To download the ICSV22 updated flyer with the extended abstract

 General Chairs of IC
CSV22 Eleonora Carletti, Serggio Luzzi Scientific Chairrs Malccolm Crocker, Monica Carfaagni, Marek Pawelczyk, Fraancesca Pedrieelli Local Sciientific Committee Fraancesco Asdru
ubali, University of Perugia Arianna Astolfi, Politecnico di Torino hi, University o
of Florence Fraancesco Borch
ovanni Brambilla, IDASC‐CN
NR Anttonino Di Bellla, University of Padova Pattrizio Fausti, U
Università di FFerrara Maassimo Garai, Università di Bologna Laapo Governi, U
University of FFlorence Gaetano Licitraa, ARPA Toscana uigi Maffei, II Università di N
Napoli Lu
Pavia An
nna Magrini, U
University of P
Simone Secchi, University off Florence Allessandro Perretti, Acoustical Society of Italy Frrancesco Pom
mpoli, University of Ferrara
T e22nndIn
nal Scientificc Committee
e Rabiah Ah
hmad, Malayssia Jorge Areenas, Chile Marc Asselineau, Francce dén, Sweden Hans Bod
Antonio C
Carvalho, Porttugal Luis Bento Coelho, Porrtugal ojocaru, Romaania Dorian Co
Stephen EElliott, UK Tamer Eln
nady, Egypt W.S. Gan, Singapore Len Gelm
man, UK Samir N. Y. Gerges, Braazil Christian Giguère, Canada Marvin Goldstein, USA
A bert, France Luc Goub
Lars Håkansson, Swed
den Colin Han
nsen, Australiia Wilson H
Ho, China Hugh Hunt, UK Jeong‐Gu
uon Ih, South Korea Akira Iku
uta, Japan Nickolay Ivanov, Russiia Moh Norr Jailani, Malayisa Sven Joh
hansson, Swed
den Shojiro K
Kaji, Japan Jian Kangg, UK Leif Kari, Sweden nds Jim Kok, the Netherlan
Nicole Keessissoglou, A
Australia Joseph Lai, Australia Zhuang Li, USA Brian Mace, New Zealand Nuno Maia, Portugal
Dan Marghitu, USA M. L. Mu
unjal, India Ricardo Musafir, Brassil o Pompoli, Italy Roberto
Zhushi R
Rao, China Bert Roo
ozen, the Neth
herlands Sergey SSorokin, Denm
mark Jing Tian
n, China Konstantinos Vogiatziis, Greece Semyung Wang, South Korea Floreence,Ittaly
national Institute
e of Acou
ustics an
nd Vibrattion jo
ointly with A
l Societyy of Italy
Exhibition Manaagers Gaetano Licitra, Micheel Rosmolen IN COO
OPERATION WIITH Naational Ressearch Coun
ncil of Italy
Web Manage
ers and Sebastian B
Budzan, Antonino Di Bella
ngress Secrettariat Sara Reecenti, Simon
na Senesi We lookk forward to meetin
ng you in Florence ––
Univerrsity of Floreence nstitute of Acoustics A
and Vibratio
on (IIAV) an
nd the Acou
ustical Society of Italyy The Interrnational In
ngineers fro
om all overr the world
d to attend
d the 22nd
d (AIA) are pleased to invvite scientists and en
Intternational Congress on Sound aand Vibratiion (ICSV22
2), a leading event in the area off acoustics,, no
oise, and vib
bration whicch will be heeld in Florence, Italy, from 12 to 1
16 July 20155. The magnificeent city of FFlorence is a Renaissan
nce city situ
uated in thee heart of TTuscany, fam
mous for itss ure, Renaisssance art, architectture and monuments
s. ICSV22 delegates and theirr hisstory, cultu
accompanyingg persons will enjoy many artisstic and cultural attractions with
h special prrogrammess ntertainmen
nt. resserved for vvisits, musiccal events and other en
The Venue is the Palazzzo dei Congressi, a 19th century vvilla located
d in the heaart of Florence, just in
n ont of the raailway statio
on at walkin
ng distance from the city centre and all the m
main hotels
With the purpose to
o collect thee broadest rrange of higgh‐level technical contrributions from all overr thee world, thee Scientific and Technical Program includes 7 Distinguiished Plenaary Lecturess and manyy Strructured an
nd Regular SSessions, organized in 14 Subject Areas. A dedicatted Exhibitiion Area wiill enable co
ompanies w
which have p
products, reesearch or involvemen
nt in any area off acoustics, noise and vvibration to display theeir latest pro
oducts in teechnology aand servicess. Co
ompanies are invited tto support the ICSV22
2 congress also by maaking sponsorship pro
oposals and
d takking advan
ntage of opportunitties, includ
ding technical worksshops for product and a
activityy preesentationss. For morre informaation, pleasse contact the Exhib
bition Man
nager office at expo
icssv22@acusttica‐ The full registration
