation of [Ca2+]i occurred at 90 and 120 dynes/cm2:[Ca2+Iiincreased from a basal level of 60 to 100nmol/L to a maximal level of > 1,000 nmol/L 100 seconds after the initiation of shear stress. Higher shear stresses induced a considerable amount of platelet aggregation, as shown in Fig 2. To corroborate the validity of the aggregation data measured optically in real-time, washed platelets were subjected to different shear stresses and the platelet number determined by an electronic particle counter. Figure 3 demonstrates that shear stress-induced aggregation measured as the percent reduction of the initial particle number correlates well with the extent of aggregation determined in the optically modified cone and plate viscometer; however, electronic particle counting is more sensitive for measuring the small aggregates that develop in the absence of exogenous vWF or at the lower shear Figure 3 also shows no significant decrease of the platelet particle number at a shear stress of 15 dynes/cm2. Similarly, no [Ca2+Ii response or optical evidence of aggregationwas observed at r 60 dynes/cmi A I 5 - - m o_ 800 - t 600 - K 2ook 400 - control 0 30 dyneslcm' .- Fig 2. Simultaneous measurement of [Caz+],and platelet aggregation of plateletssubjected to varying levelsof shear stress. Washed human plateletsuspensions with (vWF) or without (control) purified vWF multimers (100Y0antigen level) were subjected to shear stresses of 30,60,90,and 120 dynes/cmz. The [Ca*+l,and aggregation data (representative of eight separate experiments)were obtainedsimultaneouslv for each sample. #! 60 dynedcm' 90 dynedcm2 60 ':H control control -20 0 50 100 0 s i 120 dynedcd -LYIJ.... 50 100 0 50 Time (seconds) 100 0 50 100 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 116 15 dynedcm 20 0 40 80 120 1r-: 30 dynedcm 0 CHOW ET AL 90dynedcm 60dynedcml 40 80 120 0 40 80 120 ~ 120 dynesk" ~ 0 40 80 120 0 Time (seconds) a shear stress of 15 dynes/cm2 in the cone and plate viscometer (data not shown). In contrast, the addition of thrombin (0.2 U/mL) to platelets subjected to 15 dynes/ cm2 shear stress in the cone and plate viscometer caused an increase of [Ca2+Ii(to 1,200 nmol/Lwithin 15 seconds) that was associated with aggregation (> 80% at 1 minute after thrombin addition). In the absence of added vWF multimers, platelets demonstrated little increase of [Ca2+]iin response to shear stress (Fig 2). However, aggregation at the higher shear stresses did increase significantly despite the absence of added purified v W F multimers (Figs 2 and 3). This is the result of aggregation supported by shear stress-induced release of vWF from the platelet or-granules.6 To determine if the quantity of exogenous vWF affects shear stress-induced responses, platelet [Ca2+]iin response to varying amounts of vWF multimers at a constant shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2was examined. Shear stress-induced changes of [Ca2+Iiincreased within a narrow range of vWF antigen levels, with an absent [Ca2+]iresponse at antigen levels less than 10% and the maximal [Ca2+li increase occurring at antigen levels between 30% and 50% (data not shown). Chelation of extracellular ea2+ with 1 mmol/L EGTA completely inhibited changes in [Ca2+]iand aggregation of platelets subjected to a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2 in the presence of exogenous vWF (Fig 4). These results suggest that shear stress-induced increases of [Ca2+]ioccur as a consequence of transmembranous influx of eaz+.To evaluate this directly, the influx of extracellular Mn2+, which occurs through the putative divalent cation channel responsible for ea2+ transport,21 was examined. Washed indo-1 loaded platelet suspensions were mixed with purified vWF multimers (100% antigen level) in buffer containing 2 mmol/L CaC12, and then subjected to a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2. Increasing concentrations of MnC12 were added to this suspension immediately before the application of shear stress. Figure 5A shows that extracellular MnC12 inhibited the increase of [Ca2+liin response to vWF and shear stress; total inhibition was observed at 4 mmol/L extracellular Mn2+. Figure 5B shows that the inhibition of platelet aggregation, as occurred in the presence of extracel- 40 80 120 Fig 3. Effect of shear stress and vWF on platelet aggregation determined by platelet particle number measurements. Washed human platelet suspensions loaded with indo-1 in the presence ( 0 )or absence ( 0 )of purified vWF muitimers (100% antigen level) were subjected to shear stresses of 15, 30, 60. 