The Interpreter Office Hours: Mon-Thur 8-4:30 | Fri 8-4 Rev. Kyle Carnes, Senior Minister | Missy Holdorf, Associate Minister Saint Stephens United Church of Christ No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here. CLEANLINESS AND GODLINESS Maybe it was your mom, maybe it was your grandmother, but my guess is that most of you have heard from someone in your life, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” Maybe you’ve heard a man say it, but in my life, for some reason it’s always been from women. Perhaps one of the reasons it has been said to me mostly by women is because, for decades now, there has been no cultural pressure on men to make sure that the house is clean and that life appears to be in order. All things in order. This is a huge social pressure and source of shame that we put upon women in our culture. Perhaps this phrase about cleanliness and godliness came about as a way to put a fine point on this social pressure. The need to keep everything in order and to not let anyone see you sweat is so engrained into how we live, that, it must have come directly from God, “himself.” Or so the saying went. This phrase is fit for the top of the list of things that we say about God, that have no support in the Bible. Jesus was regularly eating without washing his hands. He touched lepers and the lame. He broke bread with prostitutes and tax collectors - people who were ritually unclean. He spat in the dirt and made mud and used it to bring sight to a blind man. He was regularly dealing with ‘unclean’ spirits. These spirits knew him by name, in ways that those who were clean, those who were the most ‘religious,’ did not recognize who Jesus was. There is essentially no Biblical support for our cultural conjoining between godliness and cleanliness. In fact, it might be the very opposite. In what ways have we all come to hide behind the mask of needing to have everything in our lives in order, everything under control, everything clean, everything upright and presentable? It’s no wonder that we have come up with a mantra like “cleanliness is next to godliness” when we put such a high premium on control and order, and in particular the appearance order and control. As we continue through this season after Epiphany, as we look towards the beginning of Lent, we continue to explore who Jesus was (is) and what that has to do with the lives we live today. I’m wondering if many of us, would find a surprising sense of relief (or terror) if we were given permission to admit that we are making it up as we go along—life that is. None of us knows exactly what we’re doing here or exactly how we’re meant to go about living this life. None of us have as much control as we would like. But as humans we adapt and are masters at it. So we make it up. Most often the path of least resistance is to adopt the ways of the culture around us as the ‘right’ way, if not the only way. Even when it puts un-Godly demands on us. My guess is that fewer of us believe that cleanliness is truly as sacred as we’ve sometimes heard it quoted. Jesus spent most of his time dealing with people who were not clean in the way that their culture wanted them to be. He addressed the parts of people’s lives that were considered unseemly—the parts that don’t fit well into the social air we breathe, and the cultural water we drink. It’s these places—places of “uncleanliness” and sources of shame—that Jesus shows up. The opposite of what the world does. When the church is at its best, we do it Jesus’ way, and not the way the world does it. We hear Mark tell about Jesus’ first act of ministry in his gospel this week, Mark 1:21-28, a confrontation with an unclean Spirit. Thanks be to God that this is where God shows up in our lives as well. See you Sunday, Kyle Jan. 28, 2015 903 E 2nd St Merrill WI 54452 715-536-7322 Originally “The Bote” INSIDE THIS ISSUE Swim Party 2 Softball Registration 2 Coffee Hour 2 Burning Palms 3 Memorials 3 Feed Your Spirit 3 