Volume 50, No. 50 December 11, 2016 Third Sunday of Advent T S A Each of us has his or her own role to play in the coming of the kingdom of God. John the Baptist was called to be the herald of the Messiah, preparing the way of the Lord. To what is the Lord calling me? El Tercer Domingo de Adviento Cada uno de nosotros tiene su propio papel que hacer en la venida del reino de Dios. San juan Bautista fue llamado el heraldo del Mesías, preparando el camino del Señor. ¿A qué me llama el Señor? Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 353 Peachtree Street, NE; Atlanta, Georgia 30308 • 404.522.6800, Fax: 404.524.5440 • www.sacredheartatlanta.org Office Hours: Monday–Friday: 9:00am–4:45pm.; closed from 1:00–2:00pm Sunday Mass Times: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm; Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm, en Espanol, 6:00pm Confession Times: Monday, F riday: 11:30am; Saturday: 4:14–5:00pm ; Domingo en español: 1:00–1:30pm Gift Shop Hours: Sundays 9:00am-noon For St. Vincent de Paul Society Charitable Assistance: 678-892-6163 Sਔਁਆਆ Msgr. Edward J. Thein Rector (404) 522-6800 [email protected] Deacon Mike Balfour Pastoral Administrator (404) 974-2232 [email protected] Deacon Marino Gonzalez Director of Parish Outreach and Volunteers (404) 974-2235 [email protected] Fr. Adam Ozimek In Residence Delta Izaguirre Faith Formation Assistant (404) 974-2231 [email protected] William E. Krape Organist/ Choirmaster (404) 522-6800 Alan McGill, Ph.D. Director of Faith Formation and Liturgy (404) 974-2234 [email protected] Patty Nichols Receptionist (404) 974-2230 [email protected] Muffet Puckett Administrative Assistant (404) 974-2244 [email protected] Parish Council John Newcomb, [email protected] Wedding Guild Pam McMahon 404-435-5370 Danielle Herrmann 770-778-0095 Stewardship Committee Janet Kinard, [email protected] Oਕਔਅਁਃਈ Mਉਉਓਔਉਅਓ Lਉਔਕਇਙ ਁ Fਁਉਔਈ Lਉਆਅ Mਉਉਓਔਉਅਓ AIDS Ministry Monica Rudolph [email protected] Altar Servers Mike Jones [email protected] Mark Stouffer [email protected] Cookies for a Cause Erin Schneider, [email protected] Aਖਉਓਏਙ Cਏਉਔਔਅਅਓ Gift Shop Susan Foster, [email protected] Knights of Columbus Rob Jobson, 404-886-5636 [email protected] Bereavement Support Group Linda Kelley, [email protected] New Parishioner Welcome Committee Gary Cox, [email protected] Gift of Grace House Ministry Jim and Myra Kucera, 404-355-4313 [email protected] Priest Appreciation Committee Cindy Jones 404-217-2629 Habitat for Humanity Gail Ronan 404-288-9883 Recycling Committee Jerry Pace 404-872-6960 Haiti Ministry/Sister Parish [email protected] ServeHaiti Basilica Principal Choir Billy Krape 404-377-3969 Basilica Children’s Choirs Mallen Zabinski 404-636-1655, [email protected] or Gertrude Tinker Sachs 404-691-6084 [email protected] Wayne Book [email protected] Communion Visitation Open contact Midtown Assistance Center Jenny Jobson, 404-681-0470 [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Bill Schnitzer, [email protected] Night Shelter Alonzo Church, 404-577-5617 [email protected] Faith Formation Volunteers Alan McGill [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry Teresa Westwood, [email protected] Sue Jenson, [email protected] Flower Guild Lee Doyle, 404-881-1717 [email protected] Social Committee Fran Carroll , 404-597-7565 [email protected] Young Adult Group Ben Wathen, 615-415-0583 [email protected] Mਉਉਓਔਅਉਏਓ Hਉਓਐਁਏਓ Acólitos Ana Vargas, 678-516-4868, [email protected] Circulo Bíblico Deacon Marino Gonzalez, 404-974-2235 mgonzalez@sacredheartatlanta. Prison Ministry (men) Milt Shlapak 404-349-0909 Coro de la Misa de 1:30 pm [email protected] Lester Mendiola (women) J anet Wells 404-303-8050 [email protected] [email protected] Lectores Respect Life Benny Gonzalez, 678-507-8359 Cathy Weaver, 770-361-8346 Ministerio Extraordinario de la [email protected] Comunión St. Vincent de Paul Society Roman Zepeda 404-604-4464 For membership info: Jack Stenger [email protected] Pedido de Bautismos Delta Izaguirre, 404-974-2231 Thursday Food Distribution [email protected] Deacon Marino Gonzalez, Ujieres 404-974-2235 Jose Ángel Verdugo, 770-771-9298 mgonzalez@sacredheartatlanta. Greeters Georgiann Caruso, [email protected] Joanne Smalley, [email protected] Humberto Quintas Maintenance Supervisor Hearts on Fire (404) 974-2240 John Prevost [email protected] [email protected] Michelle Rivers Ladies’ Altar and Rosary Society Accountant (404) 974-2246 Mia Pond, 404-786-6104 [email protected] [email protected] Catherine Tarbox SPIRES editor [email protected] English as a Second Language Jerry Pace, 404-872-6960 [email protected] Liturgical Readers Alice Heffernan-Sneed, 404-402-5840 [email protected] Terry McKitrick [email protected] Pਁਉਓਈ Lਉਆਅ Oਇਁਉਚਁਔਉਏਓ Sacristans Finance Committee Jim Goodwyne Jerry Robinson, [email protected] [email protected] Liturgy Committee Ushers Alan McGill Mike Wazlavek, [email protected] [email protected] Daughters of Isabella Terry McKitrick [email protected] 2 DECEMBER 11, 2016 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 12-17, 2016 S T M R T Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10; Psalm 146; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11 W R Monday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 oday we can bask in the imagery that the Mass readings offer us. In particular, Isaiah’s vision of a parched land that blooms with abundant flowers holds a message for each of us. Too often we are just like that parched land. We can allow ourselves to become absorbed in the waves of consumerism that grip so many. We look for fulfillment in the things that money can buy. Unfortunately, this leaves us like parched land, thirsting for something that money can’t buy. This holy season has much to offer to quench our thirsts. In a word, this season offers hope. We are told that those who are ransomed by God will know joy and gladness. For them, sorrow and mourning will be no more. Let us place our hope in these promises. Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Wednesday: Is 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 7:18b-23 Thursday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lk 7:24-30 Friday: Is 56:1-3a, 6-8; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Jn 5:33-36 Saturday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. T W ’ S C Retirement Fund for Religious O P Variations on Comfort Ye My People, William Krape R This Advent hymn comes from the Geneva Psalter (1551). The text is in the red hymnal, hymn #370. O ... T P Louise Daniell Genevieve Hanley Lucille Hill Prelude and Fugue in E Minor, J.S. Bach (1685-1750) This piece has for many years been attributed to Bach. However, through modern research, it appears that this work and several others may have been written by a student of Bach’s, Johann Krebs (1713-1780). T H I M S What does love look like? It has feet to go to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of others. —St. Augustine I 3 C W D Bernadette Jobson Joanne Lyons Francine Mooney Jerry Robinson Pat Smith Joe Stumpf Gift of Grace House residents James E. Whitelaw, father of parishioner Quentin Whitelaw Christofer Arguedas, Rafael Duralde Repose of the soul of: Lucy Hansan Dong, Walter Camp Intentions of: Amy & Todd Cameron, Khai Davidson, Scott Freeman, Bernadette Jobson, Yupar Merriam, Bobbie Overton, Lynn Warning Petition to St. Joseph the Worker Petition to Virgin of Guadalupe PARISH NEWS K C T S C C C S W S F P E C hristmas Flower envelopes, through which you may help the Flower Guild decorate the church for Christmas, are now available. You may also include a dedication for a deceased or living loved one on the envelope. The names gathered by December 20th will be included in the Christmas edition of SPIRES. Any received after that date will be included in the edition of January 1st. The suggested contribution is $10 per dedication line. This weekend the Basilica Knights of Columbus will be selling Christmas cards in keeping with the theme of "Keeping Christ in Christmas". Proceeds from the sale of cards are earmarked to provide stipends for our diocesan seminarians. the priesthood in New Orleans. SACRED HEART CHRISTMAS PAGEANT FOR CHILDREN PRE-K-1ST GRADE A ll children or grandchildren of parishioners, English-speaking or Spanish-speaking, are welcome and encouraged to participate in Sacred Heart’s Christmas Pageant, which will take place at the Family Mass on Christmas Eve at 4:30pm. There will be 2 rehearsals. The first is Saturday, December 19, 10:30am-noon, with pizza and drinks provided for the children and parents. The second will be Tuesday, December 22, 6:00pm. Please contact Peter or Margaret (contact info below) to indicate if your child will be participating or if you have questions. To the extent that you know if they will not be able to attend, please let them know that as well. Peter Anderson 404-853-8414; 404-345-0660 (c) [email protected] Margaret Balke 404-918-7639 [email protected] C W S 2016 December 22 Office Closure Begins December 26-30 December 24 Family Mass with Children’s Pageant and Children’s Choir 4:00pm Children’s Choir Concert 4:30pm Mass with pageant Weekday Masses, 9:00am ONLY No confessions December 31-January 1 Regular Mass schedule No confessions Mass with Hearts on Fire 6:30pm Hearts on Fire Concert 7:00pm Mass January 2 Office remains closed Midnight Mass and Carol Service 10:45pm doors open 11:00pm Carol Service 12:00am Mass January 3 Office Re-opens and regular schedule resumes December 25 Christmas Day Masses 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:30pm, Espanol No 6:00pm Mass 4 I M M F M M any of you will notice the name Maximiano Magpoc in the Mass Intentions for this week, but the name may not be familiar to you. Sacred Heart owes Max, as he was known, a debt of gratitude. For more than three decades Max came to Sacred Heart every weekday at 6:30am to set up for the 7:00am Mass, sometimes even having to wake up the priests. Max was actually a parishioner at Corpus Christi parish during this time, but his devotion extended to service to the faithful at Sacred Heart as well. Max “retired” a few years ago and was recognized by Fr. TJ at a 10:00am Sunday Mass. He became ill a few months ago and went home to the Philippines to live. We recently received word that he had died there. It would seem that the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant” apply especially to him. May he rest in peace. D R 2016 December 4 $22,617 December 11 December 18 December 25 Monthly Electronic Giving Total Month-to-date $22,617 Monthly Budgeted Collections Fiscal Year-to-date Comparisons Actual Year-to-date $430,525 Budget thru December 31, 2016 $634,000 Actual vs Budget ($203,475) 2nd Collection December 4 A Assessed Goal Amount Sent In Amount Remaining $11.7K R A A P $169,000 O T —W ’ G $5,315 M C W ! $92,900 $81,219 $11,681 A heartfelt thank you to all of you who have pledged and sent in the funds. We ask those who have not sent in their pledges to please do so if at all possible. 5 Artículos en Español 11 T 2016 D A R -E LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — ¡Estén fuertes, no teman! Su Dios viene a salvarlos. Los redimidos del Señor serán coronados con alegría eterna (Isaías 35:1-6a, 10). Salmo — Ven, Señor, a salvarnos (Salmo 146 [145]) Segunda lectura — Sean también pacientes y valientes porque la venida del Señor está cerca (Santiago 5:7-10). Evangelio — “¿Eres tú el que debe venir o tenemos que esperar a otro?” Jesús les contestó, “Vayan y cuéntenle a Juan lo que han visto y oído” (Mateo 11:2-11). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. A D 16 :L H E J 1900-2100 REPRESENTACIÓN DEL NACIMIENTO DEL NIÑO JESÚS TIEMPO DE ESPERANZA Hoy podemos deleitarnos con el simbolismo que las lecturas de la misa nos ofrecen. En especial, la visión de Isaías de una tierra sedienta que florece en abundancia contiene un mensaje para cada uno de nosotros. La mayoría de las veces somos como esa tierra sedienta. Dejamos que las olas del consumismo, que se apoderan de tantos, nos absorban. Buscamos realizarnos en las cosas que el dinero puede comprar. Lamentablemente, esto nos deja como una tierra baldía, sedienta de algo que el dinero no puede comprar. Este tiempo sagrado tiene mucho que ofrecer para saciar nuestra sed. En una palabra, este tiempo ofrece esperanza. Se nos dice que los rescatados por Dios conocerán el gozo y la dicha. Para ellos, la pena y la aflicción habrán terminado. Tengamos esperanza en estas promesas. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Se invita a todos los niños de 3 a 7 años para que participen en la representación del Nacimiento del Niño Jesús que se realizara en la misa de Vigilia, a las 4:30 PM el dia 24 de diciembre, 2015. Los ensayos se celebraran en el dia 17 at 10:00 a.m., y en 21 diciembre a las 6:00 p.m. en la iglesia. Los ensayos con la vestimenta se realizaran el dia 22 de diciembre a las 6:00 p.m. en la iglesia. Si su niño no esta participando en los cursos de educación religiosa pero usted desea que participé en la representación por Navidad, no hay problema alguno, por favor comuniquese con: Durante el ensayo se proporcionaran los trajes y tambiené refrigerios. Por favor anime a sus ninos para que participen de esta especial presentación que es un regalo maravilloso de Navidad a la parroquia y a sus familias. Peter Anderson 404-853-8414 [email protected] Margaret Balke 404-874-6096 [email protected] Delta Izaguirre (404) 974-2231 [email protected] En su amor, Cristo nos concede ahora prepararnos con alegría al misterio de su nacimiento, para encontrarnos así, cuando llegue, velando en oración y cantando su alabanza. —Adaptado del Misal Romano, Prefacio II de Adviento 6 CALENDAR AT A GLANCE Mass Intentions Sun, 12/11 Mon, 12/12 Tues, 12/13 Wed, 12/14 Thur, 12/15 Fri, 12/16 Sat, 12/17 Sun, 12/18 Mon, 12/19 Tues, 12/20 Wed, 12/21 3rd Sunday of Advent 8:00am Pro Populo 10:00am Robert Foster (D) 12:00pm Meisnitzer Family (I) 1:30pm Maximiano Magpoc (D) 6:00pm Yolanda Tapia Ruhe (D) 3rd Week of Advent 7:00am Jim Meisnitzer (I) 12:10pm Sharon Fallon Meisnitzer (D) 7:00am Albert Balangon (D) 12:10pm Altar & Rosary Society 7:00am Ann Marie & Jerry Novobilski (D) 12:10pm Francisco Martinez (D) 7:00am Maria Madgelene Steinmetz 12:10pm (D) Jaime Trillas Blanco (D) 7:00am Raymond Spain (D) 12:10pm Matthew & Norma Alexader (I) 9:00am Albert Balangon (D) 5:30pm Donald & Margaret Cameron (D) 4th Sunday of Advent 8:00am Lucy Hansan Dong (D) 10:00am Pro Populo 12:00pm Barbara F. Trombley (I) 1:30pm Jesus Bracho Delgado (D) 6:00pm Goodie Maram BA (D) 4th Week of Advent 7:00am Lucy Hanson Dong (D) 12:10pm Yolanda Tapia Ruhe (D) 7:00am Sr. Melanie Courtney, RSM (D) 12:10pm Joseph Tan (D) 7:00am Francisco Martinez (D) 12:10pm Jennifer Monahan (D) Thur, 12/22 7:00am Fr. Jose Fetzer, SJ (D) 12:10pm Francisco Martinez (D) Fri, 12/23 7:00am Lucy Hanson Dong (D) 12:10pm Yoland Tapia Ruhe (D) Sat, 12/24 4:30pm Christmas Eve Family Mass 7:00pm Christmas Eve Mass Midnight Midnight Mass Meetings and Events Basilica Choir Warm-up Hispanic Choir Rehearsal Hearts on Fire Rehearsal 9:30am, OR 11:45am, OR 5:00pm, C Altar & Rosary Society Mtg St. Vincent de Paul Society Mtg 1:00pm, PHE, K 6:30pm, CR Sandwich Prep for Outreach Just Faith Knights of Columbus Mtg 8:00am, PHE, K 7:00pm, PHE 7:00pm, PHW Sandwich Distribution 9:00am, LL Altar & Rosary Cleaning Flower Arranging Retiro de Advento en Espanol 8:00am, C, S 9:00am, C, S 7:00pm, PH, K Children’s Pageant Rehearsal Children’s Choir Rehearsal Quinceanera 10:00am, C 12:00pm, C 2:30pm, C Prayer Shawl Ministry Mtg Basilica Choir Warm-up Hispanic Choir Rehearsal Hearts on Fire Rehearsal Basilica Choir Christmas Party Women’s Prison Ministry Sandwich Prep for Outreach Just Faith Children’s Pageant Rehearsal OFFICE CLOSED Sandwich Distribution Men’s Prison Ministry OFFIC CLOSED Altar & Rosary Cleaning Flower Arranging Children’s Choir Concert Hearts on Fire Concert Basilica Choir Carol Service 9:00 am, CR 9:30am, OR 11:45am, OR 5:00pm, C 6:00pm, PH 6:00pm, OR 11:00am, PHE, K 7:00pm, PHE 6:00pm, C 9:00am, LL 6:00pm, OR 8:00am, C, S 9:00am, C, S 4:00pm, C 6:30pm, C 11:00pm, C Legend: D=deceased, I=intention; C= Church, PH=both sides Parish Hall, PHE=Parish Hall East side, PHW=Parish Hall West side, K=downstairs kitchen, A=Atrium, CR=Conference Room, OR=Outreach Room, PR=Piano Room, S=Sacristy
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