C hr i s t C h u rc h We s te r l y, R h o d e I s l a n d February 2015 For those who did not get to hear Fr. Sunil Chandy’s sermon at the Annual Meeting, we have included it here as his Rector’s Message for the month. It is a great joy for me to preside over my first Annual Meeting with you, the members of Christ Church. It is a great privilege for me because I am the newest priest among a long line of great Episcopal priests to serve our church. Indeed, our church is well known both within the Episcopal Church and within our Westerly/ Pawcatuck region for its long history of dedication to Christ’s call to build the Kingdom. This history includes not only our priests but also outstanding examples of faithful lay folk. In today‘s reading from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus declares that “the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand.” For the writer of the Gospel of Mark, this statement declares that God has taken definitive action that demands attention. Jesus declares that God acts now, and as a result of this action in Jesus, the Kingdom begins and will continue through history. But God’s action demands not only our attention but it places powerful demands on our lives, calling us forward into a life of joy and possibilities, regardless of what we have been through. The question for us, is ‘what type of action does God demand?’ In the Gospel - Jesus says “Repent and believe in the good news,” revealing the two dimensions of God’s request for us. The first is repentance, the turning away from what is wrong and contrary to God’s will. But God does not stop there. We are called to belief, to a life of faith, living according to the standards of God’s kingdom. And as we grow in this faith we are called to move forward into a life of discipleship. A discipleship that brings the kingdom of God further forward into the world. Now I know that you all have listened to many sermons on repentance in the course of our long history of 181 years. Not that any of you have lived that long. The fact of your presence in our church is a recognition that you seek always to turn your face in the direction of God. And our church members are well aware of what discipleship means. You understand it means being the hands, feet, and the body of Christ into the world. You know it means being the welcoming presence of Jesus to those who are searching for God. That it also means inspiring people, through music, worship, outreach, teaching, preaching to help them hold on…to their faith even when they don’t know if they can. Being a disciple means moving forward to make a difference in the world, to create the Kingdom of God. At Christ Church, I have discovered over these past four months that you know how to be disciples. I see it in the way you participate with great care in the liturgy- in our common worship. I see it in the way you welcome people and are joyful for their presence in our church! I see it in the way you serve the needy through the Living Closet and through our participation in the WARM dinners and through the various and wonderful outreach ministries of our church! I see it in your commitment to our church through your stewardship of time, talent and treasure! Yes, people of Christ Church you are remarkable disciples of Christ! And as wonderful disciples of our Lord, you do look forward, as we continue to build the Kingdom of God. But…I have discerned that we do have a tendency to occasionally look back into our past. This is Ok, as we learn from our past successes and glorious ministries and as we lament, sometimes of our challenges and our perceived mistakes. It is good, in fact, as we use this learning to move forward. For we can’t remain in the past- we must move with Jesus forward into building the Kingdom. Continued on page 3... CO R NER STO N E PAGE 2 Clergy The Rev. Sunil Chandy, Rector Retired Clergy Associates The Rev. John H. Barrett The Rev. Richard Morgan The Rev. Trevor Thomas The Rev. Sandra Haines-Murdocco Staff Members Organist & Choirmaster - George Kent Parish Administrator - Jeanne MacLaughlin Parish Secretary – Rebecca Cherenzia Financial Administrator - Barbara Whitford Sexton - Walter Dugas Childcare Coordinators Susan Kenyon & Summer Brown Verger - George Parent Vestry