C OMMUNITY P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH Forsyth, Missouri 2 3 Report of the Pastor The Year of Our Lord – 2014 As I began to think about the past year, the thought came to mind as to how we could look back and see our cup either half empty or half full. Here’s why that thought came to mind. Church attendance was down from the previous year; 2013 average attendance was 79.7 and 2014 was 73.9. Yes in 2014 we had more bad weather days than in 2013 yet I’d still expect the numbers to be closer. Financially we continue to struggle to bring our income up to our expenses or expenses down to our income. Yet, thanks to several generous gifts toward the end of the year our deficit wasn’t as great as it would have been. Thanks to everyone for your faithful gifts. Membership wise we also saw a decline in overall membership. I really look at average attendance more than membership yet this is an important number as well. We ended 2013 with 118 active members and 2014 down to 109. Some moved away, others joined the saints in God’s holy kingdom and we didn’t receive as many new members as we usually do. So I find myself looking at the cup as half empty instead of half full. Yet as I think over the past year I sense that our cup is full and overflowing. In this annual report you’ll read of the many successful events held in and beyond the church. A highlight for many of us was the Veterans event when we hosted veterans from the Mt. Vernon Veterans Home and honored our own veterans. This was a wonderful event appreciated by all in attendance. What the veterans especially appreciated was sitting with members of our church and sharing stories. It was a 4 great event capped off with the Acrobats of China show in Branson. Also the buildings and grounds committee got several large and small projects completed during the year. Thanks to all who helped with these projects. We also got the billboard sign up. It’s paying dividends by helping people remember who we are and how we are involved in the community. Thanks for the gift that made this possible. Worship continues to be one of the strengths of our church. The choir continues to grow, in fact when everyone is in attendance we need extra chairs so everyone has a place to sit. Arliss and Linda continue to make choir rehearsals and Sunday morning a blessing to all who attend. It’s a joy for me to share God’s word with us Sunday by Sunday and the liturgists help make worship meaningful to all. The ushers and greeters assist by welcoming all who come. You help with worship as you welcome first time worshippers and participate in our worship and praise of God Almighty. Another fun event/happening in the life and work of our church was the Recipe Book put together by Deb Robbers and her committee members of ETC. This was a fun event. I know many who have bragged about it and have enjoyed it. We’ve still got some to sell. If each of us could help sell 4, I think we’d get them all sold and the profits could be put to work in and through the church. I really do sense how our cup is full and overflowing, thanks and praise be unto God. The following was printed in my January pastoral corner in the newsletter, yet I want to say it again. 5 There are four individuals who are going off the session at the end of this year that I want to recognize for faithful service to the church; Clayton Cooper who has served on the session and as treasurer for the church these past six years; Jim Robbers who helped in many, many ways throughout the three years on the session – he helped with countless jobs here and there around the church, Jim Berry who served on the Budget and Finance Committee helping form the budgets and oversee income and expenses of the church and Liz Rogers who helped spruce up the church with her art work and helped with several different mission projects during her three years. Please express your thanks to them for their service to God and our church. Secondly I want express my thanks to those continuing on the session and those coming on the session. Those continuing to serve on the session: Ken Bavuso, C.J. Gailey, Pat Seals, Mary Parr, Ralph Taylor, Dr. Reed Click, Nancy Czerniak and Georgia Roe. Then those coming on the session; Len Clifford who will be ordained and installed in April, Vera Hardin, Ed Legge and Buddy Roberts. Each of these bring special gifts to the governing board of the church. Lastly I want to say thanks to each of you. You help make Community Presbyterian Church a welcoming and Christ filled community of faith. What I hear from several is how welcoming we are and how easy it is to find a place within the life and work of the church. Last year we welcomed these new members; Ken and Juanita Elders, Harlow and Charlotte Palm. Thanks for the gifts they bring to the church. Thanks be unto God for all the gifts God gives the church through each and every member and friend. A goal the session had in 2014 and continues to have in 2015 is the involving of members and friends of the church