FEBRUARY 2015 A A NEW PENTECOST STARTS WITH YOU s the Catholic Charismatic Renewal approaches its Jubilee year in 2017, the National Service Committee has designated this year as the Year of Unity. Deacon Dennis Chlebeck, the archdiocesan liaison to the charismatic renewal, spoke at our annual meeting in January. Here is an excerpt of his comments: “God really wants the Renewal to rise up and this is going on worldwide. It makes no difference what ministry one is involved in, whether it’s prolife, Rediscover, the choir, or the parish prayer group—God is using all of these for His glory and for the edification of the Church, and we need to be open to His plan. This is the meaning behind the theme of unity, that no ministry is elite and we all have the same purpose and need to work in “harmony” with one another. We Are in a Missionary Field We need to be humble servants and do whatever God wants us to do. We need to have a missionary spirit, reaching out to everyone in the parish, especially to our young people. There are families at faith formation, but not at church on Sunday. It’s no secret that we are in a postChristian era in the United States. The Renewal is looking to bring people back to Jesus. I hope that you would not grow weary in your efforts to promote the “baptism of the Holy Spirit” and that you would fly with eagle’s wings. Ignite the charisms Do I know what my charism is? How does God want to use me? We need to be open to whatever He wants us to do? We are the foot soldiers for the Church, called to help bring the parishes to a new level. How do we use our charisms in parish life, in meeting the people in the pew, how do we touch them? We touch them by relationship. We have to be open to reaching out to them and inviting them into our lives. This is our apostolate. A couple of years ago, Deacon Mike Thoennes, who is currently a board member for CCRO, gave a prophetic presentation in which he encouraged us to bring baptism in the Holy Spirit into the Church in a new way. We should have the goal that every parish ought to experience that kind of renewal. That all our confirmands ought to experience this renewal of their baptism. God will use us however we’re willing to let Him use us, but we must be open to let Him do it. The Charismatic Renewal is a sleeping giant and we’re coming up on 50 years of Catholic Charismatics in the United States. In terms of spiritual movements, that’s not very long when you think about the Franciscans or the Jesuits, et.al. Pray for this archdiocese, pray for the priests, deacons and clergy. Be open to our young people and bring them closer to Jesus. They have charisms and they need to be ignited; they are the future of the Church. Pope Francis in the Joy of the Gospel states, we are not identified enough by our charisms. Don’t be afraid to be who we are, Charismatics. Be open to what God is doing as we move toward the 2017 jubilee.” P AGE 2 C ATHOLIC C HARISMATIC R ENEWAL O FFICE YEAR OF UNITY By Cruz Teresa Rosero This excerpt was published in the Fall 2014 issue of PENTECOST Today. Used with permission. “Year of Unity” is the aim for 2015. How can we achieve this difficult task within our Charismatic Renewal, without our Catholic Church, and within the Body of Christ? First of all, we need to understand what unity means. The document written by our Committee has defined it as a “call to a union that is as complete as the union between the three persons of the Trinity; not just a mixture of elements into a tenuous combination.” Second of all, we need a method and a model. “Jesus has given us the model of unity in his dedication to the Father’s will, humility, service, sacrifice and forgiveness.” This is a method based on Jesus’ teaching: “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friend” (Jn 15:13). This may mean that we have to give up our personal visions of how things should be and our way of doing things. We do this for the higher calling to live for Jesus and not ourselves. This means we must be constantly open to the Holy Spirit directing and teaching us. If we are willing to ‘lay down our life’ and are open to listening to, responding to, and cooperating with others, we can build unity between all groups and peoples with whom we work (Rom 12:5). To foster such a unity, four emphases should be taken into consideration: Reach out to all groups influenced by the charismatic renewal Endeavor to lay down our lives for each other Foster unity in the Renewal, unity with the Church, and ecumenism Focus on the importance of community. Within the Renewal we need to re-establish and repair broken relationships. We need to reach out to other groups influenced by the Renewal in our areas and look for opportunities to pray together. We can be open and vocal about the gift each group brings to the renewal of the Church, and commit ourselves to an ongoing communication and cooperation with them, taking into consideration the commonality we share. Cruz Teresa Rosero is a member of the Spanish National Committee and a member of the 5-Year Committee of the National Leadership Groups of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the U.S. “The Charismatic Renewal is a great force meant to serve the preaching of the Gospel in the joy of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Pope Francis This is your path: evangelization, spiritual ecumenism, caring for the poor and needy, and welcoming the marginalized. And all of it is based on worship! The foundation of the Renewal is worshiping God! They asked me to tell you what the Pope expects of you. The first thing is