Third Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 25th, 2015 Dear Parish Family, As we move into Ordinary Time the urgency from the Gospel to Discipleship and Conversion becomes more evident especially on our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. Last weekend we witnessed the call of the first four disciples of Jesus. This weekend’s readings emphasize the urgency from Jesus to conversion. This urgency to conversion is more evident as we contemplate Jonah’s preaching in Nineveh. There was not time to waste, the citizens from Nineveh believed in God and they changed their life around. The very fact that the people had accepted the right moment for the conversion beginning with the preaching of the prophet preserved them and their city from destruction. In the second reading St. Paul also presents us with the same urgency to conversion; time is running out he says. There should be nothing that would hinder us, not even family or work, from making God our priority and the reason for our decisions in life. Jesus in the Gospel chooses to have as The Good News to begin his ministry, the proclamation of the same urgency; this is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. The time of fulfillment is the time God has chosen to bring about his project of salvation for humanity. The closeness of the Kingdom of God marks the end of the long wait, the Kingdom is here and now, in our midst in the presence of Jesus himself. To enter this Kingdom, is not easy. While it is true that the Kingdom is a free gift from God, it is also true that we can only enter it under the condition of becoming ourselves a presence of that Kingdom, that is to say; we need to become a transforming force in the world in sync with the demands this Kingdom presents to us by renewing our very lives. Following Jesus as disciple implies a conversion of life. Having celebrated the novena of prayer for the respect of life and ending today, it would be good to consider the different aspects of our life in need of God’s grace for conversion. Greetings and Blessings, Fr. César Vega M. Pastor 1 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 25th, 2015 Kingdom of God Reflection for First Reading Jonah 3:1-5,10 God sent the prophet Jonah to the people of the pagan city of Nineveh. The people of Nineveh were doing many sinful things, and Jonah warned them of God’s anger. The people listened to Jonah. They turned from their evil ways, believed in God, fasted, and did penance. Because of their change of heart, God spared them. No matter who we are, we all need God’s mercy and forgiveness. Like the people of Nineveh, we are to turn away from evil and return to God without delay. Discussion Questions-Reading 1 Who are the people in today’s world that help us to turn away from sin and evil behavior? Do we always listen to the Jonahs in our lives? Why or why not? How do you sometimes help others to turn back to God and do the right thing? How does celebrating Reconciliation show that we have had a change of heart? Reflection for Second Reading 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 In this reading Saint Paul reminds the people of Corinth that our world is not a lasting home. By this he means that Christ will come again in glory . Until he comes again, we are always ready to meet Christ. Preparing for God’s Kingdom should always be a top priority for Christians. Reflection for Gospel Mark 1:14-20 Today’s gospel reading recounts how Jesus calls his first disciples Simon and Andrew, James and John. His herald, John the Baptist, has been put in prison. Jesus urgently calls people to repent and believe in the good news. Like the Ninevites in the first reading, the four fishermen immediately respond to God’s call. They leave their boats and their nets in order to follow Jesus right on the spot. “I will make you fishers of men,” Jesus promises his new disciples. They take his words to heart and make following him their first priority in life. Discussion Questions-Reading 2 Why is it important to live each day as a preparation for God’s Kingdom? How do we do that? Who helps us to remember that will come again and that no one knows the time of his coming? Discussion Questions Gospel What does Jesus call his first disciples and us to do? Are there things that might prevent us from hearing Jesus’ urgent call? What are they? Who or what can help us to put following Jesus first in our lives? What do you think Jesus means by the term “fishers of men”? Who do you know in your family, school, parish, or community that seems to be a fisher of men, women, or children? Explain what this person does and tell how you might try to follow this person’s example. Catholic Communication Campaign Today, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please