Scrip Report 4 Puzzle 4 Monthly Calendar 5 Weekly Calendar 6 LINK UP UCC WI Conference NW Association Reverend Fun E-MAIL US Reverend Kyle Carnes Pastor Missy Holdorf Sue Catlin-Christian Ed Angela Albers-Interpreter Brian Gilbert-Facilities THE INTERPRETER SU aint STEPHENS NITED CHURCH OF CHRIST SWIM PARTY Mark your calendar for Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015. The Social Events Committee is hosting an afternoon of swimming at the AmericInn from 1-4 PM. No need to sign up, just show up and bring your own towel. All ages welcome. Jan. 28, 2015 Page 2 SOFTBALL REGISTRATION There may be snow on the ground, but soon enough the grass will be green and it will be time to “play ball!” Teams must be assembled and registered by mid-March, so it’s time to stand up and be counted. If you want to play ball this summer, even if you’ve never played with the St. Stephens team before, please call Jerry Burnett at 715-536-6191. The season begins on Mother’s Day. UPCOMING EVENTS SWIM PARTY Sunday, February 8, 1-4 PM @ AmericInn BURNING OF PALMS Friday, February 13, 5:30 PM @ McIntyre’s House ASH WEDNESDAY Feb 18, Worship @ 10:30 AM & 6:30 PM, Soup @ 5 PM MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP April 2 @10:30 AM & 6:30 PM GOOD FRIDAY TENNEBRAE WORSHIP April 3 @ 7:28 PM EASTER WORSHIP April 5 @ 6:30, 9 & 10:30 AM COFFEE HOUR by Clint Golisch We are looking for members of the congregation to host the coffee hour after 9 AM worship, between services—it is a great opportunity for fellowship among us. We are looking for people or committees that would be willing to provide treats and juice or drinks. Homemade treats are great, but it’s fine to simply pick something up at the grocery store. The coffee is always made for us. Right now, there are openings starting February 22. Please sign up on the poster in the Kuck lounge. If anyone has any questions about what is required, feel free to give Clint Golisch a call either at home: (715) 536-1533 after 5 PM or at work (715) 536-9537 ext. 325. Thank you. NO BREAKFAST CLUB No Breakfast Club this month—the organizers are out of town. OPEN SPONSORSHIP DATES Lent Soup Meal Sign up on the Kiosk March 11, 18, 25 Flowers Sign up in Office Feb. 1, 8, 22 Radio Call the Office Feb. 22 Coffee Hour Sign up on Poster in Lounge Feb. 1, 22 Music Sign up on Kiosk in Lounge or in Choir Room Feb. 1, 8, 15, 18, 22, 25 CONTACT US Remember to contact the office with— • • • • Change of Address Change in the Family at your Address Change of E-mail Change of Phone numbers (or if you’ve ended your land line) St. Stephens contacts the hospitals, Good Sam, Aspirus, St. Clare’s and St. Joe’s, on a regular basis, but if you need a visit and haven’t received one, please reach out to us. All of our contact information can be found on page 1. STILL RECYCLING - EVEN IN WINTER! Bring: Your Aluminum Cans Where: To St. Stephens Drop off by the office door or in back of the office. When: Anytime! Why: St. Stephens will recycle cans for cash. THE INTERPRETER SU aint STEPHENS NITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Jan. 28, 2014 Page 3 MEMORIALS Memorials will be printed with the dollar figures shown unless otherwise specified. Memorial Fund $ 20.00 in memory of Milton Krahn from Robert & Evelyn Koth $ 20.00 in memory of Venita Stevens from Warren & Lois Latzig Capital Improvement $ 100.00 in memory of my parents Hilma & Martin Ullman from Faye Braatz Today for Tomorrow $ 77.00 in memory of my husband and son from Mary Ann Rehwinkel $ 25.00 in memory of Genevieve Rajek from Sharon Detert $ 54.00 in honor of our 54th wedding anniversary on Feb. 4 from Donald & Mary Ann Forster $ 100.00 in thankfulness for Rev. Kyle and Pastor Missy from Beth Houle $ in memory of Venita Stevens from William & Marlene Krueger $ 20.00 in memory of Genevieve Rajek from Dave & Joy Meyer $ 77.00 in memory of Franklin & Laura Plautz from Bob & Jolene Plautz A NEW TRADITION There is an ancient practice to keep