AUTHORITY OFFTCE OF THE GUWAHATI METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT website: E:',ii, STATFEDBUILDING,BHANGAGARH'GuwAHATl.78{005 Tel: 0361- 2529650' cc in ,"*,33?1-1?ffi i,vvrw omda see'rn"sly@slsunn' Date:22.01.2015 l.o.ClV DA/D'ai nage I 3l 201'21 41'9 SHORT TENDER NOTICE sealed quotation affixing court Guwahati Meftopolitan Development Authority,Guwahati-05 invites reputed fabricators/firms for the from fee sranrp of Rs.B,25( Rupees eight and paise twenty five) only ,,Fabrication, supply and commissloning of steel barge" as per specification as mentioned below for uLilization to the works of flood free Guwahati . Description of work Sl.No of Steel Barge(pontoon) of size 5.00 Mtr length,5.OO Mtr width, 1,5 Mtr height 'racle cf 8 mm M.S.plate & M.S. sections of required .: re'rsions as per design and drawing and in arpdy ..d ."rn"iltti"ning -':'llity to l5 specification. The fabrication will be as .-- ^-:'.:e oractice inclusive of arrangement for 3:".: lcLrsing chain mounted excavator with '. ..:..-..';.30 -0.40 Cu,M(approx) capable for :::- .'...(s in river/channel/water body -- Terms & Conditions l,EarneStofRs'10000.00(Rupeestenthousand)onIetobeencIosedaIongwiththetender' 2. i-he firrrt should submit the evidence of financial and technical ability' : ..\;,-o or.i'es Shou'd be nlentioned Separaieiy. .i. 5,rles Iax, lrlcome tax clearance ceitificaie should be enclosed !r. f he complete steel barge should be delivered v,ilthin fifteen days from 6. the date work order issued b"r tnls en0, of the steel barge on submission of Payment wili be made on successful supply and commissioning l)ills to GN,4DA. 'l Airghtsreserveci. G u',,va hati lM Chief Exe cutive Officei" etropolita n Developme nt Autho rity Bha ngaga rh, G uwa i',1erro i\l,,r.G\'lD AlDainagel3l .).,, ii hati-05 Date 701'2/ :- for favour cf kincl information The Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble,Chief lViinister, Assam ?,. P,S to the Chairman , GMDA, Btrarrgagarh, Guwahati:5' j Thc secr.ctarV,GMDA ancl Clrairi'rran ,ti:chnical Evalr-ration Corrrnittee fot-irrforrnation and ilecesSary actlon. 1. :r5'ril)i3arrtaDutta,fcruploadingthetenclercJttr:tltrtentsonweD::lle f:. 'ihe DIPR, A.s:;ant, Dispur for faw:r,lr of ivide punlir;ity through otre issurl of local ntrlvs pape 4.x]t Chief Exec'-rtive G u,uva ir;r t i Metro pc) Off icerr lite n Dt:ve lo prne nt Au t ho i'if it 3ha ngaga rh, G uwa ha ti-C5 I
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