Denstone College Prep School Lent Term: Issue 2 30th January DCPS Matters Denstone Prep is all about : Delivering Academic Excellence Cherishing Childhood Enriching Lives Preserving Tradition Inside this issue: • Year 6M • Forest HQ • Music Examinations • Year 4 Trip • Pupil Awards From The Headmaster Staff News As ever, a great deal has been going on since the last newsleƩer, much of which you will read about below. On the staff front I can tell you that Mr Maidment will be replaced by Mrs Tracey Davies in the classroom and Mr Jon Salmon on the games field. Mr Salmon will be known to many of you as he taught here for several years before Neil joined us and Mrs Davies is an experienced teacher who also has a son in the Pre-Prep. These are temporary appointments for the rest of this term and possibly next term as well. I will be interviewing for the permanent posiƟon in the next few weeks and will update you as soon as I have appointed someone. I would like to thank Mr Maidment for his efforts during his Ɵme with us and wish him a very happy and successful future. CelebraƟng Success This term we have introduced a new incenƟve for all children in main prep, with parƟcular regard to achieving a weekly personal best total of credits. Children who do this will be invited to join me in my study first break each Tuesday for hot chocolate and treats. Perhaps not surprisingly this has been very well received by the children and will hopefully provide plenty of encouragement for them all to seek constant improvements. Safer Parking Finally, there was an incident in the car park last week, when a car nearly reversed into a child and his mother. On dark evenings it is not always easy to see children walking past and I would suggest that it might be beƩer to reverse into the parking spaces so that you are able to drive away safely with a clear view of pedestrians. Thank you very much for your assistance in this maƩer. Yours, Database If you have not completed the database return yet please send it to Mrs Shanley as soon as possible. We can then start to email informaƟon to you, which saves paper and will also save us a great deal of Ɵme. we do need an updated version, so please complete the form, even if you think we already have your details! J Gear DELIVERING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Featured Class – Year 6M Year 6 are enjoying life aŌer their exams spending Ɵme down in Forest HQ, being introduced to perhaps one of Shakespear’s most famous plays; Macbeth. Drama is the word of the week as year 6 have delved into the first part of the play looking to re-enact elements of the opening scene, dramaƟsing the witches around the cauldron, chanƟng magical spells. NM ENRICHING LIVES Forest HQ The Opening of the Canopy Forest HQ, so named by Lileah Gregory in Year 2 (with a liƩle help from her dad!) was formally opened by Ann Woodward, acƟng district commissioner for UƩoxeter cubs and scouts. It really is a fantasƟc resource and offers many and varied opportuniƟes to enhance the children’s educaƟon here, principally as a focal point for outdoor learning and adding something extra to lessons. However, it doesn’t end there. We are also making use of it for aŌer school acƟviƟes, for the occasional Forest School family session over the weekend and next term there will be some camping opportuniƟes for different year groups as well. to educaƟon can add significantly to what is being studied in class. Along with school trips and visiƟng speakers, this is another way in which we can bring educaƟon to life for our children and this is why I find it so exciƟng! As we gather together more JG teaching resources, so the opportuniƟes in and around Forest HQ will grow and this makes the future very exciƟng indeed. Learning outside is a thrilling proposiƟon for both children and adults here and it will be wonderful to see this develop. It adds a physical aspect to educaƟon that is someƟmes missing in class-based lessons and this slightly different approach PRESERVING TRADITION Music Examinations Last term 22 pupils took music examinations in singing, piano, violin, clarinet and trumpet. All of the children had worked hard and all passed their examinations well. 2 children achieved distinctions and one child was awarded 135 marks which is an outstanding score. These results are excellent, well done to all the children and their teachers. AOB CHERISHING CHILDHOOD Year 4 Trip to Redfern’s Cottage Year 4 Trip to Redfern’s Cottage, Uttoxeter. had a tour and did an activity. We all made trade signs from the old trade directory. Uttoxeter We braved the cold was an influential trade and took a walking tour of Uttoxeter. We town, it used to rival looked carefully at the Lichfield and Manchester buildings, trying to find back in the day! clues about their It was a great day. The history and how they Museum of Uttoxeter Life is a fascinating little have changed over building and well worth a time. Our aim of the trip was to improve our visit. I don’t think any of Year 4 knew it was there understanding of the before we visited! settlement of Uttoxeter, now and in KEF the past. We then warmed up in the museum, where we FORTHCOMING EVENTS 3rd & 4th Feb - Pre-prep 2 Candelmas Assembly 12th Feb - Pre-prep trip to Space Centre 13th Feb - Half Term begins Pupils of the Week and Other Achievers Pupils of the week Y3 - Abbey Y4 - Harry Y5 - Finnbarr, Finlay & Henry Mathletics awards for; Y4 - Charlie Y5 - Henry
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