the palms from Palm Sunday, dry them out, burn them, and then use the ash from the palms for the Imposition of Ashes during worship on Ash Wednesday. Last spring we kept the palms from Palm Sunday and they have been drying in the boiler room for almost a year now. This year we will celebrate that full liturgical cycle. On Friday, February 13, 5:30-7:30 PM, we will have our first annual Palm Burning. Bill & Paula McIntyre have offered to host the event at their home. We’ll have a big bonfire outdoors, so dress warmly. There will be a short worship liturgy around burning the palms and then we’ll enjoy chili and fellowship indoors. Everyone is invited. A signup sheet will be in the office to give an estimated head count. Please come and celebrate the beginning of Lent with this new tradition. If you have any questions, contact Rev. Carnes or Bill & Paula (715-539-3791). FEED YOUR SPIRIT—Confessions of a Freeloader “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 At Thanksgiving, I come in from out of town, and eat a meal that someone else cooked, in a house that someone else cleaned, enjoying entertainment that someone else planned. national holiday, so if anyone wants to host me on President’s Day, I’m open. Even on workdays, I drink coffee I did not brew. I use a bathroom I did not clean. At meetings, I sit on chairs I did not set up. Then I walk out, leaving chairs I did not put away. And at least once a day, I look at flowers I did not plant, water or arrange. On Christmas Eve and Easter, I have the nerve to do it in my own town. I join a family I was not born into and enjoy the company of children I did not raise. I get to bring the children I did raise with me. Then they get to eat food we did not cook, because that’s how I raised ‘em. In other words, I’m a freeloader. And I admit it. I’ll even put it in writing. Why? Because sometimes, when I’m not busy freeloading, I can fall prey to score-keeping. So I keep this list handy. It reminds me that the balance sheet of my own life is far from reconciled. On July 4th, I eat a pancake breakfast I did nothing to make at a party I did not throw. I watch a parade I did not plan and listen to fireworks someone else set off. Then I eat hotdogs I did not grill on a lawn I did not mow. Prayer Thank you for all I get, for all I have and for all I have taken for granted. Amen. My goal is to have this sort of arrangement for every I’m a freeloader, who gets more than I deserve. by Lillian Daniel THE INTERPRETER SU aint STEPHENS NITED CHURCH OF CHRIST SCRIP YEAR-END REPORT The St. Stephen’s Stewardship Committee along with the Scrip sales volunteers are excited to inform the congregation of the progress of the Scrip program. The Scrip program was introduced in December of 2013 as a means to raise money for our church. Like many fledgling programs with essentially no money on hand, we survived on weekly orders. As our sales continued to grow, we were able to order cards to have on hand so our members could receive their cards at the time of their purchase. We continually strive to maintain a well-stocked and varied inventory and will be adding additional businesses in the future. Our current customer base is 43 families. We would like to expand on this and encourage those that haven’t used Scrip to seriously consider becoming involved as you will see how truly beneficial it is for our congregation. Jan. 28, 2015 Page 4 Now on to financial information: Based on our Scrip sales in 2014, we were able to achieve a profit of seven thousand one-hundred eight dollars and ninety-five cents. ($7,108.95) That is quite an accomplishment, and it came without any personal donations! All Scrip cards purchased are redeemed at face value and St. Stephens receives a predetermined percentage from or directly from the local business. Some of this profit will remain a part of the wellstocked inventory. The Stewardship Committee will make a recommendation to Church Council about the remainder of the