90, and 120 dynes/cn+. Platelet particle number was measured as described in Materials and Methods. lular EGTA (Fig 4), also occurred under these conditions. These results indicate that shear stress in the presence of vWFmultimers initiates an influx of ea2+that is associated with platelet aggregation. To determine if the increase of [Ca2+Iiwas produced by shear stress-induced leakage of the indo-1 fluorophore from platelets into the suspending medium, platelets were subjected to a fluid shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2 for 90 seconds, and then 2 mmol/L EGTA was injected into the suspensions in the viscometer. The addition of EGTA to the sheared platelet suspension caused no change in the fluorescence emission, indicating that shear stress-induced leakage of indo-1 was not producing signals (data not shown). To corroborate this, indo-1 loaded platelets were lysed and the resulting lysates were injected into platelet suspensions on the rotating viscometer. Injection of up to 10% (vol/vol) of the lysate from indo-1 loaded platelets (300,OoO/pL) caused no change in the calculated [Ca2+Ii (data not shown). This amount of lysis greatly exceeds the amount associated with levels of shear stress < 150 dynes/ cm2.22-24 To examine the receptor specificity of platelet responses to vWF under shear conditions, [Ca2+Iiand aggregation were measured after the selective inhibition of vWF binding to either GPIb or GPIIb-IIIa. The importance of GPIb was first studied with ATA, which binds to vWF and blocks vWF binding to GPIb.13 At all slidar stresses examined, both [Ca2+Ii and aggregation responses were inhibited completely by 6 pg/mL ATA. Figure 6, A and B, shows that, at a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2 for 100 seconds, both [Ca2+Ii and the percent aggregation failed to change in response to purified vWF multimers (100% antigen level) after preincubation with ATA. To examine further the role of GPIb in shear stress-induced changes of [Ca2+Ii, experiments were performed using the anti-GPIb MoAb 6D1.16 Both [Ca2+Iiand aggregation responses to purified vWF multimers (100% antigen level) of platelet suspensions subjected to a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2 were inhibited completely by 6 pg/mL 6D1 (Fig 6, C and D). We next examined the effect of the MoAb 10E5 (which binds to GPIIb-IIIa and inhibits vWF interaction with this GP complex17) on platelet [Ca2+]i and aggregation re- From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 117 SHEAR STRESS-INDUCED PLATELET CALCIUM INFLUX or CP/CPK, respectively. Platelets treated with ASA (both in vivo or in vitro) did not differ from non-aspirinized platelets in either the [Ca2+Iiincrease or the extent of platelet aggregation during the application of 120 dynes/ cm2shear stress in the presence of purified vWF (data not shown). In contrast, CP/CPK inhibited platelet aggregation without inhibiting shear stress-induced changes of [Ca2+Ii (Fig 7). DISCUSSION Experiments described in this report show that platelets respond to pathologic levels of shear stress ( > 3 0 dynes/ cm2) with both an increase of [Ca2+]i and aggregation. Shear stress-induced platelet responses require that exogenous vWF multimers (or vWF multimers released from platelets) bind to their platelet surface GP receptors. 100 1000 B 80 800 C .- 0 c Q icz 60 w v Ew 40 8 20 2 CI - 600 + 0, 0 0 400 200 40 80 Time (seconds) 120 Fig 4. Effect of chelation of extracellular Caz+on the simultaneous measurement of [Ca2+Ii (A) and aggregation (B) of platelets subjected t o shear stress. Platelet suspensions containing purified vWF multimers (100% antigen level) were subjected t o a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2. The samples had either 1 mmol/L CaCI, or 1 mmol/L EGTA added t o the suspending buffer just before the application of shear stress. These data are representative of six experiments. sponses to purified vWF multimers (100% antigen level) at a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2. Figure 6, C and D, shows that 10 Fg/mL 10E5 did not completely inhibit changes of [Caz+]iand platelet aggregation under these conditions. To corroborate this, platelets were pretreated with the tetrapeptide RGDS, which also binds to GPIIb-IIIa and blocks its interaction with vWF.'~,*~ Figure 6, E and F, shows that 200 pmol/L RDGS also did not completely inhibit platelet [Caz+],and aggregation responses to vWF at a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2. The extent of the inhibition with RGDS was comparable to that observed with 10E5. To evaluate the role of intact platelet cyclooxygenase activity and ADP released from the dense granules of activated platelets in vWF-mediated responses to shear stress, we measured the [Ca2+]iand aggregation responses to shear stress of platelet suspensions pretreated with ASA . -20 0 60 20 80 40 Time (seconds) Fig 5. Effect of extracellular Mn2+on [Ca2+Ii(A) and aggregation (B) of indo-1 loaded platelets exposed t o shear stress. Washed platelet suspensions containing purified vWF multimers (100% antigen level), 2 mmol/L CaCI,, and varying quantities of MnCI, (0. 