be generous in this week’s collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in our diocese to support local communication needs. The CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship, and witness. Envelopes in the bulletin bins! READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK Fourth Sunday in Ordinary time February 1st, 2015 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18: 15-20 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35 Gospel: Mark 1: 21-28 MAGNIFICAT Formation School of Faith, Leadership and Lay Ministry The Song of Mark February 14th Classes By Popular Demand … Once again, the stage production of The Song of Mark will be performed across the sanctuary of Holy Family March 25th, 26th, and 27th. Wednesday and Thursday evening rehearsals are open to all who want to be a part of this spectacular performance. Call Mary Smith for more information 966-0830. Ministries – Rev. Miguel González Ecclesiology — Bishop Joseph Tyson Catechesis — Stephanie Bafus Pastoral Center in Yakima 5301-A Tieton Drive “Credo ut intelligam, intelligo ut Credam” “I Believe to understand, understand to believe” St. Agustín of Hipona 2 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 25th, 2015 WELCOME TO HOLY FAMILY CHURCH If this is your first time at Holy Family, welcome and be sure to pick up a registration card at the Welcoming Desk or call the Parish Office at 966-0830 and we will be glad to assist you. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to become a member of Holy Family. NORTHWEST CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE Pendleton Convention Center Pendleton, Oregon February 27-28, 2015 Conference begins Friday at 4:00 pm with registrations and ends Saturday at 5:00 pm with a final blessing. Cost is $40 and includes 3 meals Fathers and sons ages 15 and up are welcome. Registration forms and additional information are available on our website: or call St. Mary’s Parish (541) 276-3615 The Song of Mark What I say to you, I say to all. Mark 13:37 A story handed down A musical production based on the Gospel of St. Mark Wednesday, March 25th Thursday, March 26th Friday March 27th 7:00 PM Registration forms on the Welcoming Desk or Parish Office The Haven: Yakima's Catholic Young Adult Group All young adults are invited to join The Haven for: Theology on Tap with Bishop Tyson Topic: "The Beatitudes and How to Live Them" at Xochilmilcos on 5110 Tieton Drive February 5th at 7 pm Please join us for dinner at 6 pm if you can Stage Director: Julia Barcott Music Director: Mary Smith (a free will offering will be taken during the performance break) Attn. All Altar Servers! TODAY!! We are planning a fun pizza party with games and prizes on: January 25th at 1:00pm to 2:30pm in the Gathering Hall. We encourage all current Altar Servers and any children (4th grade and up) that may be interested in serving to attend. Help us spread the word. Serving mass has so many rewards…. Valentine Boxes: Volunteer Chore Services : Each year with your help, VCS delivers a “Valentine Box” of food to help 70 of our low-income elders and lowincome adults with disabilities deal with winter budgets. There’s a decorated box to collect your generous donations of non-perishable food items (don’t for get to check the expiration date!). Cash donations to be used for purchasing fresh produce are also welcome and checks can be made out to Volunteer Chore Services. More Info? Call Lou Ann at 965-7105. Catholics Returning Home Were you, or someone you know raised a Catholic but do not come, or seldom come, to Church anymore? Are you a Catholic who feels separated from the Church? Would you like to feel at home in the Catholic Church again? Catholics Returning Home (CRH) is a six-week program assisting Catholics to return to the active practice of faith. No matter how long a person has been away and no matter the reason, we invite you or a family member or a friend to consider renewing your relationship with the Catholic Church. If you would like to attend or would like more information on this ministry outreach please call Mary Hamelin at 966-4206, Jeff Schlieman at 833-2515 or the Parish Office at 966-0830. Our session for CRH continue on Sundays at 10:30 am in the Church Bride’s Room. 3 Aluminum Cans Do you have any piled up aluminum cans– Please bring them and deposit them in bin near the paper bins on the corner of 56th and Tieton. All proceeds go towards Seminarian Education. SEMINARIANS! Bishop Tyson has encouraged us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Edgar Rene Estrada is studying English at Central Washington University. Please keep him and those who are considering vocations in your prayers. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 25th, 2015 Middle School Upcoming Dates: January 28th—REGULAR CLASS February 4th and 11th—REGULAR CLASS February 18th—No Class– Meet @ the Church for Ash Wednesday Mass February 25th—REGULAR CLASS Save the Date: Friday, Feb. 20th,2015 Youth Ministry & Religious Ed Annual Crab & Pasta Feed Ages 13-59 $35.00 Ages 5 - 12 & 60+ $30.00 Tickets available in main office, RE Office & Gi Shop When Auld Resolutions Be Forgot By Rachel Allen however you pray best (whether that’s journaling, hiking, playing music, sitting in Adoration, or something else entireI think the New Year is pretty overrated, as far as holidays go. ly) and ask Jesus some questions about what kind of home improvements He’d like to make on your heart. He should But I do like the idea of making resolutions and trying to know– He lives there. change some of my (many) bad habits. I’ve been known to keep a New Year’s Resolution well into February, sometimes A couple ideas to get you started: March...probably because I don’t start them until January Is there a particular virtue (honesty, charity, chastity, etc.) 15th, at the earliest. where I feel especially weak? How can I grow stronger in And, if I happen to slip up and lose it somewhere along the it? way and mess up, Lenten resolutions, thankfully, are always Am I disciplined in my prayer life? right around the corner. Do I think about others or myself more? If you didn’t make a resolution this year, or if you’ve made’s that New Year’s Resolution holding up? one and already broken it, it isn’t too late to reconsider. Pope Francis has some suggestions– his top ten list for Vatican employees is full of excellent advice for any of us. Do I spend more time being jealous, or grateful? Those are some tough questions-and please don’t take this to mean that I think you are struggling in each of those areas and need God to do a total overhaul on your life (although, I don’t know you, so maybe that’s true…). But when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, we generally try to make some big changes. And if we work at them, we might achieve one. I think Papa Frank might be on to something, here...As much fun as it is to talk about a new diet or an exercise routine, or finally sticking to a budget and getting some organization, let’s step outside the box for a minute. This life isn’t going to last nearly as long as the life to come. Maybe there ought to be more to this New Year’s Resolution thing than just looking like we have it all together on the outside….How are things looking on the inside? So why not ask God to help you tackle one of those areas? If anyone can make it happen, it’s Him. Just ask: Ezekiel 36:26– I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. I will remove the heart of stone from your Have you ever asked Jesus what He would resolve for you, flesh and give you a heart of flesh. if He could? 2 Corinthians 5:17– So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: Think about it: no one knows you better than He does. He has the old things have passed away; behold, new things have seen every moment of your life, known your every fault, come. cheered on your every triumph. New Year, new you—in Him. Now that’s a resolu on worth What about letting Christ make us into something new? Rakeeping. ther than coming up with our own lists on what we’d like to improve or change on ourselves, maybe we ought to come to "All High School students in grades 9 - 12..." Him in prayer and ask what He would like to do in our hearts, our relationships, etc. Jan. 28th-REGULAR GROUP This year, I’ve resolved not to make any resolutions, except one: to spend more time with the One who knows what I most need, and has the power to help me achieve it. Go to prayer, February 4th, 11th-REGULAR GROUP Feb 18th ASH WEDNESDAY (All groups meet in church February 25th Regular Group Feb 25th Confirmation Parent Meeting What home improvements need changing inside your heart? 4 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 25th, 2015 Announcements Sacraments/Faith Formation Children’s Ministries: PRESCHOOL THRU GRADE 5 Middle School Ministries: GRADES 6, 7 & 8 - Middle School In today’s gospel Jesus calls his followers to repent and believe in the gospel. John the Baptist called his listeners to change their ways. Jesus takes the message of John further by calling his followers to walk in the way of faith. Simon, Andrew, James, and John drop everything to follower Jesus. These fishermen put aside their nets so that they can follow Jesus and become fishers of people. They choose to change their lives and walk in faith. Today’s gospel shows how all believers are called to a new way of life, a life of faith. Family Questions: Why does Jesus want his followers to change their ways? What does it mean to be fishers of people? How does Jesus help us walk in faith? Baptism