Ben Kingston‐Hughes has worked with children of all ages for 24 years. He has spoken at regional and national conferences about outdoor play, including Nursery World and the International Play Association conference. He was a finalist for both the Nursery World Trainer of the Year award 2013 and the National Playwork awards Best Trainer 2013. Training linked to Role Play ‐ Tuesday 24th February – Magical Imaginative Play – this practical course includes several examples of role play (socio‐dramatic, fantasy and imaginary.) This course was recently taken up by Wandsworth district and became one of their most well received courses with several learners saying it was the best course they had ever been on. Behaviour and Emotional Development – Tuesday 3rd March – Positive Behaviour Positive Children – This popular course looks at unique approaches to positive behaviour that have been tried and tested in settings across the UK. This has been a real eye opener for some learners and has never been delivered in Leicestershire. It was delivered in Lincolnshire, London and St Albans with incredible feedback. EAL and Communication – Secrets of Effective Communication – Wednesday 4th March – This new course started as a keynote speech that I delivered last year and went so well I have expanded it to a 3 hr training session. It covers methods of improving communication and also covers techniques for working with EAL children which was a particular issue in some of the Lincolnshire settings I was working with. To book your place, please fill in all fields on the form below and return it for the attention of Nicola Hansard to Forest Way Teaching School Alliance, Forest Way School, Warren Hills Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 4UU Course & date: Name: Organisation: Address: Telephone Number: Email Address: Forest School Taster Day th 20 March 2015 at Holmsdale Manor Nursery, Ibstock LE67 6LJ Format of the day: We will gather from 9.30am for a 10am start and aim to finish between 3.30 and 4pm. We will spend some time getting to know each other and finding out about forest school and the theory behind it. Then we will move to the woods and have plenty of time enjoying practical experiences in the woods, trying out things like shelter and den building, knot tying, plant identification, playing forest school games and doing natural crafts as well as cooking on a camp fire. Delegates will be able to choose which experiences to take part in and follow their interests‐ true to the forest school ethos! Trainer: Katie Ward has been involved with forest school sessions since 2008, as a Level 3 forest school leader. She is now Level 4 qualified and can deliver level 1, 2 and 3 courses. She has previously worked as a primary school teacher, is an EYP and is accredited by Learning through Landscapes. She has a particular interest in green woodworking, the use and identification of plants, and the theories of learning that relate to forest school. Katie will be accompanied by other Level 3 forest school practitioners during the day. These practitioners have experience working with a range of age groups, from babies to 4 years, and have their own areas of interest, for example art and natural crafts. What to bring: Delegates will need to bring outdoor clothing. Wellies or walking boots and waterproofs are likely to be necessary and hats and gloves may be required. Please be aware that we have a ‘no shoes’ policy in our log cabin. A rucksack to carry your things would be beneficial. You may like to bring a camera and a bottle of water and/or a flask of hot drink. We will not be close to shops for lunch so I would suggest bringing a drink and some food for lunch, however there will be opportunity to make a ‘forest school pizza’ on the campfire if you like. We will provide any tools, equipment and materials that you will need. Cost: £12 per delegate including VAT. To book your place, please fill in all fields on the form below and return it for the attention of Nicola Hansard to Forest Way Teaching School Alliance, Forest Way School, Warren Hills Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 4UU or email [email protected] Course Name(s): Organisation: Address: Telephone Number: Email Address: Forest Schools Taster Day Hello WTSA is dellighted to offer o a Beg ginners’ Wo orkshop which provid des a practtical introduction to th he FW Mak katon Lang guage Prog gramme. Ses ssions inclu ude discusssing comm monly aske ed question ns, hints and tips for effective signing s and d sym mbol use an nd how to start using g Makaton in everyda ay situation ns at home e or work. You u will also learn l the signs s and symbols s for Stages 1-4 and Add ditional of the t Core Vocabulary V y. This s course iss recomme ended for parents, p ca arers, workkers and prrofessionals who nee ed to use Mak katon at ho ome and in n their workk place. The e course w will be delive ered by Jo o Rayns, a Licenced Makaton Tutor T and experience e ed com mmunicatio on technicia an and it will w be held Forest Wa ay School.. Durration: The e Beginners’ Worksh hop is made up of 4 modules m ov ver 2 days (delegates mu ust be able e to attend both sessions): Friday F 8th & Frida ay 15th May 2015 9.30am – 3.30pm m Goodby ye! Includ des 2 manu uals plus reffreshments. (please no ote lunch is not include ed). Place es are limite ed to 12 so book quicklly! To bo ook your p place, pleasse fill in all fields on the t form be elow and return r for th he attention of Nicola a Hans sard to Forrest Way Teaching T S School Allia ance, Foresst Way School, Warrren Hills Ro oad, Coalvville, Leice estershire, LE67 4UU U Makaton B Beginners Workshop W M 2015 – PVI Setting May g Nam me: Org ganisation n: Add dress: Tele ephone Nu umber: Ema ail Addres ss: Terms and Conditions Payments Payment must be received prior to the meeting commencing. The school will be liable for payment once the booking form has been received. Cancellations Forest Way School reserves the right to cancel a meeting e.g. if under‐subscribed. In such circumstances a full refund will be made. Places may be cancelled in writing to Forest Way School prior to the course commences, but refunds will only be issued based on the following notice periods:‐ More than 28 working days before – full refund 14‐28 working days before – 50% of the fee will be refunded Less than 14 working days before – no refund. (Please note: This condition does not apply if you have a doctor’s sick note but we will require a copy). Maths and Problem Solving Led by Mindstretchers Monday 16th March 2015 9.30 – 3.30, Forest Way School For some of us mathematics is not our favourite subject, we don’t find Compare Bears and plastic sorting sets particularly motivational! In this course, we explore mathematics and numeracy at the early level and explore how to deliver a mathematics and numeracy programme through contexts that inspire and motivate children to learn more. Aims • Explore ways to promote higher-order, child-initiated opportunities for mathematical learning • Discuss the adult role in supporting children’s mathematical knowledge and understanding effectively. • Explore ways to provide stimulating and motivating mathematical experiences for children inside and outside using open ended natural resources to develop children’s curiosity and problem solving skills. Learning Outcomes You will be able to: 1. Review your current mathematical and numeracy delivery and implement action points to enhance practice 2. Identify next steps for staff in supporting children’s mathematical development 3. Identify new resources and contexts to stimulate mathematical learning in your setting Publications by Claire Warden to support this course Learning Pathways The Fascinations series – Whittling, Charcoal, Puddles To book your place, please fill in all fields on the form below and return it for the attention of Nicola Hansard to Forest Way Teaching School Alliance, Forest Way School, Warren Hills Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 4UU Course Maths and problem solving Name: Organisation: Address: Telephone Number: Email Address: AET Early Years Autism Education Trust – Early Years Programme – 4 half days training Level 2 – Developing Good Autism Practice ‘For all staff who work regularly with children with autism’ The AET early years training programme will form an essential part of your continuing professional development Forest Way Teaching School Early Years Hub Forest Way School, Warren Hills Road, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 4UU Four Tuesdays April 21st, April 28th, May 5th and May 12th 2015 9.30 – 12.30pm This face to face training is designed for use across all types of early years settings and ability for children up to the age of 5 years FREE *Normal price £190* _________________________________________________________________ Reply Slip Autism Education Trust Early Years Level Forest Way School Name/s: _____________________________________________________ School / Setting: ____________ Tel No: E-mail ____________________________________________________ Send / e-mail replies to: Nicola Hansard Tel: 01530 277 363 Fax: 01530 814 069 Email: [email protected]
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