Heather Kiss, Senior Warden Seth Tulman, Junior Warden Lucy Freitas, Clerk Fred Eaton, Treasurer Fred Allardyce Shirley Andrews Caswell Cooke Jennifer Dugas Deborah Dunham Meg Frost Katherine Hoxsie Karen Jenssen Marion Leddy Paula Niedmann Betsey Rice Dana Semeraro Office Hours Monday-Friday, 9 am - 4 pm Contact information Phone: (401)596-0197 Fax: (401)596-6529 Email: [email protected] Website: www.christchurchwesterly.org Like us on Facebook! Our Mission The Mission of Christ Church is to follow Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, study, and stewardship so that we may become witnesses to God’s presence; living, sharing, and teaching His Gospel † Parish Register Baptisms January 11, 2015 Isla Rae Merchant Collin Scherer Deaths December 30, 2014 Ruth F. Pasetti January 7, 2015 Joan (Harrison) Ceo Weekly Activities: Choir Rehearsals Tuesdays, 4pm - Kid’s Choir Thursdays, 7 pm - Tutti Rehearsal Sundays, 8 am - Tutti Rehearsal Alanon: Mondays & Wednesdays, 12n Fridays, 8 pm AA Meetings: Mondays, 6:30 pm Wednesdays, 6 pm Fridays & Saturdays, 8 pm CO RN ER STO N E PAGE 3 ...continued from page 1 Now one of the questions that I keep getting, and it comes from our recent past experience is:… “How long, Fr. Chandy, will you stay here!” I know where it comes from, we all do. Over the past 8 years we have had 6 different priests serving our congregation. And you have loved each one of them as they have loved you. Each has contributed to the great ministries of our church. But in everyone of them who left there is sadness. But faith teaches us that even through the sadness of the past transitions, God moves us forward. Through your experiences, I think we have come to realize that Christ Church is not of ministry of one person- no matter how great that priest may be! You have come to realize of your resilience and faith in God’s calling to you to move forward! This is wonderful! Yes, I know that some of you may be wondering how long I will stay! I can imagine some of you making bets on whether I will make it past the year! But know this, with all surety, my wife, my sons and I love this church and we have fallen in love with you, my friends. We do not plan to leave for a long time. Now, I want to thank our wonderful staff, who have been so dedicated and kind to our church. I enjoy working with these folks they are a delight! Jeannie MacLaughlin, Rebecca Cherenzia, Barbara Whitford, Walter Dugas and George Kent. You are a blessing not only to me but most importantly for our church community! To my fellow Clergy Associates: Bishop David Joslin, Jack Barrett, Richard Morgan, Sandra Haines-Murdocco and Fr. Trevor Thomas, from the moment I came here you have been most gracious to me. I cherish your wisdom, your intellect, your sense of humor and I thank God for you. You are God touched and your ministry among us continues to be an inspiration to our parish! A heartfelt thanks to our Wardens, Vestry, the Commissions and Committees, for all you do to make the Gospel proclaimed! It is a joy to be part of your ministry team! Your commitment, your wisdom, and contributions of time and talent to our church make possible the Kingdom of God. Thanks to you, the devoted parishioners of our church, you have been touched by God! You have responded to God’s Spirit by committing yourself to God at Christ Church! May the Holy Spirit of God continue to give you hope, joy and peace! And may all of us go forward into this New Year as disciples of Christ to help bring about the Kingdom of God in our time and place! Amen! Gun Violence and Alternatives The Peace & Justice group is sponsoring a presentation on gun violence in the US-- its impact on individuals, families and communities. After looking at the history and scope of this issue nationwide, the philosophy and efforts of the RI Coalition Against Gun Violence (RICAGV) will be discussed. The presenters are Julia Wyman, attorney, a founding Board member of the coalition, and Nina Rossomando, PhD, a CT psychologist who worked with adolescents and families for over 40 years. Both are currently involved on the RI State level to promote legislative gun safety. The presentation will include introductory songs by the Raging Grannies of Westerly. There’ll be ample time for questions and discussion. The program is free; good-will offerings appreciated. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Sunday, February 15 4:00 - 5:30 pm Parish Hall PAGE 4 CO RNE R STO NE CO RNE R STO NE PAGE 5 The Work of the Altar Guild Preparing the Church The Altar Guild is divided into teams and each team is on duty every 4 weeks. We all work together on special occasions such as Christmas and Easter. Each week, a team of members gather in the sacristy to prepare for the services for the week. “Their work is a Thank Offering of time, talent and a ministry of love undertaken in the name of Christ.” They do light housekeeping such as cleaning the sanctuary, baptistry and the chapel. The proper hymn numbers for the services are placed on the hymn board on each side of the church, the sanctuary light is changed and the flowers are placed on the altar. The linens on the altar are checked to see if they need cleaning and the hangings are changed based on the church calendar and the “season”. The most important weekly task is to prepare the Eucharist. Vessels and linens are set up in a specific manner and the wine and the hosts, including the large priest host, are prepared. After each service, the linens and vessels are cleaned and reset for the next service. If there is a wedding, funeral or baptism or some another special occasion, the team on duty is also responsible for set up and making any changes to linens, hangings and hymn boards. On Maundy Thursday, members of the Altar Guild are privileged to take part in the service by stripping and washing the altar. “Preparing a place for the Eucharist is preparing for a family celebration. Cleaning house, decorating suitably for the guest of honor with flowers, candles and hangings, setting the table with the best linens and dishes, and dressing up; all of these are part of preparing for the celebration.” Can you define these words? (Answers in next month’s Cornerstone) CIBORIUM PYX CREDENCE TABLE PATEN TABERNACLE Save the Date!! Sunday, March 22 Youth Group Fundraiser to benefit Vacation Bible School Take-home lunch: Homemade Cheese, Pepperoni or Spinach-Artichoke Stromboli Apple & Chocolate Chip Cookie $6 PAGE 6 CO RNE R STO NE Family & Youth Calendar For February Sunday, February 1st Teacher’s Luncheon 12:00 noon in Parish Hall Saturday, February 7th The Rev. Sunil Chandy Celebration of New Ministry 11:00 am All are invited!! Sunday, February 8th All Boy & Cub Scouts to be recognized 9:00 & 11:00 am Services Wear your Uniforms! Saturday, February 14th Happy Valentine’s Day! Tuesday, February 17th Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 5:00 – 7:00 pm Wednesday, February 18th Ash Wednesday Services 7:00 am, 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm Saturday, February 21st High School Youth Group 6:00 – 9:00 pm Sunday, February 22nd Youth Group painting with Marlies 12:00 – 2:00 pm The Living Supplies Closet, Inc. Hours: Tuesdays: 2 pm—4 pm Thursdays: 10 am—12 pm Items needed: soap, deodorant, toilet paper, tissues, dish soap, laundry soap, diapers, baby wipes, paper towels, toothbrushes for adults and children, toothpaste, and sanitary pads. Cash donations are always welcome. Cell Phones for Soldiers Mission: Help Our Troops Call Home Since its inception in 2004, Cell Phones for Soldiers has worked to keep military families connected by providing FREE communication tools to those serving overseas in the United States military. In 11 years, the registered 501(c)(3) has provided troops with more than 2 million pre-paid calling cards, equating to more than 150 million minutes of FREE talk time!!! Please remember to donate to this very worthy cause. You can bring donations of your old cell phones to the Parish Office. CO RNE R STO NE PAGE 7 Sign Up For Your Personal Name Tag! We are going to order new, magnetic name tags, printed with your name and the Episcopal Church logo.