Rotary Club of Brisbane High-Rise R.I. No. 29520 HOT AIR District 9600 Serving the Heart of Brisbane 29 January 2015 LINDSAY’S LINES One thing I have always enjoyed about our club meetings is the variety of amazing speakers. Over the years I regularly have turned up not knowing who will be speaking or what the topic would be. I have actually enjoyed this as so often the unexpected have delivered memorable presentations. Last week, I knew the topic and the person speaking, having met him before. But, when I met Michael Pini previously, I didn’t know his background or achievements. I am now aware Michael is a sports fanatic, especially with cricket where he has umpired. But being a sports fanatic with permanent seats at Lang Park was not the reason Susan Rix asked Michael to meet a young man, a son of a work colleague of Susan, who has a disability. Professionally Michael has forged a successfully career where he currently holds a very senior position with the Australian Taxation Office. After meeting and being inspired by Michael, this boy apparently said he had never met anyone with a disability before who had a job, let alone one that has had a successful career. Oh, I forgot to mention that not only is Michael on the Board of the Cerebral Palsy League, he is also one of their clients! Michael chose to speak to us last week as a “consultant on employing people with a disability”. Combining his dry wit with firsthand experience, Michael spoke of the opportunity and benefits for us all to tap into the vast employment capability pool available from those with a disability as the skill set is significantly under-utilised. Michael’s story has humbled but inspired us to consider developing a leadership program for those with a disability along the lines of our Rotary RYLA and RYPEN programs so watch this space led by Mark Molesworth. ROSTER Chair Set Up Close Down Sergeant 29-Jan 5-Feb 12-Feb 19-Feb 26-Feb Bill P Yvonne Steve S Jane Angela Yvonne Steve S Jane Angela Craig Steve S Jane Angela Craig Chris Jane Angela Craig Chris Wen Angela Craig Chris Wen John A Rob Greg Wendy Kit Barbara INTERNATIONAL TOAST The Rotary Club of Kettering Huxloe is one of 1840 clubs in Rotary in Britain & Ireland. It was chartered in 1983 and today has 51 members, drawn from a wide variety of business and professional backgrounds. The club meets every Tuesday evening (except after bank holidays) at the Park Hotel in Kettering. They have also donated equipment to Dr Hamlin's hospital. GUEST SPEAKERS Date Name Sylvia Gregory 29 January Sasha Paterson 5 February Paul & Gabrielle Quilliam 12 February ATTENDANCE MEMBERS:23 VISITING ROTARIANS:0 GUESTS:6 PERCENTAGE OF MEMBERS ATTENDED: 40% Topic Ovarian Cancer My Year Abroad Hummingbird House APOLOGIES / GUESTS and MAKEUPS Direct Debit ROTARY GRACE NOTIFY OUR CLUB BY 1700 TUESDAY PRIOR TO THAT WEEK’S MEETING AT: PREPAY FOR OUR MEETINGS, EVENTS, SUBSCRIPTIONS AT: [email protected] BSB 084 -034 [email protected] Account Number 559347857 O Lord and giver of all good, we thank you for our daily food. May Rotary friends and Rotary ways help us to serve you all our days. DIARY DATES Date Event Details Thu 26 Feb High Rise movie night 2nd Best Marigold Hotel New Farm cinema in the Private 30 seat room. More details to come Sat 28 Feb Rotary Million Dollar Dinner See below for more details (or check with Susan) Sun 1 March 7:30am Clean Up Australia Day Followed by brunch in New Farm. See John L for more details. 6-8 March Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) New Farm Park. 14-17 year olds See page 4 for m ore details 22 March 2-5pm Opera in the gardens Tues 21 April An evening at the Maritime Museum In place of our regular meeting there will be a special function at the Queensland Maritime Museum at South Brisbane to present the replica bell to the Museum. 