ANNIVERSARIES Please remember the following whose Anniversaries occur in February : FrankAxson,WilliamBliss,Ada Braithwaite,John Breen,Kathleen Burke StellaByrne,Archie Carmichael,Catherin eCollins,Michael Cox,Mrs. L. DeViell Bonita Dodd,Simon Dodd,Kathleen Do wling,AnneDowney,Anthony Drozdzicki ,BernardFeeney,John Gillies,Samantha G l o v e r, F r a n k G l y d e K a t h l e e n Gooding,Malcolm Goodwin,Susan Hick ey,RonaldHorsteadMaeve Knights,Alice Elizabeth MacKereth,John Maguire, MaryMichellElizabeth Murray,Heather Notarianni,Donny O’Rourke,DenisO’Sulli vanLeslie Paterson,Harry Pither,Florence Porter,Jillian Saunders,Katy SmithWalter Watson,Mary Kathleen Tinson,Keith John Dixey,Maureen Baker MASS RESPONSES Responsorial Psalm : O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts. Gospel Acclamation : Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you,Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children.Alleluia! LOW GLUTEN HOSTS Anyone needing low gluten host, please notify sidespeople when arriving in church & this can be arranged. MEDITATIVE ROSARY The Rosary Group meets every Tuesday at 8pm in St. George’s. All welcome. Parish Priest: Fr. Graham Smith 96 Ness Road, Shoeburyness, SS3 9DH Telephone: 01702 292726 Website: Gift Aid - Jim Filmer - Tel: 585839 Suggestions Email: [email protected] PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Those who receive Holy Communion at home: - Eileen Sweet, Betty & Roy Wallen, Jo Williams, Phyllis Green, Eileen Barber, Kitty Grange, Doreen Brown, Tom Costello, Eileen Glyde, Margaret Harrington, Roland de Cruz, Carmel Collis, Christine Leaver, Patrick Casey, Patricia Connoly, Neil O’Boyle, Kathleen Constable, Patricia Priggs, James Wate, Dolly Poskitt. Maria Vasili Other friends and family in our prayers:- Jane Barker, Robert Walliker, Sonia Curtis, Joyce Brown, Julie Stubbs, Mitchell Thorne, Karel O’Rourke, Colin Bennett, Edith Kemp, Janet Bernard, Eileen Malone, Margaret Button, Eileen Wilson, Janet Slatford, Theo Kalogerides, Michael O’Donovan, Norman Sach, Maureen Woodcock, Gabriella Drewer, Geraldine Knights, Maria Tullio, Rosie Stubbs, Mark Whitton, Ernest Standing. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration continues on Friday mornings, following the morning Mass. Benediction will take place at 11.45am. HOMELESS COLLECTION In February we are collecting tinned meat and tinned potatoes. Please leave in the porch. Many thanks. FUND RAISING 2015 We are starting to put together dates for 2015 in the Parish Calendar. If you would like to book a date for fundraising in 2015 please email Tania in the parish office: [email protected] Parish Administrator: Tania Hadley Office hours this week : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.00am to 3.30pm Hall Bookings - 292726 in office hours. Email: [email protected] The Brentwood Diocesan Trust Registered Charity Number 234092 The Catholic Parish of St. George and the English Martyrs Dear Friends Saint Blaise and the blessing of throats Saint Blaise’s feast day is this Tuesday, he is known for his protection of those with throat troubles which apparently comes from a legend that a boy was brought to him who had a fishbone stuck in his throat. The boy was about to die when Saint Blaise healed him. Tradition tells us that he was born in to a rich and noble family who raised him as a Christian. After becoming a bishop, a new persecution of Christians began. He received a message from God to go into the hills to escape persecution. Men hunting in the mountains discovered a cave surrounded by wild animals who were sick. Among them Blaise walked unafraid, curing them of their illnesses. Recognizing Blaise as a bishop, they captured him to take him back for trial. When Blaise was sentenced to be starved to death, the woman, in gratitude, sneaked into the prison with food and candles. Finally Blaise was killed by the governor. Fr Graham 31st JANUARY – 8th FEBRUARY 2015 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (EDUCATION DAY) Saturday 31st Vigil Mass 6.00pm Dianne & Charlotte & Terry RIP (Chris & Tom) Sunday 1st 8.45am For all Parishioners 10.45am Elsie Winckworth RIP (Marcelle Wade) Monday 2nd The Presentaion of The Lord (World day of prayer) 9.15am Tuesday 3rd St Anne Line / St Blaise & the Blessing of throats 9.15am * Tony Cooper RIP (Monica McGrath) 4.00pm Reception of the body of Pat Hollingsworth Wednesday 4th 12.00pm Requiem Mass for Pat Hollingsworth RIP Pat Hollingsworth (P&B Corcoran) Thursday 5th St Agatha 9.15am Clemente Mancino RIP (Margherita Mancino Friday 6th St Paul MiKi and Companions 9.15am Father Foster Special Intentions 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Day of prayer for victms of trafficking and those who work to combat it) Saturday 7th 6.00pm Les Dowie RIP (Eileen Jones) Sunday 8th 8.45am For All Parishioners 10.45am John Gillies Senior RIP Anniversary Please note: Morning Prayer will begin at 9am, followed by Mass at 9.15am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week (books are available in the porch). CONFESSION : SATURDAY 5.15PM TO 5.45PM *At St. Gregory’s, Thorpe Bay The Georgian Ernest is retiring!! Our occasional publication is need of a new editor ( and helpers!) Please leave your details in the office and someone will get back to you. Many thanks Fr Graham. OFFERTORY The offertory last week came to £1023.59 excluding standing orders and Gift Aid. Thankyou everyone for your support. COFFEE MORNING This weekend we are raising money for FoSG. Next weekend we will be raising