SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OFFICERS SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL CITY OF LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA Serving the Silver Lake Community Since 2003 CO-‐CHAIRS Amy Clarke Charles Herman-‐Wurmfeld VICE-‐CHAIR Ted Adams TREASURER Georgene Smith-‐Goodin SECRETARY Teresa Sitz EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (323) 413-‐SLNC (7562) URL: MAIL PO Box 26385, LA CA 90026 JOINT MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY LIAISON AND OUTREACH COMMITTEES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD 7:00-9:00 PM The Neutra Institute Museum and Gallery 2379 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039 AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TIMES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. ITEMS MAY BE ADDRESSED OUT OF THE ORDER LISTED. Call to Order/Sign-‐In (2 mins) ................................................................................................ 7:00 pm a. Note Taker: Larry Lacombe Introductions (3 mins) ........................................................................................................... 7:02 pm Motion to approve minutes (see below)(3 mins) .................................................................. 7:05 pm Public comments on non-‐agenda items (2 minutes per person) (12 mins) ........................... 7:08 pm Update from the Community Liaison Committee (5 mins)………………………………………………... 7:20 pm Unfinished Business (15 minutes)……………………………………………………………………………………….7:25 pm a. Discussion and Possible Action-‐ Review logo submissions and what can be done to make one final push for more submissions? (10 mins) b. Discussion and Possible Action – Approve spending up to $500 on creating and printing a map that clearly identifies all stairways and art boxes in Silver Lake—was anyone able to find an existing map ie John was going to ask Scott. (10 mins) New Business (1 hour)……………..…………………………………………………………………………………………7:45 pm a. Discussion and Possible Action – Shall the Outreach Committee recommend moderator and format for upcoming SLNC sponsored CD4 Candidate Forum on 2/24? Also discuss suggestions for location/date/moderator/format for the next forum for the run-‐off in May. (15 mins) b. Discussion and Possible Action—Door to door canvassing to inform people about upcoming candidate forum. Which regions would be affected? Volunteers to go out in each region. Flyers? Region reps: Matthew and Joe? (10 minutes) c. Discussion and Possible Action: Get out the vote tables at farmers markets etc for upcoming March election. Sign up for weekends to be passed out at Board Meeting. John to create a sign-‐up sheet (10 mins) Discussion and Possible Action – Outreach plan for Clean-‐up at Riverside and Fletcher scheduled for February 21st from 9am-‐12pm in conjunction with Green Committee and CD 13. To be followed by another event in March date and time tbd (15 mins) e. Discussion and Possible Action: Outreach to community effected by tire slashing and /or other outreach opportunities/issues (10mins) 8. Agenda Planning (3 mins) ...................................................................................................... 8:45 pm 9. Announcements (2 mins) ....................................................................................................... 8:48 pm 10. Adjournment As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assisted listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting by contacting the SLNC Secretary, at (213) 375-‐8836, toll-‐free at 311, or e-‐mail [email protected]. d. In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-‐exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at our website by clicking on the following link:, or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact [email protected]. SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL COMMUNITY LIAISON COMMITTEE/OUTREACH COMMITTEE JOINT MEETING Monday, January 5, 2015 7:00-9:00 PM The Neutra Institute Museum and Gallery 2379 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039 Minutes Chair: Kinoka Ogsbury (Outreach) and John Wingler (Community Liaison) 1. Kinoka Ogsbury Called the Joint Meeting to Order at a. Larry Lacombe volunteered to take minutes 7:10 PM 2. Introductions Attending: Kinoka Ogsbury*, Nina Sorkin, John Wingler*, Seamus Garrity*, Christine Kantner* (observing), Charles Herman-Wurmfeld*, Stephanie Vendig (GPACC), Genelle LeVin (SLIA), John Ruby, Larry Lacombe (*) Board Members 3. Motion to approve minutes (see below)(3 mins) 7:12 pm Several corrections were noted, read out, and the minutes were approved with those corrections. Moved by KO seconded by JW Approved 8 unanimous 8 4. Public comments on non-agenda items (2 minutes per person) 7:15 pm The appointment to fill the SLNC Governing Board vacancy with Dorrit Dowler’s resignation from Region 5 Representative was discussed briefly. 