Millfields Mag FRIDAY 30th January 2015 E-mail: [email protected] CreaƟve Millfields Firstly a huge than you to all the parents, carers and members of the wider school community who visited the Art ExhibiƟon: ‘Shadows and Light’ in St James Church on Tuesday. The display of the children’s artwork was breath-taking, and the ambiance created in the church was of a calm and peaceful space to that enabled the work to be viewed like a real art gallery. Well done to everyone involved, but a special menƟon to Rebecca who coordinated the whole exhibiƟon. A comment from one of our governors sums it up, ‘The conceptual strength, the level of collaboraƟon, of community and parent involvement, the contemporary sense of installaƟon, recreated space... I could go on. It was stunning.’ And from one of the parents, ‘CongratulaƟons to all the children involved in the Shadows and Light show, what a triumph! All contribuƟons spectacular, both my children were deeply proud to show me around the church and the middle hall to see the exhibits. The London skyline should be retained for show.’ And indeed, we are hoping that it can be on show again and have a provisional date for the work to be displayed in the Saatchi Gallery and possibly the Whitechapel Gallery too. It is very exciƟng! Also, if you have not yet been to see the Nursery and RecepƟon work in the middle hall, please come in aŌer school and have a look at the ‘Sky Wall’. –it too, looks amazing. We have also had a very busy sporƟng week. Twenty children from KS1 took part in the HTSA Sports day at Clapton Academy yesterday. They had an amazing Ɵme –all got a medal and tshort for taking part in a variety of events including trampolining, games and athleƟc events. We also had some first, second and third place medal winners, as well as the top award that was for outstanding performance throughout the day –well done to Sabrina Muhiddin from Manchester Class who took home a lovely trophy. Also, this week, the Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in an inter-schools cross-country compeƟƟon. Well done to everyone who took part. There is another race next week, and we will know the overall results aŌer this. And tomorrow, the boys football team will be taking part in a inter-borough cup tournament, so I look forward to leƫng you know how they get on next week. Thank you to Sharon Williams for her conƟnued enthusiasm and support as the events would not happen without her! Finally, I hope you have received the form to sign up for this year’s Hackney Schools’ Challenge Run as part of the half marathon. It was a great success last year, and Millfields had the largest number of parƟcipants –let’s do the same again this year! Please return the forms and the £5 entrance fee to Heidi as soon as you can. Morning runs will start aŌer half term to get you all in shape for the final event. The actual race takes place on Sunday 10th May. Have a good weekend, and maybe there will be snow! I hope so as the children are talking about it and hoping for a white playground next week! Best Wishes, Jane Hilsea Street Hackney E5 0SH TEL : 020 8985 7898 Important Dates 9th - 13th February Spanish week Tues 10th February Safer Internet Day Deadline run hackney applicaƟons Fri 13th February Non uniform day Spanish theme Fri 13th February Last day of half term Fri 20th March Class photos Weds 25th March Parents evening AƩendance & Punctuality Our school target: 96.5% Last week: 97% Winning classes last week: Leeds, Liverpool and York (98%) and Swansea and Winchester (99%). Tuck Shop Well done to Oxford class for raising £64.66 at last week’s tuck shop. Thank you for all of your support. Headteacher’s Surgery Weds 11th Feb 2pm School tours Fri 13th Feb 9:30am Please book an appointment with the office. Happy B rthday to the children and staff who celebrated their birthdays during this week: Chi Blake 21st January; Amaarah Siddiqui and Laura Torre 26th January; Marium Ayub, Shazedul Islam and Amaan Rahman 27th January; Coco Dawson and Pavel Ivanov 28th January; Toby BewickBewick-Smith, Ethan Foley, Chiamaka Mbama Njoku and Chibuike Mbama Njoku 29th January; Matthew Otto 30th January; Violet Humphreys and Dara Welch 31st January; Kasia Szymanska, Jordan Nisbett, Conaire Kerrigan and Riccardo Verger 1st February. i PSA AŌer-school Tuck Shops Spring 2015 We would like to conƟnue with our weekly tuck shops this year. We will need people to volunteer Ɵme to run the stall on the day and will need lots of donaƟons of food on the day. Just take your food