2 mmol/L, 4 mmol/L) were subjected t o a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2. The M n data are representative of four experiments. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 118 CHOW ET AL Fig 6. Effect of inhibiting vWF binding to either and aggregation. GPlb or GPllb-llla on platelet fCa2+]~ Plateletsuspensionscontaining purifiedvWF multimers (100% antigen level) were subjected to a shear stress of 120 dynes/cm2. For ATA experiments(A and 6). data were obtained from platelet suspensions either in the presence (ATA) or in the absence (Control) of a dialyzed fraction of ATA enriched in polymers >2,500 daltons (6 cg/mL). For antibody experiments (C and D), data were obtained from platelet suspensions pretreated for 5 minutes with 6 pg/mL of 6D1 (anti-GPlb), 10 pg/mL of 10E5 (anti-GPllbIlla), or neither (Control). For RODS experiments (E and F), data were obtained for washed platelet suspensions either in the presence (RODS) or in the absence (Control) of 200 pmol/L of RODS. These three sets of data are representative of at least four separate experiments. The change of platelet [Caz+], is due entirely to the transmembranous influx of extracellular CaZ+.This conchsion is based on observations that EGTA, or excess extracelMar Mn2+,completely inhibits the [Ca2+],and aggregation responses. The [Caz+Iiresponse of platelets to shear stress is different from that observed with ADP- and thrombininduced platelet activation in stirred systems. Using ADP or thrombin, the majority of the platelet [Ca2+],increase is the result of release from intracellular Caz+ stores and the kinetics of the response are faster.* However, one important aspect of the [Caz+],response of platelets subjected to shear stress in the presence of vWF is identical to the response of platelets treated with soluble agonists: in both cases inhibition of the increase in platelet [Ca2+],is associated with an inhibition of aggregation. Both vWF binding sites on the platelet membrane, GPIb and GPIIb-IIIa, have been shown to be involved in shear stress-induced platelet aggregation.5,6,” Data from experiments described here allow us to suggest the relative importance of GPIb and GPIIb-IIIa in platelet responses to shear stress. When vWF binding to GPIb is inhibited by either ATAor the MoAb 6D1, both [Ca2+],and aggregation are completely inhibited. In contrast, the inhibition of vWF binding to GPIIb-IIIa only partially inhibits platelet [Ca2+], and aggregation responses to shear stress. These results show that vWF binding to GPIb is absolutely essential for shear stress-induced platelet [Caz+], and aggregation responses. vWF binding to GPIIb-IIIa potentiates platelet responses to shear stress, but, in the absence of vWF binding to GPIb, the vWF/GpIIb-IIIa interaction is insufficient for the initiation of shear stress-induced [Caz+]iand aggregation responses. Platelet [Ca2+],responses to vWF under shear stress are not affected by the inhibition of cyclooxygenase by ASA. This result is consistent with the previously demonstrated lack of effect of ASA on shear stress-induced aggregation over the initial 30 seconds of shear.6 Experiments in which CP/CPK was used to remove the effect of ADP released by platelets (or contaminating erythrocytes) subjected to shear stress demonstrate that, as has been reported previously> ADP is essential for shear strt!s$-induced platelet aggregation. In contrast, CP/CPK had little effect on the platelet [Ca2+],response to shear stress in the presence of purified vWF multimers. This shows that the [Caa+]i response to shear stress is not a consequence of feedback platelet activation by released ADP, and suggests that the shear stress-induced vWF/GPIb interaction stimulates an increase of platelet [Ca2+],that precedes ADP release. The molecular mechanisms of shear stress-induced vWF/ GPIb binding are not yet known. Previous studies suggest that shear stress does not affect the structure of plasma vWF.~Therefore, shear stress may be the physiologic (or pathophysiologic) equivalent of ristocetin: shear stress may alter some characteristic of platelet surface GPIb and permit ligand binding to O C C U ~ . Once ~ , ~ ~ bound ~ ~ to VW, platelet GPIb appears to function as a signal molecule, ] From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 119 SHEAR STRESS-INDUCED PLATELET CALCIUM INFLUX 400 sc v 300 200 100 o o l80 60 - 40 - 20 - 0 -20' 0 * * * I 40 . - - I 80 - * . ' 120 ' Time (seconds) Fig 7. Effect of CP/CPK on [Ca2+Ii (A) and aggregation (B)of platelets subjected to shear stress. Platelet suspensionscontaining a 100% antigen level of purified vWF multimers were subjected to a shear stress of 120 dynes/c& either in the preqence (CP/CPK) or in the absence (Control) of 5 pmol/L CP and 20 U/mL CPK. m e CP/CPK data are representativeof four experiments. although the mechanism of GPIb-initiated signaling is not characterized. Studies of ristocetin-induced vWF/GPIb interactions show that platelet [Ca2+],increases as a consequence of vWF binding to GPIb, and that GFIIb-IIIa is not involved in the initiation of this process.