5. Update from the Community Liaison Committee 7:20 pm John Wingler presented a Request & Response report 6. Unfinished Business 7:25 pm Discussion and Possible Action- Deadline for new logo design submissions extended to January 15th, 2015—No submissions to date. After a brief discussion, GL moved to extend submission deadline until February 16 at 5PM. Seconded by KO. Approved unanimous 9. KO will investigate further. Discussion and Possible Action – Approve spending up to $500 on creating and printing a map that clearly identifies all stairways and art boxes in Silver Lake. John was going to ask Scott Plante regarding any existing map. John reported that the existing map is incomplete and contains little detail; that Lisa Hart is obtaining a better map. The objective is to create a useful SLNC promotional item that could display regular meeting dates, identify NC committees, suggested “walk” routes and reference to the “adopt-a-stair” program. Mention was made of: (1) John Inman’s book “Finding Los Angeles By Foot: Stairstreet, bridge, pathway and lane” (2014) and "A Guide to the Public Stairways of Los Angeles" (2010). And also (2) Joseph Fleming’s “Secret Stairs-LA: A Walking Guide to the Historical Staircases of Los Angeles” (and the Silver Lake 1 application, a collection of five circular, self-guided walks). These authors and their publications have attracted considerable attention from local media over the years, and the public appears to have a continued, high interest in the theme, that includes the 61 stairways in “greater” Silver Lake – by far the greatest number of any Los Angeles locality. New Business 7:40 pm a. Discussion and Possible Action – Approve spending up to $500 to co-sponsor the Griffith Park Adult Community Club/Griffith Park Community Center’s 7th Annual Community Celebration - Spring Faire to be held on Saturday, April 18, 2015 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Nina Sorkin moved, GL seconded; motion passed unanimously (see attached motion). b. Discussion and Possible Action - Discussion, led by Nina Sorkin of proposed approval to spend up to $2500 to fund a portion of the cost of establishing an Outdoor Fitness Zone at Bellevue Recreation and Park Center. This would satisfy a need for a facility that does not exist nearby, although the City has over 40 such “fitness zones” in Parks Citywide. The Department of Recreation and Parks has been installing outdoor fitness equipment built for teenagers and older since 2007. Since 2013, all facilities must be ADA The projected total cost is $7,500 with the SLNC providing the initial $2,500 to kick-start the project and can be completed independent of other sponsors participation. The goal is with the initial grant from the SLNC that CD 13 and the Department of Recreation and Parks then pick up the remainder of the cost of this project (see attached draft motion). The park director (Elaine) has a concept including $5,000 to $15,000 per machine; Nina’s estimate was $1,000 to $2,500 per machine, so the proposal and committee action must be postponed until SLNC and the City can agree on the terms of a meaningful SLNC participation. c. Discussion and Possible Action – Clean-up at Riverside and Fletcher in conjunction with Green Committee and CD 13. Possibly in January. How do we tie outreach to these types of events? (10 mins) Jose DeLeon wife and neighbor have repeatedly voiced their concern with dumping and erosion at Riverside and Fletcher. Sylvan De La Cruz (the Community Organizer for the Office of Councilmember O'Farrell, formerly Deputy of Community Beautification with Tom LaBonge) called to ask for help with the clean up effort. O’Farrell’s office, with help of the LA Conservation Corps, has cleaned up the Riverside Drive sidewalks between Fletcher & Gilroy and Fletcher into Atwater regularly for the past year. The committee discussed involvement of the Elysian Valley Neighborhood Watch, creation of a Business Improvement District that might include the Car Wash, Home, Arco, the Bike Shop, Astro Coffee Shop[ and other local businesses. Discussion and Possible Action –Spend up to $200 for dog poop bag dispensers or Green bins and poop scoopers around the reservoir. Dispenser to carry SLNC logo. This item was tabled. Discussion and Possible Action—Door to door canvassing to inform people about upcoming candidate forum. The Council District 4 Candidate Forum is scheduled for February 24 in the Ivanhoe School Auditorium 7 PM to 9 PM. Affected regions: SLNC 6 and 7. Note: the Los Feliz NC Forum is scheduled for February 15 at John Marshall High School Auditorium. The committee discussed publicity for the event, including a piece in the Los Feliz Ledger this month and next; walking and canvassing the region area homes (Seamus volunteered to join that walk); having fliers printed at the CD-4 office. Agenda Planning (3 mins) – John Wingler will contact Mary Rodriguez re: the SLIA and Westerly stairs; John advises that the Silver Lake Avenue stairs have been adopted 8:45 PM Adjournment Moved (Kimnoka) Seconded (John) approved unanimous 01-25-15 by Larry Lacombe
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