to the office on the day of your stall. London’s best loved venues host a day of sharing children’s books Date Class Manchester Friday 30th Jan Edinburgh Friday 6th Feb Cardiff Friday 13th Feb HALF TERM Derby Friday 27th Feb Leeds Friday 6th Mar Noƫngham Friday 13th Mar Year 5 Friday 20th Mar EASTER HOLIDAYS Saturday 14 February 2015 In Hackney, children and families can visit Shoreditch Trust’s Canalside Waterhouse Restaurant from 12pm to 4pm and bring along old books to swap and get new ones to share. There will be story-reading sessions, healthy snacks and more. London Children’s Book Swap participants can be on the lookout for the Walker Bear (of Walker Children’s Books) who will be dropping by book swaps in multiple venues across London to hear all about families’ book swapping experience first-hand. For more information go to: and search for bookswap FREE Family workshops To continue the theme of shadows and light a parent has found the following event: Join filmmaker James Holcombe from and explore the magical properties of light in this creative workshop inspired by Julio Le Parc’s exhibition. We’ll be scratching, punching and drawing onto 16mm film to make moving images in our experimental projection room. Admission free. Drop in any time between 12pm and 5pm. SHARING ASSEMBLIES - Spring Term 2015 Date(Fridays) EY and KS1(BoƩom Hall @ 9.10am) LKS2 and UKS2 (Top Hall @ 9.10am) Noƫngham Class (Dorothy) 30.1.15 Swansea Class (Lloyd) Canterbury Class (Abigail) 6.2.15 Spanish Week - No sharing assemblies 13.2.15 HALF TERM York Class (Sevilay) 27.2.15 6.3.15 Edinburgh Class (Rana) 13.3.15 20.3.15 27.3.15 Belfast Class (Teague) Winchester Class (MaƩhew) Pop up Assemblies Leeds Class (Vicki) Oxford Class (Mehmet) Exeter Class (Keli) Bristol Class (Kingsley) Website of the Week Shadows and Light Exhibition. In preparation for Spanish week we have found a website with games and vocabulary exercises to support learning Spanish. ¡Que te dieviertas! (Have fun) Spanish.htm Thank you to everyone who took the time to visit the exhibition. It was well worth it. Well done to all of the following children who have received gold aƩendance awards for achieving 100% aƩendance in the Autumn term. We also have over 200 children who received outstanding aƩendance awards for achieving over 96.5% aƩendance. CongratulaƟons and keep it up. Belfast Malaikah Husain Exeter Lesonte Johnson Noƫngham Pachino Blake Lydia Archibong Sima Torabi Ethan Foley Momorie Koroma Elisa Antoko Kolya Davis Zahrah Hossen Finlay Watson Tanice Knight Rayan Moussaioui Dammy ArasokunAkande Ashleigh Hunt Brooklyn King Derby Blake Lawson Eren Temiz Betsy Copland Sacha Jordaan Max Larney Chelsea BamfoSerebour Sarah Jane Okiya Oriana Thomson Joseph Maƫoli Exause Mayala Lucia Manoso Rogers Simon Brogan Khadeejah Patel Manchester Nazira Mulla Mariya Navsa Emme-Novel Marques Ngala Jimme Brotherhood Eli Ross Chi Blake Zahir Uddin Zahraa Patel Birmingham Viggo Carver Glasgow Lena Cade-Swindells Oxford Theo BarreƩ Niamh Devlin Olajide Animashaun Latrel Louis Sabiha Ali Swansea Ashaylah Spence-Lewis Nella Geoghegan Roisin Barclay Amarah Navsa Lyna Behidj Emmanuel Akam Bristol Aahil Rahman Lozy Londa Wendy NƟamoah Theo BeƩs Felix Fitzwilliam Ferdaous Kadiri Kasmi Dundee Husna Pirbhai Connice Pilgrim Suki Fitzwilliam Ahmethan Karaman Milo MacInnes Danielle Bahissi Chandra Singh Jayveer Singh Batra Mohamed Kadiri Kasmi Idris Korbay Kyrah MaƩhews Djouher Benhamza Leeds Alejandro VinallAmador Abdul Majid Chelsea Moccia SebasƟan Perko-Fabris Dellarno Brown Sarah Birikorang Elliot Walker Mari ReƩler Winchester Taniya Singh Aliyah Eyene-Leger Charlie Forster Newcastle Farhaan Shaikh Tychic Antoko Kuvila Jardell Spence-Lewis MaƟas Camilo Jorge Jaidon Knight Freya Duckworth Portsmouth Joseph Brogan Canterbury Kimanie Oakley Irma MuesChemolomskaite Oliver Hunt Nuno Gomes Ocante Elvizo Leigh Renzil D’Costa Edinburgh Shanteanna Roberts Finlay McNally -Salmon Timi Monz Monika Sefil Miradi Mbonzi Arthur Congreve Alisha Shaikh Anoushka Minale Maryam Navsa York Sheikh Miah Aneesah Khan Liverpool Mansi Paul Gideon Thomson Iolo Ap Sion DesƟny Smith Georgia Tassell Steven Fisher Samia Rahman Megan Wooldridge Alexei Elias Cardiff Richie Zoko Malaki Grant Evie WaƩs Evans Sheffield Kane Headley HenrieƩa Antoko Remember: Millfields Super savers bank is open every Wednesday from 8:30-8:55. Aajah Yankana Stars of the week! Key Stage 1 Lower Key Stage 2 Upper Key Stage 2 Estrellas de la Semana
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