%Additionally, the strong agonist thrombin binds to GPIb and removal of the involved fragment of GPIb results in a greatly decreased platelet response to low doses of thrombin.27 Data presented in this report, based on shear stress-induced vWF binding to platelet GPIb, suggest that GPIb, after its binding to vWF, attains the capacity to signal the translocation of extracellular Ca2+into the platelet cytosol. The mechanism by which ligand binding to GPIb might open a platelet Ca2+channel is unknown, and the structure of platelet plasma membrane Ca2+ channel(s), as well as their regulation and physiologicfunction, are poorly understood.28 Other investigators have suggested that platelet GPIIb-IIIa may be a Ca2+channel or may be adjacent to a Ca2+ ~ h a n n e 1 . 2Additional ~-~~ evidence in support of this hypothesis comes from a recent report demonstrating that voltage-independent calcium currents in thrombin-stimulated platelet membranes are decreased when ligand binding to GPIIb-IIIa is blocked by an MoAb or the synthetic RGDS peptide?2 Our data showing that blocking the vWF binding site on GPIIb-IIIa of intact platelets suppresses (but does not eliminate) platelet [Ca2+],responses to vWF in the shear field (Fig 6) are consistent with the observations cited, However, it should be emphasized that the mechanism by which GPIIb-IIIa potentiates shear stressinduced platelet [Ca2+],responses is not defined. GPIIbIIIa is a binding site for vWF (that contributes to shear stress-induced aggregation) and may be a divalent cation channel, but the precise relationship between ligand binding GPIIb-IIIa and the platelet [Ca2+],response to shear stress is unknown. Results of experiments presented here suggest that the activity of a platelet Ca2+ transporter is important when pathologic levels of arterial wall shear stress are generated, such as those occurring with acute vascular occlusion in areas of vasospasm, atherosclerotic constriction, or a ruptured atherosclerotic plaque. There are also data indicating that shear stress-regulated platelet Ca2+ channels may affect the development of chronic arterial occlusive disease. It has been reported that changes of basal platelet [Ca2+], correlate with levels of shear stress in the brachial artery of hypertensive humans, suggesting that the platelet [Ca2+], response to shear stress may contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic, as well as acute, arterial disease.33 Results of experiments presented here using the cone-plate viscometer suggest a common mechanism by which arterial wall shear stress influences the pathogenesis of both acute and chronic arterial vasoocclusive disease: shear stress modulates platelet aggregation by directly affecting the level of platelet [Ca2+],. In summary, experiments presented here indicate that high levels of arterial wall shear stress ( > 30 dynes/cm2) induce plasma vWF to bind to platelet GPIb, and that this initiates the transmembranous influx of Ca2+ associated with platelet aggregation. This platelet response, which is not inhibited by ASA and is potentiated by a functional platelet GPIIb-IIIa complex, may mediate platelet aggregation at sites of arterial vasoocclusion. Elucidation of the molecular interactions regulating this pathway should provide the foundation for the development of new therapies for acute and chronic atherothrombotic diseases. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Nancy Turner for preparation of the purified vWF and Deanna Golden for assistance with manuscript preparation. REFERENCES 1. Ruggeri ZM, Zimmerman TS: von Willebrand factor and von Willebrand disease. Blood 70895, 1987 2. Back CH, Radbill JR, Crawford DW: Analysis of pulsatile viscous blood flow through diseased coronary arteries in mag. J Biomech 10339,1977 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 120 3. Lipowski HH, Usami S, Chien S: In vivo measurements of “apparent viscosity” and microvessel hematocrit in the mesentery of the cat. Microvasc Res 19:297,1980 4. 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For personal use only. 1992 80: 113-120 Shear stress-induced von Willebrand factor binding to platelet glycoprotein Ib initiates calcium influx associated with aggregation TW Chow, JD Hellums, JL Moake and MH Kroll Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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