OFFICIAL UPDATE This is a summary of the January 28, 2015 Franklin Township Board of Supervisors meeting. The January 21, 2015 regularly scheduled meeting had been postponed due to the weather forecast. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. In attendance were Supervisors Brindle, Schenk, Snyder and Torres. Also in attendance were the Township Planning Commission Chairman, Ralph Olivier; Manager/Treasurer Joan McVaugh, HC/HARB Chairman, Paul Lagasse and Secretary Sharon Norris. There were 2 members of the public in attendance. Public Comment: There was no public comment. Approval of Minutes: On motion by Chairman Auerbach, 2nded by Supervisor Snyder, the December 17, 2014 minutes were approved 5-0, however there is a notable update to those minutes. Supervisor Schenk pointed out that during the Public Comment discussion at the December meeting (and noted in those minutes), the Board agreed to send written notice to all residents regarding the date of Gourmet’s Delight Zoning Hearing Board hearing. However, the advice of the Township Solicitor and the Zoning Hearing Board solicitor is to NOT send notices to all residents as that would not follow the Township Ordinance. The Ordinance states that with regard to Zoning Hearing Board notices, the Township must notify property owners within 1,000 ft. of the subject properties. At the last ZHB meeting, people were given an opportunity to sign up for information and they can receive notice; however, all residents of the Township will not be receiving written notice. Information about Gourmet’s Delight can be found on the Township website. Disposition of Records: On a motion by Chairman Auerbach, Resolution 2015-07 was unanimously approved. The motion was 2nded by Mr. Torres. This authorized the erasure of the November 6 and December 4th PC meeting audio and the December 17th BOS meeting tape. Treasurer’s Report: Chairman Auerbach made a motion, seconded by Supervisor Snyder to approve the December 2014 Treasurer’s Report. The report includes the following disbursements: The General Fund with disbursements and transfers of $_535,199.28; the Park & Recreation Fund with disbursements of $_13,634.52 ; the Open Space Fund with disbursements of $_39,255.97__; Capital Reserve Fund: $17,788.86; Highway Aid Fund of $28,000.00; Emergency Services Fund with disbursements of $47,361.25; Fire Hydrant Fund with disbursements of $_580.80; leaving a balance in all funds totaling $_1,009,152.31. The motion carried 5-0. Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Report: Chairman Auerbach reported that during the month of December, 5 new permits (including 1 for a new home in Wyndemere) were issued and 29 various inspections were performed. Building/zoning fees collected: $3,011.10; Recreation and Impact fees $4,742.71; and $942.50 in miscellaneous fees. There are 4 ongoing zoning issues. Franklin Sportsman’s Association (FSA) Report – Mr. James German of the FSA reported that the season ended on January 24, 2015 and the total harvest was 13 deer – 8 doe and 5 buck. There were no known reportable injuries or issues recorded during this season. The FSA will prepare their final season report for the February BOS meeting. Mr. Auerbach thanked the FSA for their contributions to the Township. Mr. German noted that the FSA is a recreational club. Historical Commission/HARB: Mr. Lagasse gave a detailed report beginning with the organization appointments. Regarding the Eastern Shore Pipeline, the HC sent 2 comment letters to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Mr. Lagasse reported that it seems as if the 896 Improvement project was in a holding pattern according to the project path website. The Historic Commission discussed creating a subcommittee that might advocate changes to the Historic District and provide advice on preservation and enhancement. The HC is also planning a program geared toward Franklin Township residents sometime in October. Upcoming Historical Programs are: Edward “Ned” Hector, Black Revolutionary War Hero as presented by Noah Lewis, re-enactor of living history at schools, historical sites and events. Ned Hector was a free black from Pennsylvania born about 1744 and died in 1834 at age 90. Ned was a teamster / artilleryman who fought with the Colonel Proctor Regiment at the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown at age 33. He was noted for his courage during the retreat from Brandywine, when he refused to let his team, wagon, and dropped armaments fall into enemy hands. The program will be on Friday, February 6, 2015, 7:00pm at the Hopewell School on Garfield St., Oxford, PA. All are welcome, admission is free. “Discover a Landscape of Meaning Around the Delaware Arc” will