esq ferrol 19.indd

Thirty third Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 16, 2014
Dear Parishioners,
Most every Monday I teach religion for the eighth grade class at our school. This is an
important part of my week because I get to know many of our students personally and also
evaluate how they are progressing in their understanding and integration of their Catholic
Faith. This past week we learned about the four marks of the Church; that it is one, holy,
catholic and apostolic. We learned how the unity of our faith and fidelity to the pope makes
us one, how the desire to universally spread our faith and make disciples of all nations makes
us Catholic (Christ’s universal offering of salvation), how the presence of the Holy Spirit and
Jesus Himself makes the Church holy - and how being a faith built upon the twelve apostles makes us apostolic.
Our school is just one of the many places and means in which we offer our parishioners and others to pass on the
Faith to the next generation and to help strengthen and deepen the faith of our parish community of all ages. Passing along the Catholic Faith and helping to bring people into a deeper friendship with Jesus Christ is a sacred
mission in which we have been entrusted. All employees and faculty in the school and parish office do their part in
helping realize this central mission.
In many ways, the success of our mission of evangelization depends upon each one of us in terms of our stewardship of time, talent and treasure. Without a generous response in all three of these areas on the part of our parish
families and individual parishioners, we simply could not complete what we have been entrusted with as a parish
community. Stewardship for me is a way of life in which we acknowledge God as Creator and Giver of all. Stewardship involves responsible management of our God-given resources of time, talent, and treasure. We are all caretakers of all God's gifts. Gratitude and generosity are the only responses of a faithful steward. As we continue to
focus this week upon the stewardship of our treasure, I urge each family and parishioner to prayerfully evaluate their
generosity; and to prayerfully consider how crucial it is for the mission Our Lord has entrusted to us.
Queridos Parroquianos,
Casi cada Lunes enseño la clase de religion en nuestra escuela con el octavo grado. Este parte de mi ministerio es
muy importante para mi personalmente porque tengo la oportunidad a ver como nuestros alumnos están integrando
su Fe Católica y también para que puedo conocer personalmente algunos de nuestros alumnos acá. Esta semana
estudiamos el tema de las cuatro marcas de la Iglesia Católica; que ella es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Somos
uno alrededor del mundo por la fe y la fidelidad con el Papa, la Iglesia es santa porque tenemos el Espíritu Santo y
Jesucristo si mismo, somos católica porque el mensaje de la salvación es universal y la Iglesia es apostólica porque
elle brotaba por la predicación de los doce apóstoles.
Nuestra escuela no es el único lugar donde cumplimos la misión que nuestro Señor nos había entregado; pasando la
Fe a la próxima generación y haciendo discípulos del mundo. Cada uno de nuestros empleados en la escuela y en la
iglesia compartan este misión. Pero también es un hecho que por nuestros bautizos, cada uno de nosotros somos
llamados a realizar ese misión y también a ayudar la Iglesia en su misión. Nosotros somos llamados para ser generosos con nuestro tiempo, talento y con nuestro tesoro con la Iglesia para que ella puede mantenerse fiel en su misión
sagrada. Nuestra administración del tesoro es un area central donde somos invitados a ser generosos con nuestra
Iglesia. Esta semana cuando enfocamos sobre nuestra generosidad en esta area te urjo a reflexionar como podemos
ser un poquito mas generosos con la Iglesia por los dones que Dios nos había reglado.
In Christ / En Cristo,
Fr. Cal Christensen
November 17 - 23, 2014
Monday, November 17
8:00 a.m. Mass - Dolores Heils, RIP
6:30 p.m. Middle School Youth Group, SH
7:00 p.m. Parish Council, PO
7:00 p.m. BLD Praise, CH
Tuesday, November 18
8:00 a.m. Mass - Cirilo & Dominga Sanchez, Int
6:30 p.m. Grupo de Oration, CH
6:30 p.m. Sacramental Prep, FSR
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts, Gym
7:00 p.m. BLD/DCS, PO
Wednesday, November 19
9:00 a.m. Children’s Mass - Melissa Barlow, RIP
6:30 p.m. Hispanic Adult Faith Formation, CH
6:30 p.m. Faith Formation, School (Grades 1-5)
6:00 p.m. Liturgy Commission, PO
6:00 p.m. Faith Formation, Teens, Gym
6:30 p.m. High School Youth Group, SH
7:00 p.m. CDA, FSR
7:00 p.m. BLD/DCS PO
Thursday, November 20
8:00 a.m. Mass - Rita Cho, RIP
7:00 a.m. Dental Van, parish office parking lot
6:00 p.m. Adoration Committee, PO
6:00 p.m. BLD, FSR
6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts Pack #76, Gym
7:00 p.m. Women’s Evening of Recollection, SH
7:00 p.m. Rosario para vocaciones, AC
Friday, November 21
8:00 a.m. Mass - John McDonagh, RIP
6:00 p.m. Renewed in Christ Potluck, SH
7:00 p.m. Men’s Evening of Recollection, CH
8:00 p.m. Grupo de Oration, Cry Room
Saturday, November 22
8:00 a.m. St. Vincent de Paul, FSR
12:30 p.m. Quinceanera, CH
6:30 p.m. Annual Fund Dinner, SH, Gym
7:00 p.m. BLD Praise
Sunday, November 23
8:00 a.m. Traditional Choir Practice, FSR
9:00 a.m. RCIA, FSR
10:00 a.m. Traditional Choir Practice, FSR
1:00 p.m. Catechetical Certification, FSR
5:00 p.m. Spanish Choir, CH
6:00 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Gym
Legend: CH: Church
SH: Social Hall
AC: Adoration Chapel
FSR: Fireside Room GYM: Kubo-Truong Gym ESS: Room off Gym
PO: Parish Office Conference Rm
The Ladies Guild extends their sincere thank you to all
who continually bring food for receptions after funerals.