in different small groups throughout the year. We had several in 2014 and have already started a couple for 2015. These are excellent ways to introduce people to the church and grow individually in our faith. Consider being a part of one of our small groups in 2015. Friends, our cup truly is overflowing. Let’s invite others to join us on the journey of faith and faithfulness with God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Throughout 2015 may we seek to be blessings unto God, even as we ask God to bless us. Peace, Pastor Dennis 6 7 8 9 10 SESSION COMMITTEE STRUCTURE FOR 2014 Clerk of Session: C. J . Gailey, Gr etchen Keith Pr o-Tem, Leslie Wyman Pro-Tem Treasurer: Clayton Cooper ; Pat Seals, Assistant Commissioner to Presbytery: Reed Click; Liz Roger s as alter nate Committees Evangelism – Ken Bavuso, Mary Parr Mission – Liz Rogers, Reed Click, Mary Parr Care of Members – C.J. Gailey, Georgia Roe Christian Education/Youth – Reed Click Parish Activities – Mary Parr, Georgia Roe, Nancy Czerniak, Pat Seals, Jim Robbers Worship – Reed Click, Georgia Roe, (Jim & Debra Robbers ushers/greeters) Budget and Finance – Georgia Roe, Pat Seals (Asst. Treas.), Clayton Cooper (Treas.), Jim Berry, Jim Robbers Building & Grounds – Ralph Taylor, Jim Robbers, Liz Rogers, Mary Parr, Nancy Czerniak, Pat Seals, Ken Bavuso Task Groups Nominations – Mary Parr Personnel – Jim Berry, Pat Seals Stewardship/New Consecration – Liz Rogers, Georgia Roe, Nancy Czerniak, Jim Robbers SESSION COMMITTEE STRUCTURE FOR 2015 Clerk of Session: C. J . Gailey, Pr o-Tem, Pro-Tem Treasurer: Geor gia Roe; Pat Seals, Assistant Commissioner to Presbytery: Reed Click; Ver a Har din as alter nate Committees Evangelism & Mission – Ken Bavuso, Ed Legge Care of Members – C.J. Gailey, Mary Parr Worship & Christian Education – Vera Hardin, Reed Click Parish Activities – Nancy Czerniak, Pat Seals Budget & Finance – Georgia Roe, Buddy Roberts Building & Grounds – Ralph Taylor, Len Clifford Short-Term Committees Nominations – Buddy Roberts, Mary Parr Personnel – Buddy Roberts, Vera Hardin Stewardship Campaign– Nancy Czerniak, Pat Seals 11 CARE OF MEMBERS As we reflect on 2014, we are reminded that our concern for our brothers and sisters should never cease. All of us benefit from being a part of a congregation that is close and caring and this has been shown through your cooperation. Many have expressed their appreciation for being remembered through calls, visits and cards. May we continue to work together as we share this important work. Care of Members Committee In Loving Memory of Members and Friends Pat Hulsey Moss Prewitt Jan Frantzen Dale Utesch Mae Leader Johnie Jones Joan Pierce J.C. Penwell Bea Githens Phyllis Bonney Jack Kinkade Diana Johnson Elaine Beals New Members Ken and Juanita Elders Harlow and Charlotte Palm 12 Report of the Benevolence Fund Highlights of 2014 included two generous donations totaling $11,000 from the Roy Slusher Foundation and donations totaling $6,623 from members and friends of the church, many in memory of a loved one. Below is a breakdown of the expenses we were able to help with last year: Rent/Lodging: Utilities: Transportation: Medical Expenses: Family Expenses: Total Expenses: $ 6,278.04 $ 9,436.48 $ 3,745.26 $ 1,038.66 $ 1,088.17 $21,586.61 At this time, we would like to say thank you to all members and friends of the church who contributed to the fund through 2014. Thanks also to the Slusher Foundation for their continued support of this worthwhile community project. Community Presbyterian Endowment Fund Thank you to the following members who gave gifts to the Endowment Fund of Community Presbyterian Church in 2014: Mary Prewitt, in memory of her beloved Moss Prewitt Dan & Peg Kinkade, in memory of Jack Kinkade Georgia Roe, in memory of Jack Kinkade Community Presbyterian Church Choir, in memory of Jack Kinkade Vera Hardin, in memory of her good friend, Diana Johnson A gift to the Endowment Fund is a wonderful way to remember a loved one, while providing needed financial resources well into the future! 13 Building and Grounds 2014 There were two major projects of the Building and Grounds Committee this year. The first was the painting of the hallways in the office areas, including the upstairs bathrooms. Both bathrooms then received some decorative items to make them more attractive. The second project was the painting and decorating of the children's/family room in the sanctuary. Deb Robbers and Mary Parr had the vision to create a room that was sunny and bright and inviting. The highlight of the room is a smiling sun mural on the ceiling painted by Sue Reis, one of our many talented artists. 