C ATHOLIC P ORTSMOUTH Catholic Parishes and Schools in Partnership in the City of Portsmouth 1 - 15 FEBRUARY 2015 – FOURTH & FIFTH SUNDAYS OF ORDINARY TIME To share the Life of God The people in the gospel twice responded to Jesus as one with authority: when he taught them and when he cast out the unclean spirit. Jesus had authority because for three decades of life before Jesus embarked on his public ministry, he lived and worked the simple life. He listened to people; he knew and understood their life because he lived it alongside them. Jesus understood his hearers from his own personal experience. An experience shared and learned from Mary and Joseph. Jesus had authority because both in word and deed he touched people in their need. Jesus had authority because of his intimate relationship with his Father in heaven; the One whose will he faithfully carried out. The people were astonished because Jesus acted with authority, because he was saying and doing something new. He was revealing God’s very presence and life. Jesus is “the Holy One of God” among them. And among us too! The Good News is that because of our baptism, because we are the children of God and are members of the Body of Christ, we are given the same authority as Jesus to teach God’s ways and confront and overcome the power of evil. Our authority does not come from us, but rests in our having been baptised into Christ and the intimate relationship with him that baptism opens up. Through baptism we are empowered to know who Jesus is. Our authority also rests within the Christian community, among those with whom we live, work and worship. The authority is not ours, but is the fruit of the life given us by God, a life we share with others. This authority we share because of our baptismal dignity brings with it a responsibility. Those who abuse authority diminish life; those who respect authority enhance life. Authentic discipleship implies teaching and acting with the authority that witness to integrity: words and deeds coinciding in such a way that our lives manifest the same integrity as Jesus’ life. Goodness overcomes evil when we demonstrate such integrity. We are easily amazed at the eloquent words of others and sometimes those words are our own. But these words are only truly eloquent and fruitful when our everyday actions witness to their truth by the very goodness of our lives. Goodness which is the life God gives us! Father Steven Restori St John’s Cathedral: Bishops House, Bishop Crispian Way, PO1 3HG – Tel. 023 9282 6170 Cathedral Dean: Canon Dominic Golding VG – [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr James McAuley – [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Lily Peach – [email protected] – Office Hours: 0900-1600 Monday – Friday Parish Pastoral Assistant: Sister Maura Chin - Safeguarding Representative: Sue Smy 023 9273 0855 Corpus Christi & St Joseph Fr Steven Restori tel 023 9266 0927 – [email protected] Corpus Christi Gladys Avenue, North End PO2 9AZ – St Joseph Tangier Road, Copnor PO3 6JH Parish Sister: Sr Mary Gleavey FMDM 07586 801868 – St Joseph Hall Bookings: Mrs Mary Vale 07897 488254 Safeguarding Representative: Elaine Lindsay 07749 200592 Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun Parish Priest: Fr Kazimierz Stefek - Assistant Priest: Fr Pawel Przybyszewski tel. 023 9282 8305 – [email protected] Our Lady of Lourdes Bransbury Road, Eastney, PO4 9JY - St Swithun 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, PO5 2PL Pastoral Assistant: Sr Marie Elise Tel. 07747 728734 Parish Secretary: Mrs Clare Shore – Office Hours: 0900-1100 Mon 0900–1500 Tues-Fri Safeguarding Representative: Val Croughan 023 9234 1682 St Colman with St Paul Fr Joe McNerney (Hospital Chaplain) – Assistant Priest: Fr John Humphreys [email protected] - 023 9228 6408 St Colman St Colman’s Avenue, Cosham, PO6 2JJ – St Paul Allaway Avenue, PO6 4DG– tel. 023 9237 6151 Parish Assistant: Mrs Tess Pritchard Office Hours: 0900-1500 Mon-Fri Safeguarding Representative: Irene Taylor 023 9264 0754 or 07914 722708 Pastoral Youth Worker: Dom DeBoo tel 023 9283 6524 mob 07769 185603 – [email protected] PARISHES: Corpus Christi & St Joseph • Our Lady of Lourdes with St Swithun • St Colman & St Paul • St John’s Cathedral SCHOOLS: Primary: Corpus Christi • St John’s Cathedral • St Paul’s • St Swithun’s • Secondary: St Edmund’s Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk OUR PARISH’S FUTURE Sustaining the Progress Our Parish’s Future Strengthening the Parish of Corpus Christi with St Joseph Offertory As the official tracking phase of the planned giving appeal comes to a close, we would like to share some results with you and thank all of those generous parishioners who have participated. As a parish family, we have projected an increase in our planned offertory and associated Gift Aid of over £23,000. This figure is subject to the receipt of signed mandates for the £8,000 pledged last weekend. This is indeed a great accomplishment, though it must be sustained in order to truly be called a success. increase to Date on Annual basis: £23,529 Number of Commitments received to date: 91 § § § 2013 Offertory Income (inc. GA): Annual Offertory Increase post OPF (inc. GA) Annual % Increase post OPF: £35,256 £58,785 67% Planned Giving Method Direct Debit Standing Order Envelopes Gift Aid declarations Number of Registered Households still to provide an answer: 189 Annual Increase in just the last week: £8,291 The Facts and Figures Pre OPF 0 39 24 46 Post OPF 28 59 35 81 % Increase 51% 46% 76% Thank you once again….. To all the generous parishioners who are participating To our hardworking and dedicated volunteer team To our active parish community who are helping to ensure a stronger, more vibrant Catholic parish for years to come Your generous support will enable us to close the gap between existing income and expenditure and begin improving our liturgical environments, developing a stronger understanding of our faith, and becoming more proactive in spreading the Gospel. As a parish community we will be challenged with circumstances that will call for us to work together, just as we have during this parish appeal. Be confident to accept these challenges! • • • Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk PARISH NEWS CHILDREN’S LITURGY We are looking for new leaders and AREA NEWS helpers for our Children's Liturgy program on Sundays during the school term. If you would like to assist children aged 8 and under in taking the important first steps in their journey of faith and can spare a little time before and after Mass to set up the learning area then you will be a real asset to the team. Full training and resources are provided to ensure you are confident in your role and a safeguarding check will be carried out. If you would like to attend a session to learn more about what happens or would like to sign up please contact: For Corpus Christi - Michelle Love: [email protected] or 023 9265 1208. SAFEGUARDING TRAINING CHILD PROTECTION WE ACKNOWLEDGE LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS WITH THANKS: All Parish volunteers for Altar Service, Children’s liturgy and Youth Club must complete the above training every three years. To book a place on next available training or for further information please contact Elaine Lindsay 07749200592 Corpus Christi with St Joseph: £869.24 inc SO Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun: £1,075.39 inc SO (76% GA) St Colman with St Paul: £1,061.58 inc SO (70% GA) St John’s Cathedral: £2045.28 inc SO (48% GA) LOOKING AHEAD VOUCHERS FOR SCHOOLS At this time of year many grocers issue vouchers for schools. To support our parish school of Corpus Christi please bring your vouchers to mass and place them in the collection baskets at the offertory. ASH WEDNESDAY MASS 18 February 2015 200 CLUB JANUARY 2015 WINNERS £50 (198) Mrs K. Moore, Tokio Road, Copnor For St Joseph - Angela Goble: £25 (150) Mrs T. Walmsley, Sunnyvale [email protected] Drive, Waterlooville FIRST HOLY COMMUNION £10 (105) Mr R. Hart, Langstone Road, PREPARATION Milton A reminder that the next session for £5 (75) Mrs.M Gosnell c/o Epworth children enrolled in this year’s Road, Copnor those course is on Saturday 14 February at Next Draw Sunday 22 February 1000 sharp in Corpus Christi Community collecting: Corpus Christi on Sunday 15 hall (access via Buckler’s Court). February and St Joseph’s on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 February 2015. SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY Canon David Mahy who will be celebrating mass next weekend. Please make him welcome. Liturgical Calendar and Mass Times S SATURDAY 31 JANUARY FIRST MASS OF FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY 1 FEBRUARY FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Mark 1:21-28 MONDAY 2 FEBRUARY THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD IN THE TEMPLE, feast TUESDAY 3 FEBRUARY St Blaise, Bishop & Martyr, op mem or: St Ansgar, Bishop, op mem or: Feria WEDNESDAY 4 FEBRUARY Feria ASH WEDNESDAY and GOOD FRIDAY are days of fasting and abstinence. 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1600 1800 1800 St Colman St John’s Cathedral Our Lady of Lourdes St Joseph St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Joseph St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Paul Corpus Christi St John’s Cathedral QA Hospital St Swithun St John’s Cathedral 1000 St Swithun 1215 0915 1000 1215 1900 0730 1000 1215 St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St John’s Cathedral 1800 1200 Corpus Christi 1830 St Joseph STATIONS OF THE CROSS 1800 Every Friday at Corpus Christi LENTEN FAST DAY Friday 27 February PENITENTIAL SERVICES FOR LENT 7 March – St Paul’s Church, 1000 14 March - Corpus Christi Church, 1030 28 March - St John’s Cathedral, 1000 LENTEN ALMSGIVING We will again be supporting DePaul UK responding to the needs of vulnerable young people living in our cities. Thanksgiving Ints (FD) Norman Taylor INT John O'Driscoll and Deceased Relatives F Hilda Foster Len and Phyllis Adams RIP People of the Parish Dolores Silman RIP Doreen Hale RIP (MH) Holy Souls in Purgatory Michael Murphy RIP Holy Souls (SP) People of the Parish People of the Parish Mass in Polish Alice & Jim Peters RIP Robert Hancock Wilson RIP P Mary McKenna INT Peter RIP (TG) Marie de Glamorgan RIP P Harry Rose RIP Archbishop Derek Worlock RIP F Ann Sullivan's Intentions Funeral Mass Brigit Skinner RIP Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY St Agatha, Virgin, Martyr, memorial FRIDAY 6 FEBRUARY St Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs, memorial SATURDAY 7 FEBRUARY Our Lady on Saturday or: Feria SATURDAY 7 FEBRUARY VIGIL MASS OF THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Job 7:1-4.6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19.22-23 Mark 1:29-39 MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY Feria TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY St Scholastica, Virgin, memorial WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY Our Lady of Lourdes, op mem; or Feria THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY Feria FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY Feria SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY St Cyril, Religious & St Methodius, Bishop, FEAST SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY VIGIL MASS OF THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Leviticus 13:1-2. 44-46 1 Corinthians 10:31 – 11:1 Mark 1:40-45 0915 1000 1200 1215 0730 0930 1000 1215 1830 1900 1000 1215 Vattahara Pappachan RIP (SP) Miss Clare de Hamel & Parents (RIP) F 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 1800 1000 1215 0915 1000 1215 1400 0730 1000 1215 0915 1000 1215 0730 0930 1000 1215 1830 1900 1000 St Colman St Swithun Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral Corpus Christi St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Joseph Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Joseph St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Swithun Corpus Christi St Paul St John’s Cathedral St Swithun QA Hospital St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Paul St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral Corpus Christi St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St Swithun 1215 St John’s Cathedral John Doyle RIP F 1800 1800 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1600 1800 1800 Funeral Mass of Michelle Sutherland RIP Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 1200 The Good Estate of Anne Kehoe RIP P Maureen Fitzsimmons RIP F Kitty McManus RIP (TG) Helen Chatfield RIP F Vocations F (Catenian Association) Kathleen Cooper RIP (FM) People of the parish People of the Parish Private Intention Peggy Goodchild RIP Dec members of Barrett Claude & Margaret Hicks Joan Hudson RIP (BH) Lander and Jones Family INT Jim Doran (Sr Yvonne) Margaret & Hugh Griffin Nuala Hyde RIP (PM) Private Intention Mass in Vietnamese Tressie Heather RIP (PM) People of the Parish Mila Alacapa RIP Tony Whitlock (PM) Helen Dyer RIP F People of the Parish John Anthony Pettifer RIP Funeral Mass Pamela Quick RIP Fred Davenport (PM) Aileen Mary Frances Payne RIP F Guy Goodson RIP Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 1200 John and Catherine Cassey F William Medd RIP (PM) St Colman Private Intention (BM) St Joseph Teresa Kathleen Grace Potter F St John’s Cathedral People of the Parish Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral Stella Bethune RIP St Swithun St Joseph People of the Parish St Colman Harry Webber RIP (MH) St John’s Cathedral Brigid Skinner RIP St Swithun Corpus Christi Terry New St Paul Joe Scurr RIP (PM) St John’s Cathedral Michelle Reynolds RIP QA Hospital William, Catherine & Fr Bernard Medd RIP (PM) St Swithun St John’s Cathedral F: Foundation – P: Perpetual Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk
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