be held on March 12 at the New London Academy. This will be led by author Edward Searle and will take a special look at the area near New London. Program begins at 7 p.m. HARB Report: The HARB Elected their officers and the rest of the details of their meeting can be found in the minutes when they are approved. Planning Commission Report: Ralph Olivier, Chairman, reported that the PC (at their 1.8.15) accepted the resignation of long-time member Richard Squadron. Also, the PC has begun the process of reviewing ordinances identified as needing revision to better explain the intent of the ordinance and/or to avoid unintended consequences when applied to certain specific circumstances. . Escrow Releases – Wyndemere Subdivision: - On motions by Chairman Auerbach, 2nded by Mr. Snyder, the Board authorized the releases of Escrow #6 for Phase II in the amount of $40,863.62 and Escrow #3 for Phase 1in the amount of $34,003.95. These approvals were based on the recommendation of the Township Engineer. This motion passed unanimously. Proclamation for Richard Squadron – The Board honored Mr. Squadron for his 12 years of service on the PC with a written proclamation. Appointment of John Gontarz to Planning Commission – On motion by the Chairman, 2nded by Mrs. Schenk, Mr. Gontarz was unanimously appointed to the PC filling the vacancy created by Mr. Squadron. His term will expire on December 31, 2017. Eastern Shore Natural Gas Discussion – Mr. Auerbach attended the ESNG Open House on January 14, 2015 at the Avon Grove Intermediate School as did Mr. Lagasse. Mr. Auerbach was surprised at how few residents from the Township attended. Mr. Auerbach has extensive experience working with pipelines throughout his career with DuPont and he was confident with the credentials of ES representatives. Mr. Auerbach summarized the project: there is a 16” pipeline leading into the Township and a 12” pipeline through the township. ESNG wants to install a 16” pipeline through the township to prevent the bottlenecking that is occurring now. ES will keep the 12” pipe system as a reservoir and bypass. Mr. Auerbach stressed that the integrity of the containment with pipelines is incredibly high and there are very few incidents. The incidents usually occur with construction near a pipeline. Pipelines are inspected regularly by air and undergo a robust testing system. The pipeline will be constructed of USsourced material & buried with a 4’ cover. Pipelines are governed by FERC (the Federal Energy Regulation Committee) and the Townships really have no say in any pipeline-related matter. However, 1.28.15 Official Update Page -2- Mr. Auerbach will continue to try & set up a meeting with the pipeline people to discuss issues of pipeline placement, disturbance to people’s properties and potential land devaluation. My Sherpa/IT Discussion – The Township uses the IT firm of “My Sherpa” to handle its technology needs. At this time, equipment and software need to be updated/replaced and the Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 has been discontinued. The Sherpa’s have recommended using Microsoft Outlook 365 to host email and save the emails onto the Cloud. The Board would like to look at other options of hosting email and storage solutions. The Board will make a decision in the April/May timeframe as support for the software expires in June. Multi Municipal Agreement for EMS Service – Mr. Auerbach has been working for over a year and a half with all townships serviced by the West Grove Fire Company to come up with a fair share formula for Townships to pay for ambulance service. He presented the group’s draft agreement and spreadsheet, (reviewed by London Grove’s Solicitor), for Board members to review. Once the Multi Municipal Group members have brought the document before their Boards and changes have been incorporated, Franklin will send it to our Solicitor for a final review. This agreement could come before the Board in February for final approval. Mr. Auerbach commended the West Grove Fire Company for coming up with a workable budget during this process. He hopes to work with this multi municipal group in the future on other emergency service expenses. Other: Mr. Snyder brought up winter road maintenance. The Manager, Assistant Manager, and Contractor are in constant contact prior, during and after winter storm events. At times, they are also in contact with neighboring Townships regarding weather events. The Board agreed that winter maintenance should be managed by the staff and not the Board of Supervisors. Public Comment: There was no public comment. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 P.M. 1.28.15 Official Update Page -3-
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