14 15 Parish Activities Monthly Potlucks February-Annual Report Meeting and Potluck March-Brunch April-Ham & Bean May– Church BBQ June– Italian July– Potluck August– Salad September– Soup October– Potluck and Blessing of the Animals November– Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner, 82 served December– Annual Christmas Candlelight Dinner 16 Thanks to Becky Roberts and Mary Parr for the historical photo collages that hang in the hallway between the sanctuary and the offices. They did a wonderful job putting these two together! Thank you Becky and Mary! 17 Missions Committee Report for 2014 Our 2014 Missions Committee enjoyed a new project, “Adopt a Veteran”, here at Community Presbyterian Church. Church members “adopted” a veteran from the Mount Vernon Veterans Home. This activity gave the veterans an opportunity to get out and about, have lunch and see an exciting show in Branson. We had a great time organizing and providing a delicious spaghetti dinner with all the trimmings. After dinner the veterans were invited to attend the amazing Shanghai Circus in Branson. There were so many people involved in this endeavor that it is impossible to name them all. However, Liz Rogers, Dr. Reed Click, and Mary Parr must say that Cindy Werner saw a need and knew all the necessary contacts to make it all fall into place. 18 ETC ANNUAL REPORT 2014 The ETC group has had a quiet year. We regrouped from the loss of Moss Prewitt (who was our chief cook & bottle washer at our banquets) and decided to go another route for our annual fundraiser this year. Debra Robbers had the idea to design and sell a cookbook from our church and it has become a great ongoing fundraiser. We have now paid our costs and are into full profit so keep on cookbooking. Thank you Debra & Jim Robbers and your team members: Anna Koelling, Ginger Clifford and Gretchen Keith. ETC continues to be available to assist where assistance is needed. Arliss Stillings-ETC Treasurer “A Taste Of Heaven” The E.T.C. fundraising cookbook contains over 600 recipes submitted by members and friends of the church! 19 CHOIR 2014 The Choir has had another year of music, ministry, merriment and sometimes mayhem. The energy and dedication within this group of Christians is wonderful. This year we had great musical selections such as: What A Day That Will Be; Look At World; Remember Me; Peace Like A River; No Night There; Child Of The King; Unchanging and Sanctus. Special music included soloist and duets with: Bill Aley, Jack Kincade, Anna Koelling, Arliss Stillings, Bonita Kissee-Soutee, Linda Reynolds and Ed Legge. We featured senior adult cantatas “The Time of Our Lives” and “Once Upon A Miracle” with narrations by Rose Franceschini and Edd Riley. We welcomed new choir members: Edd & Delpha Riley, David & Jane Huffstetler and saw Mary Prewitt move to Kansas City and Pat & Paul Wearne move to Mtn. Home Ark. We lost our “MOST ENERTAINING” tenor, Jack Kinkade as he went home to his heavenly choir (and continues to be missed at each rehearsal). We had a great cantata Preview Party at the W.R.V.H.S. Building (thank you Leslie Wyman); a trip to see Paul & Pat Wearne in Mtn. Home Ark.; a participation in the Choir Festival at Southminster Presbyterian in Springfield and a Christmas party with caroling to finish out a great year. Special thank you to Evie Cleveringa for fixing the curtains in the choir room and thank you Haven & Ron Howard for filling in for Arliss & Linda during their vacation time. What a joy it is to be a part of the choir! Arliss Stillings 20 2nd Annual Ecumenical Cookie Walk And the Lord said—Go forth and bake cookies for the multitudes—and we did! Not only did we bake them, we bought them back!! R r ‘Twas the season to be crazy, fa la la la la la la. r R r Our church did a splendid job in baking so many cookies for the sale. This could not happen without your support in this, the 2 nd annual Ecumenical Cookie Walk. Our cookies sold faster than hot cakes just coming off the grill! There were 6 churches within our community involved and due to working in God’s love, we raised over $1,400 to help others in need. The decorations at the Methodist Church made the event look like a scene from a Christmas card. The location was great and the working of 6 churches together to help others is just amazing not only in our eyes but to those of our Lord. And, the Methodist Church has agreed to host it again next year!! Taken in part from Ephesians 1:18 & 19—I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so you may know—the immeasurable greatness of His power. With love and Gratitude to all— The Ecumenical Task Force of 2014 (great title, isn't it? Pastor Dennis gave it to us.) C.J. Gailey and Cindy Werner Look for more news in 2015 regarding the 3rd annual cookie walk! 21 Church Staff Pastor......................................Dennis D. Winzenried Secretary………………………………….Denise Carr Choir Director…………………………..Arliss Stillings Organist.………………………………..Linda Stillings Custodian……………………………….…Paul Weeks Outside Custodian………………………...Ralph Taylor Members of the Session-2015 Ken Bavuso 593-6270 Ralph Taylor 546-3901 Len Clifford 231-2188 CJ Gailey 546-5465 Reed Click 214-923-1977 Vera Hardin 546-9074 Pat Seals 251-4118 Nancy Czerniak 546-0455 Ed Legge 546-3255 Mary Parr 545-1876 Georgia Roe 720-415-1212 Buddy Roberts 546-5612
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