Rotary Club of Glenorchy Inc.—District 9830 Rotary Year 2014-2015 No. 24 of 29th January 2015 MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS This photo has been altered Last week three Rotarians were asked to tell us about their business and how they got started. Terry West, Laurie Gray and Beres Taylor have completely different vocational backgrounds and their stories proved very enjoyable. On leaving school Terry West joined the firm of Tibballs Nursery and nearly 50 years later has just retired from the same business. In early years the firm grew seedlings (vegetables & flowers) for IXL (now defunct) and others. In that time Terry has seen many changes in the nursery business. Once it was all manual labour, but gradually machinery has been introduced and the number of employees has been reduced. For a number of years Terry was in charge of plant hire. Many offices would hire plants to beautify their facilities and Terry would provide and maintain the plants. (You would often see him watering and replacing plants on a regular basis). Plant hire has ceased now. Terry and his wife, Doreen, are looking forward to an enjoyable and fruitful retirement—mind you Terry will have a big task as President of the Rotary Club of Glenorchy from July 2015 till June 2016. Kerry Bowerman reminded us that Tibball’s was set up by Maurie and Bruce Tibballs, both Rotarians. In fact Bruce, PRE-SEEDED (err preceded) Kerry as President of our club. Laurie Gray left school and took up an apprenticeship with the then Housing Department from 1968-1983. This gave him an excellent grounding in the building industry. He then took a voluntary redundancy and spent two years at the Cadbury factory at Claremont. Laurie then spent the next 10 years running a furniture making business, and was involved in L & J Builders and D’Well Homes. It was then in 2008 Laurie and his wife, Helen, decided that they wanted to run their own building business and so began LHG Homes. Laurie did the building part and Helen ran the office and finance. Laurie admits the building regulations are tough and costs are escalating. (He gave an example of the cost of scaffolding. Today for a medium house it could cost up to $25,000.) As well there are traps for the unwary, “So read the fine print.” says Laurie. Beres Taylor has followed an interesting vocational path since leaving school. In 1991 he was a full time teacher, but his creative skills took a U turn in 2005 when he created a ceramic pottery business at his home in Collinsvale. This went well until Adriana, Beres’s wife, asked him to make a table for her. He had to admit he didn’t know how, so another turn in his life was to follow. For the next couple of years Beres took on a woodworking course at TAFE at Claremont College. Following the completion of the course Beres found a great love of Huon Pine and began a new business called ‘The Huon Pine Guy’. Since then he has made that table for Adriana, as well as coffee tables, stools, cabinets, office desks and other items of furniture. All his timber comes from an outlet at Queenstown and Beres feels that Huon Pine may be almost impossible to source in ten years, so where will Beres’s vocational path lead to next? (Left) a unique set of drawers made by Beres (see his web site for more information) Rotary Grace For good food, good fellowship and the opportunity to serve, we thank you, O Lord. President Cheryl’s Corner. Welcome back to the start of 2015 in earnest. Special welcome to Elizabeth tonight. Honorary member Pio great to see you here tonight We have a some catch up information for the weeks from Christmas into the New Year. Received a Christmas card from DG Ken and Lois. Visited 5 schools prior to Christmas to attend their End of Year presentation of Awards. Each school was most appreciative of our support for their school. In particular it was great to be able to present the Jack Eaton Memorial Literacy Honour Board and prizes to two students at Herdsmans Cove Primary. Our Christmas function at Salamanca Inn was a great success with 60 people attending with great food and tremendous fellowship on the night. It was a pleasure to have Louise and Parker with us on the night. Raffle prizes were won by Arnold Markham, John Berry, Michael Wilson, Elisabeth Louden, Peter Floyd and Jenny Maltman. Thank you to PP Arnold for delivering a Christmas Hamper to a humanitarian entrant family in need on behalf of the Club just before Christmas. A request from the International Committee Director, PP Kerry, for $250 was approved by the Board and Arnold was very pleased when the proprietor of the Hill St Store decided to make up the hamper to the value of $300. A certificate of appreciation has been sent . Date 29/1/2015 5/2/2015 12/2/15 Registration President Cheryl’s Corner Cont. Sydney Hobart Yacht Race Luggage – 117 yachts for the 70th Race. What a wonderful turn out of members and friends for the unloading of the huge TasFreight semi trailer of luggage. I would like to say thank you to the 17 members and friends who worked tirelessly to get the job done. We even had the wife of the navigator of ‘Comanche’ helping with unloading. A big thank you to Scott Walker who operated the forklift , making the job a lot easier and to John Radcliffe for supplying the forklift. A certificate of appreciation has been sent to John. A huge thank you to both Jenny and Ken who every year go about the task of organising us all to get the huge task done. Jenny’s mammoth work behind the scenes goes relatively unnoticed and Ken is always there as the backup. We have received letters of thanks from the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia and the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. Both letters contain an invitation to support the event again in 2015. EVENTS IN THE FUTURE 5th February– Board Meeting 20th—22nd March 2015– the District Conference at the Burnie Civic Centre 15 th to 20 th March 2015 Australian Fellowship of Golfing Rotarians- 37th Annual Championship Launceston (Rotary Club of South Launceston) 28th March 2015– Rotary Day ‘Lantern’ celebrations at Montrose Bay, Glenorchy. Meeting of 22/1/15 Members : 18 Guests present: Elizabeth Lauden (Right) Apologies : 4 Raffle : Jenny Briggs (again) - a pack of liquid amber. Birthdays: nil Anniversaries: Phillip Chandler ( 31/1/2008—7 years. Sick List: nil Other: (Below) President Cheryl presents an award and bottle of wine to Jenny and Ken Briggs for their work on the Sydney/ Hobart Yacht Race Luggage project. Rotary Information for 2014-2015 President: Cheryl Oborne Secretary: Rosie Marine DG: Ken Moore P.O. Box 9, Glenorchy.TAS. 7010 Web site: Is being developed Bulletin Editor: PP Mike Quinn Email: [email protected] The Club meets at the Glenorchy R.S.L Club, 320 Main Rd., Glenorchy on Thursdays 6pm for 6.30pm Apologies are to be made direct to Rosie on 0418 398 079 by 3.00 pm on Thursdays “Visitors are most welcome” February’s theme is World Understanding Month Toast to RI Chair Guest Speaker Esko Kumpenan Topic Rhonda Walker & Michael Wilson John Berry Mike Quinn & Maurie Oborne Paul Berry Rosie Marine Benjamin Price (pending at this stage) “Sax Appeal” Arnold Markham & Rosie Marine Peter Berry Beres Taylor Judi Adams Breast Cancer Pink Day Well done Rosie Batty– President Cheryl Duty Roster Former RI Exchange Student Many thanks to 4ONE4 for printing our weekly bulletin
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