1-3 May District 9600 Rotary Conference www.rotarydistrict9600conference Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens Mr Cowley, Michael Pini (Guest Speaker), Susan and Helen Darch. District 9630 are actively promoting the very first ROTARY MILLION DOLLAR DINNER to be held in Australia Our goal is to raise in excess of $1,000,000 for The Rotary Foundation. The Pullman Brisbane King George Square on Saturday the 28th of February 2015. Dinner will be $125 per person – OR $1100 for a table of ten. There are already have a number of tables booked and ALL DONORS will receive an invitation to the dinner gratis. or This is a joint venture of Districts 9600 and 9630. Positions Vacant Some of you may have already heard the sad news that Christa will shortly be leaving us to return to New Zealand. Not only are we losing a valuable member it also means that we no longer have a secretary. It’s a great position to get a better understanding of how the club runs and you get to be one of the first to know what’s happening. While we are on the topic of positions vacant we are also in need of a volunteer (or two) to maintain the attendance register and membership database. Training is available. If you are interested in any of the roles (or even if there’s an area of the club you’d like to be more involved in) please have a chat to Lindsay, Rosemary or any of the board members. Shelterbox's work in Malaysia has been recognised by the Malay Mail Online with a great article: malaysia/article/after-floodsshelterbox-builds-modern-sheltersfor-displaced-families The Grand Poobah - Mr Bill farewells another herd of cats Thanks for the evidence Caroline Greg and Lindsay at the Toowong Rotary Citizenship ceremony on Australia Day THE ROTARY CLUB OF WILLIAMTOWN INC. DISTRICT 9670 N.S.W. AUSTRALIA IS INITIATING R-R-A-A-A-M (ROTARY RIDE AROUND AUSTRALIA AGAINST MALARIA) Motor-cyclists from the Hunter Region will form the crux of a fund raising ride around Australia. It will commence at Williamtown on Monday 2 March 2015, and finish at Newcastle Civic Centre 24 April 2015. They will average 400 kms per day stopping at as many towns as time allows and will be in Brisbane in early March. For more info - Steve & Dorene Carroll [email protected] The current board President Lindsay Marshall President Elect Rosemary Meadows Secretary Christa George Past President Wendy Protheroe Treasurer Russell Postle Fellowship Greg Pearson Youth Susan Rix Community Service John Lee Rotary Foundation Jennifer Eathorne Speakers Ros Mumford Membership Barb Leddy PR and Hot Air Sarah Osborne On 24 January 1924 Elinor Catherine Hamlin was born at home in Sydney, Australia. In 2015 Dr Hamlin AC celebrated her 91st birthday. Dr Hamlin co-founded the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital with her husband Reg and spent more than half a century living in Ethiopia, serving some of the most marginalised women in the world. Inspiration for this weeks international toast Eddies Epilogue I really enjoyed my first week of childcare – so much I didn’t realise dad was there to pick me up the first day! Please email contributions for Hot Air to [email protected] From the travelling desk of John A I just had the most amazing Australia day celebration you could imagine -after my seminar at Catherine Hamlin's hospital she wanted to chat with us for a while on the ward, and then asked us to sing Waltzing Matilda again (after first rendition on her birthday on Sat). So we did all 4 verses, then Louise and I danced Gay Gordon down the ward on last chorus, to cheers from all staff and patients. The senior ward sister then wanted me to do it again --then did the 'Esksta" Ethiopian national dance -- then finally Gay Gordon again (Shuffle) with Catherine herself! Leaving now for airport John Hallo High Risers, Greetings from Corvara in the Italian Dolomites. This was from our helicopter skiing from the Marmolada (the highest mountain in Italy) attending (from left) Sabine Thiel-Siling, Heinz Kostner (mountain guide), Jan Manton (from Brisbane) and Frank Leschhorn). Cheers Frank Bryce and Sue send greetings from Prague A little birdie (aka facebook) tells me that Bryce should get an extra fine when he returns because this trip coincides with his birthday. Happy Birthday Bryce!
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