n fee (given
n in US Do
ollars) includes: book of abstractts, proceedings on CD
OM, attendance of sessions and exhibition,, coffee breaks, lunch
hes, welcom
me receptio
on and galaa din
nner. (The student s
fee d
does not incclude banqueet; accompa
anying perso
on fee includ
des welcomee reception, a a
half‐day tour, a
and banquett.) Caategory
Accompanyiing Person
d Plenary Leectures Dick Botteld
dooren, Soundscapes an
nd Modeling Noise Effectss Kirill Horosh
henkov, Porous Material Characterizzation via Accoustical Metthods Roberto Po
ompoli, Acou
ustics of Italia
an Opera Houses: A Cultu
ural Heritagee Wim Van Ke
eulen, Experriencing Noisse‐Reducing Pavements Otto Von Esstorff, Recen
nt Developm
ments of BEEM and FEM
M and Theirr Application
n to Real Life L
Acousticc Problems ng, Room Aco
oustics Effeccts on Speech
h Comprehen
nsion of Engllish‐as‐Secon
nd‐Languagee Talkers and
d Lily M. Wan
Listeners veersus Native‐English‐Spea
aking Talkerss and Listeneers Semyung W
Wang, Sound Focusing an
nd its Practica
al Applications Su
ubject Areass T01 ‐ Acousstical Measurrement and Instrumentaation (chair: SSemyung Wa
ang, Korea)
T02 ‐ Activee Noise and V
Vibration Con
ntrol (chair: Marek Paweelczyk, Polan
nd) T03 ‐ Aeroacoustics and
d Aircraft Noise and Vibraation (chair: Ricardo Mussafir, Brasil)
T04 ‐ Enviro
onmental No
oise and Vibration (chair: Luis Bento C
Coelho, Portu
ugal) T05 ‐ European Projectss and Educattion (chairs: Gaetano Licitra, Italy ‐ H
Henk Wolfertt, The Netherlands) T06 ‐ Generral Acoustics (chair: Hanss Bodén, Sweeden) T07 ‐ Industtrial and Occcupational No
oise and Vibration (chairr: Dariusz Pleeban, Poland
d) T08 ‐ Machiinery Noise aand Vibration (chair: Zhu
uang Li, USA)) T09 ‐ Materrials for Noise and Vibrattion Control (chair: Jorgee P. Arenas, C
Chile) T10 ‐ Psycho
o‐, Physio‐, B
Bio‐acousticss and Soundsscape (chair:: Jian Kang, UK) T11 ‐ Road aand Rail Noisse and Vibration (chairs: Paul de Vos,, The Netherrlands ‐ Konsstantinos Vog
giatzis, Greecce) T12 ‐ Room and Buildingg Acoustics ((chaired by A
Antonino Di B
Bella, Italy)
UK) T13 ‐ Signal Processing aand Simulatiion (chair: Leen Gelman, U
Maritime Noiise (chair: Niicole Kessisso
oglou, Austra
alia) T14 ‐ Underrwater and M
Papers in
n all fields of sound and
d vibration are welcom
me and the p
possibility tto have pee
er reviewed
d fulll papers will be assureed for all intterested autthors. Abstrract submisssion via thee Congress w
website ww
org Earrly‐bird
20 USD
750 USD
330 USD
90 USD
670 USD
800 USD
380 USD
240 USD
740 USD
870 USD
430 USD
290 USD
On site 800 USD 930 USD 500 USD 340 USD The Congress key daates are listeed below A
Abstract sub
bmission deadline P
Peer‐revieweed papers: N
Non‐revieweed papers: 1 Decembeer 2014 1 Decembeer 2014 N
Notification of Abstractt Acceptancce P
Peer‐revieweed papers:
ber 2014 31 Decemb
Non‐revieweed papers:
22 Februarry 2015 Full Paper su
ubmission d
deadline P
Peer revieweed papers:
Non‐revieweed papers:
31 Januaryy 2015 15 March 2
2015 Early‐bird Reegistration:
Early Registrration: Late Registraation: 15 Decemb
ber 2014 15 March 2
2015 15 May 20
015 d social events, best paaper awards Young Accousticians are speciallly welcomee at ICSV22: dedicated
w be organized for th
hem. Updated programs and mo
ore informaation can be b found on
n and grants will n pages. ICSSV22 websitte, ICSV22 FFacebook and LinkedIn
The ICSV22 Social Programme includes th
he Welcomee reception, the Gala d
dinner, visitts and otheer events. All th
he social evvents will be b accompaanied by sh
hort concerrts and mu
usical perfo
ormances byy nd musician
ns of Maggiio Musicalee Fiorentino,, the oldestt classical m
music festivaal ressident operra singers an
in Europe after Salzburgg. A Techniccal Visit to tthe new Op
pera House of Florence will be arrranged and
d special original booklets (ICSV22 Flo
orentine W
Walks, ICSV22
2 Florentinee Musical EEvents, will be provided
d to participantts. Many tou
urs in Floreence and otther Italian famous citiies will be o
offered for to ICSV22 participants and accompanying perso
ons in orderr to make unique and u
ble their stayy in Italy.