conversion to the love of Jesus which changes our lives and makes each Christian a witness to God’s love. The Church expects this witness of Christian life from us, and the Holy Spirit helps us to live the Gospel fully and consistently for our own growth in holiness. I expect you to share with everyone in the Church the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit. I expect you to evangelize with the word of God, which proclaims that Jesus lives and that He loves all men and women. To give a witness of spiritual ecumenism to all our brothers and sisters of other Churches and Christian communities who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. To remain united in the love that the Lord Jesus asks us to have for all people, and in prayer to the Holy Spirit for the attainment of this unity which is necessary for evangelization in the name of Jesus. Remember that “the charismatic renewal is de facto ecumenical in nature...The Catholic renewal rejoices in what the Holy Spirit is accomplishing in the other churches” (1 Malines 5,3). Be close to the poor and to those in need, so as to touch in their flesh the wounded flesh of Jesus. Please, draw near to them! Seek unity in the Renewal, because unity comes from the Holy Spirit and is born of the unity of the Trinity. Division comes from the devil. Flee from all infighting, please! Let there be none of this among you! (Excerpts from a speech given at the Italian Renewal in the Spirit’s National Convocation, in cooperation with the ICCRS, June 1, 2014) J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 3 February Happenings & Announcements MARK YOUR CALENDAR HAPPENINGS THE CHARISM SCHOOL & MIRACLE HEALING SERVICE WITH DAMIAN STAYNE May 1-3, 2015 Hosted by the Chicago Charismatic Renewal Office. If you missed our Charism School, here is another chance to attend. More information about location, registration, and possible groups organizing from the Twin Cities will be promoted by our office Or visit: http://chicagorenewal.org/ ANNOUNCEMENTS Companions in the Heart of Jesus Mini-Retreat for Women Saturday, February 21, 2015 Church of St. Paul 740 Bunker Lake Blvd. NE, Ham Lake 8am Mass (optional) 8:30-11:30: hospitality, praise & worship, speaker, reflection and prayer. February 3 (Tuesday) HEALING MASS at Church of St. Peter, 2600 N. Margaret St., No. St. Paul. Celebrant Fr. Tom Balluff. Rosary 7pm, Mass 7:30PM. Call Peter 651-353-4311. February 6 (Friday) FIRST FRIDAY WITH THE FRANCISCANS, 7PM. 1289 LaFond Ave., St. Paul, MN. Adoration, Franciscan Crown Rosary, Compline and Benediction. Fellowship follows. February 6 (Friday) COR JESU, Praise & Worship Night at the St. Paul Seminary (St. Mary’s Chapel) 810PM, 2260 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN. Information and directions: 651-962-5050. February 7 (Saturday) LIFELINE MASS, NET Center, 110 Crusader Ave., West St. Paul. 6-9:30PM, band, Mass, speaker: Archbishop John Nienstedt presents: IS GOD CALLING ME? Call 651-450-4311. February 13 (Friday) Healing Mass at St. Nicholas Church, 412 4th Street West, Carver, MN 55315. Celebrant Fr. Jim Livingston. Rosary 6:30PM; Mass 7:00PM. Call Jodee, 952-448-2345. February 17 (Tuesday) HEALING MASS at St. Patrick’s Church, 1500 Vine Street, Hudson, WI. 6PM. Call 715-381-5120. SURRENDER TO HOSPITALITY Speaker Jean Michaels, a mother and grandmother who has served family, friends and parish while serving the Lord with her gifts. No registration or fee required. Childcare provided for $4 per child, reserved by calling Stephanie at 763-413-7393. February 20 & 27 (Friday) HEALING PRAYER SERIES, 7-9PM in Owens Science Hall, Room 150 (the 3M Auditorium) on the South Campus of the University of St. Thomas. Call Fr. David Smith, 651-962-8929 or [email protected]. February 20 (Friday) EMMAUS, Church of St. Mark, 2001 Dayton Ave., St. Paul. 7-8:30PM. Adoration, Confession, praise and worship. Call 651645-5717. February 26 (Thursday) A R EA -W IDE CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MEETING, 7:30PM St. Albert the Great Church, 3200 E. 29th Street, Mpls. Enter side doors to social hall. New Life Renewal Ministry. Call Vince Dorazio, 612-243-9411. Healing Services with Alan Ames SATURDAY, MARCH 7 4:30 PM: Mass, Talk, Healing Service St. Augustine Catholic Church 405 4th Street N.W Austin, MN 55912 507-437-4537 SUNDAY, MARCH 8 5:30 PM: Rosary, Talk, Healing Service, Confessions St. Henry’s Catholic Church 1001 East 7th Street Monticello, MN 763-295-2402 MONDAY, MARCH 9 6 PM: Rosary, 6:30 PM Mass; Talk, Healing Service, Confessions St. John the Baptist Church 835 2nd Avenue NW New Brighton, MN 763-295-2402 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 2967 SAVE THE DATE CCRO SUMMER CONFERENCE Fri.-Sat. August 7-8, 2015 Presenters: Lloyd and Nancy Greenhaw Lloyd and Nancy Greenhaw have been in full-time Catholic evangelization ministry since 1991. Here in the USA Lloyd and Nancy have ministered through parish missions, conferences and retreats for adults and youth, prison ministry, and work with the homeless. In conjunction with Renewal Ministries they teach Evangelization Schools in various regions of the country. As Country Coordinators for Renewal Ministries they have led numerous outreaches to several African countries as well as Turkey, Haiti, Samoa, and Papua New Guinea. They work closely with the Church authorities to teach catechesis, apologetics, and the New Evangelization. Watch for more information in upcoming newsletters. Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. (Eph. 6:10)
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