Preparation: Infant Baptisms take place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month in the Chapel at 1:00 p.m.; and on the 2nd, 4th and 5th weekends during mass, (Par ents r equesting baptism for childr en) ar e expected to attend two pr eparation sessions prior to your child's baptism. Godparents are also encouraged to attend. Please register ahead of time, and if you need childcare you must call the office. Pew Pad Contribu ons: If you are interested in sponsoring “your pew” or many pews with any amount you can contribute please let us know. The Haven: Yakima’s Catholic Young Adult Group: The Haven at 810 S. 16th Ave. Faith study at 7 pm on Thursday’s all people ages 18-35 are invited! Like “The Haven” on Facebook to keep up to date on all ac vi es . For more informa on Contact Steven Easterby at [email protected] Extreme Winter Weather Program Holy Family is once again par cipa ng in helping to feed the homeless this year. Overnight emergency shelter for homeless people con nue to need dona ons of pre-cooked, frozen main Bible Study on the Book of Exodus dish casseroles in disposable containCome join us for our Bible Study on the Book of Exodus! ers. If you can help, please bring donaons of frozen main dish casseroles to We meet in Room 10 on Thursdays, at 10:15-11:45 a.m. in the Parish Activity Center. the Gathering Hall kitchen ON SUNThis Bible Study is facilitated by Ree Kearns using the materials from Catholic Way DAY ONLY BEFORE OR AFTER MASSBible Study. Please call 966-5344 if childcare is needed. Fee: $5 Walk-ins are always ES. If you wish to donate money in welcome☺! stead of food, this would also be grateBecoming a Woman Whose God is Enough: YOU ar e invited to join women at Ho- fully appreciated. Call Ed Abel at 965ly Family for an 11-week bible study reflecting on the sufficiency of God, learning to 1178 for more informa on. turn from worldly satisfactions/anecdotes that leave women weary, empty, and guilty to A en on: Please put your casseroles the life of contentment as women focus on the all sufficient Shepherd in a pan that can be heated, aluminum disposable pans only. No paper and a deeper dependence on Him. or plas c, the casseroles need to e This study will begin Monday evenings in Activity Room 5 at 6:30 PM, cooked in their containers. Also please make casseroles that can feed February 9th through May 11th. Books are available at the church office at least 8 people, thank you so much for $8. To register, contact Jaci or Dolores at the church office, 966for all that you do!! 0830, or Teresa Guaglianone, 559-269-4364. Scholarships are available. KC BREAKFAST: Thank you for Special Announcements joining us this last Sunday. Our next breakfast will be on February Friday, Feb. 20th,2015 the 15th Brea k fa st w ill be served Youth Ministry Knights of Columbus 6097 7:30 to 11:00am. There will be sau& Religious Ed 5502 W. Chestnut sage, ham, eggs, biscuits and gravy, Annual Crab & Pasta Feed Wednesday, pancakes and hash-browns. Donation Ages 13-59 $35.00 January 28, 2015 at the door. Proceeds to KC Projects! Ages 5 - 12 & 60+ $30.00 Tickets available in main office, RE Office & Gift Shop Monthly Collec on—1500 Households Average Needed Weekly—$16,000 January Collec on 2014 OperaƟng Funds Reserve 1. $18979.75 $1555.00 2. $11791.50 $510.00 3. $12545.00 $50.00 Total: $40967.50 $1771.00 1:00-5:30 To Schedule your appointment or for more information, contact Nate at 509-966-3216 Annual Catholic Appeal Our Goal: $ 127,801.00 323 pledges of 1,300 households Total: $118,893.00 Thank you! 5 Sister Janet Strong is in need of a small love seat, and a person that can help with snow removal, and bird feeder @ Ahtanum Mission. If you could help please call the office. Electric Wheelchair available to parishioner at no charge if interested please call the office. MASS OF ANOINTING & SENIOR LUNCHEON Thursday, February 19th 12:15pm. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 25th, 2015 Ministries and Groups EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Chaplet of Divine Mercy is sung on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 3:00 pm. Adoration: Tuesdays from 8:00 to 5:45 ending with Benediction. HOLY FAMILY NURSERY: Ages 4 and Under The Childcare Center at Holy Family church is available during the Saturday 5:00 pm Mass and the Sunday 9:00 am & 11:45 am Masses. We invite all other children to attend Mass with their families. HOLY FAMILY MOMS: If you are interested in sharing ideas, talking about your children, connecting with other Catholic Moms or just hanging out, join our group. On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9:30 to 11:30 at the Holy Family Activity Center Room 14. Childcare is available. If you have any questions please call Rose Meyer at 966-0788. Sharing