* If you would like one, please sign up on the lists placed in the Parish Hall and in the Narthex. We need your name as you want it to read on the name tag, and your contact information (phone or email) so we can contact you if there is a question. Each member of the family who would like a name tag needs to be signed up separately. Christ Church is generously offering to pay for these new, permanent name tags, the first time around. It will then be your responsibility to guard it and wear it for all occasions! Any replacement name tags will be the individual's responsibility. These name tags are "user friendly," with magnets to secure them in place, leaving no damage to your clothing, and making them so easy to put on, and so easy to read. Please sign up by the end of February. We will be sending in our group order at that time. Let's make it easy for Sunil and for all new people - and for people you have seen too often to ask them their name again! Sign up today!! Thank you. Dana Semeraro [email protected] * If you have not seen one, please ask me, my husband Richard, Seth & Mary Tulman, or George & Marlies Parent, who already bought and wear them. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Presented by the Christ Church Men’s Club & Acolytes Parish Hall Tuesday, February 17th 5 - 7 pm Adults - $7.50 Children (under 12) - $5.00 Families - $20.00 PAGE 8 CO RNE R STO NE Lenten Information Ash Wednesday Services 7:00 am, 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm ***************************** The Holy Land Revealed: A pilgrim’s experience For our Lenten Program this year, Fr. Chandy will give us his vision of the Holy Land over a course of five Wednesdays beginning on February 25th, 2015 and ending on March 25th ,2015. Throughout the series, Fr. Chandy will draw upon insights he received during his Lilly Sponsored 2012 Pilgrimage/Sabbatical to Israel. Covered during these conversations will be a description and a history of several holy sights of Israel and in particular of Jerusalem. For Fr. Chandy, this experience was a life changing event. If you haven’t ever been to the Holy Land- come and see it through the eyes of Christ Church’s newest priest and Rector. You might even come away with a deep desire to visit Jesus’ birthplace yourself. We will begin with: 6:00 pm Evening Prayer 6:30 pm Supper served by various groups in the Parish Hall 7:15 - 8:30 pm Program Israel Presentation: A) Wednesday 2/25 Israel Geography Time line, and history B) Wednesday 3/4 Horizons of Jerusalem Mount of Olives City of David Jericho/Nazareth C) Wednesday 3/11 Tekoa/ Shepherd’s Field/ Bethlehem The birth place of Jesus D) Wednesday 3/18 Shefa- Amr/Sepphoris Sea of Galileee, Jordan River, Capernum and the Beatitudes – site of some of Jesus’ greatests insights E) Wednesday 3/25 Old City/ Holy Sepulchre Nablus/Zababdeh – the Palestinian controlled area in which sits the well of Jacob. **************************************** Lenten Calendars and information on our Lenten Project will be coming soon. February 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 9:00 am HE 10:15 am S. School 11:00 am HE 12n Alanon 2 - 4 pm Living Supplies Closet 4 pm Kid’s Choir 6:30 pm AA 9 10 15 12n Alanon 16 Office Closed! 9:00 am HE 10:15 am S. School 11:00 am HE 4 pm P & J Gun Violence Happy President’s Day! 9:00 am HE 23 10:15 am S. School 11:00 am HE 12 13 Cornerstone due! 10 - 12 noon Living Supplies Closet 2 - 4 pm Living Supplies Closet 4 pm Kid’s Choir 7 pm Vestry 14 Happy Valentine’s Day!! 8 pm AA 8 pm Alanon 7 pm Choir 26 7 am HE 10 am HE 10:30 am Bible Study 12n Alanon 6 pm AA 11 am Celebration of Ministry 8 pm AA 2 - 4 pm Living 18 Ash Wednesday 19 20 Supplies Closet 7 am, 12n & 7 pm HE 10 - 12 noon Living 4 pm Kid’s Choir Supplies Closet 10:30 am Bible Study 5 pm Shrove 12n Alanon 7 pm Choir Tuesday Pancake 6 pm AA Supper 12n Alanon 6:30 pm AA 7 8 pm AA 8 pm Alanon 7 pm Choir 7 am HE 10 am HE 10:30 am Bible Study 12n Alanon 6 pm AA 25 Sat 10 - 12 noon Living Supplies Closet 17 24 22 12 - 2 pm Youth Group Painting w/Marlies 2 - 4 pm Living Supplies Closet 4 pm Kid’s Choir 7 pm Property 6:30 pm AA 7 am HE 10 am HE 10:30 am Bible Study 12n Alanon 6 pm AA Fri 6 5 11 12n Social Media 9:00 am HE 10:15 am S. School 11:00 am HE Thu 4 12n S.S. Teacher’s meeting & lunch 8 Boy Scout Sunday Wed 21 9:30 am Finance 27 Parish Office hours 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 5 pm HE 8 pm AA High School Youth Group 6 - 9 pm 8 pm AA 8 pm Alanon 28 10 - 12 noon Living Supplies Closet 7 pm Choir 5 pm HE 8 pm AA 5 pm HE 8 pm AA 8 pm AA 8 pm Alanon
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