proceeds. Finally, I would like to thank the Stewardship Committee and Pastor Carnes for their guidance, our Scrip sales volunteers for their help every Sunday and to Cheryl Buck for suggesting the Scrip Program as a fund raising resource. We look forward to a bigger and better 2015. St. Stephens Scrip Did you know... BIBLE TRIVIA The Bible mentions dogs 41 times in the Bible, but never mentions cats. Donates 2.5% of your purchase price back to St. Stephens when you use Scrip? Cards Always Available Ace Hardware Chips Dave’s County Market First Street Coffee Los Mezcales Pine Ridge Restaurant *new!* Kwik Trip Piggly Wiggly Pine Ridge Mobil Shell Walgreens Walmart Ehud was the first left-handed man in the Bible. The tablets of the 10 Commandments had writing on both sides. MENTION SCRIP For purchases by cash or check of $100 or more from: Hargrave Appliance ~ Miller Furniture - Merrill Radio Shack ~ VIP Office Products 9 9:30 Music & Movement 8 9 & 10:30 Worship 9 Chrisitan Ed 1-4 Swim Event at AmericInn 23 9:30 Music & Movement 22 9 & 10:30 Worship 9 Christian Ed 25 Lent 2 10:30 Worship 5:00 Soup Supper 6:00 Worshp & Music 5:15 Choir 5:30 Youth Easter Prep 6:00 Zumba 6:30 Worship 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:30 NA 24 9:00 Playgroup 2:00 Jenny Towers 6:00 Zumba 6:00 Cub Scouts 18 Ash Wednesday 19 10:30 Worshp & Com 5:00 Soup Supper 5:15 Choir 5:30 Youth Easter Prep 5:30 Chime Choir 6:30 Worship & Com 6:30 Aerobics 6:30 NA 17 9:00 Playgroup 5:30 Chime Choir 6:30 Aerobics 2:00 Pine Crest 26 5:30 Chime Choir 6:30 Aerobics 6:00 Confirmation 6:30 Choir 6:30 NA 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:00 Zumba 6:30 Christian Ed 12 5:30 Chime Choir 6:30 Aerobics 5 THURSDAY 11 6:00 Confirmation 6:30 Choir/CCC 6:30 NA 4 WEDNESDAY 10 9:00 Playgroup 6:00 Habitat 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:00 Zumba 3 9:00 Playgroup TUESDAY 12:00 AA 27 12:00 AA 20 12:00 AA 3:00 Bell Tower 5:30 Burning of Palms at the McIntyre’s 13 6 FRIDAY 28 21 14 7 SATURDAY “...for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.” 4:30 Aerobics 16 9:30 Music & Movement 4:15 Stewardship 4:30 Aerobics 6:00 Guitar Lessons 7:00 Dartball 15 9 & 10:30 Worship 9 Christian Ed 4:30 Aerobics 6:30 Church Council 7:00 Dartball 2 9:30 Music & Movement 4:30 Aerobics 6:00 Church & Ministry 6:00 Guitar Lessons 7:00 Dartball MONDAY 1 9 & 10:30 Worship 9 Chrisitan Ed Food Pantry Sunday SUNDAY February 2015 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST THE INTERPRETER ST STEPHENS ST STEPHENS UCC 903 E SECOND ST MERRILL WI 54452 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED US POSTAGE PAID NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION PERMIT #10 MERRILL WI 54452-2576 For subscriptions, removals or changes of address: 715-536-7322 or [email protected] E-MAIL PROVIDES THE BEST SERVICE. WEEKLY CALENDAR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Food Pantry Sunday Worship and Christian Education, Choir, 9:00 Worship, 10:30 Scripture Mark 1:21-28 Sermon Exorcising the Demons Music Choir, 9:00 Coffee Hour Phyllis Oestreich, Pearl Sabatke, Lorri Vandre and Judy Ayer RADIO MINISTRY is sponsored in memory of William Kamke from Phil & Marge Kamke. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 9:30 Music & Movement 4:30 Aerobics 6:00 Church & Ministry 6:00 Guitar Lessons 7:00 Dartball TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 9:00 Playgroup 6:00 Habitat for Humanity 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:00 Zumba WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 6:00 Confirmation 6:30 Choir 6:30 NA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8 5:30 Chime Choir 6:30 Aerobics FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 12:00 AA TODAY FOR TOMORROW Given to date: $35,890.00 Remaining: $14,110.00 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 8:30-3:30 Licensed Pastors’ Retreat
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