the Light Gift Shop Normal hours are Saturday 4:45-6:15 (closed for Mass) & Sunday, 8:00 am –11:45am. PRAY AND PLAY!! “Basketball -a decade of the Rosary- and reflection” Join us on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 7:00 a.m. Call Tom Kelleher for more information at 494-3738. All adults (22 and older) are welcome!!!!! Holy Family Men’s Ministry Elizabeth Ministry is a wonderful ministry in our parish that congratulates new parents and welcomes your new little one into our faith community. Do you know someone who is pregnant, or someone with a new baby? Please call Kathleen Silvernail at 901-1104 so that we can ‘gift’ them with some goodies and helpful information. We offer support for women who have suffered the loss of a baby to miscarriage. In this time of grief and questions please call Christine Levitan at 901-4995. Knitting & Crocheting for Jesus: A pr ayer shawl ministry: Caring, Comfort and Celebration is what Knitting & Crocheting for Jesus does. Knitters & those who Crochet, knit & crochet at home and during our Prayer shawl gatherings twice a month (2nd and 4th Tuesdays). If you know someone who needs Caring or Comfort or has an event to Celebrate please call Mary Patrick 952-1974 or the parish office. More knitters & those who crochet are also needed. Come and Knit or Crochet for Jesus. PRAYER HOTLINE: For any pr ayer requests call Barb McKinney at 575-1806 or email: [email protected] If you’d like to become a member of the prayer hotline please call Barb. PRAYER INTENTIONS Sister Janet Strong -Tel: 576-0931; email: [email protected], our Diocesan religious Hermit, would like us to know that she is very happy to pray, before the Blessed Sacrament, for any intentions that might be referred to her. Help Stop Abortion! Please join Greg Sherman and Nathan Stone in representing Holy Family's crusade against abortion. Tuesday mornings from 9-10:00 and Tuesday afternoons between 2:30- 3:30, and Wednesday mornings between 9-11:00, people committed to ending abortion walk with signs in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on 11th Ave & Tieton DR. Please contact Nathan at 966-3216 for more information. FLOWER REMEMBRANCE Alice Cone Nelson: In memory of my husband Charles (Chuck) Nelson, on the anniversary of his Birthday in heaven. January 30th. Ken Sauve: In memory of his parents Isidore & Celestine Sauve. Jackie Koreski & Sons: In memory of her husband and their father, Mike Koreski, on the anniver sar y of his death, January 31st. Jim & Jan Stohr: In memory of my husband, Jim Stohr. Kathy Burns and children: In loving memory of her husband and their father, Richard Burns on the anniversary of his death, January 28th. The John Eglin family: In loving memory of Ben Russett on the anniversary of his death, January 28th. “Holy Grounds” after Mass Fellowship Coffee and donuts every weekend. Coffee hours will follow the 7:00, 9:00 am Masses. Come visit and have a latte or coffee. PRAISERCISE Women Praising and Exercising to get Strong for God FREE MEDICAL CLINIC Union Gospel Mission together with St. Strengthen your heart & body with Vincent De Paul presents a FREE Medical low impact movements. Clinic. Dr. Crafts, MD & Alondra Garibay Tone muscles & increase flexibility. RN, will be seeing patients on Thursdays Improve your balance. from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in the Parish Activity Exercise your gi of prayer and praise. Center, Rm 2. 5502 West Chestnut. All are Have fun ge ng faith fit and body fit! welcome. For questions you may contact: Out of shape, in shape, or over-shaped? [email protected] Ladies…You are invited! [email protected] Mondays + Wednesdays + Fridays 10:30 to 11:45 in the GYM! Ques ons? [email protected] or call-509-853-4327. Call Cathy Schlieman at 833-9456. Thursday Nights The Yakima Diocese has a sexual abuse hotJanuary and February 7-8:30pm line for those who wish to report some incident In the Gym-Jan. 29th If you have wondered about how to plan concerning that issue as regards to a bishop, In Activity Room 10 - Feb 5th a vigil and funeral liturgy contact Dea- priest, deacon or diocesan employee or volunIn the Gym February 10th, 12th, 19th, 26th teer. Please call (888) 276-4490. con Jim at 945-5432 after 4pm Please join the other men in the parish for one of our Men’s Ministry Programs. The Journey – Mondays at 7:00pm The Journey is an opportunity to grow closer to Christ and in the process become in influencer to those in your life That Man is You! – Thursdays at 7:00pm That Man is You! – Fridays at 6:00am. That Man is You! explores the true dignity of fatherhood and becoming a man after God’s own heart. Please contact Steve Branch at [email protected] or 509-480-9685 for more information. 6
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