Losing a family member or close friend is challenging
enough in its own right. Preparing a small reception
for mourners after a funeral or memorial service is one
thing we can do for families and friends to make the
day just a little bit easier. Thank you so very much for
Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch or
weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those
who sleep.
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your
weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your
suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your
joyous ones. And for all your love's sake. Amen.
St. Augustine, 354-430 C.E.
Please offer your prayers for those who are ill:
Dave Alin, Casey Alin, Mina Amlag, Bill Ban,
Maria Bobadilla, Dave Brown, Simmie Brown, James
Williams Carringer, Monica Cline, Gordon Coffey, Ruth
Cook, Steve Cook, Doug De los Angeles, Marie Demski,
Zella Dow, Mark Dow, Mary Durdy, Douglas Fiechtner,
Antonia Fuller, Frances Green, Jacque Groenig,
Mark Hagenah, Mary Haukap, Meredith Huber,
Sue Huffman, Bob Hutton, Lenore Hylton, Ron Jay, Steve
Jenkins, Beth & Scott Allen Jones, Matthew Kolve, Paul Leonard, Ann Mallo, Ralph McDonald, Brooke McGaughey,
Ally McGaughey, May P. Mendiola, Karen Miller, Mary &
Keith Miller, John Morlan, Jaclyn Morris, Joe Ng, Mary
O’Keeffe,Gary Oliver, Gene Posel, Shirley Richter, Hazel
Rickert, Charles Senger, Bob Shay, Colin Springett,
John SullivanAlberto Tcruz, Van Haute, Mary Zgodzinski
We especially pray for the Lord’s mercy for all those who
were previously on the prayer list and remain chronically
ill; also for their families and those who take care of them.
If you have recently become critically ill or injured and would
like your name in the bulletin prayer list, please call the parish office or have an immediate family member make the call
for you. Names will be removed after three months, or sooner
at your request.
We cannot publish anyone’s name without their
knowledge and permission.
You may request prayers for the soul of a recently deceased
loved one. Please contact the parish office for information.
You may request a weekday Mass for the intentions of a living person or for the repose of a soul.
Our 2014 Intentions Calendar is filled, we are
now taking requests for 2015
Everyone is welcome in the chapel, any
hour of any day, to spend time in prayer
and Adoration of the Lord.
Please make some time to visit your chapel,
even if only for a few minutes, to experience the peace
of knowing that Jesus is always there for you. He’s
waiting to spend time with us. The chapel is open at all
times for any of us to visit.
Hours that need a committed adorer:
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Friday: 1:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. & 2:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m.
… because Adorers need vacations too!
Rachel’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion
“I am the Resurrection and the Life; whoever
believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”
- John 11:25-26
Our Lord conquered death so that we may live. Forgiveness, healing, and hope are offered at a Rachel‘s
Vineyard Retreat™, a ministry for those struggling
with the emotional pain of abortion
Call Valerie at (800) 822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting love!
St. Vincent de Paul - ‘Small Matters’
The good news of today's Gospel is the extravagance of what is being given us. All we need do is
be faithful in "small matters." The cost of fidelity
has no comparison to the reward given.
Lazarus Day Center
When you give the furniture, household items and clothing
you no longer use the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you are
sharing God's extravagant love.
Your pre-made sandwiches
are very much appreciated but if you’re unable to
make sandwiches, donations of sandwich fixings are
also welcome.
With the holidays right around the corner, people are in more
need of help and assistance than usual. Your generous gifts
of food and financial support are needed now more than
Any kind of canned food and breakfast cereal works
well and is very much needed. Monetary donations
help with purchasing food items. Men and women’s
clothing are needed and the women’s clothing is exchanged with a women’s shelter.
Please bring donations the first Friday of every
month between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. The truck
leaves promptly at 9:00 a.m. Thank you for your
continued help and support! Next truck: 12/5
Manila envelopes can be found in the pews every Sunday for
any monetary contributions your heart may lead you to give.
Please make checks payable to St. Vincent de Paul. Your
kind donations of nonperishable food and cash will help
make lives just a little easier for our local families in need.
Lord, give me eyes to see and love others
as though they were my own children.
Financial Stewardship Report 2014/ Reporte Financiero 2014
Year-to-Date Report for July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015: Reporte Anual
Online Giving:
Go to our site
parish & click
the Online
Giving logo.
Amount Collected Year-to-Date / Cantidad recolectada a la fecha
Goal for Year-to-Date / Meta anual
Amount Ahead (Behind) Budgeted Goal / diferencia (por alcanzar)
$ 10,228.26
Weekly Report for November 9, 2014: / Reporte Semanal: hasta al octubre de 2014
Needed to meet budget / Lo que se ocupa para lograr nuestro presupuesto:
Amount Collected / Cantidad Recolectada:
School Endowment Fund / Fondo especial escolar:
St. Pius X
School News
Dates to Remember:
Students read/sing at 11:00 Mass
Annual Fund Dinner, Social Hall
at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, 11/25 Report cards go home
Wednesday, 11/26 Noon dismissal for Thanksgiving
Thursday, 12/4 Scholarship-Tuition meeting
7:00 p.m., 6th Grade Classroom
Tuesday, 12/16 Christmas Program, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, 11/16
Saturday, 11/22
Thank you for visiting the Book Fair at the Holiday Bazaar last weekend. We gratefully appreciate your support!
Thank you II - To all the visiting grandparents and special people who attended our Grandparent Day Luncheon last Friday. It was indeed a treat for students to
honor these distinguished guests and have them join us
at lunchtime. These people stand as role models, mentors and friends in our families and provide our children
with wonderful memories.
8th Annual Fund Dinner - Please remember to RSVP
for the Annual Fund Dinner by Tuesday, 11/18. Scott
Fitch is preparing a truly savory meal for this enjoyable
event to be held on Saturday, 11/22 at 6:30 p.m. where
we will be honoring our alumni graduate, Mrs. Rachel
(Tacalud) Andes.
Many thanks to Tami Fitch and Marcela Velasquez for
chairing this first-class event!
Scrip - It’s the time of year to think, ‘Holidays!’ Gift
cards are an easy way to purchase all of your gift and
food items and please everyone on your shopping list.
The school receives an average of 5%-10% of the card
amount. For example: I bought a $100 gift card at the
school for shopping at Safeway. I then purchased $100
worth of groceries and the school received $5 in return!
It’s truly a win-win for all of us. Scrip cards are available after the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses
and at school during the week.
Auction Update - The school auction is currently procuring items for our February 21st Gala Auction entitled, “A Night at the Oscars.” If you would like to donate new items for this awesome event, please contact
the school office at (425) 778-9861.
Thank you for supporting our school!
Fourth Grade Faith Formation is in immediate need of a
teacher. The class is being spit in half due to its large
size. Please pray about this and then contact Karen
Boespflug at the parish office, (425) 775-7545.
Thank you for helping us!
Dental Van
The Dental Van will be in front of the parish offices on
Thursday, November 20th from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00
p.m. All are welcome.
Homemade Baked Goods Coming Your Way
The 7th and 8th grade St. Pius X school kids are raising
funds to go to Washington DC! To that end, bake sales
will be held on the following dates right after Mass.
On November 23rd the kids will have yummy goodies
available for you. Look for them again in December on
the 7th and the 21st (just in time for Christmas parties)
The last weekend for these sales will be Sunday, January
4th. Please consider supporting this worthwhile fundraiser and helping our kids get to DC for the trip of a
Advent Day of Reflection for
Volunteer Leadership
“Christ, Illuminate Our Path”: an Advent retreat
offered by your Missions Office and Catholic Relief
Services at the Archbishop Brunett Center at the
Palisades on Thursday, December 11 from 10:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Mass at 9:00 a.m.)
Open to all, lunch included - the retreat is FREE!
For more information or to register, visit www. or contact the
Missions Office at (206) 382-4580 or (800) 8697028 or email [email protected].
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is in full
swing but it’s not too late to join us. Come learn about
our Catholic faith and meet great people. You can get
your registration packet at the parish office We meet in
the Fireside Room on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and
the class is led by Deacon John.