OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCH IGLESIA CATÓLICA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LAS VICTORIAS REVEREND JESÚS DEL ÁNGEL, PASTOR Deacons: Reverend Mr. Cheng Her Reverend Mr. Nai Her Reverend Mr. Kurt Neuhaus Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Church: 2838 N. West Ave Fresno, CA Office: 2850 N. Crystal Ave Fresno, CA 93705-3851 Phone: 559-226-1163 Fax: 559-226-2093 Email: [email protected] Website: olvchurch-fresno.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olvfresno Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday, 5:30 pm Sábado, 7:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am Sunday, 9:30 am Sunday, 11:30 am Domingo, 1:30 pm Sunday, 3:30 pm (Hmong) Sunday, 5:30 pm Weekday Masses 8:00 am Mondays-Fridays (school year: 9:00 am on Fridays) Holy Day Masses - as announced Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am Rosary - Sundays at 7:15 am in the Church Baptisms by appointment only. English and Spanish. Prebaptism class for both parents and godparents. To schedule baptism and pre-baptism classes, call the Parish Center. Weddings - Preparation classes require 6 months advanced notice. To schedule wedding, call the Parish Center. Quinceañeras - to schedule a quinceañera, contact the Parish Center. OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL Principal: Mrs. Deborah Nettell Preschool through 8th Grade 1626 W. Princeton Ave Fresno, CA 93705 Phone: 559/229-0205 Fax: 559/229-3230 Website: www.fresnoolv.org Email: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/olvschoolfresno Sunday, November 27, 2016: First Sunday of Advent Office Voicemail - 226-1163 Fr. Jesús Del Ángel (not confidential) [email protected] Deacon Cheng Her - [email protected] Deacon Nai Her - [email protected] Deacon Kurt Neuhaus [email protected] Kim O’Connor, Office Manager / Registrar, ext 100 [email protected] Lina Gamez, Secretary / Safe Environment Manager, ext 101 - [email protected] Sara McCraw, Accounting, ext 109 [email protected] Religious Education / Educación Religiosa: Mitzi Torres, ext. 103 - [email protected] Life Teen/Youth Confirmation: Sarah Casillas, ext. 106 - [email protected] Liturgical Coordinator: Kim O’Connor, ext. 100 [email protected] Hmong Religious Education: Danieng Xiong [email protected] FAVOR OREN POR...PLEASE PRAY FOR Sally Acosta Bedoya, Michael Alcantar, Andrea Alvarez, Reynaldo Arcuino, Anthony Arroyo, Shelby Arroyo, Carolyn Austin, Taran Balderrama, Betty Baptista, Tami Barajas, Felipe Barrientos, Emily Beckmann, Mark Beyer, Gamila Brown-Jones, Lori Cameron, Cheryl Cass, Virginia Castillo, Robert Castro, Bobbie Cazmi, Madhu Chowhury, Becky Colburn, John, Irene & Michael Cook, Lupe Cordova, Adrienne Dangelot, Ralph De La Cerda, Len Doerkisen, Marisol Torres Ecceles, Laura & Patrick Edwards, Jessie Espinosa, Pete Espinoza, Terry Espinoza, Gina Fernandes, Jeff Fickenworth, Susan Fischer, Beverly Follett, Helen Freitas, Baby Max Galindo, Virginia Garcia, Steven Gardea, Charlotte Girado, Dalton Goode, Rita Gorman, Dan & Lori Harrison, Jerry Hatfield, Jordyn Halverson, Leticia Hembree, Jennie Herrera, John Herrera, Karen & Marcia Hess, Richard Hernandez, Jeanette Hogue, Anastasia Hornor & Family, Linda Howell, Marian Jacks, Dora Jensen, Diane Jimenez, Eileen Klein, Edna Lamb, Josephine Lango, Youa Lee, Bryan Lehman, Mary Leslie, Patricia Letson, Louis Lett Sr., Cle-Estria Lett, Louis Lett Jr. & Michelle Lett, Teresa Lombardo, Simon Lucido, Vincie Lucido, Connie Lujan, Robert Maciel, Joann Madril, Alice Matthews, Bernadette Martin, Randy McCully, Jayden Medina, Alsia Mejia, James Mills, Ellie Monzon, Vicky Monzon, Aurora Munguia, Kylie Nersesian, Ann Neuhaus, Ed Neuman, Ann Nodd, KO, Tanner O’Brien, Margarita Neria Ochoa, Dominic Orossi, Lisa Quinonez Ortiz, Francis Ortega, Rodney Osuna, Servina Palacios, Betty Palumbo, John Patton, Melvin Pech, Leann Pemberton, Juanita Phillips, Rebecca Plaza, Jimmy Prudhume, Jess & Joyce Quintero, Maria Quiroz, Emily & Pete Ramirez, Makayla Ramirez, Dolores Rendon, Rita Reyes, Ana Rieping, Richard Rigg, Armando Rodriguez, Donald Rodriguez II, Joseph Rodriguez, Nellie Rodriguez, Paul Rodriguez, Rogelio Lopez Romero, Dominic Rossi, Mike Rudd, Milton & Paul Ruth, Art Sanchez, Rosa Maria Santos, Cabrina Shafer, Hans & Rose Marie Siefert, David Simpson, Gail Simpson, Bill Smith, Saralee Smelser, Mel Solano, Andrew Stevenson, Mariann Stott, Tony Strong, Geri Tahajian, Adrian Tapia, Helen Tarasevic, Cecile Navarro Tatum, Marilyn Taylor, Shelly Travis, Gloria Trejo, Art Wahlenmaier, Ron Walker, Craig Wensel, Tom Wilson, June Wright, Margie Vargas, and Lisa Yurgal. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Saturday, December 3, 2016 Sábado, 3 de Diciember 2016 10:00 am ......Confessions 5:30 pm ........ Louie & Lillian Lara (Regina Sanchez) 6:30 pm ........Rosario 7:00 pm ........ Juan Ruiz Medina de parte de la Familia Ruiz Sunday, December 4, 2016 Domingo, 4 de Noviembre 2016 2nd Sunday of Advent Segundo Domingo de Adviento 8:00 am ........ Judy Elliot (Stephanie, Gabriella, and Kyle Griffith) 9:30 am ........ Palmeria Freitas (Gilberto Freitas & Family) 11:30 am ...... Jesús & Dulces Medina (Manzano Family) 1:00 pm ........Rosario 1:30 pm ........ Epifanio Martinez Mora (Maria Cervantes) 3:30 pm ........For all of our personal intentions 5:30 pm ........ Jesús Medina, Jr. (Manzano Family) Monday, December 5 2016 Lunes, 5 de Diciembre 2016 8:00 am ........ James Frost (daughter, Giavanna Swatsenberg) 6:30 pm ........Rosario 7:00 pm ........ Maria Guadalupe & J. Guadalupe Garcia Silva Tuesday, December 6, 2016 Martes, 6 de Diciembre 2016 8:00 am ........Communion Service 6:30 pm ........Rosario 7:00 pm ........ Silviano, Ricardo y Felipa Corona (Raquel y familia) Wednesday, Diciembre 7, 2016 Miércoles, 7 de Diciembre 2016 8:00 am ........ Tom Medina (Bess Medina) 6:30 pm ........Rosario 7:00 pm ........ Macario Bañuelos de parte su esposa y hijos Thursday, December 8, 2016 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception Jueves, 8 de Diciembre 2016 - Nuestra Señor de Juquila 5:00 am ........Mananitas 6:00 am ........ Maria Concepción Garcia de parte su hija Margartia Porras 9:00 am ........Special intentions of Fr. Jesús Del Ángel (Cortez Family) 6:30 pm ........Rosario 7:00 pm ........ Maria Guadalupe & J. Guadalupe Garcia Silva Friday, December 9, 2016 Viernes, 9 de Diciembre 2016 9:00 am ........ Mary Latona (Beatric Collier) 6:30 pm ........Rosario 7:00 pm ........ Janie Medina de parte de Familia Manzano 2 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church - Fresno, California Saturday, December 10, 2016 Sábado, 10 de Diciember 2016 10:00 am ...... Confessions 5:30 pm........ Msgr. John Moreton (Dave & Regina Sanchez) 6:30 pm........ Rosario 7:00 pm........ Arnulfo Morales, Christine Hernandez y Irene Gomez de parte de familiares Sunday, December 11, 2016 Domingo, 11 de Noviembre 2016 3rd Sunday of Advent Tercer Domingo de Adviento 8:00 am ........ Soledad & Joaquin Macel (Family) 9:30 am ........ Lucy Del Real (Family) 11:30 am ...... Dennis Gaxiola (Carmelita Franco) 1:00 pm........ Rosario 1:30 pm........ Pablo Maldonado y Maria Elena (Familia Maldonado) 3:30 pm........ For all of our personal intentions 5:30 pm........ In Thanksgiving (Mr. & Mrs. Victor Serios) GIVING TREE During the Season of Advent, we will be collecting necessities for those in need at Catholic Charities and at the Holy Cross Women’s Shelter. This year we are adding books for the children at the Holy Cross Women’s Shelter. Starting the first weekend of Advent, there will be Christmas tree in the vestibule. The ornaments will have the requested items noted on them. You can purchase as many items as you wish. Along with our Giving Tree, the Knights of Columbus Council 4440 is having a food drive for Catholic Charities. Any and all canned and/or dried goods. See page 5 for more information. Please make sure to return the items UNWRAPPED no later than Sunday, December 18, 2016. Thank you so much for your continued generosity! EL ÁRBOl CARITATIVO Durante la temporada de Adviento estaremos recaudando necesidades básicas para ayudar a las personas necesitadas que se encuentran en Caridades Católicas (Catholic Charities) y la Albergue de las Mujeres de la Santa Cruz (Holy Cross Women’s Center). Este año también vamos a recaudar libros para los niños del Albergue de las Mujeres de la Santa Cruz (Holy Cross Women’s Center). Comenzando la primera semana de Adviento, habrá un arbolito de Navidad en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Los ornamentos del arbolito tendrán anotados los artículos que se necesitan. Pueden comprar todos los artículos que desean. Además con El Árbol Caritativo, los Caballeros de Colon del Concilio 4440 (Knights of Columbus Council 4440) estarán haciendo una recaudación de comida para ayudar a Caridades Católicas (Catholic Charities). Se aceptara todo tipo de comida enlatada y alimentos no-perecederos. Por favor entregue sus donaciones, sin papel de envoltura, no más tarde del 18 de diciembre, 2016. ¡Muchísimas gracias por su continua generosidad! COME, LORD JESUS The “ripe time” has come, the time to wake up for the coming of the Lord! We do not know exactly when he will come, but we do know that the time is already ripe so we must “stand up now for Jesus!” Advent is a time of expectancy. We wait for the next step in the Lord’s plan for his creation and for each of us. He came once as a baby, he comes to us in our worship and daily lives, and he will come again in full power, glory and majesty. Are we, are you, ready to meet him face to face? Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP. All rights reserved. ¡VEN, SEÑOR JESÚS! “Ya es hora de despertar”. No sabemos exactamente cuándo llegará, pero el Hijo del hombre volverá cuando menos pensamos. El Adviento está lleno de expectación: esperamos ardientemente el retorno de Cristo, el siguiente paso en el plan de Dios para su creación y para nosotros. Cristo vino al mundo como un niño, viene cada vez que nos reunimos a adorarlo y está con nosotros en la vida cotidiana. Él vendrá de nuevo con gloria, poder y majestad. ¿Estás listo para enfrentar al Hijo del hombre cara a cara? Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP. Derechos reservados. Readings for the week of November 27, 2016 Sunday - Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Rom 13:11-14; Mt 24:37-44 Monday - Is 4:2-6; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Tuesday - Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:2124 Wednesday - Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22 Thursday - Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday - Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Saturday - Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35—10:1, 5-8 Next Sunday - Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,17; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12 Lecturas para la semana de Noviembre 27, 2016 Domingo - Is 2:1-5; Sal 122:1-9; Rom 13:11-14; Mt 24:3744 Lunes - Is 4:2-6; Sal 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Martes - Is 11:1-10; Sal 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lc 10:2124 Miércoles - Rom 10:9-18; Sal 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22 Jueves - Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Viernes - Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; 9:27-31 Sábado - Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Sal 147:1-6; Mt 9:35—10:1, 5-8 Próximo Domingo - Is 11:1-10; Sal 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,17; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12 Our Lady of Victory Church 2850 N. Crystal Avenue Fresno, CA 93705-3851 Phone: 559-226-1163 Fax: 559-226-2093 Email: [email protected] November 20, 2016 NEW SCHEDULES STARTING SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2017 (Saturday, December 31, 2017) NUEVOS HORARIOS DOMINGO, 1 de ENERO 2017 (Sábado 31 de Diciembre 2017) Thursdays - Adoration & Confessions in the church from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Jueves - Adoración y Confesiones en la iglesia de las 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm Each week, a different group will provide scripture, prayers and music for Adoration and during confessions. The celebration will end with Benediction. This time will replace the Saturday morning confession schedule. Cada semana, un grupo diferente proveerá escrituras, oraciones y música durante Adoración y las confesiones. La celebración terminará con la Bendición. Este horario reemplazará el horario de confesión del Sábado por la mañana. Saturdays Since there will be no confessions on Saturday mornings, this opens up our schedule for other events. The new Saturday Mass schedule is as follows: 5:00 pm Mass 6:00 pm Confessions 7:00 pm Misa Sábados Ya que no habrá confesiones los Sábados por la mañana, esto abre nuestro horario para otros eventos. El nuevo horario de la Misa del Sábado es el siguiente: 5:00 pm Mass 6:00 pm Confesiones 7:00 pm Misa Sundays Our new Sunday Mass schedule will be as follows: 8:00 am Mass 9:30 am Mass 11:00 am Mass 12:30 pm Misa 2:00 pm Misa 3:30 pm Hmong Mass 5:30 pm Mass 2017 NEW SCHEDULE bulletin edition.docx Domingos Nuestro nuevo horario será el siguiente: 8:00 am Mass 9:30 am Mass 11:00 am Mass 12:30 pm Misa 2:00 pm Misa 3:30 pm Hmong Mass 5:30 pm Mass 4 Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias - Fresno, California COMING EVENTS IN OUR PARISH The Hispanic Ministry of Our Lady of Victory invites you to participate in these special events during the months of November and December. ALL ARE WELCOME! PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA El Ministerio Hispano de Nuestra Señora de las Victorias los invita a participar en estos eventos especiales durante el mes de noviembre y diciembre. ¡TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS! Our Lady of Juquila / Our Lady of Guadalupe: Tuesday, November 29 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Wednesday, November 30 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Thursday, December 1 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Friday, December 2 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Saturday, December 3 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Sunday, December 4 - 1:00 pm Rosary; 1:30 pm Mass Monday, December 5 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Tuesday, December 6 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Wednesday, December 7 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Nuestra Señora de Juquila / Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Martes, 29 de Noviembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Miércoles, 30 de Noviembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Jueves, 1º de Diciembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Viernes, 2 de Diciembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Sábado, 3 de Diciembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Domingo, 4 de Diciembre - 1:00 pm Rosario; 1:30 pm Misa Luna, 5 de Diciembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Martes, 6 de Diciembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Miércoles, 7 de Diciembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Thursday, December 8: Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation): 5:00 am Mañanitas 6:00 am Misa 9:00 am School Mass (English) 5:30 pm Mass (English) 6:30 pm Rosary 7:00 pm Mass (Spanish; Reception after Mass) Our Lady of Guadalupe: Friday, December 9 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Saturday, December 10 - 6:30 pm Rosary; 7:00 pm Mass Sunday, December 11 - 1:00 pm Rosary; 1:30 pm Mass Monday, December 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe: 5:00 am Mañanitas 6:00 am Misa (Spanish: Reception after Mass) 6:30 pm Rosary 7:00 pm Mass (Spanish; Reception after Mass) Martes, 8 de Diciembre: Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción (Día de Obligación) 5:00 am Mañanitas 6:00 am Misa 9:00 am Misa de la Escuela Parroquial (Inglés) 5:30 pm Misa (Inglés) 6:30 pm Rosario 7:00 pm Misa (Recepción después de la Misa) Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Viernes, 9 de Diciembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Sábado, 10 de Diciembre - 6:30 pm Rosario; 7:00 pm Misa Domingo, 11 de Diciembre - 1:00 pm Rosario; 1:30 pm Misa Lunes, 12 de Diciembre: Our Lady of Guadalupe: 5:00 am Mañanitas 6:00 am Misa (Recepción después de la Misa) 6:30 pm Rosario 7:00 pm Misa (Recepción después de la Misa) 5 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church - Fresno, California The Annual Richard Hernandez Food Drive Saturday, December 17th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday, December 18th from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. Please bring your donations to the parking lot at Princeton & West Avenues. Cash and check donations will be accepted. Please make checks payable to 'Catholic Charities'. For information, call Mario Madril, 559-430-4184. HEALING RETREAT December 9-11, 2016 St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers, CA “Healing the Wounds of the Weary” Retreat Master: Fr. Peter Sanders $195.00/person, double occupancy Please send your checks to: Holy Cross Ministries 4460 W. Shaw, Ste 522, Fresno, CA 93722 For more information: 559-824-0732 The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master are having a Day of Retreat for Young Single Women ages 18 - 35. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2016 From 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master Convent, 3700 N. Cornelia Avenue, Fresno, CA 93722 Please bring sacklunch, notebook and pen. To register, call Sr. M. Margaret at (559) 275-9978. Donations accepted REGISTER TO RIDE THE BUS LEAVING FROM BAKERSFIELD, FRESNO, AND MERCED! THIS WILL BE A GREAT TIME FOR FUN AND FELLOWSHIP WITH OUR GREATER CHURCH COMMUNITY. REGISTER AT: https://form.jotform.com/RoseHernandez/OneLifeLA2017 COST FOR A SEAT ON THE BUS IS $28.00 THE EVENT IS FREE Young Adult Ministry Bus Information coming soon! 6 Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias - Fresno, California Christmas Poinsettia Order Form Pedidos de Flor de Nochebuena The Season of Christmas is just around the corner! You can add to the beauty of the Season by donating a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one. Your donation will help beautify the Sanctuary during the Season of Christmas. To order a poinsettia, please fill out the information below. La temporada de Navidad se acerca! Usted puede agregar a la belleza de la temporada con la donación de una flor de Nochebuena en honor o memoria de un ser querido. Su donación ayudará a embellecer el santuario durante la temporada de Navidad. Para pedir una flor de Nochebuena para la Navidad, por favor complete la información siguiente: How many? / ¿Cuántos? ________________________ @ $20.00 each (cada una) Total Amount Due / Saldo _______________________________________________________________ Donated by / Donado por ________________________________________________________________ Address & Zip / Dirección y código postal ___________________________________________________ Please check/por favor marque: In memory of / En memoria de ____________________________________________________ In memory of / En memoria de ____________________________________________________ In memory of / En memoria de ____________________________________________________ In honor of / En honor de _________________________________________________________ In honor of / En honor de _________________________________________________________ Order forms and checks can be dropped in the collection basket by the weekend of December 18, 2016. The order forms and checks may be mailed to the address below no later than December 12, 2016. Checks should be made out to the Our Lady of Victory Women’s Guild, designated Christmas Poinsettias. Los formularios de pedido y los cheques se pueden colocar en la canasta de colección para el fin de semana del 18 de diciembre 2016. Los formularios de pedido y cheques tambien pueden enviarse por correo a la siguiente dirección a más tardar del 12 de diciembre 2016. Cheques se deben hacer a: OLV Women’s Guild designado “Poinsettias de Nochebuena.” Our Lady of Victory Women’s Guild c/o Mrs. Nancy Jones 225 E. Harvard Avenue - Apt. #103 Fresno, CA 93704 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS Sullivan, Burns & Blair Funeral Home Catholic Funeral Directors, A Fresno Tradition since 1929 Donald E. Cardell, FD1185 Servando Tovar, FD1032 - David T. Adame, FDR3626 1525 E. Saginaw Way, Fresno, CA - CA Ins. 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