MEDE Projec For M Myanm CINS DU ct Medic Myanmar mar

CE seeks
Projecct Medical Office
er (M/F) For Myanmar
r (based
d in Pya
apon and
d is opeen only to Myanm
mar natiionals) For more than 30 yea
ars, Médecins du Monde
e, a campaig
gning medica
al organisation committe
ed to internation
nal solidarity
y, has been caring for the
e most vulne
erable popula
ations at hom
me and abroa
ad. It has continu
ued to highliight obstacle
es that exist in accessing
g health care and has seccured sustain
nable improveme
ents in health
h­for­all policcies. Those w
working for th
his independ
dent organisa
ation do not s
solely dispense ca
are and treattment but con
ndemn violattions of hum
man dignity an
nd rights and
d fight to imp
prove matters forr populationss living in pre
ecarious situa
ations. ently works in
n 46 countrie
es across all continents w
where it focusses on 4 prio
ority areas: ca
aring MdM curre
for the heallth of migran
nts and displa
aced personss, promoting s
sexual and re
eproductive h
health, combating HIV and red
ducing the ha
arm and riskss associated w
with drug use
e, crises and conflicts. MdM has been working
g in Myanmarr since 1992. Currently, M
MdM is imple
ementing HIV
V/AIDS proje
ect in Yangon and
d Kachin and Mother and Child Health project in Py
TIES : The Project Medical Officerr works for a projecct aimed at increassing access to Primaary Health Care, Maaternal, New‐born and Child Health C
Care and ng knowledge and awareness on heaalth issues in the community, to redu
uce maternal and u
under 5 mortality in the rural populaation of increasin
Pyapon ttownship, Ayeyarwaddy Region.
The project Medical Officer is responsible forr the implementatio
on and follow‐up o
of all the outreach activities of the pro
oject in collaboration with on officer. the Community Mobilisatio
Supervisses, coordinates and
d supports the Health Assistants in thee outreach team. •
Supportss the development of the network of Community Health
h Workers, Auxiliaryy Midwives, Villagee Health Committeees, and the organization of health ed
ducation and superrvision sessions. •
Responsible for trainings reelated to Communitty Health Workers, Auxiliary Midwives, Basic Health Staffand MdM program
m staff. •
es training sessionss, arranges trainerss and invitations fo
or any training orgaanized by the projeect, and Determines training needs,, plans and prepare
evaluatees trainings and the progress of attendants. •
Preparess training contents and materials, ensu
uring adherence to MoH, MdM and intternational guidelin
nes. •
Providess trainings to MdM staff, including training‐of‐trainers (To
oT) sessions and oth
her trainings to imp
prove technical and/or communication
n skills. •
Identifies topics for health education and devvelops and tests IEC
C materials and methodologies for heaalth education sesssions, both in an individual and in a group settings •
ness of health educcation approaches aand encourage com
mmunity Works cllosely with outreach staff and local communities to ensure the appropriaten
participaation. •
Works cllosely with the outrreach team to remaain informed of devvelopments in the p
project locations, to
o review the projectt’s progress, and to
o discuss any adjustments that may b
be needed. •
Attends and supports montthly meetings at thee Rural Health Centtre. •
Helps to ensure that metho
odologies, medical guidelines/protoco
ols, and supervision
n formats used by MdM’s outreach staff and health volunteers are suitaable and also fit with the DoH/MoH guidelines. •
Ensures that Community Heealth Workers and A
Auxiliary Midwives provide an acceptaable level of qualityy of care. •
Performss any related dutiess assigned by line m
manager according tto the program nee
Participates in recruitment and evaluation of the members of the outreach teams. •
In conjunction with the CMO, prepares the monthly schedule outlining the field activities for the coming month. •
Helps to ensure adherence by all outreach staff to MdM security & safety guidelines. •
Conducts regular field visits to provide on‐the‐job training and supervision of health assistants. •
Organizes regular meetings and debrief sessions with the outreach teamregarding ongoing activities. •
Create and maintain within the office a team spirit of mutual collaboration and respect. 3. REPORTING AND COMMUNICATION •
Reports directly to Project Manager on outreach activity progress and on any other issue faced during programme activities implementation. •
Sustains good relationship with the Basic Health Staff (BHS) at township/RHC/SHC level. •
Contributes to theProject Manager andProgram Data Assistant monthly monitoring report as required. •
Participate and contribute in monitoring and evaluation reports. •
Participates in Programme meeting, Staff meeting, Programme Review and Coordination meeting with local authority, THD and other NGOs/CBOs. Any other duty assigned by line manager. Note: Due to the urgency of the role, MDM reserves the right to interview candidates before the closing date. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Starting: as soon as possible Contract: Employee fixed term contract/Full time Based in Pyapon, Visits villages as per the field trip schedule Closing date : Open Until Candidate Identified SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE NEEDED: Education ™
M.B.B.S ™
Advance diploma/ degree in public health would be advantage. Professional Experience ™
Experience working in PHC and MCH project, preferably with at least 1 year experience in international organization. Personal characteristics: ™
Motivation, dynamism, good communication skills ™
Autonomy, organization and flexibility ™
Knowledge of the rural areas of Pyapon township Languages : ™
Excellent skills in Myanmar. ™
Fluent in English especially speaking and writing. ™
Fluent in English (4 skills) is preferable Competencies ™
Experience in report writing ™
Experience in performing survey or assessment ™
Experience in setting up of guidelines, protocols and supervision formats ™
Experience in managing staff ™
Experience in working with MOH staff ™
Skill in using computer ™
Experience/ knowledge of performing medical analysis would be advantage ™
Experience in using PRA tools and BCC would be advantage INTERESTED? Please send a CV and a covering letter to the following address: [email protected]
Or MDM Country Coordination Office, Yangon No. 11 (B) , Mahar Maying Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon MdM stands up for the integration of people living with disabilities and fights against discrimination. TELEPHONE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED