Pastoral Team Food Pantry Rev. Sergio Nadres Pastor Rev. Hermes Diaz Parochial Vicar Rev. Carl Arico In Residence Rev. David Buckles In Residence Michael P. Missaggia Deacon Thomas Norton Director of Music Maryann Angrosina Office Manager Elaine Conway, John Hughes Trustees Jaime de Leon Pastoral Council President Thomas D’Alessio Finance Council President Christine Smith Parish Catechetical Leader Food Pantry is October 6 & 20 ‐ 3‐5 in basement of Rectory. The number of our clients continues to grow. We are in desperate need of non‐perishable items such as macaroni, pasta sauce, tuna fish, beans, mac & cheese, crackers, soup, vegetables, cookies, fruit, rice, can potatoes, fruit, peanut butter & jelly Monitary donations are welcome as well. Please make checks out to St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. We are also collecting gently used clothes for, children, men and women. God Bless you for your generous support of this ministry. Mass Schedule Nuestra siguiente distribución será el 6 i 20 de octubre a partir de 3‐5. El número de clientes sigue creciendo . Estamos en necesidad desesperada de artículos, tales como macarrones, salsa de pasta, atún, frijoles, galletas , sopa, verduras, fruta, arroz, papas enlatadas, fruta, mantequilla de maní. Donaciones monetarias son bienvenidos. Por favor haga los cheques a San Vicente de Paul despensa de alimentos. También estamos colectando ropa usada para, niños, hombres y mujeres . Dios los bendiga por su apoyo generoso a este ministerio. Saturday Evening 5pm & 6.30pm (Spanish Mass) Sunday Morning 8am, 10am, & Noon Weekday 8am Saturday 8am Holyday 7am, 8:30am, Noon & 7pm Federal Holiday 9am Directory Rectory: 201.436.2222 Fax: 201.437.5235 E‐Mail: [email protected] Website: Religious Ed. Email: [email protected] All Saints Catholic Academy: 201.443.8384 Parish Office Hours Monday‐Friday‐4pm Saturday, Sunday and Holidays Closed Baptism To have your child Baptized please call the rectory to speak with one of the priests. Despensa de alimentos Donations for the roof This past weekend generous parishioners donated in total $150 toward our roof repair bill. This brings our balance to $73,055. If you have not made a donation yet to the roof repair can you please consider doing so. Any amount small or large will help. May God continue to Bless our Parishioners If you would like to make a contribution to help it is important that you restrict your donation for this specific project. If paying by check, please put the words “roof repair” in the memo line. Cash donations can be placed in an envelope also clearly marked the same way. Thank you for your continued generous support to our parish. Marriage The Sacrament of Matrimony requires an extensive period of preparation. Contact should be made with a priest at the Rectory one year in advance. October 10: the Parish Office will be closed in Observance of Columbus Day. Morning Mass will be at 9AM. Donaciones para el techo Este fin de semana se donó un total de $150 hacia nuestro proyecto de reparación de techo. La cuenta es ahora de $73,055. Si usted no ha hecho una donación a la reparación del techo puede usted por favor considerar hacerlo. Cualquier cantidad ayudará. Que Dios siga bendiciendo a nuestros feligreses. Si desea hacer una contribución para ayudar es importante que se restringe la donación para Sunday, October 2, 2016 este proyecto específico. Si paga con cheque, por favor, poner las palabras "reparación de techo” en la línea de memo. Las donaciones en efectivo pueden ser colocados en un sobre marcado claramente también de la misma manera. Gracias por su apoyo continuo y generoso a nuestra parroquia. En Español Santo Rosario: Sábados 6:00 PM Misa en español: Sábados 6:30 PM Hora Santa: Lunes 7:00 PM Ensayo del coro de los niños: Sábados Robinson Hall 10:30 AM Exposición del Santísimo cada primer viernes 08:30‐09:30 AM Stewardship & Collection Total Collection for Sept 24/25: First Collection: Air Conditioning: Candles: Roof: Bible Study: Register and give online at: $7,800.00 $5,396.00 $1,723.00 $491.00 $150.00 $40.00 7002 nd Upcoming 2 Collections October 2 October 9 October 16 October 23 October 30 Assessment Collection Fuel & All Souls Remembrance Higher Expenses of the Parish World Mission Sunday Fuel Offering for 2 – 8, 2016 Gifts Altar Bread Altar Wine Edward Siwiec Edward Siwiec Candles Blessed Mother St. Joseph St. Vincent St. Patrick St. Jude Divine Mercy St. Elizabeth Anne Seton Sanctuary Lamp Christina Marie Kirsch Robert Ruge Thomas Ryan Helen Witt Judy Flynn Henry Wolenski Diane Spiegel Edward Siwiec Sick List Please pray for the recovery of: Janet Maceli, Germaine White, Theresa Kurtiak, Michael Butler, Mary Peeples, John Foster, Madeleine Foster, Jack Conway, Liam Morley, Arthur Sonny Kopacz, Harry Steiner, Gail Schaefer, Ema Palfi and Joseph Kurtiak, Christopher Joseph Murphy, Diane Radwanski, Betty Serafino, Marisol Paul, Christina Jakubik, Kristen Jakubik, Meghan Ryan, Craig Recca, and Joseph Lillo Eternal Rest Grant unto Thee O Lord Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors for October 8‐9 †Vincent DeMaio 5PM Congratulations Congratulations to our newly‐baptized: Brandon Baccarella, son of Philip & Graziella, Analeah Perez, daughter of Romon & Aldalina, Arlene Ramirez, Daughter of Cesar & Rosalina Isabella Marie Torres, daughter of Victor & Isabel. 8AM Anointing of the Sick Visitation of the sick at home or in the hospital any time. Call Parish Office. Holy Hour Mondays 10AM 7‐8 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 4 – 4:45 PM Mass Intentions Saturday, October 1 8AM Remigio & Albina Andrade 5PM Vincent Martelli & William Ayala 6:30PM Misa en Espanol Maria Mercedes Rodriguez Sunday, October 2 8AM People of the Parish & Domenico Palumbo 10AM Ann Wagner & Stella Hadyka 12PM Olympia C. Favia & Rose & Gaetano Favia Monday, October 3 8AM Margaret Modaferi & Eugene Santos Tuesday, October 4 8AM Helen Witt Wednesday, October 5 8AM Mary Michalak st 1 Death Anniversary Thursday, October 6 8AM Nicola & Cecilia Zurzolo Friday, October 7 8AM Rose Vito Zurzolo Saturday, October 8 8AM Christina Marie Kirsch 5PM Anthony Sharkey & Dorothy Perez 6:30PM Misa en Espanol Bernardo Ramirez Sunday, October 9 8AM Maureen Schmittler 10AM People of the Parish & Lidia Milan 12PM Robert Ruge st 1 Death Anniversary & Olympia C. Favia 12PM John D'Alessio John D'Alessio Patricia Levan Jacqueline Burns Elaine Conway Cheryl Hollis Catherine Metzendorf Mark Urban Barbara Sherry Deacon Michael Dolores Trasande Marion Wolenski Joan Mara Daniel Margetanski Gary LaPelusa Gary LaPelusa Kim Spiniello Ralph Spiniello Marietta Valbuena Nathaniel Valbuena Argante Colageo Jean Dineen Malou Fernandez Hector Espinosa Carl Vierow Robert Yorio Karyn Coe Odie Pangilinan Upcoming Events October 4 October 9 October 10 October 11 October 12 October 18 October 23 October 25 October 26 October 29 October 30 Bible Study 12:30 and 7:30 in Rectory Basement Baptism Class at 1:30 in Rectory Basement The Parish Office will be closed for the observance of Columbus Day. Bible Study at 12:30 and 7:30 in Rectory Basement Praise and Worship 7PM in Church Bible Study at 12:30 and 7:30 in Rectory Basement 10AM Family Mass followed by hospitality by the Men's Club Rosary Society Meeting 12:30 Bible Study at 12:30 and 7:30 in Rectory Basement Praise and Worship 7PM in Church LCSC Youth Retreat 8:30 to 4:30 in Robinson Hall Baptism 1:30 October 25: Rosary Society will resume their meetings. Old and new members are welcome ` Recurring Events Praise & Worship takes place the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. The Centering Prayer Group meets Every Wednesday At 7 PM at the Rectory Basement. For More Information, please Call Barbara Sherry at 201.443.2115. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help takes place every Saturday after 8 AM mass. Nurse’s ministry blood pressures are checked after all masses every first weekend of the month. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Exposition of Blessed Sacrament every first Friday from 8:30 to 9:30 AM Saint Francis Catholic Singles Saint Francis Catholic Singles (SFCS), for those in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, will meet at Holy Family Church, 366 Watchogue Road, SI, NY 10314 on Saturday, October 29, 1:15pm‐ 'The Law of the Gift’, an Afternoon Retreat with Fr David Rider. Come away for a couple of hours to be inspired and refreshed on our journey towards becoming more selfless and fulfilled persons. Afternoon will include talk, faith sharing, confessions and 5pm Mass. (Optional) 6:15 Dinner afterwards at Kings Pizzeria 2212 Victory Blvd, S.L, NY 10314. Cost (not including dinner) is $15. We prefer you pay in advance with a check made out to CASH brought to Sept 22 event or mailed to Holy Family Parish, 366 Watchogue Rd. SI, NY I 0314 postmarked by Mon., Oct. 24. Sponsored by SFCS & the Goretti Group. All are welcome. For more information, find us on Facebook: StFrancisCatholicSingles, [email protected] or check our website: Mission: St. Francis Catholic Singles is a contemporary circle of men and women, in their 30s, 40s and 50s who are single or single again and wish to lead more fulfilled, empowered lives by deepening their Catholic spirituality and building community with like‐minded peers. Sunday Readings / Lecturas del Domingo 1st Reading / 1ra lectura Psalm / Salmo 2ndReading /2da lectura Gospel / Evangelio HAB 1:2‐3; 2:2‐4 PS 95:1‐2, 6‐7, 8‐9 2 TM 1:6‐8, 13‐14 LK 17:5‐10 Weekday Readings / Lecturas del Día forward to seeing you at this exciting event and are certain you will have an enjoyable day. Tricky Tray Meeting There will be a Tricky Tray Meeting in Robinson Hall At 7PM .on Wednesday October 5 Eagle Scout Project Mon GAL 1:6‐12 / PS 111:1B‐2, 7‐8, 9 AND 10C / LK 10:25‐37 Tue Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi GAL 1:13‐24 / PS 139:1B‐3, 13‐14AB, 14C‐15 / LK 10:38‐42 Wed GAL 2:1‐2, 7‐14/PS 117:1BC, 2/ LK 11:1‐4 Thu GAL 3:1‐5 / LK 1:69‐70, 71‐72, 73‐75 / LK 11:5‐13 Fri Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary GAL 3:7‐14 / PS 111:1B‐2, 3‐4, 5‐6 / LK 11:15‐26 Sat GAL 3:22‐29 / PS 105:2‐3, 4‐5, 6‐7 / LK 11:27‐28 Brandon Porcelli, Life Scout at Troop 25 is working toward his Eagle rank, he will be running a coat drive to benefit the BEOF as his service project. We are looking for coat donations new and gently used (must be dry cleaned) sizes youth small‐youth extra large, boys, girls and unisex. Scouts and volunteers will be collecting at the masses on the weekends of October 8th and 9th and October 15th and 16th. If you have any questions please contact me at brandonporcelli12 I thank you in advance for your support. October Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father Revelation Universal: Journalists – That journalists, in carrying out their work, may always be motivated by respect for truth and a strong sense of ethics. Evangelization: World Mission Day – That World Mission Day may renew within all Christian communities the joy of the Gospel and the responsibility to announce it. Becoming Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which adults who have not been baptized enter the church and receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and 1st Holy Communion. It is also the process that baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation will receive these sacraments. It also incorporates those adults who wish to convert to Catholicism from other religions. Please call the rectory if you are interested. Tricky Tray Luncheon Presale Tickets... ...Admission and presale tickets will go on sale in the back of the church after every weekend mass beginning Saturday, September 24. The cutoff date will be Sunday, November 13. Admission Tickets are $35 and includes lunch, dessert, beverage and door prize. There will be no walk ins day of the event. Presale major raffle tickets are 25 for $40 and grands are 5 for $20. This is an extra 5 major tickets and 1 extra grand. We look Revelation is the first “ongoing” study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Program. In this intriguing look at one of the most talked‐ about books in scripture, Jeff Cavins explores Revelation to demonstrate how the kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven, especially through the celebraton of the Mass. You will learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation present, as well as what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history. Join us for Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Bayonne on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. and continuing through Tuesday, December 6. For more information or to register for the study, call Deacon Michael Missaggia (201 320‐2586) or Lynn Drexler (201 243‐6307) or jmm.missa or [email protected] La Revelación La revelación es el primer estudio "en curso" en el programa estudios bíblico de la Biblia Gran Aventura. En este aspecto intrigante en uno de los que más se habla en los libros escrito por, Jeff Cavins explora Revelación para demostrar cómo el reino establecido por Cristo en su Iglesia está íntimamente conectado con el reino de los cielos, sobre todo a través de la celebración de la misa. Usted aprenderá lo que todas las misteriosas figuras e imágenes de la revelación presente, así como lo que ocurrirá durante la segunda venida de Cristo, lo que ya ha sucedido, y lo que está sucediendo ahora en la historia de la salvación. Acompáñenos en Revelación: El reino aún por venir que se llevará acabo en a San Vicente de Paúl en Bayonne cada Martes a 12:30pm a 7:00pm hasta el Martes 6 de Diciembre Para más información o para inscribirse en el estudio, llame al Diacono Michael Missaggia al 201 320‐2586 o Lynn Drexler al 201 243‐6307 o vía correo electrónico a [email protected] or marylynn2826 ASCA NEWS A Back‐to‐School Night for first through eighth grades was held on Wednesday, September 21. The Pre K and Kindergarten classes held an Orientation on Tuesday, September 6. Track season has begun. We wish our ASCA team good luck in future competitions. ASCA celebrated Spirit Week September 26‐ 30. Students participated in a variety of activities throughout the week. “Musical Moustache Monday” included music entertainment and students with “homegrown moustaches”. “Team Shirt Bonding Tuesday” had students wearing their favorite team shirts and Prayer Partner buddies making school spirit banners. On “Wear Proud Wednesday” students wore school colors (black, white, and purple), and the Panther Mascot was available for photos. “Treat, No Tricks Thursday” involved each homeroom doing nice things for a special person, place, or thing. Students and faculty competed during an assembly. On “Finally Friday” the students attended Mass which was followed by a Spirit Parade around the block. Students walked with their Prayer Partners and carried their spirit banners. Students also enjoyed an ice cream treat. At the end of Spirit Week, a “Meet and Greet for Parents” was held on Saturday, October 1, from 7‐9 PM in the ASCA cafeteria. This informal gathering was an opportunity for parents to meet each other and socialize. The proceeds of the event benefitted the 5th grade NJ PAC ballroom dance program. Please check our website ( for additional news and information. Live Christ Share Christ activities: October 29, Saturday: 8:30am to 4:30pm: Youth retreat, 12 years old to 16 years old Actividades de Live Christ Share Christ: 29 Octubre Sabado, 8:30 am a 4:30pm: Retiro de Jóvenes — 12 años de edad a 16 años de edad Archdiocesan Pilgrimage The Archdiocese of Newark is holding a pilgrimage on Saturday, 10/22 to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Activities at the Basilica include an outdoor Carillon Concert, Organ Recital, Recitation of the Rosary and Mass. You are invited to join the contingent from Bayonne. Busses will leave from St. Andrew School at 7am and return by 11pm. The cost is $40 / person which includes transportation as well as a bagel and juice for breakfast. There will be time for lunch and dinner on your own in Washington. The deadline to register and pay is Friday, 10/14. Reserve your seat now by calling BMT Parish at 201‐ 437‐4090. Peregrinación Arquidiocesano La Arquidiócesis de Newark va a tener una peregrinación el Sábado 10/22 al Santuario Nacional de la Inmaculada Concepción en Washington, DC. Las actividades en la basílica incluyen un concierto al aire libre del carillón, Órgano Considerando, Rezo del rosario y misa. Usted está invitado a unirse al grupo de Bayonne. Los autobuses saldrán de la Escuela de San Andrés a las 7 am y regresara a las 11pm. El costo es de $ 40 / persona, que incluye el transporte y desayuno. Habrá tiempo para el almuerzo y la cena por su cuenta en Washington. La fecha límite para registrarse y pagar es el viernes 10/14. Reserve su asiento ahora mismo llamando al 201‐437‐4090 Parroquia BMT. Scholarship Fund for Inner‐City Children The Scholarship Fund for Inner‐City Children is hosting a Fall Benefit Concert on Friday, October 28, 2016 at Enlow Hall on the campus of Kean University. Proceeds from the event will provide low‐income students from grades K‐12 with partial tuition scholarships to attend Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Newark. The concert will feature The Dominoes from Saint Dominic Academy, VOX from Saint Peter’s Prep, Tim McLoone and the Shirleys and acclaimed operatic soprano singer, Maureen Francis. To purchase tickets visit or 908‐737‐7469. Fondo de becas para los niños de la ciudad El fondo de becas para niños de Inner‐ City tendrá un concierto de beneficios el viernes 28 de octubre de, 2016 en Enlow Hall en el campus de la Universidad de Kean. Las ganancias del evento proporcionará a los estudiantes de bajos ingresos de los grados K ‐ 12 con becas de matrícula parcial para asistir a las escuelas católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Newark. El concierto contará con las fichas de dominó de Saint Dominic Academy, VOX de Saint Peter’s Prep, Tim McLoone y los Shirleys y aclamado cantante soprano, Maureen Francis. Para comprar boletos visite o llame al (908) 737 a 7469. Become One With God And Others —DRUM ! Give and receive a rhythmical massage that goes deeper than the vibration of your drum ‐ into your muscles, bones and spirit! With a drum EVERYONE has a healing voice and is empowered to use it! Let's praise GOD on drums and cymbals and bask in His Sound Healing!! This workshop will also cover the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of drumming and how it can be used as a Spiritual Practice. Friday, October 14, 2016 from 6:30 PM to 9 PM in Robinson Hall (Basement of the Church) – Presenter: Barbara Woodzell. Preregistration by October 11, 2016 to insure each person has an instrument. Drums and percussion instru‐ ments will be provided. Pre‐registration is necessary in order to have instruments for everyone. Refreshments will be provided before the drumming. This experience is open to all, For additional information and registration, please call Barbara Sherry (201) 443 2115. If you wish to mail the registration, mail to Barbara Sherry, 1189 Kennedy Blvd. Bayonne, NJ 07002 or drop off at the rectory. A ser uno con Dios y los demás —D R U M! Dar y recibir un masaje rítmico que va más allá de la vibración de su tambor ‐ en los músculos, los huesos y espíritu! Con un tambor TODOS tiene una voz de curación y está facultado para utilizarlo! Vamos a alabar a Dios en los tambores y platillos y disfrutar de su curación de sonido!! Este taller también cubrirá los beneficios físicos, mentales y espirituales de los tambores y cómo puede ser utilizado como una práctica espiritual. Viernes 14 de de octubre, 18:30—21:00 Robinson Hall (Sótano de la iglesia). Se proporcionarán los tambores e instru‐mentos de percusión: Formato. Pre‐ registro es necesario con el fin de contar con instrumentos para todo el mundo. Refrescos disponibles antes de la percusión. Esta experiencia está abierta a todos, Para información e inscripción adicional, por favor llame a Barbara Sherry (201) 443 2115. Si desea enviar por correo el registro, envié a Barbara Sherry, 1189 Kennedy Blvd. Bayonne, NJ 07002 o puede dejarlo en la rectoría. America Needs Fatima America Needs Fatima Public Square Rosary Rally will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 12 noon in Front of the Our Lady of Fatima Statue at St. Vincent's Church. Please join over 15,500 rosary rallies prayed simultaneously across America for our nation. Contact Roseann Hogan at 201‐565‐5638. St. Henry's Rosary Society's Fall retreat will be on Sunday, October 16th to Loyola Retreat House in Morristown, NJ. Cost is $27 and includes transportation, continental breakfast, 2 talks by a Jesuit Priest, private time, lunch, confession and mass. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. We will leave St. Henry's Church parking lot at 9:15am and return at 3:45pm. Checks made out to St. Henry's Rosary Society can be mailed to or dropped off at St. Henry's Rectory. Contact Roseann Hogan at 201‐565‐5638. IHA Open House Immaculate Heart Academy will be hosting an Open House on Sunday, Oct. 16 from 11 a.m.‐ 2 p.m. IHA’s Open House is a great opportunity to learn about the school, the curriculum, and IHA’s artistic, athletic, and extracurricular programs. Members of the administration, faculty, and coaching staff will be on hand to answer questions. A second, evening Open House will be held Nov. 3 at 6:30 p.m. Online preregistration is requested at Bussing is now available for Rockland and Orange County, NY students. Call 201.445.6800 for more information. IHA is located at 500 Van Emburgh Ave., Township of Washington, NJ 07676. Natural Family Planning Information Night God has created marriage, a holy union, to mirror His supreme love on earth. At the heart of their married love is the total gift of self that husband and wife freely offer to each other. Because of their sexual difference, husband and wife can truly become “one flesh.” Through the language of their bodies, their sexual union recalls their vows: giving themselves to one another in love that is total, faithful, and life‐giving. This call to love is to follow Christ himself, who handed himself totally over for his bride, the Church. Spouses imitate him by giving the entirety of themselves to one another, including the gift of their fertility and their openness to new life. Natural Family Planning methods are scientifically proven approaches to help a couple postpone or achieve pregnancy in a way that preserves the true, complete self‐gift between husband and wife, the kind of love that brings real, lasting joy and peace. When we embrace God’s plan for human sexuality and marriage and follow Jesus, we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives in a powerful way. To learn more, or to hear questions others have asked, please come to an informational session given by the Coordinator of Natural Family Planning for the Family Life Office, Jill Cherrey. Contact: Jill Cherrey 973‐497‐4325 or [email protected]: October 5, at 7:30‐9:00pm at St. Paul Roman Catholic Church, 200 Wyckoff Ave., Ramsey, NJ The New Jersey Adoption law has changed Beginning January 1, 2017, adoptees and certain relatives will be able to obtain a copy of their original birth certificate without a court order. The birth certificate will include the names of the birth parents who placed children for adoption, even though for 40 years both the State and the Church promised anonymity to the birth parents at the time of the adoption. The Catholic Church always has supported reunions between adoptees and birth parents if such reunions were by mutual consent. For this reason, Catholic Charities agencies continue to assist both birth parents and adoptees seeking reunions. The Catholic Church also supports adoptees having full access to their birth parents medical, cultural, and social history information. Can birth parents in New Jersey protect their privacy and indicate whether or not they want contact with the adoptee? Yes, the New Jersey Department of Health now offers two forms – a Redaction Request Form and a Contact Preference Form – that allow birth parents of adult adoptees an opportunity to protect their privacy. How can birth parents protect their privacy? Birth parents who finalized an adoption before August 1, 2015 can file a request with the State of New Jersey indicating that they want the State Registrar to keep their Personal Identifying Information off documents provided to anyone. To do this, birth parents MUST complete and submit a Redaction Request Form no later than December 31, 2016. Can a birth parent request no contact with an adoptee? Birth parents have three options related to contact with an adoptee. By completing and submitting a Contact Preference Form, birth parents can indicate they want no contact with the adoptee; or they can indicate that they agree to have a third party arrange contact with the adoptee; or they can indicate that they are willing to have direct contact with the adoptee. Submitting a Contact Preference Form is essential. Adoptees who want to obtain a copy of their original birth certificate can submit a request. The New Jersey Department of Health will begin releasing birth records after January 1, 2017. For more information regarding the changes to New Jersey’s Adoption Law visit the New Jersey Catholic Conference website: October is Respect Life Month. This year the theme is Moved by Mercy. For more information go to HUDACKO’S PHARMACY BAYONNE SMILE CENTER DAVID G. PESTKOWSKI 861 BROADWAY BAYONNE, NEW JERSEY PHONE 201-436-4488 Certified Public Accountant 236 Broadway, Bayonne Dr. Rocco DiAntonio, D.M.D. 942 Avenue C, Bayonne, NJ (201) 858-3535 Dr. August Pellegrini, D.D.S. 201-339-1742 E-Mail: [email protected] Dr. David Serratelli, D.M.D. “The Sign of Excellence” MANAGER Kevin Stapleton NJ Lic. #5009 DIRECTORS Carol Ann Migliaccio NJ Lic. #3293 Peter J. Stapleton NJ Lic. #4412 Michael A. Bruzzio, Jr. NJ Lic. #4697 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA 22ND STREET MEAT MARKET 483 AVE. C (BET. 22ND - 21ST) 437-0188 WE DELIVER QUALITY MEAT AT AFFORDABLE PRICES “Try Our Famous Gourmet” Italian Sausage! Italian Style Chicken Cutlets • Veal Cutlets, Low Fat Chicken and Turkey Sausage 851 Kennedy Boulevard (at 33rd Street) Bayonne, NJ 07002 (201) 436-5500 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 * Buying * Selling * Estate * Appraisals James A. Sucato Broker/Owner 943 BROADWAY, BAYONNE Call For a FREE no Obligation Evaluation (201) 339-7555 Personalized Real Estate Service Serving NJ, PA & DE 877.401.4777 CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: G. Keenen O’Brien Funeral Home, Inc. Philip A. O’Brien 984 Avenue C. Bayonne, NJ 07002 • (201) 339-0220 Family Owned & Operated Since 1891 Nancy O’Brien Anderson Manager Ginny Sanzo President N.J. Lic. No. 3800 N.J. Lic. No. 4234 N.J. Lic. No. 4553 Director The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. 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FULL & PART-TIME AVAILABLE $55K TO $60K EARNING POTENTIAL BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, NATIONAL PUBLISHER OF CHURCH BULLETINS. • Excellent Commission Compensation Program • Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available Your ad Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • could You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! be in this If 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! Solutions as Low as $1a Day! space! ✔Ambulance ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE ActivationContracts NO Long Term CALL NOW! If interested, call Kirk Durham 1.800.524.0263 x209 or email resume to [email protected] 800.393.9954 939520 St Vincent De Paul Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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