Mass Times & Intentions Saturday 31st January - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 6.00 pm - Sheila Ph~lan RIP Sunday 1st February 9.00 am - People of Parish 11.00 am - Joseph & Matilde Aboujaoude & Family RIP Monday 2nd February Tuesday 3rd February Wednesday 4th February Thursday 5th February Friday 6th February Saturday 7th February The Presentation of the Lord 9.30 am Communion Service St Anne Line 9.30 am Harry Rigdon RIP (A) 9.30 am Ints Margaret McDonagh St Agatha 9.30 am Ann Rolls RIP St Paul Miki & Companions 9.30 am Andrew Burford RIP 9.30 am Ints Schular Family 6.00 pm Ints Fran & Mick Wetton Sunday 8th February - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.00 am - Judy Gray RIP (A) 11.00 am - People of P.arish Confessions Saturday 10-10.30 am Rosary in Church every Monday at 8.00 pm (except Bank Holidays) Women's Group in Jubilee Hall on 5th February 2.00-4.00 pm Faith Group in Jubilee Hall on 17th February at 7.30 pm Youth Club 7.30 pm on Friday, 6th February at 7.30 pm The Brentwood Diocesan Trust Reg. Charity No. 234092 Diocesan Vocations Website St Francis School website www .stfranci sbraintree Counters of Collection Today - S & G Howell 8th & 15th February - D Demolder & G Myddleton-Evans 22nd February & 1st March - R & B Sewell Church Cleaners Week commencing 1st February - P Lovelock & S Paul Week commencing 8th February- S McBeath, J Watson & J McNulty Friday Coffee Morning Friday, 6th February - M Gray, K North & A Saward Friday, 13th February - A & B Paul & T Seward Our Lady Queen of Peace -Parish News Parish Priest: Fr William Nix The Presbytery The Avenue Braintree CM7 3HY 0 I 376 326779 Convent Chaplain: Fr Liam Sweeney SCA Our schools: St Francis Primary Interim Head: Mr G Olney . 01376 320440 St John Payne Compr. Head: Mr A Schular 01245 256030 Email: [email protected] Website: Twin_ned with the Parish ofErmelo in the Diocese of Dundee, South Africa Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st February 2015 Page 132 - Eucharistic Prayer 3 After the call of the first disciples, the evangelist tells us ofa healing worked by Jesus, the first miracle in this gospel. He reaches Capernaum, a busy town by the Sea of Galilee, which he made the centre for his ministry. His teaching impressed the people, for it was given with authority, with conviction. Jesus spoke the truth without fear. The people are even more astonished by the healing of the man who was 'possessed by an unclean spirit'. The initial patt of the gospel is dominated by the words and the actions of Jesus. The healing actions show the power of God, while the teaching proclaims the coming of the kingdom. Jesus' powerful deeds confirm the message of the coming of the kingdom of God. The sick man was probably suffering from some kind of mental illness, and considered to be 'possessed'. All sickness was considered evil and in some way the work of Satan. The sick man was somehow a victim of evil. By healing him Jesus challenges and conquers the power of Satan. He demonstrates that the kingdom is near. The reading from the book of Deuteronomy includes the words of Moses that God would one day raise up a great prophet, a prophet like Moses. Thjs reading prepares us for the gospel reading and the fulfilment of that promise. Jesus, who is greater than Moses, speaks powerful words, words of truth, words which heal. The good news Jesus brings can change our lives as it changed the life of the sick man in the gospel. What does this Gospel say to us today? What does the gospel tell us about sickness? let pray for all those who care for the sick and work for their healing. Offertory Collection Envs £373.96 Loose £530.90 Gift Aid Standing Orders £252.67 Total £ 1157 .53 Just Party - First Communion Dresses and all accessories will be held at St Augustine's Church, Beardsley Drive, Springfield CMl 6GQ on Saturday, 7th February between 11.00 am to 1.30 pm. Please come along and have a look. Sick of the Parish Those who receive Holy Communion at home or in hospital. Anne-Marie Wardrop, Colleen De Souza, Barbara Brabon, Susan Singleton, Mary Rooney, Frances Weaver, Doreen Boylan, Alice McGough, G»'en Rushton, Kathleen Haigh and Pepi Braybrook. Healing Mass at Abbotswick House of Prayer, Brentwood to be celebrated by Fr Eamonn Power at 2.30pm Wednesday, 11th February. All are welcome! Please call 01277 373959 for more information. Anniversaries Philomena Daly, Joseph Guinan, Clare Guinan, Agnes Hedges, Harry Rigdon, Dorothy May Miller, Martha Hayes, Anastasia Pipe, Nora Connor and Mary Barlow. May they rest in peace. Retiring Collectioll'this weekend for The Catholic Education Service. Gift aiders please use Second Collection envelopes. We welcome our First Holy Communion children to 9.00 am Mass today. Congratulations to Fran and Mick Wetton who celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary this week. We wish them many more happy years together. Tea and Coffee in Jubilee Hall afterll.00 am Mass today. All welcome. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday - 6th February from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm to pray for the needs of our Parish. Please put your name down on the list at the back of the Church for one hour if you can. Eucharistic Ministers and Readers If you are a Eucharistic Minister and are unable to serve for the Mass you have been allocated, please try to find a replacement. Do not fail to turn up and simply expect other Ministers to cover for you. If you can ' t find a replacement, please call Fr Bill and let him know. Likewise, if you are not able to read on a particular day let your fellow reader know so he/she is prepared in advance. Thank you. Eucharistic Ministers and Readers Rotas New rotas will be produced by mid-February . If there are any changes, please let Sheila McKay know on 01376 326779 by Friday, 6th February. Many thanks. Ash Wednesday is 18th February. Masses are at 11.00 am and 7.30 pm. This is a day of fasting and abstinence. Nurse Needed! HCPT Group 124 will be travelling to Lourdes this Easter on the 4-llth April with 9 children who have disabilities. To go on this trip they are in need of a nurse who will be in charge of the children's medicine and care etc. It is a fantastic trip and if you or someone you know might be interested, please contact Sarah Barlow on [email protected] or 01376 330992. Thank you. Brentwood Catholic Children's Society is holding its annual Valentine's Gala Dinner at Stockbrook Golf and Country Club, Billericay on Friday, 13th February. Tickets for this Black Tie event are £50 per person to include a drinks reception, 3-course dinner and dancing. Please contact Julie Abbott on 01268 784544 I 07912277413 or [email protected]. uk Flame 2 on Saturday, 7th March 10,000 young people aged 14-25 are gathering at Wembley Arena to listen to music from Matt Redman who has won a double Grammy Award and inspirational world class speakers who will address issues close to the hearts of young people, including Cardinal Tagle from the Philippines who has just hosted the Papal visit talking on where God is when people suffer. A coach will run from Braintree Bus Station and the Parish is subsidising the tickets so the cost is only £8. If you are interested in joining our group, please let Greg Howell know on 01376 342017. Diocesan Celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes Please join Bishop Alan and parishioners from across the Diocese at Brentwood Cathedral at 3.00 pm on Sunday, 15th February, for Mass to celebrate one of the Patrons of Brentwood Diocese, in the week of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Many hundreds take part in our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes each year - Cathy O'Connor, the pilgrimage administrator, will be on hand to answer any queries you have, and the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service will also be assisting, just as they do in Lourdes. This special celebration will include candles blessed in Lourdes, and everyone is very welcome. There will be refreshments after the Mass. For more information about the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes please visit www .brentwoodloLu· or call Cathy on 01206 501146.
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