money for Meningitus Trust In Memoriam Please pray for the repose of the soul of PAT HOLLINGSWORTH who passed away recently Requiem Mass will take place at St. George’s on 4TH FEBRUARY AT 12pm Requiescat in Pace ECUMENICAL STUDY DAY ON THE HOLY LAND Departing 1st April with British Airways, 7 nights Half Board accommodation, guide and transfers for £499. Or join 50,000 young people for the Medjugorje Youth Festival departing 30th July. Contact Jonathan on 02032892627 The next Ecumenical Study Day organised by the Commission for Evangelisation and Formation will be entitled ‘Jerusalem: the Spiritual Heart of the World: Recognition and Responsibility for the Holy Land’. It will be given by Della Shenton, who has led bespoke, reflective pilgrimages to Israel, Palestine and Jordan over the last nine years. Della will explore the place of Jerusalem in Jewish thought and in our Christian faith, and consider how we can move from faiths in conflict to lasting peace. The Study Day will take place on Saturday 7th March from 10.30 until 3 p.m. at Brentwood Cathedral Hall. Please book your place by email to cef@ or by phoning 01277 265 289. There is no charge and a light buffet lunch is provided. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY of PRAYER Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society ST GEORGES CHURCH 300 CLUB This is still running unchanged from previous years and is totally unconnected to the School. We need 300 numbers to be bought to keep this club running and at the moment we have only sold around 50. In order to keep this club running we need more members. Please pick up a form from the porch of either church. Pilgrimage to Medjugorje this Easter. Friday March 6th at 2.00 p.m. St. Gregory’s Church, The Broadway, Thorpe Bay. The theme this year is “Jesus said to them “Do you know what I have done to you?”” and the service has been prepared by the Christian Women of The Bahamas.Our Parish will be hosting a service at St. Gregory’s, Thorpe Bay. Refreshments will be served at The Methodist Church, Thorpe Bay, after the Service. is holding its annual Valentine’s Gala Dinner at Stockbrook Golf and Country Club, Billericay on Friday 13th February. Tickets for this Black-Tie event are £50 per person to include a drinks reception, 3-course dinner and dancing. Places are limited and we would recommend you book early in order to secure your tickets. Please contact Julie Abbott on 01268 784544 / 07912277413 or [email protected] Blessing and anointing of the sick on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Februar y 11th On this special feast of Our Lady of Lourdes I would like to invite all people who want to receive the anointing of the sick in the parish to come to a special mass on Wednesday 11th February at 11:30. In the letter of St. James we read “Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the priests of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” (James 5:13-15) Through the sacraments of healing, the whole person is reconciled to God and the Church. This is a repeatable sacrament. This sacrament takes place as the community gathers in faith as the priest prays over and lays hands on those who are sick, because the Church, like Christ, desires the health of the whole human person. It is for those who are seriously ill, suffering from the difficulties of old age, or in danger of death. No longer called extreme unction or “last rites”, it is intended to provide wholeness of body and mind and soul and spirit, in the wider context of the pastoral care of the sick. What better time than on this special feast of Our Lady of Lourdes through whom so many people have benefited from her intercession to receive this healing sacrament. A word about the new confession time Diocesan Celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes. Please join Bishop Alan and parishioners from across the Diocese at Brentwood Cathedral at 3.00pm on Sunday 15th February, for Mass to celebrate one of the Patrons of Brentwood Diocese, in the week of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Many hundreds take part in our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes each year – Cathy O’Connor, the pilgrimage administrator, will be on hand to answer any queries you have, and the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service will also be assisting, just as they do in Lourdes. This special celebration will include candles blessed in Lourdes, and everyone is very welcome. There will be refreshments after the Mass. For more information about the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes please visit www. or call Cathy on 01206 501146. As you know confessions are now heard before the Saturday evening mass between 5:15pm-5:45pm (although I’m normally in the confessional until just before the start of mass). I would also like to say that I am available to hear confessions half hour before each mass on Sunday at both St. George’s and St.Gregory’s and so will be in the confessional at your convenience. Seeking Silence for Lent? For those wishing to take up the practice of Silent prayer during Lent. SUNDAY 15TH FEB OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH CENTRE 2.00-4.00PM The tradition of Silent prayer (Contemplative Prayer; Christian meditation)The roots in Monasticism in the Early Church Helpful hints & support Led by members of the Contemplative prayer Group Suggested donation £3.00 To book contact Fran McEvoy 01702 330178 or franmcevoy@
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